THE ST. JOHNS RFVICW A. W. iMnrkla, Editor Published Friday of Each Weak Subiorlptlon priest $1.00 par year. Tint Rrvikw is entered at ttotuce ia Porthnd, Oregon, as mull matter ol the nccond cIbm undor the Act of Can- ran of March J, 1879 "Unless we continue to develop our foreign trude nftortne wur, hnve no enduring pros neritv." This statement, . by Chairman Hurley, of the Ship ping Bonrd, should be given care fnl finnsidnrnt on by every American. At this time the winning of the war is the great question and every possible energy should be bendodto that task. Having done all of those things which wo can do in this buluilf. wo s hou d next fix our attention upon the fact that after wo have won the war, of which there can and must bo no question, we shall then be con frfinfnrl (lu HOriOIIB (11108 tion of tmvinir the war debt, which cannot be other than gigantic. It was not many years ago when politicians summeil up all convincing arguments against the tiartv in power with the dIimhu "A Million Dollar Con irroaa." The interest upon the war debt, after tho war is over, will be at least a billion dollars yearly. This only to pay interest with no provision for meeting the nrinc tin . lo meet these obligations our people must be more nroductive than 'jvor. Our industrial plants must work with a greater efficiency. We must command moro markets in order that our greater i fficiency may find an outlet for its product am at a nrice which will provide tho wairos which our higher stand nni of living will require. The United Stales is a country of wonderful productive capHcity and of untold natural resources. Those have formed the basis of its wonderful prosperity. We must dispose ol our surplus production in foreign markets in order to find fub employment for all industrial agencies. Mining Congress Journal. The proposition of closing the Columbia .Slough with a dam noar the Interstate bridge will lie up for argument next Tues day morning at 10 a. in., an an nounced last week, it is safe to say the project will be turned down flat, as it should be. There is no more sense or reason in closing Columbia Slough than there would bo in closing Colum bia boulevard. The possibilities or uolumiila hlougli are im munso. Its future is full of promise, it din's not require tin foresight of a prophet to lo reset that in the days to come it will be of vast importance, it will In1 dredged and widened and he come a great asset to the I'enin Hula'ti water frontage. More titan una u win iiniiouineuiy lie utilized as waterway to the Will amette as well as to the Colum bia river. It is only a question of time when a ship canal will be constructed by the Port of Portland with the probable as Distance of the government be tween the Columbia river and Columbia Slough. This canal could very readily and feasibly be constructed immediately ad joining the elevator site on the north, where a mile or so of drudging would coma-cl the two streams. Such a cmiimI. ItesideK adding two miles or more addi tional water frontage to the Lower Peninsula, would cut off approximately six miles of the distance between Portland niuI Vancouver, Ami this wilt come to pass. It Iihh been claimed bj the promoters that only a tern pnrary closing of the Slough is anticipated. Hut the f si lacy of this idea seems to lie in the fact that once the Slough is closed it becomes unnavigable water and the government loses jurisdiction over it for that reason. So it is far better not to take any chances. If the pro moters can pull their project through by dyking on both Hides of the stream there will be no objection raised, but dam it they can't. That is if the wish es of the people of the Peninsula are regarded. or Sale Three Modern 5-R00M BUNGALOWS Now Building Easy Terms On Payments Mortgage Loans, and Insurance 1 Peninsula Security Go. J First National Bank Building in renewing his subscription lo the ICcview. P. U. CJ Imore a former well known St. Johns resident, but now a prominent huslness man of Newport, Ore gon, writes: Congratulations to yourself and aP of our St Johns friends on the good busi ness lioom in bt. .Johns. We have 2000 soldiers in Newport anil expert OUUU ly the I'ourth of July. The government wants spruce and Lincoln county has it. liiey are cutting spruce building mills and