St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 28, 1918, Image 2

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A. W. Mnrklc, Itiltlor
Published Friday of ICuch Week
Subscription prlo $1.00 per yoar.
Ii entered at post office
mall mnttw
Tim RitviKW
In t)i1mt1 Cltotrnn. ftl
of the second clnis nnder the Act oi Con
res of Mnrcli 3, 1879.
In the passing of Peter Aut
7.en this community, especially,
has sutiered a distinct loss
He was a man whom it was a pleas
tire to know. Of keen intellect
genial disposition, helpful, of a
kindly and generous nature, ho
was a prince among men. No
matter when or where one met
Petor Autzen he was always the
same pleasant, gonial, land ii
irood humor. No one ever wen
to him in distress in vain. His
holping hand was ever ready to
roliovo destitution. Ho was
keenly interested in the growtl
and development of bl. Johns
and ho devoted much of his time
toward this end. Ho was
possessed of splendid business
ability and judgment, and his
dealings with his follow men
woroallof the fairest and sfiuar
est, and ho never took advantage
of any man. row men had more
friends Mian he, and it is with
thu deepest regret they now
realize that his kindly am
familiar figure will no more he
Heen upon this earth. The work
is the belter for having had men
like Peter Autzun live in it.
Potor Autzon was born of
Danish parents May 1. 1 Kit 1.
in Schloswi);Holstein when that
province was under Danish rule.
During tho War of 180(5 between
Denmark and Germany, youiii
Petor, though only eleven years
of age, was sunt alone by his
father witli a four horse team
to deliver supplies to Danish
soldieni who were then near the
German border to resist the in
vasion of their country by the
Uorman army. In an early con
f I let. German arms prevailed.
resulting in a rout of the Danes
and choking the highways with
Hutting mini and wreckage of
war. Much to bis father's mir
priso and delight, young Peter
was tho only teamster to return
with his load of proviHions all
others overturned and abandoned
their vvsgons in an oll'ort to oh
capo capture. I'Yoni that limit
on, he minted a hatred for the
(lurinau military rule.
KoMpomivo to bis innate do
sire for absolute freedom of ac
tion, Mr Aulxeu came to Amer
ica woon after reaching mature
manhood and swore allegiance
to tho United States as soon as
bo was in position to do so.
On August 5th, 1SKVJ, he was
married to Miss Anna Wegner
at Sail i'Vancisco, and immedi
ately departed with his bride
for tho liray's Harbor Country
in tho employ of the Simpson
Lumber Company. The young
couple began housekeeping at
Hoipiiam, WhsIi.. in the full of
1882. Three children weif Imrn
to thutii. The Aral died when
three years of age; their (Sligh
ter Alice, Mrs. Morris, died in
August, 1!H7. His wife, and son
Thomas, survive him.
Tho loyalty, hospitality and
joviality of Mr. ami Mrs. Aut
7.011, soon won for them a host
of friends, who, from lKJlt) to
181)7, insisted Unn showing
tlmir appreciation by impress
ing Mr. Autxen into public of
fico. He, during that time,
with the huiiity approval of
tho public, filled with fidelity
and credit, the reaiwtive ollicex
of Collector of Customs for the
Port of Cray's Hai'lvor, Post
Master and Mayor of IbNpiinm.
and County Comisnioner of Che
bnlis County. Washington. Many
courtesies were ollVivd him
while in public oil ice in the nn
turu of free railroad trnnsMrtn
tion, etc., which was customary
in those times, but they were
always politely and unceremo
niously declined- the reason be
ing that he did not wsut to feel
ombarrassed should it become
bis duty to withhold public con
cossious tlmt might be renici.t
odof him. These nets, with oth
ers, indicative of his unflinch
ing integrity, soon earned for
him the HHineof '"HoiieHt Pete."
