i T ' i Multnomah Attractions s55& S The following splendid list of attractions have been booked for the Multnomah Theatre for the next few dnyn, subject to unavoidable chanRea: Saturday, June 29 Edith Storey in 'The Claim" Metro. Sunday. June 30 Douglas Fair banks in "Heading South" Art craft. Monday audTuesdny. July 1 and 2 "The Icon's Claws" No. 5. Wednesday, July 3 Dorothy Dalton in "Flare-up Sal" --Paramount. Fourth of July Open at 2:15 -continuous Jack Pickford in "Huckand Tom" Paramount. Friday, July 6 Win. Fnrnuin in "Rough and Ready" Fox. Saturday, July G A Metro Pic ture to be announced later. Sunday, July 7 Chas. Ray in "The Family Skelcton"-Paramount. Made Best Progress With appropriate coromonius and a great dual of cnthusiam, employes of tlio Grant Smith Porter Ship company at noon 'Friday saw tho initial raising of the "Host Progress" flag at their plant, given by the Hm or gency Klect corporation officially for having shown the host per ccntago of progress in construct- ion per hull of all hulls on tho ways in tho two week period ending with Juno 15. A chart prepared by Kmergoncy Meet nf f imnls Himw.q Ui(!nmtKmiMi Porter company to have made a 12.1(575 per cent uverago gain in rmiHlHirtlnn linLwmm .limn t mid June 10, nearly 2 per cent ahead of tho nuarust competitor, tho Supple Hall in company, who.-o train for the period was 10.11 1H per cunt. Tho "Host tirogrcHH" flag, flnuitriittd in Port and mid uiimiic. an far as it! known, to the eleven th shipping board district, over which U J. woniworiii is Hiiper ulunf. t ft ti i-nmlilmitimi of inter national code flags which spell out tno wonis "iiusi rrogross." The net of flags will travel from vnril m vnnl aecoi'i Mir to the best ProgreHM of work, as shown by tho reports Htiiimillud to the Hmiirrntuv I'MiU't of f I twin (ill the 15th and last dayn of each mimth. Tho award of the flags oiioliiort night will be based solely upon tho ner cent gain pur hull on wiivh h-roMDocLivo of other con ftidnrnt ioriH and comlilioiiH. Knell MUccesHful builder will flv the Heal 1'roirroHK flag on the official shipping board flag for ii iiiriod of two weeks, oi until the next award is made to anothuryard for showing greater nrogrouti. Yard will receive a statement at the end of each period showing tho pro-rata Htumling of all .yardu in the din- trict. Deafness Cannot Ho Cured tr ll .ikM. im-n Ilia Olaaaanl MHII.M IN Tkjf la only ana w lu uir il.aln.aa. and thai w fcy wai.llliHlaial i.nutllM lhaNaa la ClUIMl Uf MH iMIUHl.tl ..MI.IHI..H ttf 111.- IIIM rua IImInk Ml III Kuala.lilan TuWa Mill iwlw la 1 14 mm.. I uu hi lutMbllHii Ull.l uf lmt'lf l h.alIMM Mtl McH II la nllll IihI. I". a in. aa la III' Ir.ull. .l unlrta Ilia lMtumall..n I"' laVa ul ami (Ills luaw i. !... .1 in Ha h.dihaI cvmtl I Ian. fcaa,! Hill Im. Ulrl lur.var. ! . Wl ( laH Ufa MUa.4 hf ohleli la hhIIiIhv ImiI an lna4 rIIIMi vt Ilia iHHViMa aurtaaaa ..... W will Our IUn.lrl IMIIaia lw any rata at ltaara Irau.iU lr ralarrbl Itaal i annul Im M4 br llall'a lMlMfc .. Kami far aliralaf. U r. j i!iihki:v a ro. tii. oK Hold lit IMinuUla. laka lltll'a K.mllr Itlla far CrtatllinlUii. SUMMONS In (lie Clicuil Court ul lit- SUU of Oiv uoii lor the Ciiunty i( Mullnuutali. lithe AlltlHHiy, plollltltf . Va TlnHMHa M Anthony . ilrfruiluut To TIwhihs M. Aiitll'Mi), Drk-udul above immul: hi the nam ol lliv Stale of Orru.iu you are hereby irqiuivtl lo tr m lliv UOVC CllllllOtl V.OUIIUIIII MllaVMT IIIDVOIII jilatut lilotl HHiiiat ion hi lliv Utc tu illicit Miit, on or twioti) tla- vxiMriUlou o lr un'ti (ruin I lu- ilute ol tilt' lirat mill lic-tloii of thin allllllllUlla. If yoil full to tiiiour i ml uiiit mi 1. 1 Cuwipltiiul or olhcrwlic plcail within wi.l linir, for wkiit thereof, the illntill will uAy to the above riillllid Loiiri lor l lit ttiiti iirnycil for in Iut Mi.l Coitiituiiit , to-wil 1'or h ilivii'c lUaMilvuiK uImoIiiU'Iv the bouiU ol iiuttnuioiiv lu-rt'loloir urn IIUW pxiatlllK Ik-lWt'OII YOU UHll tilt' Ikllllllt Iff; tlwt you U' ii'.jutri'il to eoutiibiitt' 15.00 u month to plaiulilf for the up jwit of )oor ilMUKlitcr Ikirothy, until ahc arrive ut the hc of eluhtuii er. thai lite niuiunii lie nivfii uie euMotiy oi mih chilil, uml thiit alie Iwve uh oOkt uih iliffeiriit rcllvf an Jh- tuuy be eutitlwl to in niulty. TlliS MllllUIOIIa la M! I VIM I UltOII )'OU llV tulllcitioti of the aiiuie in the St. John. Kcview, a wt-ekly uvwalwiKT ol tjcuerul ciicumtloii, i inn led. Hiuuiueti ami cir culated ill Mu'tnoiiwli Coiiuly, State ol ()rri!oti, imriuaut to an onler of ltouor able Robert t. .Morrow, I'reaitluiK JuiUe nftheiibove eutilleit