St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 05, 1918, Image 1

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Monarch Mill to Resume
Under a decision handed down
byJudgi VVolverton in Federal
Court, the large property of the
Monarch Lumber Company near
East St. Johns, comprising 28
ncros of mill nlant and yards, is
ordered sold to satisfy in fulli
the mortgages and interest,
totaling nearly $G0J,U00. and the
plant, which has been tied up in
litigation since 1911, immediate
ly will rejume operations under
the mananoment und direction
of its original builder, Lester
W. D.ivid, Government contracts
for cutting lumber will be ex
ecuted at once, improvemsnts
costing more than $00,000 having
b"er. made recently in anticipa
tion of the final chapter in the
lengthy and costly limitation.
The plant has a capacity of 890,
000 to 1,000.000 feet a day.
The decision U doubly inter
opting bee una the litigation has
completely tied up the big in
dustrial plant since 1911, when
John W. Kaste claimeJ owner
ship of the property through
having levied on it to satisfy a
judgment of $800 and got a sher
iffs'' deed but has never had
possession. A baikruptcy ac
tion brought the matter into the
Federal Court. The Circuit and
Supreme Courts had held that
J. W. Kaste practically owned
the property, but. under the de
cision of the Federal Court the
equity of redemption is not deni
ed. The original cost of the
property was a little less than
$1,250,000. whilo testimony in
troduced in tho trial of the suit
showed it to bo worth more than
$700,000. It comprises 28 acres
of land in the North Portland
industrial district, served by
the railroads.
The mill has its own steam
plant generating electric power,
and ia capable of urnfshing
electric current to other in
dustries sullicicnt to create an
income of $3000 per month.
When completed in 1007 it was
regarded as the latest exempli i
cation of tho engineering art in
mill construction, including
modorn dry kilns, full equip
ment for tho economic handling
of matorial from tho plants to
the kilns or yards. It is capable
of handling material of tho larg
ost sizo and of sawing shin tim
bora 131 feet in length. Lester
W. David, tho builder, invested
$800,000 in tho plant personally.
David has boon in possession
of tho mill as tho representative
of tho mortgagees sinco the
litigation id tho Federal Court
began, and will put it in operat
ion under contracts signed with
tho United States Government
to put in a spruce plant and cut
neroplano stock. Ho has just
completed repairs to the mill at
a cost of about $G0.000 to put it
into first-class condition for be
gining operations.
Tho small mill has been cut
ting material under operation by
the spruce division. It will re
quire mora than 250 men immed
iately and from 800 to 1200 men
when going at full capacity.
Potato Raisin Bread
Take one yeast cake, one
half cuptul of warm water,
three-eights cupful condensed
milk diluted with one and one
eight cupfuls of water, one
tablespoonful of sugar, one-half
cupful of sugar one and one-half
cupfuls of potatoes, sifted, four
and one-half cupfuls of barley
flour, four tablespoonfuls of
fat. three-fourths cupful of
raisins and one teaspoonful of
salt. Dissolve yeast and one
tablespoonful of sugar in luke
warm water,
add one cupful
of flour and
condensed milk.
the potatoes,
fat and sugar
well creamed
and beaten until
smooth. Cover and set aside
to rise in a warm place until
light. When well risen add
raisins that have been floured,
the re3t of the flour and the
salt. Knead lightly. Let rise
again until double its bulk.
Mould into loaves. Fill well
greased pans one-half full, cover
and let rise until light. Glaze
with egg diluted with water and
bake for about forty-five
minutes. Yield. two large
loaves. The Peoples Home
Germany produces 200 bushels
of potatoes to the acre and the
United States Ie3s than 100
bushels. Normally, potatoes
make up only thirteen per cent,
of our diet. This year, to save
wheat, we ought to eat twice
as many potatoes as usual.
Last year, this country raised
450,000,000 bushels, being about
four bushels for every man,
woman and child.
NqU th label on your psf r.
Steel Plant on West Side
Negotiations were closed lait
week for tho purchase by the
Pacific Coast Steel company of
21 acres of land near Willbridge,
adjoining 12 acres already owned
bv the steel company. The tract
will be used as the site for a
new steel plant representing an
investment of more than $1,000,
000. A. C. Callan of Portland and
William Plgott of Seattle re-
presented the Pacific Coast
Steel company, and M. L. Hoi-
brook of tho Merchants' National
bank, looked after the interests
of tho owners of tho acreage.
