United States Senator U. S. Most Cut Use Of Wheat by One-Half America Consumed 42,000,000 Bushels Monthly. From Now Until Harvest Must Use Only 21,000,000. t z hi RATION PER PERSON IS POUNDS OF WHEAT PRODUCTS WEEKLY Military Necessity Calls for Greater Sacrifice Horc Allied War Bread Must Be Maintained Our Soldiers and Sailors to Have Full Allowance. If wc nrc to furnish the Allies with the necessary propor tion of wheat to maintain their war bread from now until the noxt harvest, and tills is a military necessity, we must reduce our monthly consumption to 21,000,000 bushelB a month, as against our normal consumption of about 42,000,000 bushels, or CO per cent, of our normal consumption. This is the situa tion as act forth by the U. S. Food Administration at Washing ton. Reserving a margin for distribution to the army and for special cases, leaves for general consumption approximately 1V4 pounds of wheal products weekly per person. The Food Administration's statement continues: Many of our consumers urc dependent upon bakers' bread. Sucli bread must be durable and therefore, requires a larger proportion of wheat products than cereal breads baked in the household. Our army and navy require a full allowance. The well-to-do in our population can make greater sacrifices in the consumption of wheat products than can the poor. In addition, our population in the agricultural districts, whero the other cereals are abun dant, are more skilled in the preparation of breads from these other cereals than the crowded city and industrial populations. With improved transportation conditions we now have avail able a surplus of potatoes. We also have in the spring months a fturplus of milk, ami wo have ample corn and oats for human consumption. The drain on rye and barley, as substitutes, has already greatly exhausted the supply of these grains. To Direct Hie n Iwl mmvIiik of wheni iitiu. of Hi.- uvuruKu monthly uinoiiiil CHARLES L. McNARY Ilccauic Clinrli- I, McNnry hits made i;ood its t'nilcil Mutes Senator front Ore t;ou, lie should lie nominated in Henntor n the Republican Primary on Mny 17. Prion fixing to Provont Profiteering Kenli.iuK that the present I'ood Con trol I.tiw fulls to fix tile prices on ninny uccessnrics of life, Senator McNnry had introduced mid is working strongly torn hill extending prlce-fixlnj! to rt luru tttitn herol commodities. Itxlilidniiin its pur jk)w. Senator McNnry wild; "Uurlui the consideration of the l'ood Control Hill I took the xsitlon that the law, to be elective, should be coinpre hciuive In its spplicntion to prevent prof. liters from Kn"""! control 01 nunc coin I moditles not coining within its operation, j This bill, if it himics, correct some of the wrongs now prartlecd upon the ptodueltig iiiulcoiiMiinlnu, public. This measure cm ' txmcrs the 1'fcsldcnt to fix the price ol jietrolcuni nud Its products, hides nnd skins and their products, such as shoes, hemp, jute, cotton and wool and their ppxIuctJ, such for example, its clothing ami also on wheitt siiMlltut s, corn, rje Imrley, istts and the ptoductsir joint pro ducts (or product of twitoriuorOof s-tld miiteriiils, nUo on llvestm-k and its pro duct. Pnriii fmideiueiilsiiud inachinery are mImi included, (.'ulcus n clmne ol (Millcy is niitde, it l Inevilalilc that the price of wheat siiUtltnti-s will advance until actual KtilTerluK will come uiion many teoplc MINA I NO ri'.-McNAIlY SENATOR w ira wimiiy iicpeuili'iit upon tin Toluntary usslstnuco of 1 1st Anu'rlriiii ptopU mid wo risk Unit tho following rules nlinll be observed : 1, llotiM'liolili'rn to usi not lit oxivimI totul of m pounds per wcttk of wheat pioducin per ponton. This lutsus not more tbnn Mi pounds of Victory brcinl coiitiiliilui; t lit roiulnH psrcciiliiKo of NiibNiltiilixi and one half omul of cook I iik' Hour, mm-iimnl, cniikcrn, pusiry, pies, ruin, wluni breakfast tvrt'iils, nil comblutHl. 