THE ST. JOHNS fVIEVV A. W. Mnrklc, Hilltor Published Friday of Each Week Subscription price $1.00 per yenr. Outside of Multnomah County 2.00 per year lu advance. ADVKKT1SIN6 R.ATB6: 25 cents per Inoh caoh Insertion. Locals 5 cents per line, minimum 25 cents. Special rales on yearly contracts. Is entered at post office In Portland. Orcuon. ns mail niaucr TlIK KltVIKW ol the second class under the Act ol Con gress oi Mnrch 3, 1879. IK Some people seem to imagine that when they discover an error in a nowBpapor that the editor is nlmoat guilty of a crime or has committed an inexcusable act. When it is realized that a paper the size of the Review lor in stance is composed of about fifty thousand separate pieces of metal rmi'li wnnk. it can readily be seen that it is the easiest thing in the world to transpose or disarrange Ihnan nieces of metal in some small particular. In writing let ters n person may let an e pass fnr nn I. nti 11 for an 0. an n lor mi 11. and so on. but in cold typo the mistake is easily dis cnrnnblo. Then mistakes occur in names, or in street or phone numbers. So many names sound so much alike when pronouced over thu phono, and many people are careless in writing them so Hint iminv times the nrintcr has to make a lftiess as to what the mime! is reallv intended for. And it is (uite surprising the number of people who cannot Htinll correctly. Then in com municating verbally some item if ni'WMt lici'illtor does not catch iiimioH (!nri'uctlv uomelimes. and especially is this true when there are otlior names tiiiiiHounmiuiu Himilar when pronounced. J It ndltor Ik somewhat at a disn l vimtniro over the individual, bo causn when he inadvortonth allows u mistake to be printei his papi-r everybody knows it while with the individual, liomiu make a doi-n a day ami onb close iiMoeinU'8 would prnbnhlj know Hiivtbingaboul it. I'hm fore, until people niieitk ai write distinctly and the i ihloi hoars and disceriiM correctly mi take will occur in llie iu's imiioTX. It cannot be avoidci othurwise. The big daily pa iters have men who do not him else but road proof, .vol it doubtful if many days pass ti which there is not an error iiiiiiii in the naner. In publish iiur thu small woekly papers tin editor must edit thu paper, row the proof, put in much of hi time in the inuchnnieiil depart munt. and untlier news Di'twcen timuN'.lf he cannot or will tmttk thotio things his cIihiui'h of iv maining in the iK'WHpwper ' uni iiumv for any extended m-riod of timo aru nil. So when you set an urror in the puper do not fly into hysterics or c:nl it tirade ol uliimu iiiKin the editor. You can diinund uihui it Unit it wan not dune intentionnlly, hccnune th tMlitor dislikes tlic laet even inoruthau you when errors ap pour in his iwiier. Hut ho is not infalliblu, nor is ho a mind read ur. ilu is liaiilo to err even as you. Thu Suthorlin, Oregon, Sun has the following to say concern Ing Mr. lioyorle, who is opening ui) a hardware store in the Ale- Ghomiuy building on North .lei my stroot: John 1, Heyerle niid son. Kunnuth. deimrtt'd early Mon day morning for St. Johns, Orugon, accompanying two ear loads ot goods, embracing Mr. liuyurlo'ti hardware stock, house bold goods and horse, Air. Hey urlu is a good business man am has an exceptionally fine line of hardware, and The Sun wixhes him success in his new location. During tiie several years in which he was engaged in busi ncas hero llie Mm mis never hoard one word against his in tugrity or square business deal ing with tliu public. Mrs. Key erlu, who has a largo circle of friends in Sutherliii, preceded bur husband to I'ortlnnd a week ago. Pick Bilker. -12, was almost instantly killed Saturday morn ing at thu Peninsula shipyards when a plank full from a high scaffold and struck him on the hum!, linker was working in the hold of the ship. Workman wuru arranging planks overhead, according to Deputy Coroner