Base Ball Supplies Ansco Cameras and Supplies Dr. Hess Poultry Tonic Graphonolas and Records DRAPERIES At Low Prices ST. JOHNS PHARMACY ' Our Prescription Department always at your service Prescriptions filled by Registered Pharmacists only one Columbia 138 105 North Jersey St. mmmm We have a large stock of Lace, Net and Scrim Curtains, Portiers, Over drapes and Couch Covers which we purchased some time ago, consequently the price is lower than it would be if we had to charge the present market value. Lace Curtains priced 1.25 to 2.50 Net Curtains " 5.00 " 8.00 Scrim Curtains.... " 2.00 " 0.00 Portier Curtains... " 5.00 " 15.00 Couch Covers " 2.35 " 9.50 Over Drapes (3 pes) " 5.00 Electric Vacuum Cleaner to Rent USE YOUJR. OKEDIT ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns TENTS Why not have a TentHousethese Warm Summer days? We have a stock of all sizes at the right price St. Johns Hardware Co. Agency for Goodyear Tires 1 : ' : STRADIVARA KNOWN FOR TONE The talk of (he Phonograph World, You owe it to Z vniircnlf in qpo nnil Knr Mils instrument, nlavs nil DISK tt J WC ww ' - " -W I W Records. Sold on easy terms by .'x i .iiiiiiix r minim i rimi " Ww.m J ' " J St. Johns- Phonograph Co. 317 North Jersey Street Agents for Edison Cylinder Records and Umerson Disk Records EXPERT REPAIRING DONE BY US BUY A LIBERTY BOND J Ny M J If vou want to buy a home see Mrs. Soule. Hear John McCormnck any day at Currin's. o P.. Winters la ercctinir a Ear- age at 415 Tyler street. 0 R U. Mnxfiold ia renortod to he quite ill at present. .1. Hntrnn in rntmiritur resi dence at KelloKg and Heno streets. TiVfwl iiVnnnkki inmnkinff some rnnnlrn to his residence at 121 Olympia street. Pnnnidnrnliln huildintr nnd re- nn ir work is bcintr made in St. Johns at present. ' o Clins. Hoot is mnkintr some re . k rf pairs to ins residence ai yuo South Jersey street. Jnno Walker has taken out a permit for the erection of n jrar auc lit 1 10 Edison street. 0 14 Kverlnotinir Punishment" is the subject for Christian Sci ence services next Sunday. E KEEP OUR GROCERIES au rue im-vwrr 'S inc. rirc.. CoUiHG IN FRESH EVERY DAY GOING OUT EVERY HOUR. OUR GROCERY BUSINESS IS A SUCCESS. THANK YOU. WE ARE ON THE JOB TAKING CARE OF OUR CUSTOMERS ORDERS. FOR 1 "e.rr" tV.'?,, .VV;,v, miGv rnTTrior. IKI MRW FRESH GRO- Tnci KNUW WD riAVU nccn ""i 7 vtb not An owidr that IS CERIES FOR THEM. OUR STORE IS A pNE-PRICE STORE. THAT IS. WE MARK OUR GOOUS wticnwc i wpsfiito PRICE AS OUR HIGH QUALITY CAN BE SOLD FOR-AND WE SELL TO - . n n r Mir nniPH CVKKYONe AT J H13 SAME ut rwwn. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. Lavrack's Cash Grocery 416 NORTH JERSEY ST. ocal News. Erok Paircrstron is erecting a $1200 home at the corner of Edison and Loavitt streets. G. W. Caufichl has taken out a permit for n $1300 residence at Hartman and Myers streets. 11. Riwrirold has taken out a nurmit for storo room at Jersey and Alta streets, says the Dully Abstract. Thero is nn urtront, insistent demnnd hero for Iiouho keeping rooms. Why doesn't somebody build apartment houses? Oivlnc to the absence of our Kmig sottinir machine oncrntor on account of illness news mat- tor ia Homowlint curtailed in this Issue. The Knights of Pythias will live their last dance of the ser es in the skntimrrink the oven- ini of Mnv Otli. A most enjoy able timo is assured. A numnor of larce canncity has been added to equipment of the local firo department, and moro men are being added, It is n vnlunblo addition. The Knights of Pythias will picnic nt St. Helens on May 12th. The St. Helens Pythinns will unite with them, and a jol ly good time is anticipated. Many fine catches of salmon are now being made in the river between St. Johns and Liunton. It is said to be the finest kind of sport, besides the catches being of considerable value as loou. H. Steinfeldt is arranging to establish u modern poultry farm in St. Johns, which will be situ ated on the Chas. Linquist acre, acre. It will be up to date in every respect, says Mr. Stein feldt. St. Johns Fair Store. E. W. Foy. prop.: household utility sunnlies and general notions. 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Ulectric store. Mrs. Soule has a few houses on easy terms. more Good canoe for sale Inquire nt this olllce. cheap. .1. n Snhnnfflr. fnrmorlv the wen Known mayor oi wnmon, is a candidate tor water buper- intorwlpnt. nivislnn Nn. m. He is well fitted for the position, ana ne is ueserving oi me sup port of St. Johns voters. o Mr. O. F. Harris of Portland and Mrs. Elizabeth Brunson of St. Johns were married in Port land last Sunday, Rev. Fitz of the First Brethren church offi ciating. They will make their home in St. Johns. The local ball team defeated the Standifer base ball team by a score of G to 4 last Sunday at Vancouver, making the third straight victory. The locals will play the Northwest Steel at the local crounds Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. There should be a kodak on every outing. Currin Saya So. Cabbage plants for sale, fi cents per dozen. 