hi 18D7. Mr. AuUeii, in com
pany with Mr. W. I,. Adams,
now president of the First Na
tional (tank of Hoquinm.WHsh.,
and W. D. Mack organized the
JUUCK I.OUU1I1K io., wnicu inu
- -nm kmibh I -iiriiii
Has Seen Much Service
t Three Modern
Now Building
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
f Peninsula Security Go,
l:lrst National Bank Building
her Co., which operates a largo
saw mill in Grays Harbor. Ho
has boon a stockholder in tho
First National Hank of Hoqtilnm
since its organization, in 181)0,
One of tho mo3t interesting
employees of our yard is Roy
McCabe, Lnnce Corporal of the
241at Overseas Battalion, who
recntly returned to this country.
discharged from service because
of wounds. Corporal McCabe
has a jairged scar in his forehead
where a giant Hun endeavored
to end his career with a bayonet.
The Hun is now dead. On tho
bridge of his nose is another scar
caused by u German bullet. He
was also wounded in the leg
Corporal McCabe in Belgium
was an eye witness to the cruc
fixion of his pal. According to
Mr. McCabe, the two, who had
traveled together for nine years,
became separated at the battle
of Ypres. After tho battle Mc
Cnbe found bis comnanion cruel
fied to a church door. The body
was badly mutilated but life was
not yet extinct. With tender
care Aicuino and tils companion
rescued their comrade arm as
they knelt beside his remains
vowed never to take another
flnrmnn tn-tonnnir Until Ihn flnv
of his discharge McCabe kept his the Seventh Day Aclvcntis
vow, and is now eager to return hnilrlinrr until fur-trW nntiro
and further avenire tho death 0f Duilcnn untu lultnei notlCG
his best friend. Besides having The regular hours and order ! A I. .1 O
participated in many oi inu grcui - . ... . . . .. ,
battles of France. McCabe saw of service will be observed.
service in Mexico, having fought
with thu forces for
several months. .He also took
Dr. II. If. Jones, Pastor
The services of the Chris
tian Church will be held
part in the Brazilian revolution
In 1910. In addition to being
wounded, McCabe was gassed
three timos.nnd is still suffering
from tho effects of the chemical,
A cordial invitation to the
by exploding shrapnel. From
viuiiik Juuii'i iuwiii nuiji fiiffui
?n.i ?lftL , il' from shell aho caui
He came to Oregon in 1900,
bought an interest in the Port
land Manufacturing Co., which
up to that time had operated in
a very limited measure; ho and
his son Thomas soon acquired
the entire interest or that com
pany anil set ahout lor us im
provement. uno ingiit lie was
awakened from bin sleep am
told that his mill had burned
down. His answer was: "Why
make a fuss about it this time
of night? I will begin rebuild
ng as soon as it gets light." He
limn retired and was soon fast
asleep. This incident was char-
acteristie of tho man. Ho was
never daunted by adversity, nor
lid he waste his strength by tin
necessary worry. Ills factory
was rebuilt as soon as condi
lions would permit, and has
ever since, like all other enter
irises over which he exercised
control, bueu maintained in the
lighest state of modern clllcien
Ho was stockholder and direc
tor in thoNicolai Door Mfg. Co..
n the Peninsula hhip Building
Co.. Peninsula becurity Co..
stockholder in the United States
National Bank of Portland, and.
to n greater or loss extent, in
many other corporations.
Against bis personal pleasure.
he served one term as Council
man of tho City of St. Johns
and for several years as Prosi
lent of tho St. Johns Conimor
da! Club, and was a member
of tho Portland Chamber of
Soon after coming to Oreiron
le purchased an interest in the
eiiiusiiia National Bank. In
lune. 11118. honored that institu
lion by becoming its President,
which olllco be held, with the
unanimous approbation of the
stockholders, board of directors
and patrons of the Bank until the
lay of his death.
Mr. Autzen was no slacker
Base Ball Notes
Tho Grant Smith-Porter club
anil the roumlalion team played
oil their tie for first honors in
the first half of thu series last
Saturday afternoon on Vaughn
street grounds, the latter win
ning by tho close score of 2 to 1.
