Ann N a linn a I Bank f RANGES on Easy Terms We have on display a long line of Rang es, all of them are sanitary style (leg base) have Polished Tops and plain Nick el Trimmings. Duke Range size 8-18 $62.00 Terms, $7G0 cash $1.50 weekly Beauty Range size 8-18 .$64.00 Terms, $7.50 cash $1.50 weekly Peerless Range size 8-16 $68.00 Terms, $8.50 cash $1.75 weekly Charter Oak Range size 8-18 $80.00 Terms, $10 00 cash $2.00 weekly Estate Range size 8-18 '.$92.50 Terms, $12.50 cash $2.50 weekly Your Credit is Good. ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns I Real Bargains In Tpntc Now is your opportunity to buy tents at a price act ually below wholesale cost. Seize the opportunity while it may be had. Note the following prices: 8 x 10 Tent $16.00 10x12 Tent 20.00 12 x 14 Tent 26.75 14 x 16 Tent 34.00 14 x 20 Tent 42.00 St. Johns Hardware Co. AdAnpv for rinnrlvAnr Tirc St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. A GOOD MEAL Puts your brain in good working order, and brains always pave the way to wealth. If you value economy you will be more than interested in the savings effected in our grocery depart ment. Everything just a little better and just as cheap. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. Lavrack's Cash Grocery 416 NORTH JERSEY ST. Fine Stationery Ansco Cameras and Supplies Graplionolas For your vacation ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Our Prescription Department always at your service Prescriptions filled by Registered Pharmacists only Phone Columbia 138 I05 North Jersey St. Local News, Klcctric Vacuum Clcntior for rent. 1'. Clark. U II. Read the Review Advertisements for Latest Bargains C. Winters la orcdlnir a $2150 residence at -115 V. Tyler. u John Wyner is building n small dwelling at 73GN. Seneca. American snorts introduced by the Y. M. C. A. in Franco in- elude pitching horsshoos. Bath caps in generous variety at Currins. The Empire Investment Co. has taken out a permit for a Btnall dwelling at Leonard and Holbrook. Christian Science subject for next Sunday's services: Soul." films. Dnrnnntul wifo nn nn joying a sojourn at Cannon ueacn. Mrs. C. S. iMcGill and child ron have been enjoying an outing at seaside. You can't deny it A Victrola is a source of daily pleasure. Currin Says So. The Peninsula Iron Works is making substantial alterations and improvements to their ma chine snop. Croquet la proving a popular game among the French soldiers. It is one of tho Y. M. C. A. innovation over there. Wm. Killingsworth. Win. S. Rupklpn ntu! f). Ij Kormnn Imvci tnkon nut nor ml is for huildinir of garages in St. Johns. Sunday evening will be the closing service of the union out door meetings. The cool even ings have hastened the closing. Inrlnnr Itriflolinll nnvnrl nnttlnnrH la nrovlnirn nonnlnr diversion among French soldiers since it was introduced by the l. Al. J. A. Tho Misses Aril no and Her nice Shaw, Louise Lott and Ethel Ilufford are spending two wcek8at the Y. W. C. A. Cot tago at Gcarhart. t Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Purkiinile of 820 Calhoun street nro receiv ing congratulations upon the nrrival of a baby girl at their homo August 2nd. Prof. T. J. Mathews of Willn- mette University will be the sneaker at tho Methodist Church Sunday morning. Dr. Mathows is an old ravoriio and wortn hearing. Tho hour of song and sermon on tho City Hall lawn last Sun day evening was truly great service Nov. J.T. Merrill was the speaker, and Pastor Jones conducted the singing. Come again next Sunday evening. Dr. F. E. Escher. his daugh ter, Mrs. nessio Jennings nnd hor two little boys from San D ego, CnHfornia.are visiting at tho homo of Geo. G. Rundall. Tho Dr. is an old time Iowa friend of Mr. Hundall. Paul Irvine, son of Row J. II. Irvine who has been in Ordnance Training School, Camp Hancock, Ua., bince his enlistment, wires his parents that ho hna been attached for service as Ordnance Sergeant to Headquarters 050th, Regiment Engineers. Thomas J. Donlon. forest ranger from tho Bitter Root National Forest, is home visit ing and renewing old acquain tances, after being absent for several years, pending orders from Washington. D. C. on special government work. Mrs. F. M. Master of Kelso. Wash., is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Gatton. She accom panied her husband this far on his way to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he is in the ser vice. Rev. W. H. Saines