The land purchased is admirably
adapted for mill purposes.
According to Mr. i;aiian, work
will begin at once on the con
struction of the mill. Surveys
have been made for side trackage
from the Spokane. Portland Az
Seattle railway. Contracts al
ready have been let for structural
steel and other building material,
The nlant will bo equipped
with two 'open hearth furnaces.
and with all modern appliances
necessary for thu manufacture of
soft steel products.
Scrap iron will be used largely
und pig iron will be shipped in
from Irondale, Wash, The com
pany will manufacture stanch
ions, rods, bolts, rivets and other
material used in shipbuilding.
Tho new plant will give cm
iloymcnt to approximately 500
men. and will add materially to
Portland's rapidly growing pay
The property purchased was
valued at approximately $100.-
000 and includes a strip of four
acres running to tho Willamette
river. Tho frontage on tho river
will afford ample dockage fa
cilities. The plans of the com
pany includo tracks from the
North Hank railway lino through
thu mill yards to thu docks it
iroposcs to build.
Plnns uro now under way for
lousing employes of tho steel
mill and of other industries in
thu Linnton district. Tho Saltz
man tract, consisting of 500
acres on tho hillside west of tho
industrial center, will bo built
up as a rnsidonco districljiccord
rhfrto 'J: B; HolbrookPrnanager
of tho Saltzman Investment
Tlin Rtnnflnrr! Oil nnmnnnv hns
an option on 12 lots in tho vicinity
of its plant upon which it is un
derstood it plans to build a num-
per or moderate priced nouses.
Plans of both companies look for
the construction of residences in
tho immcdiato future.
The Reason They Fail
Advertising! Bradstreet's
statement that 81 per cont of all
failures are among non-adver
Users is significant. Intelligent
advertising has become an
essential in every modern in
dustry, but what shall tho adver
tiser do in tho face of tho war
situation when ho finds it
difficult to get goods to fill his
First of all, it should bo ro
membered that tho foundation
purpose of judicious advertising
is to fix indelibly the trademark
n the public's mind. A let up
n that campaign must be fatal
to any product. So, wo find Mr,
George H.Charles, Vice-president
of tho American Rolling Mill
Company, declaring tho com
nany's purpose to continue Its
advertising, although for two
and a half years it had been
unable to supply the demand fur
its product.
"We are building," said he,
"a permanent business edifice.
and some day we wou d have to
spend millions of dollars buying
Pack the business and good-will
of our clients if they are forsaken
n this emergency. Unless
advertising is kept up without
a DreaK-ine aaveruser loses me
results of tile initial effort."
Here is a warning to the ad
vertiser who neglects the dull
season in summer. When ad
vertisements are fewest is1 the
very time when a message to the
public will get the most atten
It is good "psychology" to
nush the advertisement of a win
ter product in summer and of a
summer product in winter, Les
The crovernment is not calling
upon us to give up all of our
toothsome dishes, but to be econ
omical in the use of those com
modities which are scarce.
Nuts and fruits have not been
tabooed, and these will be found
to add much to many dishes and
especially to give to our daily
bread a new and very delightful
Not Um labtl on your pagor.
Luzerne Players at Chautauqua
"I'liiys of Our AWot," one of the f future numbera of tlio ('liaiiliiiifim UiIh neiunii, cmislntH of four one-net tlrnmnn
tnken frum tin best works of KtirtiHmi (IrniiiiitlM. Tlioy duly dopkt the life mid customs of our allied coiintrlc
ncroM tin- Atlantic. Tho I.iir.erno 1'liiycrn, tinder thu iiunmiml direction of I.tirerne WeMentt Crntidnll, who will pre
sent "riny.t of Our Allien." I it coinimny of experienced nrllntD. imtotliijj lilMrnnlc aMIIty of a IiIkIi order. Mr.