311 Central avenue south; at home ufter 5 o'clock. o List your Real Estate with us. Wo have the buyers waiting for it. S. C. Cook, '102 N. Jersey street. u Why spend a day hoeing the garden when you can do it in fifteen minutes. Get a garden cultivator at the St. Johns Hard ware Co. u The insurance department of the Suiireme Lodge. K. of P.. has purchased one half million dollars of Liberty Loan Bonds, which is a practical demonstra tion of their loyalty. A. W. Laffertv will sneak at the Peninsula Bnnk corner to morrow, bnturdny, evening from an automobile, at about eight o'clock. Mr. Latferty states he has received more en couragement and the prospects of his nomination lor Congross are brighter than they have ever been, and that he has been endorsed by the Labor Union. " Hirelings or Huroos. Which V" Sunday morning's subject at the Methodist church and "Molly coddles" will get their measure in the even ng. All the serv ces seek to inspire patriotic devo lion and sacrifice in these great testing days of our own Nation and of tho world's need. Hing ing soulful songs bring their tuneful tribute to all that is bravo and beautiful. The Mothers' mooting of tho W. C. T. U. will bo held at the homo of Mrs. J. C. Scott next Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Thero will bo two pnpers, "Tho open door toiioppinoss" by Mrs. J. V. Scott, nnd "Tho uso of slang" by Mrs. Mary E. Kelloy. Thoro will also bo some good singing. Wo expect a good at tendance, both ot tho mombcrs nnd visitors. Everybody more than welcome; 102 Central avenueReported. Mrs. Anna Laura Schmidt died April 27th at her home. 007 Chapel street, of pneumonia, aged about fil years. Sho was born at Mo lo la. Ureuon. and camo to St. Johns about ono year ago from Vancouver, Wash. She Is survived by her husband, two sons and three daughters. Tho funeral services took place at the chapol of tho St. Johns Undertaking Co. luesday at 1 p. m.. Rev. Buoermann Drenching tho sermon, lntorment at Park, Hill cometery, Vancouver. Currin's terms are liberal. on Victrolas Workmen at tho local ship nlant cavo George Karros a rido on the Liberty pole when he re- luseu 10 suuscriiie jar a l-iuuny bond the first of the week. Kar ros was said to have n consider able sum of money in his pock ets at the time. In order that ho would not soon forget tho lesson in his duty to who country, he was given a bath in n nearby pool. It is said the ducking was given on account oi some remarks made uncomplimentary to the bonds by Karros. He was not seriously injured, as was at first reported. If vou are looking . for a well located, comfortable home, one that is bound to enhance in value and which will in the near future be classed as business nronerty. nrobably, we can di- rect vou to such nronosition. The price is $2000, and the terms are $400 down and the balance may be paid at the rate of $20 per month. Why pay rent, and then never know when the house will be sold under you, when you can secure a good modern home on such easy terms? Call in and let us direct you to this chance to secure a home at a price below cost of reproduction. For Sale- Good milk cow. Call 825 Allegheny street. Furnished boat house for sale. Inquire at this office. For Sale Good range and other household goods. Inquire Sunday zzi uswego street. Cabbage plants for sale, five cents per dozen. 311 Central avenue S., at homo after 5 o'clock. List your Real Estate with us. We have the buyers waiting for it. S. C. Cook, 402 N. Jersey street. Wanted Competent woman to care for children, must be ex perienced: $25 nor month. Call 529 South Ivanhoe. When in need of small arti cles, get them at the 5-10-lGc store, St. Johns; in the Penin sula National Bank Building. Go to tho Auto Repair Compa ny, 207 South Jersey street, for your nuto, motorcycle nnd bicy cle repairs and supplies. Autos for hire. I'liono Coumbin 727. "Just a Baby's Prayer at Twi light," a big record hit. Cur rin Says So. If my work pleases you: please tell your friends. If not, tell me. -Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. You may need a now Lawn Mower 'this year. The St. Johns llardwaro Co. will toko your old one in part payment. We carry a good aBortment of Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliilow or. Celery and Topper Tlants, also