St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 26, 1918, Image 2

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A. V. Mnrklc, lWitor
Published Kvory I'"rlda
Subforlptlon price $1.00 per year.
TUK RRVIKW Is entered at post office
In Portland, Oregon, a mnll matter
ol the second clnM under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
David A. Dickson and Miss
Ida Mnhle Killebrew wore unit
cd in the holy bonds of matri
mony at the office of Dr. Jones
Thursday afternoon, April 25th,
Dr. II. F. Jones officiating Roy
Crouchley acted in the capacity
of best mun, and Miss Grace
Dickson, sister of the groom,
acted as bridesmaid. After the
ceremony was performed an ele
gant wedding dinner, at which
a number of the relatives and
near friends of the happy young
couple participated, was served
at the home of the groom. For
a number of years the groom
was a faithful and capable mem
ber of The Review force, but
for the past year or so lias been
aiding Uncle Sam in ship con
stcuction, at the present time
holding a good position at the
local ship plant, lie is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson
of North St. Johns, and in every
way a line young man, well liked
by all who know him. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Killebrew of North Wil
lamette boulevard, ann lias many
fricndB in St. Johns. The new
ly wedded couple have taken up
their residence on Fessenden
Htrcot. The Review joins with
their hosts of friends in wish
ing incin a most nappy am
pleasant voyage down tin
stream of life together.
For Sale
Three Modern
Now Building
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
iPeni 11 sul a Security Co,
First National Bank Building
Advertisements under tills head
ing one cent a word. Minimum
charge 25 cents.
A . II
u was a gallon 01 com am
currency the Grant Sinithd'orte
Shin Company workers dug from
their overalls Tor the relief
Mrs. Jennie Mcl.aimhlin, moth
of two boys serving their conn
try in I-ranee. All day Tliurs
day and until noon Friday
committee of the shipbuilder!)
circulated among their fellow n
collecting the contribution!!
Those woro sealed in a close lit
ting box without being counted
The committee then journeyi t
by automobile to the home o
Mrs. Mcl.aimlilin. CO I Thin
street. The patriot mother wan
told that she might as well in
cept the money, since it would,
if shu did not take it person
ally, bo deposited to her credit
in a bank, though she sail
that her immediate needs has
been provided for, the argu
moot of the visitors induce!
nirs. nici.nugiiiin to accompany
thorn to the lliberuia Sav.ngx
Manx, lliero the imx was open
oil. It was found that tin
giftH aggregated $2:12.27. Tin
committee which had charge of
too philanthropic cntt'iiuim
consisted of K. F. Howmnn.
Guorgo 1'onl, Douglas Young
umi urueti 1. rcvmiH.
United Kvnngclii'itl Church.
A. I'. I.ayton, I'tiNlur The
pastor will again take up the
study of the Second Coming ol
Christ in his Sunday morning
services. Subject for next Sun
day will bo, "The Rupture and
Involution Periods I Mined."
On Sunday evening, he will
speak upon tho "Trinity" or
"Thu Three Melligerent Ages."
A cordial invitation is cncihIciI
to the public, and eHpccially the
strangers, to attend thine ser
vices as wo believe that in tiiiite
of tho groat world's war that its
being waged, when we art
mobilizing all our reKources ami
men in one mighty effort to
suvo tho world lor Democraov
li .
ii is iiiho nocodsary that we
mobilize all tho Inrciw that
mnku for righteoiiHiit'iw for the
great reconstruction period that
must follow tho successful ter
mination of tho war, and pre
pure ourselves for the coming
of Christ's Kingdom upon
Earth. Will you join us in this
great struggle against tho com
mon enemy of mankind?- Reported.
Who Will Heat C. N. McArthur
Kor Congress May 17.
A. W. hall'erty. born noor.
the son of a Union soldier who
served four years with three of
lis brothers in tho Civil War.
and who felt tho sting of the
A. W. IdilVorty. who in years
past has nreiiared himself for
military service by conscientious
worlc in tho Nat ona (. unri .
where he served for threo years
as Captain of Company F.
ninth Mo. Inf.. now in France.
and wlio has his standimr offer
on ffle in tho War Department
offering to go to the trenches in
this win in any capacity.
Paid adv.
Wanted from Owner 1 or 6 room
modern bungalow with good basement,
ensy walking distance from Grant Smith
Porter yard. Addrcsi C. 11. Hemstrect,
606Goodnough bldg., Portland.
I'or Sale by Owner Modern 7 room
house, lot 110x116, irult trees, etc; terms
reasonable. Within walking distance of
ship yard. Inquire 709 Amherst street.
