HlitorJos! Sool.t, ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 14 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1918. NUMBER 18 Falls Most Beautiful To all OrcRonians, especially to school children, as well as to strangers, John Burrough's description below of Multnomah Falls on our wonderful Columbia Highway, appearing in the Grade Teachers' Bulletin, will give pleasure: The ride in the train along the south bank of the Columbia toward Po tland, past The Dalles, past the Cascades, past Oneonta Gorge and the Mult nomah and Lattourelle Falls, is a feast of the beautiful and the sublime the most delicate tints and colors of moss and wild flowers setting oft the most rug gcd alpine scenery. In places tho railroad embankment is decked with brilliant patches of red and purplo flowers, as if garlanded for a festival. Pre. sently the moss covered rocks aro white aproned with the clear mountain brooks that cascade down their sides from the dark, mantling pines and cedars above. They aro the prelude of what we aro pre sently to see tho gem of all this region, and perhaps the most thrillingly beautiful bit of natural scenery wo beheld on tho whole trip Tho Multnomah Falls. Tho train gave us only five minutes to look at it, but those tivo minutes were of the most csquisite delight. There, closo at hand, but withdrawn into u deep recess in tho face of tho mountain wall, like a atat uto in an alcove, stood this vision of beauty, and sublim ity. How the siren mocked us, and mado tho few minutes in which we wero allowed to view her so tantalizingly brief! Not water, but the spirit of water, of a snow born inotin tain torrent, playing and dally ing thorc with wind and grav. ity, on tho face of a vertical, mo33 covered, rocky wall six hundred feet high. So ethereal yet so massivo; a combination of a certain coyness and unnp proachableness with such ele mental grandeur nnd power. It loft nothing to bo desired but a day in which to picnic upon tho flower covered carpet of moss at its feet. Tho briof view warmed mo up like a great sym phony. It was indeed to the eye what tho sweetest and most sitrring muBic is to tho car harmony, delicacy, and power. Such an air of renoso and com pleteness about it all; yes, and of tho private and secluded. Tho nymph was withdrawn into her bow jr but had left tho door open. This elomcnt of mystery and shyness was afford ed by the well-hidden rocky bas in into which tho water fell, and by the curtain of rock which shut off from our view. Out of this basin tho current emerged near at hand nnd more familiar in a fall of fifty feet or more, whence it took its way to the river in a clear rapid stream. It was as if tho god dess had reclothed herself in this hidden rock screened'pool and come forth again in more palpable everyday guise, I hard ly expected to see anything in Alaska or anywhere else that would blur or lessen the im pression mado by those falls, and I did not, and probably never shall. Everything But Money I lovo my country dearly, for her I'll dje and bleed; I'd lose a leg, or nearly, to help her in her need. 1 love our starry banner, that flutters, bright and gay, and in a fervent manner I praise it every day. No man does louder spieling, or uses words more finei I'm so work ed up with feeling, I often shed some brine. Fine words! You do not heed 'em, but ask me if I'll buy some U. S. bonds of freedom I'd rather bleed and die. My life I do not cherish, I'm ready now to go to some red field and perish, if that will beat the foe. But when your ask for money, that is an other tale; ask me for life blood, sonny, but do not ask for kale. I'd bravely face the foeman and swat him till he fell, or stop with my abdomen the deadly bomb or shell; I'd crouch in red dened water a fortnight at a time, or wade neck deep in slaughter, in carnage and in crime. My country cannot mention a heavy sacrifice, but I will give attention and gladly pay the price. I'd lose a leg or tendon, a tonsil or a toe, to put a Grecian bend on the forehead of the foe; 1 am no timid bun ny, I'd whip a grizzly bear; but . when you ask for money, why I have none to spare! Walt Mason. Send in your news items. A Waste of Money Of thirty million dollars col lected from the taxpayers of Los Angeles county in 1916, over twenty three millions