St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 15, 1918, Image 3

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To be the father of your Country Try to be a Dutiful Son. Be dutiful and
also be square with yourself, and to be square with yourself, you must be a
loyal citizen. This also means "Build up St. Johns, Buy at Home, and Help
those who Help You." Remember the
for your Drug Wants. If you don't see what you want, ask. We will get it.
Phone Columbia 138 105 North Jersey St.
Axminister Rugs
For your home
We have a large stock of Axminister
Rugs in all sizes from 18x36 inches to 9x12
feet, these Rugs include Oriental and
Floral designs in all the latest color com
binations. Every rug offered is good val
ue for the price risked.
&7 to. Axminister Rugs $ 3.00 to $ 4.50
36 in.
-iix 71
G x 9 "
9 xl2
COO to 8.50
30 00 to 3G50
28 50 to 42 00
Use Our Exchange Dept.
Cash or Credit St Johns
Spring Painting
Why not get busy on that House of
yours? Paint is going to be higher in
price later on. We would advise you
to buy your paint now. Call and lot us
figure with you. Wo are agents for
the Sherwin Williams Paints and Var
nishes. Muresco Kalsomine will not show
laps. Agents for Ilammars Bros,
strictly puro White Lead.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Cormany & Co.
90O South Jersey Street
New Fresh Stock of Groceries
Honest weight and good service
Our Motto
Give us a trial. Satisfaction Quarantccd. We Deliver
Phone Columbia 90G
St. Johns Millinery Opening
Friday and Saturday, March 15-16
Help to Build a Greater
St. Johns
Tir iwVmcino- pf. ImiYifi. where we in-
sure you as good values for the
money as the city anoras.
Local News.
Tho loen) realty dealers wear
a prosperous and satisfied coun
tenance these days, l'ropoity
is on the move and all report
business fine.
Lack of shins nrcvent de
livery of wheat, Hour and can
ned milk to allies, and here is
where farmers are interested in
speeding up ship huildinj,'.
Kur shinhuilders: The Inter
national Marine Knirineeriim is
one of the new magazines added
to tho mairaz no Mat at the bt.
Johns library this year.
Tli.itMiiu ' Pmwlnn II fnrmftr
n,nll Rl .IrvlillQ 1iiihIiiiHH
man, has returned from an
extended stay in Chicago, and
... 1 - I I T,-ll 1
will nillKO ins uoiuu in ruriumu.
Elmer Sliced, violinist and
toucher, is nlannimr to present
a number of his pupils in violin
recital in tho near future. An
nouncement of timo and place
will appoar later.
Get the Review
Ranld nrocrress is helm? mndn
in the new dock and machine
shop at the local shipyards.
Chairman Hurley announces
that Oregon will bo allowed to
uuiltl ships for Norway and
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Currin
have returned from a very
pleasant sojourn in the various
cities of California.
Mrs. A. M. Mowrcy motored
to St. Johns from her home nt
Boring on a business trip the
latter part of last week.
John V. JacouoB. a former
well known citizen of St. Johns,
died at the Old Soldier's Home
at Itoscburg the first of the
New subscribers arc enrolling
right along. There is no reason
why the Hcvicw should not be
a weekly visitor In every home
in St. Johns.
Jacob Hahn has taken out n
permit to erect a residence on
South Edison street between
Reno and St. Johns avenue,
costing $2000.
Tim Nation's Business A
sorvicc for business men, pub
lished monthly by the Chamber
of Commorco of tho U. S.
You may have its use without
chargo at the St. Johns library.
Owing to tho marked increase
n business at tho local post
olllce, a lady clerk has been ad
ded to tho force, who will do-
vote part of oach day to aid in
tho work.
Rev. Robt. G. Harbutt. of
Southern California, will preach
at tho Congregational church
next Sunday evening, March
17th. Rev, Harbutt is said to
be an eloquent minister, and a
large attendance is desired.
Note the new ad. of the Lav-
rack Grocery In this issue. Mr.
Lavrack is enjoying- a fino busi
ness, which is increasing right
along. We welnome.hlm to the
Review's list of steady adver
Is your pruning done? Con
sult Bailey's Pruning Book at
the St. Johns library. There
is no better authority. The
library has over 40 books, on
various phases of gardening,
and the Garden Magazine- for
keeping up to date.
The Peninsula Security Co.
this week took out permits for
the erection of two residences
A 1 I 1
on uswego street, uetween
Hartman and Swenson streets,
E. A. Simmons and H. C.
Finch, builders. The cost of
each is $1000.
The hospital project for St.
Johns is not taking form very
rapidly. The need has not les
sened, but financial enthusiasm
seems to be a little lacking.
