THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Mnrklc, Urtltor I'ubllBhod Every Frlda Subiorlptton prlco $1.00 per year. Statement ot owiifffMlp mill management re quited by ttienctol Congest ot Align, t H. 1911. ot The M. John Review, publliliMt weekly at St. Johm, I'ortland, Oregon, tor Airtl I, 1918 Mate of Oregon. J ,, County ot Multnomah. J ... Hetore me, a Notary rubllc, In and lor the State and county eforeald. personally appeared A. W. Matkte, who having been duly aworn ac cording to law depoe4and tut that he lithe publliher ot the fenltnula Review Anil that the fallowing M, to the beat nl hi knowledge and belief, a itue statement ol the ownetahlii, man agement, etc. ol the atofeiwld mbllatln tor thedatenhownlntlieatiovecnptlen to wit; That the names and acllrres ot the ub1lali er editor, managing editor and tni'lneM matin geraate: I'ublUher, A. V Matkle, Portland. Oregon. IWItor, " Managing ttdrtor. ' Butlnent ltdltor That the owner ate- A. W. Markle, 1'ortland. Otegoti. II. It. Mntkte. Clearfield. I'enna. That the known bondholder, mnrtgagee ami other aecutlty Imhlera owning r holding I per tent or more ot total n mount ol Imnd. moitiia att or other securities are II. II. Matkle, Clearfield, I'enna tiunni in ami uilieilll lielote me th dayol April, 1911. I.. J. Wright, Notary I'uliHc Tint KitviKW l cnlcrcil nt twjt office In rortUml. Otci'oii. us tnnU mutter ol the second clous under the Act of Con presto! Mnrcli J, 1879, The Liberty Hond drivu in St. Johns lias heon ikovu.u an tin titmlillud and snlcndid huccoss Practically everybody bnvc boon tfonorotiH y. Micrmciiwiy hi some casus, and chuurftiily ant irlndlv in most cases, suhacrih Intr for the bondH. Un to tills morninir a total of SJi!)(J .1)00 sub HcHntionu bad been recoided al tlin Peninsula National Bunk The total will nrolmbiy roach S200.U00 more wlien all are in The shin nlant. il is said, sub scribed over $1100, 000, the woolen mills was 100 nor cent loyal, am other tu uslnes did nobly. uoemed to be the universal senti nient to buy bonds, and thus heln in winninir Hie war. St Johns has proven itm-lf intense Iv loval at any and all times and in the Liberty Loan drive it lias fairly exceeded itself, door for St. Johns. Kriund MnrkloI suppose you do not rumumiier mo. mil i sue you have my name in the St Johns Review on the Honor Roll. When I was down South America, a St. Johns Review was sent to me and was sure surprised to see so many from St. Johns enlisted Army and Navy. I sure havt seen a lot of the world since have been in the Navy. We have been down as far as Huenos Aires in South America all laruo citiett: have been clout to Africa and have been France once. Nmv we are New York. Don't like Now York as well as Portland, don't know whore we no next so will close. I iVnmiir liry ant Kilkenny. U. S. S. Pueblo New York. High School Doings Two very interest inir meet Iiiki of theCiriV Patriotic Club. which is comiHHi"! of tlw Phil athenaeum and I link Klatawa consolidated, have been heli in the past two weeks at the Y. V. rooms. At the llrst of tltese. Miss Walker, who is in ehaiKeof the rooms, urged all the girls to becomu members of Hum. W. C. A. and most of the mils en thusiastically agreed to do so, as thev will not only have the list of the rooms in St. Johns, but also full privileges its members of the Portland Central organ izittion. While Oiml Weimei read several ehspters from Arthur (luy Kinney's book, "Over the Top," lliu ollu-r itir'it wound yarn preparatory to knit ting for the my in the service. A majority of the girls siKiu'd up to do knitting while the iv maindor decided to make scrap books. At the last meeting a rending was given by