I'or Sale SettliiL' Kuis. White I.i-o.
horns and Rhode Island Hcds, thorough
lireds. I1.G0 tier setting. Call 834 North
Jersey street.
Switches made to order from comb-lngs.-01G
U. Tyler street. 20
I'or Sale Gentle Jersey cow, fresh In
June, second time. Call after C p. m. nt
211 S. Willamette blvd.
I'or Sale Team ol horses ami wiu'nti.
wcurgc OKaar, uua annul ave. N.
i'or Sale Six room house, full lot.
modern, on main street adjoining busi
ness district of St. Johns. Price $2000;
ftOOdowu, balance f20 cr month, six
tcr cent Interest. Call at this office.
I'or Sale in St. Johns Nice semi-mod
ern -I room House, full basement, laruc
lot, improvements paid. Price $1200:
ensy terms. Tabor G55U. 23tf
gxiierk-nccd Menot!rnilier wants tml.
Hon; might consider Dart of dav. Call
nt this office. 21
I'or hale Six hole cook stove in ex.
eellciit condition, $10. Call 70,'i North
Willamette lilvd.
I'or Sale Hnrly Six Weeks Seed Po-
tatoes: liiiiniri A. W. n.iWt' rnnl i.iini..
These ApmU grew In Washington ami
are free from scale. They are earlier
and bigger ylehlers than Itnrlv Hose.
i. i. Powell, VST, N. Smith avenue.
I'or Sale Three rum and n couch.
Call 101 Allci'heny street.
I'or Sale Sm.tll horse. -CI 7 S. Wll.
lamettc blvd; phone Columbia 1)711. 21
I'or Sale 5 room modem houtw, 822
Allegheny street. I'or sale bv owner.
Very reasonable prlre.
l'nr Sale by Owner Two Iidumm; no
agents; may monthly tHivmeiits. Phone
Columbia ml. 22tf
I'or Sale Kxteuslon Imw Course, rea
sonable price, terms. Cull Columbia HOT,
evenings. if
I'or Stile Chamiiloti uo4cherrv Intsh-
csJl.W) er doeu; logait berries fie per
tilanl; nto InculMtor and brooder. "Old
Trusty," In good order. Call HID North
Seueen. 21
I'or Sale Three room Iiohm? and two
lots, S7R0 insh. Call l(tf Willamette
lM)titciiril north.
I'or Sile Six toom house, lot Mx 100:
ltd l. Mohawk. 2f,
I'or Sub In St. lohns Two ihiecrooin
houses nud over t ight full htw, gHd In
tatlou, cement sidewalks, curln, ertidcd ,
st ti t is Included for onlvflflOO; terms.
See this soon. Talnir tSWil. 'iiltf I
I'or Sale Confectionery stoie and
lunch loom ilolnu a Hue bitslnt-M. Hood
miMtu for selliuu; uood location. Call
at this stllies. if.
I'or S-ile Siv iimiii modern litttiM. lot
TiOxlOO, souie fiuit. A gutnl home at a
rtaMiuitble pike. Terms will be given I
Call HIS NoiihSmilli ave. tf I
I'or Sale -IS room Ixwrdlng linuto, low I
t'llii-, easy terms, central locution; (V.MI
Harvard street, comer I'Uke; phone Co-1
onuiiia toi. sin
I'or Sale bv Owner Who is Going Kast
IbaiM- anil lot, 7 rooms, ceimtut Imm!
iiieiil, furuare, all imxlirn ctiuvmileiit'es,
Also two vacant lot. Call at ititl) South
In your search for bar
gains and savings you can of
ten do best right here at home.
We frequently undersell the
large stores of Portland and
give you the same values. If
you haven't trolled here be
fore come and be convinced.
Grocery Grabateria
201 N, Jersey Sf,
Kabo Corsets and Braissieres
For perfection of shaping and fit; for effectiveness in improving your
figure, for satisfaction in quality and price, the KABO stands su
preme. Made over a Live Model, a style for every figure; front and
back lace, guaranteed rust proof. Once try it, you'll always buy it.
First Trust I Savings
1302 East Fessenden Street
Phone Columbia 10G
We are showing some very
pretty patterns in Ladies' and
Children's Ready to Wear
Dresses and Aprons.
"Miss Sanimie" at $3.50
"American Maid" at 2.50
"Portland Maid" at 1.G5
Small Hoys' Wash Suits.