It is expected, however, that
the hospital will materialize be
fore the end of the year.
Dr. E. J. Gambee entered
Uncle Sam's service last Friday,
when he departed for Fort
Stevens. Dr. F. P. Schultz has
associated himself with Dr. E.
E. Gambee, the title of the firm
name hereafter being Gambee
& Schultz.
We can arrange to build you n
house on jouf plans on your
vacant lot, or we can sell you a
new house built to suit you on
easy terms. S. C. Cook, 402 N.
Jersey street.
As an illustration of how a
perfectly manngcda institution
sometimes grows, just take a
look at the Peninsula Bank
statement In this issue, It
shows a gain of almost half a
million in one year. St. Johns
has reason to feel proud of this
Rev. E. C. Cofer, of the
Highland Baptist church, will
preach at tho Baptist church
next Sunday morning, All the
members are urged to be pro
sent. No services in the even
ing. Anyone wishing to unite
with us in attending the White
Temple services in the evening,
will be welcome. Reporter.
First Aid will continue at the
urgent renucst of the members
of First Aid class. Miss Choi-
lar has consented to complete
the work as originally outlined.
For this purpose use of the
library room has been secured
for every Monday evening at
I"..- i 1 1 11 I...
I.1U lUr U1U II U.N l 1IVU WVl'KH.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rice.
of Mason City, Iowa, are guests
at the homo of their son. F.
A. Rice, president of the First
Trust & Savings Bank, of St.
Johns. They left Iowa about
three months ago, and since
that time they have been so
journing in Southern California.
I'hcy will probably remain in
bt. Johns for somo time.
A thief entered tho homo of
Mr. Pctei'him ul 707 North Wil
lamette boulevard Sunday even
ing while the fnmilv was at
church, and stole a lady's gold
watch, .rU In a nurse, a
loaded revolver and a hunch of
keys. It is said that there is a
suspicion ns to who the guilty
party is, and ho may ho appro
hondod within a short timo.
Tho first road construction to
be undertaken this year pro
bably will bo the construction
of a road to tho municipal
freight and grain terminal be
low St. Johns. Plans for the
roadway hnvo boen prepared al
ready. Tho indications arc
that the sum of 510.000 set
aside in tho road budget for the
highway will bo insuilicient.
Exceptional Opportunity for
Roomers or Boarding- 9 room
modern houso with 5 fino bed
rooms upstairs and 1 down,
front room, dining room, kit
chen, bath and full basement
on lot G0x200 with 7 or 8 fino
cherry and other fruits. Close
to Peninsula Mill, Shipyards
and Cooperage plant. Price
$2300 clear; $250 cash, $25 per
month, Includes interest. A.
W. Davis.
Ormandy Bros,, have had u
large, handsome sign placed up
on tho roof of their furniture
emporium on N. Jersey street.
It is a well executed piece of
work. This enterprising firm
is enjoying a big business,
which is constantly increasing,
gained through their strong
faith in the efficiency of adver.
tising, in connection with un
failing courtesy and handling
furniture of merit ut prices
most reasonable.
A fine musicale was given
Friday evening, March 8th, at
the home of Miss Georgia Rich,
where a numbei of students
and friends gathered. Mrs.
Helene Ogsbury Williams sang
a group of English and Italian
songs. Mrs. Williams has u
beautiful soprano voice of rare
beauty and sweetness. The three
violin solos of Mr. Elmer Sneed
were greatly enjoyed. Miss
Georgia Rich rendered two num
bers and also accompanied the
soloists. Mrs. J. E. Williams
presided over the punch bowl
during the evening.
Hear Harry Lauder at Cur
rin's any day.
When in need of small arti
cles, get them at the 5-10-15c
store, St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
Check your "grippe" at Cur
Go to the Auto Repair Comim'
ny, 207 South Jersey street, for
your auto, motorcyc e and b cv
etc repairs and supplies. Autos
for hire. Phone Coumbin 727.
Currin'a have your favorite
cold remedies.
Telephone orders given prompt
and caretui attention. Uivo us
a trial for quality. Grocery
prices always right. Alex S.
Scales- Phono Col. 210.
Currin'a sell war savings and
thrift stamps.
Onion sets have arrived; 10
nnu id cents per pound, also n
complete line of bulk and pack
ago garden seed. Alex S. Scales,
grocer; Col. 210.
Flashlight batteries, always
new and powerful. Get them
at Currin's.
We can arrange to build you a
houso on your plans on your
vacant Int. nr vn run mll vmt n
new house built to suit you on
easv torniB. S. C. Cook. .102 N.
Jersey st.
