St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 26, 1918, Image 4

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    Voto For
, Useful Elec
trical Devices
John E. Owen
CT Republican. Candidate forTlS
Circuit Judge h
IDopt. No. 6
Piittl mlv.
Vacuum Cleaners
Hnir Dryers
Boudoir Lamps
Disc Stoves
Foot Warmers
Milk Warmers
Massage Vibrators
Cigar Lighters
Waflle Irons
Washing Machines
Library Lamps
Coffee Percolators
Chafing Dishes
Flat Irons
Curling Iron Heaters
Luminous Radiators
Tea Kettles
Sewing Machine Motors
.Shaving Mirrors
Kitchen Ranges
Shaving Mugs
Portland Railway,
Light 8 Power Co.
Dili I c
Open Evenings a
Republican Ciitulidalc Fur
County Clerk
If I full to reduce the annual
expense of tho olllco by from
;uui; m $.iu,ihmi or to givi ax
prompt mill olll I -nt Hii-vici. I
will donate one-half of my salary
for two years to tho Red front-
Fund. I'd adv.
J. C. Mickum
and Cream Direct
From the Cows
Muscaday Dairy
J. II. WINDLE, Prop.
Phone Col, 320 Delivered Dally
I buy or sell St. Johns Proper!)
Real Estate
fire Insurance and Notary Public
Lint yoiu piopvrty with me if yon
(k-siie to sell titiickly
'' N. Jenny St St. Johns
The Central
I II" lit " I K t'l- i
I'liiliiili-lphl.t Stievt. St Johns.
Soft Dunks as usual
CnlilcM ami Coolest Drinks in
town. Sauilwichvs, etc. All lead
ing Summer Drinks.
i.I.Im till imieM ( IMmitIM
and olutklt lutirmtllti iiilm till
frill mil
II (Mil
wmI wn H...I4 tirlililr t, tdil
in. i i.fle ciir II ft
itiuiiiy rntt Wfiu t iMif
Yiu nt unfiilti Iniltfrl u oil it
III U.Ik I-HIK n.lUl.l li
Hi mi 1111111111 iiiiriiii iiMlii
I nlll, 'in In Iht Uxlla Piin
runic s,i
l-m 111), I), r. Hit- OmtU. Nik
rlu in Ihllllftl ll flfmlll II
llfil l Iitlntn iHillin. la IM
(Above Sample of AdvertUe
ment Used In Eastern Newt,
Oregon frulta world-famous
for quality, beauty and de
licious flavor.
riihlntj Induitry ranks Man,
especially salmon, but It alio
produces iplendld tea fish, ai
well as oyttert, clams, craus,
3. Furnishes finest wool In Amer.
lea, and li a leading iliecp
4. Large production of cattle and
hogs, having abundant native
5. Oregon flax equals that grown
In Ireland and nelglum.
0. Claims highest yield of grains
and potatoes per acre.
Orows 50 of the hops raised
In the United States.
Hat 283,307,570,000 board
measure feet of timber on pri
vate lands.
Has 100,815,531,000 board
meaiure feet of timber In na
tional forettt and large quan
tity In national parks and
Indian lands.
Tremendous Industrial de
velopment poitlble through the
fact that one-third of unde.
veloped water power In tho
Unltd States It available In
Columbia River batln,
Republican Candidate for
Labor Commissioner
Will foster iiuliuiiii-. .ui.l i.iivt
veitmi-iilii. Will Kif 1 uipl.mi
Kiiiiduyi a fciii.irr l ,il
rrfw4tivs M.v 17
I'.i l
Republican Candidate
Circuit Judge
Dept. 4
2$ year' Coutt ckMiiiue
The right kiml of comt. that'), all
I'lllll mlv.
Notice to Creditors
In the Count Couit .-I lltr kUIr al IMckuii Ux
lu the luntlei ul IU rWU ul Johu U' lau-uuct
NutUc It lirirbv ctvm l llir lrh ul lik W .
