St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 01, 1918, Image 3

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Overstuffed Rockers
At Reduced Prices
On Easy Terms
Plain Edge Couch, imitation Spanish I Q OC
leather, Special 4IO.0
Imitation Leather Couch, Rolled ic HO
cdKe Special 1 a' WW
Tapestry Covered Couch, plain edec, i "7 tZf
Special 1 f
Large Easy Couch, good springs, im "7 CO
itation Spanish leather, Special 1 ' ,ou
Boston Leather Rocker, large roomy 10 CC
rocker Special C,JJ
Imitation Spanish Leather Rocker 1 CC
Special I J.JJ
Craftsman Leather Rocker, Special 8,75
Tapestry Covered Rocker, Special 18.50
Special Terms, any Couch or Rocker
$1.00 cash, 50c week
Cash or Credit St. Johns
Sleds! Sleds!
We have a complete stock.
Make the boy or girl happy.
Buy them a Sled.
Coaster Sleds $1.00
Hand Sleds .v $2.00
Flexible Steerine Sleds. $2.25 and $3.(
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Transfer, Piano Moving, Etc.
Long Distance Hauling a Specialty
Phone Columbia 425 Office 215 S. Kellogg, Cor. John
Do You Want Fine Home
If so, here is your chance: A room
house and bath with 50x100 lot adjoin
ing the business district of St. Johns.
House is modern and in fine condition;
would cost more than $2000 to build
and lot is worth $1200. This desirable
property may now be secured upon a
payment down of $500, and the bal
ance, $2100, may be paid on easy in
stallments. Any one wanting this de
sirable property should call at this of
fice for further particulars.
In the Ccunty Court of the State of Ore
rod for the County of Multnomah.
In the matter of' the estate of J, H.
.letcher, deceased,
Notice is hereby uiven that the under-
tigned, executor of the last will and ,
testament of ), II. Fletcher, deceased,
has filed with the County Clerk of Mult
uomah county, Oregon, his final account
as such executor, and, that Mondty. at
9:30 o'clock, a. m., February 25th, 1918.
in the department of the County Court
in the county court house of Multnomah
county, Oregon, has been fixed by the
Judge of said countv court, as the time
and place for hearing objections to said
account if any, and Ue settlement
thereof. All persons having objections
to said account are required to file the
same on or before the time fixed for the
bearing of said account as aforesaid.
First published Friday, January 25th,
George J. Perkins,
Attorney for Executor.
If vnn nre lnnklncr for a fine
proposition in the way of a
farm, here is your opportun
ity: Fifty-four acres, about 23
in cultivation, good family or
chard, small commercial or-
flhnrrh pond five room house.
barn, outbuildings, fronts on
United Kailroad, car service
three times daily, three quarters
mile irom scnooi, on county
road, good location, consider
able crop in, balance of land
ready for crop, 17 acres seeded
to pasture; 17 cows, considerable
young stock, 3 horses, pigs,
machinery, tools etc.. Located
in the fertile Tualatin Valley.
Price $8000; terms can be ar
ranged on part. For name and
address of owner, call at this
Cold Creams Thermos Bottles Stand Lotions
Hot Water Bottles Thermos Lunch Kits
Phone Columbia 138
105 N. Jersey Street
Local News.
Employes of the Peninsula
and local ship plants nre exempt
from the next draft, it is stnt
Ben W. Olcott, present Secrc
tnrv of State of Oretton. has an-
nounced his cnndldncj; for the
Hnrrv Lauder makes records
exclusively for Victor Talking
Machine Co. Hear him any tiny
at Currins.
Mrs. II. Avey. of GM East
New York street, was success-
fully operated upon nt the bt.
Vincent's hospital Monday.
E. V. Hnrshbcrircr. of East
Port and. hud hia eye imdly in
jurcd by a piece of steel ut the
local ship plant the first of the
Robert Anderson, who recent
ly sold his store on East Polk
street, has purchased the Shay
confectionery store opposite the
Central school.
Messrs. u ark and ueo are
crectitur a warehouse for the St.
Johns Hardware Company at the
rmir of tint utnro. Tim miilmntr
will be 18x30 feet in size.
Edward Tennnnt.a former well
known citizen of this place, but
who has lately been located In
the South, is circtilatliur among
his old time friends here this
Gus Lucier lins purchased the
Ormnndy property on North
Edison street through tlio
nirencv of Mrs. M. C. Sotile.
Tho now owner will mnko ex-
tensivo alterations.
Send in your news items.
A gentleman from Portland
ins leased tho Cochran barn on
the corner of Richmond and Syr
ncuso street and will, wo under
stand, use it for tho purpose of
lousing somo blooded stock.
Twitntv tinw Innnifl will tin In.
ntnlliwl in thn locnl woolen mills
as soon as they urrivo from the
O.. . ...Ml .!. .nnln.lnlln
IjllOl. 1IIID tYlll IlllU IIIIIIUI Kill J
to the capacity of this institu
Work on tho olovntor svstem
n North St. Johns is progress-
nrr ricrlit. nlontr. Work on irrnd.
nc for oonnnetion with tho mil.
road track is In progress. There
Is a vast amount of labor to do
bofore tho system will bo in op
Mrs. M. E. Crano, who has
tad a number of years of exper
ience in the millinery business,
has purchased the stock of Mrs.
