St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 07, 1918, Image 4

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Railway Trustco of Opinion That an
Inland Marine Could Do Mado
Hlflhly Profitable.
The establishment of an Internal
waterways merchant marine under
governinont control Ja suggested in n
letter to Mayor QalvJn from John
Weld Pock, Cincinnati Southern
railway trustee. The letter in part
j'b as follows: "Individual steam
boat or lines owned by comparativc
by small compuniwj, reaching but
few points and without systematic
interchange, havo provon, in modern
times, generally apenking, unprofit
able and unablo to maintain them
selves. "Tho Bocrct of successful operation
upon thoeo rivers lies in u unified
system reaching all ports uuder the
many navignblo tributaries of the
Mississippi river, with a systematic
interchange of freight at modern
docks located at convenient port of
interchange, regularity of sailings, u
modern type of vessel designed ex
clusively for the transportation of
freight and the en inn menmiro of re
sponsibility uKn the part of tho car
rier for tlie safe rarriMgi- if gntids as
is now in force as (o railroads. Ma
rino ways und shipping yards exist at
many points along all of Ihw
atrcams, and with a conimialively
moderate capitalization, powibly $",
1)1)0,01)1), such a system could bo in
stalled by tint government." Cin
cinnati Tinus-Star.
Little Trick Goes to Show That School
boys Are Much the Same All
tho World Over.
The crown prince of Japan is be
ing educated in what is known as
the peers' school at Tokyo. The
other day he broke a pano of glass
in one of the classrooms.
Not wishing to pay for it out of
his modest allowance of pocket
money, the youthful scholar re
paired tho damage by pasting a sheet
of stilf paper over tho aperture.
When, however, tho professor
whoso room it was, next entered it
he thrust his cane through tho make
shift and, turning to the assembled
class, remarked scntentiously, "lie
that breaks pays."
Tho heir to tho Japanese imperial
throne declined to take the bint, ami
next morning another sheet of paper
appeared with the same fate, and fo
on the next day, and so on tho
On the fifth day when tho profes
sor caino down there was the paper
as before. Kiro lloshcd from his
even, ami roaring, "Ho that breaks
pays I" he drove his cane through the
paper and through the pane of
glaoi behind it that had been put in
by the crown princo, with the help
nf other students, and then artfully
pasted over with paper I
New York Policeman nceoanlzed Prep.
oration for Bobbery, If tho
Visitor Did Not.
A stranger in New York was walk
ing along Broadway in the Thirties
and was on tho point of asking a po
liceman the way to a hotel when the
policeman suddenly swerved from
the middle of the sidewalk to the
building lino, picked up a large
stono wrapped in paper, took it to
the curb and threw it Into one of the
manv excavations alonir the thor
Tho visitor was surprised that the
members of tho nolice foro went so
far to help make Now Yok n "Spot
less Town," but did not mention Ins
surprise when he asked (or ami re
ceived the information lie wanted.
The next dav he commented on the
incident in tho hotel am) the house
detective, who was near by, gave this
explanation :
"That stone was probably laid
there by u window thief, who won!
time himself to saunter by us a sur
face car rattled along or wmie other
unusual noise was imminent, so that
the window could bu smashed with
less likelihood of being heard and
the culprit would make it quick get
away after looting the window.
Violin- Tito profiNWor has no
heart, ho has taken my beau.
Ilanjo Yn, and ho's always pick
ing on me, loo.
Ill the year Iwforii lln war tht
market value of graphite wits alioitl
fiat) a (on, and in tho I h 1 1 r part of
10 Ifi (ho price had risen to iilmut
$1,000 a ton. Us prim lm int-rvMWM
silica thou. While lliu demand for
graphite lias vastly inrretwed in tine
country, hnglwid and Kmuiv, tin
production has Ihhmi hImi very mini
incroamNl. lit !lfi lliere were pro
duced in tho United SUItw hImmiI
H.OOI) tons and in HUH IS,MM) Inns
It is believed tliut lite priwliu turn
this yonr tmls at nlmul VO.'HH) (ohm
This do(M not wwrly meet Mm Amer
ican demand, for in It) lit lit United
HtaioH imtmrlcd inure than -14,001)
tons. Notwithstanding the gnxit in
crease in ihu production of Aim-ri
can-miitiNl graphitu ami Aimiriinn
mado arlilleial gruplnl', llw ainouni
linjMited is steadily in-resiMj.