2. Public ftttlui; places nud clubs lo observe two whi'iillis ilnys per week, Monday nud Wt'dnosdity, iin hi prosvnl. In uddltlnn thereto, not lo ere to uy one guest nt nny one instil mi (irriiuto tif In 'UinI iiITh. iiHteHionl, crsckera, pustry, pies, cHkes, wlieitl breakfast ccrculi, loulHliilm; it loiul of innr IIinii two ouueeft of whetti flour. No wheat pindurU to be ei-vtd uolsss sperlnlly ordered, I'uhlle i'hi tnir estshllshnieiii iml lo buy iwuv tbsn all pounds of tvhistt pmdH-eU foi each ninety meals serviMl, thus con forming wllh Hie llitillHllnus mtusssOM of lh hotisehnlileiv 5. Itelnllers lo mII mil more Ihan one-eighth of it bttrri l of lUHir to IIIIA town cuslouier hi hii) tme llww and not uiortt IIinii one quarter of m IhicivI to miy country ciiHtomer ul hii one time, nnd In no case to Hell w hettl product without the miIu of hii equal weight of other cereals, 4. Wr nsk Hie bakers and crocerN to rsduce the volume of Victory brcud sold, by delivery of the three qiMitcr pound loaf where one pound whs Kohl tnfor, unit corresimudliiK proportion In other weluhia, We itl ask buker , purcha.Hed In the four months prior to March I. ft. Manufacturers using wheat prod on for non-food purposes should rittsv such use entirely. it. There Is no limit upon the use of oilier cereals, Hours, and ineuli, com, liarley, buckwheat, potato Hour, ct culeru, Many thousaud families throughout i lie html are now usIuk no wheat prod iicIm wbalever, eicept u very small amount for cookliiK purposes, and are doluu su In perfect health and satlsfac Hon. There Is no reason why nil of Ihe American people who lire able to cook In their own households caiinol subsist perfectly well with the use of lets wheat products tbnn one nud one half iHinmls n week, nnd wr specially Mk ihe well lodo households In the itiiiniry lo follow this additional pro Kriiuiiiie In order Hint we may provide i lie iieeee.ary miirnliial supplies for l low HtriN of Ihe coiumiiulty less Hblo in uilapi iliemMdves to so larue a pro HiHliti of sulHtlllutes. In oiiler tlutl we sluill be able lo make lite wheal ciports llmt tire lib--oluii'l) ileuiHiidi'd of us to maintain Hie cl II imputation and soldiers of Ihe .line h in I our own army, we propose in supplemeul Hie voluntary tti opera tion of Hie public by a further limita tion of distribution, nnd we sliull place ui once restrictions on distribution which will be adjusted from time to lime lo secure as nearly eijultuhln ills ullnitloii as (Misslble. With the arrival of hni'ui.1 we sbould be alibi to relax Hitch ienlclloiin. Until then wo nsk for the nccesHtiry palleuoe, niicrltlce not lo luerst- Hie amount of Ibelr i and in operation of Ihe dlstrlbutlut siksat Dour pirvbaiMMi bojonl 70 pur I rail, Great Wheat Stocks Isolated. It's the shorltik'e III ships that la pulling the Allies and the United .State on wheal rail. his Ureal stocks of w lieat Hie Iso lated In India, uud AustrutKi. At great sacrltlce In ship space and use Hie Allies are foivtKl to he cure some wheat frum ArKiHitlna. On Jauuury I, AustrallH had stored 100,QH),000 bttabels uf wheat that was ready for ex port but there were no sIiIim. Then came the new crop with an exportable surplus of i0,tKH. 000 bushels, Now Australia hits approximately lSO.iXHI.OOO bush els waltliiK for bhlps. India, ut the same time, had 70,000,000 bushels of whettt atored for export. Purine April 00,000,000 bushels more out of Hie new crop will be added to the pile, Argentina closed the lust ship ping senium with lt.(W.tH.K) bushels of wheat loft lit the stock available for export. The new crop wilt udd lU&.OOO.OOO to Uia left over. It Is not u problem that the wheat does uot exist In the world It Is entirely a problem of shipping, which has thrown on America the obligation of divid ing our stock with the Allies. rfLUCD FOOD SHIPMENTS REACH LARQE TOTAL A general lilen or tlui uuiiutlty of food sent to Kuropean allies by the (Tulied .Slates from July 1, 1014, to January 1, 1018, Is given by figures Juhi announced by Ihe I' S, Food Ad mlnistrttilou. In Hint period the fnlt ihI SiHlen bus furnished complete year ly i-atlous for o7,l00,li;UI people. In addition I lie re was enough extra pro lelu lo supply this portion of the diet for ja.UM.ft70 additional men, The total export of wheat and wheat Hour to the three principal allies Is iillvntuut to about .181,000,000 bushels. I'ork exports for the IH years amount ed to nlmost i!,tKX),iX)0,000 pounds. Kt IHirls of freh beef totaled -MS.