E. J. Martin and is now con
ducting the business on North
ersey street.
Fred Schmalling. who is n
member of Uncle Sam's Navy,
ms been spending a few days at
home. Ue paw tins otlico a
pleasant visit and expressed his
appreciation of the Review pub.
ishing the honor roll each
week. He says he thoroughly
enjoys the service in the navy.
Mike Ferry, of Cleveland,
Ohio, moved his family into a
iote because he could not get
any coal to heat the Hat. Next
day a Lnle Erie coal car jumped
the track and landed in his
back yard. Mike moved the
missus and kids back home.
An increase in water rates in
Portland to forestall a pending
$750,000 deficit in funds requir
ed for entire outstanding bonus,
is recommended by Water
Superintendent Kaiser in his
annual report, hied Saturday
with City Commissioner Mann.
Wanted Your property to sell
J. S. McKinney.
St. Johns is experiencing n
breath of winter just now.
"There is a Long, Long
Trnil." Hear McCormack sing
it. Currin Says So.
Wanted Your property to sell
-J. b. McKinney.
For Snle by Owner Resi
dence 920 S. Jersey street.
Come and see it.
Surburb calls given prompt
attention without extra charge,
day or night. See ad. of Miller
& Trncey; St. Johns branch
office, Col. 888.
Patriotic music by the world's
nest artists can bo had on
Victor Records. Currin Says So.
Wanted Girl to do cooking and
general housework. Apply 501
North Syracuse street.
Piano Tuner. J. L. Wall. 001
E. Buchanan. Phone Columbia
5G9. Tuning and voicing, action
regulating. Expert work guar
Ice users are warned by the
Food Administration that be
cause so much amonia will be
used by the army and navy, not
enough may be left to make ice
with, If they want to be sure
to have ice next summer, they
should harvest and store it
now, wherever possible.
New Victor records are out
on the first of every month.
Come in and hear them. Cur
rin Says So.
St. Johns Fair Store. E. W.
For. prop.: household utility
supplies and general notions.
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goods at lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
Since the first of tho now year
the woolen mills have adopted a
reduction in tho working time
of their employes, A week's
work now constitutes 51 1 l
hours 01 '1 hours for the first
five days of the week, and a half
holiday Saturduys. The redtic
tion in working hours is highly
appreciated by the employes.
F. Richardson, of Watrus,
Canada, is a guest of his
daughter. Mrs. J. GIsIIhoii on
North Willamette boulevard,
lie savs the climate heru is
somewhat different than in IiIh
lccnllty, where tho 15 below
murk has been reached. Ho ex
pects to remain about three
Tho local ship comnnny has
asked for better servico from
the street car company for their
workmen. The claim is made
that the present service is inad
equate. Judging from tho
crowded condition of tho cars
morning and evening, thcro can
bo little doubt of tho fact. It is
expected that tho trolley compa
ny will furnish more enrs dur
ing tho rush hours ue a result of
this complaint.
Geo. W. Dunbnr. a former well
known citizen of St. Johns, and
for several years a member of
the old St. John police force.
died nt the Salem Sanitorium
Tuesday morning.uged 49 years.
Ue had been in ill health for a
number of yearn, and his tienth
was not oniroly unoxpoctod.
Ho is survived by his widow,
and two daughters. Tho funer
al services will take place Sun
day at 2 p. m. nt the Christian
Church, whero tho M. W. A.
will have charge. Tho I. O. O.
F. will have charge at the cemetery.
o -
Mrs. Sarah A. Kemp enter
tained ut dinner a family gath
ering and u few friends in hon
or of her son, L. J. Kemp, and
wife, of Alberta, Canada, I hose
present were L. J. Kemp and
wife. Mrs. Mary K. Kemp. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Snger, the lat
ter a grandaughtor of Mrs.
Kemp: Mrs. Grace M. McCord,
Miss Nina McCord and Joe Mc
Cord, Mrs. Sarah A. Kemp, Nel
lie Kemp. Friends were: Mrs.
Prank Ellicott. Mr. and Mrs.
Miller. Mrs. Weeks and Mrs.
Sager, of Lents, Miss Vivian
Sager. Mrs. Kemp gave a short
history or her family. As the
guests left they assured Mrs.
Kemp of a pleasant time. Many
compliments were passed on the
dinner. One who was there.
The Mother's meeting of the
Womans Christian Temperance
Union will be held next Monday
afternoon at two o'clock at the
home of Mrs. J. C. Scott, 102
Central avenue. We expect a
good crowd as the county presi
dent, Mrs.Muttie Sleeth. will be
present and give us an address.
Her subject. "The Foundation
ofour Faith," is what we all
need to know about. Mrs. Dag
leish and Mrs. Nute will also be
at the meeting to tell us about
the Red Cross work and how
we can help. Reporter.
