THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Mnrlclc, Hilllor Published Evorr Friday Subscription price $1.00 pcryonr. TiiK RKVIKW Is cntcml nt jxist office In Portland, Oregon, as mull matter o( the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Do not fail to purchase! a Lib erty Bond, if at all possible St. Johns will probably be renresentcd by two members in the next Lotfislnturc- D. Lewis and Frank A. Hicc. C. The atrocities committed by the Allies' enemies, as they are beinK more and more revealed, are fairly Hickcninu; in their do tails. It would bo impossible to conceive that an American soldier would bo guilty of such inhuman acts. In fact, were they even to witness such out rages as said to have been per petrated upon the women and children of Belgium and Franco, the American soldier would in stantly risk his life if necesHury in preventing' it and punishing tho olfenders as they would de servo to bo puniHhed. liven were the commanding olllcor to command thorn to commit such' outrages they would to a man indignantly and scorn fully refuse. Subscriptions are now being taken for tho construction of the grand stand and high board fence at the local ball grounds. Tho estimated cost, together with tho necessary plumbing and compliance with all regula tions is 2600. Of Hum Hum $1TU() liavo already hirn kuIi scribed. It in dcMired that the remaining $1000 be Hi-eurod nt soon as pOHHible. Of the hiohh receipt! nt tho gale for eiien gnmu played the HtockholderH will receive twenty per edit, and it is believed that the full amount of tho HubHcriplion will bo returned the Hint year Portions willing to linancially aid in thin worthy project should make known the fact ai the Peninsula National Bank or tho PuniniMiln Security Co. as soon as poxMiblo. A quiet and i'nproHMivo cert: rnonv was performed at Itev loncx' olliee Thiii'mlny afternoon last at 21 o'clock when Mitt Hthol Klliott and Orian Monro, were united in marriage Tlx only attendants were Mr. am Mrs. Irvin L. (Sromachey. After tho ceremony a bountiful dinner was served at (he home of t lit bride's parent. the gucnt nroHont were Minn Pear Mon roe, Mr. Loon Sorher, Mr. ami Mrs. (Jromaclu'v. The bride, who i n popular ' and necom plishod young lady, in tin daughter of Mr. and Mr Klliott, of thiN city. Their many friemU join IihiiiIk ir wishing them h iniHriiK nn happy voyagj over the turn of life. tCnr Onlnl rui coign OREGON OFFICIAL SLOGAN Three Modern 5-ROOM BUNGALOWS Now Building Easy Terms On Payments Mortgage Loans, and Insurance t Peninsula Security, Co, First National Bank Building ' Tho prlzu wlnnltiK phraso wn won by Kloruncu II. Iloyt of Portland it In uod In nil advertising of tho Third Liberty Loan In Oregon. Many of th other hIokiiiih from alt over the Htutf uro uhciI Iti conncetlon with tho cu toonn being run by tho Oregon ironn Oregon wrllorM and llluntruturn bnv alt donated tholr beHt Horvlee In aid of the Third Liberty Loan. Conference in Session The United varied April The people of St. John ahouh now got buy in promoting a wagon road to tho Monarch mill and Swift Packing plant from Hast St. .IoIiiih. The II rut Htcp necuawiry w to get out an tp plication blank, have directly in tonwted property owner nigii it. and then present the docu ment to the County Conuniwion. era. There can be im iltmhl but that the Cominisuiont'rH will net quickly by appointing viewers and pushing the romlwuv along as rapidly aw possible. Now i the time to take the matter up. A meeting of tho citixeiw might bo called and a committee up pointed to secure signature. Then after tho roadway, an ex tension of the Kenton tttrect ear line to Kat St. .IoIiiim might well bo in order. Why not mint tho ball rolling now? Miss Mandy Mcl.ain has come to the foro in a communication to the (J. M. Standifer Count ruc tion Corporation, and has re quested to be enrolled as one of tho workers planned to bo em ployed to operate the new I Jay pneumatic caulking machines, a device invented and patented by Nelson Gay, one of tho shipyard mechanics, and which, it is as serted, can perforin tho work of 2f mon. Tho