St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 03, 1918, Image 4

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    JVuiiiJor 110 on Jinllot.
County Clerk
IMIil A,!
Geo. T. Willctt
Republican Candidate l;or
Primaries MayJ7, 1918
An effort for n Second term
in the Legislature.
Paid Adv.
Circuit Judge, Department No, 6
To succeed Judge C. U. (iantenbein.
"Efllcioncy and Economy
Through Harmony."
I'.i.l d
Since the day of th i n. who
liked hi meat raw. i.- i.-:.n n
learned a lot about the wumiuw tttwt
inent of the things wo wt.
Naturally nous of iw would new
prefer to have our meat raw, our po
tatoes a theyc... ttom this,
our colfre mini led.
And nature ly I J'" the prr :t
covery recently iu- by The Autcil
can ToUscco Co. that tobacco tasKa
Utter TQAST15D1
This wonderful new Idea-simple
like all ureal Inventions was tint
used in producing the famous LUCKY
STRIKE Clgarottomade of toasted
Durley tobacco.
Hurley has a mellow flavor, entirely
different from the tobacco usually
used for cigarette. It is a pio to.
bacco and LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes
aste like a pipe
Succcm of Teutonic Arms Spells
Despoliation for Ameri
can Producers
i Let us think for a while how the
war concerns tho farmer.
We wont to war with Germany
partly because tho rulers of that
country refused to let us send to
Ktirope our ships laden with grain
ntid cotton Thoy mink tho ships and
cruelly murdered our Bailors. Now
suppose we allowed them to Btop all
our shipping, where would you bo
Nolle of voui kooiIh would lie sold
In foreign countries, with the result
Unit you would got nothing llko tho
pru oh which you got today. This war
Is being waged partly that you may
oliinln fair prices for your goods.
What Is going to happen If wo
loan this war? Prices of farm pro
duce will drop: tho Hermans will
Iiiiixiho lunation upon you which wilt
cripple you for the next twenty ycais
Worse than that, If tho Hermans get
over here, they will treat you In Just
the Hume way as they liiivn the farm
rs of France, IIoIkIiiui and Italy. In
iheso sections farm houses have lie en
shot to pieces, crops waRted and
burned; even fruit trees chopped
low n, the cattle iitcleu, the men sent
into slavery to wotk for (Ionium
masters, their women Ill-treated In
ways that cannot he talked of In
ii lot, their little children have had
'ielr hands chopped off lit order that
liey msy never Unlit or do any more
iscful work again.
Von tit ti y any "such things' wilt not
'mppiiii here." They said this In
Kiniico, In llelKliim and In Italy. Hueh
IiIiikh will happen here Jutt as sunt
is you are ullve, uuless wo smash
the Uctmuns no utterly that they are
inahle to reach this country. The
i lei man licet and tho (lermaii army
take Just one week to get hero
If wo are beaten. They have made
ip their minds that America shall
Is (hero ti farmer who will stand
forward now ami miy, "This war doc
not concern me?"
You have money that you do not
need at present. Loan It to tho Gov-
rnuieiit at Kood Interest; when you
want the money back iikMii. you can
iiormw on your ImiiiiI, or sell It. Undo
iitii will take euro of your money
'iiitll you need It and pay you Inturusl
on It.
do and buy n Liberty lloud to
Don't be it slacker, and don't fool
tnurself with the Idea that you mil
too far away from tho war for It to
hurt you. Itemember I'JII, when tho
Hermans np.ot the world's shlppltiK,
mid you took what you could r,et for
tour products.
Think of the twenty years starva
tion prices ahead of you, In cine we
are hcitlcn.
This Is your war, and It you won't
i;et In It you descrvu to loan your
nicilenii CllUoushlp.
Call In at the Imuk tomorrow, and
talk It over.
Third Liberty Loan
Dy Cells Louise Crlttcnton
Rcrlniirdy considered, with Insight
mid understanding, the Third Liberty
I oan means but one thing stability.
The uullleullou of (lovcriiinent uud
The inui'h or little which the pet
I'lo plitce at the bauds of the (Invent
tiiciit. proportionate to what they ios
m'Hb. will buve behind It not alone
Hie voice of the people but as well
the united will and force of the poo
ide against war which threatens to
ciiKiilf the whole national family.
Wo are being Just to ourselves If
we place our money where It Is safe
And we are living up to the dictates
of our national conscience, which aim
Is our family cousi'lonce.
