St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 29, 1918, Image 2

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A. W. Mnrklc, Htlltor
Published Evory Crda
Subiorlptlon prloe $1.00 per year,
Tint Kitvmw U entered nt post office
In Portland, Oregon, ns malt mutter
of the second elms under the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3, 1879.
There are still a vast num
ber of vacant lots in St. Johns
yet unadorned by a residence,
and the persistent cry for more
dwellings is continually heard.
A. number of new houses have
boon erected or are under the
course of construction, but
they are practically only a
"drop in the bucket." Work
men arc gotting exceedingly
weary of making the trip morn
ing and evening and in a crowd
ed car to and from distant parts
of tho city. They want to live
in St. Johns with their families,
but they cannot do bo because
there is not a vacant house thai
can bo secured. Owners of va
cant lots hero should make a
Bpecial effort to erect dwellings
tlinrnnn. which houidnH nrnvintr
a profitable investment would bo
a great aid to the community
and especially to workmen ant
their families who are anxious
to call St. Johns their home. If
you have a vacant lot, build
house upon it. and you win lie
doing your bit in a most sub
stantial way. Start right away
For Sale
Advertisement", under this lit ad
in;; one cent n word, Minimum
charge 25 cents.
An era of shorter work in u
hours in the Northwest has been
ushered in, and it is hoped that
it will remain so for all time to
come. With the shorter hours
thus in force for the workmen
why should it not lie a troot
plan for the local business
houses to also shorten the
hours. In the husinoHH distric
of Portland shorter hours have
prevailed for Homo timo.nnil it i
said that the principal litisi
ncsH houses of Vancouver liav
now adopted six o'clock in th
evening as closing hour, am
night o'clock on Saturday even
trigs, would 11 not no a goot
plan for St. Johns iiiurchautM
to also adopt these hours? Tin
would give the clerks an 01
portunity to get more fresh ai
and have more time to spout
with their ramilies or devoid)
ing their war gardens. And the
proprietors would also fool bene
llted in a hcullhlul way I nun
the shorter hours, and if all the
grocers and and general mer
chandise stores would agree to
the plan, they would bo just as
lar ahead liiiiiueialiy. 1 he work
. a a .a a a
ers getting on earner gtvoH an
opportunity to get their shop
ning done earlier, and so the
longer iiuhiiiois hours are no
longer necessary. Think it over
business men, and keep in Ntuj
with the lentle icy or the Union
All will fuel tho hotter for tho
shorter working hour.
It is Maid that during tlx
noon hour tho other day when
tho band at the I.h.i! hip plant
was playing a patriotic air that
all stood up and removed their
hats but ouu man. A fellow
workman politely removed tho
hat and handed it to tho owner.
who at once placed it upon hit)
head, whereupon some out
knocked tho hat from bin bond,
another tore his number away,
and others ejected him ImhIiIj
from tho promisou. Tho tdiii
workers are InteiiHoly pntriotii
through and through, and will
not stand for any form of tin
Wu rugrut that strew of html
ncss made it imposwihlo for (ho
editor to ho prosont and liuton
to tho interesting talk of Col
onel I.odornt tho High School
auditorium 1 destiny morning.
Ho gave his experiences in
part at the battle of Vimy
ridge, and when ho hail eon.
eluded his remarks a wiiutil tan
eotiR burst of applause that was
prolonged and came direct from
tho heart was tendered by tho
intensely interested audience.
Tho Sans Dion Kions class
will present to tho Kvnugelieiil
church next Sunday evening a
Service Flag in honor of tho
boys who belonged to tho class
and have gone to the service of
their country. There will be
an appropriate program to which
tho public, and especially the
parents of the boys who have
gone, are most cordially invited.
For Sale A full blooded Barred Rock
cockerel, 13 months old. Inquire 624
East Richmond street. 21
Lost Ivcr Johnson revolver. Finder
please leave at this office; reward.