pneumatic caulkers are being manufactur ed by tho Ingersoll-Kand Com puny, tool makers, and the first machines are to be received this month. Miss Mcl.ain has writ ten that she is not afraid of work, is physically capable of undertaking the job of operat ing a caulking machine and earnestly wishes to be given a trial. Lach machine will weigh between 10 und 12 pounds. Oregoniun. annual Conference of tho Evangelical church con- in the church Thursday, lib, at !) a. m. Bishop Swongol, of llarriBhurg, Pa., providing. After devotional ox crciHOHtho Lord's 'Jtippor or com munion was partaken of by iIiomo prcricnt. The roll call of ministers and laymen was taken after which the conference went into executive session which lasted until the hour of adjourn inent. One very pleasing fea turo of this conference session is every minister of the annual Conference answered roll call. Thi former paHtora who have served this charge were present in the order named'- Kov. AI. Ballantyne, Dallas: Hov. 1'. K Fisher, now of Iiugene. Ore. Rev. C. P. dittos, of Corvallis. Ore. ; Kov. Ciuy I,. Stover, now of Kickreal; Kov. W. S. Plow man. now of Dallas. Ore.: Kov I. A. Coode, now of 1st church Portland: and present pastor. Kov. A. P. Lay ton, who has served this charge for tho last throe years very acceptabl Nioro will Do services every veiling this week also ovory afternoon. Possibly tho Bishop will preach at all these services. The public is cordially invited. On Sunday the following pro gram will lie carried nut: Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday school; niliironHos by visitors; 11 a. in. p. in. Missionary addresses and love feast, 7:15 p. in. Sermon by Bishop Swengel. PUT IRON IN OUR SOULS The Spirit of the First Line Trenche Needed In Loan Drive. "A little more Iron In our ttoiiln wan the anneal made by l.iifo Young In l)o Molntm recently, "a little inert of the Kiilrlt of our Holdlerit, a ntlmulUK that will give iih n relenlloM and un dying determination lo wipe the Mo lii-nxollern moulder from the fare ol thn Mirth." Ainerleuii iwiile urn noted for their coinplmenoy, their wemlng wIIIIiik iicm to enjoy the mill of their pro nerlLv. lenvliig to olherti the lank ol fighting their war for Ihem. They not Mton lo retillie the enormity ol Oermany'H crime and the lim-ime erl oiimietw or the prenenl world war ot neiriirettert.itlon. the Hiipreme teat or our nihiiIhhhI and our ulvlllMitlon. Our wild Utk are doing their mrl but. any Mr. Young, "how pitiful are lied Croft eonlrlbutloiiH, Liberty llondM and Y. M. A. glfU eompared with the iturririeeM and HiirrerlngM or our itnldler. Wo have comfort. hn plueMH, the tlmt mid itftVullniiH or home llut Ihey. like Immorlal Alan Hoegr have their 'retulezvntiH with dealb "We are nroiid." he eonlliiueH. "that America Itun met her duty, true to lie lieNt Inidltloim And may (lod grant that (hone or iih nt home fall not I one uglo obligation to our nouucm to our Allien, to our country'" PENHY-A-WORD COLUMN Adverliik-UK-uto under till head nig one reiti it word. .Minimum -lunge itf fi-itl. Are Doing Splendidly The little Kod Cross Hehmrs that work at the Library Wed nesday afternoons under the Hiipervision of Airs. Harnoy and Mrs. Hoiilium. have competed two sets of ii,fnnt.s' layettes tor Belgian linlues and have a third et nearly linisheil. Ihey have . ... ...T aixo mane two (nuns, iiioy are an inspiring example of patriot ic duty, inorowasan increas. etl attendance at the Bed Cross meeting Wednesday, but there in room for more workers. The Ked Cross Auxiliary presented the inemiiers of the local draft board and tho fifteen St. Johns toys who were drafted with sat- n badges to wear at the faro .veil ImiKiuot tendered them at the Multnomah Hotel last Mon lay. Next Wednesday there win lie some one from Portland to speak at the Ked Cross meet ng on War having Societies.