-tSUOd IHiumts. The amount uf food exported to Itussiu Is negligible compared with Hihi sent to the western allies. ONLY AMERICA CAN HELP. "On your side are boundless supplies of men, food, and mate rial; on this side boundleti de mand for their help. "Our men are war-weary and their nerves have been strained by more than three years of hard, relentless toll. "Our position Is critical, par ticularly until the next harvest, but the United States can save us. "You Americans have the men, the skill, and the material to save the allied cause." SIR JOSEPH MACLAY, British Shipping Controller, Get the Review Bring in Your Job Printing Now I'nlil Ailv .Cuminlltre. I'uitltiht Oicf ii PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT A FEALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Mnnngor 402 N. Jersey Street Alnittarts of Tllle I'lt-jiared Titles INamiucd Phone Columbia UATi SOME REASONS WHY WHEAT MUST BE SAVED "A Man Cannot Think, Work or right When He It Hunory" Wo Must Feed Our Soldiers, "Wo have Die piesMrvntlon of Ihe world on our hands ICvery sIiikIo living human being lit Hits republic, from ocean lo oi ran, should make It his or her special purpose to save food." TIimh are the. wordn of K, V. Culled, pttrsnunl rwiresw(allH of Herbert (' Hoover, in n recent address. "Men will rtslsl nuy miwer but Ihe poftttr of siarvallon," mild Mr. t'ullen. "Hunger in the final analysis, U the only force that can weaken it nation nud demorHlUp army Kkh1 Is strciiKlh. mid without it perpetual sup ply of slreiiKili. Die world can stand In dmiKcr of tottering, weakening nnd raiiiiiK into uiier ciutiM. A man can not think, work or (iglil It ho Is huu gry. "The nllltm ttklity are practically wholly dependent timu the t'nlled Ktatixi for fixM. I'lHiti this nation rests the msimiisiblllly of preservInK Ihe world from I'russlmilsiu. Tills is Him Insk of lit mmpIh of this nation to produuo uud suve food enough to keep n steady stream of essential sup Plies moviUK towards me trout so long its It shall bo necessary to wuro this war, If nt any time wo fall In this, wo must Iniivttubly go down, with Ihe ullles, to defeat. This Is no ex aggeration, but u serious fact It Is tho purpose of the United States Food Administration to bring tho reullxa Hon of this fact home to every Atuerl cun until, woman mid child, and to en list tho Individual aid uf our hundred million people In producing ami sav lug food The Kood Administration Is uot iisklng you to eat less; It only urges that you substltutu una imtrl tlous food for another equally mitrl tlous food, thus Having the vital sta pies needed by our unities nnd the armies and peoples of the allies, We must, during the next three mouths. save wheat especially. Our surplus has already been shipped abroad, and a htimirctl million bushel more are needed. When you oat a slice of bread less, omit tho crackers with your soup, or otherwise conserve on wheat prod ucts, you ure contributing towards the hundred million bushels needed oscr there by our fighting men and the exhausted people of lMfttum. Franco ami Kugland who have far more than three years been beuriug the brunt of this war, which Is our war. Keep tills In mind, and bring It before the mnuls of your thoughtless friends uud iu igh- bors." Don swelter in old heavy clothes during the summer days, when for so little money we can supply you .with those dainty, light, thin things you need to keep you cool. ' Prepare right now for summer's heat, sure to come and stay. Our store is chock full of beautiful, fil my things to wear every thing from those silk hose you wish to a gay parasol. FOR MEN B. V. D. Underwear. Panama