Ingersoll watches, $1.35 to
1.00. Currin Says So.
Ali'V Ri'nlftH fill4 A 1 irrnpitplnu
Nothing but tho best aim al
ways fresh. Phono Col. 21(1;
510 FcsBondon street.
Prunini? trues. miiH. tmitut.
vines and Heeding lawn. Best
of references, 25 years ex
perience. 010 Burr street,
phono Col. 025. M. N. Amlzich.
Bright winter days aro good
for kodaking. Currin Saya So.
Wtuited St. Johns property for
hide; nny kind if the price is rl;lil.
b. U, cook, .102 N. Jersey HI.
Rabbits for Salo-FlemiHh
Giants only. Special bargain for
the lot, including house.- C. R.
Chadwick it Son, 219 N.Swenson.
If my work pleases you; please
tell your friends. If not, tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
Get your favorite patriotic
music at Currin's.
Harry lmboden, proprietor of
the St. Johns Cash Market.
gavo an interesting demonstra
tion beforo tho Domestic
Science Class of James John
High yesterday on tho value
of and how to select tho various
cuts of meat. Harry Ih an
artist in meat cutting and tho
tho demonstration was hiuhlv
appreciated. Tho various cuts
of meats used in the demonstra
tion nro now on salo nt lite mar-
"Tho True Shepherd Heart"
is the sermon subject at tho
Methodist church Sundny morn
ing. Tho revival services aro
starting in well with Revs. Jas
per and Poor assisting. Prof.
Isaacs, a song evangelist and
sweet singer of Israel, is ex
poctod for Sunday services on
the 17th and 21th and interven
ing evenings except Saturday.
God reigns and St. Johns in
feeling His presence. Let us
worship God.- Reported.
Prof. a"d Mrs. C. A. Fry en
tertained the members of tho
Jolly 'Steen club ut their homo
on East 10th street Wednesday
evening, the St. Johns members
making tho trip by autos. Tho
evening was spent in a delight,
ful manner in which tho ever
popular game of COO played u
principal part. The first prize
was won by Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Evens and the second prize
was captured by Prof, and Mrs.
C. H. Boyd. Delicious refresh
ments were served.
H. F. Clark, the well known
furniture man, has purchased
tho stock of the St. Johns
Furniture store on Philadelphia
street, und has taken possession
of the same. It is Mr. Clark's
intention to later on merge the
new purchase with his big stock
at the corner of Charleston and
Jersey streets, but for the time
being will operate the two
stores. Manager Marlett states
that the reason for selling the
store, which was enjoying a
irood and increasing patronage.
is owing to the fact that one
of his partners is now in Uncle
Sam's Naval service, and the
probabilities are that he will
soon be called to the service.
Mr. Ulark has gained quite a
reputation as a successful furni
ture man, and is doing a large
and steadily growing business.
mmMmmmi:., , you
mKSBilL afor
Isn't it possible for you to deprive yourself of some
little unnecessary extravagance and start a bank account?
You worked for that money -it is yours; why let it go
to help some other man's family?
It is safe in our bank. Our bank takes an interest in
its pepositors and helps them.
I'ktkr Adtkn, . . President
l'RKli C. Knan . Vide l'ieltlciil
I'uank T. Dkinkiik . Vice President
John N. Km.ttiwttN, . . Cmliler
UiAiu.HM n. lU'Ssili.t., AMlKlmitCnMilcr
Stanton I,. DoniK, AmImhiU Cmhler
KmV'AIM) K. MOMHIM. AMistltllt OikIiUt
i. Atrr.itN
Titos. AurziiN
I'. C. KSAI'I1
Peninsula National Bank
Member of Federal Reserve Bank
3 per ccnl on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit
II Doesn't Matter
What you winil In the groevtv line
for liKMkfast. dinner or ten, we cn
supply you willi it. Anil what i
inuie, Mir gioivtie are always
fresh mid we giv ( ' wtlght hikI
good value for oui .noiwy. JiimI
try trading with :i (or a khotl
while, and you'll j no cliwliere.
.101 S. Jmry Si. I'hom: Col. 1 1H
A Hot Combination
Wc now handle coal as well as wood
St Johns Lumber Co.
Office Hours: 1-5 and 6 8 p. in.
Res. Phone Columbia 690 Office Hhone Columbia 97
i uuiprj
nr A Close Inspection
Of our cnrM-ts will r?vHl nothiitK
to tlii'lr detriment; u lite cotMmry
II will show a K'vat ileul to their
credit. We sell only the lwt ipMl
lly of cup -Is, of all lite lntet Mt
tertiK, at the unlit pruen.
400-402 8. JUMSKY ST.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
.Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
Wall Papor
F, M. Salterlee
(Or v
Paper Hanging 1
319 N. Smith AVe