St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 26, 1918, Image 6

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    Will VoU Be Ready For
The boyn at tho front now aro or
cupjrlnff trenches. Some nrc In thn
flrrt Una trenches, dispatches tell us.
Tou t homo are In tho back line
t ranch.
Tho follows In tho front lino
trenches must stand Inspection regu-
Urlr. .
Tou In the back lino trench, too,
nust stand Inspection. Will you he
nemernber, those bravo lnds nrross
tha ia aro depending upon you to
stand by them. Everything they lmvn
came from tho fighters In tho back
lino trench the bk trench rlijlit horo
In America.
Terhaps you don't realize the r-(it
rsponlblllty resting with you. It Is
Just as great as that shouldered by
th brave fellow across the hoii.
Bt a real soldier In the back lino
trench, so you can stand Inspection.
Ho a good soldier In the home
tranch nuy Llborty Honds.
The war's success or failure, so far
m Uncle Bam Is concerned, dupitids
on what you do or don't do.
Wars food, help the lied Crow, buy
Llbtrty Uouds.
Just look yourself over. Take nn In
ventory of your bank nccount. (laze
vr your record and sum If you've
dons your duty as n back trench nol
dUr since Uncle Bam entered the
It you can afford to buy Liberty
Bonds, and don't, then you nto aid
ing the Kaiser.
Ar you that kind of a back trmich
IM every fellow do bis bit,
And smllo whllo ho Is doltiK IU
It may bo leading hopes forlorn;
It uiay be only booing corn;
mill ho Is acting llku n man,
la doing It tho best ho mi.
Let's all II nd out what Duty menus,
In hearing nnns or plnntlng bonus;
And or wit nsioh tho limit Heyond.
dig down duop and buy u bond.
Dig for Ui coins whllo wo linvo not
fKU drop until wo snrupti tho bot
tom, Lt's back our tKiys who uro faring
T rvo tliulr Uncln Ham u el.
0. II. II.
The grJttr part of the world now
lks to Amirlca at Its chief hope of
afsty from tyranny and oppression.
Our mission Is worth tha dsvotlon, the
crlflc, the labor of every American.
uv LincirrY noNDO.
l&Ef Y iUnitcdStatesScnator
Mot?.r. Ow"" Can Do Great
Work, Eliminate Trip to
Aid United State
As spring comes on and tho roads
Improve, tho automobile owner will
get out bis car. Before ha tunes It
up for tlw first long Sunday tour with
his family, It would bo well at this
tlmo for him to relied that every
gallon of gaaollno ho uses will mean
that a gallon of gaaollno cannot be
used for a motor truck hauling provis
ions nnd munitions to tho front for
tho fighting men In France
It may muml trivial to say this,
but when ono pauses to reflect that
there nro rnoro than 3,000,000 plcas
uro cars In uho In America and that
each can burn from three to six
gallons of the precious fluid every
Sunday that an outing la taken In
tho car, ono readily can seo that such
an outing mmm that tho already
scant supply has been made Bhorlor by
several millions of gallons. With tha
supply dwruased and tho Uovern
munt In tho market as a heavy buyer
to HUpply thu thousands of motor
trunks It Is shipping to Franco tot
llio army, tho prion will rl and the
(lovernnient will bo at a greater ex
pense to conduct Its military opera
tions. "Am every ono familiar with tha
war snunuon knows," nald an army
man recently, "gasoline Is one of tho
big factora In the great struggle. Its
Importance In thu ultltnato winning
of tho war Is vory great. It propels
submarines, Hying machines and motor
miens ami anibulunces. Tho United
HIhIus Is tho great producer of this
by product of petroleum, nnd nil we
van produeu Is needed by us to hnston
it victorious conclusion of tho war.
"It seems to inn that tho owners
of phsiHiiru turs ran effect a groat
saving In gasolluo If they cant to
do so In tho sojimoiih when outings
and pleanuro lours aro In order.
