Vote For John E. Owen Republican Candidate Tor Circuit Judge Dept. No. 6 Primaries May 17, 1918 raid miv. W. W. HALL Republican Candidate For Gounty Clerk Orndiintc of the t. A. C Cln 188 I'.x.County Clerk of Marlon County Resident of l'ortl.itnl fur 10 year I'.ducntwl, Qualified, Hxpcrlenccd uml i'cnrii Makes No ProiuWes of Positions Judge l 1'. IloUc, ftr thtity year Judge oi we I'lr.t jtuiiclnl iMHrlct, mi. I unit W. W. II til was the bwtinwlifled County Clcrlc lie I n I ever known hiiiI lia-t made the bet r c nl. I nl I Adv. J. C. Nickum Republican Candidate for Labor Commissioner Will foster Industrie ami protect in vestments. Will give Employer and Employee a square deal. Primaries May 17, 1918. I'ald adv. "gantenbein Republican mUmUmUmUWkmmUkmwt'j- rtt ftiifl Useful Elec trical Devices Vacuum Cleaners Hair Dryers Boudoir Lamps Samovars Toasters Disc Stoves Foot Warmers Milk Warmers Massage Vibrators Cigar Lighters Ovens Wofllc Irons Washing Machines Library Lamps Codec Percolators Chafing Dishes Flat Irons Curling Iron Heaters Luminous Hadiutors Tea Kettles Sewing Machine Motors Shaving Mirrors Kitchen Ranges Shaving Mugs ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRIC BUILDING Portland Railway, Light 8 Power Co. Tlios. M. Hurlburt For Sheriff Paid Adv. I 'Billie Nichols : u 4. m mm mm m m mmm r 2 GIVE US A CALL CMCMCMCNCNCO)CN RFSTAIIRANT 2 111 N. JERSEY STREET D Open Evenings i I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me If you desire to .soil quickly 02 N. Jersey St. St. Johns The Central Tlios, r.r.ovKK, crop. Philadelphia Street, St. Johns. Soft Drinks as usual Coldest and Coolest Drinks in town. Sandwiches, etc. All lead ing Summer Drinks. TRY OUR MILK PUNCH John Poff J. H. Harvey P, & H, Transfer Go. Phone Columbia 308 306 N. Jersey St. Johns, Ore. !To Succeed Cftimaelf Circuit Judge, Department No, 6 15 yer Active Practice, 10 years Circuit Judge. 16 year National Guard aud olunteer Service. Paid Adv. Portsmouth Gospel Hall Meeting 3 p. M for Christians. Gospel meeting in evening 7:30. One door west of drug store, Nt UwTafcsl en your pap. J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We dUver your rood to and from II n.-t. PaWIhiJT Vnn,. I Inn. ton. Portland and Suburban Hxpran Co., city dock and all point aoeauibla The Past Time Billiard Hall., N. I, WIIITH, Proprietor I The Place Where They All Go A Choice Line of Cigars, Tobac co and Soft Drinks WHERE TUB CAR STOPS Electrical Contracting 1 Wiring, Fixtures and Repairing ; C. L. Dearlove 1G73 Haven St. Columbia 374 Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah. In the Matter of the Estate of S. P. Moore, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under, signed by, an order of the above named Court has been appointed as Administra tor of the above named Estate, and has qualified as such. Any persons having any claims against said Estate will present same with prop er vouchers attached, to the undersigned at the office of his attorney, II, E. Col lier, 914 Spalding building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of firt publication April 19, 1916; last publication May 17, 1918. R. S, MOORE, Administrator, II. h. Collier, Attorney for Administrator. ' "'TIS FREEDOM'S GALL-LEND YOUR ALL" l.'l .,. i,. r 11 lli yt, Portland III I II ft J" --mm- .,rm ill lM ftll 111 11 VJ IU JX.J W lifl Thin 1m Oregon's otflclul slogan TIh Fret'dum's Call, l.i n.i Your ll Defend yourself. If you can't k neross to fight, you am do tin next ImmiI ililim i im . Uhk In l.llierty lunula to koi your hoy your nulKhhor'H liny -nn t lie tirliiK llnu To Protect Your Country To Perpetuate- Antorlcnti Freedom To Koop Hid Demon 1 1 tin Prom Your Dour. Wo enn't net too quickly. Tho iluimor In Imminent. Wo will ho tartly at liiml. Ihm'l sslttji to think, any innro thnn you would stop to think whether to atrlku luiok If you warn llireHlimed by mi iiimmimIii. Will you Jeopnrdlzo your liberty by falling to do your duty? Ilo who liimltHtm ih imwl nwuirmlly liwl. All Hint your forefntliera fouKlit uml dhd for In