The most safe and reasonable In
tofclmcut possible Is with our lloveru
incut, l'er the Government Is but
ourselves viewed through the magul
fylng glass,
It we were born In the United
Htatss we love our birthplace. It Is
home. If we were allowed to adopt
the United States that offered to us
mure than our oppressing Mrth coun
try; offered to us more freedom, a
wider cok, then through that adop
turn we have gained a Privilege
worthy of even greater devotion uud
So, let us all be Khtd that a Third
Liberty Loan Is pending. It Is a good
rdgu that we trust ourselves, that we
are ready depositors lit the I'rvttttdv
JumV uf Hume
"Kesp the home tires burning" Is
no Hunt si e nan. lightly spoken. Only
wlm u the lire Is ipieuched by a bomb
dropttwl dowu threuKh the home,
chimney, can we fully realize how
precious and prised Is that cherished
and cheerful Hume
We must not aud shall not wait
for that.
The Third Liberty lloud awaits us
uud wo are ready.
"We are IlKhtltiK this war for tho
next generation as well as this. W'e
are dedicating the life blood of this
tuition tbut our children uud our
ehlldren's children MAY KNJOY THK
George W. W'lckershsm, Former
U. S. Attoruey Usucral.
i k. a. ut'u, uroiossor oi otiu
jobs, is now ready to tako your
ordor for anytinK in house
moving or reiiairing, roof re
liairing a siiecialty; cement
work of all kinds and ueneral
contracting. 801 N. Ivanhoe;
jihono Col. 808.
Help yourself and your coun
try preserve egga with Egjr
Keep. Currin Say a So.
fOH MINT ssrSa at" thTs" sffls.
By Herbert Quick
Member Federal Fnrm Lonn Donrd
The farms of this country could
carry thu war to a vIcIoiIomh (utt
uluslon etxn If all the rest of the nn
lions should ipilt. The rest will not
ipilt; but we could win It without
them It wo Imd to do It. The farmer
of the United States chii whip (ier
many. W'e can whip them with guns.
Wo can whip them with our products.
Wo cum whip them with our money.
livery fanner In the United Wales
must remember (list the war has m
llrst mortHHKH on every cent h hss.
Tho last spare cent In the (swkeii of
every farmer In America should be
devoted to the w-nr.
The Kalsor bet-in fornthMlnK his
mortKago on our fsrmh when he de
clared ruthless h'llimarliie warfsre.
Tho war Is our answer to his bill of
Our contribution Is, llrst, our wms
aud brothers for the trenches; e
oud, tho Isst MMitd of ftMMl products
w hlch we can Km v by mobllUlnic our
scanty lulxir supine utilising the men,
women and chlldr- n and tho towns
people about us. ami third, mimey
for Liberty Itoinl.
This Is the i-ru.-t-1 year vf the war.
Our soldiers are M the fntnt, hun
dnxls of tiioiixsi of them In the
trenches, and a : u more ready to
go. The whole i '-u of carrying on
our own iart In :- war, and of 11 Id
1 'he1 uli1 "i-thtsl. w
n...u nir ..H.hi.- - , m -.r.
"i ... .. . 1. .1. . 1- 1 ,J !
rtuillfu IIimI?
Your turn, and Ml the nstlou's eons
are ndylng mt Unllea Utate
Trcaaiuy to furwleh things wlU which
they limy right.
Their lives are 'l If in treury
falls. Our country s hMl tf the trees-!
my falls.
(lnriuiiiiv wina If the tMaaurv fails.
Therefor, etei) -ent you ran rake
aud scrap tog.' -r Udouga to the
treasury, that oar winner may com
back te us slue ai -l victorious. Ttn
U literally trus. We eau whip the
Hermans with or money; bat no.
with the moMey i.' our pockets oi
tMuk aeeounta. U must gu Into the
United Stntan Trf- ury In
Vous to Liberty rVud.
(This Is t Ut of .1 seric of
To Keep
Read the
, W I1II0 (leranl was our ambssssdor
In Ik-rlln. the Kaiser suld to him 0110
day that he would Maud no nouecuio
j rrm Ainerlcs alter tho war.
Iht yon know what that means? It
mesas (hat the Hermans Intend to
subjugate this country If they come
out of this war victorious.
