St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 31, 1918, Image 2

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A. W. Morkle, Bdltor
PubUilietl Kvry Jrirla
Subrtorlptln firleo $1.00 tr yer.
TltK UltVtXW i nlereil at ixt office
In Portland, Oregon, as wall mutter
of the second elm undr tbe Att of Con
rsof Mdroh 3, 1879.
Mr. mid Mrs. Jami Dickson,
of North St. Johns, have reeuiv
ad a luttor from a sister in Ayr,
Scotland, in which she stiys:
Times are very hard here now
as food stulFB are so dear and
senrcu. We are rationed with
ntmriyuverylhitiK. We got half a
pound of sujtar, one ounce of
toa and a quarter jiound of
margarine or butler per hrnd,
pur week, and so on. Are you
rationed like that in America?
My third son left for France on
the 2nd of April. 1 had a letter
from him this morning and ho
is lying at the Biujp. My eldest
boh has been wounded again on
tha loft arm and is suffering
from shell shock. He is the on
who won the Military mcdul ol
Honor last July. John in out of
thu trenches meantime for a
roit. I had a letter from him
tonight. My daughter, Mar
garot's husband, is in Egypt. W
have a line type of American
lads Here in Ayr lino strp
ping soldiers they make. TrVj
came over about thnje months
ago. Have you any friend
among them? There is an aero
drome here just ten minulct
wulk from where we slay, and
they go huxxing about all da
long. 1 counted &i up litis morn
Onu of Hie most original idoar
for the social IwnHU of the cm
ployea in Portland's shipyardi
ims boon conceived nl the Pen
insula shipyard. It is lite erec
tion of a Inrge amphitheater bn
a sleep hillside, with a plat
form at the base on which will
bo held exhibitions nf boxing,
wroslling, and other alhlelit
programs, sneaking, band con
corts, ele. The sealing eapu
city will comfortably carefr
1100 men, the number at present
employed in the yards. The am
phithealer Is away from tlu
working yards and will give tlx
men n chance In eat ami sntoki
during the real hour without
any risk of lire. Already work
lias been coniimncd on I hit
Mtrucluro and it will bo roadj
for occupancy within tin- next
week. The company has iIoiimU
ud the material used and I In
men aro doing I Ik- work. In
point of originality, the new
amphitheater will be thu equal
of anything yet bullion the
shipyards for the ounvenifiiri
of the shipwtirkets. KtCurls
will lw made to interest wiom
of the uptown theatrical man i
gors with the view of putting
on n vaudeville iterformant
nnoe or twice a week.
Additions provided for at the
Grant Smith Porter Company1
St. Johns plant include tin
oroc Hon of a new ndministnt
tion building, on the north line
of the tract, the present head
quarters alongside the main
gate being given over to varied
puriKMio. The new building will
bit two stories and cover ground
space IX) feel long and 1(1 feel
wide. Most of the apace will
lis utilised for the office ami
hospital, while a special build
ittg for the timekeepers, BO feet
long and 10 feet wide, will he
Mrs. Kml Haskell has receiv.
h! h teller f.nm her sou, tilen
I). Haskell, from across tin
water, in which he says: I a -rived
safe and am well, and
things are better here than I ex
iwctiui them to be. We hud hue
weather all but one day. aiu!
that day we sure had some
storm. W'v have good barrack t
mid also good eats. You don't
know howjglad we were to get
on land after being on the
wutor so long. We have the
lieat treatment we can expect U
A, it Chureh. tI3 years old,
plumbing foreman in the pipe
shop at the Peninsula Shiphuilii
iljg company, in St. Johns, wax
killed Wednesday after noun at
fi o'clock when he slipped and
fall shout 10 feet from the deck
of one of the vessels undergo
ing construction. His skull wat.
fractured. Although fatally in
jiii'tid Church regained his feet
and managed to walk a few
stops before he fell over. He
died a few nuuinnts luter.
Chureh had been an employe of
the shipbuilding company ever
siiice it was first organize. 1
While discussing the work with
one of tlte foremen he stepped
backwards few steps and miss
ed the ladder lending to ihe
lower deck. He rolled over twice
in his fall end struck on his
lioiul. lie resided at -128 Kast
Eighth street and is nurrivedi
by a widow, brother, Kd. J. i
Church, and two sisters, Mrs. i
BJIjhiJ. Morris und Mrs. S. (J. I
l.uwion. The funeral will be1
hold at 1 p. m. today a: Hoi-1
man's. Journal.
