ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 14 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1918. NUMBER 27 Our Political News Letter By F. J. Kupfer. Tomorrow, Friday, is tho day for every good citizen to exer cise his or her rights, and ac cording to indications we be lieve there will be nt least 76 per cent of the registered voters who will cast their ballot. There has been very little "mud slinging" in this cam paign and every candidate bus confined him3elf in bringing out his own virtues and qualifica tions for the ofllco he aspirc3. In the Senatorial contest Sena tor McNnry's friends have tried to ''stir up something," but so far have not made very much impression, while Robert N. Stanfleld has been abused con siderable on account of his wealth, the average citizen does not begrudge him of it, so long as he has made it honestly. Mr. Stanfleld during all his life has made it a rule to follow the Got den Rule and to benefit his fol low citizens. A. V. Orton. Renublican can didate for Circuit Judge.Depart mcnt No. G, is a Spanish war vovcran, having served in Cuba and the Philippines. He has been practicing Inw in Oregon for nine years. Was twice elect od to tho legislature and made a good record during his two terms. Ho was for four years Register U. S. Land Ofllco at Lakoview, where he heard and decided thousands of contested enscs and helped poor people to obtain free land. Mr. Urton be Moves in recommending benefi cial changes in tho laws. Among the legislative candi dates Mr. II. L. Idlcmnn is seek ing the nomination for Rcpre scntative. He is specially in terested in favoring laws for the working masses. He is the author of several amendments to the mechanics' lien law, which better protects small property holders and the laboring mnn from losing his money. Mr. Idlcmnn in a director in the Morgan Bushong Investment Co. Ho hns resided in this city since ho was 10 years old. Mr. Elmer E. Pcttingell is n enndidnte fdr the legislature. Ho is a lawyer and hns been prominent in the upbuilding of hotter labor conditions. Mr. Pcttingell is well thought of in tho community and through his good qualities hns made many friends. Mr. Pcttingell would make n good representative and should rcccivo tho support of every Inborlng man. Mr. Sam Martin, tho County Auditor, is on the ticket for ro election. Mr. Martin has re sided in this city for 25 years and during that time has made a host of friends. Mr. Mnrtin has conducted the ofllco of County Auditor for two succes sive terms and hus given entire satisfaction. Ho is always at tending to his duties, and every ono who has business with him invariably receive courteous treatment nt all times. Mr. J. T. Wilson. Republican candidate for County Commis sioner, is one of our substantial business men. He has been in the auction business in this city for over twenty years and to day has ono of the largest es tablishments irtho city. If he can conduct tho county's affairs as well as he has 'his own ho should receive the votes of the the people. Mr. Wilson has been a success and he has al ways conducted his business on strictly honest methods. The Knights and Ladies of Security held another one of their popular meetings to the public Mondny night, which was greatly enjoyed by all present. The Juvenile orchestra, under the leadership of Mrs. Frank Rice, as well as the Juvenile drill team, under Mrs. Morelng, came in for more praise than printers ink can describe. They putron some fine floor work con sidering the short time that they have been organized. Much credit is due Mrs. Moreing for her untiring work in this train ing of the children. At last Saturday's dance there were eighteen applications written up and there were a good many more written up on Monday evening. Reported. H. M. Waldref's auto contain ing Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Anson, Cecil Muchison and Miss Edith Anson, with Mr. Waldref driv ing, was run into by another machine, on Columbia Highway May 5th. resulting