St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 05, 1918, Image 2

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A. W. Markle, lUHtor
Published Friday of Each Week
Subscription price $1.00 por yoar.
Oultide of Multnomah County 2,00
jjr yar in advance.
A&VMWisixe Ratks: 25 cents per inch
each insertion. Local 6 cents per line,
minimum 26 cents. Special rntes on
yearly contracts.
'"tmk Rkvixw it entered nt post office
In PnnlllKt Dr 1.10 II. HS lllftll IllnUOJ
Bi Ut Mcotid cImus umlor the Act of Con-
i of Match i, 1879.
In the War Savings Stamps
Camniiitfn irenerous bt Juhns,
as usual, did thu Patriotic tiling
fn subscribing over two hiindrei
and sixty thousand dollars.
Commisaioner A. A. Muck, who
wan Colonel of St.lnhna division,
aalebmtttd the victory by invil
intTp Cunt. A. P. Luvton and
SoTicilorJ. F. Irvine and their
wivea to mi auto trip in which
they inspected the County
Inalitutlons, including the Ranch
for boys, the County Hospital
and the well kept County I' arm,
whore they dined with the very
courteous and capable stall" of
nmnRueniunt of the last named
intlitulion. The visitors were
irrenllv imnreaacd with the evi
dent competency of those who
have the care of these institul
iiiiiB. Mr. Sum mora Jit the head
of the Boys' Ranch is surely the
right man in the right place, ho
of Mil tho others. A drive over
our wondrotia Highway to Mult
iiumuli KnllH made the day and
joy complete. Reported.
A number of friends and rela
lives met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. K. 1). Powell last Sal
urdfly evening to celebrate thuii
fifth, or wooden wedding mini
versary. Thu house was door-
Mlmi for the occasion willi flow
on of all kinds, some in wooden
vases. The first part of the
ovening was devoted to games,
which were enjoyed by all. In
one guessing game the first
pl'lxe.a brush set, was won by
Air. C. H. Throne of Portland
and (he funny prixe, a box of A
II C blocks, was won by his
wife. The music of the evening
whs furnished by little .lauel
Powell, which was a surprise,
but greatly enjoyed. Lute in
tlio evening refreshments were
served, which consisted of ice
cream ami cake, s -rved in wood
on dishi with wooden spoons
and at each end of the table
was a large wooden bowl filled
with a variety of fruit. Mark
ing each pl.fee was a clothus pin
to which was tied a card and
rod white and blue ribbon. 1 lie
bride and groom received Severn
tlaeful presents and wishes for
many m m" five years" of Imp
pIlioAa together,
IIrvo you given up your jol
and let your business future take
euro or ttwlir Have you aali
Mood-by Ut your family am
friends and ull you hold dear?
Have you begun aa entirely new
earwr that may end, if you li v
with health i in pa I red, an arm
oft', a leg gone, an eye out?
Have you given up your bus
iiiess future and said good-byt
ana taken a chance on coming
back a live and well and done it
with a cheerful heart and with
a grim determination to do all
you possibly can for your conn
try" And do you only at
times in the evenings, iterhnps,
when the light in the sky slowly
fillies away feel so homesick
and so lonesome that you an
fearful you will not have tin
eourage to do your part after all?
You have not done these things I
Alt, I see, you are not one of our
Army or Navy iwys; you are a
stay at-home person. ell,
thr have to be 20 or more
Hiay-ai nome iwrsons lor every
one who go', and so certainly
iiu disgrace attaches to being
mitt if you fully appreciate what
tliOM boys wlto do go have to
(live up and if you summit them
o the limit of your ability.- War
Savings Committee.