Why don't you make somei
pictures and send them to the
soldiers. Curriri S;o So.
Three Modern
J Now Building
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
Peninsula Security Co,
First National liank llulldln.4
The USe of Slang
The following excellent paper
was read at the Y. u I. u.
meeting recently by Mrs. Mary
K. Kelley:
Slang We lirst ask what does
-dang mean? Webster IcIIh iih
it mw und inelegant, hut often
xpresive form of colloquial
language. Many words which
originate as ttlang linnlly lake
their place in the language ol
literature and npeech. is it be
cmine plana U Homethiug mod
rn that we bring this subject
liefon' you'.' No; for if we but
tearch we can ilnd slang phrasu
in many of our books of read
ing. Chaucer uses "como oil',"
and "go sit down." Shakes
poaw has "not in it;" Sheridan
has "cut it mil." The list mn
liu prolonged and when nil ex
amples are put together onu lie
gins to doubt whether all new
slang Is not old alang writ
large. .Slang is not mh modern
is wo think; it lias liven in use
hundreds of years ago. One
writer tells us the slang phi its
'by the akin of his leellt' that it
in use at this day and nue, came
from lite Scripture Job U)'M).
If we note the i xpivp iion used
here ii is not meant as slang,
but from this one example we
can understand how necemtao
it is for us to watch our speech.
Sometimes slang dm-n not take
form in words, but lies in fuciiil
expresnion, a wink of geHlure,
a whistle. It is onu of the cri
tical stages of language, and it
is constantly in the focus ol
our attention. Slang is tlu
boiling mtrfaiv on the melting
Pil of language; wu burn out
lingers if e try to bundle it
without sense of humor and an
intimate know ledge of its ways.
Mr. Max Kaslmun says literal')
professors are the pworn ene
mieM of slung, they tell us that
ve uie a slang word merely be
caurie we are loo laxy to think
up the correct word. Why d
we hesitate to evade our ords t
meet our ueedx? It is a non
sense question. There in no
rea-ton. We are simply i-arelcun.
We let our vocabulary be limit
ed and get along rawly without
retinement in our though in, foi
thoights are as dependent on
words as words on thoughts.
We no not consider whether out
words may not be rather dis
pleasing, annoying, oicnsivc.
disgusting and irritating. Ah
Mr. Prudltumme upoku nrose
without knowing it, o do we
all speak slang. An elderh
woman, one of the old school,
with a proper scorn of our
modern brevity was heard to
exclaim. "Well, if that isn't the
limit," and believed it incon
ceivable that so convenient a
word phrase was slang. A Imiy
uned the expression "liee." It
has not occurred to her that
this was taking the name of the
Lord in vain, and probably feu
of the many who indulge in coated profanity realize
that they are using careloe
language. What is "liee'
though but a substitute ex
Ml 111!
presmon oi jesus. mere aro
other phrases too numerous to
mention and you will every day
hear people using them thought
lessly, who would be allocked by
a genuine oath. In warfare
we have ceased itoiaoning wells,
and we shall not much longer
1 Mil son food, yet we still allow
phrases to pass current among
us which are more deadly than
malaria and typhoid fever. Slang
is the great corrupting matter.
It i perishable itself and cor
rupt what is round it, order
- ..I 1. .. ! I - - . .
ttiui uniiunuiiy in language are
desirable qualities, we should
und do seek them ever. The
prejudice against this form of
speech is to be encouraged, for
the prejudice against slang lias
its victories. Let anyone who
wants to see hinisilf grow,
resolve to adopt tlu- proper'
Annual Memorial Day
For several years it bus been
thu custom of the various Camps
of the M. W. A. to observe the
first Sunday in June as their
Annual Memorial Day, at which
time appropriate exercises are
held in the hall of each Cump or
in some house of worship near
by, after which committees are
sent to various cemeteries to
decorate the graves of the de
ceased members.
In keeping with this custom
the local Camp is making ar
rangements to observe this
custom in a fitting manner next
Sunduy, June 2nd. All mem
bers are notified to assemble at
the M. W. A. hull over the St.