Couit, lUtnl anil entered the Otii day of Juur, ltfls, which ilirvcts that Suuiuioiu lie publialiett iu aaiil jKijitT for aix cuatrutne weeka ami require you to umiuai 4111I uuawer aMid Complaiut ou or before the exjuialuiH of ilx weeKa Horn the ilute ol Ural Hibiieu tion of this Smnuiotia. The ilute of lirat publieutiou it June 7(h, lUls, uml th jx 'weeks llivreufier in which you ure allow eil to utiear ami unawer uiil Complaint or otherwtae pleail will expire July lDth, 1918. OKOKOK J. 1'KKKINS. Attorney for IMuiutill. Resident of Oreuou, l'oat DUice udilrcaa 1117 Hoard of Truilr lUdy., lMrtlun.I. Ore. Date of first imblication June 7, lt July, 19, 191S Ilrlng iu our Job printing wblli you think oX It, Oou't wait uutl) you U entirely out. Wo are quipped to turn out neat and taaty printing Kemptly at Port! a a 4 prlcet or 1m, BILLS The Packer's Bill for Live Stock For tho first six months of our operations under tho Food Administration, ending April 30, 1918, Swift & Compuny paid for DRESSED WEIGHT LBS. live stock - 1,558,600,000 $323,800,000 For the samo period in 1917 1,338,300,000 $210,400,000 Increase in Weight 16'a9b 220,300,000 Increase in cost 5496 - - - $113,400,000 The Consumer's Bill for Meat must necessarily have increased correspondingly, as Live Stock pricos and meat prices fluctuate together. When tho producer gets high prices for his live stock, tha con sumer's meat bill must neces sarily be larger. t Year Book of interesting nnd Instructive fucttt sent on request. Addrcai Swift & Company, Union Stock Yurdu, Chicnno, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S.A. Food Is Ammunition! SAVB WHKAT! USII A.0RI2 CORN. SAVB AlEATI USl; MORI: PISH AiNI) BEANS. SAVE PATS! USE JUST ENOUGH. SAVE SUGAR! USE SYRUPS. U. S. Food Demonstration A food demonstrator direct from Mr. Hoover's depart ment will bent Chnutauqua on the morning of the last day to illustrate new ways of conserving food and now rocipus worked out in the government kitchen. No ad mission charged. Twenty-Six Attractions Chautauqua week will have twenty-six big attractions, including Thaviu's Exposition Band, Zedeler Symphonic Quintet, Troblo Clef Club, A Hawaii Entertainment, Mor rison-Smith Company and many other music, lecture and entertainment numbers. ST. JOHNS Is JULY 16-22 To AH Members St. Johns Gimp 7546 M.W.A. During the mouth of June, ull dues ami nSM'Stmieuts will lie collected by O. W. Muhm. 10S Smith Ave. 1'raternnlly vows, G. W.tuluu, Consul. Cards of thank b notices are cliarKt'd for at tho rato of fifty cents each. I'orsona desiring to have mich notices published should make a note of this. lfor trmlc--I'our fine loft and modern bungalow, well local. J, for farm. Iu. quire at tin office. tf. ' I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns J. It. WtlMCR Transfer and Storage Y dli v or your good to aiul fron II p;t of rortltml, Vancouy.r. l.lnn tori, 1'ortUnd and Suburban Kxjiri C,, city dock and all polnU aocalbli W WaVftXV FtM SAa! TlthaT BUtaiaf Good Second hand Sctou uiachliic for rent 11. 1' Clark. tf Show Your Colors on the 4th FLAGS AND BUNTING Make this 4th a PATRIOTIC FOURTH, not a noisy, happy-go-lucky day. Trim your auto, your home, yourself with the National Colors K . v w& " mm yTJnK aaaHf Aw for the 4 out mm THE WEATHER MAY BE WARM Provide yourself with the thin seasonable garments: they spell com fort and comfort is just a species of joy. Our store will not hold you up on anything BONHAM & CURRIER L. E. ROSE, Mar. Men's Dept. Genuine Bargains A GOOD BUY House containing four rooms finish ed down stairs and two unfinished rooms upstairs, lot 50x100, nice shade trees, on South Willamette Boulevard. A bar gain at $1250. Want $350 down and balance $15 per month. For name and address of owner, call at this office. ANOTHER BARGAIN Four room house, lot 50x100, one room double, good fence and garden, located on East Polk Street. Price $1250; $350 down and balance $15 per month. . LAUNCH FOR SALE In fine condition, 16 feet in length, was formerly life boat; good 3 1-2 h. p. engine, all equipped. Price $125. Call at this office. HOUSE BOAT FOR SALE Here is a good chance to get a .house boat that cost much more money than is being asked for it: Was originally built for a gas boat, but never used for that purpose; is 41 feet long, 10 feet wide, contains three apartments with room for more, tows easily, is light and strong. A great bargain at $100. Call at this office. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A well located and well established business in St. Johns that is in a flour ishing condition; in fact doing a splen did business with greater increase in prospect. Proprietor has an excellent reason for retiring. Parties looking for a good thing in a business way should not pass this by. For further informa tion, apply at this office. Ghambers-Kenworthy Go, Funeral Directors and Embalmers 1111 Kcrliy Street, at Iviner.ou A l'I'.W PACTS 1. The oldest established undertaking business north of Knott street, 2. Mr. Chamber l the only G, A. R. undertaker iu the city of I'orllniul, 3. Mr. Keuworthy U on acknowledged expert iu euibalmiuK, Demi surgery arid funeral direction. 4. Why have your beloved deceased taken through the congested business districts when perfect service and right prices may be obtained in your own community. PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT I REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jsrtay Straet Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Examined Phoue Columbia 255 fljte LAUIJPL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. T ST. JOHNS. OIICGON MmU ch Monday evening la Odd FV lonhnllntH:oo, A cordial welcome to nil viiltiue brothers. II l,. WhUlrr. NoMc Orsml C o, Churchill, Vict (lrsm! H, I. Corm.iiy, Kcc KfC. H llorntwck 1'ln. KfC. II I' Clark, Trra. it Ik HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KMGWS or PYIIIIAS Mrts every l'riday night at :jo o'clock in iilCKM'.ii (all. Visitors always wel come. W. U. I'.VHNS, C. C. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. T. and A. M. Meets the first nnd third Wedncsdayofcach month lu Illckner't Hall. Visi tor welcome. -J. N.Hdlef.en V. M. A. V, Davis. Secretary. St. Jolms Gamp No. 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the nttend mice of our members at our reg ular meetings, every Thursday Evening. G. W. Muhm, Consul. Knights and Ladies of Security St. Johns Council 2775 Regulu Ilusiucss meeting 1st and 3rd Moudays. Open meetings to the public and members 2nd and 4th Mondays, Vis itors and members cordially invited to attend. II. L. Campbell, Pres. If. D. Moreing, Secretary. Woodmen Ol the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Thursday evening iu the I. O. O. V. Hall, Leavitt and Jersey streets. Visitors always welcome. L. L. TUUUNG, C. C. W. K. COON. Clerk. Portsmouth Gospel Hall Meeting 3 p. M. for Christians. Gospel meetiug in ev'etiitig 7:30. One door west of drug store. I'or Sale or Trade 45 acres in famous Hood Hiver Valley. About 15 acres in commercial orchard. About 15 acres in hay land. About 15 acres uncleared land. About 100 yards from high school. About 1-8 mile from church, postofFice, two stores, meat market, etc., J mile from depot; two good springs on the place, an exceptional location for a small dairy and hogs and fruit raising, making an ideal country home for a man with family. Will sell on easy terms or trade for St, Johus property. 1'or further details and information, inquire at this office. The Portland Garbage Co. is prepared to remove rubbish of any nature from the resi dences and business places of St. Johns at 75 cents per month for residences and from busi ness places at reasonable rates. Calls made every Saturday. Leave orders at the St. Johns Hardware, or phone Woodlawn 2693. NeU tha Ubt m yew pipr. Notice of Executor's Sale of Real Property Notice is hereby given that I, John Hamilton I'letcher, as Hsecutor of the Last Will and Testament of J. II. Fletch. er deceased, will ou Monday, July 15, 1918, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, and thereafter, if no satisfactory bid is re ceived, sell tp the highest bidder for cash, at private sale, iu one parcel, or in separate lots, all of lots 11 and 12, block thrre, Saginaw Heights (Leuts) now in theCity ot Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. Bids will be received, and all inquiries concerning said property answered, at the law office of George J. Perkins. 1117 Board of Trade Untitling, Portland, Ore gou, up to the time fixed for sale of said property, and thereafter until such time as bids therefor are accepted. Sale will be made pursuant to order of Hon. George Tazwell, Couuty Judge of Mult nomah County, Oregon, dated June 10th, lyiS, and subject to confirmation by said county judge. There are no buildings on said lots. First published June 14, 1918. JOHN HAMILTON FLETCHER, Executor. GEORGE J. PERKINS, Attorney for Executor, For Sale 5 room house, well equip ped, good location on North Willamette boulevard, basement, nice yard, lot Sox loo. Price f 165o. Apply at this office. Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent. F. Clark. tf H. NU th libel m your gf.