Crtimlnll wiir formerly .MnnuiiltiK-Dlrectnr of Dm People' Utile Theater Company of Sun Diego and Ih at present
Instructor In Dramatic and I'lihllr SpeHkltitf at tho Unlverny of ArUotia. During thu I'nniiinn-Citllfornlu HxpoM
Hon In Kun Dlefto In 11)10-17. Mr. CrntulMU'ti coiiiikmiIom prownted fcoveinl production with unusual muccomm for the
Hxjioaltkui ninniigttinttut.
Chautauquas a Big Help
At no time in the history
of tho Chnutauipm movement
itivo tho strong reasons for its
permanency, as a clear expres
sion support of national ideals
and purpose, been so vitally
apparent as now. President Wil
son, Vice President Marshall,
Secretary of War Maker, Henry
P. Davison, Uoorge creel, and
tho other principal authorities
at Washington unquuunotuy
uriro tho earnest co operation
of tho American people in sup-
lorting Chautnunua thruout the
country. In tho nucleus or their
several endorsements is found
the strong reasons for
ChaiilHuqtia!H necessary placo in
tho sun during the high noon
of world history. Theso strong
reasons nro condensed in the
self evident truth that Chau
tauqua alfor 's the Government,
first hand, tho largest possible
opportunity for tint diffusion
of light to tho masses upon the
problem of the present world
During tho coming yenr
Chautauqua will reach in tho
united States Canada and nearly
10.000 communities. and
approximately 20,000,000 souls.
from uvury onu ui uiosu join
foims. through mutual co.
operation of the Government
with Chautauqua managers,
will bo heard exports who will
speak with tho vital authority
of first hand information se-
cured through personal inves-1
tigation nt the front. In extent,
n this respect. Chautauqua's
only rival is tho pross. I he
aims and purposes of both are
identical, but tho former has
one advantage, for whilo the
written words of experts are
read individually, the spoken
words of the same experts from
the platform fasten attention
more closely. Thay nre doubly
effective too, in that the in
formation is received en-masse,
the acts rqviewed on mnsse. and
unity of opinion and action upon
same, thought out and forged
St. Johns Leads Nati n
Shipyards cn the Pacific Coast
made a clean sweep of the honors
awarded for the first time b
the Emergency Meet Corpora
ton to plants excelling in con
struction of vessels. First honor
blue flaes. awarded on the basis
of output in May, will go to the
Bethlehem Shipuuiiding corp
oration, (Union Iron Works
Plant), San Francisco, for yards
building steel ships, and to the
Grant Smith Porter Company,
of St. Johns, for the yards build
ing wooden vessels.
The consumption- of beef in
America has increased from 57
pounds yearly per person in
1887, to 80 pounds per person
last year. New York City alone.
last year, consumed 108.122
beeves besides 200,000 hogs.
Many doctors think we eat
all together to much meat for
our health.
St. Johns Fair Store. E. W.
Foy, prop.; household utility
supplies and general notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highost
quality goods at lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
To Double Mill's Capacity'
Announcement of tho pur-
nliiiHi! of t ha .InliL's f our nir
mills at St. .lolniB by a syndicate
composed of some well known ,
flour milling men of tho North-
west was made Monday. The
price was not made public. Tho '
avndiente. which nromlses to
piny a prominent pnrt in milling,
circles of this district, has just
been incorporated under tho
name of the Rose City Flour
Mills, with a capital of $120.
000. Samuel Glasgow, of Spok
ane, president oft lie Pasco Mill
ing Company, is president; Lucas
11. Allen, of San Francisco,
prominontCnllfomlo llourjobbor,
vlco'prepident. niul M. G. Itussi,
of Portland, a flour jobber, and
Portland representative of the
Pasco Milling Company, sec
retary treasurer. Mr. Itussi will
also serve as niHiingur of the
mill. Tho directorate includes
Adolphu Slshl. of New York,
financial agent of the Guate
malun government, and C. It.
Shoemaker, of Kasco.
Announcement of extmave
improvements and enlargements
was mado simultaneously with
t lint of tho puichnsoof thopro
porty from the Jobes Milling
Company, of which Allen It.
lobes was principal ownor.
Some of th ie improvements are
now under way. Work hits at
ready been stalled toward in
creasing the grain storage, and
KB soon as possible the plant will
i)e enlarged to double its preterit
capacity of MX) barrels a day.