Geotscb, and one of the planks foil. Baker's skull was fractur ed, lie died a few minutes later in thu emergency hospital at the shipyard, lie lias boon living at DM Yale street. He anno to this country from Holland and is said to have no immediate friends or relatives in this country. J. K. WtlMLM Tranufor and Storage We deliver your goods to and from nil prt of Portland, Vnncoutar, Linn ton, 1'ortUnd and Suburban Lzpress Co.. city dock and all poInU accessible Five Modern 4-ROOM I BUNGALOWS t Yale and Macrum Streets Easy Terms On Payments Mortgage Loans, and Insurance t Peninsula Security Co, t First National Bank Building CHRISTIANS ATTENTION J J. R. CHAUNCEY Expert Watchmaker andJeweler Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Optical Good. All work and goods guaranteed 507 North Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, ORE. LAURL1 LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. F ST. JOHNS, 0HCG0N MmU each Monduy evening la Odd FV Iokb ball at 8:oo. A cordial welcome to I,. Whliltr. Nol.lf flrnnd all visiting brotbers. II f l)r II If. Joiiai, 1'iihlor The services of the Chris- linn Church will be held in the Seventh Day Adventist building until further notice. Tho-regular hours and order of service will be observed. A cordial invitation to the public. C. O Cliiirclilll. Vice (Itmid 8 I, lormany, K wee K. llornlk, I'ln. 8ec. II. I'. Clark, Titan. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS or PYTHIAS Meets every l'rlday night at 7:30 o'clock In MCKNKK Hall. Visitors always wcl come. W. K. KVHNS. C. C. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. F. and A. M. Sf Meets the first nnd third YU11llC3Uil UI CUM Jiiuiaiu In Illckner's linn, vim lors welcome. I. N.I'.dlcfseii W. M. A. W. llavls, Secretary. St. Johns Camp No. 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. Wc hcni tily nolicit tho attend ttneo of our members at our rejr- ularmectinKS, every 'Ihursday IJvoniriK. G. W. Muhm, Consul. Knights and Ladies of Security St. Johns Council 2775 Iti'imb r lluslncM niccttiii; 1st mid Jlnl Motnl iv- ) iii meetings to the public iiml mt lulu-i.h 'Jet and Ml Mi.'ubvs Sis lion .111 1 munluM corilinllv Invitul to mt ml it skating kink Hull. Mi.i Hula Kvvrclti. Pkb. If. C. GiiMicr, Sarelnry, Woodmen ol the World St. Johns Camp 77.1 Mut 2latiMiirf Inirvliiy evening in I. O O V. Hnll. I.eiultl and Jersey -Iritis Visitor nhvii)s welcome. I.. I.. TI'.I'MMi. C . W. IC. COON. link. Every Meal You Ea! iiiikIH Iw ii wdc h little Iwltrr Mini llltlt t'hniivr. OWrvi' Ilu- three U-iIImk cIvhh'mU ii( Hhuiiing i(l ility, iiwiitily, iiml prlfe. We uie nmkltig mure ilrliiniiiiieil ef Imtk (Imii evur, to nmke uur cot eery iiur iff hl;li Mirvlec iiml t-coii. utity U the im1e of thU comiiiu nil). We KNOW (hut any pur-t-hue yuu make here U uue of eeoiiuuiy, hihI rwliicen the preneiit 1'tK.t of ing. Grocery Grabateria 201 N, Jersey SI, For COAL and WOOD ()IJ ALU KINDS SUII EDLEFSEN FURL CO. Oregon Buihliiig, 5th ami Oak Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321 Or Leave Orders at St, Johns Review Office Mill wootl nuMly iiuide, lnrKeeiveiit Ke iirv emiujjli lor immetlutr m- ?l 25 Oiwl f 7 00 and uj. You can't tlony it A Victrola a source of daily pleasure. uurrin bays bo. l.etral Services A. V. l.affor ty. -12(5 lMttock illock. (Jarnish- nicnt.s defended; all decrees. I'lcphone, Hroadway U-lo. Adv. A pleasant aiirpi-ist' party was tendored Mr, and Mrs. J. Morchanil, at their home, 1112 Southlvanhoo street, recently by a number of their friends, the occasion boing the 15th anniver sary of their marriage. Cards, vocal and instrumental music were features of the evening. Refreshments of a delicious nat ure were served, A handsome set of cut glass water glasses were received by the host and hostess. Oregon capital owninir its own ships, with the development of t awiuiK iiu-i I'limii iiiiu