A service flag bearing seven
teen stars, one of which is gold,
was presented to the Baptist
PWtnvii liv thu &iiiii1hv elimil nt
Patriotic Service. Those on the
honor roll represented by the
stars are: Dean Know lex, Clar
ence Knowles. Frank Kuowles,
liarl Knowles, Harry Simmons,
Kenneth Simmons, Thornton
Toole, Hlmer Maples, Walter
Maher, Wayne Kelly, George
Downing, Frank Bugbee. Theo
dore Buubee, Murne Donaldson,
Allen Rutherford. Claude Busb
ar, Chester Dehoach. represent
ed by the gold btar, having died
of pneumonia before reselling
the front.
The herviee next Sunday will
be especially attractive. The
ahoir. under the leadership of
All. Burton, who is an accom-
pitsneu musician, win render
some special music. Bev. Bur
ton will hae a helpful message
to give. The subject will bo
"National Glory."
The "weiniti roast" at tho
BloiiKh given by the B. Y, P. U.
wni a vory delightful occasion.
12 vary ono present enjoyed them
mlvofi ipiiiiQiisely.
Tlioliua is tho (ptuon of
fumes. Got it at Currins.
For Sale
Five Modern
i Yale and Macrum Streets
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
t Peninsula Security Co,
First National Dank Building
Multnomah Attractions
The following splendid list of
attractions have been booked for
the Multnomah 'lheatro for the
next few days, subject to
unavoidable changes:
Siiturdy, July (J A Metro
lure to beiiiiiiotiuccd later.
Siindny, July 7 Chus. Uny in
"The Finally Skvlctuii"-Pirntiiomit
Monthly and Tuesday, July Huml
!) "The Lion's Claws" No. (5
Wwlni'wlay. July 10 Oco. Hehnn
in "One More American l'ara
Thutsilay anil Friday, July 11
mid 12 Win. Desmond in "A Sm
den Ceiitlemaii" Trianule.
Saliudiiy, July 111 A Metro Su
IH.T-picture to he announced later.
.Sunday, July M Mary ncklord
iir'Aiimrilliiol L lollies Line Alley
Wednesday, July 17 Claru Kim
ball Votlii,;
The ()(
11(1 V
Look for the Milk Bottle
One of thu plans for raising
money to aid thu littlo children
in Belgium is thai of tho milk
bottles placed at various points
in the city in which money is
deposited for the relief of the
lit ll li'ritmdi mill ItnlirtiifM nr.
phauH. Thu plan is an uiiiipio
one and is meeting with aurpris
ing success, An organization
has been formed with Mayor
Baker chairman, Win. Adams
treasurer and Hal M. White
secretary to aid in thu relief
wo k. It ia expected that many
citi.eiiH will join this organ
ization. Tho membership fee
is but one dollar pur year, hi
order to give those so desiring
an opportunity to enlist and aid
in the great work, Miss Jones,
an earnest worker in thu cause,
will he at the Peninsula Nation
al Bank during noun hour and
also in the evening Saturday,
w here she will take applications
and explain tho work.
Gustav de Brettoville. origin
ator of (lie milk bottle idea, and
Miss Jones wore in St. Johns the
past week, where they placed
several o: the bottles.
A Tragic Death
Charles Beebeo of thu
Mothers Home Hestaurant.
located in tho Peninsula Bank
iiiilding, met a tragic death
Wednesday morning last. He
twis in the act of cross nir
Burlington street at the St.
Johns hotel building when he
was run over by a motor truck
loaded with wood, which
.rMS.SSI.Johiis Camp No. 7546,
10 Union I'tiel Co.
in von by
owned by the
It is said that no blame is attach
ed to the driver, as the accident
was unavoidable on his part
Mr. Beebe was aged about 70
venrs ami was well liked by all
who knew htm.
As we learn tho circumstances
it seems tlmt Mr. Beebe, whose
tearing was somewhat defective.
was passing an auto which was
standing near the side, of the
street, and stepped in front of
the 1 n' 1 machine, which had just
came up the hill and was travel
ing at a moderate rate of speed.
