St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 04, 1918, Image 3

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    Local News.
Electric Vacuum Cleamir for
Good second hand sewing ma
chines for rent. H. F. Clark.
Join ourniDiCTMAO
rent. H. F. Clark.
Special Sale
Odd Pieces Furniture
$31.00 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, "Adam" design,
Top 20x3G, Mirror 10x20, 1ms drawers,
Special , $24.80
$31.60 "Adam" design Princess Dresser like Chiff
onier, Top 22x42, bevel plate Mirror
18x40, Special $25.25
$5.25 Quartered Oak Dressing Table .
Chair, Special $3.95
$5.25 lied Room Chair, cane seat
Special $3.95
$0.00 "Adam" design Bed Room Rocker,
Quartered Oak, cane scat
Special $4.45
$7.50 Birds Hyc Maple Stand Table, top
22x22 Special $5.85
$27.00 Quartered Oak, Colonial design
Library Tabic, waxed finish, top 28x48
Kxtra Special $19.75
Cash or Credit Seven Years In St. Johns
During Inventory
St. Johns Hardware Co.
May be You Forgot Something
Transfer, Piano Moving, Etc.
Long Distance Hauling a Specialty
Phone Columbia 425 Office 215 S. Kellogg, Cor. John
Do You Want
a Fine Home
If so, here is your chance: A six room
house and bath with 50x100 lot adjoin
ing the business district of St. Johns.
House is modern and in fine condition;
would cost more than $2000 to build
and lot is worth $1200. This desirable
property may now be secured upon a
payment down of $500, and the bal
ance, $2100, may be paid on . easy in
stallments. Any one wanting this de
sirable property should call at this of
fice for further particulars.
It is still nuitG easv to
it 1917 in dating a letter.
Chas. L. Bland in ir. of Snrintr
field, Oregon, spent Sunday at
his home in this place.
Harry Smith is nursing
lacerated thumb, which accident
befell him while at work re
A fine seven pound baby irir
arrived at tno home of Mr. ana
Mrs. Irvin L. Gromachey Sun
day, Dec. 30th.
A new barber shop has opened
up in the room formerly occu
pied, by Jen" Pitchford on Phil
ndclphia street.
The dredge Columbia is bus
ily engaged in excavatinir the
basement for the elevator at
North St. Johns.
The watch meetincr in the
Evangelical church Monday
nignt was we attended and
the services were of an interest
ing nature.
Hal J. Davis spent a five dnv
. . . . -
furlough with his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Davis, the past
week. Hal is in the service of
Uncle Sum at Seattle.
L. S. Wagner is hobblintr
along with a pair of crutches.
the result of having a foot badly
injured by lumber fulling upon
it while at work at the local
ship plant recently.
Roy Stephens, son of J. A.
Stephens, superintendent of the
local dry docks, has gone to
New York where he will enter
the weather bureau department
in the government service.
The many friends of Miss
Huth Canright will be interest
cd to know of her murriugc to
Mr. Wnltcr Klinefelter, of Pay-
cttc, Idaho. Mr. Klinefelter is
a prosperous rancher of thut
The Knights of Pythias willj
give another of their delight-
ful dancing parties in the sknt-
ing rink the evening of Thurs
day, Januury 17th. Lovers of
dancing should bear this In
Geo. Lutz has sold his proper
ty on South Princeton street to
Mrs. Sarah K. Jones, and Lorcn
Gyrus has sold his property
on bast I'oik street to Alex
Iliuisor. of South Dakota. Both
i transactions were handled by A.
W. Do vis.
"How's your boy getting on
nt tho training cnmpV" "Won
derful!" replied Farmer Apple
cart. "I feel a snnse of great
security. An army that can
make my boy get up early,
work hard all day an' go to
bed early can do most any
thing. 'Peoples' Home Journal.
In renewing his subscrip
tion to the Review. D. Tollman,
former councilman of tho city
of St. Johns and well known
citizen, but who now resides
at Falrport, Now York, says:
"We ore in the midst of u good
blizzzard now. How I do envy
you uregon lows, a little or
this goes a good ways with me.
All well as usual."
W. C.
Mother's meeting of the
T. U. will be held at the
of Mrs. J. C. Scott. 102
Central avenue, next Monday
at two o'clock. Thero will be a
reception to new members and
to mothers who do not belong to
the W. C. T. U. We expect
to have a very interesting pro
grom, literary and musical. All
cordially invited. Reporter.
Bring in Your Job
Printing Now
Subscribe Now!
Vancouver is the most popular
Gretna Green in the whole
Northwest. In 1917 a total of
2116 couples were married in
that city. Nearly every state
in the Union, and Alaska, were
represented at one time or an
other during the year, and as a
result the minister's wives have
profited exceedingly, it is said,
as the pastors' wives usually
get all fees their husbands re-
ceive ior periorming marriage
Miss Cormany tendered her
resignation as Director of the
Red Cross Unit, which was
accepted, as she expects to leave
the city for the bouth in a short
time. Mrs. J. M. Shaw made
a short address in which she
voiced the appreciation of the
members for Miss Cormany's
faithful and efficient work. Mrs.