Luc us II. Allen, of San
, Francisco, who was in Portland
If 1.... nn. Ill ... I m , ll ft
arrangement necessary to tak
ing over the property, expressed
a firm belief in the future of
Portland and tl is section of the
Pacific Northwest.
"We were especially impressed
with our new locution at Salem
and liradfjnl streets, in the St.
nhns district, because of the
presence of the municipal giain
elevator," said Mr. Allen.
"This gives ns an ideal situation
and makes it possible to handle
unlimited quantities of grain,
both by rail and water. In fact,
the municipal elevator whs an
important factor in ourdeciding
to locate here."
Just when the plant will be in
creased to a capacity 1000 barrels
a day is something which the
new owners cannot state de
finitely at this time owing to
the impossibility of obtaining
machinery, but they predicated
that the enlargement would be
mado within two year".
"We may double our capacity
o -on sooner than we expect,"
oxplained Mr. Allen. "Our
Government and our a lias nood
every pound of flour which can
be milled, and if we can prjcure
the necessary maclrncry and
equipment' we will double our
output as soon as it is i". asible."
Samuel Glasgow, prj.identof
tho new corporation, hps boon
identified with the f oir mill
ing interests of the r,r,ith west
for more than 80 ycirs. Mr.
Allen is head of the Henry F.
Allen Company, of San
Francisco, his grandfather hav
ing been one of the founders of
Allen & Lewis. Oregonian.
and prico these have made us
successful Kodak finishers.
Currin Says So.
Terms Ridiculous
Germany's latest peace con-
d t ona are a together too "mod-
est," therefore, tho fight will
go on. In a game of poker
Germany's bluff might have
some value, but in tho present
war situation it is punk. Tho
Kaiser had better take another
look at his hand and see if he
hasn't over-looked something.
When this war is over, or before
it goes very much farther,
Germany will bo only too glad
to take a mighty lot less than it
asks for in its peaco proposal
Great Britain must turn over its
war fleet to Germany, return
Gibraltar to Spain and restore
Egypt and the Sue, canal to
Turkey. Great Hrltain, Franco
and thu United States must pay
Germany an indemnity of at
least $-15,000,000,000. Belgium
and French torrltory must lie
surrendered to Germany. Thefo
nre among the conditions includ
ed in the German peace program
published in thu Nachrichten of
Goerlit', Prussia, by Count Itoon
a mem1 cr of the Piussian house
of lords, according to a Havas
dispatch from Basel, Switzer
land. Count Boon says Germany is
entitled to tho following tonus
bucnuseof its strength, and until
they are roalizod there should
no armistice and no cossation of
submarine warfare:
Annexation of Belgium, with
admistrnMvo autonomy In the
Independence of Flandors.
Annexation of the entire
Flanders coast, including Calais.
Annexation of -the Briey and
Longway basins and the Tool.
Belfort and Verdun regions east
ward. Restitution to Germany of all
hor colonies, including Kaio
Great Britain to codetoGer
many such naval bases and
coaling stations as Germany
Gieece must be re established
under former King Constantino
with frontiors asboforo tho war.
Austria and Bulgaria will
divide Serbia and Montenegro.
Great Britain, France and the
United States must pay all of
Gormany's war costs, the idem
nity being minimum of$45,000,
000,000. They also must agree
to deliver raw muterials
Franco and Belgium aro to
remain occupied at their expense
until these conditions aro carried
Use ono medium sized potato
one and one-half cupfuls of flour,
I throe and one-half teaspoonfuls
'of baking powder, one teaspoon
ful of salt, two tahlespoonfuls
of fat, one-eightlus cupful of con
donsed milk, diluted with three
eighths cupful of water. Sit
dry ingredients, add potatoes
land rub in the fat. Mix to a
soft dough with.condensed milk,
handling as little as possible.
! Itoll or pat into shape, cut, place
on a greased tin, bake in a hot
oven and serve at once. Yield.
, twelve biscuits. The People's
Home Journal.
iuw room house for $1350, reason
able cash or monthly payments
Also have five room house, modern
B2G1 Review office
St. Johns' Honor Roll
Following is a list of those
from St. Johns who have enlist
ed in Uncle Sam's service. Per
sons know ng of any names
omitted will render a favor hi
reporting same to this ollice.
