St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 04, 1918, Image 4

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Alexander III. Wat Proud to Be Called
the Peasant Emperor.
The Into czar of Ittissla Is now known.
ns Nicholas llotnnnoff In tho great land
over which ho hold autocratic sway. It
Is not the tltlo by which Ihj expected to
Ko down to posterity.
M. do lllowltz, the famous correspond
cut of tho London Times at Paris, was
responsible for putting on record
story reKardliiR Alexander III., tho fa
thcr of Nicholas, which Is worth recall
hit: In this connection. The czar and
his courtiers had been discussing by
what added title ho should bo known In
hhtory. Ills father had been called
Alexander tho Liberator and Alcxan
der tho Martyr. What should the son
be called? "Alcxniider tho Just," bur.
Bested one. "Oh, no," replied tho czar.
"I am and shall remain tho peasant
emperor. So sonic of my nobility havo
styled mo in derision, scolllng nt my
affection for tho moiijlk. Hut I accept
tho tltlo ns an honor. I havo tried to
procure for tho humbln tho means of
livelihood, and this, I think, is Uin best
and only means of keeping tho world
going. My greutet ambition
is to descrvo to bear to tho last tho
tltlo of tho peasant emperor."
Llttlo could Alexander III. hnvo
thought that I ho world was so near tho
time when his son would run tho
chance of becoming tho "last of tho cm
perors of Itussla." Duudeo Advertiser.
8oclal Importance of Iti Poiltlon In
the Home.
Tho center of hospitality In tho homo
is that point about which tho family
ItM.'ir gathers most often. This point
is In most homes tho llrcplaco; lieuco
its lomtlnu and construction nro of
vast IniHr!ancci In building n homo.
The tlreploce, If thero Is only one,
should bo In tho living room, for thero
the family and friends can enjoy it
iMottt. It should bo located in tho cen
ter of it wall space, either on ono sldo
or at one end of tho room. Select tho
space which will permit tho greatest
number of people to sit around It.
in tho construction of tho fireplace
you must not forget that Its chief pur
pom is for ii fire. Tho inoro simple tho
linos of construction tho better tasta is
displayed n nil tho inoro room tho open
lire receives.
Thero Is u great variety of material
suitable for a 11 replace, mid your indi
viduality mid tnslo can bo well ex
prtMsol In this Important factor of the
Inline. Ilrlck, tile, wood and many tlto
substitutes mny bu tised. These offer
gieul pn.wlhllitlc both for good color
and design mid lend themselres to any
stylo of iiichhectiire. I'nrin and I'l re
side. The Value of Dlrdi.
Without birds successful ngrlculturo
would heroine impossible mid tho de
struction of tho greater part of nil veg
etation would tako place. New York
statu now pays nn annual Insect tax of
$I0,(MM,xmi, mid birds nro tho chief
agents In keeping this tax from In
creasing yearly. As consumers of weed
heed a single, species, tho tree sparrow,
Is estimated to counuiuo about tK) tons
in New York Hlnto each year. Tlio ruv
sges of Held mice mid other rodents
nro kept in check by hawks and owli,
and I he farmer upon whoso laud it
hawk or owl stays Is saved upon iui
average a year by eacli owl or
hawk. The dnmngo done by some few
spcclui of birds to growing crops
mure than offset by tho beuetlts of
their work in destroying Insects, ro
llouts mill weed seeds, Now York Hun,
The Sea of Space.
The mind cannot comprehend what
is meant by the four llttlo words In tho
expression -(lie m-u of space." If tint
volume of "spaco" Included within our
solar system- which Is perhaps but
single triiln of planets aiming hundreds
of millions of it similar klud-wero oc
euplml by ono single globe n.lXM.OOO.OOO
inllon In diameter It would bo but as a
fisillier In tho marvelous spread of "vu
miiiey" surrounding It. In fact, It has
I icon calculated that In tho spaco occu
plod by our solar system 7u0,ooo,00(),,
tsHMK) glohMi of tint site of our eurlh
could tovolve, ouch nt a dUtanco of
A00.UO0 miles front tho other, and tho
wholit husluoAH would bo nothing, for
thuro Is no wall to (ho treasure vntilt
of Iwivon. .exchange.
, Personal Responsibility,
Then Is such n thing ns personal re
.ponsihlllty vthlcli cannot bo delegated
to another. In tlio navy, for oxnmple.
wo dock ship, mid the docking olllcer
Is hold personally responsible. DIs
lairstitg olllcors in the navy are per-
KMUully rosiHiiislblo for every payment
niudu not only by themselves, but by
tliwlr assistants. They cannot delegate
jospviitilulllty to tho (toy clerks oveu
for tho putty cash. 1', 0, Coburu In
Industrial Management.
