This Is Our Winter of Test SERVING food Is a lo cal problem for each j community. Prices ' and definite mlcs for ovcry one cnntiot bo formulntcu. It Is a duty for each ono to cat only no much ns Is ncccsinry to timlnlulti tlio liunimi body nealthy and stronR. This wlntnr of 1018 Is the period when Im to be tested hero In Aincrlrn wlicth it our people nre cnpttbln of vol untary Individual wierlllco to savo the world. Thnt Is tho pur poso of tho orKanlr.nthm of the United States Food Adiiilnlstra Hon by voliintnry effort to pro vldo tho food thnt tho world needs. If. B. FOOD AMIINtSTltATION NEED BIG HERDS Europo's Meat Supply Must Come From America. Warrlna Nations Have Depleted Live Stock at Enormoui Hate, Tvei Killing Dairy Cattle For Food. American slock breeders nro IicIiik asked to conscrvo their llocks and herds In order In meet Kuropu'H Ire mcndoiiH duiniitids for limits during the war and pruhubly for mini)' years aflrrwnrd. 'I'he United .Slates food adiiilnls trillion reports that AuierleHii Muck raisers have shown n dlsiHwIlluii to co-operate with the government In In creiiNliiK tho iiiiIIoii'h supply of live stock. (lermnny liiday Is pmlwlily belter supplied with live slock tbsii any otli cr Hiimpean iihIIoii. When the tier iniin nrinlt nmde Ihelr IiIk advHiiee Into Kronen and then relnt'liil vlr timlly all the cMiile In Iho liivMdil territory nppnilnuiely .4M.immi head wuru driven behind the (lernwn Hues. Hut In l.iiKhiud-wheio XhHi.lHHI acres of pasture lands have been (urn ed Into tirnln llelds Ibe initio herds nro deereasliiK raplilly. One of the reasons iipHireiilly Is Hie ileelluliiK minimum price wale ailnphil by the Ituullsli as follow h: I'nr )epieuiber, 117.70 per MM) pounds; October. l".'i.Si November and IhH'cmhcr, SUMS; .Inn Inry, $11. 10, The elfin t of Hicm' prices was to drive beef animals on the mar kt't ns soon as powlhle. la I'm nee the number of entile as well as the iitallly Imve hlutwn an enormous dinllne iluHiiK ihi wnr Where Cmn'e had I I.sut.imm Ii.hhi) of entile In Wl.'t, she now has only I "A ail.tMVt, a ilH'reHM of Hill per cenl And Trance Is (inlay prodm-mie nily ono ttallou nf milk hhiinhI m two ami one linlf gallons iH'fure Hie war. Ileiufwrk ami lint la ml lme been forceil to aai'ilhVe ilalry henls fur beef becaiw f lh lack of ie-ary fWtl, (,'ltw.ti study of lite nimipeMM immt sltuutloii has rout laced Hie l'il Ad mlnUtrallini that lla future pMdem of America lies larsely In lb phhIm---Hon of meat produclmc hhIihmI hiu! dairy products rather Ihan In the pro duction of cereals for expert when the wnr will have ceaoed, BRITISH lillVlillNMIiNT HEM'S PAY I llll OlAII There bus been iiiii-h mlsiindcr ataudlUK nlmut Ibe bread prt:raiii In IIiijjIhihI. It U Hue that Hie l.tililt uiuii bua n loaf of bread tor It - Umii an American can, but It u issirer brcud, ami the llrtlMi itmcmmem Is 1m)Iiik ?"tKl,tHK.iHK a )ear ttmaril Hie com of It. All tho train Krunii In Ureal Itrlt ulit Is taken over by Hie Kwu-ruutetil at an arbitrary price Mint the iihimiuhI wheat purchamsl mi Hie markets al Hut prvullliiu market prde. This l turned over to the mills to Ike anient nient at a price Ibat allowa Hie adul teratcd war brtstd loaf of four muuiU to sell at IS cents, ibe mo imiuimI It ml at U cents ami I be iau puuwtt luaf at .' oeuU. In I'raiu'e, tiiuler tiaidltUaiH hum whut klmllar, but with a larger ex traction, tho four (muml hmt elU foi 10 cvnts. MAKINQ MEATLESS DAY8 PERMANENT. In tho iiieutleMi meiiu luece U a fer tile Hold for tlevelopiut; new and Hour UIiIiik' dlhw, umirdliiy lo IC. II. ,il 4, writing In the lluiel (Ittafllc. wlm I. Haw that the present siiorlatie of meut uud fulH will unt end wlili hc couitni; of pettce, but ma) tirow utre acutu anil coiitluuc for the or hl years, thus iiiuMiik It worth while to develop menus of icruln, xegeialdes aud lUli on a more or les ihtuiuiioiii bants. Mut can he retilactsl by cereals aud other protein food, or may Ih served In very small ponlous as u lU vorlni; for other fwxl. In uiaklUK up lurutlcks menus this author tluds our American Creole aud southern cuUlue broad Held for luvestluatloii. f 100 Reward, $100 Tlis rvaiKT uf I im upr wilt tx JUaifJ lo tvurn llml 1 1 U Ht butt mm OrtadeJ illxmu II. ut . U'ii.