St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 15, 1918, Image 2

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A. W. Matklc, Hilltor
Published Kvorj Frlila.T
Subscription prloo $1.00 por yoar.
" TiiK Rnvmw la enteral nt post office
In Portland, Oregon, ns wail mutter
ot the second class under the Act ol Con
gress of March 3, 1879
If the Portland Daily News
and Journal really want to do
something worth while for the
delinquent tax victim, instead
nf Rtimnllntr their time in wail
ing about the law providing for
the publication of the delin
quent tax list, why do they not
join forces anu icno muir uiu
in tin vine 11 Inw tinsscd abolish
ing the present iniquitous and
niitrniroous interest and penalty
that now attaches to delinquent
fnvnsV Tht! coat of publication
of the delinquent tax list is
urobablv only a drop in the
bucket in comparison with the
high interest and penalty.
Eastern states find that a
ntrnhrht rate of interest at six
tier cent and no penult on tie-
Ifnntioncv is sufficient. It bus
ever been a matter difficult
to comnrehund how in a stale
where the legal rate of interest
is eight per cent that the stale
itself and the counties and
municipalities can exact twelve
per cent and then perpetrate? a
further injury by adding a pen
alty of nearly as much or even
more. If thero is any other
stale in the Union that treats
its do nciuent lax payors so
shabbily wo would lileo to know
which ono it is. Why not give
the poor property owner
chanco to keep his property?
Let the Journal and the News
forgot the delinquent lax publi
cation Tor a time and light
utend for a reduction of tin
torost to six por cent, and
Three Modern t
5-ROOM j
Now Building
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
t Peninsula Secuiity,Co, J
First National Dank Building
Advertisements under this head
injr otic cent n word, Minimum
charge 25 cents.
A brief life sketch of Neal
Dow: paper read by Mrs.
Scrrurior at W. C. T. U. meet
Neal Dow was born in Port
land, Maine, March 20, 1801
lie was the son of strong,
sturdy Now England (Junker
stock, industrious, frugal and
lomporalo through several gen
orations. His early schooling
up to the ago of II) years was
at tiio roriinnti Academy, then
his parents decided to send him
lo the " Friend's Academy" in
Now I fed ford, Mass. Tli
reason for this change was not
only the desire of his parents
to assist the academy, but they
believed it would bo or advan
(ago lo him (o mingle with peo
plo outside of his own homo,
Ho was content from thu very
beginning. Ho had the gooi
fortune to come under the in
lluonco of a circle in which his
mind and manners had oppor
(unity for improvement. 'J hero
was an exceptionally fine
library in the school whore he
could gratify lo his heart's con
tent, his love for reading, lie
cause of his love for reading be
said, "1 have had in all my lift
very few If any onoly hours.
His school days undod at the
ago of II). Ho wished to llnish
his odcuatiou and attend col
logo, but his parents had a fear
that it would bo at the peril of
liia soul. A friend of his was
a medical student who gave
liini the prlvi ego of study mi
with him in his home, ami lit
kept pace with him in all his
HlwIiiNj. His earliest business
venture was surveying a largo
trad oi laud. It was no easy
tank to outer thu woods of
.Maine in those days, and they
had many interesting advon
lures. I no guide employed on
tliitf occasion was addicted to
the use of liquor, and of course
would not go on a trip of tins
kind without a generous supply,
hui mo journey was much long
or than they had anticipated
and ho had to go without am
after being in the woods sever
al mouths, acknowledged that
he was in better health than he
had been for several, years
which fact of course plonsoi
Neal Dow very much. At the
ago oi -i no traveled all over
(ho settled part of the Unltet
States and after bis return his
lather took him in as a partner:
he was a tanner. This gave him
a comiorinoio income ot Ms
own. Ho was married at the
age of 20 and became the father
of nine children, always in
structing them in the principles
ot true temperance, of which ho
was an ardent advocate. Al
tiiougu temperance was by no
menus popular in (hose days.
vi't lu wns it in it n nf wnnlili itml
" .........
inllueuco at the early ago of
years, no spent threo years in
Kurope. Ho answered the cal
of his country in 18151 and serv.
