St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 29, 1918, Image 3

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This week we are showing two classy
suites of Bed Room Furniture, each of
them distinctive and very appropriate for
modern homes.. The quality and work
manship are high grade, the prices low
and terms easy.
Ulit steel Ucd, grained like quartered
oak, square continuous posts, lias ten
filler rods.
Quartered oak Dresser, waxed fiuisli,
swell front style, top 20x42 in., bevel
plate glass mirror 22x28 in., two large
and two smalt drawers.
Oak bed room Chair with Rocker to
match. Price Suite $60.00
Adam design Ivory Huntncl Bed, Dres
ser and Rocker. Price Suite ..$51.75
Cash or Credit St Johns
Spring Painting
Why not get busy on that House of
yours? Paint is going to be higher in
price later on. We would advise you
to buy your paint now. Call and let us
figure with you. We are agents for
the Sherwin Williams Paints and Var
nishes. Muresco Kalsomine will not show
laps. Agents for Hammars Bros,
strictly pure White Lead.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Cormany & Co.
90O South Jersey Street
New Fresh Stock of Groceries
Honest weight and good service
Our Motto
Qivc us a trial. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wc Deliver
Phone Columbia 906
For Easter Bonnets
Remember the
St. Johns Millinery
Good service and right prices.
Old hats renovated, cleaned
or dyed.
200 North Jersey Street
Laundry Prices Reduced !
"Fighting the Laundry Trust"
We will not agree to the orders of the "Combine" ,
We've Cut Prices to the Lowest Notch
Give us your orders. St, Johns deliveries made promptly.
The Pacific Laundry Company
'The Anti-Trust Laundry"
Main C49 BOTH PHONES A 3649
To be the father of your Country- Try to be a Dutiful Son. Be dutiful and
also be square with yourself, and to be square with yourself, you must be a
loyal citizen. This also means "Build up St. Johns, Buy at Home, and Help
those who Help You." Remember the
for your Drug Wants. If you don't see what you want, ask. We will get it.
Phone Columbia 138 105 North Jersey St.
YOU nro invited to the Enster
services of the Christian church
from 10 to 12 Sunday. Mnrch
The I'nciflc Lmindry Com
puny lind a new ml. in thin is
Hue. it will be worth your
while to look it up.
Leslie H. Moulton litis joined
the 20th enitincorimr corns in
Uncle Sum's army, and left
Saturday for the Ktiat.
L. V. Marcy litis taken out a
permit to erect a residence on
Central avenue, between Fes
Bcnden and Ctitlin streets.
Local News.
J. F. Gilmoro has taken out n
permit for a garage at G29
North Syracuse.
A young son arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dov
ing, March 21st.
Do not forget about that time
Sunday, lest you be late to
work Monday morning.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Paul
DeBolver. on Osweco street.
March lGtli, a daughter.
K. W. McKcon. ot Cannon
Beach greeted his many friends
in St. Johns the past week.
Mrs. J. N. Edlcfscn is snend
ing a couple of months with her
parents tit Alameda, California.
A new daughter orrived at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward E. llansicr. (l(i North
Ivanhoo street, March 21st.
Couch & Company have a re
cipe in their adv. in this
issuo that Bhoultl prove of much
ntcrest to the housewife.
Head it.
Mrs. Hutchinson, of Willam
ette boulevard, who has been
dangerously ill with pneumonia,
s Btendily improving, we nro
glad to learn.
Next Monday evening the I.
0. 0. F. will nut on tho third
degree with six candidates.
All members of the lodgo uro
urged to be present.
Mrs. Rich, the well known
nurse, has leased her farm nt
Chapman and has returned to
St. Johns, where her services
as nurse nro much in demand.
All members of K. and L. of
S. are requested to attend meet
ing Monday, April 1st. Uusi
ness of importance and tho big
banquet is for members only,
Hal J. Davis, now chief elec
trician at the Seattle naval
training camp, was a recent
visitor at the homo of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W,
Mrs. Ethel Meade, pianist.
and Mrs. Viola Fossett John
son, soprano, were soloists at
a recent meeting of the Over
look Club, and their numbers
were much appreciated.
Mrs. E, E. Gambee. her little
son, Phillip, and sister, Miss
Martina Waddock. were pas
sengers Tuesday evening on the
steamer Beaver. They will tour
California for several months.
The Peninsula Security Com
pany, of St. Johns, has taken
out permits for the erecion
of five more residences to be
erected on Yale street between
Macrum and Westanna streets.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Vernon, 5)14 E. Edison
street, Mnrch 19th, a son.
. Goal for Easter Sunday.
"Every enrolled scholar and
every member of the church
present." Christian church.