Hats. Silk Hose. Silk Hats. Silk Shirts. Nifty Ties. Latest Collars. Spring- Suits. E. L. ROSE, Manager Men's Department. BONHAM & CURRIER Let's Get at the Facts! No. 1 -Starting the Question i i The most interesting nnd important subject in Portland right now, aside from the war, is: WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO OUR CITY TRANS PORTATION SERVICE IP THE UNREGULATED JITNEYS SHOULD CO.ME BACK? Next to that in importanco is the underlying question: IP JITNEYS OPERATE, SHOULD THEY NOT BE REQUIRED TO PURNISH DEPINITE GUAR ANTEES OP SERVICE AND RESPONSIBILITY? If they come back are you going to allow to run wild? them i I Are you going to permit them to clutter into hopeless congestion and confusion the crowded downtown districts without compelling them to establish any reliable or dependable service of transportation in other parts of the city? Many people are also asking the question: Why should there be such an agitation for the return of the jitneys just now? You are also asking another important question which bears directly upon the local transportation situation and which explains why some of our op ponents are so anxious to have the jitneys come back. That question is: Why does Portland have a G-cent fare when other cities of approximate size do not have a G-eent fare? This is perhaps the most perplexing question ol all to the average citizen, although it should not if you understand the conditions and circumstan ces which impelled tho Public Service Commission to grant our company an increased fare. At the same time a small group of opponents is using the G-cent fare as an excuse for endeavoring to bring the wild-cat jitneys back into operation in Portland without regard to the .effect upon the general transportation problem. They merely want to do something to injure our company, and the most ready weapon in their grasp seems to be tho unregulated, irresponsible and go-as-you please jitney. We feel that you are vitally interested in know ing all the facts that have led upto the present confused situation in the local transportation field. And we hope we shall be able to dispel some of this confusion and convince you that a G-cent fare was necessary to enable this company to continue furnishing service, and, furthermore, that the wild, unregulated jitney will afford no relief whatever, but will serve only to make it infinitely more diffi cult for our company io maintain the quantity and quality of streetcar service which careful students declare is the equal of any streetcar service in the United States, all things considered. In this series of advertisements which begins to day we shall discuss the 6-cent fare, the jitneys and .various other problems that are inseparably invol ved in the present transportation situation. We shall do our best to clear away some of the purpose created confusion with which our opponents are seeking to camouflage the eutire subject. Aud, in the name of fair play, we ask you to con sider carefully the facts which we shall set forth. Notice to Creditors In the Couuty Court of the St. eof Oteoit for the County of Muttuoui lt in tlic .Matter ol ttic Kktitte ol .V 1'. Moore, tleceit.iHl. .Notice is hereby ulveu Hut the u dor- kiuued hy an order of the above i uusl Court lias been unnoiHt! as Adtutir -tut tor ot tin- nuovc luiuiott ust.itc, au : ti.ts nialilHsl us such. Any iK-roii having any claim, uv-uiut sum Keltic will lirovut wiuc with i ion er vouchers uttaohetl, to the miderkuind at the ollicc of his attorney, 11. IC Col Iter, i)14 Suildtug Uiildiut;. I'ott md, Ou-Kou, within ix mouths trout the date of the lirst imluieauou uf this notice. Date uf firkt iHiulwtttiou Audi 19. IMS. last nublieution May 17, 1D1S. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. vl'ald AiltcrtLcmfnl.l II To Keep Posted Read the Review Plant an ad. in The Review and See Your Business Grow B I I 8 K. S. MQOKli, AduiinUtrumr. 11. h. Collier, Attorney for AdiuiuUttstor. t'tty jour tuuscrtpUou.