Jicuun ali.t Hut Ihr i .ik-iii.l imi.
jwlnlrd rirt'uUx ul Ikr I w ill aud Vitutrj
vi inti uriTTrui auu lirf U.UHIIIUU
All IVIMWi lttlH)i .llliui miiiiua Mlit dnnl
cal.wr UK riUtr. tic UimlrU l iki tbf I
itijuiiiu. . iKwnit ii mi aii mo ttrittgr I
dlklui, in; uwiil ul l t.uiWiUii I'uitUad
iiirKSo, ulllilH m m-uthi now ilur tUir .1 ihr
Bill puuJICMWtl u mi. u.-iuv liulm uubl
jh, I9l. HUSKY lll-.Mil.KmiX l.inniui.
Notice to Creditors
Id Ihe County Cuuit ul Ikt uic ul (Wmub Iui
the Couuty al Mulluuiuah
In tlir ludlcc U Ike tkUlf ul A l oUiu dr
Notice hereby utveu ul ike Jlh ul A 11
Oiboru. Slid tUt Ike undiuiil kna Utru dull
ippotnlrd JunuUliat.n ul hit nutt by Ibf
.vwMty jmuvv v. .iiwiiuwMiBii vuuaiy. iirek-vt,
nd hil qudllbrd
All I'ttioui Iuvihk Uuu Vut uikl drTd
cnt, or liit tic; ik dievtird la i-icmiU tke
Mine lu Ike uihlcikigurd duly cilbd.ib Um
reoulied. t the uthoe ul ku AtluiM . i
riklm, ill? Biuid ul 1 Or tuiuluu ViUb4
OttfOU. witlilu Mi kuuik hum the dl a Ike
lot publlcstluu ul tU yjthi fiidty. Mick
vyiBi iyi. h. i. b.m im.ii, AanuitolcnUM.
Hot tho label on your paper.
John Poll J II Harvey
P, & H, Transfer Co.
Phone Columbia 30S
.ii N. Jerm-y St. Johns, Ore.
Transfer and Storage
Wr d-llver your kuxU to and from
i!l (ir:l uf I'ortland, Vancouver, l.lnit
on. 1'ortUrul ami Suburban Kiuren
2a,, city dock ami all points aoceaaibU
vt orvron. rUna v4 rWkur eataf
..The Past Time Billiard Hall,,
v I UIIIVI l'ri-iHr.-r
The Place Where They All Go
i Choke Lino of CiKitrs, Tobac
co and Soft Drinks
Portsmouth Gospel Hall
Mutiny ,i p. M for Christians.
llo.K'l uii'CttuK in evening 7:30.
One iloor west of thun store.
Electrical Contracting
Wiring, Fixtures and
C. L. Dearlove
1(178 Haven St. Columbia a7-l
Chi'iIs of thanks notkos art?
ehm-jruil for at tho rato of fifty
ceiun each. Persons desiring to
nave such notices published
siiouii make a note of this.
Ori-pm U iiih 1 f ilii wihiiI.t (imi.
niiinlili-s In 1 In- iii,iu) tlf I'mitlf
NllltlM. s Mil l-IHllrt III llM'lf
llt-ri-lnrniv II Iihh Imi-ii imiIihI fur IH
frullH- iiml (ri'iiii fmliM uiv vmh-IiI
fniiniiH fur qiiHlliy. lnMiily iiml I -l 1 -rluiM
llitvnr lint iIUi'oIHimI fn rutins
Is rtlilly IioImk nmii'riHl. 'I'd- ill
nmllc I'lmilliltHH nn Mug uiMli'rltnn
iiml tho future of OrnHt U mut uf
tla imwt ih-ihiiUIhk.
No imt tlilukN of OrvffiHi without
(hliiklni; of lit IUIiIiik InilUfttry, hh
olitlly llit Mtlnmu litOuniry. hut Or-
k'nii ul -- rurnliWMi mMhmIUI turn IMi.
us woll hm nyiitrtrn. i-Imwx. i-nilw. i'li
This hHli Ik iiiit of tho lnriH,
priMliitvrii or -hiVi In Die) inuiury,
mid Orcuoii wmil k nsiHitiltiil h Urn
II 1 it's t iittxliiiHHl In Aiticrlin. Ait nlun
iliiiuv nf imtlvo fi)rniii tntM ltu n
khIIimI In 11 Uirno iiriMluvlltHi of initio
iiml Iiiirm.