Hhnrt trips and not too many of thtm
will rasult In 11 big saving of gaso
lluo, without robbing the car owner
of tliulr pleasures, And hero Is tha
lino part about this thrift that Is,
ono of the lino polntn: tho money
saved In gaNollmi ran bo turned Into
Liberty llonds, mid Liberty Honda
unn win tho wur. Tho man who It
willing to kiivu gasoline now and turn
his savings over to tho (lovurniueat
will be nblo In tho future to tako all
thu loin: tour tin cr lo an, I h.'ii
bo nblo to rldu as n victor."
llccnuse Charles I.. McNary Inn mailt
gooil n United States Senator from Ore
t;on, he should be uottiinatcil us Senator
In the Republican primary on May 17.
! l'rntn the day he entered the Senate,
Senator McNnry has been n loyal cham
pion of tho vigorous prosecution of the
war ana ua accomplished more lor ure
Con nnd Its icoilv during his tenure of
oflico than any member of Congress in
the same length of time. Amone, his
colleagues in tlie senate lie M known
as "tho man oil the lob."
Willi our country III the (; war
in history, Oregon is to be congratulated
that It li ii the present opportunity to re
turn Mich an able anil loyal representa
tive to tlie l;. a. hviiatc, thus relieving
tliu Statu of the necessity of sending In
n nuw untried man to Washington In
this crisis.
Thomas 11. liny,
Stale Treasurer.
Thomas S. Mcllridu,
Chief Justice Oregon
Supreme Court.
Mr. Ceo. W. Mc.Math.
l'ruftidciit of Cooler
alive l.vnguc,
II. W. .Sleemau,
llimlncss HepieHlita
tive of the District
Council of CiirK.-u-lers.
T. II. Ni-uhHUH'ii.
Vice Chuirmaii of
Hughes CauiniKii
1'aiil ndv Committee.
Victory doet not dtpend tolely upon
our flrjhtlna men; It dependt on all
Americans. Work, tava, and land ta
the Government.
H. HENDERSON, Mnnnrjor
40i N. Jersey Street
Alultiu'U of Title l'ivmreil
Titles I-xauiiiieil
I'hoiie Columbia 2MS
Up to May First the Real Estate Described Below
Number 834 North Edison Street:
A three room house, lot 50x100. The improvements are cement; walk, graded
street and sewer. This is for sale for $1000; improvements all paid. Terms $100 down
$10 monthly.
Number 910 North Syracuse Street:
Modern 5 room bungalow in Al condition, sewer connections, cement walks, lot
50x100. Price $2500- -$200 down, $25 monthly.
Corner Seneca and Newton Streets:
Four room modern house, chicken houses, basement; near school, lot 50x75 feet;
street improved and paid. Price $1800 $200 down, $20 monthly.
Number 623 North Leonard Street:
Small house, four rooms, lot 35x100; price $1250 $100 down, $15 monthly.
The L. D. Jackson House on Macrum Avenue:
This house has seven rooms, is modern; lot is one hundred feet square and is
high and sightly. The house is occupied but needs some repairs to make it a fine home.
The price is $2200 $200 down, $20 monthly.
Corner of Oswego and Hudson Streets:
Three new modern cottages under construction; ready for occupancy about May
first. These must bring $2100 each, $200 down.
Interest on nil these pieces 7 per cent on tho deferred
payments, payable quarterly.
Housewife of St. Johns
Probably you have already heard of the GREATER PORTLAND ASSOCIATION.
You may have read some of its advertising, or have noticed the sign in a shop window.
Haven't you wondered a bit as to its purpose, felt a little mild curiosity as to what
its name meant? Why the "Greater Portland?"
If so, you will be glad to learn all about the Association, what a big organization it
is, what it means to you personally, how it affects your buying, and what supporting it
may mean to your neighborhood.
Next Monday two well informed women representatives of the Association will be
gin house to house work in your community, and we bespeak for them courteous, fair
hearing. They have nothing to sell, and will not spend much time at any one home, but
they will tell the housewives why the Greater Portland Association was founded, whom
it represents, and what its purposes are. As intelligent women you want to be inform
ed on civic affairs it's part of your education in these modern days.
Let this Sign be
Your Protection
If we have any members
who arc unreliable, we want
F&lroniZiJ 11 Specialty Store to know it, nnd be rid of them
at once.
We ask also the co-operation of the mer
chants of St. Johns. You are very vitally
interested in this movement, and can fur
ther it greatly by "boosting" for it, and
particularly during the weeks when our rep
resentatives are visiting your customers.
501 Selling Building Phone Marshall 220