railroads. Newport looks more like a can loumeni man a city; it is so full of soldiers. No more will soldiers nnssine: on uieir way to cantonment or minefield be cheered bv the thoughts of kisses g von them y hcranton irirls while the troon trains are hailed ai the l.acka- wanna railroad depot. Arthur mviH. director, of no ice. n lachelor, has been ordered bv Mayor Council, also a bachelor. losee that the orderHare obeyed ami, to miiKo sure that they are. te has decided to have hard learted married officers de tailed to the station to keep waicn over the girls. The llct Cross workers said that the kissing habit at the station has liecome so general that their work of feeding tho soldiers has lieen interfered with, It has been suggested that a Women s Civic League be or ganixed in St. Johns for the purpoMe ol lending their aid and influence in keeping the ittreets and alleys of this place in more sightly and attractive appearance. 1 he suggestion con tains merit, hecause the women can generally be depended upon holler iiian the male population to keeping things clean. It is certain that the main streets of the town should be swept at lenst once a week, and if a body of determined women would visit the city hall with this pur- IMwe in view, the officials would no doubt readily accede to their request, and get the street cleaning brigade busy. i are mo wooiy apius on your apple trees and the black aphis on your cherry trees, and the green aphis on your peas and the maggots in your cabbage roots consult injurious In sects, How to Hecoguixu and control them, by N. C. O'Kane. It is in the St. Johns library. Other hooks which give direc tions for the mixing and use of the best insectitudes are Mailey's Principles of vegetable uardenmg, Higgles Uardon Hook, Honnott's vegetable garden, ureen's vegetable uardoning. The library has a small mini berof the pamphlet War Vege table Gardening to distribute. This, also gjvos treatment for pests and diseases. The Second Oregon summer Miblo Conference will open June 23d at 2 p. m. at Conference Aud itorium, Milwaukee street. Thelma is the queon of fumes. Get it ut Currins. per- W. S. I.authers has disposed of his mercantile business on West Murlington street to V. K. llollenbeck and two associates. The active management of busi liens will be conducted by Mr, llollenbeck, who will have en lire charge. Mr. llollenbeck has been connected with the I.authers' Mercantile Company lor a number of years, and is responsible for much of the success the lug store lias attain ed. That the business will con tinue to grow under his mana gement is a foregono conclu sion, Mr. Lmithera has ex changed the greater part of his realty holdings here for a big wheat ranch in Klickitat coun ty, Wash., and will probably devote much ot his energy developing and taking care same, in of given prompt night. Com Suburb calls attention day or plete auto equipment: no extra charge; retined service. Miller A: tracey. THE $10,465.00 STOCK Purchased from J.A.TENNY Of Kern Park, Portland HAS COMMENCED TO ARRIVE and will be placed on sale just as rapidly as prices can be adjusted. WATCH THIS STORE for bar gains just as long as the stock lasts. Watch this space for prices later, many of them will be below whole sale prices D. C. ELY'S Cash Store "SELLS TOR LESS" 11.1 WEST HUIUINOTON STREET Every Meal You Eai illicit be iitndc n little better and a little cheaper. Observe the three leading element of Shopping quality, quantity, and price. We are making more determined ef forts than ever, to make our gro cery one of high service and econ omy to the people of this commu nity. We KNOW that any pur chase you make here is one of economy, and reduces the present cost of lug. Grocery Grabateria 201 N, Jersey SI, i First Trust 8 Savings BANK OF ST. JOHNS 1302 East Kossonden Street Phono Columhia I()G Officers and Directors V. A. NICE. I'icsldcnt ii ml Cashier II. HENDERSON, Vice IWdci.t CEO. I. UKOOKS, Secretary P. S. DOEHNHECIIER Four per cent interest paid on time and sav ings deposits. GENERAL INSURANCE Rentals and Rentals Estate Loans New Books at Library A llalgltin Relief entertain- nieni win ne given in the com- tnunity hull in East St. .Johns rridny evening, .nine 28th. A Amoiur the Intent books pill club of girls who are dolnir relief At 1. ..I O. f-.l I. -. . , . .... , en me Hiieiven m uiu ai. .uiiiiih worn win give a pinyjei entitled ihrnry are flic following: "Young Dr. Devine." Among Annum Carpentry lo; lie- otliorK numbera will no a vocal ginnera. til von a large minuter nolo by Aim. lluilHon, piano duet practical and attractive de uy Misses Edith Karl and ot uigiiH which can he carried out n the home carpenter aliop. 