St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 19, 1918, Image 2

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A. W. Murkle, Kdltor
PubliBhod Evory Ifrlda
Subscription price $1.00 per year,
Tub Rkvmw Is entered nt jxst office
In Portland, Oregon, as mnii matter
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
rfrcsa of Mnrch j, 1879,
For Sale
The Liberty uond campaign
will continue until May 4th.
Oregon and Portland have pone
well over the top on the first
jump, hut it is desired that they
anil Keep going until me cam
paign closes. So any citizen
who failed to buy a bond from
the solicitors who made the
rounds last week still bus op
portunity to show his patriot
Ism by helping Uncle Sam out.
uesiues Doing an aid to our
beloved country in its time of
need, it is a line investment as
Shipbuilding plants on the
Pacific Coast are far in advance
of their schedule, according to
Meyer liloomficld, head of the
industrial service department of
the km ergon cy Meet Corpora
tion, who is on a lour ol in
spection of the shipbuilding
yards on this coast. 1 he Paci
fic Coast is expected to turn out
nt least ,H) per cent of all the
. shins required by the govern
ment," said Hloomlleld. "The
West seems determined to
break all records." The war
has been a terrible object lesson
of how dependent this nation
is on shipping in time of stress.
Uof re the war, we had declined
iroin one oi mo greatest to one
of the smal est shin nwnintr
nations of the world. Wo had
passed legislation which made
it practically impossible for an
owner to operate bis ship un
der the American Hag. To
build up an American Merchant
Marine alter the war and per
netuate our great shipbuilding
industry now so well establish
. I 9 a fill
eu, it win du necessary lor us
to remedy our prurient legisla
tion ho nun our snips may
compete on an equal footing
with the Hhips or other nations,
and now is the tune to con
sider such measures.
1"V -HV"I
Now Building
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
Peninsula Security Co,
First National Bank Building
Advertisement!, under tills head
ing one cent a word, Minimum
charge 25 cents.
mihh iiuni, me roriintid as
i f I t .
HiHiani iiorariau, nas iieen
very much in the limelight for
several days, hoentiHO of her re
fusal to purchase a Liberty
Monti. Since her resignation
has neon accepted, she will have
-.1 A .... l t . .
picuiy oi nine 10 reneci upon
her ingratitude in refusing to
support the government that had
been giving her support so iren
orously. Perhaps, as time goes HorvrH
on sue w rea y.e 111010 iumuHv K,i;n!
the truth "Of all sad words of
tongue or pen, (be saddest of
these- it might have been."
HccntiHo she is a woman, she iy
perhaps deserving or noin. pity
mat her judgment slmiild lit
I. I I I t . 1
rmiiu ho neeioiKii'ii. with Hoi
. .. . -
uxcuouingiy generoiiH i7fi per
month Miliary, it would luivi
ciiuHuu no particular siicruice
on her part to have purchasei
a Liberty Koud. and thus aid
her country in its time of noe
llll . I . . .
vuun uie young men 01 the
land are ollering up their lives
in freedom's cause, is no tiint
to reason whether we Khouh
give or not give. To know that
our country that has nurture!
and proteeteil us, needs our tin
unciai iiKHiHinuco, mat me hrave
boys at the front need our
hacking, is all med be known
or considered. Not to render all
A 1 .
wiu iiHHiKianee 111 our power
wouiii no me imsi-ut ingratitiuU
Miss Hunt was moKt surely
muiuk in nor eonii'iiiions, as
For Sale Settinc Eeca. White Lei
horns mid Rhode Island Keds, thorouK
brcds, 1.50 per settlm. Call 834 North
Jersey street.
Switches made to order from comb
ines. (310 U. Tyler street. 25
1'or Sale Gentle Jersey cow, fresh in
June, second time. Call after 5 p. m. at
211 S. Willamette blvd.
l'or Sale Tcnm of horses and waimn.