Flax a Profitable Crop,
Orotftni x ! ituotlw irortilil
crop, litis luiMluot IiWiik mpml to tlwt
Krown In Irolniul iiml Hnlnluitt. llojis
U nnothor of tho tiuportHiit ylultls of
Ort'Kn. unil It H iwtliuuiiMl tliHt M
ur cunt of tho lnw inlsl In ih
Unlti'tl Stntos In Krown hoiv. Tim
prililiu'tlvlty of tho Imul U uuiisiwl
mitl lln ktitti' MUllii.rllliM i-ltilui (hut U
protliuvs tho lili;liosi yioiti of gritlus
nutt luittttoos por noro. wiiotiicr or
not tho oviiot limine would suli.iutitl
uto this claim, tho inoro fni't that pro
duction lu UiU statu U mi KnMt hs to
iiuiko hucIi 11 cliilui phuiillilo iiixiiros
tlmt Its litnd Is HiiioiiK tho rlclioKt.
OroKon hits uncut timber lu mi al
most umiUMWurtililc amount, ruuiilm;
Into tho hundreds of billions of Imunl
foot, doth on piivutc IhiuIs uiul In uu
tloiml forests, unttontil iwrks mid
Indltm Imids.
Water Power Means Much to St:tte.
Ouo of tho most lnimrtimt foil
turos of Oregon's futitro 1 1 us In the
fact that there Is available, tli ui:li
uudeveloiuHl, niroxlmuti-ly oiie-llilrd
of th totnl water power of tho
t'ltltwl SiniiK to ho f, , ,,
'iiIuiiiI.Iii llltcr Imnii. This fMet I-
I1MMIN. .HHlMll) lwHHiNHt III lw of
riHi.,11 ri-.s.,iutiim,iuui ..r ir.w.i.
llt Ullll,l. l.iMt hllM KllllUllI Im
the 1,1 iniiwrye iiihI ilcveloji nihI
hrtiia: Into ,iM Hie w.Hlilelfnl mmi,
ltlH, r ihh. water jwwer.
Mllllns f Acres Available.
.Millions ,lf NITtM of ImhiI tlmt Iwve
iw,-r known Die feul of (ho plow tiro
hhiiiiii; ror liniii04.iHlier In tho
KretH i:ini.lro SInIim of tint Trtiitk-Mlii.
MHirl Went. Mini In tho Mutes tlmt
face Hit) Paelrto Ocean,
.Mmii) of iliei uurwi nro In tho dry
fariMlnic HH'ttoiis, iniiiiy of (1 10,11 tun
be lroht uuir Irritation illtvhtM.
In hiIiIUIimi to UiU "Hihl" ImimI.
tlnie mo mmi) Hcnw In (Iiomi MmIo.
iow tttlihmetl In Utre) IntiU. which
Hltlt ihe ever wen I ward puklilntc of
tltUMi who stvk nw IhhiU will. In thu
next few yeark. bo cut up Into smaller
When (he tntiiioutlous traeeily of
the world now liolm; eniu'ttMl In blood
ami kUKVriuK uiain Iho fair Holds of
franco, come llually to mi end, tho
ImtKlUjt for tho open country will take
an eveti Kreater hold tiaiii (ho hearts
of mankind. Then this Kreat isuiutry
In tb W'et alMiuld be In (hx-dtlim to
reaaitl to this lotikMui;, khoiild bo
read to receive those who will seek
Ilk welcome.
OroKon must do Its jmrt. Kvery
aiceiicy In the klutc should bo direct)
to this end. lu preparation for this
day every futility should bo used to
acquaint those who now nre looklntr
for a now Inane lu the West, and
every oricaiiUatlou that Is working to
secure the tiplmlldliiK of tho WVst
klaaild bo eticourneed,
Union Pacific System On the Job.
One of the most actlvo ortfanlaa
ilons osKolally iiuilntatiicd for work
of this character, uu organization ad
mirably equipped with resources and
lucked with a thorouclw kuowlcduo
ami system, Is tho Colonization nutl
Industrial llureau of tho Union Pa
title SyMoai.