in Mr. Anson having his collar bone broken and otherwise bruised, Mr. Wal dref sustaining a fractured rib and other members of the party being badly shaken up. The report that A. Anson was injur ed in last week's paper was incorrect American Navy am Vl'Kir.S In tho Ameri can navy itro clrittxed tin tlio best fed body of men In the world, In I lie hlilp'H cnlli-ys. every effort in iiiiuio to ellmliiiite wnMe. In the upper plioto one of the rooks on the North Imkotii U oper ntlni; it meat Mirer Hint cuts liiicon with the iMixslhlu wit.HtiiKe. fur IlKlilerH, Mttenn Ir I'm i fuel h'ldly needed In tho nllleil itrmleM titnl n ii vies. The allied needs In porl prod ucls nre pounds monthly, three times as niiieh its before the wnr. .Miotnerwiisteellinlimlor on the North !nkoni Is the potnlo peeler, shown In the lower photo. Nothing Is lost ex cept the iietnnl potntii xliln. There In n mifliclent itmntlty of po P lan YouvVMv Garden Now Save Time and Money. ( " : -l?; i McipMCttidE OLR&POftr Food 5rocif& N CITY anil country more war Kiirdenn are neisiisi this year than ever before. Pnli'lntUui ptiuiiple! 2,000.000 Anieiletini to plant uariteim last yeur. imiutlliiir to iwlliiMteN of thr lulled States I)eMirtmeiit of Aicrhuluire. Trnnmrlalloii facilities of ilia nation will he trulned this year liHiillnp nmnl tloim of war and food for the Allies. Tin; surplus fond cre ated by home gardens will help In the railroad problem, And Ihu nation will out lew of the jsood- we mut itfwrt- wheat meat, fain and sucar. livery boy and kIi tlwt liel with tin Kiirden Is helping win Ihe war. I.eullelN of liuririiction Ii garden mal:ln may bo hecured from the Depailiaent of Agriculture, at Wuuli liiCton, ujion request, without charge. t i EVERYONE MUST HELP. Wars cannot be fought without money, and upon tho Treasury center every financial demand upon the Nation, The rich of this country cannot alone meet the needi of the Nation; the men of the country cannot do It alone; the women of the country cannot do It alone; but all of ut, the people of the United States, dltre gardlno partlzanihlp, forgetting tclflih Interests, thinking only of the supremacy of right and determining to vindicate the majesty of American Ideals and secure the safety of America and civilization, can do the great and splendid work which 0d has called upon us to do. W. 0, McADOO, Secretary of tho Treasury. For Sale Good gas range, i guaranteed good baker, very i cheap. Call 818 . Burr street, j EimmtesVastc mines In Ainerku for greater use In every home ami for all needs of arm) ami navy more potatoes, vat less wheal, Pocket Knives the Made in America Guranteed kind, is the kind Currins sell. St. Johns' Honor Roll ! Following is a list of those from St. Johns whb have enlist ed in Uncle Sam's service. Per sons knowing of any names omitted will render a favor by reporting same to this ofllco. Tnylor M. Whitmore, Athill t i W. Irvine, uenn u. luiowies, Earl II. Knowles. Theodore Uugbee, H. Rryon I'oll', Armnnd Oli n. Claude E. Harris, Russell Poll1, R. P. Galloway, Ciias. E. (Jarlick.Murne Donaldson, Glenn Hoakell, Ray Clark, Bomtjnh T. Swan, Hubert Martin, Leon Sorhor, Donald Strickland, Lowell Anderson, John Ln Villett, Krnnk L. Thompson, Oron Loar, II nl J. Davis, Donald N. Trowbridge, Bert Larson, Alan Rutherford, Homer Plaskett, Henry Brand- enberg, J. W. Welsh, David :Bowe. Clyde Heath, Waltei 1 Mnye , Krod Scmalling, John 'Hocus, Ernest Johnson, Hiram I Ealingcr, Kenneth Siminolm, I Thornton Toole, Eugene lliatt, I Dowe Walker, August Jensen, jllay Myor, Walter Pearson, Eimer Mnplos, Roy Giutnon, Lester 1). and Basil B. Smith. I liryant Kilkenney, Paul Rude, Emory Gillmore, Lewis Wirth, 'Harold Meredith, Ray Haw- 'kliiH. Hugh Ward. Kindle G. Snttorli'o, Gordon and Wilbur Bellinger. Zelta Rice, Leslie B. Moulton. Harry Truman, Krank Green, Walter Rickson, Frank Whitney, Thomas Reynolds Carlvle Cunningham. Percy Smith. Frank Whitney, Arthur C. Clark. Alphonso Fox, Harry 0. Hughes, Goo. Downey, Thos. E. Edwards, G. and