The local club journeyed to St.
Helens. lune 'J.'td and was defeat
ed in a well played and exciting
gamu there by a score of -1 to Si,
I he Cornfootand Peninsula
teams crossed bats at the local
grounds Juno litfd, theSformer
winningoutby a score of .10 to It.
Owing to only ono timnire
olllciating and ho not working
behind thu bat when there was
a runncron, as should have been
thu case, tho Peninsula got the
worst of it on two foul decisions.
1 wo games w ill bo nulled oil
at the local grounds Juno ilOth.
the first will bu between Su,
ple-Ballin and Columbia River;
the second gamu between Corn
foot and tho locals. The irames
begin at l:ul): gates oncu 12:!J0.
A big attendance is anticipated.
H. V. Adams Preients Out-of.the-Ordl
nary Lecture At Chautauqua.
II. V. Adiims coined to Chautauqua
with n lecture tlot'ltkilly nwny from
"tho hentt'ii path" of ClinuliUKitm nub
JcctM. It Is known ns "Gropon of Gold,"
unit litis Imtii Klven thrniijclmtit thu
United Htntos for the Ittnt ten yours
with iimiNtiitl micci".. It dunls with
tho power of mijcffvMllim, htillt around
toils needs. Aftorcontributing
to the first Bed Cross fund, ho
was heard to say;
'What 1 have. I made in the
United States; when tho Govern
ment wants what I have saved.
it may have it, and such services
as I can givo in its defense."
He know what was reipiired of
1 1 in ami what to reuuire of
others; he did his full duty and
expected those answerable to
him to do theirs; he measured
men by three rules. honesty.coni-
mon souse and willingness and
ability to work. His nbilitv to
for its object the buying of tun- survey tho qualities in men, read
I i i : iiiiv . i . . i .a ii....
The local nowsnanur should be
found in every home. No child
will grow un in iunoranco who
can bu taught to appreciate (lie
home paper. It is thu stepping
stone of intelligence in all those
matters not to bu learned in
hooka. Givo your children a
foreign paper which contains
not one word about any nersou.
place or thing which they ever
saw, or porhnns ever bean of.
anil how can you expect them to
be interested? But let them
havo thu home paper and road of
persona whom they meet and
maces wun which uiey are
familiar, ami soon an interest is
i.itherin miblic or nrlvnte life. awiiKenoti w iicn increases with
------ --- . i ..f ii. . i .
leknuw his responsibility and Wr ,i r " locuninper.
never evaded It. he loved his T" '
m. nnt emintrvntul wna iinnr.u en. mm uiohu wiiiu run win rem
". ' . i .i... ii u.. i i. .
ui vii ii iiu ri-DKiinm inu nf uu i)iiiiur mi wii'ir uvea mm uu
opportunities it afforded: he como "ueiiigoni menand womun,
onlributed unsparingly and far " . w. w . micuhur,
eyond the requirements of him
H. V. Adami.
tho uncleiit laoverh, "An n limn think
Ih, M) Is Ii " In this lot lure, Mr.
Adums dl"ci-t i tho nower of u niiin'ri
M'lf-ehoM'ii llt niKhts to inuke for cliur-
Meier, ihtkoii.iI huitiiutM mnl iih)kiil
wi'IIIh'Imk. I !' Mh'iu the euro the mv
er of lnlecnie tlilnl.luu; tho neeei
xlty of thlitkliiK hU thoinihts If we
would uehlewt lilt; thins:. It U neither
a Mormon mr :t dry dltculou, hut u
KeloutllU'milij'H.'t, uiiido door mid Inter
wiling mid well jioiisoiiol with wit uud
Formerly With "Inter.Ocean"
Ned Womlnian, curtoonlnt and hu
morliit, who will entertain Cluuitiuuiua
uudloiiceH this j ear, was for four years
n carttvonUt on tho nrt stuff of tho
Chlettfo Inter-Ocean. Ho litis contrib
uted many cartoons to "Life," "Judue'
nnd other nmcnzlnos of nntlonnl rejia
a credit to their
strong in tholr knowledge of the
world as it is today. Exchange,
nor and logging. lluu was
his first real busiuetis adven
ture, and it was in the admin
istration of the affairs of that
company that ho first demon
strated his wonderful executive
powers and business acumen.