od two years, bight months
ot that time lie was in I.ibbv
prison. He is called the father
of probition because Maine was
the tirst prohibition state and
it was largely through his in
Hueuce. In the yoar of 18SI the
inllueuco ot the Washingtoniun
relorm readied Tort land. It
originated in Haltimoio in IS 10.
where a few workingmen. all
drinkers, suddenly resolved that
invf wimiti iiusuiin noiu uu in
loxicating driuKs. Tho move-
meat started a contest between
drinkers and abstainers, The
rumor soon spread throughout
the country and much good was
accomplished, Tho Good Tem
plar Society was formed in 18150
mill tint Wnmtiti'u f .linct inn
Hie following lut of leKul blank J Temperance Union in 187-1. Neal
are kept for .sale nt this office ami j i)0v and many others who
others will be ndded n the dea.aiul 1 spent their lives in establishing
orVss , , , the great principles of temper-
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim unco passed away before tlioy
Deeds, Realty uml Chattel Mori, saw tho rosults of their faithful
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgage, I labors, but for their noble ox
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Uillsfamplo wo of tho present day
of Sale, leases. wjj ujWuys be indebted.
abolishment of Hie ridiculous
penalty. That would be some
thing really worth while. I
a man cannot pay his taxes, ad
ding enormous interest and pen
nly charges, certainty does nol
make it uaslor for him lo do so
Thu old saying, "It's an il
wind that blows nobody good
is triio of tho series of blizzard
which froze the Kasl in .Ian
uary, caused a shortage of f tit
which cost many lives and tlei
uti shins, railroads and iuiliis
trios. The blizzards awakouei
tho whole country to the urgent
nocOHslty "of developing water
power as a sulwtltulu Tor coal.
Newspapers in all parts of tho
country and of all shades of
political opinion have joined in
denunciation of tho waste of
not using the energy of our
streams and in a demand that
laws ho passed which will en
courage development of water
power. Discussion hitherto has
btion a continuous del ate be
twoon Western people, win
domnndod that the deiid IiniuI of
I'incliolism bo lifted from their
power' sites, and certain doc-
iriuairoN ami uciiiokokucn, who
proclaimed that (here wen
millions in it," which a ihiwoi-
trust conjured up by theii
imaginations must not ho per
mittod to grab. The Winter's
experience has caused tho rest
of (ho people to take pwrt in
tho debate and to insist that
obstacles to power development
pu rumoved without delay, no
matter how. The Knst has paid
dually for listening to I'ineliot,
and is ready to talk business.
Portland, Orogoaian.
If you want job printing done
don't ovorlook us. Wo want lo
do all the printing for St. Johns
people. For commercial print
ing this oflico is well equipped
and wo know how to do it.
Prices are lower tlma tho same
class of work is done in Port
laud, because our expenses are
less. Any support along the
printing lino that any citixon or
buainoss man can give us will bo
highly appreciated. Please don't
Statements, envelops, letter
heads and all other kinds of
commercial printing turned out
on short notice aud in neat
and tasty stylo at this ollice.
Do not attempt to got along
with imprinted stationery,
when you may have it furnish
ed and nicely printed at the
Keviow oflico for small cost.
Cards of thanks notices are
charged for at the rate id' lifty
cents each. Persons desiring to
have such notices published
should make a note of this.
Surburh calls given prompt
attention without extra charge,
day or night. See ad. of Miller
& Tracey; St. Johns branch
oflico, Col. 888.
Wuntod- Lady to do family
washing. Call 718 IC. Richmond.
List your property with Mrs. Soule.
Glo N.Jersey.
Wanted Woman for general clean.
Ing. Apply landlady, over Ormandy's
furniture store, or can t-oiumuia uji.
Wish lo lease a small piece of urouud
near and from responsible person to
plant a small amount of shrubbery. Ad
dress 1', O. box 325, St. Johns.
1'or Rent Double room with boatd;
near the Cooperage aud ship plant. 020
S. Willamette blvd.
1'or Sale 4 room house, Imp. street,
vount! (rull trees mid lots oi ocrrlcs.