Second hand automobiles for sale-
One Chevcrlet nnd one Ford. May be
I seen at the Home Garage, 102 Smith av
enue, corner Charleston.
For Sale Oooil seven room modem
house, lot 70x100, all kinds of fruit. barn;
house has full basement. A desirable
home In desirable location, cnsli or terms;
1'honc Columbia CGI), or call on owner at
G01 Iluclinimn street. 22
Wanted- -House cleaning work. Call
110S. Jersey street. 21
!ok at tliisl A 'i-rooui house furn
ished, two blocks from cur line. S12G0.
mOO cash. See f. F. Oillmore. 113 .V.
Jersey. Phone Columbia 81.
See McKeiulc. Me will build vottr
home with small iwyinent down. Call
at this office.
For Sale by Owner Who Is Oolnjj Hast
House and 101, i rooms, cement base
ment, furnace, nil modern conveniences.
Also two vucant lots. Call at 920 South
Jersey direct. if
For hale llirec roomed Ilcacli cot-
tauc at liar View, Oregon. Is now rent-
-.1 h t lri ..... ....... ,1.. jfftn .1 .1 i
easy. Dr. Ilnnibo, Moulcsntio, Wash. 22
For S.ilc While Leghorn eggs from
Heavy laying i.eiiarun slock, one year
oki nens m.'iieii to n iwo year old cock.
Only one yard mated for best results.
Come mid liisttvct llieiii. You arc al
ways welcome. Onlv n limited number
C. O. Kogers is nursing a case of settings for sale. per 1G;
IIIIO l IMt.MlfillWm I'M filtVU IHLIl Ja
II, Cliitmifiii, III 2 Trumbull street; phone
Three Modern
Now Building
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
t Peninsula Security, Co,
f irst National Dank Building
of the mumps.
The Luxo Billiard Parlor
no Philadelphia Street
Soft Drinks, Candies, Cigars
and Tobaccos
Drop in and sec Jeff uiul have a
glass of that Happy, Hoppy drink,
A Few Bargains
Crystal and IJob White
Soap 5c
A good line Toilet of Soap. 5c
Cream Oil Soap 9c, 3 for. 25c
Jewel Laundry Soap, 0 for 25c
Large Light House
Washing Powder 20c
Large Citrus 25c
Best grade G. 1. Tea 50c
Good Spidcrleg 40c
Kngllsh ilteakfast 40c
Good Illack Tea 35c
Grocery Grabateria
201 N, Jersey St,
Kabo Corsets and Braissieres
For perfection of shaping and fit; for effectiveness in improving your
figure, for satisfaction in quality and price, the KABO stands su
preme. Made over a Live Model, a style for every figure; front and
back lace, guaranteed rust proof. Once try it, you'll always buy it.
Wc arc showing sonic very
pretty patterns in Ladies' nnd
Children's Ready to Wear
Dresses and Aprons.
"Miss Satnmie" at .$3.50 '
"American Maid" at 2.50
"Portland Maid" at 1.05
Small Hoys' Wash Suits.
Our New Line of While
Shoes, Pomps and Oxfords
for Ladies', Misses tutd Chil
dren. Tennis Shoes
Oxfords in
White and LMack
Renfrew Devonshire Cloth,
32 in. wide; a strong, well
woven fabric made of selected
yarns to give unusual wear.
Uest for the Kiddie Klothcs.
We have a goodly assortment
of these. Ginghams, Frolic
Cloth, Percales, Silks.
Do not fail to purchase a Lib
erty Monti, if at all possible
Homer V Lindaoy and Miss
Genevieve Ahlrlch of St. JoIiiib
were married at Amity, Ore
gon, March 11th.
Iiciii. chicken
fruit Jnrs. filO
When live employes of the
Western Cooperage Company re
fused to bare their heads dur
ing Hag raising ceremonies at
the big plant Thursday after
noon, patriotic participants forc
ed them to kiss the Stars ami
Stripes, it is said.
Columbia M.