Under his leadership and push,
and his dogged industry, the
business of the company suc
ceeded far beyond the most san
guine hopes of his associates
nnd friends. Mr. Alack died
in 190a. Mr. Autzen and Mr. i
Adams purchased his interest I
and become sole owners of the
company. In lUOti. they dis-:
Hons and
their characters, calculate with
almost mathematical certainty
the result of action, made him
an invaluable asset to the various
enterprises with which he was
associated. Ho was a bountiful
provider and saw to it that his
family was made comfortable;
was loyal and affectionate to his
frit mis. just and considerate to
his employes, and fair to all
with whom he dealt. He tower
ed high above tho avorago man
in physical and mental strength
and strength of character, i et.
he was democratic in taste and
Every Meal You Eat
might be made n little better and
a little eheacr. Observe the three
leading elements of Shopping
quality, quantity, and price. We
arc making more determined ef
forts than ever, to make our gro
cery one of high service and econ
omy to the people of this commu
nity. We KNOW that any pur
chase you make here is one of
economy, and reduces the present
cost of ing.
201 I
, Jersey St,
The Source of torength
First Trust S Savings
1302 East Fcssendcn Street
Phono Columbia 10G
Officers and Directors
F. A. PICE. President and Cnililer
1 1. HENDEKSON, Vice President
CEO. I. BROOKS, Secretary
Four per cent interest
paid on time nnd sav
ings deposits.
Rentals and Rentals
Estate Loans
As Beef Stands
at the bend of all meats in the
point of consumption and nour
ishment, so our meat of all
kinds outclasses much that Is
sold elsewhere, in the way of
freshness and quality. We give
the customer only the best in
every instance, and at full
weight and prices which arc
hard to beat. Try us for n
while and you will go nowhere
Get an ice cold Melon only 5c a pound
Cantelopes.' 10 each or 3 for 25
Try a roll of our Special Butter $1.00 a roll
BROS., Prop's.
DELIVER tog N Jersey Street
Phone Columbia 21 WE
It is Just What
Uncle Sam Wants
At the request of the U.S.
I'ood Adininstrntion, our
Coinputiy lins loaned en; of
our Modern Klcctric Ranges
to be used for the Food Con
servation demonstrations
now being conducted in the
Liberty Temple.
Do you want any stronger
approval of nny cooking de
vice than this?
Uncle Sam asked us for an
Klcctric Utinge because it
fills the bill better tlinu any
other Cooking Device made.
We urge all housewives
interested in the patriotic
service of their country ns
well ns all who want their
kitchens equipped with the
most modern, convenient
and reliable cooking appa
ratus to visit the Liberty
Temple and see for them
selves just what an Klectric
HaiiKe will do to reduce their
household burdens.
black adult
hanrac, box,
ombnlmlng and
ad service for.
gray or
2 nutoi
MI I,l,i:il
l'uucruln If desired for f'20, $30, 10, fCO. Holier priced funerals in pro
portion. We manufacture caskets. Lady assistant.
Ileautiful funeral chnj el.
Main 2601 Indopontlont Funornl Directors A 7C0S
Washington at Cll.i Street, Hetwcen 20th and 2ht Slrcrt, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
CM Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia S83
Light & Power Co.
eri0 eOr3 eOr3eO 05
I 'Billie' Nichols
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
gives a pure, clean tobacco
taste a lasting tobacco sat
isfaction that the chewer of
ordinary tobacco doest get.