of St. Johns will fill the pulpit next Sunday at the St. Johns Baptist church, in the absence of Raw E. Burton, who is spending his vacation at Vashon Island. All friends and strangers invited to this service. A St. Johns lady went to city hall the past week for a permit to have a chimney constructed at her home, and was surprised to be compelled to pay 50 cents for the permit. Just why this charge is made for a chimney permit is not generally under stood. Pathe records at Currins. Wylio R. Hessinger left for Bremerton Wednesday morning in Uncle bain's service. Mrs. W. E. Harrington nnd two daughters loft Wednesday for Ely, Minn., whero they will visit for n month or so. James Dickson returned last Saturday evening from an ex tended visit among his old time friends in Pennsylvania. Miss Myrtle Edgerton of Rose burg, Oregon, who has been visiting Miss Alia Nolan, has returned to her home. As there are five publication days in this month for the Re view all advertising appearing for the month will bo changed for five insertions. Roy Thompson, son of Thos. Thompson, of 1025 S. Jersey street, Thursday morning for Brmcrton, whero ho will enter Uncle Sam's service. The municipal band concert at tho city hall band stand last evening was an enjoyable affair and listened to by a largo and appreciative audience. Rev. C. F. Knoll.Ph. D.. Lu thcran Chnplain at tho Van couver Barracks, will speak at Trinity Lutheran Church, 'Joti Lovely, near Wall street, Sunday August 18th, 8 o'clock p. in. Como and hear about tho work done among our boys in tho army. Tho meeting of tho W. C. T. U. will be held next Monday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Skclls. 71H North Jersey street. Wo hope to have a good atten dance, as it is tho time for election of officers and tho hand ing in of our yearly report?. After tho business thoro will bo an interesting program. Mrs. J. M. Shnw will give a talk on "Vacations; howtogot tho most good from thorn with tho lenst outlay of monoy."--Reported. Tho district camp meeting of tho Freo Mothodist Church, is now being hold at St. Johns Heights. A big tout has been erected that is well lighted, good seats and all accommodations for a good time in the service, and worship of tho Lord. Twenty five tents are now on tho ground and more camps aro coming. Preaching services 10 a. m. and 2:30 and 8 p. m. Immediate construction of a coal storago dock near tho mu nicipal elevutor at bt. .lolnis was decided upon yesterday at a meeting of tho Port of rortlanu Commission. Costing between $50,000 and $75,000, tho new dock is expected to save from 25 to 35 cents a ton in loading the coal on ships in the Portland harbor. The new dock, which will be built on property now owned by the Port of Portland, will have a storage capacity of 10,000 tons of coal, it is said. By use of a locomotive orane 50 tons an hour may be loaded, according to present plans. The crane will lift about two tons. ! Take a Kodak with you. Currin says so. 0 Wo guarantee A. D. S. Reme dies. Currin Says So. o For Salc.Blackberries. Call -124 East Mohawk street. For SaleFirst clas3 rabbit house. C. R. Chadwick, 219 N. Swenson. r Double boarded, ono room house boat for sale cheap or trade. Call Columbia 1113. For Sale Four iron bedsteads, four mattresses and four sets of springs, all in good condition. Call 107 N. Jersey street. The National G. A. R. Kncamp ment in Portland is already attract ing many old veterans. It will un doubtedly be one of the most eu joyable encampments ever held. For Sale Water power wash ing machine. Call 021 South Jersey s'.reet. o Hear Lauder any day at Currins. Rnngo for Sale Hot water attachment. Call Col. 732. When in need of Bmall nrti cles, get them at the 5-10-15c store, St. Johns; in the Penin sula National Bank Building. 