If Swift tk Company Made No Profit The cattle raiser would receive only Yq cent a pound more for his cattle So small is Swift & Company's profit on any single transaction that if it were turned over to the cattle raisers of the country, they would receive only Va cent a pound more for cattle than they receive now. Swift & Company pays for live cnttlo about 90 of the amount received for dressed meat and by-products. Tho remaining 10 pays for packing-houso expense, freight to market, operation of distributing houses and profit. Swift & Company's actual figures per head for 1917 on over two million cattle were a3 follows: IUcDlptf Paymonli From Byproduct! $24.00 26 From Meat $60.97 74 r. ToUl $93.06 9 W? Paid for LIvo Catllo SIM.4S oi r Total $91.06 J.lllel r.iM ThU net profit of $1.29 per Iicnd nvcrnr.es Yu cent n pound livo weight. And out of this bmult net profit divi dends must be paid to shareholders. , Ytr Hook of Intorostlnn anil hiMiucllvu fuels ncnt on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock YurdN, Chtcni'.o, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S.A. fab & Cianly ami 8vHV' v'lNl VHHMS .1. 'MSH:I 1 ( II 1 A Every Fttv Days Send Him a pouch of Real GRAVLXY Chewing Plug Think of the welcome ho will give it this con densed plug of fino tobacco thnt slips flnt into hit) Jiockct, ready to uivt him tobacco comfort and satis action nnywhoro, nil tho time! C.ivo any man u chaw of Hcnl Rravcly Plug, and ha will tell you thiit'i the kind In rml, Send llio bettt Ordinary plug it (alio economy, It cottt leu per week to chow Heal Gravely, becamu a small chew of it latt a long while. If you smoke plpr,lico Gravely with your kuifaaud add a littlo to yourtmoking tobacco. It will kivo fl.ivor improve your tmoke. JLND 01K IKI1.M) IS TUE V. S. MUVICli A I'Ol'CU 01' CKAVELY Dealer all around hero carry it In 10c. pouchei. A 3c. damp will put it into hit liandt in any Training Camp or Seapoit of the U. S. A. Even "over there" a 3c. stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelope ami (jive you official direction how to address it. 1 U. (JHAVELY TOUACCO COMPANY, Dauville, Va. 7 Jilat WA kttpt it frna onj Cltan and &J ll it nut rVrul (iruirly uithout thit fretrcn'on &tt . rUtnllliliod JH3I O (0 For Lend Him AHiuuL 4 7 buy LIBERTY ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. PATRIOTISM Buy SAPOLIO For ECONOMY "Aclions speak loucjpr hqn words-Act - Don't Talk - Buy Now Bring in Your Job Printing Now USE PGTATOES INSTEAD OF BREAD Dread Must Be Saved Potatoes Con tain the 8ame Nutriment. How many potatoes are you eating? This Is a question the Food Adminis tratlon wants every loyal American to ask himself or herself. Strange as It may soem, the eating of potatoes at this time Is a practical war service, according to a recent Food AdminlS' tratlon bulletin, which points out that this nation now has a large potato surplus on hand and that this valuable food, unless cnten within the next two months, will bo lost through sprouting and rotting. I)y eating of potatoes liberally, every family can save a sub stantial amount of othor food, particu larly of wheat. I)y eating up tho sur plus of potatoes the nation will also prevent serious loss tn the potato producer, who needs to bo encouraged to grow maximum crops during the coming year. "Domestic science experts have fig tired thnt: Ono ordinary baked potato eipiatd in nourishment one thick bIIcu of wheat brond. "Potatoes nt ono and one-half to two cents n pound linvu more food value tli u ii bread at ten cents a luM. ' Totnloes are healthful. They Im prove tho goncral tone of the systom by their wholesome action on tho dl Restive organs, Thny nro ensleat on the stomach of all vegetable foods, They are easy on tho kidneys bocaiise of tho minimum of nitrogen thoy con tuln. They are easy on the Intestines because of the tenderness and small proportion of their cellulose and tho flnu division of sturrh, "Potatoes aru valuable In tho (Hot of the sick. They can bu eaten with benefit by people suffering from dys pepiila, auciula, illubelcs, llrlght's dls ease, cardiac affections, Intestinal troubles, constipation, hyperacidity nrtlrltls, gout, liver complaints, etc. "Always servo potatoes with moat," oonaludo the I'nod Administration bulletin. "Never serve bread uml po tttloes." coicsr SAVE I WW "WHEAT I!. Mrs llobt. J. Ilurdette. The r ng lino Is now In your kit cheii. Knock nut the breadline nt your table. II has been said that the Kuvnlu tlonary War v. us v. on by men fed on husty puihlltu:, In other word, corn meal iiiuhIi. I.el It be written In his lory that the winning of tho present war wii made piwslblo by the United Htates eating potatoes. The manner of eating, tho time of eatlnK nnd even the kind of foodstuff eaten nr largely n matter of habit We do net desire tn break ourselves entirely nf the habit of eating or life would not prove worth living, but It can he mnde to prove butter worth living if we change some of the habits Hiippon mii cure ourselves of the hand outing habit and seo If we do not consume Im bread. If you were In put your bread and butter on your plate nnd eat It with n knife nnd fork It would reduce the amount nf bread eaten nt iiiiuh. In hoiiib of the Oriental countries Mien carry strlnn of bright red wooden beads that are known as "Conversation beads," and they seem unable to talk unless they have them In their hands to play with nnd pas from one hand to the other. We seem to need something In our hands nt tuhle or wn feel the meal Is Incomplete nnd thnt something Is usually bread Forget this habit and save wheut. If you must continue the handeatlng hitblt, hold a hot