Johns Hardware Store at 10 :30
o'clock sharp Sunday morning,
where short ritiualistic services
will bu held, after which a line
of march will bu formed and the
lodgu will adjourn in u body to
the Christian church where
Kcv. II. I Jones will deliver
the memorial sermon to the
members, their families and
friends. AM members are re
quested to bring Mowers to the
hall not later than 10:110 o'clock
a. in. Immediately after the
services at tho church commit
tees will sojourn to tho various
cemeteries and decorate the
graves of the members who
have passed beyond the river.
St. Johns Camp M. W. A. was
organized July loth, 1002, by
Di'puty Head Consul C. H.
Thayer. The following is a list
of the charter members: J. W.
Arnold. C. V. Dully, C w.
Union, W. W. Uryan.
Calkin. Robert Catlin,
Cook. C. I). Ud wards,
(iillian, C. A. Johnson,
Johnson, S. W. Lyons,
Kmtrlil. W. II. Moxen.
Polf. A. T. Heed, (i. A. Itice.
A. II. Scott, W. A. Scott, II. S.
Simmons, Ii. II. Smithy. II.
W. Smith, P. A. Smith. I?. P.
Taylor, K. W. Valentine. J. W.
Voelker, C. L. Miner and Ii. W.
Sine organixution many new
o t I'f,
IW.i ,
Lave been added to Hie
in fact, during Ihe past
.irs there have been but
i.flikt'H I lint there hnH not
'ien tie A' candidate taken into
tli.- masteries of Woodcraft. The
.trim reaper lias summoned
Peter Muhm. S. W. Weeks, J.
. Weeks. (1. W. Dunbar and C.
). Russell to the grear beyond
but their lives will fondly lin
ger in memory's hall ami their
'eeds will sweep on like a
mighty river which ever broad
ens until it kisses thu sou.
Some day tho iulluenceof these
lives will touch eternity's shore
und then wo shall meet and
know them again Reported.
words each week, it will not be
long before the endless nnd en
chanlinir variety of words will
begin to relied itself in his
siaecli and mind as well. The
small shocks of our increasing
vocabulary w ill in all prohahil
ity be as helpful to our friends
as to ourselves. As people tic
quire education the tendency of
speech is toward formality, re
cognixetl observances, phases
and expressions that have been
sanctioned and established. It is
the lower busv uneducated world
that seeks the short cut and
uses the most convenient word
tool al hand. Vulgar and pro
fane words need no defense.
por the want of decency is the
want of sense.
Memorial Hay was quietly and
anuroitriatelv observed in bt.
Johns. Ceneral Compson Post
No. 22, (1 A. R. formed at
their hall at 10:5k) in the morn
ing. and the procession consist
ed of Roy Scouts, school child
ren.l!. A. R. Post. W. R. C. and
Lauies of C. A. R, The proves
siou marched to tho public
square at Philadelphia and Bur
lington streets, where tho im
pressive Memorial services were
held. An address was. delivered
by Milton A. Miller, who sjioke
or Oregon's tilting tribute to
her dejwrted heroes and of the
tasks which now confront her
in her new struggle for free
dom. Lincoln's Cettysburg ad
dress was read by Commander
Chambers. l.uiuh was par
t ikon of at tho Post Hall, whero
sieechos. music and readings
took place.
A dispatch from tho naval
training camp at Seattle to a
Portland daily says: That men
or the t'acinc Northwest are
finding tlto Naval Training
Camp at Seattle an interesting
and comtortaule place in which
to begin their war service, is
demonstrated by the number ot
recruits coming in every day.
Portland sends its share nnd
although men aro leaving this
camp daily, tor service alu art
ship, there are -19 Portland boys
in camp. Heading the list is
II. J. Davis, Chief ISIectrioian
in the Naval Reserve Force.
who has charge of the Eighth
Couuuuiy at camp. Ho fore com
ing here he was onesued in
electrical work in Portland for
years. He is the son of Mr.
and airs. A. V. Dav s. of St
Not the label on your paper. I
Two San Francisco negroes
were discussing the possibilities
of being drafted. '"Tain't
gwine do 'em any good to pick
on me," said Lemuel sulkily.
"Ah certainly ain't gwine do
uny fightin'. An aint' lost noth
in oven in France. Ah ain't got
any quarrel with anybody and
Uncle Sam can't make me
fight." Jim pondered over this
statement for a moment.
"You' right," he said at length.