I 4 ... , - - "
ueorge oicaar, uus annul ave. .V.
l'or hale Six room house, full lot.
modern, 011 main street adjoining busi
ncss district of St. Johns. I'rlcc $2000;
f 100 down, balance f20 j)cr month, six
per cent interest. Call at this office
Wanted work bv the hour: pardon
or otlier work. Call 510 S. Jersey street,
I .... ..I.. e. I I .n
For Sale in St. JohnsNice semi-mod
cm "1-rooin house, full basement, laruc
101, improvements nam. Trice 51200
easy lerms. Talwr CCG'J. 23tf
Mrs, Soule has houses to sell on easy
icruis, oiu a. jersey.
Hxpcrlcnccd stenographer wants jxisi
tionj might consider part of day. Call
ni mis onicc, z
l'or Kent Two furnished rooms in 11
very nice Home, furnace heat mid hot
water for baths. CIO Oswcuo strcet.near
1 .
cars ana snip yarn.
A girl wants light wash'
lug or ironing. Phone Columbia 233,
Ask for Mrs. I.aura Andrews.
l'or Sale Six hole cook stove In ex.
cellent condition, $10. Call 703 North
Willamette blvd.
l'or Sale Itarly Six Weeks Seed To-
talocs; liHiuirr A. w. Davis' real estate
These snuds irrew in wushlnutoii ntu
are free from hca 0. Thev are earlier
imil nigger ylcldtrs tliau garly Rose
it. 15. rowcll, llh N. Smith avenue.
l'or Sale Three rims and a couch.
Call 401 Allegheny street.
l'or Sale Small horse. -617 M. Wll.
lametle blvd, phone Columbia !I7.'I. 21
List your houses with Mrs. Soule. She
has purchasers ready to buy.
l'or Sale- -15 room modern limine. h&
... . . . .. . . -
rtiiegueny Mteet. l'or mile liy owner.
Very rcatoiiiihli' price.
l'or Sale by Owner Two; 110
ageiitt: easy monthly iKiymeiits. Phone
ubia 'J.W. 22lf
jMitaloes 11 mr loo
In yotir search for bar
gains and savings you can of
ten do best right here at home.
We frequently undersell the
large slores of Portland and
give you the suae values. If
you haven't traded here be
fore come and be convinced.
Grocery Grabateria
201 N, Jersey SI.
per loo Un.; small
lbs. Plowing and
I'irst claw e.iUiiLf
.1 . . il
los.; seeorni M.e iw
IhiIiiIoc-i UK' tier Iimi
harrowing 1I11110. (HO It. John St, plume
Columbia 711. 23
l'or Sale Itxteiiiion Law Course, ton.
wimble prlco. terms. Call Columbia SOT,
It'U'llillUN. . t(
l'or Stile--Chaiunloil iKHxeberrv Ituth
t ?1 CO er doen; logan berries CciktI
nam; also niciiiMtor ami luiKider, "Old
Tunny." in g I order. Call 8111 North I
Seneca, 21 j
l'or S.h Thrie iimiiii Iioiimt and two
lolN. $7C0 cikli. Call I0HC Wlllamelle
boiitcv.iiil north,
First Trust S Savings
1302 East Fessendcn Street
Phono Columbiu -100
Officers and Directors
F. A. RICE, Preiidenl and Cashier
II. HENDERSON, Vice Prciidcnt
GEO. I. UROOKS. Secretary
Four poi cent interest
paid on time and sav
ings deposits.
Renin Is and Rent
Estate Loans
Kabo Corsets and Braissieres
For perfection of shapitig and fit; for effectiveness in improving your
figure, for satisfaction in quality nntl price, the KABO stands su
preme. Made over a Live Model, a style for every figure; front and .
back lace, guaranteed rust proof. Once try it, y.ou'll always buy it.
Wc arc showing some very
pretty patterns in I.adies' and
Child ren's Ready to Wear
Dresses and Aprons.
"Miss Samtnie" at $3.G0
"Americun Maid" at 2.50
"Portland Maid" at 1.G5
Small Hoys' Wash Suits.