- Reporter. l'n minimi Hu.tm4l3l6 W.kIiiihmhI I.iM-K. uM. iiii, kH'tMtV. I.eav at tin i.Hkc. I'or AW IS rMm IhmmIIhk Ihh, low ihIit, two)' lernw, vkiiuh! hH'ailoui Wi lliHVMtd utrtH-l, owner I'Uke; phone Co lllllllilil 701. .Ill l'or Sale A full Idihwlinl ILir rcxt Itw eockeiel. lit mouth old. Iiniuirc (1 IfaM lUiiiiiHMid ktrevl. XI I'or tWile UimmI K'ven room iiuxltiru Ihuim', lot ?6I(K). all UiinUof fruit. Uirn Iiiiii.o li.w full lMM-mvnl. A delntol Ihhiii- in desirable I.HiUlto..fh or troi I'Imhio tolumltw lV. or call imi ounvr .it M IUh'Iuimii klrwt. tt Wllllll'd lllHtkV i'IwhhIiii; work. Cull lltib. Jrrwy ktirvt. I'or Sl? Iy Owiwr Wh' it (ioiui; ltitt lltHuc ami lot. 7 looum. eeiiiout tMbv nii'iit, furiMce, all iihmIiiii iihhoiiU'iici' AImi iu vurant loU, Call at WO South Jeity kliiH-t. tf I'or t?.le I'lve riHiuusl modern bun gulou, Ituiwue liiMtml, lu TltitUH). with hull Uvv, kUitdilwry ami gwid gurauv One hltM'k frtttu ear liitv. Ik-nt reM.lem.-c lutrfvt in M.Joltuii. Dvvimr, lr. Khiii ho, MouU-MUti, Wm.Ii. tt I'or SMie WTille I.eeluirii h-Uiul- i-i-l- I.IMkWllttg. lUTtl Vllllll-ttf Plvil SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FIRST In your search for bar gains and savings you can of ten do best right here at home. We frequently undersell the large stores of Portland and give you the same values. If you haven't traded here be fore come and be convinced. Grocery Grabateria 201 N, Jersey SI, Let Everybody Attend A community meeting will be held in tho auditorium of the James John high school Sunday evening at t o'ciock.whon Chap lain B. A. Kexroad of Camp i.ewis win atiuresstiio audience. i lie speaker is a lieutenant in the service, with an intimate knowledge of war conditions. and his talk will be of exceed ing interest. Tho various clmrolies of the city, wo under stand, will omit their regular service ai that Dour in order that their congregations may at tend. Tho auditorium should uo taxed to its capacity upon this patriotic occasion. Let everybody arrange to attend. l'or AW I'w t rooiH Ihwmi. i4dUrNl and in lhhuI condition, well built, lot KKMUu, on .Smith .ivoiuie. 1'riiv ftHDO. icrtiw. (..ill 41 lUM oiuoe. l'or Nile -fi loom house, well eoulo- I V.I. OtHI HHMIHUI Oil ."Norm W lIMUIl'llt' Umlevaiil. UiHmiit, ukv yard, lot ik lH. Price f UVo. Aijly at this office OihkI hivoiul Iwivil SvwiuK iiwi'liiiie for H IU. . I', lkuk. tf l'or Sale -Three roomed Ueach iwt tuue ut ILir View. Ou'l-oii. U now rent ed 1 1 f 10 per moulli, jFUH) down, the ret iMsy. Or. UmiiUi, Moutiiwuo, Vuli. H HUvitii- Vtiiuum Cleaner for rent. II 1'. Clark. K l'or Uade 1'our line lots and modem bungalow, well located, for farm. In. ipilicat lliuowce. if. Residents of St. Johns having taxes and city lions to pay in Portland can make their pav- ments without inconvenience by ! Statements, envelopes. avuuing inemsoivos oi our ser- lieatla and all other kinds of vices, iru win puy miino and commercial printing turned out Becure your receipt without in-1 on short notice and in neat convenience to you. Koo, 2fi anil tasty stylo at this otlice, cents. References: Any St. , Do not attemnt to iret nlmio Johns Bank.- Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realty Co.. by II. Henderson. Manager; -102 North Jersey street. with unnrinted stat onerv. when you may have it furnish ed and nicely printed at the Review oilice for small cost. CALL FOR ST. JOHNS IM PKOVUM12NT BONDS. In accordance with the provi sion ot Ordinance No. &UH52 passed by tho Council March 27th, 1D1S. notice is heuby given that St. Johns linnrovo- ment Bonds, numbered consecu tively 1M2 to 'MG inclusive. dated December 1st, 1911, are hereby called for redemnlion June 1st. 1918. The face value with accrued interest will be paid upon presentation of f-aid bonds at tho oilice of the under- letter signed on tho above date, tho said date being a semi-annual coupon period. I-rom and after said date the interest on said bonds shall cease. WM. ADAMS, City Treasurer. Portland. Oregon. Date of first publication Anril 6th, 1918. I First Trust S Savings BANK OF ST. JOHNS 1302 Hast Kosscndcn Street Phono Columbia 10G Officers and Directors I'. A. RICE, Pietident and Cntliler II. IIENDtltSON. Vice President GEO. I. IJROOKS. Scciciary l- S. DOERNHECIIEU Four per cent interest paid on time and sav ings deposits. (1I2NERAL INSURANCE Rentals and Real I:staie Loans The