This llureau Is under tho direction
of It. A. .Smith, who lifts had many
years' experience lu such work. lUv
ceutly there has been Installed on the
KtMitnd iloor of the hmthpiarter
bulhllm; of the Union Paclllc ltallroad.
in Omaha, u most comiilete and per
manent exhibit of the agricultural,
liortlcultural and live stock Interests
of the miles whh h ure served by III
I'lilnn Paolllc Systiiii. .NVhritskii. Kan
h. Ciilorailo, W'youiluK. I'tuh. Idalin.
W'akhiitKiou. OroKon. I'ullfonihi mid
N'evnila. This oxhlhll. which was ire
parwl anil Installed throiiKh co-opora-Hon
with the imhllc auihorilloa In
eai-li of thM. kiMtiw, Is to ho limlu
tnltHl and kept isHiHtanlly wiiawed
li' The l.'nhm Paeirio SystHii as Ihe
foundation of tho work which It car
rl,ks on for tin imriimo nf lirincliis;
new settler and lioimMMmlivrs Into
ihe U't.
Ourtau Hat No Land for Sale.
Tli t'oliiiiixatliai ft Indiisilrnl lilt-
rtH has i,,i html in sell, ami Its only
Inletv-t In id,- MiW ,f land by ihosa
Hla have It. Is tho hHllillnn up of
the territory which it serves. In
other w,il. Its IntoroM Is tho bring
Ine limether of the laud mid thoso
wlni would make now homo upon the
laud. I'or that roason expert aceiits
of this Unreal) InvMatlb'itto thoMiik'hly
all land that Is offered for snlo 11 nd
all land aiconts. Thet exiterts satUfy
thwHMilven tliat the laud Is sultaulo
for farmliir. that Ihe el I ma Ho oomll
HiMis r rlKht and that the price at
which It s offereil h reasonable; next
1 hey satisfy ihemelve-i that the land
aiytit W iMinest ami reliable. Thorn Is
no need to fool men In order to et
them to settle In lh West tho truth
Is stroriK enoiijch.
Ads Carried In Eastern Papers,
A very eteilve advertlsliie esm-
Iwihu 111 the Uastern stales, the
Southom states and the Slates of tho
Mle-infiiii! Valley enables this Hu
ron 11 to pot In touch with thitM
who wants facts about the W'aot. and
as Mam as Its representatives learn
what siH'tlmi of the eounlry most ap
ieas to the prospect ho Is turned
over to tho trustworthy land tiKcnts
oHratlni: In that section.
These laud mkoius take up the work
from there on and tho records of the
Huron 11 show that the work 1ms been
most successful.
nuriiiK the last year tho advertising
by the I'nlon Paclllc System reached
a circulation of more than five million
readers u month. There were received
nearly ton thousand Inquiries and
there are records of 2.-IS2 carloads of
household kooiIs moved Into and
hrougli tho various states listed
above, duritu; six months of this per-
I his iloos not Include thoso who
came Into the West without shlpplnjt
their household goods, mid Ihero nra
tunny who sou out nil such property
before moving. Neither does It In
clude thoso who went overland In au
tomobiles mid thero nre many of
them, tooi So It would seem that here
Is proof of tho otfectlveties of th
plan worked out by the I'ulon Pacific
Prominent Ex-Progressives are Endors
ing Ralph E. Williams for Republi
can National Committeeman.
Portlnnd,Oreon, April 2018.
To the Hcimblknn Voters of Or
egon :
We. the undersigned, all for
merly Progressives and now reg
istered Republicans, wish to add
our endorsement to tho candidacy
of Ralph 13. Williams, of Port
land, for re-election on May 17
to the position of Republican
National Committeeman. We
endorse his candidacy for the
following definite reasons:
In thu first place, if Mr. Wil
liams had not invited and on-
cournffcd the Pourcssivos (0 join
with the Republicans of this
Statu in 1010, there would have
been no active co-operation be
tween the two forces anil Ore
gon would undoubtedly hnve
been lost to thu Republican
cause. Air. Williams advocated
the adoption by the Republican
National Committee of a similar
I program of amalgamation and
co-operative action in other
States. If his suggestions con
cerning California and Washing
ton had been followed, those two
states would also have been
found in the Republican column
after the national election. 1
Mr. Williams' attitude of,
friendliness toward Col. Roose-!
volt is generally known to Re
publican leuders throughout the,
Country and State. Tho same
spirit of unity which Mr. Wil-1
lams was so largely instrumen
tal in etfecting in Oregon in
1916, he also strove successfully
to bring about at the recent
meeting of the Republican Na
tional Committee at St. Louis.