Flulbuili - Your riiiuwr taUV
doesn't grimn h it m to, 1 up-
Hensonhunit Oh, ye, it tW.
"Hut haven't you lud to cut out
tho ItixuriiM?
"Oh, yiw; hut wife' hiaruit ate
just as h(vy a over."
"My IiiwImihI rwtlly liktm Ihu
Hoover program, tuMuuwnttM Mrn.
"Ho wtya it giv Uitu a eliMiw to
eat tho plain iihhI 1m timet enjoys
without tu citing (HiniiMout."
Mm, lUcou They wty thai com
pany of fcoldiem MwyVw ul -uxor
there" from our old town m uiude
up of pickwi men.
Mr. Huron Yin, dwir, they're nil
iiinrriud niwi, 1 Iwlievo.
"Oh, wflll; clow it up Hgin.M
"And your daughter ha lf t Iter
"Yes. J to had no coiuiderution
whatever for the dear jftrl. lie nei
ther smokes nor plays curds, and ho
always wants to May home at mght,"
,fYou should not engage in con-
. Chemist at University of Oregon
' Claims to Have Made Most lm-
porlant Discovery.
I'nif. Orln I'. Stalford, a Unlvor-
' illy of Kau-ias graduate, who is now
ai the limiil of tho department of
! heiiiistrv at the university of Ore
gon, has discovered n way in which
waste wood may bo utilized and ga-i
made from it.
I lleeaiioo of tho scarcity of coal
I I'rofoiwor Hlnliord Isjlieved if wood
I niuld Ini sulMtititted so as to produce
gas it should be Hindu to do so. His
experiments snow now It can lie
The tost by Profcwor fllafTord
shows that eight cubic feet of gas
of a heating value equal to -IRO lint-
ish thermal units n cubic foot mav
bo obtained from one cubic foot of
dry firewood. Tho cost of generat
ing the gas is very low after the up-
hiraliis has been installed. It is
hoped his experiments may solve the
fuel problems of tho whole North-
Walt Worm The potato hug ap
pear grouchy.
I'cie Higgle -Hi' stepped in the
eyes of one of the sitatoes and the
.Mind tin ami hit hint.
i I It in her olllcial character
is it white-winged hthiiIi with
heaven-lifted eyes. Hut she some-1
times miihinterades.
lit one case Aw has for some years
been iiiiHrMuating a very old matt
who 1 i vim at one end of tho city and
works at tho other. Midway bo-
twecn his homo and his working
place is an institution for the oor.
Having Hissod Ins lliblo limit and
A woman who is familiar with
cmiip conditions and tho wants of
the ooldiers. writes to the Woman's
Home Comimuiou of tho hunger of Marled on n new record, one might
i lie Inivs for Iswiks, and says: ".Some ""iniilur the long ear ride something
l von hink a hook or a miiL'azinc ' ' . mil tlie man Hoes not rule
hardly worth giving. Kvery single
pirn of remling niatter receivml in
ump is worth while. It helps some
"Miltiier forgft the iltsi-omforts inev
liable to eiinip life. It urgiw another
limn who 'never eared about rood-
UK lo try it. It heljw a third to 'H'lieviw m prayer.