went for salaries and other official expenses and SG.GGG. 1433.13 went for permanent im provements. Cannot the tax payers see what is eating them up? If the twenty-three mil lions had gone for permanent public improvements there would be no great cause for complaint, ns there would be something to show for the money. Money honestly cY penueu lor puuiic work never seriously hurts a community. lho improvements increase property values and give em ployment to labor which in turn builds homes nnd supports fam ilies, school and churches. But too much monov sncnt on offi cialism only builds up a more aggressive class in the shape of an over powering political machine that has an incrcas ing appetite that grows by what it feeds upon without limit. Los Angeles county has thirty- eight- separate municipalities, and 187 school districts, nil with powers of assessment and taxa tion and with official boards of tax expenders, nnd the results aro somewhat chaotic and costly. The conditions that prevail aro about tho same as in all counties in western states with three big machines nnd a hundred or more small ones nil having power to levy and collect and disburse taxes nnd create indebtedness. Taxes are out of all proportion to ser vices rendered and the people getting about ten cents on the dollar of actual improvements of a permanent character. "Cut out tlio waste" is tho watch word in America today and hero is a good place for each com munity to begin. Industrial 1N0.WB. Many Ships Planned About 2.000.000 tons, (load weight of shipping is planned for conHtruction by the Ameri can government in urcgon and Washington this year. It was possiblo to have attained this splendid total in steel and wood ships had the Government placed contracts expeditiously, nnd given nil possiblo oncour ngement to tho builders of tho two North 1'ncllic Mates. These plans wero for about 1,000,000 tons in each Mate, urcgon taking about GOO, 000 tons in wood nnd 400.000 in steel, nnd Washington 000,000 tons in steel and 400.000 in wood. lo officer tho steel ehips plan ned for tho two States this year would j-cuuiro more than COO deck ofiicers and a like number of engine room ofiicers. For tho wood ships moro than 1,000 deck ofiicers will bo required, and approximately a like num ber of engine room officers, or a grand total of deck and engine room in both states this year of well above 3,000 ofiicers. Steel ships will be commis sioned at the rata of 12 to 15 per month in the near future, while the pace at which wood ships will go into tho service will be greater as soon as the vessels now commencing to be launched are well started on tho finishing stages. Kecog nizing the imminent need for ofiicers, the Government has established nautical schools, with free tuition in leading Northwestern cities, one being stationed at Portland. A six- weeks course is given in these schools to men having a min imum of 18 months actual sea experience, and those passing the prescribed examination after the course are licensed to become officers on the new Government ships. Attendance at the nautical schools is not as heavy as was expected. Every possible efforts is now being made to nave in creased interest taken. All men with sea experience, or ex- Eerience on larger fishing oats, on the Great Lakes or larger bays and sounds, are be- ing urged by the uovernment officials to take the course and after qualifying, serve their country by going to sea again. Prof. Arthur Williams, Electric Building, Portland, has charge of Oregon and applications should be made to him by those interested. If ships are not built, Amer ica will in proportion be unable to participate in the European war. If the ships are not officered and manned after be ing built, America is yet help less in her efforts. In view of the fact that heavy construc tion work has been placed in the Northwestern States, the Government feels that the same Getting Mighty Busy Things are getting mighty busy Around St. Johns these days; Look at the shipyards they have now In which we find eight ways. From ship yard to municipal dock Wo seo there's room for moro; We find deep water all along Not fnr away from shore. M 1 ft Today there's gossip going 'round Of others coming here; No telling what else there may be At the close of this