iliu; llllllll ine raiiroaus double tracked the entire distance that they pass through the state: the Columbia iver made a valuable channel of trausporation lrom the sea to Lewiston, Idaho; reclamation of -1,1)011,000 acres of arid lands within the confines of the com mon wealth; the Willamette Valley put into condition to pro. duce four times its present pro. duction through irrigation and drainage, are a few of the plans outlined by (lovornor Withy combo in a statement covoring the largor vision of development for Oregon, which he declares should be the aim and ideal of its citizens. Cliamljers-Kenwortliy Go. funeral Directors nnd limbalmcrs 'HH KlIlliiKMvortli avenue A I'liW I ACT.S 1. The olilenl ent.iblUheil iiiidertakliiK Imi.Iiiitw north of Knoll Mreet. Mr. C'lmmlH-m ! (he only (5. A. It. iinilertuker In llieelly of Potlliind. !l. Mr. Kenworlhy U mi Heknuwledeeil expeit In emltnlmlii);, Demi urj(eiv hiiiI InnerHl ilireetlon. I. Why Iwve your beloveil ileewued tuken UimhikIi the eonmtnl IhhIiuhk ilUUltU when hi fee l terviee mid riKhl flreit m.iy Ite ohlHhml III your own eommuHliy. Notice (o Creditors No. imrt In the County Com I ol the Simie ol Oieuou for the County ol MultiHiiimh. In the iiwtter of the eMMte of I'eter AnUeii, ile'eHtvtl. Nollve u henliy )iven tlmt the under fcluul mm, on the Iftlli ilnyof Itilv.lDlK he llonorltle I'lNiree Tnwell. Jmlee of ..i I.,..., v!..... , Kxecutrix of the l.t Will nnd Telmuent of I'eter AtiUeii, ileeeMH'd. nnd hu uuul llieil. All iktmhi Imvinc el.ilm iKonkt Mid ileeeileiit. or hU inilale. me rHiuelel lo iiretvnt the ime to me, verilieil n re inureil by luw, it the ottiee of my Altor ney, (leorei- I. I'erUhu. 1117 Uomd of Tnule lluildhiK, roitlmul. Drenon, with III klx mon llui from iUte of the fllt Hib iieiiuoii oi nun .ouee. 1'iikt imblKhetl July llMh. 1DI8. ANNA C. AI IVIiN, Hk nHORlilil. I'KRKl.NS. Attorney fr Hxeeutrl. eeutilx. $100 Reward, S10O Tho roMili-in i'f wilt be OlvilMll tl IfHIII I I'll III. I l Hi lwi oiw flrmuloil itlM-aw Hint iMi.i'.i' Itua Ihwii iiMi. o cur.' In Mil II i.m-.. uiul Hull U I'iilHrrh. I lMlta I'm.irrii fiir U llio only Jilllvi t'urr im'H' kii.'Mii l.i Hi im-.ll, 4i iHtcriiliv Cuurrii lf n .uwtltutlonm itiiMHtv. rt'iKii, h iiiikiiiuiuhihI tr.-i' nif nt Hull I'aUnli I'urv la lkn in i.riutlly. H.iii'ir Uir-ilt umh Hw 1II uiul niUtHiua toil rut-t-a i( Ilu kll. Ili r lV t'nilro) I UK I he fi.unil.ill.iil of lln tlla um. mill Klvliu; llu imiloiit Mrontitli le ln.ll.Ullh- ll Ilu- olUllllll Itll'l HUUtlllllC nut ui, III ilin Ilu work I'll. irHllr huv iiiurli f mil In li' t'iinitlvt W' rrn Hull tliV I'W.r On,- un,lif lVIr for iiny i'i. Hint II ftlia to i urn. Jm-iuI for lint of ti'UlliiKinlnla. A4lrM 1 J i in SKV .1 CO ToUilo, O. Hold l nil lotiCKlat. Taka Italia l amll)' 1'IUa for conHlpallon. The Central rut's (.i.mi.K nop ritiliidelplilrt Street, it. Johns. Soft Drinks ns usual Colt! est niul Coolest Drinks in town, baiulwtohes, etc. All lend ing Slimmer Drinks. TRY Ol'R MILK PUNCH I sr jM WosierloQ. JlPr I You will like the "looks" of our SHOES when you see them: You will like the "feel" when you put them on and they will give you long, honest "wear." Our HOSE does not quickly punch out at the toe or wear through at the heel. The iDrice on our SHOES and HOSE and EVERYTHING we sell is always fair and square. BONHAM & CURRIER L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept. Notice Of Hearing Pinal Account In the County Omit of the Stale ol Oregon, for Multnomah County. In the mutter of the habile of Tlioiuu Matthew .Smith, Deeeuteil, Notice U hereby Iven tlmt (be under, ulifiieij m filed in the nbove entitled Court hiiiI elnte hU l'lunl Account, mid tlmt Mid Couit lm net Monday, the nth ibiv o( Aueiin. 