Gillmore was elected to fill
the vacancy, and Mrs. Dale was
made vice chairman. The meet
ings, which are being well at
tended, will be continued at the
Library every Wednesday,
Whole wheat flour, graham
flour, G5 cents small sack. Alex
Scales. Phone Co). 210.
Calls answered promptly day
or night, no extra charge. See
ad. of Miller & Tracev. St.
Johns branch office, Col. 888.
St. Johns Fair Store. E. W.
Foy, prop.: household utility
supplies and general notions
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goodB at lowest prices
Next to Electric store.
Wanted Plain sowing. Coll
at 842 Willamette boulevard N,
For Sale House and four lots
on North Syracuse street. Cal
at this office.
Wanted Competent
for general housework.
629 S. Ivanhoe street.
"Shorty" Brewer, had the
misfortune to lose his pet Ore
gon oca f lets" last week, it
was a red cat. We all ween
with "Bhorty." Contributed.
Mrs. Frank A. Jtice has onen
eu n -studio ior instruction on
violin and piano at 509 W.
John street. Mrs. Rice is
graduate of Mt. Notre Dame in
Cincinatti, Ohio, and has had
experience in teaching and or
chestra work. She wishes to
nnnouncc that she will take
imited number of
special attention to those wish
ng to enter the school orches
A surprise party was iriven
osophinc A. Gregory December
24th, nt her home 411 E. Tioga
street. Fifteen ol her school
mates were present, besides
several neighbors. The after
noon was spent in a very pleas
ant manner. Among the pre
sents she received was a fine
piano presented by her parents.
number of other handsome
presents were given the young
ndy by her friends. A fine
unch was served and a num
ber of musical selections ren
Sixteen dead, hundreds re
quiring medical attention and
thousands suffering acutely be
cause of lack of sufficient fuel
and food. Such was tho situa
tion in New York City tho last
day of the old year, as a result
1 tue coldest weather ever
known in the metropolis, ore-
ion weather was in most picas
n ir contrast. Weather almost
mild enough to sit on tho porch
without any particular discom
The Review office expects to
do located in n new homo alter
this week. Iho room two doors
south of tho postofllce has been
acquired and there wo will be
pleased to greet all our old
rionds and patrons. Iho new
room is a brick structure xuxou
eet in size, and by reason of n
big skylight in tho center, is
admirnbly adapted for a print
ng establishment. So un ess
something unforeseen happens,
the next issue of the Roview
will be issued from the new
Mary J. Scales, wife of Thos.
Scales, nnd mother of the well
known local merchant, Alex. S.
Scales, passed peacefully to rest
at her home, 608 Allegheny
street, on New Years day. Some
time ago, she was stricken with
paralysis and had been an in-
a d over since, when apon exy
developed, resulting in her
eath on the dato stated above.
Mrs. Scales was born in Ireland
and came to St. Johns from
bledo, Wash., twelvo years
ugo. olio was aged m years. V
months and 27 days. Surviving
tier are her husband, four sons
and two daughters. The body
was shipped to Centralis
Wash., for interment, tho St.
ohns Undertaking Co. in
Laurel Lodge. I. O. O. F. re
ceived word Monday evening
lat Brother J. K. Martin, of
St. Helens Lodgo was in a dy.
ng condition at 1557 Oatman
street, Portland, so reported by
District Deputy Grand Master
A. L. Sarber. Chaplain N. A.
Gee and A. C. Gaines volun
teered to go and render their
services, and Lee uormany took
hem over in his machine.
Noble Grand G. W. Norene ac
companying them, ihey found
Brother Martin in a dying con
dition and Messrs. Gee and
Gaines remained with him un
til the end, which occurred at
n. m. Tuesday morning. The
remains were taken to the East
Side Undertaking parlors under
the direction of the General Re
lief Committee, of Portland.
The funeral took place yester
day afternoon in the Odd Fel
lows plot in the Mt. Scott ceme
tery. If you want job printing done
don't overlook us. We want to
do all the printing for St. Johns
people. For commercial print
ing this office is well equipped
and we know how to do it.
Prices are lower than the same
clasB of work is done in Port
land, because our expenses are
less. Any support along the
Erinting line that any citizen or
usiness man can giveuswill be
highly appreciated. Please don't
FOR KENT A room suitable
for two gentlemen. Call 508
Bristol street.
Leslie's Rose Tonic and Fer
tilizer, been tested three years
Made and sold by Earl Wood.
For Sale Two heating stoves;
also a fine Black Minorca
rooster. Call 405 Alta street.