'he articles range from reading amps and music cahiuctH to rus tic hcnchcH uhd hcdstoiuls. Cheradaine united States and i'augermauia. The author says- "1 have brought together in thlH little hook, a series of specific facta, easily verified, which Hhould establish among you this certain conclusion: Germany no longer exists. In icr place stands I'nngcrmnnv. whose existence is incompatible with the independence of the United States and the freedom of the world.' Ilerren - Wood row Wilson anil the Wei Itl's Peace. The author. Ueorge I), llerron, Is a some what well known Socialist writer. Hiscox-l'ago (his, Gasoline ami Oil Engines. A complete self educator, UUSoilltion, revis d, enlarged. Kellogg- Headuuartors Nights. record of conversations and experiences at tne neattiiuariers of tho (ierman Army in l ranee and Helgium. The wife of the author. Mrs. Vernon Kellogg, recent y spoke in rort and. Her own book, Women of Helgium, may also be had at the library Hear John' McCorinnek day at Currins. any DAN'S Wishing to extend thanks to you for past pationage, will Ihj ready for business in a few days ut 119 Philadelphia Street SERVES YOU RIGHT The North School closed this yoar with an excellent record of patriotic work done in addition to the regular work which has ieen maintained at its usual igh standard, not withstand- ug the heavy demands incident to war activities, this school was among tho first to go over le top in the Junior ucd Uross )rive and the majority of its pupils are Liberty Hond owners. line plans are well under way to "adopt" a Helgium baby at te opening of the fall term. everal patriotic programs dur ing tne year were very largely attended, the last being given on Memorial day, after which a uncheon Was served to those members of tho G, A. H. who ere present. Dan Williamson returned th first of tho week from White Salmon, Wash., where he spent three weeks in angling for trout. Dan says tho White Salmon river is a veritable sport man's paradise, and that he never had better sport or better luck. While there he stay ed with I'eter Hannan, n form er resident of St. Johns, but now a White Salmon valley rancuer. uan una me matins of tho editor for several hand some slices from a large rain bow trout which ho captured. It measuroo IU inches and weighed eight and one-half pounds. o FOR RENT earrfi at thli tfflM. Minerva Holhrook. Mrs. Rice's Juvenile Orchestra will also ren der several select Ions. A cordial invitation extended to all. Admission 10 and 15 cents. CHRISTIANS ATTENTION It is Just What Uncle Sam Wants At the request of thel?. S. Food AdiniiiKtintion, our Ceinpxny litis loaned u: of our Modem Klectric Ranges to he used for the Food Con ser vu t ion d e in o u s I r n t i o a s now being conducted in the Liberty Temple. Do you wantnny Wronger approval of any cooking de vice than thiti? I'ncle Sam luked its for no Klectric Rungc liecuute it fills the bill Iwtter than any other Cooking Device mud. We urge hII liwiMiwive Interested in the patriotic service of their country well us nil who want their kitchens equipped with the most uirxleru, convenient and reliable cooking appa ratus to the Liberty Temple and see far them selves jtiKt what an Klectric Kange will do to reduce their household burdens. way, Light 8 Power Co. ? 'Rillip' Minimis Z Dr II I Jones, Pastor 1 ho services of the Chris- i !. All l ! 1 i win onurcn win no neiu m the Seventh Day Adventist building until further notice. The regular hours and order of service will be observed. A cordial invitation to the public. I RESTAURANT in N. JERSEY STREET Open Evenings GIVE US A CALL CoCs9CNCCMQoCs)CM 3 2 2 .2 2 The Central TIIOS. CU.OVHR I'rop. Philadelphia Street, St. Johns. Soft Drinks as usual loiuesi ami Looiesi uniius in town. Sandwiches, etc. All lead mg Summer Drinks. TRY OUR MILK PUNCH Electrical Contracting Wiring, Fixtures and Repairing C. L. Dearlove 1G73 Haven St. Columbia 37-1 Attractive BathinR Suit and Cap. Residents of St. Johns hnvintr taxes and city liens to pay in Portland can make their nnv- ments without inconvenience bv availing themsolves of our ser vices. We will nay same and secure your receipt without in convenience to you. Fee, 25 cents. References: Any St. Johns Rank.