SpringSuggestions We have a large and varied stock of Fur niture and House Furnishings and offer the following as a few useful suggestions for the Spring House Cleaning Season. Linoleum Grass Rugs Congoleum Rugs Wilton Rugs Axminister Rugs Body Brussels Rugs Reed Rockers Nufold Davenport Lace Curtains Window Shades Bra& Beds DeLuxe Spring Felt Mattress Dresser Estate Range Oil Stove Wash Boiler Washing Machine Furniture Polish Carpet Sweeper I Base Ball Supplies Ansco Cameras and Supplies Dr. Hess Poultry Tonic Graphonolas and Records I ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Our Prescription Department always at your service Prescriptions filled by Registered Pharmacists only f hone Columbia 138 105 North Jcrsoy St. Local News. Electric Vacuum Cleaner to Rent USE OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns We are headquarters for Good Garden Tools VSVIft IJItlT II M1WHWIUUIV made to cut the grass not chew it off. A complete new stock of Garden Seeds in bulk and in packages St. Johns Hardware Co. Adnnmr frr drrrmcv Time I m mi bii nm i i i i STRADIVARA KNOWN FOR TONE Tho lnll of (he Phonograph World, You owe It to J yourself to see and hear this Instrument, plays nil Disk Records. Sold on easy terms by j St. Johns Phonograph Co. 317 North Jersey Street Arrntefnr TMUnti Pvllnder Rernnls and limerSOtl Disk ReCOftlS 5 RYPPPT PPPAIUIN'n DONE BY US BUY A MRRRTY BOND CALL ON US WHEN Y0UWAN1 No. I GROCERIES. THE BEST GRADE IS THE ONLY KIND OF GROCERIES WE KEEP . ,.t ,WT to titc nvnv trikin vrll W1WT Tfl PUT ON YOUR TABLE. JK rail 13 1 III. Wi &4 A litilli W v w " - w THE WORK YOU DO EVERY DAY DRAWS ON YOUR STRENGTH. . i,r? mi . f oTnovwTu uiiar hp KPDT IIP, OUR ROOD FOOD WILL DO IT. YOU WILL GET THE HIGHEST QUALITY FOR THE LOW. EST PRICE WHEN YOU GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY, Lavrack's Cash Grocery 416 NORTH JERSEY ST. Subject for Christian Science services Sanda, : "Probation After. De'atli." J. II. IloKtui bns token out n Hermit to repair n residence at 1)13 North KoIIokb street. II. L. Campbell is nmkintx some improvemnnts to his resi dence at 215 West Mohawk. H. II. Caplcs has taken out a permit for a building at Leo nard and Polk streets; cost 95. i A fine young son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tlios Autzen April 12th. Five thousand sticks of shav ing soap went in' one shipment from this country to the Y M. C. A. in Krnnco for tho Ameri can soldiers. One million men every day ac cept tho invitation of tho Y. M. C. A. to write a letter home. Paper and envelopes are fur nished them free. Wherever tho American sol dier goes in Franco, he finds a Y. M. C. A. hut or dugout at his disposal. Foster Kleiser Co. has erect ed a bill board at 208 North Jersey street; cost, according to permit issued, $1UU. Irving Cobb is up close to the front linos in Franco telling stories to American sold tors in Y. M. C. A. dug outs. Nineteen thousand Imsulmll bats have been sent over sons' by the Y. M. C. A. for the American Kxpuditionnry Forces. .). II. Hraithwaito has taken out a permit for the erection of a small building at Central avenue and Fossenden street; cost $100. John Hredeen has bogun work on the construction oi a sou drink and cigar stand at the cor ner of Haltiinore and Jersey streets. Amciican soldiers nvcrens ure consuming tho last of 1500, -000 packages of chewing gum sent over by tho Y. M. C. A. in January. Dr. 12. It. Seoly won first place in the Portland Gun Club on practice day nt Hvording Park, April lilst. whon he brought down 2b birds in his first try in a 26 bird event. The Dr., besides being a surgeon or remarkable skill, is also mighty bandy with the shot gun. In Cnmn Konniov. Cnl.. n sick privnto was being made rondy for tho night by tho nurse. When sho askod him if thoro was anything else he wishod be fnrn rIio Inft Mm tin rnnlfnrl! "Ynn! I Rlimihl likn to lin kisfd gooil night." "Very woll," ro- pueu the nurse; I snail semi tho orderly; he attends to all tho rough work here." Tho Kaiser, it will bo noted. made hasto to apologizo to Switzerland for his murder of a Swiss diplomatist in Paris, but no lias not apologized for or exhibited a single qualm of conscienc over his wholesale murder of devout women and children whose only olfenso was attending church on Good Friday. "Tho loyalty demanded for days like these" will be the sub ject of tho sermon at the Metho- dis church bunday morning. A full house greets our glad free Sunday evening service. Pat riotic prayer meeting till the war ends in victory every Thurs day 8 p. m. Although nearly every Sunday calls for a special