yaar. We always hear some talk be fore Wo realize things are real; There has been rumor of n plant To make ships out of steel. A ship all ready for the seu, This new plant may prepare To make engines and boilers, too, Without sending elsewhere. O, may that locate in St Johns Foundations now bo laid; Wo hope the day will not be far 'Till tho first keel is laid. The ships that arc made in Oregon, Where the Willamette flows, Long may they rido tho salty sen, No motter where they go. May their first voyage bo a success And may they never fail To make each port with cargo safe In spito of storm or gale. Work now is rushing or. those ships, They're wnrkmir night and day. Their contracts they want to fulfill They hnvo with U. S. A. Moro ways onto tho shipyard hero 'Tis.said that they will build, For if they have a larger plant Moro contracts can bo filled. When morning comes tho gravo yard" shift Is glad their work is through. Then on this work tho sun beams shino When the sun comes in view. And when the day crew leave tho plant And go homo for their rost. Tho sun reflects on work thcy'vo done As it sets in tho west. -O. O. Smith. Will Convene in 'Frisco Seventh day Advenlists throughout tho Western Oregon Conference are looking forwnrd with more thun ordinary in terest to the quadrennial sossion of tho General or World Con ference of Seventh-day Adven tisls, tho governing body of de nomination, which will be held , San rrancisco Mnrch 2U to April 14. Everyone of the thousands of churches of tho de nomination in North America will bo repesented, as well as churches in many foreign countries. This will bo the first convention of the General Con ference since the spring of 1913. and in tho point of attendanco it will be the largest, the Civic Auditorium, with a seat ing capacity of 10,000 has been secured for the entire season. Pastor II. W. Co.trell. pre sident of the Western Oregon Conference, who is well known in the churches in Portland, Astoria, Salem, St. Johns, Sil verton. Hood River, and many other cities, will Lo chairman of tho large delegation which will represent the churches in Western Oregon. States should do the maximum in officering and operating the vessels. All seamen with experience who do not care to take the officer's course are appealed to for the manning of the vessels under construction. C. D. Kennedy, in charge of the operating department of the U. S. Shipping Board at Portland, has charge of the work of hir ing seamen for the ships sent to sea from this State. Nauti cal School Advisory Committee. by w. I), u, uodson, secretary. For hemstitching, accordion and American knife pleating, button covering, button holing, scalloping, chain stitch embroid ery.pinking.couching and braid ing, see Mrs. W. L. Montgom ery. 4lb N, Keiiogg street, uacK of St. Johns postofiice. Alarm clocks, from $1.25', to $4.76. Currin Says So. A Patriotic Spirit Down in the Grant Smith Porter shipyards in St. Johns a small weekly paper is publish ed for free circulation among the employes. There is a box into which the workers may drop articles of their own for Here is n contri appeared in the Eublication. ution that lntest issue: Come on, fellows! Let's earn that 10 per cent ncrcase we got a while back. Let's do a little extra and get in another spike or another hole or an extra plank on the "Kaiser's Coffin." Let's come hero every day and every night with tho ambition to lvuke General Pershing's "Bridge of Ships" n certainty Don't bo a "slack er" just because thu foreman isn't in sight. Imagine you are a foreman yourself, or a superintendent. Aye! Even Imagine you arc one of the sol diers "over there" in the trenencs, anxiously awaiting the arrival of n "ship from the States." Drafted men: As Uncle Snm hns generously off ered us our choice between the army and the ahipynrd, let's show him our appreciation by putting In n fow extra licks. One In Tho Draft. This is real American citizen ship. Tho writer of that article is a patriot. Ho grasps the meaning of ships. Ho knows that every ship rivet driven home is one more blow In support of the hoys over yonder, that every bolt put in place is his country strengthen ed for tho conflict, that every snike hammered homo in the planking is another nail in the colfin of the junkers. It is an eloquent utterance. It