$12oo loo.oo down, lfi.oo month; also
furniture and slightly used bicycle lor
sale cheap. John Wefner, 910 N. Smith
1'or Sale l'ive room modern bunua-
low, corner lot, streets improved, close
In; price 17W 1 160 cash, bid. monthly.
-J. S. McKinney,
I still have houses mid lots on easy
terms. Mrs. feoule, Clo N. Jersey.
Sec McK.cur.ic. Ifc will build your
home with small payment down. Call
at this office.
I'or Sale by Owner Who is Oolni; Hast
House aud lot, 7 rooms, cement base
ment, furnace, nil modern conveniences.
Also two vacant lots. Oil I nt WO South
Jersey street. tf
1'or Sale Hurt. Mountain Holler Ca
naries: two males and three females.
(JIG Smith avc. north.
Wanted- St. Johns property for sale.
Any kind if the price is right. S. C.
402 N. Jcrsy street.
1'or Sale Six room cottage, 2 blocks
of Central school; price S1CW. Pay JIM)
casii, Dai. moutiiiy. j. h. aicKinucy
1'or S.ile House with three large
rooms, Improved lot mxlM, well locat
rd. fliMio -Jloo down, balance f 10 per
mouth. 1'or further Information call at
this ollu-c.
I'or Stic by Owner Two hotists, on
easy monthly terms. No agents. Call
Columbia a.
1'or Sile Cypher's luculxilor, 111;
labium IneulMtor, ItUAi'gg, fit); Cypl
llriMhl. r, f. IIM N. Willamette blv
I'or Nile Six r'XMii modern house
street Improved, good location; prlie
$1000- Sift) cash. ImI. monthly. I. S
1'or Srtle-l'mn room Iioum1, lots ol
fruit, price S'.loo. I 'ay IIih) cash, ImI
Slo monthly. ). S. Mcuinuey
I'or Srtle I'otir room Iioum.' and tot
looxloo. or will m-II one hall of lot only
Hi him and fioxliKi. the Imii.e
ami vs hide lot for $INoo. At least
ilown. Call MNt Callioun treet. 11)
I'or SmIc Slorv mid ball Iioum;. fou
riHuns linUluil ilowntulr, lot BoxIiki
siri't-t graded ami sidewalks. Price $I2A
imi iinwii, He K. v.. couch.
1'or NU NttlHi; Ituuc. Willie I .en
Iioiii. .M lK-r wlting. Call Hill Nortl
JeiM V died. 'M
I'or SmIi-or Tradi bit II ami 12 in
block lit. Collcm- Addition lo St. John
oo iloMti, ImI. f lo month, or will trade
lor faun ptitpvrly. Call this iiflirc. tf
I'or ,H.iIk- Nice little home lmntil at
7IKI Allegheny stut-l, lot Tmix'Jini, C iimmii
Iioum. imiuovtil hihI liuit; owner. Mis,
l. IMtiiguiu. St. John. tt
Am building a nU'f A mmihi Imiiguhiw In
M. John. Will be ilnUhel mImuiI
Mhk Ii lmh. Mill Mfll for eliir terms,
for Mitk.'ulHi i'hII CoIuhiIhu IttHi eve
Ming. IU
I'or S.ilv l'nt mwhi Ihwm-, lilitkiviHil
4Md in K'l eotnlllK'H. hvII built, lot
KHMitl. .mi .Smith a-ii. I'rUe f'iM
i rm. i hii hi tin oitwe.
