f Trunks Suit Cases Wc Iiavo a good stock of TRUNKS and SUIT CASES, from the cheapest that is good to the very good in quality of work manship and Material, all at reasonable prices. Matting covered Suit Cases $1.95 to $2.80 Fibre Suit Cases with straps $3.25 to $5.25 Imitation Leather Suit Cases $8.25 Genuine Leather Suit Cases $9.75 to $11.75 Steamer Trunks $9.25 to $13.65 Good substantial Trunks, large size, complete with straps $10.50 to $20.00 ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns Have You Purchased a Vinton Kerogas Oil Stove So you can do your cooking in comfort these warm summer days? If not, why not? This stove burns 400 gallons of air to one gallon of common kerosene oil. Beats every other stove made. Get one and keep cool. Ice Cream Freezers and Hammocks will also add to your comfort and pleasure. GET THEM HERE L St. Johns Hardware Co. Agency for Goodyear Tires St Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. EVERY MOUTH IN THE COUNTY m must be fed this Summer. The ques tion is HOW to do it most satisfactor ily and at the LEAST POSSIBLE COST. LEAVE IT TO US WE KNOW GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. Lavrack's Cash Grocery 416 NORTH JERSEY ST. Read the Review Advertisements for Latest Bargains Fine Mationcry Ansco Cameras and Supplies Graphonolas For your vacation ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Our Prescription Department always at your service Prescriptions filled by Registered Pharmacists only Phone Columbia 138 I05 North Jersey St. Local News, Hear Melba any day at Currins. Christian Science subject for next Sunday's services: "God." E. C. RoHhins is repairing dwelling at '109 South Decatur street. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Walker Saturday morning last, a daughter. Mr. Fonesis making extensive improvements to residence, 419 Hartman street. Mrs. C. K. Tooley nnd child ren arj enjoying an extended outing at Paikdale, Oregon. o W. II. Everett is making some extensivn repairs to resi dence at 01'J East John street. Chtis. R. Spnckmnn, Jr., has taken out a permit for one story shack on Willamette boulevard. C. H. Russell of the Peninsula National Hank is enjoying his vacation with his family at Gannon Beach. Shipbuilders will find some thing to interest Ihum in the windows of the St. Johns Hard ware Co. Take a look. Rico flour is coming into more general use. In the pro portion of one part rice flour to three parts wheat it makeH delicious and nourishing bread. Mrs. Geo. Munson nnd child rnn urn eninvintr a Hoiotiril at Long Beach, Wash. Miss Beat rice Rundnll accompanied them thither. During his wife's nbsence Georgo is doing somo wonderful cooking witu sulmi tutes. The library has three volumes rf ttnnmu nf Mm trrnnt will". Tu'n are made up of poems collected from many authors, incuuro la Olinmna nf n Wot PnB Mull liV If, IIMllllM 'l w www ....... linhnrt N. Sorvice.nuthor of the Spoil of the Yukon. Recent experiments on enns of tomatoes, corn, string beans, apples, pumpkin nnd even snuer kraut havo proved that canned foods aro not harmed in the least by remaining in theoriginnl tin as long as sixty hours after being opened. An answer to the Germnn penco terms: Steps to expedite construction of the remaining 48 vessels. incliH ngbnttle crulsorfi and super-dreadnnughts, of the 156 authorized in the three-year naval buildings programme, approved by Congress two years ago, havo nlready been taken Tho Review sent out state- mnnts to nil subscribers in arrears last month, but a num ber seem to hnve overlooked the receipt of the same. As it takes considerable money to conduct n nrintimr himinGSH theSG dllVS. we would be glad to have all who possibly can settle up. it not in position to pay all, a part will bo welcome, Tho ministers and churches of St. Johns will unite each Sunday evening at 8 o'clock.during July and August, in services of song and worship on the velvety spot in front of the City Hall, where the enjoyable meetings of last summer were held. Mrs. Bur ton, wife of the newly installed paster of the Baptist Church, will conduct the music during July, assisted by all our choirs and song lovers. The little book, "Familiar Songs No. 2," will be used and a real "community sing" is expected. o TWinninp .lnlv 8th the sub scription price of the Review for those going outside of Mult nnmnh cnuntv will be S2.00 ner year, owing to increased cost mailing sucn papers, ine sun qprinfifin i rice inside of Mult nomah county for the present will remain at one dollar per year, but the way the price of minor and nthpr exnenses is hopping upward the county price will soon oi necessity nave to oe increased. A dollar a year paper 5a n rnrirv thpso finVB. Better subscribe or renew before the increased price takes effect. Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent. II, F. Clark. tl We have been authorized to state that American Express will hereafter be handled from I the North Bank depot. The Inst man to wave goodbye to an American soldier and tho first man to greet him in France is usually Y. M. C. A. war work secretary. America raises more food, cats more food, wastes more food and tho Americans pay higher prices for their food than any other people on earth. In Germany, today, no food is permitted to be fried. This is to conserve fats. Grease from any source is carefully gathered up by the government and soap has become a luxury for millionaires. George was hampered by a mother whoso idea of godliness was cleanliness. One day a neighbor remarked on his rapid growth. "Yes," said George, "that's ma's fault; she waters me too much!" Hiueballs, bats and athelctic equipment to tho amount of ao,()00iont by the Y. M. C. A. for tho Americans o oruns, were lost when the steamer carrying thorn was torpedoed last month. Tho St. Johns Hardware Com pany will buy your old bottles and gallon and five gallon tin cans. Don't throw them away when they can bo turned into money. u Kodak is the trade mark of the Eastman Kodak Co.. and cannot bo rightfully applied except to goods of their manufacture. Wo sell KODAKS. Currin Snya bo. The new book, Plays, Panto mimes nnd Tableaux for children by Nora Archibald Smith, con tains five plays, four rmntomimcH and three tableaux which wero waitten for particular Jirouns of children and acted on a atngc built in nn old ham. "Well, Dinah. I hoar you aro married." "Yassum,"snd the former cook. "I 'so dono got me a man now." "Is boa good provider?" Yassum." He's n mighty good pprvidor; but I'se powerful skoered he's gwine ter git ko'.chod at it." "Why don't you got out nnd hustle? Hard work never killed anybody," remarked the philosophical gontloman to whom Hnstus applied" for a little char ity. You're mistaken dar, boss," replied Rastus; "I' so lost fouh wives oat way." Tho St. Johns Chautauqua is now near at hand, tho opening dnte being Tuesday, July lGth. Every family in bt. Johns nnd vicinity should purchnso a sea son ticket. They cost $2.50 plus tho war tax of ten per cent, making n total cost of S2.75. Students' tickets aro $1.05 each, and children $1.10, which in cludes the war tax. Tiekets art now on sale by various members of the St. Johns Committee The Chautauqua is well worth while. See the largo announce ment on tho last pago of this paper. The Chautauqua will be held on tho ground at tho rear of the Central school building, where it was held last July. Be sure and make it a point to buy a season ticket. We have Victrolas made in sizes for vacationists. Take one with you. Currin Says So. I'or trade I'our fine lots ami modern bungalow, well located, (or (arm. In. rjuire at this oflke. tf. For Sale A well located and well established business in St. Johns that is in a flour ishing condition; in factdoing a splendid business with greater increase, in prospect. The proprietor has an ex cellent reason for retiring. Parties looking for a good thing in a business way should not pass this by. For further information, apply at this office. Get your supply of films at Currins. Wanted Furnished Room by lady. Call Col. 727. 0 Bill folders and Purses in variety nt Currins. Good fresh cow for Sale 1232 Armour street, E. St. Johns. Lunch Kits nnd separate parts for same. Currins Saya So. o Remember tho dance in the skating rink every Wednesday evening. A good timo for nil. Why not attend. ndv. Keep a Kodnk story of your vacation. Currin SnyB so. When in need of small nrti cles, get them at the 5-10-lGc store. St. Johns; in tho Penin sula National Bank Building. o Victrolas in vacation models. Take one along. Currin Snys So. Suburb calls given prompt attention day or night. Com pli'to auto equipment; no extra charge; refined service. Miller & Tracey. Take a Kodak with you. Currin Says So. If my work pleases you; please toll your friends. If not, tell me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. Better prepare to attend tho Chautauqua. Currin Says So. For Sale Range, hentor, bed stead, washing machine, barrel churn, stand table, some pans, kettles, and other small articles. Call 112G S. Willamotto blvd.S Thelmn is tho Queen of per fumes. Currin Snys So. Get your tent nt St. Johns Hnrdworo store. Thoy wore purchased before the big raise in prico and tho customers get tho benefit by buying now. Graduate nnd Registered Pharmacists for 12 years. Currins For Drugs. For sale Seven room plastered hoiiBo, one bluck from St. Johns car line, good bnrn, corner lot, electric lights, gas and wntcr heater. See Ogden, Mississippi avenue and Shaver street, phone Woodlawn 202; or see owner nt 002 Fessondcn street. Use tho film that is recording tho world's history Eastman. Currin Says So. Canned tomatoes fill such an important place in feeding our army that tho governmont asks