tlenevievt Hrown from Lieut. Dawson's book, "Carry On," and Helen Story gave an original story in music which was amusing as well as interesting. A short talk on tho value of the Y. M. 0. A. was given by Miss Ida Jntitz, of Portland. She has been active for many years in tho Y, W. work and it is at her request that Miss Maxwell, the noted social worker, will address all girls and women who are interested at the Y. W. rooms in the city hall on Monday, April lf. Tho inombors of tho Sociology class will take a trip to Salem by automobile this week end. Friday ovoning they will have dinner at t lie Indian School Chomawn, and the next day they will visit the various state buildings and make a study of conditions in the several state institutions located in the capi tal city. The Parent Teachers' Asso cintion, of St. Johns, will meet in the Y. W. rooms next Thurs day, April ltUh. and an interest ing program will be given. The subject for discussion then will be "Juvenile Delinquency." Chaplain Howard will speak on "The Detention Home," while several of tho members of the Sociology class will give short talks on tho institution at Salem. Three Modern 5-ROOM BUNGALOWS Now Building Easy Terms On Payments Mortgage Loans, and Insurance t Peninsula SecurityGo. t r First National Bank Building PENNY-A-WORD COLUMN Advi-rllt'iiiciitMiinlcr till lii'iul lug one cent n word, Minimum clintge cent. I'or Silt' by Owner Two Iioiimh; no iiuvnlit; fu.y monthly tinymciiM. I'lionc Columbia 'Ml. Till l,it Item crocheted Imnilb.ii w llli IHitM' mnl llvr. 1'lnilcr cull Col. SNVI I'lffll t'ldXt eiltllll! IKtllllOV SI iht It Ph.; mciiihI le 7fic tier loo II.; anmll f'nilllfv MilHtocn Ilk" tier loo lh. I'lriwlni' nml -"""J iMirowtHK 'lone. lilli It. Joini ht; phour V.OIUIIIIIIH (II. wi To cIh hii et.ilc. will Hell well local- til, Inrome lomriug limine iroxr I y mi thi main liiialnwH Mieel oi St. Johni. tiiiHiern, eitur in hii iiiciimiiniiiccH, an limvi'iiii'iiia uiiii. rrici' tor n anon uiiie fSWOO; niiill M)tnt'iit ilown, IkiIiiiicc on Irrms. Cull nt Him olhee. I,mt A luifje K. S: I,, of S. Iivle. i'iiiiit hi iiH'KiMr ii in or on atiei t. I,, .M. I hiitniik eiiKHiveil on Mine, I in I r I'lllu r ihiIKv I,. M. I0l run mini IiiiIIiIIiik. oi leiivc ul Itevlew olliic KfWiiKl. I'or Silo Kxtuiikloti I aw ConrM. iti MHHililf iirli-ti, ti'iini. Cull Colninlilii 'flllMH. I'nr Sile Clmuiiliin tHMehirry limit 91 wi iht ii'Mvn; ioi!n Hi-rriii u iki iilmii; iiImi inetiUitiir uml liiiMnler, 'Ol I," In hmI order. C.dl Mill .Sorllt StneH, 'J I'or SmI Tlirne nitn Ihmim? und tw: loU, fTAO Cull lUtffi Wlllamctti iMIIlkHIIIll tlOllll, 26 Moulton For Circuit Judge Arthur I. Moulton, who is a candidate for Department No. 4 of the Circuit Court, is well known in St. Johns as an active lawyer, who has taken a leading part in civic affairs. He has always been a a leader ot progressive thought, and if elected will bring to the bench the neces sary learning and experience as well as the energy and ac tivity so necessary in the busy courts of Multnomah 'llill HtlV. W. W. HALL I'.ir iM iK iihiiii Imhik, lot lit It. Molwuk; itnuihl, l'ir XtU Ciinftn'iUoii'ry ninit nnd IniK'h MMiin iIiiIiik h fin linlm'wi, C.ihmI iv..' hi fur wIIIhk, ummI Iik'iiIkmi Cull ll 111 fa. .ilhc. If. I'or X.iU' Miv MHMti nioilorn Ihmim. lot WlsllHI. win" ft Mil. A vfNMl liunif nt nl mmmiiwIiU' ink. 'IVlin. wilt lie iMven. I V.MU am .