St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 31, 1918, Image 4

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Effect of Fob Bank While on Convoy!
Duty Is Almost Beyond Lands,
man's Imafllnatlon.
More comfortable than howling
galea, tho fogs that drop u thick gray
blanket over the seas are far more
wearing on the nerves, writes Her
man Whitakcr in the New York In
dependent. Imagine half n dozen de
stroyers guarding n 30-vomoI con
voy. At night a fog bank close,
around them beforo they ran scat
ter, and from an exact fcionco navi
gation dogonoratos into the blind
groping of a blind navigator over
blind Boas.
Not a commander in our licet but
has collected an assortment of night
marcs in fliirh weather to last him
tho rost of his life. Not a sailor
that cannot relato hair-raising oxpe
riencos as this:
"Out of tho thick peu-miup fog a
huge black freighter suddenly row
on our bows. Ah wo swung on our
'heel with one scrow revoked a de
stroyer (sunn shooting at us from the
oppnilo quarter. Avoiding her, wc
almost ran down another steamer,
i loll you for a while gray hell wii
loose thoro on a black sea."
They have not always escaped,
either. Kogs have caused cnsualties.
but so far, thank Clod I no fatalities!
NtmirthclofW their dangers, in sum
ming up our fleet's work, have to bi
added to storm and tompost, mini
and submarine.
Melancholy Miiroli? 'I'lial guy
doosn't have anything to do with w
diViniM id nil.
(Jrouchy (Ji'riiiY, I know; hoV
thu gigglo microbe.
Tho spued of all airships is very
materially iiilliit'invd by wtoming!)
trivial projection which olfcr resist
unco in ils wiukc to the air. When
thu objeel, whether this Iw u sjnao
lino tank, a IhiiiiIi dropper or mi)
other nrcowMiry, is made on striMin
liniM thu rosUtuuni it chows is limn'
or four I hut Icm than when il i
not. Olio builder added two kilo
innlers an hour to tin nnod of In
plaiiH simply by giving tho l rim in
line, foi tn to tho rublwr shm-k rwt'U
crs of his liuiding iipiwraliiii. And if
tho pilot lots mich an objiS't us a rot
rocop, mi nllimelfr or a revolution
motor projwt from tho tur it will
rcduco his upvml by at Imist six l;ilo
nuiteni an hour. A machine gun
will have ulmiMt thu some rcturdiiit
Mollirt Are you going to the uias
qtiurnilu? Cliolliu Suro thing. I'm going
is a wldir.
"I'll Ut I'll know you."
"I'll jiut Iwl yu wuit'i."
"Why, wkMt ur ym going
to searf"
"A gi nwtk."
"You ngrieulturiti are going to
get u vlwilo lot of mowy thU sum
juur." "'m,u ropliod I'rtnner firttluMl
"Hut money won't buy urar wlwt it
iuihI to. It's gain' to Im jrat like 11
nlwnys Mas. When the fnruir gvt
whole lot of anything thu value
lywiiw to drop."
"Why thu di"ourag'iunt?"
"Ho called iut n c1kh."
"I wouldn't let that disturb me.
Hvon in chmwo thoro is such a thing
s snappy chikW lxmisville
Hoy He colled my sister name.
Girl Hut ou lutvu no sister.
Hoy i know I tiin't, but he
thought 1 had, and said lio whV
rossoyod and 1 went for him.
Plant an ad. in The
Review and See Your
Business Grow
Men May Remain In Water Indefinitely
When Incased In New
"Safety" Suit.
Members of the University of
Pennsylvania base hospital unit,
known officially m United Stat03
Uase Hospital No. 20, will give the
U-boats and tho kaiser the merry
"ha ! ha I" when the unit gets started
for France, if a campaign which was
launched recently is successful.
Maj. J. B. Carnett, commander
of the unit, has received a "safety"
suit which it is desired to purchase
for every one of tho 250 members.
To do so will require $3,000, and the
alllccrs, nurses and enlisted person
nel started lo raise tho amount nec
essary to provide the suits.
Jly wearing tho suit it will bo pos
sible for a person to remain in tho
water indefinitely. Tho suit, about
tho upper part of tho body, is lined
with fiber, which makes it buoyant.