0 Lenrn to tlnnrn Minn Hlnnchn Whitman's Dancing School, 010 W. Charleston street; phone Columbia G53. Suburb calls civon nrnmnt attention day or night. Com pinto auto equipment; no extra charge; refined service. Miller & Tracoy. Hear McCormack any day at Currins. Dancing at tho Good Time Dancing Club ovcry Wednesdnv evening, St. Johns skating rink. If you don't like Nval Reme dies bring them back and get your money. Fair, isn't it? Currin Says So. o If my work pleases you: nlease tell your friends. If not. tell me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. Bill folders and coin nurses at Currins. For Sale Six room houso in East St. Johns: terms. Call at 1358 Columbia boulevard. For Sale Two lots near nost- offico. Price $400 each. Small cash payment down or Liberty l.oan. w. Willamette. Wo outfit big and little SAVERS. Currin Says So. Wanted At Once Furnished house or housekeeping rooms for ono month. Mrs. L. W. Richter, Portland Hotel. Seven pnssenger Cndilac auto to sell or exchange for St. Johns proporty. For iiarticulara call at this office. o Lost Baby's bracelet.initinlH M. L. on same. Finder nlnnnn lonvo at Oil South Jorsoy street, reward. Tho St. Johns Hardwaro Com pany will buy your old bottles and gallon and five gallon tin cans. Don't throw them away wnen tnoy can uo turned into money. o Go to the Auto Repair Compa ny, 207 South Jersey street, for your auto, motorcycle and bicy cle repaint and supplies. Autos for hire. Phono Coumbia 727. St. Johns Fair Store. E. W. Foy, prop.: household utility supplies and general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Electric store. Wanted Young lady to pose, must be good looking, either blond or brunette. Will pay one dollar per hour. Call 12 to 4 p. m. Monday or Tuesday at 201 North' Jersey street. Is a member of the iCUCiai nwci vs. It Banks Grocery store for sale in East St. Johns, doing $1000 to $1800 business per month. No solid ing, no delivering. Owner going to war. 1358 Columbia boulevard. A fine home for some one. A fine 5J acre tract, 5 room house, barn, chicken house, etc., between two electric car lines; 2i acres planted in potatoes and t acre in beans. Located just outside city limits of Forest Grove. For aalo reasonable, or will tako good house and lot as part payment. For particulars, address K, care of this office. 7 MILLIONS OF GOLD STACKED UP IN THE UNITED STATES TREASURY MAKE YOUR MONEY SAFE WHEN IT IS IN OUR BANK. OUR BANK IS ONE OF THE NATION WIDE SYSTEM OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS WHICH STAND TOGETHER AND PROTECT THEIR DEPOSITORS. WE CAN TAKE OUR APPROVED SECURITIES AND GET MONEY WHEN WE WANT IT. YOU CAN GET YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU WANT IT IF IT IS IN OUR BANK. Peninsula National Bank oiu'icims. Orant Smith, I'Kltl) C. Knait, t'HANK P. 1)111 NUIUl John N. Kiir.iU'Hit.v, ClIAHf.KS II. lll'SMIM,, Stanton I,. Donne, Hiiu'ahi) K. Mounts, MlUiCTOKS. President thos. aitzhn Vice President i'. r. dkinkiik Vice President A. R.jonn . CuillItT I'. C. KNAI'I' Assistant Cnshlcr II. K. ritNNin.i, AssMnttt Citsliicr okant hmitii Asslntnnl Outlier J. N. iidi.ih'kkn Member of Foderal Reserve Bank 3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit This Is the Brand You Like Moit iHMtple renif iiiIkt x "roh I cup ( coffee" when lite rtt' the but mice of tliu uit'iil lwtliMiMnrc.. Kt mil tumid of coffee In the Iiumm-, nnd your friends w ill vote you n xl Judge ( thin popwltr licvcniKC. There In none Iwllt-r f'rown or lilendeil. 'I ty it. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey St. Pimm: Col. IIH REDUCED PRICE WOOD-COAL! FOR THIRTY DAYS St. Johns Lumber Co. (SB OUR MISSION U to Uitl)' the lv A m. Johns with the hct Itirniluif lht wr rim hH. H yHt wmit to find mil hw will do ii.come mid look Ml our Mock, tni.iri' the iirkt Willi otheik von ni.i linvi- mui Tt COlllHriwMI will do won- ! t'oii vuii'r yuM Ihmi HiivlliniK hv iniIil .iv. H. F. CLARK too THE FURNITUriE MAM 402 s. jenscY ST UNIVERSITY of OREGON TTwTy Fully IIImtiiI nilliiroiiiidM'iriiltficili'i'iirliiiriilH. Siim'!h trnininii in Coinou-ri e, .loiirnnliMii, Art lillrt inrr, I.nv. H iln mi Trarhlnii.l.llirurv Wnrb..Miiklr. Iluiikrliiilil rl. I'li)l' ,il I r.nlilni! m J I An.. Mllilarr NlcH,r In lU-lte i l AmrtiruH UJ llfili.l. ulli rr.. null, l if r i.H4 i i tlr. SlyJ.Ml rruw.HirM4r4 for l...mH.UluM. IIIIHUI Crf I-"! II ll. I TullluM I IIIU'i I .I.IJI, ul SII.IHIII , t.luui.-, lufM.iluiir lur turn cimI wi.hii m. 1 W,ir lift li f I ujriif,tlirt". lur illu.lrI.J Uu..l ., i FUNERALS Boautlful gray or blaok adult oaskat, hearse, box, 2 autos ombalmlnQ and rofln ed tcrvlca for $75 MII.I.HR TKACIA Punerulslf deilrcd for ifJ. $30, flO.JCO. HiKher priced funer U in uio jiortion. We nuiiufucture caskets. I.mly assistant. Iliuutiful funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Main 20I Independent Funeral Directors A 7008 Washington ut tllu Street, Uetm-en 20th and 21st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative CM Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia