St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 16, 1918, Image 2

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A. W. Mnrkle, Itilltor
Published Friday of Each Week
Sulifcrlctlon price $1.00 pcrysnr.
Outsiile of Multnomah County 52.00
jjct year iu udvauce.
Advertising Rates: 25 cent per Inoh
each insertion. Local cents per line,
minimum 25 cents. Special rntes on
yearly contracts.
or Sale
Wins the State Banner
Tint Rhvikw is entered nt post office
In Portland. Orciron, ns tnnll mnltcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March J, 1879.
Figure this out if you can: I
married a widow who had a
grown un daughter. My father
visited our homo very often and
fell in love with my stop-daugh
tor and married her. bo my
father became my son-in-law,
and my aten-dauirhtcr my mo
ther,becauseshe was my father's
wife. Sometime afterward my
wife had a son; ho is my father's
brother-in-law and my uncle,
for ho is the brother of my slop
mother. Mv father's wife,
namely, my slop-daughter, had
also a son; he is of course, my
brother, and in the meantime my
grandchild, for he is the son of
my daughter. My wife is my
grandmothor because she is my
mother's mother. I am my wife's
husband and grandchild at the
same time, and as the husband
of a person's grandmother is his
grandfather, I am my own grand
Five Modern
Yale and Macrum Streets
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
Peninsula Security Go. t
First National Bank Building
Mrs. Caroline A. Woldon. of
St. Johns, died suddenly nt the
home of her daughter, Mrs.
Winnie Petersen, 1020 Princeton
street. Aug. lfilli. ngod 72 years.
months and 22 days. She had
apparently been in her uitual
health and was in the kitchen
working about the stove, where
she was lound a few moments
later lying dead, heart trouble
apparently being the cause of
her death. Shi was horn in the
state of New York, later moving
to Michigan, and coining to St
Johns 11 years ago. llei hus
band ),( v 'diid hor to the grave
a numiKY of years ago. Sur
viving Iter are four sunn and
five daughter. The funeral
Homer will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock, Hev.
I.aytou officiating. The St.
joiiiih (jiKiuruiKiug u. in
One story Dr. I). 0. Tromaino.
a speaker of the National Mervice
section, will take Kiwi with him
bears on how Kaiser Hill wii?
once soundly thrashed by a (lor
First to Cross the Bridge
Hev. and Mrs. Irvine nro in
receiptor the following interest
ing letter from their son, A thill.
who is serving his country in
Conlros, I'ranco, July 10, 1918.
Dear Folks at home: When 1
last wrote about my approaching
visit to the city of Lyons I did
not fully appreciate my opportu
nity. The trip is over now and
wo are back to work auain. everv
one a better soldier than when
he went.
There were 2f0 men nicked
from this regiment who. nlonir
with men picked from two other
regiments, formed a battalion to
represent the United States in
the ceremonies at Lyons.
more were He ir an. Enir s 1.
Italian, and French troops there,
Last Monday evening State
Manager, L. M. Thomas pre
sented to the St. Johns Council
2775, Knights and Ladies of Se
curity, the coveted prize for
last quarter, the state banner,
which has been won by our
Council. This is a great honor
lor St. Johns Council, also for
the city, as we have here in
Portland some of the strongest
councils in the country. The
famous Kirkpatrick Council of
Portland, with a membership of
nnnrlv lfiOO members, have had
tho state banner most of the
time, having won it right along.
and they were of the opinion that
it belonged to them, and they
thought that it was as safe in
their hall as if it was under lock
and key. They never dreamed
that little old St. Johns Council
had enough pen to try and win
the banner, but I guess we
caught them napping this time.
This had been a great year for
St. Johns Council. Wo now
occupy our new homo and have
won the banner und wo want to
trv to keen it here. We had u
bitr feed last Monday night.
Don't forget the big dances we
have every Saturday night they
are for everybody who are look
inir for a trood time: also every
other Monday evening. We also
started our campaign to keep the
banner here. It will run lor six
weeks: the losers will banquet
the winners. Uro. uasser and
Urn. Holborir iravo some entercs
tintf talks. Sister Kvorett is
. I. .
sure un and coming since sue
.... . . .a I I
fills the President's chair.
Some time later wo will give u
big hard time dance. Next
Monday even ng being our open
meeting, wo will enjoy tho even
ing in dancing. Everybody is
nv ted to come, i.adios mimii
ted free, ironts HO cents. Come
and snend the evening with us.
Foundation Won Out
The Foundation ball club, that
is comnoHcd mainly of old Lea-
true nlavers. defeated tho local
team by a ecore or 11 toy last
but wo took tho honor. We first Sunday, liarham started to do
took part in somu ceremonies in
a largo public square and then
passed in review before high
oiliciais 01 tho Allied arm en.
A nor the review wo marched
thru the streets down to the
b.'auliful Khono river whoro we
thu twirlim; for tho Grant Smith-
Porter club, but gave way after
the fotiith 10 Henning, who
finished the game. The third
inning was a bad one for tho
IiwmiIu ' I limmrli iwiiir fil'lilinirl
eight runs were scored by round-
" I f lm mtw VVIIumii ltd,!,.,, Intinri in tliln friimn. A number
IhS Wo were the first to cross the of hits were made, but had tho
, S! " ,r l l (,V-lr 1 liriilKO. fielding been perfect three men
milii hiimiiI-m Jif t lii . Am wo "rclitl thru tho streets would have been easy outs boforo
th l ,w ,um,lc Hhoworocl us with any runs were scored. Outside
fo wlS ,S? 5rS2 St li flowur,t' T,, l'venient was this inning Marham pitched a
I t rtdnv J Mr wvun wm r,,3u. carnations fine ball. Ilenning, who sue-
piani rriiiay noon, Air. ivhmuii. liniii ,- fim..,.0 au ..uu dim m. i.'mn.i nt mi un
now an aged man, hiiook iuiihik
with the HiHwkcr and common
(led him for bin dedMrntiom
againxt the Hun leader. IU
than proceeded to tell how, when
a young man and following tin
trade 01 a nrick mutton, lie wan
employed to make lopain at one
of the imperial oHtntoti in Cor-
many, and the preiicnt Kaiser.
then a youth, wan nauntering
around tho property, lie ikniiU
by I'iHsou to have eoinmontod
unfavorably on work under
way, wliereiiM)ii the brick mimon
proceeded tondmiiUHlcra tlinwh
ing. Following the melee, hi
says, no learned nitt victim way
tho Kaitiur-to-bc, mo he wended
his way to America.- Oregoninn
ed the bridge two uoronlnnos I in the air until the ninth inning.
swooped down and the observer when he let up for a little and
loaned over the sides and ilrnnnnd two run were wo rod. Henning
arm nils of flowers onus. When performed a feat that has not
we wore heing showered with been accomnl shed in years, and
Saw Wonderful Things
w. M. Mellinger. writing to
iiis father hero from Tonra.
Franco, him the following to uiy :
Hy tho time you receive this
letter I will have been in Franco
six months, but 1 don't think 1
will ovor bo able to call it homo.
I want to ntnto right hero that
this is about tho hottest place I
ever wan iu. although it was
only last night that I was
nwaKotiiHl by a terrific thunder
storm. It roaembled the burs
ting of shells, although it was
only thunder.
'llmro are many wonderful
thing to bo soon in Franco, but
I have only seen n small part of
it. Tours is quite a famous old
city, and there still can bo soon
some of the ancient buildings.
It was i. last Sunday that 1
went the museum and
saw many wonderful naintings,
Homo of which wore worth cue
hundred N.ivl lifty million francs;
also saw the bed Napoleon used
to sleep in.
As to tlu war, am just wait
ing the outcome of tho present
operations, and here is honing
that the Hun will be driven back
to tiornmny.
the flowers and tho noonlo wore
i.. .. . .. . . .. .
ciying vivor American"! had
t he most wonderful of sonsa
; 1 . .1 . .
imii. 11 seemed mat 1 was
walking on air and my head
among tho stars. I never was
more proud to bo an American
A 1-1 .... ll
MiuM- wiu narauo we were
turned loose and tho iinmiln inut
if ... ., . . ....
lion ixihi us. 1 am g ad 0 sav
that every 0110 of tho 1000 men
behaved Nko irontlemen mm
1 mil SeildiiiL' a nimnr u-l.l,.li
, , r " -".. "ill!
1 iniiiK you can rend mul m.i
.......I t . o-
uiiiHuur m opinion.
The word has inst
lliai r rauco-Aiiierienii (rnnnc
have captured Soiasons and tho
town is wild. The natives
como out and shake hands with
us as wo wish.
1 a
Aiusi close as it s too dm-k
to write more, Your lovinir
Hans William Ilimunn ,l!,.,l
uis nomo. 11m Syracuse street,
August tyth, aged (U years. He
whs iMirn in Sodermaland. Swe-
uen. April, iaa.. coming to this
c uniry lie settled iu Hockford.
111.. in beptomber. 1SS2, having
ueeu married in Ucto her. 1SS0.
IU Alllia &l 111. He mnvoil in
urogon in Marcli, lHM. and
came 10 at. Johns n Ammat
ivil. iiir. 1 1 tlllSOIl u-im wo
iiKou iy all who know him. Ho
in survived by Mrs. Hanson and
1 our sons and throe dimirhfoiM
US follows: Carl. Willinm. Henrv
and tioorgo: Mrs. Hvdmnn. Mrs
I'oarson and rJdtth Hnnsmi.
sides eight grand children and
a host of friends. The funeral
services took place at Pearson
kV Lo.'S undortnkinir
Portland, August 15th. at 2 p. m.
Interinont in Koso City come-
that was to strike Stumpf out
two times in succession. Prit
chard was back in tho game nt
short, but owing to lack of prac
tico lately, was far from the
Pritchard of old. Clyno starred
for tho locals, both at tho bat
and in the field, making two
splendid running catches, and
lacing out two two baggers and
a single. Hogan also mndo a
most difficult catch in right
field for the locals.
Tomorrow, Saturday, after
noon tho Aberdeen, Wash,, club
will play the locals. A fine band
concert will also be rendered by
the Crant SmithPorter band of
Aberdeen. This will undoubted
ly bo a most interesting game.
and a large crowd will no doubt
bo in attendance, lhe game
starts at o'clock.
The locals will not play on the
homo grounds bunday. but will
play at tho Vaughn street
grounds instead,
The following St. Johns young
men will ho entrained by Local
Hoard for Division 10 for Cnmn
Lewis August 20. 11)18: Sum
Dewey Peterson, tl!I K. Mohawk.
Theo. rrod Aluller, 1001 Willa
mette boulevard, Viking Larson,
luiti is, hdison, tJardner Me
Kinley Whipple. lfiCO McCrum.
William Max Koeter, 817 W.
Polk, Gilbert M. Olson. G13 K.
Now York. Karl Keliher. 81(5
N. Seneca, Frnest Jensen. 718
Uswogo, Clyde I loin, 815 Willa
mette boulevard. .Morvin Albert
Mutts. 821 W. Polk.
F. Muoormann, 718 N. Kdison,
4 II ... n; .! . . ,x,
Aiion risuor oiorritt. -wj: i loira
William J. Kirkham, (52(5 E.
Hichmond.Olney Crosson, 702 W.
liurimgton. A tornate Em
Lurson, 20S S. Jersey.
If is Just What
Uncle Sam Wants
At the request of the U. S.
Food Adminstrntion, our
Company has loaned one of
our Moderu Electric Ranges
to be used for the Food Con
servation demonstrations
now being conducted in the
Liberty Temple.
Do you want tiny stronger
approval of any cooking de
vice than this?
Uncle Sam asked us for an
lilectric Itungc becutisc it
fills the bill better than any
other Cooking Device made.
We urge all housewives
interested iu the patriotic
service of their country as
well as all who want their
kitchens equipped with the
most modern, convenient
and reliable cooking appa
ratus to visit the Liberty
Temple and see for them
selves just what an lilectric
Hnngc will ttotoreducc ttieir
household burdens.
Portland Railway,
Light S Power Co.
First Trust & Savings
1802 East FcBsondon Street
Phone Columbia -10(1
Officers and Directors
r. a. ma-, incident nni
II. HENDERSON. Vice Pre.ident
CEO. I. UltOOKS. Secretary
Four per cent interest
paid on time and sav
ings deposits.
Rentals and Rentals
Estate Loans
Real Estate!
II You Wist lo Sill
Property at right prices
list it with us.
If You Want to Buy
Property at right prices
call and see us.
S. C. Cook
'102 N. Jersey Street
Don't throw your Old Tires away
OPEN 6 A. M. TO 4 P. M.
For Sale One of the finest
and best located residences in St.
Johns. House is modern nnd
contains nine rooms and bath;
lot is 100x100 feet on corner
with streets improved; an abund
ance of flowers, berries nnd some
fruit. A iargfl quantity of furni
ture poes with tho house. Tho
price for a short time is $4000,
part cash. For further par
ticulars call at this office.
Dr. II. V. Jones, Pastor
The services of the Chris-
i r titt t
uan unurcn will De Held in
the Seventh Day Adventist
building until further notice.
The regular hours and order
of service will be observed.
A cordial invitation to the
To buy where yon enn get lhc
the fullcftt mcdiurc of vnlne for
your money. Tills store htu catnb
llilicil inch n reputation, l'rcsli
good, courteou treatment mid
prompt oervlce, combined with the
loweit priced good of merit can be
kohl for, arc uhvny nnurcil here.
Grocery Grabateria
201 N, Jersey SI,
Oregon Building, 5tli and Oak
Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321
I Or Leave Orders al St, Johns Review Office
Mill wooil mottly lniile, large percent-
nge dry enough for immediate uic $I.C0,
Conl $7.00 und up.
Whether it be saw, plane, chisel, hatchet or ship build
ers' or carpenters' tool of any kind, you do not want it
unless it has an edge that will cut. Steel quality is the
first essential in all edged tools, and that is the striking
characteristic of those we sell. Look at them before you
From our stock of builders' hardware you can select just
what you want for making repairs or for use in a new
Beyerle & Armstrong
420 North Jersey St.
frrciftftititf .
A New Photo Studio f
To bring this fact before the people
we will make, for a limited time,
one dozen pictures for $1.00
Hoes Photo-Sign Studio
307 S. Jersey St.
Billie' Nichols f i
"That Umbtella with n broken rib." brliiL it nlomr. iv on n fiv U
lj i i ( nt ' ' tt
ntolAUnANI rl; r
uo tou rvnow
Open Evenings 2
$100 Reward. S10O
Tha reaJrn of 4pr will b
liiit lo U4rn tii-tt tlx i" U ut leant one
flrimtletl iIIm'Hih' tint una Iron
utile to cm.' in nil ll hi.iw. mm mat l
1'Htnrrh. llall'M tMMnii L'it U the only
iHkitlv (in.- now Kn ii to the motlk-.ti
iiitrnlty. i MtHirh l- ni u ronntitutumai
ui.eaie, rui'iir- u i ouiituiionai irent
niint. Hall a (.'atarrh I'ure li taken III"
trrnally, ai-iiiiK illrvctly upon the blood
nml mui'tum urfn .-n or Hi nvulem. there.
by 'titroylnii the foundation of the Ola-
imw. mul KUlnir the Datlnt mrenKth by
bulliilni; up the roiwtliutlon and millnb'
uttlure In dolnc It work. The proprietor
hne to much fiilth In It curative pow
er that they offer One Hundred Dollar
for nny cue that It falli to cure, Send
for mt of testimonial.
Addt.M. V J l llRNRT A CO, Toltdo, O.