For Trade Four fine lots and
modern bungalow, well located,
for farm. Inquire at this office,
Victrola prices are standa.d
everywhere, but terms vary.
We give the best terms. Currm
Says So.
For Sale Kitchen range, two
heaters: 200 feet wire fencing.
Call nt 1010 Willamette boule
Lost Bill book containing S5
bill nnd valuable papers, ad
dress 546 Hnrtman street enclos
ed. Finder keep $5 bill m,d
return to this office.
Rabbits for Sale-New Zeal
and, Flemish Ginnt, Rufus Red.
White Pinkeyes nnd Belgians.
All ages and all prices. C. R.
Chad wick ii Son, 219 N.Swcnson.
If my work pleases you: plcane
tell your friends. If not. tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
Alex Scales for Al irroceries.
Nothing but the best and al
ways fresh. Phono Col. 210;
10 I'csscndcn street.
For Sale Confectionery store
doing u fine business. Good
reason for selling. Good loca
tion. Cnll at this office.
When in need of smull arti
cles, get them at tho G-10-lGc
store. St. Johns; in tho Penin
sula National Bank Building.
If you want n nice home, look
at this 5 room, modern house
with furniture. See J. F. Gill-
more for price nnd terms, 113
2 N. Jersey street.
Buy your malt syruns at Tho
Central. 101 Philadelphia street.
Two and one-half pound jars
or 65 cents:! five pound Jars for
For Solo Terms; 6 room
louso. well located. 00x100 ot
bath, toilet, hot water, gas,
electric lights, nice fruit. See
S. W. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey.
Go to the Auto Repair Compa
ny, zu bouth Jersey street, for
your nuto, motorcycle nnd bicy
cle repairs and supplies. Autos
lor hire, mono Coumbln 727.
New Year's clean up prices
on nuts. Walnuts 20c lb: pe
cans 20c lb; filberts, 20c lb:
irazil 20c lb. Alex. Scales,
hone Col. 210.
For Sale Fino houso and lot
at the corner of Fessenden and
Willis Boulevard, formerly tho
Maplo property. Price $2150;
worth more than this sum.
Terms $500 cbbIi, balance easy
terms. Call at this office.
N. A. Gee. professor of odd
jobs, is now ready to take your
order for anything in house
moving or repairing, roof re-
pairing a specialty; cement
work of all kinds and general
contracting. 801 N. Ivanhoe;
phono Col. 803.
For Sale Beat hotel nronosi-
tion in St. Johns, no other hotel
near. Located near Cooperage
plant, shipyards, dry docks,
etc. Beautiful grounds over-
ooking the river. 100x130 feet
with 8 room house, completely
furnished, nothing better. In
quire 927 Willamette blvd. cor
ner Pierce.
For Sale Well located house,
18x18, lot 60x100. woodshed and
store house 10x20, fruit and
lots of berries, will be sold at
25 per cent less than coat; 1121
South Jersey street. Price
$800, $300 down and balance at
$10 per month with interest.
A gond proposition for a Cooper
ago plant worker. Call and look
it over.
Rose Cream is best for winter
chaps, Currin Says So,
can join;
Come In
It costs nothing to join ntid is the one sure way to have money.
You can begin with 10 cents, 5 ccnls, 2 cents or 1 cent, ami increase
your deposit the same amount each week.
Or you can begin with the largest amount and decrease your pay
ments each week.
You can deposit 50 cents, 1.00 or $5.00 or more ench week.
Come in and ask about it.
I'ltTitH Al'T.ltN, . . President
I'kud C. Kkait, . Vice President
1'kank 1'. Dkinkkk . Vice 1'rcsldcnt
John N. ItDi.iti'SHN. . . Cashier
CltAKI.KS II. Kl'SSKl.t,, Assistant Cashier
Stanton I.. Doiiih, Assistant Cnshlcr
Him'AUi) K. Mokki.h, Assistant Cashier
I'. C. KNAI'I"
II. H. ritNNltl.t.
Peninsula National Bank
Member of Federal Reserve Bank
3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit
Just Make the Circuit
Look over all the grocery stores in
the neighborhood but be sure not
to overlook ours, for we expect to
win your custom on the strength
of your unbiased comparisons.
301 S. Jersey St.
Phone Col. 118
A Hot Combination
We now handle coal as well as wood
St. Johns Lumber Co.
No charge for examination.
Res. Phone Columbia 690 Office Phone Columbia 97
Office and Residence 3I3 N. Hayes St.
TELEPHONE Columbia 477
Our Linoleum Just Suiis
At whatever allele you muy rigl'lly in
t.pect it. When it conies to wear nmt
tear it beats ull the rest by every tcjt.
liok over our extensive utsartmeut at'
designs. You are IkiuiuI to be suited,
Our linoleum lends lustre ami happiness
to a kitchen anil it lights thing up in u
maimer mokt cheerful,
4 00-402 S.JERSEY ST
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St,
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