He walks, so that he may slop at
that midway place and drop a nickel
in h mix labeled "I'or the I'tsir. '
His reHiii is that the insiple in-
-nle (lie liistilution nrav for thoiic
who helti them. And the old man
think (leaner thoughts. It helps
your government to build up an I
uriiiy of high ideals." She adds:
"If. oii havo uoithor library nor
Y. M. C. A. building in your
Iohm, witd your hook to tho public
lilirsry in (he city nearest you, mark-
nig ii kimpiy, -i-or a quinary i auipi
Ubniry.' The librarian will do tho
Ami this is faith.- Washington
"Why wore you iiuarrolini' with
Hint little (iermaii Iniy, Itobhte?"
"We was exeltanging marbliw, and
w got tlu most of them, mother."
"Whs that right to quarrel?"
"Why, yw, mother: isn't father
'over there' oxcliangiug bullets with
th (leruiHiw? "
MYw, Kohbie, he is; hut you must
Niwtnbor that your father id per
fectly satisfied to let tho Gerniaiw
Imu' uioct of the bullets."
"Do you think JimIi is learning I
fnt in the unity? said Mrs. Corn-
Tin sure of it," replied her bus-
"You know he never stood at tho
head of his chisM."
II , 1.1
iii uoi iiiiiiKiiur iinoiii now ne
stood anywhere. I'm thinking alsjut
the way he alwuvs kept goin' in ul
roollmll game.
"Yes, my sou."
"What is a war garden wo hear
so much about nowadavs?"
"Why, it's a garden where one is
continually at war with the weeds,
my boy. Anything eUo you'd like
to know before I put on my over
alls 7"
Mr. Woodson So your daughter
ins iom to indulge in the frivolities
of l lie milliner report.
Mr. Hroiuron Yws. After liourimr
iwr gfiiiJiiation iwuy I think it'll do
Her guoil to be kind o' frivolous for
'W hat do you hear from tho
"Nothing much. Ho says tho kov-
eminent has iued him one of those
steel ultrapuel helmets, and for tho
llnt time in his life ho has a new
hat he isn't afraid somebody is going
to sit on."
Uncle doe I hope, William, you
are a favorite with vour teacher.
William 1 think I must be. She
can t swill to get enough of me or
she wouldn't keep me in after school
so much.
"Well they are taking good care
of my boy, anyhow."
"That so?"
"Yes, ho writes mo that Uiev're
keeping him in the guardhouse for
u month.
Plant an ad. in The
Review and See Your
Business Grow
The following list of legal bkuks
ure kept for sale at this ottice and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills
of bale, Leases.
Py your subscription.
arments. Your
Smnmefdme Power oi attraction demands that
you dress m harmony with the sea
son. Our stock of these fabrics in
yardage and ready-to-wear is well
chosen, is moderate in price because
bought early.
Swimming will be a popular sport this summer.
Bathing Suits, Bathing Caps for Men and Women, Boys and Girls.
Cool Silk Hats, light weight Panamas for men.
B. V. D. and Porosknit Underwear and Sport Shirts for men.
Closing Notice
We have joined with other Merchants of ST. JOHNS and will
close our stores at 12:30 on Wednesday during June, July and August.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
National and Local
Meat Business
The meat business of the
country is conducted by various
agencies .
By small slaughter-houses
in villages
By local Abattoirs or small
Packing Houses in towns
Using only a part of the
local live stock supply
Furnishing only a part of
the local demand for meat.
These slaughtering nnd distributing
agencies fill a well defined but neces
sarily restricted place in the distribu
tion of the products of live stock.
But only packers like Swift &
Company, organized on a national
scale, are able to undertake the ser
vice that is more vitally important,
An Obligation to the Producer
To purchase for spot cash all the
live stock the producer may send
to market for slaughter.
An Obligation to the Consumer
To make available to every con
sumer, everywhere, in season and
out, the full supply and variety of
meat products, of the highest
standard that the market affords.
Ghambers-Kenwoi thy Go,
Funeral Directors jtnd Hmbalmers
1111 Kcrl'V Street, at i:mcroii
j 1. The oldest etublikhvl uii'lertakiiig
1'iMiitks north of Knott street.
1! Mr Uuinher 1 the on I O. A. K.
I umUrt-tkir m the city of Porliainl.