Miss Georgia Rich, the skill
ful and nonular piano instructor.
will present a number of her
pupils in recital the early part
of next week, dennite an
nouncement of which will ap
pear later.
Elmer Sneed. the well known
violinist and teacher of this
city, will present a number of
pupils in recital at the James
John High School Auditorium
Thursday, evening, April 4th.
Persons desiring to attend may
secure invitations from Mr.
Sneed; phone Columbia 302.
C. C. Currin. the well known
pharmacist, is nursing a sore
thumb, the result of getting it
between n block of wood and an
axe which he was wielding.
Quite a gash was cut in the
Robert Thompson, of Stevens
Point, Wis., has opened up n
blacksmith shop at 412 North
Ivanhoo street. N. A, Gee states
that Mr. Thompson was the vil
lage blacksmith back in his Wis
consin town when he was a boy.
, Easter services will be held
in the Congregational church
Sunday morning, with Rev.
Myers in charge, in the even
ing Rev. J. T. Merrill will
nronch. He is said to be a fine
Bpenkor. A large attendance is
desired nt both services.
1). .1. Hornmnn recently re
turned from a six months' so
journ in Southern California.
Whiles he had a line lime all the
while and enjoyed the extended
trip immensely, yet he was ex
ceedingly glad to return to good
old St. Johns.
Easter services at the St.
Johns Methodist Episcopal
church will consist of baptism
and reception of members in
the morning and concert by the
children in the evening. Hours
of worship, 11 a. m. and 8 p.
m. Sunday school tit 1U a. m.
Epworth League, 7 p. m.
Free.a lecture with pictures
Life of tho Forest Ranger- at
the St. Johns Library, Tuesday
ovenimr. April 2 at 8 o'clock.
Tho lecturo is given by Albert
Weiscndanger, who is himseir
a forost ranger. Ho hns many
nnw and beautiful pictures with
which to illustrate his talk.
Mrs. C. P. Gates and children
arrived horo Tuosday to remain
during the Conference, and are
staying with her mother, Mrs.
C. H. Thayer, f24 Oswego
street. Rev. Gates will bo down
next week to take part in the
Conference work at the Evan
gelical church.
Every day is a good day to
kodak. Currin Says So.
A. Carl Nelson, who moved
to California several months
ago, has returnod to St. Johns,
and is now assisting nt tho St.
Johns Hardwaro store. His
family will remain in California
for a couple of months longer.
Carl's many friends hero aro
glad to see him back.
Tho nnnnnl f!nnf(rnnPG of the
United Evangelical church will
convene nt U a. m, April, ith, in
the church, comer Ivanhoo and
John street, over which Bishop
Swengel, of Hnrrisburg, Pa.,
Conference will presiuo. mere
will be services encn evening
during tho week to which all
are invited.
Egg Keep. Keeps eggs nice
and fresh for an indefinite
time. Currin Says So.
TiVnnk Hnllfinbock. of Amaz
onia. Missouri, Is staying with
his uncle and nuni, iwr. anu
Mrs. T. J. Monahan, for the
present. He came out West to
look around, and was so taken
nn hu tJm nrnqnficts here for a
young man that he concluded
to stay a wmic, miu w in: urn
persuade his wife to join him
here, they will no doubt make
this their permanent home.
Mrs. H. E. Harris returned
recently from a pleasant visit of
three weeks spent at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Parent at
Berkeley, Cal. She says that
the Parent family, who were
tormer residents of St. Johns,
are all getting along nicely,
and that Miss Regena Parent,
vhn uina n former well known
high school girl, is now attend
ing high school at Berkeley, and
also teaching French and danc
ing in the evenings.
Help vourself and your coun
try preserve eggs with Egg
Keep. Currin bays bo.
How about that spring tonic
you shouidatakcY Currin Says
When in need of small arti
cles, get them at the 510-15c
store, St. Johns; in the Penin
suln National Bank Building.
Go to the Auto Repair Comna
ny, 207 South Jersey street, for
your auto, motorcycle and bicy
cle repairs and supplies. Autos
for hire. Phone Coumbia 727.
Telephone orders given prompt
and careful attention. Give us
a trial for quality. Grocery
prices always right. Alex S.
Scales Phone Col. 210.
Keen your Kodak working
for the boys "over there.''
Crurin Says So.
Anyone without a church
home is urged to visit us Sun
day, March 31st, from 10 to 12
a. m. Christian church.
Onion sets have arrived; 10
and 15 cents per pound, also a
complete line of bulk and pack
age garden seed. Alex S. Scales,
grocer; Col. 210.
Alex Scales for Al groceries.
Nothing but the best ana al
ways fresh. Phone Col. 210;
510 FoBsendon street.
A Victroln will add pleasure
to everyday of your life. Currin
Says So.