Taylor M. Whitmore. Atliill
W. Irvine, Dean H. Knowles,
Earl II. Knowles, Theodore
Bugbee, II. Bryon Poll', Annnnd
Oil n, Claude E. Harris, Ktissell
Poll', It. P. Galloway, Clias. h.
Garlick.Murne Donaldson, Glenn
Haskell, Bay Clark, Benajaii T.
Swan, Hubert Martin. Leon
Sorber, Donald Strickland,
Lowell Anderson, John La
Vlllott, Frank L. Thompson,
Oron Lear, Hal J. Davis,
Donald N. Trowbridge, Bert
Larson, Alan Itulhcrford,
Homer Plnskelt, Henry Brand
enberg, J. W. Welsh, Davm
Bowe, Clyde Heath, Wallet
Mayer, Fred Scmalling, John
Boggu, Ernest Johnson, lliiinii
Eatinger, Kenneth Simmons,
Thornton Toole, Eugene Hittti,
Dowe Walker, August Jensen,
Hay Myer, Walter Pearson.
Elmer Maples, Itoy Gagnon.
Lester D. and Basil B. Smith.
Bryant Kilkenney, Paul Uude.
Emory Gilhnore, Lewis Wirtli,
Harold Meredith, Bay Haw
kins, Hugh Ward. Kindle C.
Satterlee, Gordon and Wilhui
Bellinger, Zcltn Itice, Leslie B.
Moulton, Harry Truman, Frank
Green, Waller Iticksou, Frank
Whitney, Thomas Reynolds
Carlyle Cunningham, Percy
Smith, Frank Whitney, Arthur
C. Clark, Alphonso Fox, Hairy
O. Hughes, Geo. Downey,
Thus. E. Edwards, G. and
Ingolf Willikson, F. Etlward
Isbell, Graham Moxon, G. Lin
coln Fnssclt, Hurley Manning,
Grover Carroll, Clyde Miller,
Adolph Ascher, John Basey,
Wm. Moo, Albert Hyde, Recti
Chamberlain, Ray Vautlerbeck,
Richard Bnrle, Cecil Magone,
Frank Bugbee, Ivan Faber, Bert
Suntlstrom, Gail Perrine. Nor
man Nelson, Grover Barron,
Harry J. Simmons, Thos. Rob
erts, Max J. Witters, A. Tall
man, G. W. Stevens, ChrlBt
Llnd, William E. Galloway.
Geo. Worthlngton, Jack L.
Douglas. Joy Milton Cnrnnhnn,
Elmer Flynn, J. Elmer Thomas.
Eugene Small, Howard and Ba
sil Holcomb.Carl Smith.Spragiic
B. Marsh, William Wnrtl, Bert
Sundstrtim, Glen Weiser, Louitt
St. Johns, John I". Browuley.
Ross Cation, lhos. Cochran,
Dewey Brown, Henry J. Amala,
Alva and Ralph Smith, Eugene
Thurmond. Harry Reichtmtyer,
George Schmidt. William Sliced.
AlecS. Cokalas, Louis Metiher.
Roy Muck, Paul Irvine, R. L.
Smith, Frank Sleichen, Genrxe
I. Letson, Merle Andrew Teel
ing. Guy Edwin Tecling, Albert
Wrinkle, Eneas Small, Raymond
Sprouls, Robert and Roy An
drews, Leonard 11. Gsgen. Frank
Carlson, John B. White.
New Industry Here
The Valvoless Rump .ft Foundry
Co. has leased nil the itoierty
of the Star Sand Company at St.
Johns and will immediately be
gin the establishment of m mod
ern machine shop at.d foundry
plant. Tho nlnns for the new
building to lie erected are beiny
prepared by Architect Mac
Naughton Raymond. A iwrmit
has already been taken out lor
the machine shop, which will
cost about $1000. and a building
in the rear or the dock HXJxia)
I'eet, which was utihxed several
years ago by the Vulcan Iron
Works, will be used as a foun ir .
Tho enrooration ultimately in
tends to engagi' fitting out
new ships.