Ingolf Willikson, F. Edward Isbcll. Graham Moxon, (5. Lin coln Fassett, Hurley Manning, Grover Carroll, Clyde Miller, Adolph Aschor, John Bascy, Win. Moe, Albert Hyde, Reed Chamberlain, Ray Vandcrbeck, Richard Barley, Cecil Magone, Frank Bugbeo, Ivan Faher, Bert Sundstrom, Gail Perrine. Nor man Nelson, Grover Barron, Harry J. Simmons, Thos. Rob orts, Max .1. Witters, A. Tall man, G. W. Stevens. Christ Lind, William E. Galloway. Geo. Worthington, Jack L. Douglas, Joy Mil tori Carnahan, Elinor Flynn, J. Elmer Thomas. Eugene Small. Howard and Ba sil Holcomb.Carl Smith, Sprngiic B. Mural), William Ward, Bert Sundstrum, Glen Woisur, Louis St. Johns, John F. Brownley, Rosa Gattou, Thos. Cochran, Dewey Brown, Henry J. Amala, Alva and Ralph Smith, Eugene Thurmond, Harry Roichtmoyor, George Schmidt. William Sneed, Alec S. Cokalas. Louis Fletcher. Roy Muck, Paul Irvine. 'Business in Public Affairs" F. A. RICE Number 97 on Ballot Republican Candidate For State Representative The St. Johns Candidate l.H'l Adv. Vote X -17 .J. Ii. Schaefer, Water Superintendent Division No. 1. You will make no mis take by voting for him. His well known recognized qunlilica tions and integrity are a guar antee for efiiciency and economy , in the oiheeto which he aspires. He has prove" himself one hun- 'dred per cent American in daily I deeds. He is a tried, true friend, and able champion of labor, not only in words, but in r corded doeds. He is tho only candidate for this position from Portland andlultnomah County and being a progressive citizen ,who has borne and received many distinguished honors in private and public lifo in this City. Hu is certain'!' entitled to your undivided and loyal sup port. -By A. L. Treber, 423 Bristol street. St. Johns Oregon. paid adv. u We are graduate registered pharmacists of 12 years exper ience. "Currin Says So." r iB r - fli -iK AlPi Charter No. 10103. Reserve Dlst. No. 12 Heport of the coudltlou oi I0NAL AT PORTLAND III the State of Oregon, at the close of Inuiness May 10, 1918. Rksoukciih, Loans and ills- counts f733.352.43 kcdl:ounl 2fi.000.00 TTotnl loans 708,352.43 Uvenlriills, unsecured 91, bu V. S. bonds to secure circulation 100.000.00 V. S. lloudsnnd ccr- tilicatcs of Indent- ednrss pledged to sceuie V. S. de wlts 105.000.00 255.000.0C Liberty Loan llouds, 3J and 4 per cent unpledged 24,500.00 Payments iictunlly made on Liberty 4i per cent Hands ..35,000.00 59.500.00 llouds other than U. H. bonds pledKed to secure stal snviiiKS deposits.. 31,800.00 llouds nml Sccutltlrs plcdecd ns collalcrnl lor State State or other de- tiosits or liilts iayablc (postal excluded) 74,294.03 Securities other than V. S. bonds (not in cludiui! stocks) owned unpledKed 44,386.72 150,479.75 Stock ol l'ederul Reserve Hank (50 cr cent of subscription) . . I'uruiturc nml fixtures 3.300.00 U.29G.41 Other real estate owned 13,100.00 Lawful Reserve with l'edcrnl Reserve Hank 95,746.35 Cash In vault and net amount due from national liMiks. .. .218,22.1.25 Due from bank mid bankers (other than included 13,14,15) KxrhatiKc for denting llOIIM! Total of Item 14, 15, 10, 17, 18 . .229,412.03 Check on bunk located out side of city or town of re jioitliiK batik and other emli item ... ...... Uedcinptloiifuiid with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer War SaviiiK Ccitlficutcs and Thrift Klaiu uctually owned P.iyuicnti due on scented Liberty Loon G.982.41 4.207.27 1,339.80 .5,000.00 2,001.00 1,450.00 Total f 1,634,729.63 LlAllll.tTlltS. Capitnl Mock paid In M 00,000.00 Minims mini ....... j'J,(w.iiu Undivided profits 21,913.00 l.e current expen tcs. interest mid taxes twdd 13.370.90 8.5(2.70 ClreiilalliiK uotrsoutstaudiiiK. 99,100.00 Due to li ink ami ii.mkci (other than Included in 31 or 32) , 1,842.05 lotal ol Items yj, uuil :m 1,A42.05 Demuiid detol(: Individual dcionlts sub. iect to cheek 588.925.70 t ertilieates ol ilrH)ilt tine in less inun din 30.467.41 (.MMilvr check out- stnndiiiK 7,049.38 .State, county, or other inn- ii c imi iieixMit secureii uv Ideducof assets of this bank 50.000.00 Dividends uniMid 7.00 Total ol demand deposit 077,039.68 Tlmu Denoslts: Cerlificates of deposit 120,614.65 Mute, county, or other inutile- lMl delimits securril by pledge ol as etsol thislmuk 20.000.00 l'it:il S-ivIiik leK)ilis . 