The soles of the shoes aro lined with
lead, which keep tho feet down and
maintain tho bodv in an miriuht po
sition, even though from exposure
the wearer of tho suit should become
Tho suit is easily donned, and,
lfler a few minutes' practice, ran bo
put on by tho wearer without nssisl
mce. In the front is a pocket which
-iiii bo iimmI to hold Hustenancu or
iliimilnnU. Philadelphia North
Sacrifice Atked of Women Would
Mean n Qreat Deal to the Coun.
try Juit Now.
Kvery woman loves them those
lire little biMidles of fabrics the
.tores have pampered us with for
tears. It's such fun to look them
irer, and feel them and hold them
Mi to (he light and wot them and
Hash (hem. The sample fever is
oinetliintr awful onto you ralch it
diiiik in nil-Ill's, like malaria sends
you scooting into n store just to gel
l few, or rushing out to tho mail box
nil hours of the night with n loiter
requesting others.
This is no timu to nsk for samples
of wool goods or cotton or silk,
oilher. Tho National Itotail Dry
Hoods association furnishes figures
which show there is an average of
1 per u.'iit given away in sample
That surely is altogether too big a
waste for war timos and an ulwo-
lutely ueudleiw waxte, too,
Hupposu we just forgot that there
ever wero such things as samples for
a while. It s u mighty little tiling
one way (he way that nlfccU the; u whopping big matter
in ils clFect iiKiii thu cloth-making
induct row of the whole count ry.
Hy Iteimiltu Livowcll of the Vigi
Coul rtiry to a belief Hpular
among big-game hunters that the
blue glacier hear of Alaska if of it
distinct sHcies, Al llasselborg, who,
with Dr. Harry S. Worth, curator of
iiminnmls ut the University of Cali
fornia, has made a special study of
tlteco animals, assorts that thu great,
moiinKi haunter of thu ice rivers is
no initio than a color phase of the
common black lienr. Mr. Hael
Uirg, wlm ha been studying Alaskan
lnnr for nearly twenty yours, is re
gunlod as one of the hostostod men
in the territory on the animals,
Mr. Ilonderwiu Here's where
yw live and I've just rung your
doorbell. Can 1 do anything else for
yon f
Mr. Honpovk (loaded) Yesh
hie just ring for tho hie ambu
"Has llliggius any respect for the
"A little. Hut about as far as 1
ever knew him to go in expressing it
was to colubrate Washington's birth
"Do you know what Kamcrad
means, Mr. Huggius?" asked the
kwcvt oung thing's little brother.
"Oh, yes. It means surrender."
"Kiglito I Well, you might as well
soy it. Sister's decided to get you I"
"1 see where they have caught a
gang of thieve who have been loot-
ing apartments."
"Evidently, they wero not sharp
enough for fiat burglary."
Memorial Day Finds the Nation
Battling for Freedom of tho
Whole World.
MEMORIAL DAY wns born of n
war fotiglit that this nation, tin
dor God, should have a now
birth of fruedom, mid that government
of tho tiooplo, for tho people and by
the people shall not perish from the
A hnlf a century and more lias
passed slnco that Itntnortnl utterance.
Now the nation Is again In arms, to
IlKht tlmf "the world may be made
safp for democracy."
Then, the yotinir republic, strtiititllne
upward toward Its vision of freedom,
learned through the hitter travull of
Civil war that tho nation could not
exist half slave ntid half free. The
vision hns broadened with the wld
enlng year. Then It was for the free
dom of a race tho nation fought. Now
the sword Is drown for tho Imperiled
liberty of tho world.
The natal day of our Independence
wo havo been wont to celebrate with
loud acclaim and vaunting pride. Me
morial day ever has been our time for
solemn contemplation. Another Me
morial day Is at hund.nnd us America
lays Its (lowers on tho graves of Its
soldier dead, It hears again that re
vered voice from tho slopes of Oct
tysburg bidding us to tin not unmlmb
fill that "It Is rolher for us to bo hero
dedicated to Urn great task reinaliilnu
beforo us, that from these honored
dead we take Increased devotion to
that cause for which they gave tho
last full measure of devotion : that we
hero highly resolvo that theso dead
shall not have died In vain."