I'or Halc-lC
Iiimik', wire netting inn
Lviitrai live, lit
I'or Sale I'lve roomed nioileni bun-
giilow, ftirimro lionled, lot 7fW 100. with
mill Ui'M, ulirulibery ami good iturmie
One block from cur line, best residence
district in SI. John?. Owner, llr. Itinii
1)0, MutitcMtno, Wtiftli. 'i
I'or Sulc Setilni! Iium. While l.ou
hum mid Rhode Klmid Red, thorough
bred, fl.ol) tier wiling. Cull hit I North
JelKcy utt cel. 'M
I'or K.ilv While l.t-ulinin Mittim; ei
$l.lHlM?ltlng.-o;U N. Wllliiinelie Id
The homo of .1. II. Harvey on
Decatur street was totally des
troyed by lire Wednesday even
ing at about eight o'clock. The
family was not at the homo at
tho time, and just how it origi
nated is not definitely known,
Mesitles tho dwe nir. nract ca v
all the furniture anil clothlnir
were also destroyed.
Ilar.el Hose Johnston, the
three year old daughter of AI-
fretl .lohnson. diotl at her home.
002 Charleston street. Wednes
day, of acuto bronchitis. The
funeral services will ho held in
the Kvangelical church tomor
row afternoon. Saturday, at 2
o'clock. Intormi'iit in Columbia
cemetery, tho St. Johns .Under-
inning uii, in en urge.
I'or Kulc or Tiude litn II mid 12 In
block III, College Addition to St. John.
IIimmIowii, ImI. fin mouth, or will ttnde
for fuiui pintivrlv. Cull this olllce. tf
I'or ShIc I'ive loom houm, idiiMt'icd
nnd In good condition, well built, lot
100l;M, on Smith uvciiue. 1'iice JlillH).
J crux. Lull ut mi nincc.
I'or Nile ft loom hoiiic, well vouip-
kmI, giil locution on North U'lllitincttc
iKiiilevnrd, iMH'ineiil, nice yitttl, lot Tmix
ioo. nice iurM. rtiuiiy in nil ouire.
First Trust 8 Savings
1302 East Kcsscnden Street
Phono Columbia I00
Here is a brand new bread trv it on the family. Saves one pound of wheat flour.
19x water 1 cup beans ltf cakes compressed yeast xt cup lukewurtn water
5 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons molasses 8 cups flour
Soak beans over night, drain off the water in which they were soaked and cook until soft in
the l'Jx water. Put through a sieve or tt potato ricer, cool tuul when lukewarm add (1) the yeast
softened in the cup of water, (2) the salt, (3) the molasses, and (-1) the flour to make a stiff
dough. Knead, let rise and bake.
Merchandise of Merit
Columbia 137
Golden Gate Pure Food Products
Officers and Directors
I'. A. It ICE, President nnd Cn.ltier
II. HENDERSON. Vice President
CEO. I. I1KOOK5. SectrtAry
Indies' Home Journal Patterns A
Four pot cent interest
paid on time and sav
ings deposits.
Rentals and Real
Estate Loans
leiiu. minute
I'or Sule I'our loom modem
111 uc jiwxj. jftuy teiiu. Knit
iiiieoimeiii v.o., .mi niKirii 01 1 ntiii'
ImililiiiK. 12tl
(lood Second h.iud SeInj; nuuhlnon for
nut. 11, r. l'Iiiik. u
yiKua-10 feet In St. johiu All in oulllvu.
lion, plenty of f r tilt lievo mid herilen,
Kihiii woven wire lence, pootl live room
cnttiiKf . iMrn Mini ehickeu limito,
I'llee, '.VitU). HniMie liiwmmeiil Co.,
HH ikxiru 01 J utile ititl. lU'tf
Klivttle Vuriiuiu Cleuuer
I'. Clurk.