I'or Sale- ft'MHMii HiHleru wdtage. nlwi
mac imi Meant lol, iioiii f lUHl lip, uu woy
tcim. 1'or IiiMIht luforuMiion cull at
i It. I.vavltl strif l. It)
I'or Srtle lUtliig otiitoM and eed
t4uiiH; i now uu. naiPHviiiu and din
ing iloiir. tig) It. John strict; phono Co
iiimoin in, m
1'or Sib- ft room hoiue. well Miuit
ivd, goo.1 ItH'HtMoi on North Willauietie
iMtiiu-vaid. iMMtuieiil, nice yard, lot pox
loo. nice f iiim. AlHly hi tins ouiee
I'or tMle- I'iKir iimiih HUMlern bungalow
iHU-c JIC50O. I(y ti'nus. HuiPire
linoMHwiit Co., lei llojrd of Trade
imilding. mi
tosnl Second ImihI Sowing umbiues for
lent. 11. lr. u
AMIxaiO fvet in St. Jottiw All in cultiv.i
tKMi. iileuty of fruit tun- mul berrie
gHxl oeii ir? fi'two, g.HH live riMiiu
collage. Iwrn uml ciiickvu lioiut
t'lu-e. imw. Umime linetiiieut Co,
-tut lUird of TrmW Iddg. mi
for Sate--Mi it'tly modern lHingnUw,
HKiviiio, lut- room, lull sue ikuemeul,
Cull owner. A. J. Holer. 4.11 It. Rich-
IIIOIIll. mil
Hlivtne Vacuum
'. Clark.
The Luxo Billiard Parlor
no Philadelphia Street
Soft Drinks, Candles, Cigars
and Tobaccos
Drot) in and sec leff and have a
Rlass of that Happy, Hoppy drink,
LUXO. Jlil'fr I'lTL'tlf UKU,
illg di
Clouuer for tent. II.
for Sale lltmse and four lots on North
Syruou street. Cull ut tbi ollice. tt
for trade four fine lot and modern
bungalow , well kvutetl, for farm. In
itiue at tliwollU'i'. tf.
f or S.ile- Venus, six-room house, well
located, WnllXi lot; Kith, toilet, hot
water, gan, eloetrie lighu, nice fruit.
SveS. W. Rogers. AW N.Jerey. tf
for Sale Mo.leru fi room buug.ilow.two
large lots, bearing Inut trees, walk-
ditauve to wrleu nulls, I'rice
term to Miit. Itmpirc Invest
ment Co. , -101 Hoard of 1 nolo.
A Cood lluv l.oti. 1.2. il aud 4, in lilovk
t, 1'oiut View addition, more drtiuitely
desciibtsl as living on the corner of
Uutlaud Wmletard and Kieliiiioiul St
the ground being 100x100 feel. If
taken at once 700 takes, it. for name
and uddiCKiof owner, call at this ollice
for S-de Six ukmu moderii houc, lot is
fvoxlim, Mime fruit. A good home nt u
reaMiuable price. Ternu will bo given.
call M .North Mtittn avenue. Vill
for Sate IIikhI ctiruer lot. Hast St.
Johns, $276 cash. Columbia 712. llitf
for S.le or Trade 15 acre in famous
Hood Kiver Valley.
Attout 15 ucrv in eomtiu'icial orchard.
AUmt 16 acres in hay laud.
About Id acres uncleared laud.
About 100 )iiids from high school.
Alniut I S mile from church, potollicc,
two stores, meat market, etc.. f nillo
iuan deiKit; two gtxi.1 springs on the
place, an exceptional locution for a
small dairy and hogs aud fruit raiting,
making uu ideal country home for a
man with family. Will m-I) on easy
terms or trade for St. Johns property,
for further detail aud iuformution,
iutjutrt' at thu oliice.
NOTIClt Ouc complete ctiru cruni
uiachiue will be Mskt to pav s tor ace
cliargos Huiuuutiug to JUkj. 1'or fur
ther ivutlculais cull
Guotl Hulk
Rcr. 25c rade.
Rcr. 35c rade,
M. J. B. 1 lb. can
M. J. H. 3 lb. can
M. J. H. 5 lb. can
Golden West 1 lb.
"3 lb.
" 5 lb.
51bs. 90c
30c a lb.
... $1 00
.... 1.60
can 37c
can $1 05
can. 1G5
Campbell and Vnu Camp
Soups 11c
I X I, Soups 10c
Grocery Grabateria
201 N. Jersey SI,
ut KTT l'hildclphia,j
First Trust & Savings
1302 Hu8t FcsHoiidon Street
Phono Columbia 10ti
Officers and Directors
V. A. MICE, I'rcil.lenl and Giililcr
II. HENDERSON. Vice I're.ident
CEO. I. imOOKS. Secretary
T. S.
Four per cent interest
paid on time und.suv
ings deposits.