"Uncle Sam kain't make you
fight. But he can take you
where de fightin' is, and after
that you kin use you' own judgement."-
Joe Adams, a young lad about
13 years of age, was knocked
down by an nuto last Friday
morning, on South Jersey street,
it is reported. He was taken to
Dr. Gilstrnp & Seoly's oilice,
where it was found that out
side of several cuts and bruises
lie wus not seriously injured.
Advertisement!, under tills huail
ItiK one cent n uortt. Minimum
charge 25 ccnU.
l'or Sale by Owner Two Iiouacs; ho
iiuciiU; easy monthly iny merits, l'honc
Columi.Iii i!G'J. 22lf
l'or Snlc Hxtctnlon l,nw Course, run
KJtinblc price-, term. Call Columbia 805
evening. tf
r'tuod Svconil liiiml .Sewing machines for
rum. ii. iM-'inrk. if
l'or Sale Confectionery ntore runt
lunch room doing n fine Innlue.n. Good
ri-nMiii for sell I it;; good location. Call
hi in is oilice. t(.
l'or Sale 18 room boardim: home, low
price, easy terms, central location; fi'JO
unrvarii hired, comer I'iske; jiiione Co
ionium ,oi. zni
l'or Sale -5 room house, well cmilii.
lied, good location on North Willamette
iMiuievani, ixisumeui, nice yarn, 101 ixix
loo. Price $1(Wh). Apply at this oilice
lilictrlc Vacuum Cleaner for rent. II
I'. Clark. tf
l'or trade- l'our line lot ami modern
bungalow, well ls-Htvl, for farm. In
(pineal thU oilice. tf.
Residents of Si. Johns having
taxes and city liens to pay in
I'ortland can make their pay
munts without inconvenience by
availing themselves of our scr
vices. Wo will pay same, and
secure your receipt without in
convenience to you. Fee, 25
cents. References: Any St,
Johns Rank.- Peninsula Title,
Abstract and Realty Co.. by 11
Henderson, Manager; -102 North
Jersey street.
Curds of thanks notices arc
charged for tit the rnto of fifty
cents each. Persons desiring to
have such notices publisher;
should make a note of this.
If my work pleases you; please
tell your friends. If not, tel
me. - Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
If you have anything to sell
try our Penny-A-Word Column
To ascertain the exact cost count
each word, initial or nbbrovia
Co to the Auto Repair Comna
ny, 207 South Jersey street, for
your nuto, motorcyclo and bicy
cle repairs and supplies. Autos
for hire. Phono Coumbia 727.
One Sided Tunic Dress
Walking Costume
I 3
is ,
Canning Season
will soon be here
Pints i .80
Quarts 90
1 Gal 1.20
I'lnts 1.00
Qitarti 1.25
J Gal 1.60
Mnts 1.00
Quarts 1.1C
i Gal 1.50
Grocery Grabateria
201 N, Jersey SI,
First'Trust S Savings
1302 East Fcssonden Street
Phone Columbia -10G
Officers and Directors
I'. A. RICE, President nnd Cniliier
M. I IENDE ItSON. Vice Prciidcnt
GEO. I. liKOOKS. Secretary
Four per cent interest
paid on time and sav
ings de) osils.
Rentals and Rentals
Estate Loans
Useful Elec
trical Devices
Vnctiuin Cleaners
I loir Dryers
llotitloir I.ninps
Disc Stoves
Poot Wnrmers
Milk Wnrmers
MnhMtv Yihmtors
Cinr Lighters
Wnflle Irons
Washing Machines
Library I.niups
CoiTee I'etcoltuors
ClinfuiK Diislie.s
Pint Irons
Curling Iron Heaters
Luminous Radiators
Ten Kettles
Sewing Machine Motors
Shaving Mirrors
Kitchen Ranges
Shaving Mugs
Light S Power Co.
i'Billie' Nicholsf
? nroTAiiriAMT 9
iilo munnii i
nr riiinn iu u
J Open Evenings a
The Centra
Philadelphia Street, St, Johns.
Soft Drinks ns usual
Colilest nnd Coolest Drinks in
town. Sandwiches, etc. All lead
ing Summer Driuks.
Electrical Contracting
Wiring, Fixtures nnd
C. L. Dearlove
1G73 Haven St. Columbia 374
.The Past Time Billfard Hall
.V I. WIUTK l'roiwietoc
The Place Where They All Go
A Choice Line of Cigars, Tobac
co and hoft Drinks
ohu Poff
J. II Harvey
P, & H, Transfer Co.