The best dance orchestra
make records for the Victor
Talking Machine Co. Hear
them at Currins.
Wanted Your property to sell
J. b. McKinney.
: k
Wnntcd Competent woman
for general housowork. Cull
529 S. Ivanhoc street.
For Snle All kinds of elec
trical apparntup, njso electrical
repairing nnd bell wiring done.
Call 123 W. Tyler street.
Rnbbits for Solo-New Zeal
and. Flemish Ginnt, Rufus Red,
White Pinkeyes and Uelglnns.
All ugos nnd all prices.- C. R.
Chadwlck &Son,210 N.Swenson.
If you want to sell your prop
erty, list it with J. S. McKin
ney. ndv.
If my work pleusesyou; plcusc
tell your friends, if not, tell
mo. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
Alex Scnlcs for Al groceries.
Nothing but tho best nnd al
ways fresh. Phono Col. 210;
510 Fessenden street.
A good place for rent. A
three room houso and us much
ground as desirable. Can bo
rented from tho 2tith of Jan
uary. No. HOG S. Jersey street.
If you wnnt to sell your prop
erty, list it with J. S. McKin
ney. ndv.
When in need of small arti
cles, get them at tho 5-10-15c
store. St. Johns; in tho Penin
sula National Rank Building.
Pruning trees, roses, grape
vines and seeding lawn. Best
of references, 25 years ex
perience. 010 Burr streot.
phone Col. 925. M. N. Amizich.
Go to tho Auto Repair Compn-
ny. 207 South Jersey street, for
your auto, motorcyclo nnd bicy
cle repairs nnd supplies. Autos
for hire. Phono Loumbin 727.
If you want to sell your prop
erty, list it with J. S. McKin
ney. udv.
Wanted Plain sowing. Cnll
nt 812 Willnmetto boulovnrd N.
Wnntnrl Rnmcntin in lift wnth-
inir for fnmilv of two. Cnll 507
South Syracuse.
For Sale Furniture for five
rooms nnd uIpo $20 worth of
canned fruit; $7 worth of pota
toes, load of wood and will put
n grafannln nil for $200, und
will rent the flat. See J. F.
Gillmoro or cull Col. 81,
NOTICE-All members of St.
Johns Camp No. 7640, Modern
Woodmen of America, are here
by notified that a change has
been made in tho clerk of this
Camp owing to the last 'elec
tion of officers, and hereafter all
dues are to bo paid or mailed to
the new clerk, Irvin L. Gro-
machey at the St. Johns Review
office, 404 N. Jersey street.
G. W. Muhm, Consul.
Christian Endeavor of the
Evangelical church will meet at
the home of Roscoe Magone, 920
N. Willamette boulevard, Friday
evening, Feb. 1. All Endeaver
ors are expected to be there as
it will be the first meeting this
year. With our new officers Jet
us give them a rousing recep
tion. Reporter.
Mrs. S. L. Baird, of Winlock,
Wash., is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Thos. Coupe, this
N.U the Ufc.1 an ytur pajMr,
in ou weens rfm ta
Just one little nickel witl start you in our 5 cent club; or you cnu
start with 10 cents, 2 cents or 1 cent and increase your deposit the same
amount each week,
10-CENT CLUB PAYS $127.60
Or, yon can make the largent payment first and decrease vour de
posits each week.
If vou wish to deposit the same amount each week join our 50 cent.
$1.00 or $5.00 club. We have n club to lit your pockctbook.
I'ltTKR At'T.KN, . . I'riitlilcnl
l'nili) C. Knai'I', . Vice resident
l'HANK 1. DUINKKH . Vk'C l'lMdeht
John N. Hdlki'Siin, . . Onlilcr
ClUHM't II, UUSSKI.I., AMlMnnt Outlier
Stanton I,. Doiint, An-Munl Cnnliler
lum'AUIt K. Mohhih, AmImmiI Cntliirr
Peninsula National Bank
Member of Federal Reserve Bank
3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Ccrtificntcs of Deposit
The Groceries We Hand You
tire guaranteed by tis to be pure
and fash You get what you ask
for at this grocery shop We don't
try to substitute any lending brands
ol foods in order to make extra
profit ourselves. Why not dent
with us? Wc deliver promptly and
accord all c istoiners quick, oiirle
ous service.
301 S. Jnry St.
I'lionr Col. I IS
A Hot Combination
Wc now handle coal as well as wood
St Johns Lumber Co.
No charge for examination.
Res. Phone Columbia 690 Office Phone Columbia 97
Office and Residence 3I3 N. Hayes St.
TELEPHONE Columbia 477
Our Rugs Really Reigu
ns tip top on this earth. You cau't
ignore their 1 1 it (I and true worth,
if you'll only look into the wearing
qualities of our Unit covering.
Jk-iiutiful. lasting, reasonable in
price; uunninkTl to look the wune
ulway.s cuu you osk for more.
4OO-.402 8, JERSEY ST
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
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