Our New Line of White
Shoes, Pomps and Oxfords
for Ladies', Misses and Chil
dren. Tennis Shoes
Oxfords in
White and I.Mack
Renfrew Devonshire Cloth,
32 in. wide; a strong, well
woven fabric made of selected
yarns to give unusual wear.
Rest for the Kiddie Klothes.
We have a Koodly assortment
of these. Ginghams, Frolic
Cloth, Percales, Silks.
Here is a brand new bread try it on the family. Saves one pound of wheat flour.
19x water 1 cup beans cakes compressed yeast 'i cup lukewarm water
5 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons molasses 8 cups Hour
Soak beans over night, draiti off the water in which they were soaked and cook until soft in
the 19x water. Put through a sieve or a potato ricer, cool and when lukewarm add (1) the yeast
softened in the y2 cup of water, (2) the salt, (3) the molasses, and (1) the flour to make a stiff
dough. Knead, let rise and bake.
Merchandise of Merit
Columbia 137
Golden Gate Pure Food Products
Tr ig
Aftt e flitM,
and maybe a
, n smau
W. W. McCredie
Will Heat C. N. MeArthur
For ConjjreHH May 17.
A W. I.airerty, who makeshift
own cnmimiKn and nerves the
people in iNmgro.sH. as contrast
ed with C-. N. McArthur, who
has his campaign made for him
ny tlio inilllonaireH and who m nuts
the millionaires in Con-1
For Sili Ciiiifcctioiicrv More mill
Iiiih'Ii imim ilnlit); a fine litikinvwi. CikmI
rciitou (or wIIIiik; h locution. Cull
nt thin unite if.
l'or Silt Six room Iiimiho, lot WUIIKJ;
IM U.Molumk. Ui
l'or .Sfili- In St. Johns Two Uirco-room
U'MiofD. mill over t-li'lit full lot. uooil o
c.ition, ri'ini'iit olikuviill:, curb, iinnltsl
rcutt liirlink'it for only flMUO; term,
r HiInimmiii. Tiilwr ftVi!). ttlif
A. W. I.airerty, who voted
-very time for the betterment
of those who toil, as con
trasted with C. N. McArthur.
th only Congressman west of
the Mississippi Ktvor who
voted against the eight hour
ilti.v l or ra wav Ira nmen.
A. W. I.ailertv. who bases
his campaign upon issues, as
iMintrasted with C. N. Mc
Arthur. whose manairers base
his eamnaigu unon a sieklv
glamour oi gold and high mieio
ix. W. I. all oil v. wiio believes
ihe people havo senso enough to
elect their own ollicora at the
primary unaided by any hand
picked "assembly" as contrast
fd with C. N. McArthur. whose
malingers Have assembled 100
millionaires and society snobs
t Kerd Uoed's telenhonu and
nntl them "endorse" McArthur
through the free snace of favor.
able newspapers.
A. W. l.allerty. who in four
. : m.
Someone SenK Mm
a pouch ol
Real GRAVELY CSiewing Plug
Tobacco 'u about the only comfort tho soldier
Itns nnd no clinnco to tmolco an dutyi But n
satisfying chow of Real Gravely Plug ho can
snjoy that oven in a elicit holo in No Man's Land.
Givo nny nmn n chow of Ileal Gravely I'luj, find ho will
a cml tlio bcitl
tell you that's Iho Idnd to (end.
to chew Keftl Grrtvely, becauio n imall chew of
htllnnry plus I fnlio economy. Il coil leu
er weoK
; lailt a
ionu while.
If you (moke ft plr, tltce Gravely with your knlfo anci
nJd n Utile to your mioklng tobacco. It will give flavor
Improve your moke.
Dealer nil Around hero carry It In 10c pouchei. A 3c.
Ininp will put it Into hit hand In any Training Camp or
Seaport of tho U. S. A. Cven "over there" n 3c. itainp
will take it to him. Your dealer will lupply envelope and
give you official directiont how to addreti it.