Our New Line of White
Shoes, Pomps and Oxfords
for Ladies', Misses and Chil
dren. Tenuis Shoes
Oxfords in
White and I.Mack
Renfrew Devonshire Cloth,
32 in., wide; n strong, well
woven fabric made of selected
yarns to give unusual wear.
Ilest for the Kiddie Klothcs.
We have a goodly ussortmcut
of these. Ginghams, Frolic
Cloth, Percales, Silks.
Here is a brand new bread trv it on the family. Saves one pound of wheat flour.
19x water 1 cup beans Vi cakes compressed yeast cup lukewarm water
5 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons molusses 8 cups Hour
Soak beans over night, drain off the water in which they were soaked and cook until isoft in
the 19x water. Put through a sieve or a potato ricer, cool and when lukewarm add (1) the yeast
softened in the xi cup of water, (2) the salt, (3) the molasses, and (!) the flour to make a stiff
dough. Knead, let rise and bake.
Officers and Directors
F. A. RICE, Pre.ltlent nn.l Cnihler
1 1. HENDERSON, Vice IVc.ident
CEO. I. BROOKS. Secretary
Merchandise of Merit
Columbia 137
tour per cent interest
paid on time nnd sav
ings deposits.
Rentals and Real
lislnte Loans
Jtoldcn Gale Pure Food Products Ladles' Home Journal Patter
Ir- - I
W. W. McCredie
Tho Knights anil Lailit'H of
Security Kavu an open meeting
to the public last Monday night,
One of tho largest erowda in
tho hiatory of tho council was
present. Tho council now hays
its own orchestra consisting of
throo pieces, one of tho the best
to bo found anywhere. Thej
received a good many anplica.
tions at this meeting. Their
Liberty Loan Dance- was a
Krand success. They nmile
enough to buy a larger Monti
than they expected. They had
somo of tho best known men in
Portland at their last meeting;,
such aa Judge Mo row, Judge
McGinn, Attorneys Moulton ami
Moore. Kepresentative Lewis
and W. W. Hall. They all are
activo members in tho Knights
anu utuios of Security and say
A I . It. . t . .
we ure ino iivonesi uunen in
Portland. Don't forget the
Juveniles class every Saturday
at 2:30 p. m. in Micknor's Hall.
Bring tho littlo ones and let
them join tho Mooator Council
of Juveniles.- Hojiortor.
Adding a third nilcdriver and
crew to his force anil then HoniN
nir to Seattle for a fourth out.
lit. while he is prepared to oh-
ain a llfth here if necessary.
A. McICachern. who is con.
structiiiK the lirst pier at tho St.
olinx Municipal 'term inn . has
nipreHseil the Conwnisaion of
blic Docks that he is earnest.
y t'titionvoriiur to hasten tho hiir
joii. jur. iuer.acnorn litis pro
mised that if men anil material
are to bo depended on ho will
have tho pier ready for use
September 1. Portland Abstract.
Jiwy ktivcl
I'or Srtlc I'tv nm Ihhim. 4iiUtchI
mill In knmI i-miilltHiH. well Uuitt, lot
IHOkIM. ini Kwilli hvhw. I'rko MOO.
Tornu. Cm 1 1 ut thu olHc-.
l'nr Kill- A mnmii Ikhi, well
ud, gtMHl WittkMi on Nitith Wllkmctte
UhiIvmikI, ImmmwiiI. lik' jiuil, lot fx
Im. 1'ilcc Jti.. Ajly ut IliU ollicc.
(mm1 Svroiul IhiuiI Sowliiir iimrliiuti (or'
lint. II. I'.Cfewk. tf
Kltvitie Vartiutii
I'. Claik.
Whin )oa'n en lit leolcbt far tab
'inaiiixt, a hio( Ktal Cianly htlpi
It pan Iht long, Juk haan.
Whether He's Fighting on Sea
or Land Send him n pouch ol
Rca! GRAVELY Clicwiiifj Plug
If ho doesn't chew yet, he'll slice it up
nnd mix it witii his pipe tobacco to cive
I !l f J .1 I
imvur unu iinprovo ins imOKC.
You will send your friend more tobrveco
comfort find sntiafnetion in one pouch of
Real Grnvcly PIiijj than in half a dozen
plugs of ordinary tobacco.
Civ nnv mn n cliew of rienl Grnvrly PluB.nJ
lie will tell you tltat't tho lilnd to icnil. Send lha
Ordinary plug It fnlio rconomy. It coitt leu
pr wcrlc to cli-w Rcnl Crnvoly, liecnmo mm 1 1
chow of It Initt a lone wlilla.
ui.mi vouit i ioi.Ni) in run v. h. sntvici:
Dealer nil Around Imro rnrrylt In lOc.pouclici.