The new chairman of the Re
publican National Committee,
Will II. Hays, who was elected
at the St. Louis meeting, has
joined with George W. Perkins,
Chairman of the Executive Com
mittee of the former Progres
sive party, in commending Mr.
Williams' efforts to achieve har
mony at St. Louis. On the occa
sion of his recent visit to Port
land Mr. Hays cnlled attention
to the splendid spirit of harmo
ny which now prevails among
all elements of the Republican
pnrty in Oregon and earnestly
urged that it be maintained.
Mr. Williams' record as an
earnest supporter of the Govern
ment in the enercrotlc conduct
of the War, is widely known,
owing to the aid he has given
to all war activities.
We believe in all fairness,
that Mr. Williams' sorvlcns. nn
outlined above, entitle him to
re-eleclion. We also believe that
you are entitled to know where
we stand with rocrnrd to his
candidacy, and for that reason,
we have addressed this state
ment to you.
Henry Waldo Coc,
Progressive National Com
mitteeman for Oregon.
Thomas R. Neuhauscn,
Ex-chairman of State Pro
gressive Party.
George Arthur Brown,
Ex chairman of Executive
Com., Progressive Pnrty.
Sanfleld MncOonnld,
Pros, of Ass'n of Fathers
of Orogon Soldiers nnd
I). L. Dovey,
A. I. Monlton,
F. II. Lewis,
Progressive members of
the Hughes Cnmpaign Com.
Charles W. Ackermnn.
Oliver M. Hlckey.
C. P. Hodloy.
Lon L. Parker.
Georgo R. Anders.
Miss Vivian Flexner.
Mrs. Geo. I. Thompson.
Mrs. M. L. Neuhauscn.
Mrs. Anna E. Crcvilli.
Mrs. Maude M. Povey.
Miss Mary E. Hill.
Paid adv.
YOU know how cooking
brings out all the rich
pungent flavor of bacon
there's nothing that tastes
better. But you wouldn't like
it raw.
So we tonst the Burley tobneco
used in LUCKY STRIKE Ciga
rettes for exactly the same reason
to briny out the rich, solid flavor. .
It your dealer does not carry
them, terU $ 1.30 for a ttrtoa
ol 1 2 packages loTheTobscco
Company 0) CalUomU. Ha
yO Guaranteed by
I Off0ATtO
$100 Reward. $100
The r.iadt-m uf tin ikiiMr ull1 cm
ileukotl to It-am tl'Ut II., i, la ul l,m on.
arvade.1 Olet-uk. Hull s-liu-n has been
-ii'l 10 cure 111 all Its ktuicM, ami that It
t'utuirli Hall's I'ulnrih Cute l the only
live cure now know 11 to the meJU-u!
rullv I'ltturrh twin a .-oiiatlmilntiAi
diara, roiiuiriM a constitutional treat
ment. Ilntl a Cutarrh Cure l taken In
ternally, mlltur directly uiun lha lil,,i.l
an,t niuroua iurfin-e or tit syetem, there-
1, i eetroytiiir the luuiuuttloit or Ihe dlJ
!'. and K vlittr the atlent utrensth by
t'lilldliiir up the eoiwtlliilktii and alsthiK
iialiiu- la dolus lie wtttk. The proprietors
have .0 iiiimIi fulth III Its curative n.
era that lb.)' offer One Hundred Dollar!
(or aay ruw that It (all to cur. Send
(or list Of tMlliuonlala.
old by all Ifucditi tie.
Take (lair t'aiully I'llle (r eaaatlpatlaa.
The following list of legal bUnks
are kept for sale at this office ami
others will be added us the detnand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty und Chattel Mort
BiiRes, Satisluetiou of MortKues,
Contructs fot Sale of Realty, Hills
of Sale, Leases,
Re sure to buy a Liberty Rond
and help to win the war.
Get the Review
Bring in Your Job
Printing Now
Lend Him
spean louaer than
words -Act -Don't Talk -Buy Now