Th Herman Imtwrlal government
has preached the superiority or Hi
many to all the rest of the world un
HI the Herman nation u drunk with
msgshMiiMHls. One of their great
writers exprd the prevailing, of
llclal view In 1903, when he wrote:
"The Teutonic race Is called tion
to circle the earth with Its rulo, to ck
ploli (he trettsiirss of nature mid ot
human Niwr, and to make tho pas
Ivtj rares ssrvlenl ttlemeutH In Its
cultural development W'ho
eter has the clisrarterUtlcs of the
Teutonic race Is sipeilor. All the
ttark eoplM are mentally Infeilor, ho
caum they belong to the pssnlve
races. Tho cultural value of a tuition
Is MMMUturvd by the quantity of Tuu
ton lam it contains."
Ar yon one of the darker racest
Are you willing to he rated as one
of (he "servient tdenMmta" In Our
mauy's culiursl development?
Yiei began to Im one of the "scrvt
enl elements" when peofu people
mere sUtugblwretl hs they esrrled your
hw? ?:n:ir ttzzr:
ThU r tor ,n MMHWs of sny.
w that Insane claim, with the
roar of a hundrod thousand cannon-
Never 8lw the Turks threatened
to overwhelm Rumi was the world
In such danger as aw. Hermany
must It defeateil this year. Unless
n. ur hc la the world Is
halt, aud our history as one of the
servient element " begins. Wo mint
IUhhoN noihiag from Ute snpnort of
" t wuat give our sons,
oust bring forth fowl In abundance.
e must give Into the treasury of the
i'nltetj Wales every cent wo can
Tltls stituatec the support of the war
is up to the fa 1 were; ami Uncle Sara
"as never callst npon tho farmers la
three artiales by Mr. Quirk.)
America's Greatest Cereal Crop
Is Now Moving to
Surplus Wheat of the Unltsd States
Has Deen 8ent to Famine Threat
ened Europe.
America's great corn crop, exceed
log :S,000,ft)0,000 bushels, will save the
world's food situation, ofllclats of the
United States food administration be
lieve, -
Corn Is the nation's best food cereal,
housewives nro beginning to realise.
It contains nil tho clumonts needed to
keep the body In a stuto of health and
when used according to the scores of
tried recipes, especially when com
blued with an added portion of oil or
fat, will sustain life Indefinitely. In
dian warriors in colonial days lived on
parched corn alone for many days at a
time, and at Valley Forgo parched
corn was at times the sole ration ot
tho Continental soldiers.
Owing to transportation difficulties
caused by the war tho com crop moved
more slowly to market this year than
ever before. Now, however, tho cereal
Is reaching the millers and consumers.
In tho meantime the nation's surplus
wheat has been sent to ICuropc.
Toduy there are approximately 89
bushels of com for every American.
This quantity Is greater by Ore bush
els thnn In former years.
Corn tins become the nation's rutin
stay In tho crisis of war.
Just ns this cereal saved the first
American colonists from famlno on
tunny occasions, Just ns It served as a
-tuple food during the Wnr of the Iter
olutlon nnd during the Civil War, King
Corn has again come to the front la
the nation's buttle with autocracy.
Corn meal Is finding greatly Increas
ed 110 In the making of ordinary white
bread. Hundreds of housewives and
many of the larger linkers are mixing
'10 per cent, corn ineul with wheat
dour to make leavened bread. This
kind of n mixture Is worked and baked
In the same recipes nnd with tho same
methods that apply to straight wheat
Corn bread lining corn mcul entire
ly Is gaining a greater popularity
(luiu ever before. Housewives are
coming to reullzo that every pound at
wheat saved In America menus a pound
of wheat released for shipment to the
nations with which America Is associ
ated in the war.
Thorn nro n score of corn products
1 hut today possess unusual Importance
for Americans. Corn syrup for sweet
eiilug corn cakes and buckwheat cakes
nnd fot use In the kitchen Instead of
granulated sugar Is one of the leading
products nmdo from corn.
Corn oil, excellent for frying and for
every other purpose lUled by salad oils,
Is appearing on the 'market In large
ojiantltles. It comes from the germ of
the corn,
Canada Is also having trouble with
Made-ln-aermuny lies calculated to
hinder Canadian food conservation ac
cording to an oniclal statement re
ceived from the Canadian food con
troller by the United States food ad
Tho stories bothering Canada are
of the same general character ns those
the United States food admlnlstra
tor recently denounced In this coun
try, such as the ridiculous salt ana
blueing futnlue fakes nud the report
that tho government would seise
housewives' stocks of home canned
Tho Canadian food controller esti
mates that when the people listen to
uud pass on such stories, each one
litis the power ot destruction that Ilea
in n battalion of soldiers.