- )isn Iftwi ftblf tO CUM- III Mil III k'Ur Klltl lliut l Catarrh. Hull l uturrli Cut la th only potJllvp our now Iiihii tu llu niwlUul fraternity. c'Hlurrli ih-Iiik n i-oiuUiutloiml Olxaie. rv4iitrva u loiinltuuloiml trout iDnt. Ilall'i I'uturrh Cur U taWfii In Urntlly, uiUne illrtvlly Uhiii Hid tlooj anil mucoua aurfu. i-a of the syatria. Ilivrv by dntroylni; tint fouiuluiloit of the illa , and kIxIhk tlx- lwi It'll t alrniitli ly bulldlnir up lha i-nimtliutlim ami sitttlliiK nature In iIpIiik Ita wurk The pruprWltirs have o much fultli tu Us rurallvs iww ra tliat tliey ofTcr On lluiulrstl Dulkra for any cua It fulU tu cute. 8nl (or Hat of ttatliiiontula. Aalitul V. J, CIlflNin- CO. Tlt4, a Sold It all liruavlala lis. Ttk iiall'a Kaiully I'll! Ut (ODaUpatUa. i-wheat use more corn 2- meaf n use wove fish & hearts! 3- ats use just enough 4" suj?ar w use syrups a and serve the cause of freedom U. S.. TOOI)j MM I N IS I II ATION. WHEATLESS BISCUITS. i DELICIOUS CORN MUFFINS. US mnswosn Ka1 Parched cornmcnl Is Hm fen I lire nf tliette excellent whentless biscuits, l-'lrsl, Hie comment one half a cup Is put In a shallow pun placed In tho oven nutl stirred frequently until It Is a delicate brown. Thu other InKro tlleiits are u teaspoon of sail, n cup of peanut butter it ml ono nud n half cups uf witter. Mix the peanut but ler, water uud salt and heal. While this mixture Is hot stir In the meul which should also ho hot. Heat Ihnr oiiKldy Tho dotii;li should bu of such eiuislsleiicy that It can he dropped from a sh)iiii. Itnke In small cakes In an tiiiKrensiHl ihiii, This makes 111 hlseiills, each of which contains one sixth of mi ounce of protein. Hero's nil old fashioned recipe for corn miilllus Hint has recently been revived uud used with unusual success In several of Ibe InrKcr New Vork ho lds: To mako three uud a half dozen miilllus lake one ipuirt milk, six ounces butter substitute, twelve ounces of IIrIiI syrup or honey, four ecus, pinch of sail, twti ounces ImkliiR powder, ono and a half pounds cornmcnl and one and a half pounds rye Hour, Thu butler ami syrup should bo thoroughly lulled; ll add the ckks gradually. Pour In Hie milk and add the rye Hour mixed wllh iiinimeiil mid bakliiu lewder. You Will Be Surprised To see that we are still able, in spite of the continual advance in prices, to offer you some rare bargains in several lines of mer chandise. Having purchased the T. II. Short's stock of groceries and granite ware, aud, with our new stock purchased at right prices arriving daily, we are still in position to mako good our statemont- "Wli SELL POR U:SS." llclow arc a few of (lie many money having prices. GROCliRIliS 1 IIm of Italian Prunes niul a Jiimiicse Imskel . ,,, 50c A Kixxl llciul Kicc, fills , fiOe A tlomlitl Coffee, 2yi Hw , fiOc W'Uw I.uuiiiliy Smp, fj Imid 2J5c Some kmxI rTltt soaps at fc 2 cans- of Toimitos at 2e 2 cutis of Pcncltoi ut 2fic U caim of Peas ut Ufic ' cans of Milk ut , Ufa A miiitniilvtHl litittei por lb. for 50c AppUt. ht Im. $1.00 to $1 50 - cany u number of llic sultitutivi thnt Kn with your llonr Hirchusas ut n reuMimlilc price. (irailite Ware Wc are olferiiiK our entire Giunite Wure stock, ruuKiuK in values up to ;tfc ut 5, 10. 15c uiul 5L'c. SIlOCS We have just receivctl n Inrjje .shipment of men's dress uiul work .shoes tltut we can sell from $1.00 to $1 50 less than you can buy them in Portluml. Also a kooU hue of Ten uu slippers, niul l.mlie shoes. Dry Goods See our assortment of House ilresi at $1.00 Hats Just utiivetl, u fine ussoitment of Trench hats ranuinK in lnce fiom $1 00 to $2 50. Also n l.ire assortment of Men's li.tts, late styles ami low prices. Come in utul i;et one D. C. ELY'S Cash Store TOR UES" 11.1 WUST I1URI.1N0T0N STRGET IIW-. v fill fef f&p&s" n: REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legnl blanks are kept for sale nt this otlice ami 1 others will be ailtletl as the denuuul j arises: i Wurrantv tleeils, Quit Claim j Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort Kiies, Satisfaction of MortguKes, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills of Sale, Leases. Curds of thanks notices are charged for at tho rato of fifty cunts oaoh. Persons desiring to have such notices published should make u note of this. The Central TIIOS. ( IO R ll.