The Pattnt Pouch litem It Fresh and Clean anil Caoa
it it not Heal Gravely without thlt Protection Seal
felablUticil 1831
l'or S.1I0- SiK iimmii modem liouw, lot
riOnllHl. Mime fruit. A good Ihiiiil-at 11
niiMHMbli' piici. 'IVruw will lo uivi-n.
Call ills Not III .Hmilli mvd. tf
l'or SmIu 18 room IxmrdliiK Ikhic. low
in lio, vimy leriiio, ci'iitrrtl locution; OtHI
il.iminl hlri'd, corm r I'luko; iihonu Co
liiiublii 7A1. 21t(
I'tir Sik by Owmr Who U Going ltti-t
lliiii.c ami lot, " room, cruivut Iwk
uu'iit, furimri', nil nHxIvrn iMiivi'iiicuco.
.AImi two vitwiiit lot. Cull at WO South
Ji'rM'y kttt'ct. tf
l'or Silo I'ivc itHiin Iioiim, plnnivrrd
uid In hikhI i-oiiililiou, U'II built, lot
IlKMW. on .Smith uvcnm-. l'rli't f'UQO.
IVrm. Cull it thin ollicv.
lf,ir KjiIi f. tiuiii, li.ntk., 1. ll m..m1..
ivd, good location oil North Willamette
Miiileviiril, Uuenient, nice Hrd. lot
Iimi. l'rioe SUVt, Amilv l thia ollici
GimmI Second li.ind SewiiiK uiaihincs for
Funeral Directors and Embalmcrs
rent. II. I'. tf , Mil Kerb .Street, t liuierou
Klcctrle Vacuum
I'. Clink.
Republican Candidato for
Circuit Judge
Department No. 6
Served one term as Prosecuting At
Hive years on the bench.
Two years in Congress.
IUd adv.
"E; Chambers-Kenwarthy Co,
Cleaner for rent. II.
No. 18ii 1. 0. 0. !
sr. jomns, oitrcoM
UmU each Monday ovonlnif In Odd Pel
lows hall nt 8;oo, A cordial welcome to
nil vNHIiik' brothers.
II I. Nol (nana
C ll, Chuithill. VkrOrmiJ
H I, Coniimiy Kte tec
K llomlmk I'ln fKC.
II I' CUtk.Tira.
Meets every l'ridny uiht nt
cf!'S o'clock in IIICKNKK
Hull. Visitors always wel-
W. K, HVHNS, C. C.
A. P. und A. M.
Meet the llr-t nnd third
Wednesday of each tiionth
in llickuer's Hall. Vl.l-
tors welcome.
J. N.IMIefseii W. M,
A. W. IMvls. Secretnrv
Yes, We're the Butchers
I 'I
uro nny who ludifvo lis ho w yvar l-wcnrotl the arwt an. a vqv bn
liovoa, Thfio can hi no iniddle Piopnutiona (or thin tjistrict in Rlnro with
of road ground to Ktund unon Mlwy f Ort'Kon includ- corner S. .1
now. Wo art oitlior for (lu kov
ornineni, or wo nro iik'niust i(.
And unloss wo uro fo it, und
win do what wo can to aid it
i ll. A I i I .
iw mo o.Moni oi our aiuiny, wo
cannot claim to ho koihI
American eiiixon.s.
HcaidontM of St. Johiut liavinir
taxoa and city liun to jmy in
Portland can inako thoir jmy
inunta without inconvoiiiyiu-o hv
!! .1 . ..