1 he unfortunate man was thrown
down and ono wheel passed over
us body, and ho expired within
few minutes.
lite l'ortland Garbage Co.
in prepared to remove rubbish
ot any nature from tho resi
dences and business places of I
St. Johns at 75 cents por month
for residences and from busi
ness places at reasonable rates.
Calls made every Saturday.
I . 1 x .1 . r, i i ,
i.tmvu uruurs ui meat, joiius
Hardware, or phone Woodlawn
Base Ball Notes
The local ball team lost out
to Corn foot at the St. Johns
grounds June 30th by a score of
8 to 0. Barham started the game
for the locals, but he was not in
good form, the eight runs be
ing scored in the three innings
he pitched. The poor support he
received was responsible for
some of the runs. Hennig, who
succeeded him, pitched superbly,
and he finished the game with
out yielding a run. The locals
presented n badly patched up
team. De Cuman, second catch
er, was behind the bat, Hogan,
a substitute, was at first base
instead of Blanchard; Pritchard,
the clever I'ttle second-sacker,
ia now in Camp Lewis, having
been drafted into the country's
service. "Keck" Blanchard
was on short instead of Bill
Baird, who left the Smith-Porter
yards to work on the railroads:
Hargravcs. thethird-sacker, had
to work Sunduy afternoon, and
Primley, center field, did not
appear in uniform. Eddie Yates
himself was forced to don a
uniform and played second base:
Shay had a badly Hprained
finger, played third.
Supple-Ballin defeated the
Columbia River team by a score
of 11 to '1. in the game prcced
ing that of Cornfoot and Grant
The game on the local grounds
Ju v 71 1 w be between tne
Columbia Hiver team and the
locals, tho game being sched
tiled for a p. m.
tu fnrnmpn of tho North
Vnvn ilofimtod tho South Wavs
c,,,,,.4i,,v nfhirnnr.ii hvn score of
i : ' m - - m .
11 to 1. The features oi tne
game was the pitching of Harris
and the playing and batting of
Pettit of thu North Ways.
The local team was defeated
y the Supple-Ballin club on Ju
Iv lth bv tho score of ! to 2.
Tho game was played on the lo
on grounds. WeiiKnoss at the
bat was the cause of our down
I), Kllis Gaylord of Tacotna is
hero in the interests of a little
publication which is called the
Key to Steel and Wood Ship-
buildine. Contained in this lit
tle book are many items of in
terest to the man who works in
the everything
n detail concerning thu build
ing of ships up to the deck
house. Mr. Gaylord has letters
of introduction and commenda
tion from William Piggott. in
spector for tho 8th district which
embraces all of Washington.
Mr. i h will have on display
in the window of the bt. .Johns
Hardware Company, a sectional
model of tho Ferris Type ship
and will be on band to show ami
ldain the many parts. Think
ing and Knowing neyomi your
Job will raise your pay chock.
"The Key to Shipbuilding" will
do the trick.
Hvoryduy you are without a
kodak is so much pleasure lost.
Ctirrin bays bo.
l'or Suit f iiHim lioiue, well imiiiIu-
ik-iI. eooil Iik'iUIou on Nortli Wlimiuette
ImhiIcwuiI. IhiM-iueut, nice yuril, lot fX'
Iihi. rtice sito. Atipiy ut mm oiuce.
No. 18G I. O. O. f
MmU ch Monday nvenln? In Odd Pal
Ion Imll lit K:oo, A cordial welcome to
all viaitluk' brothers.
It 1. W'hWi Nuulc liiaml
C 11 Chut, hill. VUe!lit
H . I'mwau) kw Srv
K ll..nil.L 1'lH fee.
II I' CUlL. Tie.
MOlMtS lOOOL NO, 101
Mi-el every i'riiluy nijjlit t
v O CUKK III llV.I.l'.K
5y ll dl. Vikltum ttlwuy wel-
V. It. KVHNS, C. C.
A. P. and A. M.
Meets the first nml third
if Velueslytdech unuitli
In liu-kucr' Hall. VUi
tors welcome
J. N Kilhf.en V. M.
A. V. PavU, Secretary
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attend
ance ol our members at our reg
ular meetings, every Thursday
ICvoning. G. W. Mulim, Consul.