speaks in the voice of liberty and in the spirit of consecra tion. It is a trumpet call to workers every whero to throw their full strength into the con flict, to drive more spikes, to put in moro rivets, to place moro bolts and then more bolts. It is an appeal for team work, team work between the ship workers at homo and tho men in tho trenches, the one for tho other and onch for all. Every new ship shortens tho war. Every time there is a launch ing, the day of peace is hasten ed and tho world helped one step out of its shnmbles. There aro captains and sergeants and heroic privates in the shipyards as woll as at the front. Port land Journal. An Interesting Program A very interesting program will be given on the afternoon and evening of Saturday, March 10, in the James John auditorium, by the girls of that school. The ontiro proceeds from tho performance will bo given to tho Y, M. C. A. to complete tho payment cf the $75 pledge made last fall. The pro gram consisting of both humor ous and patriotic numbors will bo well worth tho small ndmis sion foes of ten and fifteen cents, Chiof among tho attrac tions will be tho dramatization of scenes from "Alice in Won derland." with tho following cast: Alice. Helen Story; the Rod Quoen, Opal Weimer; the White Queen. Maxino Likens; White Rabbit. Clara Reis; March Hare, Earlone Wulton; tho Hatter, Helen Edmondson; tho Dormouse, Ermn Griswald; the Frog, Alyerda MocNiven: the Cat, Leona Boomslider: the Duchess, Lenoro Hilton; Dun, Jennie MacNiven; Dee, Min erva Holbrook; the Queen of Hearts. Theresa Reich: the King of Hearts, Hazel Lin quist; and tho Knave, Charlotte Kirkwood. Daily rehearsals have been held for several weeks with Miss Carolyn Everts, of the faculty, as coach. Two very ususual patriotic numbers will be given in the form of tableaus. In the first, Gladys Heeney. Marie Boschero and Nana Seely, costumed to represent America, France and England, will sing the national anthems of their respective countries; in the other the var ious phases of patriotic service will be portrayed in a very uni que way by Esther Piele, Lolita York, Ruth Edmondson, Helen Edmondson, Bernice Shaw, Bertha Cook, Louise Jennings. Nana Seeley, Ella Reis, Donald MacGregor and Virginia Duns more. Margaret Nelson, in her usual delightful manner, will give readings and Miss Theo dora Bushneil of the faculty will offer vocal selections. Special music will bo contribut ed by the orchestra now compos ed of Hazel Linquist, Elsie Jones, Melford Wesleider, Ruth Layton, Harriet Padden, OBcar High School Notes By Edward Rood. Tho Sociology Class, (Scio Club,) has taken up the past week in debating on Woman in Industry." To gain material for debafe, committees wero sent to tho oflicc of Mrs. M. R. Trumbull, Child Labor Commis sioner, and to numerous insti tutions where women arc em ployed. The class is to give an entertainment in Linnton next Fridny for tho purpose of rais ing money to send a committee to the state capital to study tho different state institutions. Tho Latin Club held its monthly meeting last Saturday evening, at which n short program was given. The former Latin V class was to have given an original play of three acts in Latin, written by tho members of the class, each member to take a part. But owing-to the lack of costumes the play could not bo given. It hns been de cided by vote of the cast to give the piny for the public at tho next open date, probably March 28. At this time tho comic opera based on Shakespearo'B "Julius Cacsor" formerly presented to the Latin club, will also bo rendered. The Spanish Club is hereafter to bo conducted entirely in Spanish, oven to tho minutes of the meetings. Tho only time that English may bo spoken will be when a dispension is granted by the vote of tho members present. A Spanish paper, con taining a record of the progress of the club, personal remarks, stories written by members, etc., is being edited weekly by the society. Meetings are held on l-rlday afternoon or each week except on tho third lridny of the school month, when the meeting will be held in tho evening and a literary program given for the members. A special meeting was called Wednesday, March 0. after school to reconsider the adop tion of the pin submitted on tho previous day by thu pin com mittee. Tho