limt All Hint I lie natrium of lift IiiiimIiI for Ih tout. Thin Ih your (treat opportunity I'ho It uml Take your place at a real American. "THE LIBERTY BOND IS VICTORY'S WAND" tly II P Ml ii II in HARRY LAUDER'S ADVICE SUOSCRIBINO for Liberty Honda doea not meau giving anything It does not mean oven HnnrlfloIiiK unlwi you call It that to spend more needfully bore and use moro hoedfully there. It im-ana safe. aau. ueimlble, aubxiuiitlHl i INVESTMENT, backed by the bebt security In the world our whole United States, aud from which you will ptcIw I reasonable Income In INTEREST. compare mis degree or patriotism wltu the kind tliat Is taking our sous, brothers, huaoauda and fathxrs across the seas to probable hardship and possible death The balance Is In their fav.r If you were to mortnaso your entire financial future In order that they may be backed up with those supplies which represent tho means for both PREPAREDNESS uud PROTECTION. The third Liberty Loan Is at hand. Don't wait to be personally solicited for your subscriptions, do to your bank and VOLUNTEER YOUR DOLLARS. MHKHTY LOAN COMMITTKH. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at this office and others will be added as the demand arises: Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, batibtaction of Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills of Sale, Leasts. Be sure to buy a Liberty Bond and help to win the war. Get the Review Bring in Your Job Printing Now Hurry Iuidnr Is bolus srrtoun tliran dms The famous Scotch coijiMlan Is suborvlliiutliiR lits coiueih to the all-ftnlinirliiK drmamls of war. Atoms' with his work for his Inlured SoUllois' fund and the Y. M. C A.. Lnuder Is iMArag an earnest appeal to America is to prepare for the next Liberty Loan. General subscription Is the theme of Lauder's message. Here Is what he say: Liberty Is the dearest word In any language. It Is the thing th Germans are lighting to tnko awny. It Is the one big thing we must hvfat to keep. Wlint have you done to help win the war? What are you doing to preserve liberty? r.vry Sunday 600.000 Germans In the United States sing songs of pulling the trigger; they ar talking of you of the United States. What are you doing to do about them? Right now our answer must be Ut'Y LIIIERTY IIONDSI Wo have given that answer once, iwtco already. Hut wo must make It again and again hh need Is. We intist turn our dollars Into tlvr millet That la the way we can bcoliie shareholder In the Hunk of Humanity Our part Is to provide thu wherewithal, since we can't do what the boys out thert nre doing. Rack In I'rnnce I saw battalions of young lighters marching along nnd chanting a song- -any old song right Into Hip mouth of death. They know where they were going. They were fighting to wive LIIIERTY. And they nro railing on you to help them, you Imck here. Our part Is easy compared with tltnlra but It Is OUR PART and it must be done Put your money Into liberty supports. Sign up a stmrn holders In humaiilty'ti bank. One Good Term Deserves Another Re-elect the Man who has Made Good OUR WAR James Witiiycombe Is it well to Chiinye in War Time? Oregon's Republican Governor Pnld Ail v. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii There Is No onopoSy 3 M B t3 C3 in the packing industry. Swift & Company, al though the largest packer, handles not to exceed one -eighth of the total meat production of the United States. The five large packers do not handle to exceed one-third of the total meat production of the United States. Swift & Company is not in combination with any other packerorpackersto control prices. There is very active compe tition in tho buying of live-stock and equally keen competition in the sale of dressed- meats and by-products. 33 1918 year book of interesting and instructive facts aent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company U. S. A. (IplllllllllliliW Lend Him A ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. b6W6s SAPOLIO For For PATRIOTISM ECONOMY "Actions speak louder than words-Act - Pont Talk -Buy Now 15?