potato. How to Increase World's Dread nation With fuinliio creeping through Ku rope, nnd every nation strugKllug to produce enough food to sustain life, the American farmer has a duty that he can nut shirk. America must ship food to Iturupo for our soldiers, America must supply bread to starv lug peoples. No matter what other crops uru rulsed, moru acres should bu devoted to bread grnlus. "Do your bit, Mr. Farmer." says n Food Ad mluUtratlun bulletin. "Success do peuds upon you In this world war" West I'olut Is on a food conservation basis, and the health of the cadet corp Is better thun ever. All bread used Is composed of 46 per cent wheat (lour. 45 rye, aud 10 per cent white bolted grain flour; nnd many cadets consider It superior to the former while bread. Hugar consumption has beeu cut down, meatless days and meals are rigidly observed, and the reduced umount of meat has been beneficial to health. A lessou from n reliable source. Taking It From Babies. "Kvery ounce of wheat products In excess of six pounds per mouth that you eat. Mr. American Cltlteu, Is that much literally taken from the mouths of the sturvlug women and children of France," says a Food Admlnlstra tlou bulletin. "The armed allies may go without wheat, but these inuoo nts will actually die uuless we give thorn of ours lu generous proportion," Vlotory bred is received with hoar ty upproval. Hut don't be satU'ied to use It on a wheatles day or at a whcatlcss meal, because It lsu'l wh-'at-Wis. N. A. Gee. nrofossor of odd jobs, is now roudy to take jour order for anything in house moving or ronairini?, roof re. pairing a specialty; cement work of all kinds nnd general contracting. SOI N. Ivanhoe; phone Col. S03. . ! Help yourself and your coun try preserve etrtrs with Esc 1 Keep. Currln Suys So. See Our Beautiful ill SlS'' . WK Shades and OMA&p All there is in life is what joy you get out of it so, as silk things please you-wear them. When you come to our store we will show you silks and silk things, rich in coloring and shimmering lustre. Silk things have advanced in price less than any other line of goods, so now is the time to buy them and wear them to your heart's content. Come to us for everything you need. Our quality is high: our price low. SPECIAL Far welFs Lin weaves' 26 in. wide, all white: a varied array of pat terns per yard 19c WAISTS Crepe Chiffon Taffetta, Silk Ging ham, Jap Silk- $2.25 to $7.50 each A new line of Voiles at- $1.00 to $2.50 COLLARS The new things in Wash Satin Collars and Crepe Neckwear. YARN EXCHANGE To conserve the yarn supply of the Government we will operate a yarn exchange. Bring in your left over part skeins, some one else way need just what you have. We will give you a fair exchange. BON HAM & CURRIER L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept. Let's Get at the Facts! Don't Confuse These Measures. 1 1 i I i When you go to the polls tomorrow, remember there are two Jitney Ordinances to bo voted on. One is tho "Jitney Bonding" Ordinance. The other is the "Jitney Service" Ordinance. If you vote for the "bonding" ordinance, you get nothing in the way of service except what the jit ney drivers want to give you, and you know what that was in tho old jitney days. It can't be any better now. If you vote for the "Jitney Service" Ordinance you will have some assurance that it jitneys oper ate, they will give a regular service over regular routes and for some distance beyond the down town districts, where they ran riot in the old days. If you vote for the "Jitney Service" Ordinance, you will also be entitled to the transfer privilege the same as you are when you ride on the street cars. If you vote for the "Jitney Service" Ordinance, it will have no effect whatever on the question of bonding jitneys for your protection in case of acch dent or injury, for the "Jitney Service" Ordinance specifically provides that the question of the jitney bonds, the amount and terms, shall be left for de termination by ordinance. Some of our opponents have referred to the "Jitney Service" Ordinance as u "strangulation" measure. There is this much to be said on that point: If you vote for the "bonding" ordinance and not for the "Jitney Service" Ordinance, you will be merely handing the free use of the streets over to the wild, unregulated jitneys; you wont get transfers; you won't get a regular service; you won't know when, how or whore the jitneys will run. They can dump you p(T anywhere they like and charge you any fare they please. IT WAS TO PREVENT JUST EXACTLY THAT SITUATION FROM ARISING THAT THE "JITNEY SERVICE" MEASURE WAS INITIATED AND PLACED ON THE BALLOT. This "Jitney Service" measure provides only moderate regulation and such regulation is aimed entirely to protect the traveling public in the way of service. For instance, this measure provides for: 1. Routes two and one-half miles long on the West Side and four miles long on the East Side. 2. These routes must be defiuately prescribed and regularly followed. 3. The jitneys must operate for not less than eight hours each day. 4. Transfers must be given from one jitney route to another where the passenger travels in the same general direction. 5. The amount and terms of the bonds are left' for the City Council to determine. There isu't a single drastic provision in the ordi nance, aud there is nothing in the measure that compels the jitneys to operate except over such routes as they themselves choose. li you want Jitney Service reasonably regulated, you should vote for this ordiuance; 100 X YES. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. Ptanf an in Thp To Keep Posted IReview and See Your 1 Business Grow 1 11 1 I