result of tho meet ing was that, in order that the opinion students might bo bet ter represented, a new commit tee was elected consisting of one member from each class, elected by that class to tako the place of the original committee appointed by tho president of tho class. Tho committee was instructed to submit two do- signs to the voto of the student body. It was authorized also to elect its chairman and a faculty advisor. Tho pin elected is to bo standardized for four years and may be worn by those who hecomo seniors in James John. Anderson, Morrit Whitmore, Glodys Coon, Louiso Lott, Ray mond Kettner, Georgo Larson, J. H. Strong and R. T. Taylor. Mr. Carruth will act as direc tor. For tho evening perfor mance a march and popular songs will bo contributed by the campfiro girls of Central, school with Mrs. Hagenbush as leader. Following aro tho girls who will participate: Zeldu Mulkey, Carlie Gilstrap, Lena Crump, Helen Helen Helen Mazie Hill, Ermn Haskell, Wickman. Ruth Weis. MacGregor, Myrta Earl, Witters. Grace Catto, Clurk. Dorothy Currin, Irene Margaret Holbrook. Charlotte Reed. Lcola Sproul. II ilia Wickmen. Ruby Brouse, Esther Benson, Inez McCarthy, Martha Maples, Pearl Phillips, Beatrice Peterson, Opal Olsen, Ruby Walker. Bertha Young, Laura Lott, Bonnio Wagner and Vera Butler. Every detail of the program will be well rendered and worthy of the community's support. The afternoon perfor mance will bo especially inter esting to children. No war tax will bo charged. Come out and enjoy yourself. If an adult or high school student, 15 cents will admit you, otherwise 10 cents will he required for either performance. Residents of St. Johns having taxes and city liens to pay in Portland can make their pay ments without inconvenience by availing themselves of our ser vices. We will pay same and secure your receipt without in convenience to you. Fee, 25 cents. References: Any St. Johns Bank. Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realty Co., by H. Henderson, Manager; 402 North Jersey street. St. Johns Fair Store, E. W. Foy, prop.; household utility supplies and general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Electric store. Pur your tubicrlpUoB. St. Johns' Honor Roll Following is a liBt of thoso from St. Johns who havo enlist ed in Uncle Sam's sorvico and who arc now at tho different training camps: Taylor M. Whitmore, Athill W. Irvine, Dean H. Knowles. Earl II. Knowles. Thcodoro BuKbee. H. Bryon PofT. Armnnd Olin, Claude E. Harris, Russell PofT, R. P. Galloway, Chas. E. Garlick, Murnc Donaldson, Glenn Haskell, Ray Clurk, Bcnnj&h T. Swan, Hubert Martin, Leon Sorber, Donald Strickland, Lowell Anderson, John Ln Villett, Frank L. Thompson. Oron Lear, Hal J. Davis, Donald N. Trowbridge, Bert Larson, Alan Rutherford, Homer Plnskett. Henry Brand- enberg, J. W. Welsh, David Bowo. Clyde Heath, Walter Mayer, Fred Scmnlling, John Boggs, Ernest Johnson, Hiram Entinger. Kenneth Simmons. Thornton Toole, Eugene Hintt, Dowe Walker, August Jensen, Ray Mycr, Waiter Pearson, Elmer Maples, Roy Gagnon, Lester D. and Basil B. Smith, Bryant K kenney. Paul Rude. Emory Gillmore. Lewis Wirth, Harold Meredith, Ray Haw kins. Hugh Ward. Kindle C. Snttcrlcc, Gordon and Wilbur Bellinger, Zeltn Rice, John O'Niell, Harry Truman, rrank Green, Walter Rickson, Frank Whitney, Thomas Reynolds Carlylo Cunningham, Percy Smith. Frank Whitney, Arthur C. Clark. Alphonso Fox, Harry O. Hughes, Geo. Downey. Thos. E. Edwards, G. and Ingolf Wlllikson, F. Edward Isbell, Graham Moxon, G. Lin coln Fnssctt, Hurley Mantling, Grover Carroll, Clydo Miller, Adolph Ascher, John Busey. Win. Moe, Albert Hyde, Reed Chamberlain, Buy Vandcrbcck, Richard Barley, Cecil Magone, Frank Bugbee. Ivan Faber, Bert Sundstrom, Gall Perrine. Nor man Nelson, Grover Barron, Harry J. Simmons, TIioh. Rob erts, Max J. Witters, A. Tall man, G. W. Stevens, Christ Lind, William E. Galloway. Geo. Worthington, Jack L. Douglas. Joy Milton Cnrnahnn, Elmor Flynn. J. Elmer Thomas. Eugcno Small, Howard and Ba sil Holcomb.Carl Smith.Spfaguo B. Marsh. William Ward. Bert Sundstrum, Glen Weiscr, Louis St. Johns, John F. Brownie'. Shows Rapid Growth St. Johns Council, No. B775, Iftitfrlitn imil I nil Inn of Somiritv. aro sure going nfter tho state banner by tho way all tho mem bers aro working. Last