The Operation.
riming on ones overcoat is somo-
time) so much of an effort Hint cue Is
dlsitewd to ngreo with tho old uegro
who mi Id i
"lriwt yo' puts in ono nhm, den you
puts lu d udduh ahm, an' deu yo' gibs
a eon'rul couwulsloii." Hxchaugo.
Sure Enough Expert.
"You claim to bo a food expert?"
"I do," replied Farmer Corntossel,
"I'm tho kind of a food expert that can
ruUo tho stuff Instead o' talklug about
It." Washington Star.
Under Water.
WlltU-Whero Is Unid'a Knd? GUIU
It 1 where that lot which I bought
from the real cstute company begins.
l'rccdotii from out of a wound shall:
rise, HIduey Ijinlor.
Deafness Cannot He Cured
tor laeal application!, llity cannot ruch
the dlaoaard xulon of III ar Thtr Is
only en way to curs lUafnna, and that Is
!)' eiwslllullonal ruMralrs IVafnm Is
wustd by n cuntlllluu uf thr inn
sous fiHliis of Hi Bualashlan Tubs Whan
tills tut Is IlllUmtU u havo it rumbling
aoltnd sr linprfMt htsrlDf, ana whsn It Is
ntlrsly tilvawl. Dcs' Is Hi mult, sua
unUts lh Inasmmstian csn l tsktn uut
and this tubs nslortd to Us normal condi
tion, bsarlnr l'l be destroyed fortvari nln
faaVa out of trn rs caused br Catarrh,
which Is nothlnc but an Inrlamtd condition
of ins mucous surfaces.
V will ilvt On llundrrd Dollars for any
ess at I)a(nrss (cauard by catarrh) that currd by Hall's Catarrh Cur,
r nd for slreulars. (r.
V. J. OIIUNKV A CO.. Tolsdo, Ohio.
Hold br Drufslsis. 11a
XaXs Usll'a family tills tar com lips tlon.
Travel In Memory Some Road
Knew Well In Childhood.
It is hard for mo to remember now
that my knowledge of the sleepy road,
gained so many years ugo, came only
through tho chauco bit of ndvico drop
ped by a wise, kind, weary old doctor
as ho shufllcd at midnight down tho
corridor of the silent hospital, says tho
Atlantic Monthly.
Whatever was tho errand of life or
death that hud called him In such
haste, ho had tlmo to stop and givo mo
a friendly word, nlthough I, a small
and Incorrigibly sleepless patient, was
sitting bolt upright nmong tho pillows
In dcflatico of all his orders and was
staring wide eyed into tho hot, pain
haunted dark,
"You think you nro never going to bo
able to sleep again, don't you" ho oli
fccrved. "Well, shut your eyes and do
Just what I tell you. Think of somo
road that you know well, a good long
road that winds and turns and shows
you water nnd woods and hills. Keep
your eyes tight shut and travel along
It In memory. Go as slowly as you
can, recall every sight and sound and
pcrfumo as you pass by.
"I havo such a road of my own, tho
ono I used to walk to school when I
was eight years old. I havo started
out on it a hundred times when I
thought I could not sleep, but I never
get very far. I coma Just about to tho
old stouo bridge over Damon's creek or
perhaps to tho swimming hole, whera
tho willows dip Into tho brown water,
but I never reach tho end."
Don't Dreie Up and Don't Poie When
Having a Picture Taken.
'Thero nro many things I would llko
to say to tho woman who Intends hav
lug her picture taken," said a faniotn
photographer tho other day.
"Many women coma to mo and say:
'Of course you prefer taking actresses.
They must havo many advantages over
those women who never havo tlmo but
to glvo un occasional glance In their
mirrors.' This is entirely a mistake.
Tho conscious pose never makes a sat
isfactory portrait. 1 would say cm
phatlcnlly to tho woman who goes to
havo her photograph mado not to re
hearso her poso and facial expression
"I always find it dlfllqult to Imprest
on tlio woman coming to my itiniio
that clothes and Jewels are of abso
lutely no account in n photograph. If a
woman comes to bo photographed lit
tho clothes she Is used to wearing sho
will feel at ease and therefore look her
"Ono of tho curses of our present dor
civilization is tho over changing ques
tion of fashion. I low much more civ-
lllzcd went tho Jupuncse, who realized
that tho kimono was perhaps tho most
perfect dress for women nt nil times
who only varied It with different liro
cades nnd girdles. Tim photograph that
concerns itself with clothes is soon out
of fashion, and no matter how good a
likeness of the faco has been obtained,
tho pleturu Is grotesque In n few yeurs
becaiiso tho clothes nro passe."