A 3cetainp will put It Into lilt iinmlt In any Train-
nix Cnmp or Sonport of tho U. S. A. Even "over
thrro"n3c. itanip will (nke It to Mm. Yourdenlcr
will tupply tnvelopo and five you official direction!
how to oddrctu it,
l. . CRAVM.Y TOIIACCO CO., Danxlllr, V.
-It U nt llt Ciai.-ty utlhaul (.it t'tvlttlian Sal
Republican Candidnto for
Circuit Judge
Department No. 6
Served otic term as Prosecuting At-
(MiMtltur f.kv runt II
. 1111 IU ll ill t rrii.i
U . ,v""-
l,Ut y,.r I..H.M. mil. Mr. Sonic. She ; X ?.? "
IMid mlv.
Im purrli.urrii rrsuly to liny.
I'or tr.nlc I'otir line lot uml modern
i.iii..... I....- ....ii i. ..i ... ..... i..
T;:,r;rsi. ., ,":. Cliamto-Kenworlliy Go,
taxes ami city Iloim to pay in
No. 186 I. O O. i
Uet icli Hoiiiiuy uvenlnif tn Odd Fol
lof.i linll nt H:oo, A conlUI welromi to
U vlltliik lirothem,
II I, VhWr, Noble (Itaml
C O Chut, hill VkeOiH4t
H I. VurmH . Kev S
K lloinlwk I'm Sec.
II. I' Udk.TfrM,
Meet every I'ridnv nlj-ht nt
7:30 o'clock in 1IICKNKK
llnll, VUltor nlwny wel-
W. K. itVKNS. C. C.
And Choice Meats
I- I- .
'KK ivucji. iveeiis euKH nice
and treuh for an indennite
time. Currin Says So.
Real Estate!
II Vol Mill ll Sill
Property at right prices
list it with us.
It You Want to Buy
Property at right prices
call and see us.
S. C. Cook
102 N. Jersey Street
Notice to Creditors
it .
rorwnuu can mane uieir pay
ments without inconvenience by
availing themselves of our ser
vices. We will pay same and
secure your receipt without in
convenience to you. Fee, 25
cents. References : Any St.
Johns Hank.- Peninsula Title.
Abstract and Healty Co., by II.
Henderson, Manager; -102 North
Jersey street.
In the County Court of the Suu nf 1
Oregon, for the County of Multnomah,
in tlie matter ol the rMute o( AiUliue ,
M, Martin. dtvtul.
Notice is hereby eiven that the under. I
tinned, Mubelle V. lioidou, admlnUtra-
tlU ol the ekUteof Adultlie M. Miiftin
deceased, Inu tiled hor tiual accoiiut in '
the County Court of the Stale of Oregon,
for the County of Multnomah, and that
Tueday, the 2Ut day ol May. 131S. at
the hour of '.I 30 a. m. of Mid dav. at tlu
Court lloiiM- at I'oitlaud. in taiil Count v
and State, hat been apiHiiuted uii thu
time and Place fur the heariiiL- of ohieo.
tioiu to said tiual account and the et
tlemcut thereof.
Adiuiutktrutrix of the cotutcof Ad
altiK.' M. Martin, ileceamsl.
Sidney Uoidou, 400 llerlitiKer bldj;,
Attorney for the Kitate.
Date of iirt publication April 19, t'.US;
last publiciitou May 17, 19LS,
A. T. and A. M.
MeeU the flrit nnd third I
V Weliie4lttvof each mouth
Funeral Directors and Iimbalmcrs
1111 Ker''V Street, ut ItmerMin
1, Theolilc.t established tindertaViiiK
iHi.ineM noun 01 kiiou street.
1. Mr. Chamlter is the only . A, R,
iiiiiieiiuker in inu cuy 01 roriiaim, Olll n 11 man
'ei,? Camp No, 7546
i iiiucnii iiirectmn
In Illckucr's Hall.
tors welcome.
J. N. W. M.
A. W, Davis. Secretary.
aa frB
Await your selection
here. The best pro
curable at prices that
give the lie to the
charge that the meat
prices are sky high.
Our beef is fresh and
perfectly refrigerated.
4. Why have vour beloved deceased
taken through the conceited business
districts w heu perfect service and ri'lit
prices may nc otiiMineii in jour own
Modern Woodmen of America.