Phone Columbia 30S
206 N. Jersey St. Johus, Ore.
is Prized
Fresh Pork Back Bones 10c lb. 3 lbs for 25c
Veal Breasts for filling 20c lb.
Shoulder of Veal Roasts 25c lb
Leg of Veal Roasts 25c lb.
Phone Columbia 21 VVE DELIVER 109 N- Jersey Street
Beautiful gray or
btaok adult cuskot,
henrse, box. 2 autos
embalming and rofln
od utrvlco for
I'uiiemU If dwdreil for JiW. iW. f 10, $W. Higher priced funerals In pro
portion. Wv iiMuuutcturt' CHket. Itdy aUtant.
lli-Hiitiful funcrnl cliiiK'l.
Mnln 2601 InUopondont Funornl Director! A 7005
WiishlriKlun at lll.i Strrcl, lli lnrrn 20lh ami 21st Strict, Wrst Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
(5M Cintril Ave. N.
hit firiui i ,,M:W i
M ,csr- U w1 Vl
It only Takes a Minute
io send him a pouch of
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
Just drop into any wi Io nwalco dealer around
here, give him 10 cent for the pouch of Real
Gravely, complete in the rpecial envelope ready for
Address it according to the official directions he
will give you. Put on n II cent stamp and Uncle
Sam's Mails will see that he gets it.
Real Gravely It the tobacco to lend. Not ordinary plug
loaded up with (weetenlnz. hut condensed quality, h' worth
ending n long way, nnd when ho receive it ho'i cot something.
Givo any man a chow of Ileal Gravely I'luc.nnd he will tell
yon that' the kind to tend. Send Ihe hull
Ordinary plug U fade economy. It cottt leu per week to
chow Real Gravely, became i mall chow of it iattt a long
Evon "over there"' a 3c stamp will put It into ids hands,
r. Z. ';vrv tohaCCO COMPANY, Danville, Va.
ile I'altnt poath kttpt it Fitih aa Cr. 'fJ (oJ
It it not Ra( Crattly uilhout thh hottttwn oal
established 1831
Don't throw your Old Tires away
OPEN 6 A. H. TO 4 P, M,
Tubes 25 cents and up.
Reasonable prices on cas
ing work.
All work guaranteed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St, Johns, Oregon
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by application, as th t-auuut r. i-h
it tlls.aitd iKiril..a ot tbv car Th.r. i
only on. way to vur- aoj Hut is
bv constiiutlonal r. turdii's. L.rn.M Is
cautrtl b an intUui' d oonjuioii of lh rau
cuus llaluK or th KuslsciiUn Tuk Whtn
this (uW Is laosmrj )ou ha a ruinbilar
oubJ or tinpr(rvt basrlnic. aad Hltsa It Is
mlrly vlofiJ. IHsfnrM is the r.iult. aaj
uaUfs th loAauimatioa ran bt taksa out
sad this tub restored to Its Burma! crndl
tion. hsrli will be dottroyrd tonrtt: alas
fsss out of tsn aro caus4 by Catarrh,
which Is nothlna but sn tnaamd eaadltloa
of ths wueoua surfaces.
W win ilvc Oar lluadrrd vwiiars lor aay
ess ot Dsfsss tcausd by eatartkl tkat
cannot t cured by Hairs Catarrh Cw.
6nd for dreulars. fr.
r. J. CHENEY A CO. To) Jo. Ohio.
Sold by Drucststs, Ti
TaJt Usirs -imlly Ptlts for constipation.
so "Highly
Our refrigerators contain the
market's finest meats but our
prices will suml comparison
with those whose stock Is In
ferior. Why tuKUe? Is not
this logic enough? Our mar
ker boasts the most varied nnd
attractively arranged stock In
Phone Columbia 888
Real Estate!
If M Wish Io Sill
Property at right prices
list it with us.
If You Want to Buy
Property at right prices
call and see us.
S. C. Cook
402 N. Jersey Street
Is. A. Gee. nrofessor of odd1
jobs, is now ready to take your
order for anything in house
moving or repairing, roof re.
pairing a specialty; cement
work of all kinds and general
contracting. 801 N. Ivanhoe;
phone Col. 803.
Everyday you are without a
kodak is so much pleasure lost.
Currin Says So.