- I'eninsula Title. Abstract and Realty Co.. by H, Henderson. Manairer: 402 North Jersey street. Why don't you make some pictures and send them to the soldiers. Currin Says So. The Source of Buy Your Meat (torn a butcher you can depend on to Rive you good qimllty and full weight. Many people go from sliop to shop and fall to get Milted. No one lins ever complained on thai score who Imy their maet of us. I.ct us srvt you regularly for n month nud you will buy of no one else. SPECIALS Fresh Pork Hack Bones 10c lb. 3 lbs for 25c Veal Breasts for filling 20c lb. Extra Fancy Veal Roasts : 25c lb Prime Steer Pot Pioasts 25c lb. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET HARRY IMBODEN, Photic Columbia 21 WE DELIVER Prop. 109 N. Jersey Street ooooooooc,,,:,oC'ocC'ooooooooo 1 FU ERA LS Uenutiful grny or blank ndult enshet, hnrf, bax, 2 autoi embalming nnd refin ed tcrvlee for MII.I.I.K TKACltV I'uiieraU If .It-.iml for 520. ?:tO. l), lW.- Higher priced funerals in pro. portion. Wc m ii u 'mc I tire ckrt. Inly nltitit. lUdllllflll fllhcMl Cll(4fl. MILLER &, TRACEY Mnln 2001 Indupondont Tunernl Dlroctors A 7008 W.ulilimton tit tll.i Strict, Kvtwcin 2(th ;iml 2Ht Slrrrt, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative 01 .1 Aw. X. Phone Columbia 8S8 T.iV fJ i tmmk f llum iltillkmHlin I JutfJ 11 He Needs Somebody to Send Him another pouch ol Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Uncle Sam's Doys don't aslc for much in the way of comforts but good tobacco they must have. A few cents spent for Real Gravely will buy more tobacco satisfaction than many timed the money in ordinary plug. Give any man n chew of Real Gravely Plug, and he will tell you lhal't tha bind to tend. Send the bed I Ordinary plug ii falto eeonomy. It coitt leu per week to chew Ileal Gravely, becaute a small chow of it latt a long while. If you imoc n ptpr, ilite Gravely with your knife and add a little lo your tmokinj tobaeeo. It will givo flavor improve your smoke. SDiD YOUR FRIEND LS" THE U. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF GRAVELY Dealers all around here carry it in 10c pouches. A 3c stamp will put it into his hands in any Training Camp or Sea. port of the U. S. A. Even "over there" a 3c, stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelope and cive you official directions how to address it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., Danville, Va. The Pattnt Pouch heepi it Frcih and Cltan and Good if u not ncai uravtly without this rrotcction itai Established 1831 SB Don't throw your Old Tires away GET THEM VULCANIZED OPEN 6 A, M, TO 4 P. M. Tubes 25 cents and up. Reasonable prices on cas ing work. All work guaranteed. National Vulcanizing Works 205 S. JERSEY ST. St. Johns, Oregon Deafness Cannot Be Cured BIT local apuIhdiK ut. u ih) cantioi r ifh ik uorti 'it t ili ror Thr- i only oa way la cur o.Alursa. anl s b constitutional r, ni.Jus I vnf Is causU by aa cun.l.tiou - ih. mu ciu lml of th. t-.l.i I.U.i luU Wh. a this tub Is lam.J u a n.mb'.iai souad or tiuvvrf.ct h.jn g aii.l t. n It Ii .Btlraiy clujml. Uram.M Is tlf rruii. and uuu.s ia laaamtuatujn .m t.. i.k.:. out xnd this tub r. t.r4 k us n ruii coi4l" iioa. harla Kill b dnr,.a tor .r. ain cms out or i.a ar tj i, , i i'..nrrh which is aothiu but in ...Jitlaa or lb asueous surfeco. w. win biv om Hundr4 iv irt rr aay ot CWalarss tcau.rd br caurrh) that eaaaol W euml by Hall's CMawb Cut aii for circulars, frm V J. CHEXatY & CO. Tol4o, Ohio. Sold to Dnifdsts. Tic Taks UaU's rimlijr pills for eastlpatsa. Real Estate! II Vol Wist In Sill Property at right prices list it with us. If You Want to Buy Property at right prices call and see us. S. C. Cook 402 N. Jersey Street K, A. Gee, professor of odd jobs, is now ready to take your order for anything in house moving or repairing, roof re pairing a specialty; cement work of all kinds and general contracting. 801 N. Ivanhoe; phone Col. S03. Everyday you are without a kodak is so much nleasure lost. Currin Says So. I