We Heartily solicit the attend.
anco of our members at our reg
ular meetings, every Thursday
Rvnjnr (i W Mulim lncnl
I'or Sale of Trade 15 ucre. in fanious - ', I .
Hood River Vallev. ' tf' . Ll II I' r n ;
AlAHit in acres in commercial orchard. I rtlllUIIIV HIIII I 'A AUI'IIIIII
Abimt 16 acre in hay land. Mii.fciiiu uuu uuuiuu ui UUUUI llj
.luoui to acres uncleared la ml,
Atont 100 ard front hiuh school.
AUiut 1 h mile from church, po.lotlU'c,
Fresh Pork Backbones, three pounds for 25c
Prime Steer Pot Roasts 25c and 30c
Extra Good Creamery Butter, per roll 80c
two store", meat inurket, etc, J utile
i ruin iic"oi, two good springs on the
piace, an exceptional location lor a
small dairy and hOKaud fruit rai.inn.
maMii); an ideal country Home or a
man uith family. Will sell on easy
terms or trade for St. Johns properly.
I'or further details and information,
impure at tin otucc,
l'lione Woodlawu 6&)0.
VI rm . . .
nfiS en ninre L ennpr; i. o. o
unit Repairing u Specialty
V. C. Jl STICK 1502 SUdmore Street
St. Johns Council 2775
Meets every .Monday evtnii'ir nt
Hiekner Hall, over St Johns Hard-
wnte More. isttors and members 1 ooo-oooooooooooccocoi!vi
conuaiiy invited to attend. I
Photic Colunihia 21 WE DELIVER 109 N. Jersey Street
II I. Campliell, Prvs
I'. U. .MoreiiiR, Sccritary.
Woodmen Of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meets every Friday evening in the
r. Hall, I.eavitl atttl Jersty
Visitors always wilcotm.
W. Ii. COOS LUrk.
In ordr to Insure a change of
vartlioment the copy foi such change
hould reach tMs otdce not Uter then
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. rn. Please
Mtnembsr this and aave the erlnUr
In the County Courl of the State of
Olefin fur the County of Multnomah.
In the Matter of the lstate of S.
Mikne, ileceated.
Notice is hereby uiveu that the umli-r.
signed by an order of the above nametl
Couit has Iwen appoiulM as Ailmtuistra
tr ol the above named Hstate, and has
iualitietl as such.
Any person haviujj any claims against
Mid Kstatc wtll present same wlh mon.
er voucher attached, to the underslj-ued
at the office of his attorney, II. l. Col
lier, lll Spalding buiMltiK, Portland.
Oieuou, within sik months Irom the dale
of the lirst publication of this uotic?
Date of firt publication April 15). 1918:
last publication May 17, 19 It!.
" a. JIQOHH, Adm u strator.
II. h. Collier.
Attorney for AdtuluUtrator.
The Alys Brown School of Dancing I
In the Modern C01 seratory of Music Building
Formerly the 'Sagles' jiau( t j0j,s.
Team Work -
Of All Kinds Wanted
l'lowitiB, Harrowing, Moving
hauling cf anv nature.
515 IS. Polk Street,
riiouc Columbia bW.
All Latest Ball Room Dances Taught f
Beginners' Class on Monday evenings at 7:80.
Advanced Class at S 30.
Informal Daueo follows for pupils and frieuds.
Children's Class in fancy, classical and lull ro
ucginnmg .Mouuay attemooti, April 2J. at 4:30.
uau room ilauclng. 8 lessous for 5.00
Children's Class, G lessons for . . . . . ... 5.00 t
room dancing
I'or Sale or Trade I.ou 11 nnd 12 in 1
block 13, Collece Addition to St. lobus. I
$loo down, bat. (la month, or will trade 1
lor farm property. Call this office. tf 1
I'or Sale -House and four lots on North
Syracuse street. Call at this office, tf j
We are graduate registered I
pharmacists of 12 years exper-1
lence. "Currin Says So."
Urloi Id your Job prtctln while
you think of It, Don't wait until you j
axe entirely out. We are equipped '
tp turn out neat &nd taatj prlutin
premptlj at Portland prlcet or leu.
black adult
hearse, box 2
embalming and
ed service for
Ory or .jfC
nutoc M -Jt
1'unerals if desired for 20, $30, fiO, $60. Holier price 1 funerals in pro
portion, e manufacture caskets. I.ady asiistant,
Beautiful funeral chapel,
Main 2601 Independent Funeral Directors A 7e85
Washington at Ella Street, Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
611 Ceutra! Ave. N.
Phone Columbia S88