Knights and Ladies of Security
bt. Johns Council 2775
Ueeula lliimicvt nicotine Ut nml ird
Mommy. Or-cn uieettues to the ihiMk
uiul luemU rN Jud ami -4 tit Moiulav u
Itots uiul mciiibcri cor.lially Invited to
II I. Campbell. Pres
V. H. Moreuig, Secretary.
Woodmen ol the World1
St. Johns, Camp 773 j
Meet 'idniuMtliThursduy eveuing m
I, O. O. P. Hall, I.eavitt and Jersey
btreets. visitors always welcome
I.. 1.. Tit UMNO, 0 c. ,
V. It. COON. Clerk.
I buy or sell St. Johns Pronertv
Ren I Hstate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Dr. II. P. Jones, Pastor
The services of tho Chris
tian unurcn will be new in
the Seventh Day Adventis
buildinc until further notice
ounuing until imtner notice
The regular hours and ordei
of service will be observed.
A cordial invitation to the
In the Circuit Court of tlit- State of Ore
L'on for the County of Mtilttioumli.
Kmc Anthony, tilitliitlff, v Thouiiu .M
Anthony. (lcluntUnt
To Thomas M. Anthony. Dt-fumlimt
nlHivc naniiMl:
In the mime of die Stutt- of Oreuon
you nre Itutuby required to npjwir in tin
above entitle! Court l Miiwer the Coin
tiliilnt fl uil lieu hut v-m In tin-uIhivu mi
titled Mill, on or liif irt- the t-xiiirutluii of
ilx week from tin- -I tie ol Hit- firxl iiuli
Mention of llil-i numm-,11. If you full to
i neiir nit, i HiMwer mui Uiiiinimnl or
otlierwlH lilenil wit Inn .nil time, for
wiiiit tln-riol, the pl.t it t iff ulll npjily to
inu Hoove riniueii i uiiri lor lilt telle
num-d for In liermu l (.'..iniiltilnt, lo-vlt
l'or n ik-erec ili-wilviui- ulolutelv
the louiIof umtrlni-'iiv luretofotc niul
how exIntiiiK lietwet n v-mauil tlieiilidut
iff; tlmt you he ietnreil to eoutrlbutc
5.00 n month to i.Uiuilll fur the hiii
txirt of your iluuehi, r Doiothv. until i1ic
iirrivc ut the ne ol t iKlitet-ii yi-nrn; that
the niniutiii he Klven the rii-tixly of mild
elillil, mill tlmt nlie liuve uch other mill
lllleieut lelit-l u Mi- limy l.e I'lltllled to
in emilty.
ThiH KiiimuouH in Mrwil ii tK) it von bv
luihliruiiou of the muh- in the St. John
Ueview. it weekly ncwouii-er of ucnem!
eircmiuiou, iirimeii. ikidihiii'ii nun cir
i-uliiteil hi Mu tnonwli County. State of
tireeou, iiurmiitiit to .in order of Honor
iible llolx-rl O. Moirou. l'relilliiK Indc
of the nlMive eulllli-l Cuutt, iluttii nml
entcreil lite 0th iluy of June, HUH, which
litccU that Suiiii!iiu lie iublUheil In
miIiI tkiper for u rvuxs-Mitlve week unit
reunite yoii lo uiiiMMr nml iuihwit iuiIiI
ConiUMiut on or in-lure the t-virMtiiui o
ix u-eki, fioui tin-iluteof lirt tiiilillon
tlon of thU Niuum-n. The ilute of firt
liublKiitioti I June 7th. HUH. unit the klx
week ihetertlter in wh eh vim Hie hIIow
etl to uiHKMr itinl niimu-r Mill CoiiiDlxlut
r ouu-rwie ywmi win uxture July nun
i;i'.tKt',ltJ. I'gRKINS.