".Stories without even a veitlge of
foundation have been scattered broad
cast," said the Canadian statement.
"X'tf have they come to life casually.
They have started simultaneously tn
different parts of the country and In
each Instance have been calculated to
arouse public Indignation.
They arc Insidious, subtle, persist
ent. Kit by bit tbey dissipate public
rust, the great essential In the work
of food control.
It lies with every Individual to for-
hear from criticism; to refrain from
(UsMtig on the vagrant and harmful
story, unit thus the more effectively
Li co operate In work wblcn is going
! mean more than the majority of
people yet reullze."
There is no royal road to food
conservation, We can only ac
complish this by the voluntary
action of our whole people, each
element In proportion to its means.
It Is a matter of equality of bur
den; a matter of minute saving
and substitution at every point In
the 20,000,000 kitchens, on the 20,
000,000 dinner tables, and In the
JC00.030 manufacturing, whole
sale and retail establishments of
the country.
The Portland Garbage Co.
s prepared to remove rubbish
of any nature from the resi
dences and business places of
St. Johns at 75 cents per month
for residences and from busi
ness places at reasonable rates.
Calls made every Saturday.
.cave orders at the St. Johns
lardwnre, or phone Woodlawn
Hear Melba any day at Cur-
Why is Oregon's self
appointed boss afraid
of Stanfield?
Believing that the Republican
not look with favor upon Oswald
for the Republican party.
And inasmuch as I have received many thousands of letters nud
other assurances from tbc Republican voters assuring mc of their support,
I must respectfully decline the proposal of Mr. West that all other can
didates withdraw aud give a clear
I feel that I have the confidence
people of this great state that I will serve them honestly and efficiently
as n Senator and nt this critical time they arc inclined to support a man
from the business walks of life.
Oswald West has1 heretofore
candidate that he might oppose mc
McNary in the primaries.
His interference is intolerable
publican voters of the state, and I will welcome the opportunity to op
pose him in the general election if lie should be successful in defeating
lis Democratic opponent, Mr. Kitig.
Mr. Stanfield makes the above reply to the proposal of Oswald West
that all candi Jatcs for senator withdraw in favor of Mr. West's candidate.
The whole activity of the Democratic machine iti attempting to stem the
tide of dissatisfaction against their candidate now in the senate is laid
bare in this last supreme attempt of Mr. West to bolster up a forlorn
The question is do the people
bossisnt in Oregon, or do they want
cent Republicans such as Mr. Stanfield, a successful, energetic, patriotic,
self made man whose every act has added to the progress aud growth of
Oregon, a matt who gets result, accomplishes something, who has worked
and knows how to work, and who will work.
Staufield is 100 per cent American and 100 per cent Republican and
he would support the President in
Which do you want? A man
one who cannot?
Tald adv. by Stanfield Senatorial League, 203 N. W. Bank b!dg Portland
P"P ana ibbsi C2-ue s-rt-
A SLOQAN ehoton bytha many I I CtMP'sflN
mas who have Worka
kail for ;
The hlnbeit. possible endorsement, The most rigid test that
his policies, practiced over a period of twenty years, are
TUB HEST POSSIBLE PROOF that his pledges to the citiiens
of Oregon are not mere "words," but "WORDS BACKED BY
Those who know him believe IN him, believe IN his ABILITY,
believe IN his POLICIES. They kuow he will give Oregon a
They kuow it to be true, ABSOLTUBLY.
In nineteen years he bss employed 21,000 men.
He has always paid good wages.
Me NEVER had a strike or a personal injury suit.
He built many "homes on time," NEVER foreclosed a mor
tage or sued on a promissory note.
He helped many laboring men to acquire their homes, their
business and their livelihood.
These workers, who know him best, have endorsed him to a
man, have adopted the above slogan and that's "WHY" he is
"Your kind of a man for Governor."
MAY l-th
raid All. IuJ by Slmpioo (or Uorcroor
Plant an
Review and See Your
Business Grow
voters of the state of Oregon would
West naming the Senatorial candidate
field to C. I. McNary.
of the Republican voters nud the
asserted that he only desired to be a
if I should be successful in defeating
to me, as I believe it is to the Re
and the Republicans want this sort of
100 per cent American and 100 per
winuing this war.
who can stand on his own feet, or
; ... w,-
Leigat 411 Selling lultdlng FartUnd, Orrgoa
ad. in The