3. Mr. Keuworthy i an aekiinwleiljjeil
cxptrt in t-mlnlmiuu, Petui MirKeiv
fmuril direction.
A. Why Jhvc your Moved dcsvil
taken Oirouicli the congested busiiiest
ilttri t when jtrfct wrvice mul rig lit
Irii'e may be olitnlnetl in j-our ohm
402 N. Jersey Street
Abstracts of Title rrejarel
Titles Iixauiined
I'll ne Columbia 255
I ai I., I I rir.v
V . u'H ii i. ui
r No. ittfi i. o. o. r
1 I'll'. nnriON
t. " i i.; cnliiir la Odd FtV
iv hull Hi Ssnsi. A oonlial welcome to
muiiiK liiolher.
II. I, Whiter. N.4Jc llmmt
C n Clmrehlll. Vlc Ormut
A. I, CiHratn) . Kk lk.
K. lliNflmk I'ln.
II I' lUik.Tirx..
kmoiiis or I'yuiiAs
Meet every I'rMnv nluht "t
,V3o o'clock In IIICKNI'.R
1 1 ' 1 1 . VUltom nlwnyt wcw
V. K. HVKNS, C. C.
A. r. and A. M.
t v yjieu tlie firt iitnl tlilnl
CWwlnofihiyof encli month
in IHekner'i Hall. Vii.
tor welcome
i N II. . ! V ,J
St, Johns Um No, 7546
Modern V. wouiuui ut America.
We heartily solicit the attend
iRnce of onrmomborsat our retr
lulRi'moetinKS. every Thursday
! Evening. G. W. Muhm, Consul.
Knights and Lafe of Security
M. Johns Council 2775
lU'Kiil.i itiiKiuekt mectltiK 1st and 3rd
Momlnvi. Ojen ii ectlnu to the public
4rtd nu mlir and and -!lh Mondnys. Vi
ilors ilii'l iiirmbtrii cordially invlteil In
,' attend.
I II- T. Campbell, Pres.
V. H. Moremg. Secretary.
Woodmen ol the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evening iu the
I. O. 0. V. Hall, U'avitt and Jersey
stteets. Visitors always welcome,
I.. U. TliliMNO, C. C.
V. R. COON. Clerk.
Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U. S. A,,
Portsmouth Gospel Hall
Meeting $ p M for Christians,
Oosp l meeting in evening 7:30.
One iloor west of ilrug store.
for Hale it Trade 45 a.Tc iu fatuous
Hood River Valley.
About 15 acres in commercial orchard
At ut 15 acres in lwy land.
About 15 acres ituclettretl laud.
A b ut 100 arils from hiali school.
Abcmt I S mile from church, Hstotlce,
two stores, meat market, etc.. J mile
from depot; two icod spriuus ou the
pjaoe. an eceuouat locaiwu ior a
small dairy aud hogs ami fruit raising,
nukniK an ideal country home for a
man with family. Will sell ou easy
terms or trade for St. Job us property.
I'or further details and iufurmstiou,
inquire at this otlice.
The Portland Garbage Co.
is prepared to remove rubbish
of any nature from the resi
dences and business places of
St. Johns at 75 cents per month
for residences and from busi
ness places at reasonable rates.
Calls made every Saturday.
Leave orders at the St. Johns
Hardware, or phone Woodlawn
NoU th label en your paper.
Team Work
Of All Kinds Wanted
Plowing, Harrowing, Moving or
hauling cf any nature.
515 K. Polk Street.
Thoiie Columbia 809,
I'houe Woodlawn 5300.
The Skidmore Cleaners
and Repairing u Specialty
W. C. Jf STICK C2 Skidmore Street
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly
20.' X. Jersey St. St. Johns
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your goods to and from
all pc?tt of Portland. Vancouver, Unn
ton, Portland and Suburban Express
Co., city dock and all points accessible
Vr wcffpo. PUa eU hnAurt asevtax
Note the label en your paper,