SolJ liv all llrumUls. Tie.
Take Hall' 1'amlly Pill for cenillpatlon.
builds up the body, makes
muscles and red blood, atid
gives streiiRth. Il Is neces
sary, therefore, that the
meat you buy is fresh" and
of the best quality. Our
market has only the very
best, and our prices ore
within reach of all, Give
us a call.
The following list of legal blanks
are kept tor sale at tins oflice and
Reasonable prices on cas- oUie5siwln be "uod as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, Leases.
Tubes 25 cents and up.
ing work.
All work guaranteed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Oregon
ForSale A well located and
well established business in
St. Johns that is in a flour-
Unymond ishing condition; in fact doing
. N. A. (iuo, piofywor of miti
jobs, is now rondy to tnke your
uruur tor iiuyiniiig 111 House
moving or ropnirinj,', roof re
pairing a siK'einlty; eomunt
work of all kindu and general
contracting. 801 N. Ivanluio;
phono Col. 803.
Send tho soldier hoy a picturo;
of homo life, thoy enjoy thoni.
Currin Says So.
Get your Kconomy Jar Gaps at
tho St. Johns Hardware store.
Portsmouth Gospel Hall
Meeting 3 p. M. for Christians.
Gospel meetitig iu evening 7:30.
One door west of drug store,
Bring in your lob Drlntln? whlu
. , . . - . - - - -
a s p 1 e n a 1 d business with 'ou th,uk 01 iu Don,t w" unm rv
greater increase in m-osnenr. ,ro enUreiy ouu We we eauipPe)
The proprietor has an ex
cellent reason for retiriner.
Parties lookimr for a trood
thing in a business wav
1 t .... v
n r i . I Slioil Id nnr njisc this hn lvn
Ilnn't Mice fho Pnnrl Tlmne atlve ,uul candidate for re- further information, apply at "f"ey than is being asked for it:
UOni MISS MB UOOQ liniBS election, lias his law offices at this oilice JVas originally built for a gas
mm t .. V",VV hA'lf hilt tmM i r -J fAM lnV
You Can't Beat Us
on quality or price, no matter where you go. We
are determined to keep ahead of all competitors, and
we are doing it.
BROS., Prop's.
DELIVER 109 JerseyJ5jreet
Phone Columbia 21 WE
'o turn out
noat and tutr prtntln
Pnrlliui orlc. or
tiereisngood chance to iret a
house boat that cost much more
At the Skating Rink
Thvkc Dances ate given by the
Uvorybody is invited to come and
spend an enjoyable evctiiug.
Also every other Monday Kvenitig
we have ojieu meetiugs aud all are
welcome to come aud eujoy the
uvutiiug in dancing.
:U7 Hoard of Trade buililinir.
lls nhone is Main 8GG7. Sntnr.
day evenings and Sundays he is
at his home in St. Johns, at 110S
w illamette bou evart . where he
can be consulted. His residence
phonet is Columbia 072. His
home is always ouon to anv mm
desiring to see him.
Vacation models of vii'trnliw
take up little room und afford
abundant nleasure. Take mm
along. Currin Says So.
three room house for $1350, reason
able cash or monthly payments.
Also have five room house, modern.
11261 Review ofhee.
Mosquitoes bother you?
rins have the remedies to
this game.
boat, but never used for that
purpose; is 41 feet long, 10 feet
wide, contains three apartments
im iuuih iuriuure, iuws easily,
is light and strong. A great
bargain at S100, or will trade for
a good Motorcycle. Call at this
In order to Insure a change of aV
vertUement the copy for uch change
hould reach tM office not later than I
NoU the label on your paper. ', at 3 o'clock p, m. Pleaee
When a man gets to wanting
real tobacco comfort and
lasting quality he can go
straight to Real Gravely
Chewing Plug every Hme.
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
10c a pouch and worth it
Crap!y latU ,a much lonfir it cost
no mora to chaw than ordinary plag
P. B. Gnrtij Tobacco Cotaptsy