Attorney fur Plmiititr.
KcMileut of Oii-L-ou. INwt Oftke uililrea
1117 rkMnlol TiM.le lU.le.. Ilirtl.iu.l, Oie
IMteuliir! iHiblieutioti June 7. Ut
Jul), 19. Win.
Notice of Executor's Sale of
Heal Property
Notice u hereby elvcii tlwt I. John
limuiltoii I'letclirr, in Uxei-utor ol the
Uut W III ami t estament of J. II. 1' etch
er iIcviumM. vwll on Mnmluy, July 15
UU. ut ten oVIoik in the forenoon, uuil
llH'teullcr. if no MtUfactory bid U re
eritetl, Mil to Hie hlehcM bidder for
C4li, ui 'ft4le m!c, in one wircel, or Hi
VIMIMIC IOk. Mil " Ol 11 Ullll 1, l-JOCK
Mure, mkIiimw llelelit (Lent) now- in
I Ik-City oi rrtUuil, Multnomah County
intu win ne received, nun nil iiiimirle
iMUceriiuie mII iiioinirty uuiiweriil, at
the law ottice of t.mree j, I'erkimi, 1117
ikMrU o iiM.le auililiuL!, rortlnml, Ore
K-'ii, up to the time lixeil for Mile of Mild
iHotH-rly. mid tbeienfter uut 1 sue i time
us IikU tlietelor me accepted. Sale will
lie iiimiIc I'umi.iut to order of Hon
I'.eorKe T4well. Comity Judge of Mult
iiohimu county. Oreumi. ilnteil lunelUlli
ltIS. uiul kubjeet to eonriitmitiuii by sunl
county tudee. There nic no buildlues
Oil kllltl lOlk.
t'nkt iubl.lied June l i. 191S.
joiin Hamilton iu.istchkk.
r.Hoar.Kj pj-kkins,
ttorue i. r 1 xecutor.
N. A. (u professor of odd
jobs, is now ready to take your
order for any thinsr in house
moving or repairing, roof re
pairing a specialty; cement
work of all kinds nnd Kenerai
contracting. SOI N. Ivanhoe;
phone Col. SOS.
Every Meal You Eat
might be nmilc n little better ami
n little cheaper. Observe the three
leading elements of Shopping
quality, quantity, and price. We
arc making more determined ef
forts than ever, to moke our gro
cery one of high service nnd econ
omy to the people ot this commu
nity. We KNOW tlmt any pur
chase you make here is one of
economy, nml reduces the present
cost of ill),'.
Grocery Grabateria
201 N, Jersey St,
First Trust S Savings
1302 East Fcssenden Street
Phono Columbia 10G
Officers and Directors
F. A. RICE. I'teildcnt nnd Cniliicr
H. HENDERSON, Vice Pre.ident
GEO. i. DUOOKS, Secretary
Four per cent interest
paid on time nnd sav
ings deposits.
Rentals nnd Rentals
Estate Loans
It is Just What
Uncle Sam Wants
At the request of the U. S.
Food Adiiiiustriitioti, our
Compiiuy lins loaned one of
our Modern Klectric Kntics
to be used for the l'ood Con
.sorvntion demonstrations
now being conducted in the
Liberty Temple.
Do you wnntnny stronger
npprovnl of nuy cooking de
vice thnti this?
Uncle Sum asked us for an
Klectric Rutige liecutihc it
fills the bill better thnu any
other Cooking Device made.
We urjie all housewives
interested in the patriotic
service of their country as
well as all who want their
kitchens equipped with the
most modem, convenient
nnd reliable cooking appa
ratus to visit the Liberty
Temple and see for them
selves just what on Klectric
Kaiie willdotoredtice their
household burdens.
Portland Railway,
Light 8 Power Co.
I 'Billie' Nichols f
Open Evenings
The Central
TIIO.S, fil.OVliR nop.
Philadelphia Street, St, Johus.