Mon- Anv ulirlif wn intrntlueoil 2(1 can didates to his gontship. It shows what can be none u people get behind a good thing. In the last three weeks the Lodge has increased from 48 members to 120. Only a short time ago wo moved from n larger hall to a smaller one. From tho way things aro moving now, if it keeps up thero wont be a hall largo enough in St. Johns to seat us. There iB some talk of building a largo Fraternal hall in St. Johns, and if our Lodge keeps on tho way wo havo boon doing Intely it will bo up to us to start the ball rolling. Next Monday night, Marcli 18, tho contest between tho RedH and Blues will end, with both sides oven at present. Then look out for tho big sproad, as the losing side hns to feed the winner. We will hold our regular JnuinoBS meeting Monday night next. On March 21th we will hold our big social. So if you aro looking for a good time, be sure and be there, Reported. Y. M. C. A. Opening On Wednesday evening.March 20th. tho Y. W. C. A. rooms in the local City Hall will be open to the public. Every body is cordially invited and welcome. A short program will bo given and definite announcement will be made for tho Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. All members of tho M. W. A. aro urged to bo present at tho next regular meeting night, 'Tliiirailnv Mnrnli 'A. There will be refreshments and chick en feed. Also there will be a unni nnenker on hand if nrocur able. Friday. March 22, at the Portsmouth Theatre four reels of demonstration of the wdrking of Tuberculosis Sanitarium and a head camp in session in 1917. Address by 1. G. Tate. All the greatest artists make records for the Victor. Currin SayB So. OPPORTUNITY for a COMPLHTH ARTISTIC HDUCATION In a real (Bonseruatorij ofyCtisic and SDramniie rt Piano, Voice, Violiu, Cclln, Harp, Dancing, Voice and Dramatic Art with Acting taught on real stage. lalafr QlimocrCmUurc 234 Tenth St. Send for Cntntoeue MM It. I.UCIH VAI.AIR, Director Mnln 7333. Mrs. Frank A. Rice TltACIIHIl 01' Violin, Mandolin nnd Piano Pupil of Notre Dame Studio: 509 W. John Street Telephone Columbia 31) GEORGIA RICH J.'.aJ r -. i Tcnchcr of Piano Technic and hand development. Pupils developed from beginning to public appearance. Studios .1078 Columbia bld. 812 North Kellogg street. Phones Main 3319; Col. 50 r. Mrs. Gabriel Pullin Vocal Tcnchcr London Training Available for Concerts and Recitnlri 965 Lombard Street, corner Wall l'hone Columbia 1812 Elmer S n e c d Violin Instruction STUDIO, SIS N. Syracuse St. l'lionc Columhln .102 Myrtle W. Campbell Teacher of Singing Residence Studio: GOO Mast Fourteenth Street North l'lionc Hast .ir.lfi W.J. Ollstrap, M.l). IUCHoly, M.D. Drs. Gilstrap & Seely Physicians ami Surgeons Glasses Accurately' Fitted OIMUCU IIOl'US 0.00 to 12 M. Ol'I'ICIt 1 :UO to 4,:i0 V. M. 1'ltkt Natioml 7;OOtoH.OO I'. M, lUnk lluildlK Sunday, 0.00 to 10 HO A M. Dr. Evart P. Borden DENTIST Everything Modern in Dentistry Office Peninsula Il.ink bulg. Office phone Col. iMfi; re, phone Cal. -IT7 iKnir y u 11. 111 , i.iuomiii ( p, m, JOSEPH AlcClll:SNl:Y, M.l). Office Room 5 Peninsula Hank Building Hours 9'io u. m.; i-s p. in. ami evening Office phone Col. 25.JJ Uw. 910 DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Oflicc lliMtmt) -12 tu 10-7 Sunday 'J-II Peninsula Hank HMk. Ollict; l'hone CoIuiiiIiih 140 Kvtlilent Phone Columltit 27-1 Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey DENTIST The profession practiced in it various branche SATISFACTION (il'ARANTl' D Office hours: 8.30 to 12 M.; l.MJ to I ami 7 to H p. 111. 1'lrst National Hai.k ItutUlitig l'hone Columbia 'JW. Caldwell & Patterson LEADING HAHBEUS The lace where good service ami courteous treatment prevail. Children', hair cutting receive special attention. 109 BURLINGTON STREET Davis Barber Shop and DATIl ROOMS S. V. DAVIS, Proprietor 108 Philadelphia St. llaths 25c EDMONDSON & CO. Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware l'hone Col. 92 107 S. Jersey St. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER Fir.t National Dank Building ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON Rosebud Restaurant ROUT. ANDHKSON. Trap. 309 8. Jersey St. Opp. Central .Sohool TRY OUR EATS Prompt service, courteous treatment ami price right Hour from 6 a. ui, to 10 p. ui, -