One of tho useful men books
s The Margin of lianiunoss by
ThottnQuay Franks. "The world
is taking a stock account ol its
ideals. When strong nations
aro flushing, people are thinking,
want noes produce real Kwer in
a nation? A nation s sirenuiu
is measured by its health, its
power by its wealth, but beyond
these is the spirit wnu-n
animates1 them. Time, money
and health add to living a mar
gin of happiness. The more
time and money one can reason
ably save, and the moro perfect
the health, the wider tho mar
gin of happiness. This book
is intended as a signboard point
ing out to others the wuy to a
wider margin of happiness."
Good doctors ami many public
honlth authorities agree that
Americans would bo healthier,
happier und hotter oil' every way
by eating ono-quartor to one
third less food.
Thelma is the queon of per
fumes. Get it at Currins.
Teacher of Pinno
Technic mid hand development.
Pupils developed fr un tH-gitming to
public RpjK'uianee. t
Studio 1.7 8 0h n:' in NdR.
Si 2 N'ottli K I1ivk -if 1 1
I'hones Mmti 3319; Co! 391.
E 1 111 c r S 11 e e d
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, -Jir. . tri.'iM St.
l'hone CnUni.btH DM
Airs. Gabriel Pullin
Vocal Teacher
London TtHlnniK
Avniluhle for Cotiettt- mH R riiHla
if5 I.titliliittd Street. m- 1 W rtfl
l'hone Cnliitnl.i J-2
Airs. Prank A. Rice
Violin, Mandolin and Piano
I'blill nt IWItv Ihimtt
Mltlilm: Mil W.J. I111 Mnrl
IVIrplinlir Columliin S'O
Theodora Bushnel!
'readier of Siniim
A stint nut to John Clmie Moni.i'h
SC17 Colntiihi.i Ml Ik M ' t g
W.J. (illvti,,)., M.I). l-..K.Sitl it li.
Drs. Gilstrap & Seely
Physicians and Surgeons
Glasses Accurately Pitted
tl.(K) tii lit M. OI'l'ICI'.S
I SO to I t) I. M. I'trnt XatMmt
?:(H) lH;(XI I'. M. Hank RuIMIhk
Sim.l.iyH. 11.00 t III:) A. M.
Dr. Evart P. Borden
Pa inlaw Bxtmelioii of Tuth nndur
Nitrous Oxide Gas
Ollice I'oniiiMiiU It tuk tiltlg.
OIlW tilHiiie Col. tl2fi; im 4toll-Col. -177
limit, U-IS n. in.; !: ft uwl 7-U p. in.
Dr. Herbert h Jonefe
311 North Jersey Slreel
Olli.e Hum; .mil li-8 in.
Kin. I'Iioik- 0lmnl. i (tUO
Ollin 'h... I . IiiiiiImj J7
Ollice Room 5
Peninsula Hank Buililinn
llourit v uid. hi j i 5 l- hi. him!
ev inim.
Office plume Col. js: K. old
Dl&r llourott 1 lu 10-7
Kuuly V II
IVnitMula lUnk UMu.
OStt'v I'ttoitc Cttluiiiltm uo
Kmnklit 1'lutur I'oluiiibm 71
Drs. Alulkev& Pickens
The irtoUhkioii pi.iiiictri m it
vul iims I mitt Itea
HATISHAl ri'N r.l'tKAKTKi 1
Ottiti Immiik: a SU t IS M . I SO t
ami ; ae i t i m
fit-.! . .i k mi "liny
(a c ii n.i.uifca
'I' In- wliri' ! i Mivicc ami
i.iiiIo un tr aliiu-ut Cbelrt n'
hair tilling ri. im Hirt-tul ulttrnlluM,
Davis Barber Shop
un.l HA i II KOuM
S W. IAVIS. PruNltr
108 I'lulaiklpl.u St. liathxSSc
l:DA0NDS0N & CO.
IMumlrinjr, lleatin & Tinning
We Repair Aluminum Wart
i-itoiic Col. tw 10? S. Jtnty lit.
Tirtt NatioMl Bak t - Ufa
ST. JOIINS ... uRfcCOfc'
John I'otf
J. II Harvry
P.&H, Transfer Co.
Phono Columbia 30S
j. .6 X Jersey St John, Ore.
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
208 N. Jersey Street
I'ttont-. Columbia 187
Coluwbiu So
Automobile Ilttirse.
Cil Our Pr'ces Befcre fioiag to hrtland