Soft Drinks as usual
voidest mm Looiest minks in
town. Sandwiches, etc. All lead
ing Summer Drinks.
Electrical Contracting!
WirinK, Fixtures and
C. L. Dearlove
Columbia 374
Residents of St. Johns having
taxes and city liens to pay in
l'ortland can make their pay
ments without inconvenience bv
availing themselves of our ser
vices. We will pay same and
secure your receipt without uv
convenience to you. Fee, 25
cents. References: Any St,
Johns Bank. Peninsula Title,
Abstract and Realty Co., by H.
Henderson, Manager; -102 North
Jersey street.
Why don't you make some
pictures and send them to the
soldiers. Currin Says So.
It's Meat That Builds Up
Get an ice cold Melon only 5c a pound
Cantelopes 10 each or 3 for 26
Try a roll of our Special Butter $1.00 a roll
Phone Columbia at WE
black ndult
honrsc, box,
od nervlc
l'uncruU If ilculrcil for f20, $30, f 10, $G0. lliKhcr priced (iincrnU in pro
portion. Wc tuanufiicturc caskets. I.mly niwittant.
llcnutifiil fuucnil cli.ipel.
Main 2001 Independent Funeral Directors A 70OS
Wdshlncton at tll.i Street, Ilctwcrn 20th and 21st Strcrt, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
CM Ccutrol Ave. N.
The man who knows the com
fort of a good-tasting chew
sticks toRealGravelyChewing
Plug every time. Lasts longer
than ordinary tobacco, too.
2 Don't throw your Old Tires away
OPEN 6 A, M. TO 4 P, M.
Tubes 25 cents and up.
Reasonable prices on cas
ing work.
All work guaranteed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Oregon
others will be added as the deuiaud
Warranty deeds, Quit Gain
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, batisiaction of Mortgages,
Coutracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, Leasts.
Go to the Auto Repair Compa
ny, 207 bouth Jersey street, for
your auto, motorcycle and bicy
cle repairs and supplies. Autos
for hire. Phone Coumbia 727.
o .
Use your Kodak every dav.
Send the pictures to the boys
over there."
Bring la your job printing whilt
you think of it. Dont wait until yot
ire entirely out. We are equippec
to turn out neat and tatty println.
areaiptly at Portlaii prlc. ox Ua.
Srti r m m m t--VH
the body, makc9 muscle and red
blood, nnd kIvcs strength. It
li necessary, therefore, that you
sec to it that the meat you buy
Is fresh, wholesome and of best
quality. Our market lins the
reputation of supplying only
the best beef, pork, lamb, veal,
etc., and our prices are within
reach of all. Give us a call,
109 N. Jersey Street
grny or
2 outoi
Phone Columbia 888
rcyton arana
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
10c a pouch and worth it
CraixtylaMtuomuch longtrltcotti
nomora tochtwthanorJinaryplug
O. Gravely Tobacco Company
Danville, Virginia
Real Estate!
If Via Wist lo Sill
Property at right prices
list it with us.
If You Want to Buy
Property at right prices
call and see us.
S. C. Cook
402 N. Jersey Street
Notice Of Hearing Final Account
In the County Court of the State oi
Oregon, (or Multnomah County.
In the matter of the Estate of Thomas
Matthew Smith, Deceased.
Notice is hereby civeti that the under.
signed has filed in the above entitled
Court and estate bis Final Account, and
that said Court has set Monday, the 5th
day of August, 1918. at 9:30 o'clock A.M.
in the County Court Room in the Court
House of Multnomah County, Oregon, as
the time and place for the hearing of said
Final Account together with any objec
tions there may be to the same and for
the settlement of said estate.
Executor of the Estate
of Thomas Matthew Smith, Deceased,
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your gooda to and from
ill part of Portland, Vancouver, Linn
ton, Portland and Suburban Expres
Ce., city dock and all point accetiible
W vsm. MM Merltare earyvW