21.774.41 oilier time iteiiotiis .326.410.21 Tot il of time iUils sub Jed t Reserve .. .493,705,20 Vur Ifiaii deiiositae. Colli. t .. Mi.UW.W Total M.6:n,T29 6;i Labilities for rediscounts, lii'lndliiL' those uith l'tit erul Reserve lUnk . $25,000.00 l'ot;i contingent liabilities f25.000.00 MVt ef Oree,oii, I -Jiir.ty of .Miiltnoinnli, i I, J N KdleUeu, Cdihler of the ; )Vi mimed Ixink. do solemnly wem 'I: it Hi; nlxive stiiteniont is true to the I." t of mv knowledge and lc jef . J. N. ltdlefscn, Cashier. I'.v.rb laud sworn to before inc. t'Mi i:th day of May, 1918. 1, J. Wright. Notary Public. Miiltuoiiiuli county, Ore. i orr-t Attest; I'. C. Kuapp, II. H. I'cuncll. Thos, Autzrii. Directors. H. Smith, wlio iH now atation ed in Florida, in writing to his father, R E. Smith, 838 N. Jer sey street says: 1 am sending you a picture of myself and a broken piece of a propeller of an airplane 'hat fell hero and killed two men. I wish you would keep it so I can have it for a souvenir. When this ma chine fell I was the first one to get to it. I got ono man off and he had his head mashed. I could not get the other out. Ho was in under the machine all cut up. Ono of the men grab bed the control of the machine when they were coming down in a trial spin, and they could not straighten up the machine. One of the men lived in Califor nia and the other in Colorado. Well, I am well and having a good time here. A big crowd of St. Johns boos ters witnessed the local ball team whallop St. Helens Sunday at that place 10 the tune of G to 3, making the fifth straight vic tory for the home club and re taining the lead for the pennant. The Foundation club defeated Supple-Ballin by the lop-sided score of 2G to 3, and Com foot defeated Peninsula 11 to 3 at the local grounds. Sunday the local team meets the Cornfoot club at the St. Johns grounds. Stand by your present SENATOR 9Ha mtSBBm mum CHARLES L, McNARY Republican Candidate For U. S. SENATOR Number 18 on Ballot VOTli FOR HIM ON MAY 17 Willi our country In the K'catcst war In history, Oregon is to be congratulated that it has the present ontHiituuitv to re turn such an able and loyal representative to the United States Senate, thus reliev ing the State of the necessity of sending in his stead n new, untrained man to Washington. Ilellevlug that the siiptcuie obligation he owe to III country unit lo the eoplc of Oregon Is to help the United Slate win the war, Senator McNnry determined to forego the prosecution oln personal cam paign In Oregon. Accordingly, he has on duty in Washington, for the welfare of the people of hi country nml state. Senator McNnry has introduced and Is working strongly for n bill extending prire tixlng to a large number of com modities. This is It puriMset "During the consideration of the Pood Control lllll I took the position that the law, to be effective, should be coiupic hcushciu its application to prevent prof iteer from gaining control of those com modities not coining within llsnHrat!ou. This Hill will, if it passes, correct some of the wroue now practiced limn the pro ducing onileonntitnliu: public. The meas ure empower me riesident to iix tnc price ol petroleum ami it products, hide and skins mid their pioducts, such a shoes; hemp, jute, eottou and wool and tneir piiHiiuts, Mien it cunning, ntso wheat substitute, corn, re, barley, oats, etc; alto on livestock and It products, luriii Implement mid machinery, unless a change of policy is made, it I Inevit able that the price of wheat substitutes will advance until actual suffering will come iix)ii the people. PM Ai1r,,Coiiniilttre I'uitliii.l (Kn-oit H. L IDLEMAN Number 85 on Ballot Rcptihlican Candidate Tor REPRESENTATIVE I Wll.l, WORK I OR The vigorous pn. uli"ii f the War. Strict economy In oil DeMtluiruti. lllnurr my rolls and KruMiieut wy rolls for l'oitluml, A wiuare ileal to all and Mteflal privi leges to none. Ilnrourage Manufacturing Industries and .Ship lluilding. I hive always championed and worked for better condition for lulwr. My record during a boi residence in I'ortlau is it proof that I will curry out to the letter the above promise. Nogttll. 