Rentals and Real
Ilstatc Loans
No. 186 I. O. O. T
si. ioiins. oxrnoN
UmIi ch Mnndny evening la Odd Fat
Ion hall nt H:oo. A rnrdlul welcome In
all vlnltlng brother.
II. I, W'liNrr. Ntlr climid
C. Cliurvhlll. VlirOramt
H. I. V.oimanv. Kv W
H Ilinl4vk. fill. Ik.
II I' CUlk.TiMt.
KNir.nis or i'viiiias
Met ti every f rldav night nt
7 to o'clock in lllCK.M'.lt
II ill. Visitor always el
W. K. ItVHNS. C. C.
A. r. uml A. M.
McttU the first aud third
WetluextayofeAch mouth
in lllckuer'i Hall. VUI
tor welcome
IMIefneu V. M.
A. V. DavU, Secretary.
St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attend
mice of our members nt our reu
ulurmeetiiiKS. every Thursdny
M'enuiKt u, W, Mulim, (Jonsuj.
Knights and Ladies of Security
St. Johns Council 2775
Meels every Monday evening at
Hickner Hall, over St. Johns Hard
ware Store. Visitors anil members
cordially invited to attend,
H. I,. Campbell, Pres.
F. H. MorciuK, Secretary.
40J N Jry Street
AUlr.icU of Title l'rejvirel
Titk-i Hxiiniincd
flioue Colutuhia 255
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
I tio uiaa vumii ut li fr Thtro Is
i.n I way . . ur ilratiUK, unJ Hut I
t.) ii r iuau 1(ii.m !
.Hui. J l'i uit Milium, J i'uuUIIIoii if lliv iu-
t.u liiiiix ill. I ujlucliUil I'ubv Wlifil
IHit mi'. i lnn,im..l you navr a ruiimuni
m'uu.I or uui. r(. i liiMrlnr. J hun It l
mlK'.t .. .1 l. ain. U lli rnull. ana
mil.ti tli.' lurtuiiniiitluil i'4H b takn out
in.s iuw i.i.r.'u u
U..B h. . i nig ill I'.' dlro)J furrvr; nlnv
.. out of rn .ir cuj by .-uiarin.
Hhlcli U n.uhlnc I'ut an Inrt4inr4 vonJUUn
.C ill iiiucuus aurraotf.
V win kIw On. lltin.lrnl IVilUri rur ny
tunnol U vutrA ! IUII Ctriri Out.
r ,.u fur iinuiAi,. irrv.
r J I IIKNKV A CO., TOIM9. uni
SrflJ tor l)rulii.. tic
Tk fUU' l-'imii) nil (or conillpatioa.
St. Johns Undertaking Go.
208 N. Jersey Street
fhones: Columbia 527
Columbia 2S9
Automobile Hearse.
Gtt Our Pr'tes Before Going to Portland
Team Work
Of All Kinds Wanted
'lowitiK, Harrowing. Moving1 or
hauling if any nature.
515 K. l'olk Street.
NU th lUl k yur pxpw.
Ladies Home Journal
Kobo Corsets
Look over our display 'of
Union Made
Hand-macle Packs, Loggers, Cruisers
and High Grade Goodyear Welts
We can recommend them to the most exacting trade
as first class in every respect, made in different
heighths and weights to suit different kinds of wear.
Priced, $5.50 to $14.00.
See our Shipbuilder Special at $8.00.
Rubber Boots Raynster Overcoats Mackinaws
Rubber Shoes Mackinaw Shirts
"Sawyer" Brand Slickers
Merchandise of Merit
Columbia 137
"Tower" Brand Slickers
Mi il.)i. i,7,(..w
Urn lU wA tflUU Ciib.V
Send Him n pouch
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
Renl Grnvcly Clicwlnff Plug thcro' tho
coldicr'a toLmcco, tlmt ho enn uio nnywherc,
nnytimc. Jutt n enmll chow of Rcnl Grnvcly
is cnouffh all good tobacco, rich, sappy Icnf
mndo tho Gravely way, not loaded up with
henvy owecteninjr litco ordinary plug.