A beautiful, a pootlc symbollMii
Memorial day had come to bo to us:
The people who wolk with slow steps
In the unlet cemeteries, tho children
In their white dresses who with loving
hands place wreaths "alike for the
friend nnd tho fo," the venerable men
who are tho links that hind us to an
age long gone, and, as we believed, for
ever gone, when nation warred with
nation nnd blood lust grew In hearts
that had thrilled at the sight of the
same Hug.
And now with what n now and sud
den slgnlllcnnre has Memorial day been
w-qird. With what different thought
will ihey go "lovingly laden with How
er." How ii.ueh more reverently
llmti lit those conventional days that
nlnniily em so far away will the lit
tie llaus be planted tut each patriot
mound. And who Is there, when tups,
clear and soft as a benediction, Is
sounded for I hose who "dream of bat
tlellelds no more," will not remember
that on a neighboring hill on the mor
row from that same silvery bugle will
leap thu reveille for another genera
lien of freedom's soldiers?
If solemn memories of tho past and
earnest thought for the future bring
that new birth of freedom, who shall
say that those, have died In vnln for
whom (lowers will bo spread In far
Memorial days to come?
Comts De Pari Kntw and Loved F
moui Soldier Who Gave Hli Life
for HI Country.
It was after tho review that I made
the pcrMiuol iiciuiilatiince of the olll
cers with whom I was to have the good
fortune to light for a cause which was
already dear to me. All made mo cor
illHlly welcome, but It was with Kearn
that I found in) self nutst nt home. He
It was who could speak to me of the
French sruiy In Algeria In is 10 and of
the memories left by my family In that
country, lie did so In terms which
deeply touched tho heart of the exile,
the son of the Hue d'Orleeus. Kearny
hud imrtleliwted In one of those cam
iwilgiis on African ground which
brought out Mrongly thu merits of the
I'rench soldier. He laid also iiwtoelutcd
himself with the triumphs of Franco
In tho Italian campaign of l&W.
Ills abrupt speech and Imperious
in turner denoted a proud disposition,
nnd a character Incapable of (lattery
or of dissimulation. Hut though at llrt
his manner was not always lilted to
uttract, one soon learned to appreciate
the uoble qualities of his heart, the
ririuuoss of his will, the accuracy of
his Judgiauut, the truthfulness ami
grandeur of his soul.
If he did not spare his soldiers at
tho decisive moment, he spared himself
still los. and by his example obtained
from his followers truly heroic efforts.
I'hlllppo. Cemte de I'urls, In The
The itj?iir flown half'inast
feuy .
The bugle's note is still;
We celebrate the fame of thos?
Who rest upon the hill.
They fought and conquered,
honor be
To those .who bruvely die '
That freedom might preiw!
with us,
And peace with us abide.
The following list of legal bl.mks
are kept for sale at this omco and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty ami Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Coutraets for Sale of Realty, Hills
of Sale, Least's.
Pay your subscription.
We have thait
ryov, need.
Better Shoes Better Hosiery
The demnnd for better merchandise ia being
felt in this loculity as it never lias before.
We have the new and beautiful things in shoes
and hosiery in the new shades.
The lines of Silk Skirts, Silk Blouses and Dra
peries are more varied and better than you have
seen in this locality in other seasons.
Tho prices compare favorably with those in the
High Kent Districts: we have them beaten on a
great many articles.
The Special Things of interest in the Men's
Department are the Panama Hats, Silk Caps and
Mallory Kelts, Silk Shirts, Silk Socks.
The Farmer's
Live stock is marketed from
farmer to consumer at a lower
cost than almost any other farm
The United States Department of
ogriculture reported in 1916 that the
farmer gets for his cnttlo "approxi
mately two-thirda lo three-fourths" of
the finul retail price pnid by the con
sumer for the resulting beef.
Under normal conditions, the farmer's
ehnre of retail prices of various farm
products Is approximately as follows:
Rutlnr 71 vifii cent
Eggs 65
Potatoes 55
Tho difference between farmer's price
and retail price represents the necessary
expenses of packing, freight and whole
sale and retail distribution.
Swift & Company not only performs
the manufacturing operations of pre
paring cattle for market in its well
equipped packing plants, but it pays the
freight on meat to all parts of the
United States, operates 500 branch
distributing houses, and in most cases
even delivers to the retail butcher. All
this is done at an expense of less than 2
rents per pound, nnd at n profit of only
about l4 of a cent per pound of beef.