offering for patriotic and charit able objects the world around this church found nt its half yearly accounting all bills paid up to date, Keporter. Dr. Lawrence E. Pickens, a Portland dentist of recognized skill, and ability, has associated himself with Dr. S. A. Mulkey in the dental profession in St. Johns. The new firm has still further added to the modern equipment of their rooms over the Peninsula Trust Co. olhce. and it is now one of the most modern and best equipped den tal parlors of Portland. St. Johns Fair Store, E. W. Foy. prop.: household utility supplies and general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Electric store. Scores of French hills are be imr leveled to make baseball mounds for the American sol diers to use with equipment fur nished by the Y. M. C. A. The candidates are warming up as the campaign progresses, and for the next couple of weeks will probably make a stir in this part of the world. liucy says you will have to hurry if you get a box of thoso fine Newtown apples. We deliver. Phono Col. (V28. Every housewife in St. Johns should carefully note the large ad of the Greater Port land Association in thin issue. It is n matter that till should be interested in. Mrs. Wilbur and Mrs. Gerlin ger, of Portland, will speak at the Library mat Wednesday af ternoon on the War Saving So ciety. A large attendance is desired. Dr. C. D. Hopper, who was a practicing physician in St. Johns about ninu years ago, in company with his wife, made a pleasant visit at the T. J. Mona linn home Sunday. He is now a captain in Uncle Sam's service, and stationed at Vancouver. Wednesday tho local ship plant broke its former record of building a hull in ft I days, when on that day they launched a hull that was completed in -ID days, and named Caiwnka. This is a world's record that will not like ly soon be excolled. Otto Schmidt, of Vancouver, hast purchased the residonco at 9M Smith avenue owned by Honham & Cur nor. T.his firm Iidh somo other good buys In St. Johns homes to dispose of. Look at the list on the last page of this pnnor, and then make your selection. Dr. Evart P. Hordon, tho oxport dentist, has installed a nitrous oxide gas apparatus for the pninloss extraction of teeth in his ollice at tho Peninsula National Hank building. This is a valuublo addition to his til rondy woll equipped and well appointed dontnl parlors. o Up to Tuesday ovoning Libor ty bond subscriptions to tho amount of MO,000 had boon re corded at the Peninsula National Hank, from tho St, Johns dis trict. Certainly a most gratify ing showing. The probabilities are that tho total May -1 tit will roach tho $000,000 murk. St. Johns goos right "over the top" every time. Tho First Congrogational church of St. Johns, hns culled Rev. J. T. Morrill, of Portland, to become its pastor. Hov. Mer rill comes to us highly recom mended as to charucter and for successful service in promot ing tho work of tho Kingdom. He has supplied the pulpit hero on several occucions and liis addrosses have been both interesting and uplifting. Wo are pleased to announce that it will be possible for Hov. Mer rill to begin his work here next Lcrd's Day. Services announc ed as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. ; preaching services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Christ ian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. A welcome at every service. He-ported. Good barn, suitable for gar age. Call 233 West Polk street. Sassafras bark, the old fash ioned blood remedy. Conven ient sized packages. Currin Says So. You are missing a treat if you don't got a box of Newtown ap ples at Bucy's, 202 South Jorsey stree't. o, Hear Melba any day at Cur-rins. Wanted Competent woman to care for children, must bo ex perienced; $25 per month. Call 5'jy South Ivanhoe. How about that spring tonic you should take? Currin Says bo. When in need of small arti cles, get them nt the 5-10-lBc store, St. Johns; in the Penin sula National Bank Building. Go to the Auto Repair Compa ny, 207 South Jersey street, for your auto, motorcycle and bicy cle rennirs and supplies. Autos for hire. Phono Coumbia 727. Keep your Kodak working for tho boys "over there." Crurin Says So. A Victrola will add pleasure to everyday of your life. Currin Snys So. Come in and let us explain how to preserve eggs for future use. Currin Says So. If my work pleases you; please tell your friends. If not, tell mo. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. Nothing is appreciated more than pictures from home. Send the boys "over there" some snap shots. Currin Says So. Maternity Nurse, terms mod- crate- 115 W. Tyler street, St. Johns. Mrs. Hickman. You may need a now Lawn Mower this year. The St.JohiiB Hardware Co. will take your old one in part payment. Howard O. Rogers, Lawyer, Notary Public; Peninsula Hank building, 7 to 9 p. m. Every day is a good day to kodak. Currin Says So. For Salu--Ladioa dressy urey all wool unit, size JIG worn only a few times; too small for own er. Address "K" this oilice. Wanted Woman to act as chamber maid and assist with thu cooking, $8 per week, with room and board. Rose City Ho tel, Columbia 125. t - Wo carry a good asortment of Tomato, Cabbage, Caulillow or, Celery and Pepper Plants, also Geraniums in Pots. Hucy the Grocer. For Sale by Ownor Modern 7 room house, lot 110x11(1, fruit trees, etc; terms reasonable. Within walking distance of ship yard. Inquire 701) Amherst street. "When did you write to mother last?" This question facing the soldier in scores of Y. M. C. A. huts hns made thousands of homes happier. Soldiers overseas have a sweet tooth. Tho Y. M. C. A. has contracted for tho entire output of a lemon drop factory to sup ply tho domand of tho men in khaki. When a candidate for office begins to knock his competitor for the same office ho boglna to weaken bis own cause, Peo pie those days hnvo little pa tience with tho knocker. A mountain of chocolate, if such a thing existed, would be consumed by tho American sol diors overscan in loss than two yoar?, according to tho estimato of a Y. M. C. A. war work sec retary who spent a single day behind tho counter in a Y, M. C. A. hut in France. Contrary to tho general im pression there is no nntional annual legal holiday. All holi days are made legal by State Btatute. Even Thanksgiving Day is n legal holiday only when made so by a law of the Stute. The Presidnnt's proclamation merely announces the day. It is with deep regret that wo learn just as we were about-to goto press this, Friday, morn ing of tho death of Arthur Horsrnan, only child of Mr. and Mrs. D. Frank Horsrnan, who passed into tho Great Beyond about seven o'clock this morn ing. The cuuse of his death was pneumonia, and ho was about 21 years of nge. Despite the fact that his health had nev er been of a robust nature, he was always cheerful, good na tuerd and optimistic. Ho had roached the age when life as sumed its rosiest hue, and when the jovlof living is at its heighth. The heartfelt sympathy of tho whole community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Horsrnan in this their hour of deepeBt sorrow. While you nrc nble to wotk ntul enrn money, why can't you put sonic of It in the bank? You cnu open a bank account with a littl money and you cnu add little sums that you arc now fiddling nwny, un til some day you'll find it has grown into a lilir stun, ami it will work for you in your old ac. Come to our bank. Peninsula National Bank ot'i'tcuus. I'ltTIIK Al'TZIlN, . . l'lesldent I'UHI) C. KNAIT, . VlCC ri(WltlHl I'KANK V. DlUNKKK . Vice I'rmlilcul John N. Hdi.iu'siin, . . Cmhlt't OllAKUl.s II. Itt'HHKM.. AwUlniit Ciisliter Stanton I,. Domit, AiwUliuit Cntlilcr Iiliu'Altl) K. Mouuis. K4ilntit CmiIiht MKHCTOK8. V. Al'TZKM TIIO. Al'T.KK 1'. I. imtNKKK A. K.JOMKlt '. O. KNAPf II. II. I'lvSMd.t. I1KANT hMtrit J. N. t.l(l'Kt Member of Federal Reserve Bank 3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit Y0URVITAL1TY Depends a Good Deal On ttliitt u rut. ntul ttttethcr the (cunt h tin- lWt iU4llty ni frtwh. To gat Ktix-etii Hint off Mot tic rrv IkI.U In :wr tin viIhIIU nl tliow lMtt th Hi S-'lltll i'iM (!) f In 1 1 cm I llltl Mttlt I'HMI'U Mlllt gtl ttlltft I'l Wc Mil I'lily the IhM Kiutt'tl K" i'Ht. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jtm Si. I'lm.u; Col. I IH REDUCED PRICE WOOD COALS TOR THIRTY DAYS St. Johns Lumber Co. jj&r'xi P 7 Housewives' Friends Air ,ur linoleum. '.-v tu clro. l- HMVk 111 Mini Ml I INI' tit I' ill MMllanC, umi xtiMiuiiirol tu trar into the yawn. A kttt lu-ii t Minrtnl with uur linoleum U h kiu-lit'H l lonti-Htnifiit ami kwmI rbeer. I'rifi-M r ynnl llml m III Munir yuu when ii M-1-lin- iiiiiiorm rki t'llruce ol Mr ! I ii. t. H. F. CLARK THE FURNirURE MAN tOO-402 JKHSKY ST Wall Paper F, HI. Sailerlee Painting y f Paper Hanging 1 1 Tinting J j Paints 31 d N, Sait:: hi Laundry Prices Reduced ! "Fighting the Laundry Trust" We will not agree to id-- or lers of t'i "ChiiiIhik-" We've Cut Prices to the Lowest Notch Give us jour orI rs. St Julius i-liv rir-. uu l- pr unjitly HI'hISI). SI5KVICK an.l I.oW I'KICHS The Pacific Laundry Company The Anti-Trust Laundry" MainGlO IIOTII IMION'KS A 3610 St Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St.