Geraniums in Pots. Bucy the Grocer. For Sale by Owner Modern 7 room house, lotliuxiiu, fruit trees, etc: terms reasonable. Within walking distance of ship yard. Inquire 701) Amherst street. Get permits for free sprink ling of war gardens. Currin'p for Drugs. For Sale-ROxlOO lot. fi room house, new, lots of fruit, street improvements all in ana paid. Half bock of car line. Price, $1000 terms. Mrs. Soule, C10 N. Jersey. Wanted Mnn to writo and collect insurance. Salary and commission. Permanent; exper ience unnucossary. See tho su perintendent West Coast Life IiiMurunco Co., 510 Morgan build ing. Notice. Tho party who took tho inner tube and jack out of .1. J. Goodman's machine along side Bucy'a storo luesday even ing was seen from Odd Fellows' hall, and to save further trouble it had better bo returned, adv. That St. Johns will ho repro seated in tho next Legislature by two members Ib now practi cally a foregone conclusion. I). C. Lewis, one of tho best cam paigners in Portland, will no doubt be nominated and elected, and Frank A. Rico, President and Cashier of tho East St. Johns Bank, will also win tho race with easo from present outlook. Our peoplo should be alive to the opportunity of se curing two representatives. Thero will no doubt bo matters that will come before tho Legis lature of moro or less import ance to tho Peninsula, and with two representatives it would be certain that this district would in nowise bo neglected. Multnomah Attractions The following high class at tractions will appear at Mult nomah Theatre within the next week. Look them over: ZZZ Sunduy. May 4th Belle Ben nett in "Fuel of Life" Trian gle. Sundav.Mav 5th Billie Burke in "Tho Land of Promise" Artcraft. The boys in France enjoy pic tures from borne. Keep your kodak working. Currin Says So. Residents of St. Johns having taxes and city liens to pay in Portland can make their pay ments without inconvenience by availing themselves of our ser vices. We will pay same and secure your receipt without in convenience to you. Fee, 25 cents. References: Any St. Johns Bank.- Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realty Co., by H. Henderson, Manager; 402 North Jersey street. V .II The Man with Money I1CICI 1LOUIU iiOur,Bank and became a partner in thebusinea r IT PAID HIM Tile Blory of most all of our very rich mcu lias been the same. They began by putting some of their hard enrned money In the bnnk nnd add ing to it. The boss always knows who the trustworthy young mnu with the bnnk book is. The boss wants to quit some day nnd the boy with the bnnk account gets the chance. Anyhow its mighty handy to haven bnnk account for your old age. Start one now. Peninsula National Bank oi'i'tcims. Put it it Autkn, . . President l'HUI) C. KSAW . Vice President I'kank 1. DuiNKitH . Vice President Ions N. Knt.Ki'.niN. . . Cnslilcr ClIAKMCS II. KUSSltM., AMlntniitCushlcr Stanton I.. Doiuit, AmUIiiiiI Cnslilcr Him'AUit It. Mokhis, AMistunt (Mulder niUHCTOKH. 1'. AUT.IIN TIIOS. AVTZIt.V I'. I. DKINKIIK A. K.JOIIItH I'. C. KNAI'P II. It. I'ltNNItt.t. OKANT HMITII J. N KIIMII'SltN Member of Federal Reserve Bank 3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates or Deposit Egg Keep. Keeps eggs nice and fresh for an indefinite time. Currin Says So. Cards of thanks notices are charged for at tho rate of fifty cents each. Persons desiring to have such notices published should make a note of this. One Poor Ingredient nnd your cooking is spoiled. Noth ing should lie more uniform in till round excellence than groceries nnd spices. On the score of the hegt goods, kept the hcM, delivered nmst promptly mid sold nt the tight price we think we're real winners so do our customers, MUCK GROCERY 301 S. lcrsty St. I'lionc Col. 1 1H REDUCED PRICE WOOD-COAL! FOR THIRTY DAYS St. Johns Lumber Co. HUtbi&UAKrLIb: Objects of Admiration ,l"-r j u I irj I fiA , . (lint nic n I the Mine time niilll lo tvtiy mi d rn IiiiumIiiiIiI hihI h llfntlm of iim ftilncti Hit well vull, UiWlully tUklntnl r lignum) cnrU. Wlie Imryoii urc MrkliiK tlu iii hU'iiiU' )rk'tsl lUimMM) t ihIuoI or tlic more cotlly oriutiUl lloor ioverlliK. you will ilu well lo loHH!t the stock lit H. F. CLARK THE FURNITURE MAN 4oo-402 a. jenseY sr Wall Paper F, M. Satterlee Paints Painting I Paper Hanging 1 J jvl'inting JhJ 319 N, Smith AVe Laundry Prices Reduced ! "Fighting the Laundry Trust" We will not agree to the orders of the "Combine" We've Cut Prices to the Lowest Notch Give us your orders, St. Johns deliveries made promptly. Sl'HKD, SKRVICH and I.OW IMUCKS The Pacific Laundry Company "The Anti-Trust Laundry" MaiuC'19 BOTH I'HONKS A 36-19 St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St.