for an increase of fifty percent, from tomato canning States. In addition to furnishing food value for energy, the tomato, quenches the thirst of men and calls for less water consumption in tho camp or on march. In n desire to help food con servation many women go to ridiculous extremes. Children and growing youngsters should bo well nourished, war or no war. Mr. Hoover wants us to uso common sense in our con servation. Putting youngsters on half rations is very far from common sense. If you cut down their butter or sugar, increase their consumption of milk. From The Peoples' Home Journal Bring us your vacation, films. We finish promptly and cheaply. Currin Says So. Found Book of street car tickets. Owner may hae same by calling at this office and pay ing 25c for this ad. NU th liUI an your papar, Practical Marine Engineeringfor marine engineers and students with aids for applicants for mar ine engineers, licenses by Capt. C. N. Dyson, U. S. N. has just been put in the librury. It iB tho 1917 edition. Legal Services A. W. Laffer ty, 420 Pittock Block. Garnish ments defended; all decrees. Telephone, Broadway 246. Adv. o Good Second hand Sewing machines (or rent. II. I'. Clark. tf Your Honey v" is absolutely Safe in our NATIONAL BANK ? We are a member of the ederal Reserve System of Banks a 1 "v-.v- f-T Ys MEN EXPERIENCED IN THE BANKING BUSINESS AND WHO STICK STRICTLY TO SOUND BANKING METHODS CONDUCT OUR NATIONAL BANK. WE HOLDTHE BUSINESS OF THOSE WHO START WITH US BECAUSE WE TREAT THEM RIGHT. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US AND WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. BEING A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF BANKS MEANS THAT W CAN GET MONEY WHEN WE WANT IT. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OU BANK AND YOU CAN GET IT WHEN YOU WANT IT. Peninsula National Bank oi'1'ieims. I'rkm C. Knai'I', . Vice President I'kank 1'. DtttNKim . Vice President John N. Km.iu'.shn. . . Cashier CllAIU.HS II. Ul'SSUI.I,, AMltniit Cashier Stanton I.. Dontit. Assistant Cashier HmVAiui K, Mokhin, Assistant Cashier Til" iv VTtMH V. V. tl . . KKN A H (ii.il't i' . khut II K I'hNNKM. ;mani -MirM I S tI.MH Member of Federal Reserv Bank 3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time CertiHc;": nf ! 1 Fit II llil f'M!'ip l! ' ! ill v S ' - t.i I ' ii.illli in. ii. t . i li -n i tl i' i i'i - 1 . r i i . , ' ' . i i III KM" I-IH-" Ii tip Itl Mil utM.iltMlll )WU Hill till' I It III Ur tH'tl. MUCK GROCERY B5 301 S. Ji'fM'y SI. VUt M. 118 REDUCED PRICE WOOD COAL! POR THIRTY DAYS St. Johns Lumber Co. Like a Sail In the Clouds vitn-y m it In irli m t t Mi r nnr Hoot vtim uf t'lm Hint iiiiiliiy Our Muck ! vh) iiwliiiwin it. M'HKliily l1iMWicf. No uii'hMiik or irot-ktiiK Kwry pCc tip in li iikIiIIuI M.tM-irr. A wik va rutyiif I-IKH hihI M'rulU r tally far von r iiiukt iliu-rtmm ilinu i-l'iiiin. I'ri I'Vk iIiihii to lliv t ii r mark. H. F. CLARK 400' THE FURNITURC MAN -.102 8. JKFttRY SI Wall Paper F, M, Sallerlee j f Painting I paper Hanging"! X Tinting Paints li. S i-th A HEl HEL UP! W UP'- KAN THE KAISER The KEY to Shipbuilding W II Help a Heap All Wonls Defined. Also Illue Crimson Slii,)iiil'lin. I'JUCH 3D CI'.NTh AT St. Johns Hardware Co. GET WISE J. R. CHAUNCEY Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler Clocks, Watches, Jtwilry and Optical Goods. All work and goods gtiamutevd 507 North Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, ORE. Business Opportunity Real Kstate Co. needs money. Will sell a few lots St Johns dis trict, cheap (or cash No triflers. A1G1 Review oflke, GhambGrs-Kenworthy Cj, Funeral Directors ind Unb' 1111 Ktrl y -Mri.t. at I'.UI A ! i- V I' .K i I. Thi- o)il--. tuliil.iit ik Im-iiuks north ! kW'U o'.rt 'i. Mr I'h iinbt i ! tlir mull rtdk i in (In U -I I'm 3. Mr. KiiiAnrili) iidiiack -d f kM'lt III lllll'tlllllnjj, III! SU J'1 (umril ilirteiioii I. Why have your Iteluvrd i1 t'l Ulcrn thiotiuh the .oi;eted I lislricts win ii 1 1 rfi-ct erH't and It jiriit'k iiimv i uhuiiied in your niiiiiiiuiiiiy $100 Uuwurtl, SIOO Thn ra. ii ol Km iwjuir WlU jf (lirnUMl Ul.a.- nut i-i- liM.f," all to cur.- in "II n ' 'w CHlwrrh. Hall I'ui h ' 'u- Hie onl. iHialtlv cut.- imw kii' n i" H. mlii iiutarulty. I'ui.uili li'in "iifUtuuiiii ' iliaoaao. iniwi"' u luiiKiiiuiiuiiitl 'r miit. Hull m faurrh l-uu- la Uhvii t tcriially, aium Uimtlv uun tho M."l aiul mui'oua auifat-.-M u( llio iiv.lrUl trr by ('aUuylna' Hi" fimuilalkin uf III u-vaiM-. a nit KUli'K I'"' Pillviii .ti'i'iiglH i)' biituina' up iiiu toii-itdni'iiii ami a!atliiir imiuie In J.ilim lt work Th prprtotor havu ao iimch faith in It t-uralivji bjjw -r that thy uffrr Oim HuiiJrd Oomrt for any caa that tl Catla to cur. Hand Cards of thanks notice are chargad for nt the rate of flfty cents each. Persons desiring to httve such notlceu vjubllsned should make a note of this.