Tho new brass foundry holm?
ereetoil by U. It. Hachman on
PittHburjr street opposito the
planing mill, is makintr i;ootl
irouresH. Mr. I tie hman hIiiIcm
tiiat 110 lias eniiairoi nn oxnert
iritHS worker to take ebiiryo nf
- ii - 1
the plant, ami that ho has
Homy ot liusiness in siuht tinon
1 . p . 1 .
eompietion 01 ine plant, a por
tion of which will bo for the
Koveriiment. It will bu tho
ony brass foundry on tho KaHt
ill 1 .i T .
nine 01 me nvor, it is said.
Soino jjootl watches for work-
no; mun at S. W. Itocora.
toaiiouaiiiu prices. 202 N. Jer-
my street.
for lent,
1'orH.tle IIoiih mnl four luUim Noitli
SyrHeiiH Mreet. Cull ill IliU uWkv. tf
I'or Sttle .Modem B rtMiiu iHinnuhiw, two
i.tre ioi. iH'urniK null tree, walk-
luu ilttuiH'c to wiileu mill. I'tlie
f2im, leitti lo Milt. Kimilie luvet-
meiit Co.. 101 ItiMrd al Trutle.
I'or .Sale or Trade IR ucre In f.iinou
lltMMl Uiver V11 ev.
AUuit lrnii re-t hi iHuumereliil oich.ird.
AiMiin m itfte In liny l.tml.
AUiut lf ucre inictiNiriHl laud,
AIxmiI 100 unlit from luuh m-IuhiI,
AImiiii I h' mile ((din church, tol)ioc,
two Uut. iiiitrkel, etc.. mile
iroui tieM)ii lui kiriii an Hie
U.iee, 1111 exi-fiuioiMi i.kmuoii lor u
kiiiull tluiry tuitl hiKiiiid fruit ritl.lnt;,
iiuklu! uu country home for u
limn with (.iiiilly. Will tell on eiuy
ierm or iiime lor M. joint iiroirtv
I'or further tlrtnlU ttiid liifoiiiiutlon,
impure ut IliU ottu-e
No. 1HG I. O. O.
sr. jouns, omtgon
MnU tueh Montliy evening to Odd Kl
lovti hull ill S:ou, A conlul welcome to I
hII vUlliuu lirollmrii.
II I, Wlil.lrr, HiMr OmiKl
C It Chiilihlll. VkfOtitlKl
H I. ItHHUoiy, lt' rW
K lloinU.V. I'm K'.
II I tUtk.Tint.
Meet every 1'ridnv niuht nt
,.?7 v o'clock in IIICk.N'ltlt
yilitll. Vitltom itlw.iyit t
V. U. ItVHNS, C. 0
Af tin Ktt nii'l ptnnl
lie Gels Days o! Comfort
oua of a pouch o!
RcaS GRAVELY Cficwina Plug
Real Gravely PU13 is such good tobacco
G'ufit enough BWcclcninif to flavor), that
a plug of Heal Gravely last much longer
than an ordinary ijIujj, and rivcs the com
fort and satisfaction of good tobacco.
Givo any mm n chew of Real Gravely Plug, nnd lio
will IpII you I hat 'a the Itlnd to tend. Send llto beill
Oidinnry plus It fnlia economy. It coit ! per
week to chow Hr.1l Gravely, became, a tmall chew
of It Intti u Ions while.
If you tmolionplpe, illeo Gravely with your hnlfo
nnd ndd n little lo your imoklntf tobacco. It will
civo flavor Improvo your tmokc.
utAu vouit ntiijNi) in tiii: u. s. sruvici:
A roilClt 01' CKAVLI.Y
Denlvn nil nrotinil liara carry ll In 10c. pouctirt. A 3.
tlmi will put It Into tilt Iind4lnnr T,lnlnCmnor3.
(wit uf lb U.S.A. Cvmover llir" 3c. iltmp will Uko
It lo litm. Your illr will lupplf ntrtlop uJ lilvo you e((l
cll dirvctloni how la d.l.lrcu ll.
r.a.GUAVtLY TOUACCO CO., Danville, Vu.