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
10ca pouch and worth it
no mora to cfitw Ihanordinary plug
P. B. Crarely Tobacco Company
Danville, Virginia
I RESTAURANT g throw your md Tires away
Open Evenings
action: was a lover nnd friond
active louirinir oncra. of children and delighted in the
conveyod their tim- companionship of yomiK people.
f . . ... .1. . n .
iHvsiKiis lor wie corset cover
and Petticoat,
.Ned Woodman.
tntlon. Hut ho found his trout Hold
a few yours uso when ho tlrst npponrod
iijvou tho plMtform. Since that time ho
has hoou In constant demand for Chtiu
lumiuu work durlui; tho summor sea
sous, w otvliuHii talks while ho draws
and illumluatos Ids looturo not only
with hu clovor cartoonlntr, hut with
fluo tlhos of humor. As 1111 eastern
dally Miys.. "Woodman Illustrates his
sturltw with cartiwns ond Illustrate-
ms canoons with storlos." ills rro-
Btm enlivens, amuses, luforms, edu
cat os.
bur lands to a cornoration form
ed by thorn under the name of
the Keystone Timber Co., which
still exists and holds valuable
tracts of timbor both in Oregon
and Washington. Mr. Autxen
was also a stockholder and trus
tee in the Grays Harbor Luni. lost a man,
He loved the freedom of outdoor
life and the beauties of nature
ns the eagle loves the clear
skies. He was inspiration to his
mends, and those who knew
him best can truly say:
in his death the world has
Everyday you are without a
kodak is so much 11 easure lost.
turrin bays bo.
N. A. Gee. nrofessor of odd
jobs, is now ready to take your
order for anything in house
moving or repairing, roof re-
tinirim 11 bi)oi!iiHi, innwnl
We have Victrolas made in wnrkof sill L'inrls nml unnnrnl
sizes for vacationists. Take one contnictinu. Kill N. Ivnnhnp?
with you. Currin Says So. ' phone Col. 803.
The Central
Philaileljihia Street, St. Johns.
Soft Drinks as usual
Lowest nnd coolest Drinks in
town. Sandwiches, etc. All lead'
itig Summer Drinks.
Electrical Contracting
Wiring, Fixtures and
C. L. Dearlove
OPEN 6 A, M, TO 4 P. M,
Tubes 25 cents and up.
Reasonable prices on cas
ing work.
All work guaranteed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Oregon
1G73 Haven St.
Columbia 374
The follcxviug list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds. Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty aud Chattel Mort
gages, battslactton of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, Leases.
Real Estate!
II Yon Willi ti Sell
Property at right prices
list it with us.
If You Want to Buy
Property at right prices
call and see us.
S. C. Cook
402 N. Jersey Street
Residents of St. Johns having
taxes and city liens to pay in
Portland can make their pay
ments without inconvenience by
availing tnemseives oi our ser
vices. We will pay same and
secure your receipt without in
convenience to you. Fee, 25
cents. References: Any St.
Johns Bank. Peninsula Title,
Abstract and Realty Co., by H.
Henderson. Manager: -102 North
Jersey street.
Why don't you make some
pictures and send them to the
soldiers. Currin Says So.
Go to the Auto Repair Compa
ny, zu bouth Jersey street, for
your auto, motorcycle and bicy
cle repairs and supplies. Autos
for hire. Phone Coumbia 727.
Use your Kodak every dav.
Send the pictures to the boys
Bring la jour job printing whllt
rou think of IL Donl wait until you
ro entirely out. We are eoulDDtn
43 turn out neat and uity printing
KapUy at Portlaa vrle or lau.
A Fine Business
For Sale A well located and
well established business in
St. Johns that is in a flour
ishing condition ; in fact doing
a splendid business with
greater increase in prospect.
The proprietor has an ex
cellent reason for .retiring.
Parties looking for a good
thing in a business way
should not pass this by. For
further information, apply at
this office.
oraer to Insure a chanao of
vertUenunt the copy for such change
should reach tMs office not laterthan
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
1 1