UVUIIIIIK 111011180
ailll .SOlllUTH mill WII OWSI who in the County Court of the State of
procured the iiist vote OVOr had (,fyK". f"r the County of .Multnomah.
on the parcel post; who intro-K,:;;;;:, ' w MMU Mu,w
diiced a lull to l'Ivo to Undo Notice is hereby l-ivimi the umlir.
bain the same hankimr nrivi- iK"ei, siabeiic V. Goniou. udiuinutrn.
okcu that Kock feller and Mor- V!x ! ,1he1MU,,! "f .Adaiine m. Martin.
iran now eiuov: who ntnu iiLuul ..v.: ' " " ' "yir""1
11 lllll to (0 COIIVey OieKOIl's for- for the County of Multiwiuah. and that
out reserves in trust to tho hWMiay. the 2M dav oi mv. lais. at
at the
Jersey street,
Real Estate!
If You Wisli lo Sell
Property nt right prices
list it with ns.
If You Want to Buy
Property at right prices
call and see us.
S. C. Cook
402 N. Jersey Street
1. The olile.t ctabtihed undertaking
liiihhit!tt tmrlli nf lmilt ctrt!t
l'or trade I'our Hue lot and ino.Uru 2. Mr. Cti.iiuUr in the only (.. A. R.
f ' mr irm. in. uimerwKer in Uie city ot rortmuil. OilL ft n i - m n
lutieat ihUolhce. tf. a. Mr. Kemu.rlhv U unckuowledie.l t IflhnO Homn Wn 7KC o
Sill. A nnnf.VHnnw I "l "'. "KV d w V""Q VUUl MUl I OtU I
U VfniT rooms at roar. 1 I. Whv have vour beloved deceae.l IModcm Woodmen of Ampricn.
ersoy and Charleston taken thromjh the collected IiuIiicm Ve henrtilv finlfoir. tlm nrtnnrl.
i.iHKMHiu for rordand's streets; a narKnin. rariy must . ' 1 ' . KV n,u nnco oi our meinherant our roc
t'ostollice; who procured 'cave city. ' ulnrmeetinRs. every Thursday
IHIUCflir.l tf in. i. .1H .:...... I ' I III'. in ill, C t . l
1 ""V '... u NflTlfl OF FIWAI ArmilWT ,.. .r ...... - l"""'"' '"' vuiimii.i
KraniliiK pensona to Tort- M...m nnnvum ' Ti'Z i . H ' ' t"tuiu t
V. "" ") . UMI.MIn ItnH I nrJmn Uoiii,
A l -Jilt I ft acre In commercial orchard
About 15 ai-rc in hav laud.
a t1011. ilacrv1 ,!cU,'f;,1,'1- , St. Johns Council 2775
AKmt IS, niU. frnmehurcli. M.eCtS eV?ry -MOIUlay eVtlllllR nt
two tore. meat market, etc.. 1 mile "icfcner Hnll, over St Johns H ird
from depot, two j;ood sprinj-s on the ware Store. Visitors and members
puce an ewrptionai location lor a cordially invited to nttend
hi mill. i mill iiuua huh null irtiiio:.i it r ., i
liwklllvr an ideal country home for a I " v.ampi)l.ll, I res
iiiaiiwiih family, Will 'tell on easy . MoreiiiK, Sccre'nry.
terms or trade (or St. Johns property.
,nl!r i"f"'"1Uo''- Woodmen of the World
("hone WooiUawn WOO. St. JohllS Cnilip 773
n. . . ( .Meets every hrulay evening in the
nebkmniore L eaners 10 o kiwi. i.m-m ana jsey
streets. uitors wtkomc.
. . I 1 IM.1V !...
,u,n..;,f .; Oate ol first publication April U,uns,! uml ""B 11 specialty ...... vww.. v.wk.
V i u publication Mav 17. 1918. W. C. Jl STICK tttt Skidmore Street
leani yvoi k
.22 or
Who liuve cut down the
liinh cost of HvliiR, but we
didn't cleave off any of the
fine quality. Our poultry,
steaks nud chops ore the
best thnt the market af
fords. Neatness and clean
liness are attributes that
further recommend us.