Tit i'dfrnl Vurt turpi It Fitth end Clian onj CooJ
- U not Utnvity irfWoof (Aft I'rottcthn 5cal
i:tnbllthed X831
1 1 Ny n
It you have anythimr to sell.
try our Ponny-A-Word Cnluinn.
0 aucorta in the exact cost count
each word, initial or abbrovia.
Real Estate!
If You Wisli to Sell
Property at right prices
list it with ns.
If You Waul to Buy
Property at right prices
call and see ns.
Don't forgot to turn your clock
ahead nn hour nest Sunday.
If you do so forget, you will be
a back number. Monday morn
ing you can got up an hour
earlier than usual, and go to bud
an hour earlier at night. The
new plan will work out all right
after we got used to it, no
Residents of St. Johns having
taxes and city lions to pay in
Portland can make their pay
ments without inconvenience un
availing themselves of our ser
vices. Wo will pay Bamo and
secure your receipt without in
convenience to you. Foe, 25
cents. Iteferencos: Any St.
Johns Hank. Peninsula Title.
Abstract and Realty Co., by II,
Henderson, Manager; '102 North
Jersey street.
bt. Johns Fair Store. K, W.
oy. liron. : house 10 1 ut lv
supplies and general notions.
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
I x " . . ' . - I
lutuuy irooc s at igwohl nrkiM.
iexi to uioeirie store.
If you want job printing done
ou't overlook us. We want to
0 ail tilt printing for St. Johns
people. I-or commercial print-
ng this othce is well enuipped
ml wo know how to ilo it.
rices aro lower than tho
class of work is done in Port
land, because our expenses are
H,;,i A directors and Embalmcrs
i.iiv. i,ii,v .tiij i:ni6U ui
A. r. untl A. M.
MecU the firt and third
Weiluexluyof each mouth
III liickiicr'ii llnll. VUI-
tor welcome.
I'.illeUeu W. M,
A W. Duvlt, SecreUry,
St, Joluis Camp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit tho attend.
anco or our members ut our reg
ular meetinirs. overv Thnrsdnv
evening. U. W. Muhm, Consul.
Knights and Ladies of Security
M. Joluis Louncil 2775
Meets evetv .Mont .iv even tie nt
Hickner Hull, over St Johns Ilnrtb
ware btote. Visitors nnd members
cordially invited to attend,
II I. Campbell, Pres.
If. II. Moreiug, Secretary.
Deafness Ctrmot lie Cured
WK sell and e.Nchnuge nil
makes of Tulkiiig Ma
cliinen. Wc are fluent here
for the wonderful new Strudi
vii ra, the machine that plays
all makes of records.
Come in and sec nnd hear this
machine. You will be de
lighted and surprised with the
tone and finish of this ma
chine. We have a lare stock of
disc and cylinder records.
All makes
When You Chalk Up
Meat expenses and com
pute qualities, you'll find
that you're ahead of the
game if you do your trad
ing here. Our motto is
the selling of the finest
meats obtainable at prices
that permit us but a sleu
der margin of profit. But,
remember on a big business
and on the large sales made
we look for our compensation.
., th cmiot r i
., it ir iii rtr Tiirr-
i ' uiu ilii(n, and tlMl Is
'iinuil ruiiaillun nf tno mil
Hi. KmiaeiiUn TuW
ii. uuil you lmv' a ruittbllng
S. C. Cook
102 N. Jersoy Street
Cliambers-Kenwortliy Co,
by if
lit illi,ii
ty tumi . i
tLr. I . i
Vuus Hi . i .
tltU Ii I-. i.
juiiJ ,.r iiuu. ri-.i h.arlim. ml wli. n It I
min i fi..,.,i 1 1, 4fHi U lh result. na
Ullli.. III.. ll.rimillHAlltR tfU b lAkfll out
nd this tub.- la Its nurmtit coiijl
iiom. li.stuiK win w dstroywl forvr; nln
i.ut ot i, n r vauswI by Catarrh. ts nothlns but an liinatuvtl condlllun
I ft tltv wucnits surtarfA
w will nli On. llumlriMl iwllars for any
ras uf iVafMvsi. t;austl by catarrh I thai
cannot tw lui. l bv Hall'a Catarrh Cur.
ttid tor circular, tt
t J rilKM'V . CO.. Talfdd. Ohlj.