The Professor Worried.
Tim absent minded professor from
tho university town wits in Indianap
olis attending it convention. While in
tho city hu took u tour of tho larger de
partment stores. In ono of them ha
wus much perplexed.
Ho read tho sign over tho door of tho
"This car express to llftli and sixth
doors. Up only."
Absently ho read tho sign again.
Then tho car door opened.
"1 would llko to know," ho nsked tho
elevator boy, "if this elevator goes only
up, how on earth did you get down
Tho elovutor boy grinned, frowned,
scrutinized tho mull closely and then
said lu n dlgultled voice, "Oh, I Just
camo down." Indianapolis News.
Putting the Cat Out at Night.
Tlio practice of turning the cat out of
doors ut night Is us cruel us It is un
iifCfitnry. No animal la fonder of
warmth und comfort, unit tho pet's hap
piness certainly Is not Increased by a
night spent outsldo iu cold and dump
urns. If us much energy was exhausted in
keeping the cat indoors us too often Is
expended in putting her out. haw great
would bo tho boon to human nerves
nnd unfortunate wild things) All fe
lines nro normally noctumul, and It Is
at night, If over, that n curb on their
activities is needed. Leo S. Cruudull,
In IVIs."
True Economy,
Thero aro great Joys iu practicing
tmo economy In the right spirit. Truo
economy, you see, Is not ubstluenco
from ueccstfury thlugs-uot ut ull. The
Joys of truo economy arc for those who
muko tho most of what they have:
who, iliullng whut may be theirs, -pro
ceed to the extraction of tho greatest
bcuetlt from what Is within reach.
Toe Much Flirting.
Klrst Co-ed-Why, Doris, how tired
your eyes look I
Tired Ono es, my dear; I rolled
them too much this eveulug. Syracuse
Orange I'ccl.
No Time For Her,
I'hyslcUu Your case Is such, mad
am, that time alone will effect a cure,
Mrs. ltnnduU Then It Is hopeless, for
never have oven tlvo minutes. Life.
He Knew Her.
Mrs. (ittbble I met Mr. Drown to
day while I was shopping. Her Hus
luind That so? What did you have to
buy? llostou Transcript.
The following list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this office ami
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, batisfactiou of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, Leases,
HeU the lfcl an yeur gas, H '
At Good For the Dullness Man at For
the Soldier In Training.
If physical culture is needed for
thoso who bear arms in defense of tho
country why should it not bo applied
also to tlie soldiers of tho business and
professional world, tho men in tho com
mercial trenches? If a certain number
of our citizens nro compelled to go
through a rigid course of physical train-
lug, why should not nil others bo culled
upon to follow suit?
Tho soft muscled clerk, tho devital
ized student, tho overworked business
man they need awakening. Now, in
many instances they nro but llttlo
moro than human ciphers, 23, CO or 75
per cent men. With n llttlo properly
directed exercise they could bo fitted
for the ranks of tho 100 per centers.
t)lx hours weekly, two hours for
threo days each week, would put tho
average flabby muscled, sedentary
worker in lino shape. It would smiuro
his shoulders, stiffen his backbone, put
somo energy nnd enthusiasm into his
makeup. It would inako a real man of
Kvciy man who is not in training
should begin now. If ho cannot trnlu
with other men let him follow n system
of homo training. Hard muscles,
strong, ntnblo nerves, high grado en
durance In short, a physluuo as "hard
as nails" should bo tho ambition of
every sensible man. I'liyslcal Culture.
The Head and Physical Marks of Intel.
Ilgence In Children.
In summing up his conclusions on
tho relationship of Intelligence to tho
slzo und shapu of tho head Karl Pear
son is ipioted in tho Journal of Hered
ity as making these statements about
tho Intelligence of children:
"To sum up, then, whllo no charac
ters In school children so far dealt with
show very high correlation with intelli
gence, wu may yat say that tho Intelli
gent boy is markedly conscientious, N
moderately robust, athletic and popu
lar; ho tends rather to quick than to
sullen temper. Hu is moro self con
scious and quieter than (hu dull boy;
ho has a slightly bigger head und pos
sibly lighter pigmentation than thoso
of more mediocre Intelligence. Ills hair
has n larger percentage of curlluess.