Pruning trees, ruses, grape
vines and seeding lawn. Best
of references, 25 yenra ex
perience. 010 Burr Btroot,
phone Col. 1)25. M. N. Amizich.
Wanted Competent woman
for general housework ; ?2ff per
month. Call 520 S. Ivanhoo.
Wanted St. JoIiiih property to
sell; imy kind if the price is rilit.
S. C. Cook, 402 N. Jersey St.
Wo are graduate registered
pharmacists of 12 years exper
ience. "Currin Says So."
Lodge will hold a special meet
ing at (5 p. m. on April 3rd.
Work in tho E. A. degree.
Regular meeting at 8 p. m.
same date with work in tho F.
C. degree. Members of Doric
please note. Visitors welcome.
- J. N. Edlcfscn, W. M. ; by
A. W. Davis, Sec.
I wish to publicly express my
deep appreciation for tho kind
noss and sympathy expressed
by tho Hacholor Club of St.
Johns during tho illness of my
father and can assure them that
their kindness will ever bo
gratefully remembered. Mrs.
J. W. Evans.
Come in and let us explain
how to preserve eggs for future
use. Currin Says So.
If my work pleases you: please
tell your friendB. If not, tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
The Portland Garbage Co.
is prepared to remove rubbish
of any nature from the resi
dences and business places of
St. Johns nt 75 cents per month
for residences and from busi
ness places at reasonable rates.
Calls made every Saturday.
Leave orders at tho bt. Johns
Hardware, or phono Woodlawn
Wo (Innim to oxnrcss our sin-
corn tlinnkH to tho nniL'hborH
and friends who so kindly ren
dered their aid and sympathy
during the illness and death of
Mr. W. N. HutchiriBon, and as
sure them that their kindness
will not soon be forgotten. Mrs.
W. N. Hutchinson, Mr. and
Mrs. E. S. Hall. Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Churchill.
Nothing is appreciated more
than pictures from home. Send
the boys "over there" some
snap shots. Currin Says So.
Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Scott, of
Seattle and Dr. and Mrs. J. V.
Scott, of St. Johns, were only
four of the 45U people who
boarded the special train of nine
qars which left the Union depot
nt nrf n'pWW Tnnmlnv nvnninir
carrying delegates and visitors
to the General Conference of
Seventh Day Adventists to be
held in San lrancisco March
28 to April 12.
The Red Cross workers of St.
Johns assembled between two
and three tons of clothing for
the Belgians. There was about
eighteen present at the last
meeting, Wednesday, hleven
beautifully knit sweaters were
turned in and nine pairs of
Bocks. It is desired that more
interest be taken in the Red
Cross meetings. The atten
dance should be much greater
than in tho case. Right now
especially is the time when in
terest should not be allowed to
lag. Let all who possibly can
do so, attend.
ETXTRAVAOANCK is sinful it is waste. If you put that same
money in the batik, some day you will be able to indulge yourself in
those luxuries without missing the money. A batik account grows
you will be interested in seeing it grow. You don't need those extrava
gance's. You will need that money some day. Have it safe in our
I'lUtl) C. KNAl'l,
John N. Hulki'SUn,
Stanton I.. Domk,
Hiwahd u. mounts,
, 1'lCilltctlt
Vice President
Vice 1'rcsldcnt
, . Cashier
Assistant Cashier
Assistant Cnshicr
Assistant Cnshicr
r. autziin
J. N. llDI.Hl'rtllN
Peninsula National Bank
Member of Federal Rcservo Bank
3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit
It Never Pays
To juggle in the KKr' huslncs. Wc
Imvc nlwnys ndhcrcd to u iwlley that'
nLuvc board. KvcrytliliiK strictly its rvp
mailed In itmlltv nml in cnudltlnn.
Nuthlni; mIiiiciI oil on yon here, JuU to
Kct tld ol It. livery jirlce inioted in our
jilncc Is based UK)ii n legitimate pro 111
301 S. Jersey St.
Phone Col. 11 B
A Hot Combination
We now handle coal as well as wood
St Johns Lumber Co.
Office Hours: 15 and 6-8 p. in.
Res. Phone Columbia 690 Office Phone Columbia 97
We Proclaim Superiority
On (he sticiiKth of our lasting linoleum.
The housewife will also itmdaud on n re
cltul of its merits. Our linoleum U hi
much a ssoiV ol uit as Is u TurkUh iuk
Our ilctlKti hiiiI ilecorullons iiipl tu
the artistic taste mid render a valuable
service lino the years.
4dO402 8. JHH3KY ST.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 13 1
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
Wall Paper
F, M, Satterlee
319 N, Siflil!) AYe