Bold b Urii.-l.i. ;te
Tak Ha lt V'smllr I'll's far conillpatloa.
Extra Fine Legs of Lamb , 30c
Extra Fine Shoulder of Lamb 24c
Fancy Legs of Veal 25c
Fine Steer Pot Roasts 20c
I'hoiieColunujiai WE DELIVER 109 N. Jersey Street
business man can give us will bo
highly appreciated. Please don't
Statements, envelopes, letter
bonds ami all other kinds of
commercial printing turned out
on short notice and in neat
ami tasty style at this oHice.
Do not attempt to got along
with imprinted stationery,
when you may have it furnish
ed and nicely printed at the
Review oflice for small cost.
lilt Kt'ibv .Street, ut 1'incrvoii
1, Tlu oltU'kt otulilUliol timlcit.i" inn I
Duiiic norm i i niioii irect
. .Mr. Uiainliers u the only O. A K.
ittitlcitakcr in llto city of t'ortluiul.
3. Mr, Kctiworltiy is un aoWnowli-t jctl
expert in einUilitilii;, Demi minjerv .nut
ItiitiTil iltrveiton.
J. Why have onr beloved ileer setl
taken 11110111:11 l lie COllL'Cillil bun tes
tlUtrlets when perfect service itml i Itt
priiea may tw obtained in your -wii
N. A. Gee. nrofessor nf nrhi
jobs, is now ready to takeyour
order for anything in house
moving or repairing, roof re
pairing a specialty; cemont
work of all kinds and uonornl
contracting, sui N.
phone Col. 803.
t 1
OPVIPVVNi PfiAi in amvc ror nemstttciung. accoraioni niU American knife pleating.
The following list of legal bla iks button covering, button holing,
JtulRe George W. Staplcton, can-
didate for the Republican nomina
tion for Circuit Judge, Department
No. !, to succeed himself.
Judge Staplcton began the prac
tice of Ids profession nt Goldemlale,
( Wash., in 18SC In 1890 he mov
ed to Vancouver. Wash., and prac
ticed law until 1S9S. in which year
he moved to Portland where he has
been following his prolession until
B 1917, when he was appointed to the
"bench by Governor Withycoiube,
( left vacant by Judge Pivis, who re
signed to enter tin. army. Judge
Mapleton has served as mayor of
Goldemlale, Vancot ver and Gresli-
am. tits career as a public officer
has been clean and above reproach.
Paid Adv.
uie kept for sale ut this othce and
others will lie added as the demaud
Warranty deeds, Quit Cl.iim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages.
lvanhoe; Contructs for Sale of Realty, Hills
ot bale, peases.
scalloping, chain stitch embroiri
ery.pinking.couching and braid
ing, see Airs. W. L. Montgom
ery, -lib N. Ke oeir street, back
of St. Johns postotiice.
For trails -Four fine lots and tuoderu
bungalow, well located, for farm. In.
St. Johns Undertaking Go.
20S N. Jersey Street
Phone. Columbia 527
Columbia 299
Automobile Hearse.
Gtl Our Pr'tei fcfort Gains to Portland
5 HH
sK ''ssslslslsB
Beautiful gray or
black adult casket,
hearse, box, 2 autos
embalming and refin
ed service for ,
5 w
Funerals if deiired for f20, $30. f-10, ?C0. Higher priced funerals In pro.
portion. We manufacture caskets. Lady assistant.
Beautiful funeral chapel.
Main 2691 Independent Funeral Directors A 788S
Washington at Ella Street, Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
611 Ceutral Ave. N.
Phone Columbia 888
tjuire at this office. tf.
Net th Ithtl en your papr.