-ji. Philadelphia Street. St. Johns. Soft Drinks as usual Coldest aud Coolest Drinks in town. Sandwiches, etc. All lead ing Summer Drinks. TRY OUR MILK PUNCH This is the Month OF Odds and Ends VOUR money will go farther now than when the Spring Merchandise is all in. Spring prices will be higher on many lines than you will pay now. We are supplied with Misses' and Children's Toque and Scarf Sets, Gloves and Mittens. With warm Caps and Toques for men, loggers shirts,' mackiriaws and warm flannel shirts prices favorable on the early purchases. BONHAM & CURRIER L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Toggery Dept. Useful Elec trical Devices Vacuum Cleaners Hair Dryers Houdoir Lamps Samovars Ton-, rs Disc Slaves I'oot War mors Milk Warmers MastMige Vibrators Guar Lighters Ovens Wuflle Irons Washing Machines Library Lamps Coffee Percolators Chafing Dishes Plat Irons Curling Iron Heaters Luminous Radiators Tea Kettles Sewing Machine Motors Shaving Mirrors Kitchen Rtiuucs Shaving Mugs UfCIHC STORE ELECTRIC BUILDING Portland Railway, Light 8 Power Co. SHINE IN EVERY DROP" nti k.s ,stovopo:"ih I i ' It i4(a n t dry ,..' c i t tto. J td lK Iwt in I ,,-.1.1 a i Black Silk Stove Polish U r( r y putt wooomle&l. but It irfrr a btiVU i tu .,- I rv lUftck ti.k U l.h dk- twt r it i i( Ut lour ilnitt M kiotf m rrUiiury want tv iih,U? un i 3k for HI V bilk, tlmia l h hot uhh you Htr uvvl ).unUUi taiUrvXuikl nUV Silk Store VoXuh WorLt, Sterling, llllaoU. HUk bltk Air Vijio Iruu llatn . i yrtiN, r- liUrt,!' w p Jai.iv. ml' i utj r Irvvcuu lirtcS k ToK qu' k'y. mi t aaj Urnxn a tr taitaur:c. H t . ra -vUl tot UH Wl UtiClvC4ibA, PJ5iniiiifo.y LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE YOU'LL enjoy this real Burloy cigarette. It's full of flavor just as good as a pipe. IT'S TOASTED The Burley tobacco is toasted; makes the taste delicious. You know how toasting improves the flavor of bread. And it's tho same with tobacco exactly. Caldwell & Patterson I LEADING HAKUEKS ! The ilce whrro kxI Mrvlcc nml I'diiitcoua tit'dtmciil prevail. Chllilrcn'a liitlr cutting receive pccUl Attention. ! 1O0 BURLINGTON STREET f) Guuronteed by (So Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey DENTIST The profession practiced in its vurioti btauclies SATISFACTION O UA KANTit I'.D Offlsc Iioar: HM to 12 M.; 1:30 to 6 niul 7 In 8 p. in. l'lrt NatlQiml lUnk llnllilliii; I'lwiic Columbia Mi. JOSEPH AlcCIIESNEY, A1.15". Office Room 5 Peninsula Bnnk Building Hours 9-io a. in.; 1.5 p. ni. and evenings, Office phone Col. 35; Res. 910 I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Renl Estate fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with ie if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns John Poff J. II Harvey For Sale at a HarKain Lots 1 to -1. in Mock 15, Point View Addition. $750 cash buys thorn. Call at this ollico, P, & H, Transfer Co. Phone Columbia 30S 306 N. Jersey St. Johns, Ore. Not tha UuJ en your paper. Bring in Your Job Printing Now Subscribe Now! LAL'ULL lODGn No. 1S6 1. o. o. r st. jotiNj, owrco UnU each Monday wvenlng la Odd PV Iomi halt at 8:00, A cortllal welcome to all visiting brothers. f). W Norrnc Koblc Grand II I. Wbltlrr. Vice Grind S. ) Dutrought. fin. S. II. I' Clark Tiraa, St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attend, nnce of our members at our next regular meeting. Thursday, Feb. M. G. Muhm, Consul. Fred D. Elder Teacher of PIANO AND HARMONY Class now forming for all avt and grades Phone Columbia 127 74G Lombard Street Airs. Frank A. Rice Tkachbr of VIOLIN AND PIANO Studio: 609 W. Jolm Street Telephone Columbia 359 HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS Or PYTHIAS Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in BICKNER Hall. Visitors always Me), come. W. R. EVKNS, C. C. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. T. and A. M. Meets the first and third Wcducsdavof each month in Bickner'i Hall. Visi tors welcome. Edlefnen V. M. A. W. Davis. Secretary.