Support Which Backs this Man llclievcs that he has a thorough Understanding of this State's I'osslbiltics and Needs. He Is a successful Inisiiicus iiiuii He bus, for twenty years, prnctlcec succcMifullv tho ideas which lie ad vances as reasons for giving bun the Republican Nomination for Governor Primaries May 17th, 1918 L. J. SIMPSON "VOUR M.ND OF A MAN TOR GOVERNOR" I'.ild mlv. iuipson forOoveruor I,in;uc, in M-iiiug nitiK , rorinimi. Team Work BURSON HOSE WOMEN'S NIEIIOPF SHOES UNION MADE )ES 1 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY Kabo Corsets and Braissieres For perfection of shaping and fit; for effectiveness in improving your figure, for satisfaction in quality and price, the KABO stands su preme. Made over a Live Model, a style for every figure; front and back lace, guaranteed rust proof. Once try it, you'll always buy it. We ore showing some very pretty patterns in Ladies' and Children's Ready to Wear Dresses and Aprons. "Miss Sammic" nt $3.50 "American Maid" at 2.50 "Portland Mnid" at 1.65 Small Hoys' Wash Suits. Our New Line of White Shoes, Pomps and Oxfords for Ladles', Misses and Chil dren. Tennis Shoes and Oxfords in White and L'lack Renfrew Devonshire Cloth, 32 in. wide; a strong, well woven fabric made of selected yarns to Rive unusual wear. Hest for the Kiddie Klolhes. We have a goodly assortment of these. Ginghams, Prolic Cloth, Percales, Silks. TOR THE BUIYlIOUrCVirC--eUT TIII& OUT Here is a brand now bread trv it on the family. Saves one pound of wheat flour. BI AN PR HAD. 19x water 1 cup beans xt cakes compressed yeast 'i cup lukewarm water 5 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons molasses 8 cups flour Soak beans over night, drain off the water in which they were soaked and cook until soft in the lDx water. Put through a sieve or a potato ricer, cool and when lukewarm add (1) the yeast softened in the 'j cup of water, (2) the salt, (3) the molasses, and (.1) the flour to make a stiff dough. Knead, let rise and bake. COUCH & CO Merchandise of Merit Columbia 137 Golden Gate Pure Food Products m III 1 II lH'0?r f'V Ladles' Home Journal Patterns Allit tin Ji$ tiUa, a utt J cAri oi Hfl Gun). Thh li 10UJ tobao cemirf; iuJ (9 tklnk-Sli ica it, (m Ills Scs! Friend Sent Ilim a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug You will bo sending your friend moro to bacco comfort nnd satisfaction in n pouch of Rcnl Gravely Pluft than in n hnlf n dozen plugs of ordinary tobacco. Real Gravely i worth ocndinrj a long1 way. It is condensed quality, C.lvo nny mnn n chew of Rent Gravely Plug, nnd ha will toll you that't Ilia kind to tend. Send Ilia bettl Ordinary plus U fllo economy, ItcotU leu per week to chow Heal Gravely, bccauio a imall chew of It tail n Ions while. U you moko n ilp, illco Gravely with your kntfo nnl mid n llttlo to your imolilng tobacco. It wUI uivo flavor linprovo your imolio. .SCNU YOUU t'iillMI) IN Till. V. H. SUtVICU A I'oucti or r.uAVi:i.v I'.r ll itrounil litre crrr It In IOi. pouch!. A 3c, ittmp 111 iml IllnlaliUloniUIn unr Training Cinp or 3por( of lb UJ. . l!it Mor Itivro' m. 3e. iltmii will flak il la Mm. Vau, J..l.r will luppir nlop an J eIto yeu cditUI Ulrictleai liow la id Jm ll. P. n. GRAVELY TODACCO COMPANY, Danville, Va. Th I'altnl Poach kttpi ll Freih and Oim oni Coti II 1$ not littl btattly irftAoof (All Violation 5l lUtatilUhml mat . or Of All Kinds Wanted .'lowing, Harrowing, Moving hauling cf any nature. W. J. BENTLHY 515 IS. Polk Street. Phono ColuniMii 80l. RUVmW'S LEQAL. BLANKS The following list of legal blanks arc kept tor wile nt tins oilice ami others will be added as the demand .irises. Warrants deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Rwilty and Chattel Mort- sages, atislaetion of Mortgages, Contrnels for Sale of Realty, Hills of Sale, l.t asos, If you want job nrintinirdono don't overlook us. Wo want to do nil the nrintintf for St. Johns people. For commercial print- ng this olhco is well enumned nnd wo know how to do it. 