Add to those prompt and
courteous service us well as
a guarantee of perfect con
ditioned meats, and you
have our measure.
i vow in otir sor state, w uc i won i roc nco tnxiw ' ""r "I'wmuii. oi Miiiiiny,
vices, wo will pay samo and in (his state one half: whnPr.,u.ul. ,?,,iu.l,t ""'"'d. in wi. Co
aecure vour rece nt witlmnt in. nm-,... miu..i . i il'" . ,M. ' lxniie.i ns
convenfence to you. Fee; call and who pushedlhe 0. VS "'lar aZ 'lul;,'';.,: ,
cents. UeferenceH: Any St. laud Kraut case to victory in the niereof.
Johns Hank. Peninsula Title. Supreme Court, as compared m M1Vu.,;l,uf -t,0K,)0,N-,
ftj;i!!,'!u:. : iv n .MoAVthrs "Shits ST:lM-
M-itmstJn, iUiiiitiuL'i . -ill' lMirin finnit iiniinnir mu n I in.? .. in.
ii.Miinihi u nil, inn nil i 1'iniit i f'iii.iii. -tvni v 1 1 ii l t' r iiitii.
Special Brand Bacon 30c
Our Special Brand Butter, per roll 85c
Fresh Pork Backbones, three pounds for 25c
Extra Fancy Steer Pot Roasts, . . .20c, 22Jc, 25c
Phone Columbia 21 WE DELIVER 109 N, Jersey Street
the past session, has been found
iintuii ot (lie tune
sieepinir on tlio ureal
couiheu in the Republican cloak
nm. l'aid Adv.
Attorney for the (Mate.
Notice to Creditors
In ilie Countv Court of the Slate of
Oku.. 11 tor the County ol Multnomah.
I In the Matter of the lUtale of S. l
I MiHlll', decviiMHl.
Nun. v u hereby jjiven that the under
simied by un order of the above named
Conn has been appointed as Administra
tor ol the aUne named Kstate, and has
((ualitied as such,
An perwins havinj; any claims ajjaiust
wul I'state will present same wilh prop,
er vouchers attached, to the uudersiKiied
ul the office of his attorney, 11. U. Col
lier. Ull Spalding buildinc, 1'ortlaiid,
Uiecon, within six mouths from the date
of the titst publication of this nntiet.
iMte of fir.t publication April ID, 1918:
last publication My 17, 191a,
K. S. M00KK, Administrator.
II. 1. Collier,
Attorney for Administrator,
The Alys Brown School of Dancing j
In Hie Modern Conservatory of Music Building
Formerly the iajjlcs' Hall, St Johns,
All Latest Ball Room Dances Taught t
neRjiiners' Class on .toiulny evenings at 7.30
Advanced Class at S itO
luformul Dance follows for pupils and friends.
Children's Class in fa jcy, classical and ball room dancing
beRinnino, Monday alteruoon, April 22, at 4:30.
Hull room dancing. 8 essonsfor 5.00
Children's Class, (j losons for 5.00
Of All Kinds Wanted
I'lowiiiK, Harrowing, Moving or
hatiliug cf nny nature.
515 15. l'olk Street.
Phone Columbia S0i.
l'o; Sale or Trade Lot 11 and 12 iu
block 13. Collece Addition to St. lohns.
; t loo down, bal, f lo month, or will trade
tor larm property, Call this office. tf
lfor Sale--House and four lots on North
Syracuse street. Call at this office, tf
We are graduate registered
pharmacists of 12 years exper
ience. 'Turrin Says So."
Urine In jour Job priming while j
rou think ot II. Don't Walt until you!
ar entirely out. We are equipped
(0 turn out neat and tasty printing
srumptlj at Portias prlc-M. or Uu,
Beautiful gray or
black adult casket,
hearse, box, 2 nutos
embalming and refin
ed service for
I'unerals if desired for f20, $30. 10, ?t50. Higher priced funerals in pio.
portion. We manufacture caskets. I.ady assistant,
lleautiful funeral chapel.
Main 2691 Independent Funeral Directors A 7685
Washington at Ella Street, Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
614 Central Ave. N
Phone Columbia 888