-Minn ninitn hvc. ti Wiinlttl to Itviit A ihhI four or live iixiiH cottiiHi' fiirnlalmt. Cull Col. 242 I'mi Sill- 18 riwni Ukirdini! hmi.o. Iim- in i. , ini.j Utiik. eentrul loi'ittion. tVOtl lluiVHtd ktrvft. rotiutr l'Utf. nlmiu Ctw ..... ! ..... I II III I III) (0. sill I'of ule i'hmmI kuun room niulern Imhu. M 7ri 100, Mil klmU of Iriiit.lMni. llH4H l.Oi lllll iMMMIItlllt. A llttklllllllr ltom In ilelruUIt hHMtiiM,,iuli or ti tin. riHMH' uilMinirtu mi. or 'u on owner at mil ihH'iMiMH olrtt, UK I'or Silt ly (hviior Who it CoImk IUt 1 1 1 ii no lot, 7 iikiuh, cement Imw- uiviit, limwrc, nil minium eonvenleiu-e4. Imi Ihii mumiiI lot. Cull ut ilaV) South Jviav) HlUfl. If I'ur SrtlB I'tvc rooinwl modern Inin H. iHtimi-e IiuoImI, lot 75vl(K), with unit tun, siiiuliliory mnl l'ihhI uuruyf. wh ooH K i mm eur line. iwt renitfiu e h.trlct In i. John. Owner. Dr. Ituiu ik, .luliliin.i, Wiiali. 'JCi I'or While l.ei;luiin kelllni; em I.IKlMrtliiiK.-lOfll N. Wllliimctlo blvi a I'or Alo room luiute. ntutturtd l ml in ihmmI eundilton. well Imilt Lit liUUU, on Mnith avenue. 1'ilce fill CO. i vi iim. liiii u mis onicc. I'orNllofi loom hmie. well miiiIii. t il.LHKnl locution on North U'lllunu'tto ooivutil, Ikikument, nien yurd, tot Wix ;hmI Second Iwiid .Sewiiij; nwehitien for mil. ii. i'. viuik. tf I'or Suit' - Three roomed Uracil cot lute t lUr Viw , Oicuon. U now rent l fW wt iinmili, fW down, the teal Republican Candidate For County Clerk If I fnil to riulueo tho nnniuil osiioiiHi' ul the tiilieo ny noin B00U tt) $10,000 or to ivo ns liroiuiit nnd ollioit'nt scrvico, I will (loniito ont'-linlf of my salary for two ywira to thu Hml Cross Fuml. I'd iulv. 1'l.otie Wim.ll.iw ii SStJU. The Skid more Cleaners w CI.K A N I XO. 1U liSSI NO uiiii lcMiiiii) a Specialty C.Jl'STMi M& .Skidworc lreet SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FIRST In your search for bar gains and savings you can of ten do best rilit here at home. We frequently undersell the large stores of Portland and give you the same values. If you haven't traded here be fore come and be convinced, Grocery Grabateria 201 (I, Jersey SI, First Trust 8 Savings BANK OF ST. JOHNS 1302 East Kossoiulon Street Phone Columbia J0G Officers and Directors I. A. RICE, I'reaidcnl nnd Cntliicr II. HENDERSON. Vice i'reaident GEO. I. imOOKS. Secretary I-. S. DOEIINDECI IER Four per cont interest paid on time and sav ings deposits. G UNGRAL INSURANCE Rentals and Real list ate Loans Hoover ze TRY Coupe's Scotch Oat Cake 75 x.r cent Substitute I'OR SAl.ii AT BOSTON BAKERY 11C N. Jersey Si reel i BUI BURSON HOSE WOMEN'S REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY NIEIIOFF SHOES UNION MADE )ES 1 Kabo Corsets and Braissieres For perfection of shaping and fit; for effectiveness in improving your figure, for satisfaction in quality and price, the KABO stands su preme. Made over a Live Model, a style for every figure; front and back lace, guaranteed rust proof. Once try it, you'll always buy it. We are showing some very pretty patterns in Ladies' and Children's Ready to Wear Dresses and Aprons. "Miss Satnmic" nl $3.50 "American Maid" at 2 50 "Portland Maid" at 1.G5 Small Hoys' Wash Suits. Our New Line of While Shoes, Pomps nnd Oxfords for Ladies', Misses and Chil dren. Tennis Shoes and Oxfords in White and Mack Renfrew Devonshire Cloth, 32 in. wide; n strong, well woven fabric made of selected yarns to give unusual wear. Uest for the Kiddie Klothcs. We have a goodly assortment of these. Ginghams, Prolic Cloth, Percales, Silks. FOR THE BUIYII0UL,ViItE--eUT THIS OUT Here is a brand new bread trv It on the family. Saves one pound of wheat flour. IMAN MRU AD. 19x water 1 cup beans Vi cakes compressed yeast xt cup lukewarm water G teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons molasses 8 cups Hour Soak beans over night, drain off the water in which they were soaked and cook until soft in the li)x water. Put through a sieve or a potato ricer, cool and when lukewarm add (1) the yeast softened in the yi cup of water, (a) the salt, (3) the molasses, nnd (4) the flour to make a stiff dough. Knead, let rise and bake. COUCH & CO Golden Gate Pure Food Products Merchandise of Merit Columbia 137 Ladles' Home Journal Patterns Team Work Of All Kinds Wanted Plowing, ll.u rowing. Moving luuiliiig rf tiny nature. W. J. MsNTLEY fiir. Ii Polk Street, l'luuif Columbia SOU. or Judge George W. Slapleton, can ; didnte for the Republican nomiiia I lion for Circuit Judge. Department No. 1, to .succeed himself. Judge Slapleton began the prnc I lit... ..f 1.1.- ..-.f.. ...!.. . " I.I t , - v in inn iuiKaaiuii ui lluilll'IIIIUlt, Wash., in 18S0. In 1890 he mov ed to Vancouver. Wash., nnd nrac tieed Uw until 1S9S. in which year I ne mo veu to roruuuu wnere lie lias , twen following his profession until ! 1917. when he was appointed to the ; Deiicil l) "StttUt a irarl" fmlt U U (' (t'Jilkm. Ai KM! Uf( aM laJIU It's Easy to Send Him a pouch ot ReaB GRAVELY Cliewing Plug That's tho tobneco for him Ron! Gravely Chewing PIur -condensed quality tho mot tobacco satisfaction in tho smnllcst apace, ready to give him tha solid conifortof tobacco wherever ho happens to be. Give any mnii a chow of Rent Gravely Plup, anil lis will tell you tlmt't the kind to tend. Send tho licill Ordinary t!uij la falio reonomy. It coali Ion per week to rhow Renl Cravely, brcauio n ininll cliaw of it lail lona while. If you ameko a pipe, tllco Crnvoly with your Unit a and add a liltlo tu your imoklng tobacco. It wifl glvo flavor Improvo your imobe. SDiD VOL'H FR1LND IN TlIC U. S. SERVICE A TOlXn OF GRAVELY Ddulert nil around licro carry it In 10c. poucliet. A 3c atamp will put It Into lilt liamlt in any Training Camp or Seaport of tho U.S. A. Even "over there" a 3c. itamn will take It to lilm. Your dealer will tupply envelope and give, you official direction how to r.ddrcia it. P. D. CRAVr.LV TODACCO COMPANY, Danville, Vn. 7fli Patent Pauch hetn$ It Frtih anil CUan anil Gaoil it it not Real Gravely without this Protection Seal lUtitbllaliotl 1031 m LAI Hi L I OD(.i ' ooooooooooooC'oo ,oooooooa No. 180 I. O. O. r ST. JOHNS, OlirCCN UnU each Monday aivenlnif In Odd Fl Ions liull ut 8:oo, A cunllal welcome tu nil vUltlng lirotliert. II. I, WhUKr iiubW (Uan.l C. ii, Chutvhill VKTilrawt H I. Oofmany Kr K. llbritbnL. I'lH. Ktv. II. I' Claik.Tiraa. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KMGIIIS Or I'VIIIIAS Meet every l'rldiiv night at 7:30 o'clock In JI'ICKNHK lull. come. W. R. RVRNS. C. C. A Good Butcher Vlaitor always wel- Handles only tnenls that are right and fresh, and ca ters to the shopper's every wont. A prompt delivery must go with each pur chase the prices must be reasonable and right, We have given you the reason why we want you to try us. What do you think? If you don't know us, get acquainted. .I liovernor Withvcombe. left vacant by Judge Davis, who re- iiltlafc.! t .-V ......... T...I.... N. A. (.00. nrofossor of odd .vm" ",c. jobs, ia now romiy to tnko your ' A S ,"a' .-.i.... .......1.;.... :.. 1 muuuvsi nun III II VI llll tlllj IIIIIIK III IIUIIOV i.iay. Dr. Uiunlio. MdiiIimiiiio. Vali. 'M Owner fur tent. II, II Klev'iiu- Vacuum 1'. Clark. I'or trade four line lot and modern luuiKalou . ui'll l.vated, for farm. In. mure at uuscttice tf, moving or ropniniiK. root re pairing 11 specialty ; coiiuuit work of nil kinds ami gonorni contracting. S01 N. Ivanlioe; phono Col. b03. SuasafruB bark, tho old fash ioned blood remedy. Conven ient sized uuckuges. Currin Says So. Real Estate! If Vn Wish 10 Sell Property at ritfht prices list it with us. If You Want to Buy Property ut right prices call and see us, S. C. Cook 402 N. Jersey Street Wo tin irrniltinto roiristoi-oil pharmacist of 12 years exper ience. "Currin Says So." Not the label on your paper. nm. Mis career ns a public officer lias been clean and above reproach. l'aid Adv. Woodmen Of the World St. Johns Camp 773 .Meet:, every Friday evening in the I. O O V Hull, Leavitt and Jersey Mitels. Visitors always welcome, I . h. TltiaiN'li. C. C. tt. U. lODX. Clerk. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 $ A. P. and A. M. ' 2 Meet the lirot ituil third ; V VeliieiUyof each month ,s lit Itickner'. Hall. VUi- tor welcome, 9 - . . W. M. S . .. ,.,.. 1 SPECIALS St, JOIIIIS GaniP NO, 7546 : snecml Brand Itacon 30c x Our Special Brand Butter, per roll 85c Fresh Pork Backbones, three pounds for 25c Extra Fancy Steer Pot Roasts, . . ,20c, 22ic, 25c ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET HARRY IMBODEN, Prop. Phone Columbia 21 WE DELIVER 109 N. Jersey Street Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attend. nnee of our members nt our reg ular meetings, every Thursday Evening. G. W. Mulim, Consul. Knights and Ladies of Security St. Johns Council 2775 Meets every Monday evening at Hicktier Hall, over St. Johns Hard ware Store, Visitors nnd members cordially invited to nttend II. L,, Campbell. Pres. 1 H, Moreing, Seciitnry. The Alys Brown School of Dancing I in the Modern Coiiseivatory of Music Building Formerly the !iag!e Hall, St. Johns. Hear Melba any day rins. ! t - All Latest Ball Room Dances Taught t -- - - lK'giuners' Class on Monday eveniugs at 7:80- t Advauceil Clavs at S 30 t Informal Dance folio vs for mmils and friends. Children's Class in fancy, classical atid ball room danciug beginning Monday aftemooii, April 22. at -l 30. Hall room dancing. S lessons for S5.00 at Cur T Children's Class, G hysons for 5 00 Chambers-Kenworthy Go, Funeral Directors and Embalmers llll Kerby Street, at i:mcroii A t'HW PACTS 1. The oldest establikliel ttmlertjLiiiL' iuitttHi north of Knott ireet. 'J. Mr Chamber U the imiIv l A, R. tiiulertuVcr in the city of IVrtlaml. 8. Mr. Ketmorthv ii an iickiu'wIedL'e.l export in embalming, l)mi mgcrv an. I luuvrai tiiri-eiiun I. Why have your btlovt.l .leceascil taken tlirmixh the coiiKe.tetl lu.incM .lUtricts when tetfect service ami right prices may be obtatuel in vour own lominunity. $100 Kewrd, $100 The rvailrra vt r iapir wilt t4 ilcal to lru tl 11 u at ltvi.t on OrvadeJ dlscas mat . i. no Uu bon able to euro In all Km ium. and that Is Catarrh, tlall'a Outarrli Outv is the only iWtlve cure now Known to the medical frawrnity. Catarrh bvins a coiwtltutlonal disease, require a .-onsiltutlonal treat ment.. Hall Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, actlnir dlret-lly upon the blood and mucous surfaces if the system, there by e'eitroylnk- the foundation of the dls , and Klvlms lw v-atlem .irenisth by bulldlnu up thv conatltuilon and u&slstluaT nature In dointf Ita work. Tlw proprietors have so much faith In its curative pow ers that they oiler One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. ".d.rIM: A" J I'BNKV CO. ToUd. a 8aU br all UrucKlsta. Tt Tak. Hair raoillr Itlls for coastlpatlM. NU tha label on your pipsr, FUNERALS aB 'inaaLB S SrKJBK. K Beautiful pry or black adult casket, hearse, box 2 autos ombtlrnlng nnd ratln ed service fcr 1 7 5 w MIL. 1R TKAV.KY v I'unera's if ileMrctl for f20. ?30. fiO, Uglier pricedfuuerals In pio portion. We manufacture caskets. I.aily assistant, Beautiful funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2691 Independent Funeral Directors A 7e8S Washington at Ella Street, Between 20th nnd 21st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative 614 Ceutral Ave. N. Phone Columbia SSS n l