11I1S. nt !:.') o'clock A.M in the County Court Itoniu in (he Court HlHiae of Multiionwli County, Oregon, h the I lute uiul lee for llie iieitrliiK mki I'liml Aecouiit together with nuy nblec tbHw there mny lie to the Mine ami for the et dement of Mid eatate. l'KKI). SMITH, lixi. ulor of the I'.Mnte of Tlmuhi Mutlbew Suillli, l)eceued, Real Estate! II fu Wisli to Stll Property nt right prices list it with us. If You Want to Buy Property at right prices call and sec us. S. C. Cook 402 N. Jersey Street PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT & REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jenny Street Abtruets of Title rrejvued Title Kxummed I'liono Columtmi 'ibft Don't throw your Old Tires away GET THEM VULCANIZED OPEN 6 A, M, TO 4 P, M, Tubes 25 cents and up. Keasonable prices on cas ing work. All work guaranteed. National Vulcanizing Works 205 S. JERSEY ST. St. Johns, Oregon First Trust 8 Savings BANK OF ST. JOHNS 1302 ICiiHt FcsHciulcn Street Phone Columbin 10G Officers and Directors F. A. RICE, I'ic.idcnl and Caaliler 1 1. HENDERSON, Vice Pre.idrnt CEO. I. BROOKS, Secretary F. S. DOERNIJECHER Four per cent interest paid on time and sav ings deposits. QI2NERAL INSURANCE Rentals and Rentals Estate Loans Do You Know t t)e0 eOeOeOeOeO 1 niii'iiin Be Nichols lvi-;iilimt j iii .lab " " k' 'IMlkJ lllh U - M aaaaa tnxosmul city lions to pay in i) IjrPT A I III A III ortlaiul can niuko their imv- (- nrAlillinillvl nieiits without inconvenience by 0 ,,fc,v' ... 1 t . availing ineiuseives oi our set vices. We will !' same ami secure your receipt without in- convenience to you. Koo, 25 cents. References: Any St. Johns Hank.- Peninsula Title. Abstract ami Realty Co.. by 11. lenilorson, ManaKer; -102 North ersey street. i Why don't you ninke somo pictures nnd so ml them to the soldiers. Currin Says So. I 2 111 N. JEKSEY STREET Open Evenings a GIVE US A CALL J! CMCoCMCiCNCiCNCm ! It is Just What Uncle Sam Wants At the request of the U.S. 1'ocxl Adiniiistrntioii, our Company lias loaned one of our Modern Klcctric Ranges to be used for the Kood Con servation demotislratious now being conducted in the Liberty Temple, Do you want any stronger approval of any cooking de vice than this? Uncle Sam asked us for ati Klectric Runge because it fills the bill better than any other Cooking Device made. We urge all housewives interested in the patriotic service of their country as well as all who want their kitchens equipped with the most modern, convenient ami reliable cooking appa ratus to visit the Liberty Temple and see for them selves just what an Klectric Range will do to reduce their household burdens. Portland Railway, Light S Power Co. ; : a when you havhe a good roast before it reaches your table? Do you know flue meats and poultry when you see them? If you do we'll have no trouble in doing a regular business with you. We hnveati as sortment of meats, poultry and provisions that are the best to be had. You Can't Beat Us on quality or price, no matter where you go. We are determined to. keep ahead of all competitors, and wo are doing it. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET Prop's. 109 N. Jersey Street I M BO DEN BROS., Phone Columbia 2i WE DELIVER TO A man may get tired of ordi nary tobacco but never of Real Gravely Chewing Plug, with its pure, clean taste and lasting quality. Peyton Brand mm Real Gravely Chewing Plug lOcapouch and worth it Gravty!asttiomachlonseritco4ts no mora to chew than ordinary plug P. B. Cmrely Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia Soiul the soldiers boys pictures of hoiiia life, they enjoy them. Currin Says So. NoU tha Ubl on your ppf. Mosquitoes bother you? Cur rins have the remedies to block this same. o Woman wants washing to do at home. Call 1021 B. Polk street St. Johns. Sapolio doing its work. Scouring ior u.D.manne Lorps recruits. Join Now! (NOCM UOIOANt ON! CO. APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE for SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM Men who wear this frmblen are U.S. MARINES