Giv nny innn a chew of Renl Grnvcly Plujr, and ha
v. til trll you lliat'i tlio Itlml to inml. Srnd tlio belli
Or Jirtnry plue It (nti economy. It co.ts If per week
lo chow Heal Grovoly, become a mnll chow of it IaiIi
Iniiu wliil.
If ytHi inuikjnilpo, illec Grnvely with your lnlfo anil
odd n Ijlllu lo your tn-.ol lug tobaecs. It will glva flavor
Improvo yuur irut!:o.
siii voua viiur) in mr. u.t'.sznvicE
iiP!!'.!!1 TT1 Vf." ""'J n I0.poiicl.. A
will lit II Irl j M l .nJi U nr Tllnln cr Sim.i of Ih.
i. I''n "V"" "" ."Ic.fUmii will I.Le It lo him. Your
lUtl.r will .upl t.tvj;j, OBJ l you olllcUl 0lillou bow la
cdtlr.M II.
I. II. GUAVEI.V TOnACCO CO., Danville. V.
Ihc Patent four kteei it TiriA aJ ...I
-It li ml 'raf Ciuiffy ttithftt tkh I'nttttlon Sal
ntlnlillaheil 1H3X
WIC sell and cxclifliie nil
nuiki of TalkiiiK Ma.
chines. W'o are uuiits hero
for the wondt-rful tiw Strmll
vurii, the liiiicliine that pluvs
nil innkes of disc records.
Come in and see mid hour this
iiiiichiue. Von will he le
lighted ami Mirprinsl with the
tone ami finish of this ma
chine. We have n large stock of
disc and cylinder records.
. EXC.
All makes
Are You looking up
The best butcher shop? If
so just let us in on the prize
competition. We compete
on the score of our fine
meals, poultry and provis
ions we compete on qual
ity, fair prices and sanitary
precautions taken. We
think we win the race.
Drop in aud look us over,
then tell us what you think.
Followinc is nn extract from
A. W. LutFerty's declaration of
candidacy for Conui-ess, tiled
with Secretary Olcott:
If I am nominnted and olocted
I will durinj? my term of ollice
support the following platform:
Open O. & C. Land Grant,
with the trees crowing thereon,
for homes. Reduce Oregon's,
taxes one half by transferring,
tho Forest Reserves in trust to;
the State for Forestry purpose?.
Reduce living cost by making
Uncle Sam tho banker and by
thus saving the billions of dol
lars in unearned interest now
going to the money power on
rural credits and upon the loan
of the same dollar over and over
again, both to individuals and
to the Government. Support
union labor through thick and
thin, just as I did when in Con
gress uetore, wnetner union
labor shall support me or not.
Support and protect our brave
boys in olive drab without
Please print the following
words on the official ballot after
my nnme: "Vote for justice, a
home, vacations, art, music,
literature, ttavel. Republican
Pork Back Bones, three pounds for 25c
Breasts of Veal for Filling 18c
Leg Veal Roasts 25c
Shoulder Veal Roasts. 23c
Phone Columbia 2i WE DELIVER too N Jersey Street
N. A. Gee, professor of odd
jobs, is now ready to takeyour
order for anything in house
moving or repairing, roof re
pairing a specialty; cement
work of all kinds and general
contracting. S01 N. Ivnnhoe;
phone Col. 803.
If you have anything to sell,
try our Penny-A-Word Column.
To ascertain the exact cost count
each word, initiul or abbreviation.
( Beautiful gray or
black adult casket,
hearse, box, 2 autos
embalming and refin
ed service for
75 w
I'utieral if deslml for f20, 30, f40, ?60. Higher priced funerals In pro
portion, We manufacture caskets. I.ady assUtatit.
lUautiful funeral chapel,
Main 2691 Independent Funeral Directors A 7C8S
Washington at Ella Street, Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
614 Ceutral Ave. N.
Phone Columbia SSS