'Tho intelligent girl Is also markedly
conscientious, moderately robust, ath
letic and popular. Khe, too, tends to
quick rather than sullen temper. Kho U
less self conscious than tho dull girl
and noisier than tho girl of medlocra
Intelligence. It Is tho slow girl who 11
quiet und shy. Tho Intelligent girl lini
u slightly bigger head than tho dull
girl, and her hair Is moro likely to bo
wuvy and much less likely to Inj curly."
St. Sophia's Palimpsest.
Travelers who havo visited tho great
MohammcHluu mosque uf Kt. Hoplilu iu
Constantinople tell of tho visibility of
Inscriptions mado In tlio Interior of the
building when It was n Christian
church. These had been painted over
by tho Moslem conquerors, but tlmo
defeated their purposu of total efface-
incur, nn)'n the Christ Inn Herald. Over
the entrance Is the inscription In Latin,
"I nm the door; by mo If any man en
ter In ho shall be saved mid shall go In
and out, and he shall llnd pasture."
The bricks In tlio great domo lu the lu.
terlor reveal this Inscription: "Detis In
medio elus; uou commovebltur. Aillu
vublt earn Deiu vultu huo." The trans
lation may bo found In I'salin xlvl, 0.
These fuels are of Interest lu view of
the present tottering condition of tho
Moslem power.
Presidential Oolf.
At tho Columbia Country club links
t Wushlugtuu during one uf the
tensest days of the crisis with (ler-
muny rrcslilcut Wilson came up to
drive from one of the most dllllcult
tecs. Two members of tho club stood
aside to let the president "go through,"
Thut's n wny they have at Washington.
Mr. Wilson drove, and his ball shot off
Into preclsuly the place where he dldu t
want It to go. Hxperleuces of that sort
come even to chief magistrates; golf U
no respecter of persons. Tho president
turned to the two and remarked, "You
sco even out here I cuu't keep out of
trouble." Argonaut.
Homely Philosophy.
No hustler wants Tlmo to wait for
him. He's on tlmo to meet Time wheu
tho train rolls Into tlio station.
Trouble likes company, lu order to
exercise his voice in telling how it hap
pen etL
We'll all need rest when wo get
where rest Is, und tho good thing about
It Is there'll bo room enough for ull.
Atlanta Constitution,
First Principle.
"Do you think that new recruit will
ever leani to bo u soldier?" usked the
commanding olllcer,
"Well, he's ucqulrlug the founds,
lions," responded tho drill sergeant.
"Ho hud not been iu cump ti day be
fore ho wus putting up u howl about
tho food." lttchmoud Tlmes-DUpatch.
Taking Steps,
Itedd-He'a taking steps to reduce
his flesh,
Greene-Whut steps Is ho taking?
"What do you mean what steps?
He's walking." Youkers Statesman,
Old Fashioned,
"He's very old fashioned."
That so?"
"Yes. He still shines his own shoes
nnd spits ou the dauber when he docs
It." Detroit l'reo Tress.
Tho man who U always trying to
save himself trouble la likely to tmvo
lot more than bo cau tako euro of.
loutu a Companion,
Caa Today
mmw TW
W 4 luaei as Imfcrj
mam w
Useful Elec:
trical Devices
Vacuum Cleaners
Hair Dryers
lloudoir Lamps
Disc Stoves
Foot Warmers
Milk Warmers
Massive Vibrators
Cifjur Lighters
Wnllle Irons
Washing Machines
Library Lamps
Coffee Percolators
CliiifniK Dishes
Flat Irons
Curling Iron Heaters
Luminous Itariiutors
Tea Kettles
Sewing Machine Motors
Shaving Mirrors
Kitchen Ramies
Shaving Mugs
Portland Railway,
Light & Power Co.
Store Room
109 S. Jersey Street
Apply li! U. MORRIS
Feuiusula National Hank
Meets every 1'riilay night at
ri jo o'clock lu JllCKNKK
Mall. Visitors always wel
W. R. UVKNS. C. C.
John l'off
J. II. Honey
P. & H, Transfer Co.
Phone Columbia 308
ob N. Jersey St. Johns, Ore.
A. T. and A. M.
'Meets the first ami third
Wednesday of each month
lu uiciiner's Hall, visi
tor welcome.
Hillefscu V, M.
A. W. Davis, Secretary,
The merchandise in our stores is bought with the idea
of value uppermost. We do not offer you an article and
advise buying it because the price is cheap.
Twelve years experience in your locality has taught us
your needs. Our stock that is moving now was bought on
a market of lower level than the spring goods are bought.
Anything you may select now is of better value than what
you will ouy when the Spring goods are all stocked.
Our advice is to supply your needs now.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of tho
Stnto of OrcRon for tlio County
of Muitnomnli.