'rices are lower than the same ass of work is done in Port- and, because our expenses are ess. Any sunnort a omr the printing line that any citizen or business man can give us will he uglily appreciated. I'lease don't torget. LAUttl loix.e No. 1 86 I. 0. 0. I ST. JOIIM, OHCbOt UoeU each Monday evening in Od 1 Pal lots linll Ht K;uo. A cordial welcome tu nil vUitliiK liiullirr. II I.. Whllr Nubl nrH4 C u Cbuiihlll VkrOniMl I. Cuihihv Kvr K llumWk I'M m. II. 1' CUlk.Tir. IIOLMtS LODGE NO. 101 hMGIIIS Or I'VHIIAS Mrct every l'rlilay niulit nl :to o'clock in IllCK.NIUt lall. conic. V. It. HVItNS, C. C. I One of Life's Delightful Pleasures VUitor nhvnya wcl- DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. P. und A. M. MwW the firt uud thlnl , Wed neaiUiy attach tnoiitli in llickiivr" Hull. Vi.i-i torn welcome. I Idlef.eii W. M. , A. W. DuvU, Svrc-tarv. ' Is lo .sit down to a finely cooked meal. If you buy your ments here you'll not only be satUfied with your purchase but you'll come away with the conviction that n live and let live pol icy is characteristic with us. N. A. Gee. nrofessor of odd jobs, is now ready to takeyour order for aiu thing in house moving or repairing, roof re. pairing a specialty; cement work of all kinds nnd general ontnu'tini:. SOI N. Ivnnhoe: phone (Jul. &03. St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 f iModern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attend- mice of our members nt our roir. tilar meetings, every Thursday Evening, li. W. Mtihm, Oonsuj. Knights and Ladies of Security St. Johns Council 2775 Meets every Monthly evtnii at Hiekner Hall, over St Johns Hard ware Store. Visitors and members cordially invited to attend. H. I.. Campbell, Pres. 1 13, Moreing, Secretary. Ctianibers-Kenwoitliy Co, Funeral Directors and Ombalmers 1111 Kerlv Strert, at Kiuertou A I'liW I'ACTS 1. The oliloit t'ublihvtl umlertakiti); bu.ine north of Knott street, 2. Mr. Chamber i the ouly O. A. R, mulerUker in the city of l'or da ml. 8. Mr. Kenworthy i an ckuowlwlgel expert in emUilmiuK. Demi surgerv ami (uuertl ilirectiou. 4. Why lwve our belovel ileceasetl taken thiuugli the coiick-.l Uisiue&s iliitriets when (terfeel eruce ami right price may be obtaiucil in our own eommunitv. SPECIALS Extra Fine Legs of Lamb Extra Fine Shoulder of Lamb. Fancy Legs of Veal Fine Steer Pot Roasts. ..30c ..24c ..25c ..20c ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET HARRY IMBODEN, Prop. Phone Columbia at WE DELIVER 1 09 N Jersey Street If you have anything to sell, ry our I'enny-A-Word Column. 0 ascertain tho exact cost count each word, initial or abbreviation. I'or Sale or Trade I.QU U ami 12 in block 18. College AiUlltiou to St. lohus. $Ipo down. Uil. f lo month, or will truile (or farm (uonerty. Call this oilice. tf l'or Sale lloue ami four lot on North Syracuse treet. Call at this otlice, tt $100 Reward, $100 The rouiWro ut i I'jiwr n ill b )leat to iMtru Hint tu. re u at least one flrwiiled aiss that Irtio lia bn able to eutw In all It siagr. ami that Is Caiarrh. Hull's I'utarrh Cur is Om only poklttv cur now known to the intvlloal tratrnlt'. t'aiarrh bclns a oomtliutlonul disuse. rqulrr a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Oatarrh Cur I taken In ternally. aciliiB tllrvcily the blood aikl mucous surra.- of Ih yslm, there by destroying the rounj.nlon of the dis ease. anJ ulvlnit the twiiient strength by bulkliiur up lh. coiuttltutlon an.l asUtin iialur lit Joint; It work Th proprietor lwve so Much (alth in its curative pow er that they offer On Hundred Dollars far any cms that tt (all to cure. Send for list of testimonial). AdJr: K J CIIBNRr A CO.. Tld. a SeM by all lul. He. Tat Itali a KaKlly mils fer coastlpatloa. NoU th libal en your papw. FUNERALS Beautiful gray or black adult casket, hearse, box, 2 autos embalming and refin ed service for IS WA 51 MII.1 1 R TRACF.V Funerals i( ilesireil for $20, ?30, f 40. $60, Higher priceil (uuerals in pro. portiou. We manufacture caskets. Lady assistant. Beautiful funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2691 Independent Funeral Director! A 7e85 Washlnslon at Ella Street, Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative G14 Central Ave. X. Phone Columbia SSS m l