Large volume of business and expert
management, make possible this indis
pensable service to the live-stock raiser
and to the consumer, and make possible
the larger proportion of retail prices
received by farmers.
Year Book of Interestine nnd
instructive facts sent on rtqueit.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
tke way'
marc jyour
L. E. ROSE, Mgr.
to 75 per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
Closing Notice
Last week we advertised in
this space that we would close our
store each Thursday at 12:30 dur
A movement has been started to
we will abide by what others do in
our line.
Men's Dept.
GIiambers-Kenworthy Go,
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
till Kerb)' Street, at Kuhtkmi
1. The oldest etabliliet umlertHkliiK
Imslucis north of Knott street.
2. Mr Clumber I the only G. A. H.
undertaker tn the city of Portland.
3. Mr. Keimorthy is an acknowledged
expert In euiHilinliiK, Demi surgery and
futierul direction,
I, Why have your beloved deceased
taken through the congested business
district when perfect service and right
price may be obtained in your own
402 N. Jersey Street
Abstract of Title Prered
Titles Examined
Phone Columbia 255
I Portsmouth Gospel Hall
1 Meeting 3 p M. for Christians,
Gospel tiK-etitiR in evening 7:30.
i One door west of drug store.
For Sa'.e ur Trade 15 acre in famous
i Hood River Valley,
l About 15 acres in commercial orchard.
1 About 15 acres in liay Ian I,
About 15 acres uncleared land.
Alxi.t 100 yards froui high school.
AWnit I S mile from church, postoffice,
two stores, meat market, etc, , J mile
from depot, two j-ood sprius on the
, U.-c. un excvpttuudl location for a
i small dairy nud hogs ami fruit raiting,
making an ideal country home for a
man with family. Will 'sell on easy
1 terms or trade for St. Joliu property.
For further details and information,
inquire at this otbee.
The Portland Garbage Co.
is prepared to remove rubbish
of any nature from the resi
dences and business places of
St. Johns at 75 cents per month
for residences and from busi
ness places at reasonable rate.
Calls made every Saturday.
Leave orders at the St. Johns
Hardware, or phone Woodlawn
NeU Um lbl on your papr.
sfTft lAuru ioogc
No. 136 i. o. o. r
1 ji. iotiN. oiirr.on
, Vflt oil M.vnlny fvnnlnirln Odd PV
lots lull M8;oo. A cordial welcome to
all vlsittML' brother,
i II. I,. WhWtrr. Nutilr Cin1
C I) Churchill. VkrOmn.t
tv l.. CtMiiiKiiy. Kre. Sfc.
II. llftrnlMHk I'ln. Hfe.
II I' CUrk.Trr.
holmes tonne no. 101
Meet every I'rldnv nlKht at
7:30 o'clock In WCKNHR
llall. Visitor alwny wcl
W. K. KVltNS, C. C.
A. I1, and A. M.
Meet the first nnd third
dncstlayof each month
lllckuer'i Hall. Visb
tor welcome.
J. N.IMlefsen W. M.
A. W. Oavl. Secretary.
St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily. solicit tho attend
ance of our members at our reg
ulanneetintfs. every Thursday
Evening. G. W. Muhm, Consul.
Knights and Ladies of Security
St. Johns Council 2775
KckuU l!uiiic meetitiK 1st and 3rd
Mommy. Open meetings to the public
and members 2nd and 4th Monday, Vis
itors and member cordially invited to
II. h. Campbell, Pres.
I U. Moreing, Secretary.
Woodmen of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday eveuing iti the
I. O. O, F. Hall, Leavitt and Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
I.. I.. TKRMNG. C. C.
V. H. COON, Clerk.
Team Work
Of All Kinds Wanted
Plowing, Harrowing, Moviug or
hauling cf any nature.
515 K. Polk Street,
rhone Columbia 509.
Phone Woodlawn 5360.
TheSkidmore Cleaners
and Repairing a Specialty
V. C. Jt'STICK 0)2 SUdmore Street
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly
201 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Transfer and Storage
W deliver your Rood to and from
all part of Portland, Vancouver, Linn
ton, Portland and Suburbia Expri
C., city dock and all point accibl
kr PUm v4 fwraltura
Not tho latol on your Efr,