In tho Mutter uf tho Estate of
Clara Juno Hatch, deceased.
Notice is hereby triven that I,
Charles H. Kusscll. have been
duly appointed Administrator
of tho Estate of Clara June
Hatch, deceased, with Will an
nexed and have (nullified ns
such. All persons havinir claims
against said decedent, or her
estate, are hereby notified to
present same to me at the oflico
of my Attorney, George J. Per
kins. 1117 Hoard of Trade Hldtr..
Portland, Oregon, with proper
vouchers, duly venlled, ns re
quired' by law, within six
months from tho duto of the
iirst publication of this notice.
Dated and first published Dec
ember 21, 1917.
Administrator of the estate of
Clara Jane Hatch, deceased.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of tho
State of Orecon for the County
of Multnomah.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Hertlia P. Willmnn, deceased,
Notice iB hereby civen that I.
F. J. Willmnn.. nnve been duly
appointed administrator of the
estate of Hertho P. Willman,
deceased, and have qualified as
such. All persons having claims
against said decedent, or her
estate, aro hereby notified to
present same to me nt tho ofiice
of my Attorney, George J. Per
kins, 1117 Hoard of Trade Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon, with proper
vouchers, duly verified, us re-1
quired by law, within six
months from the date of the
first publication of this notice.
First published December 21,
Administratori'of the estate of
Bertha P. Willman, deceused.
Notice to Creditors
In tho . County Court of the
State of Oregon for tho County
of Multnomah.
In the Matter of the Estate
of Alice Anna Morris, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that
I, Edward R. Morris, havo
been duly appointed administra
tor of the estate of Alice Anna I
Morris, deceased, and have
qualified as such. All persons
having claims against said de
cedent, or her estate, are here
by notified to present same to
me at the ottice of my at
torney, George J. Perkins, 1117
Board of 'lrnde Bldg.. Portland.
Oregon, with proper vouchers,
duly verified, as required by
law, within six months from
the date of the first publication
of this notice. First published
December, 21, 1917.
Administrator of the estate
of Alice Anna Morris, deceased.
Supply Your Househopeeds
Do not buy anything from anybody that you
Strict economy is a war measure that must
be observed.
BUT if there is anything NEEDED there
is nothing gained by waiting: waiting
simply means to pay more.
Toggery Dept.
'Billie' Nichols
Open Evenings
Milk and Gream Direct
From the Gows
Muscaday Dairy
J. II. WINDLE, Prop.,
Phnne Pol. 3911 npllvprH flail I
The Central
TII08, Or.OVltR I'rop.
Philadelphia Street, St. Johns.
Soft Drinks as usual
Coldest and Coolest Drinks in
town Sandwiches, etc. All lead
ing Summer Drinks.
General Blncksmitliing and
Tire Setting, Repair Work of al
kinds, Horseshoeing a specialty
Hxpert on lame horses.
Two blocks from ferry lauding
Transfer and Storage
Wa deliver your good to and from
all pcrts of Portland, Vancouyer. Llmv
ton, I'onund ana Suburban Expreit
city dock and all point aocilble
W 'fee PUit and bamkufw a vk
The Past Time Billiard Hall,,
N I WIUTK J-ioi-tletor
The Place Where They All Go
A Choice Line of Cigars, Tobac
co and Soft Drinks
No. 186 I. O. O. r
UmU each Monday evening la Odd Fel
lows hall at 8:00. A cortlial welcome to
all visiting brothers.
(. W Norcnc. Noble Grand
II I. WbUlcr. Vice Grand
S. J Burroughs, Fin. Sec.
II. V Clark. Trea.
Portsmouth Gospel Hall -
Meeting 3 p. M. for Christians.
Gospel meeting in evening-7:30.
One door west of drug store,
Caldwell & Patterson
The plnce Where kx1 ervlce nnd
cnurtcou treatment prevnll. Children'
hair cuttliiK receive special attention.
Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey
The profession practiced iu its
various branches
Office hours: 8:30 to 12 M,; 1:30 to 5
anil 7 to 8 p. in.
1'irtt Nationul Hank IIiiIMIiil'
I'honc Columbia U82.
Office Room S
Peninsula Bank Building
Hours 9-io a. m.; t-5 p. m. and
Office photie'Col. 3545 Res. 910
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire lasurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attend.
ance of our members at our next
regular meeting. Thursday, Jan.
10. G. W. Muhm. Consul
Fred D. Elder
Teacber of
Class now forming for all aes anil grades
inone Columbia 127
746 Lombard Street
Do not forget to make ir mis
after next Monday when dating