1'Jtrlotlr Uevolloll to I Mil)'. 1'ald Adv LOFGREN PLEDGES SUPPORT FOR WAR Candidate tor Joint STATE REPRERENTA- TIVE for 1 7th Dislricl comprising Clitckaums mid Multno mah counties rrouiises n MHKire deal in all issues. Wus a member of the 191'i l.K's luturc, worked for Coinpeiisutioii Act. Led figlit in house tor Inter state llndge. His record was en dorsed by nil the progtessitte and civic organizations. Wilt fairly and honestly consider all issues, and sup port one government. We must protect the puhlic Iroin profiteers; labor from exploitation and taxpayers from extravugeiice. Dut first ami last vt must marshal! all our resources to win the war and get ready for conditions following the war. VOTE X 65 I'nid Adv. For Salo or Trade An almost new five room modern bungalow within walking distanco of Reed College. Will trade for choice St. Johns home and pay difference. Dr. W. J. Gilstrap, owner. Send tho Lovb in Franco pic- turea from home. Currin Says So. " 1w Jl M:;-si f B Y.VI -vk GEORGIA RICH Teacher of Piano Technic nml lintid development. Pupils developed from beginning lo public appearance. Studios-507-8 Columbia bWg. 8t2 North Kellogg street. Phones Main 3319; Col. 591. E I (ii e r Sneed Violin Instruction STUDIO. 2ir, N. Syracuse St. l'houe Columbia 302 Mrs. Gabriel Pull in Vocal Teacher London Training Available for Concetti ntul Recitnlrt 965 I.omlnitd Sttett, corner Willi riioue Columbia m Mrs. Frank A. Rice TUACIIItll Of Violin, Alandolin and Piano I'upll ol Nolrr Dame Studio: CO'J W. John Strl Telephone Coluuibla Myrtle W. Campbell Teacher of SiiiKiiiK Kesidetice Studio: (5G0 Ivnst iMiurlcentli Streel Xortlt Phone Hast -1515 W.J. Oilstrap, M.I). I5.U. Seely. M.I). Drs, Gilstrap & Seely Physicians and Surgeons Glasses Accurately Filled oi'i'icit nouns l):(K) to 12 M. OI'I'ICIW 1 :.1U to 'I:.t0 V. M. l'irt Natlotwt 7:00 to H:0O I. M. lUnk llulldiiK Siiniliiyn. U.O0 lo 1():!W A. M. Dr. Evart P. Borden DENTIST Painless Extraction of Tevlh uutlar Nitious Oxide Ciik Oflicc Peiiinsulii Until; UUi. Office phone Col. (Wr, re phoHeCol. 1T7 llourn 9-12 11. in.', 1 ;:ii) U nml 7 fi t. in, Dr. Herbert P. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Office Hours: 1 f ntul (I S p. 111, lUs. Plione Coltiiubin ()0 Office Phone ColumbtH 1)7 JOSEPH AkCHI-SNI-V, M.I). Office Room 5 Peninsula Hank ISuildiug Hours 9-10 a. in.; i-j p. m. himI evcniiiKs. Oflicc plioue Col. 251 : Km. 910 DR. J. VINTON SCO'IT DENTIST Office llimiiil liito 1-JO-T I Sunday HII 1 IVnliiMiU Hank Uldu. Office I'luiiie Coluuibla l.u 1 Kukldent I'lHtiie ColiimbiM 271 Dr. Samuel A. Alulkey DENIIST The profeshiou practiced in it various bruuclivH SiTlSl'ACTK t.t AHA NTH HP Office hours: HXI lu 12 M ; 1:3U to I mid 7 ! I' l'irst National iunk HmldiiiK ritoue Columbia it?. Caldwell & Patterson I.IiADING BAKHISKS The jilare where anil coiirteouit treatiueui prevail. CluhUvii's hair CUtllllK receive s.i , ihI .itU iitKilt. 10D BURLINGTON STREET Davis Barber Shop ami HATH ROOMS S. W. DAVIS, Pfop'trlor 108 Philadelphia St. Jiatli 25c EDM0NDS0N cS: CO. Plumbing, HeatiiiK & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Vart l'houe Col. 92 107 S. Jery ftt. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National Uaul lluilding ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON Rosebud Restaurant KOIir. ANDHKSON, l'rop. 309 S. Jersey St. Opo. Central School TRY OUR EATS l'rouipt service, courteous treatment ud prices rij-ht Hours from G a. in. to 10 p. in. St. Johns Undertaking Co. 208 N. Jersey Street l'hones: Columbia 527 Columbia 299 Automobile Hearse. Gil Our Pr'cit Before Going lo Portland