Kfitorlcnl Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW SUCCESSOR TO PENINSULA REVIEW Dtroted to th Intertill of th Penlniula, (be Manufacturing Center of (hi Northwtit Old Serlei, Vol. XI, N. 33 VOL. 14 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1917. NO. 3 Death of Mrs. Balch The Stamp Tax Law Duck JVheat Seized Thanksgiving Day High School Happenings St. Johns' Roll of Honor Now is Time to Enlist Mrs. Clnrn J. Balch died at the homo of her father. II. C. Goddard. 713 East Richmond street, Saturday, November 21th. acred about 58 years Cancer of the stomach was the cause of her death, after an illness of about five months. It is said that the deceased had more than 5.000 relatives re- siding in different parts of the United States including which are three sons and one daughter. She was born in the state of Now York arid for the past four years has resided in St. Johns. Mrs. Balch, but better known ns "Mother Balch," was a woman who was loved by all her friends and all who knew her. The funeral services were held Sunday nftornoon at 2 o'clock, at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey, undertakers, Rev. McCloud, of Portland. ofH ciuting at the service. Inter ment in Columbia cemetery. His Place Will Be Filled In this fair world in which we dwell no man's so greatly needed that when they toll his passing bell his going is much heeded. Today we see a shin ing guy of whom the world is talking, and we remark, "If ho should die 'twould set tho planet rocking. Oh, it would jolt thip country hard, to lose this human pattern: the solar sys tarn would be jarred from Juni per to Saturn." And then this man of mighty brains is taken with tho colic, and fifty-seven kinds of pains around liis in nards frolic. Tho doctors round his couch have swarmed as thick as they were able, and in the end we aro informed that ho has slipped his cable. The great man's deadl And still the sun its daily bonfire raises, and still tho stars, when day is done, como forth and shino like blazes. Tho government wags on tho same, dissatisfaction giving, and men pursue tho same old gamo they played when ho was living. Tho fame ho worked so long to build has vanished, ns enchanted; tho great man's place is promptly filled, tho great man's dead and planted. Walt Mason. Meets Every Wednesday The first meeting of tho St. Johns Red Cross Auxiliary for sewing was held in tho library Wednesday of last week, with tho following ladies present: Miss Cormany, Mrs. T. T. Parker, Mrs. J. M. Shaw, Mrs. Bonham, Mrs. J. Gilmore, Miss Gilmore, Mrs. J. Harney, Mrs. A. W: Vincent, Mrs. H. Brice, Mrs. S. Downey. Mrs. R. D. Douglas. Mrs. S. A. Mulkey, Mrs. W. R. Evens, Mrs. W. J. Gilstrap and Mrs. Kilton. Good progress was made in sewing, a number of garments being com pleted like the two models fur nished. Tho next meeting will be Wednesday, Dec. 5, an all day meeting. If anyone has a sewing machine that they can loan to the workroom, communi cate with Miss Corwany, Col umbia 108. Reporter. A Pleasant Surprise Dean Elliott was given a sur prise at his home, 719 S. Jersey street, Saturday evening, by a number of friends. Games were played and refreshments were served. Those present were: Bertha and Bessie Lauth, Edna Martin, Verda Carley, Erna Haskell. Rutl) Weiss, Ruby and Dorothy Walker, Pearl and Irene McQuarrie. Dorothy Melton, Bonnie Wagner and Nina Hops; Dean Elliott, Romano Strickland, Lloyd Mar tin. Harvey Melton. Joe Ward, Robert Haskens, William Car ley. Mra. Simons, Ivy Burk and Gladys Elliott assisted in the entertainment. Every one had a fine time. J. F. Gillmore reports the following sales in the past ten days: Five room house for Mr. Peterson, to G. H. Pantenburg, ot Newberg, located in the J. C. Scott Addition, for 31500; Five room house on East Mohawk street for Mr. Thomp son to E. J. Thompkins of Wood burn, for $1300; ten acres of land at Beaverton for Mrs. C. J. Pennicord to J. Haine for $2,000. Tho stamp tax on legal in atrutnents, provided for in, the recently enacted war revenue measure, will go into effect Saturday. On and after that date revenue stamps must be affixed to notes, drafts, deeds, certificates of stock, powers of attorney and other legal papers. Severe penalties are provided for failure to comply. Exemp tions from this tnx are provided for bonds, notes or other instru ments issued by the United States, by foreign governments, or by states and territories, subdivisions, or municipalities: and for stocks and bonds issued by co operative building and loan associations which are organized and operated exclus ive v for the benefit of their members and make loans only to their shareholders, or by mutual ditch or irrigating com panies. The penalty for failing to affix the proper amount of stamps to designated lcgnl docu ments or papers is fixed nt not more than $100 for each ofTense, while tho penalty for fraudulent use or alteration is not more than S1000. or by imprisonment for not more thnn five years, or both, in the discretion of the court. Included in tho revenue meas ure and subject to stamp tax aro playing cards, which must pay a tax of 5 cents a package and parcel post packages on which the postage amount to 25 cents or more, bearing a 1 ior cent tax for every 25 cents postage or fraction thereof. No package may bo transported un til the tnx is affixed. Following, in summary, aro the documents subject to stamp tax, and tho amount of tax: Bonds, debentures, or certill- catcs of indebte Inaas issued on and after December 1, 1917, by any person, corporation, part ners in. or association, on each $100 of face valuation or frac tion thereof, 5 cents, Livery renewal of tho foregoing shall bo taxnd as n new issue. In demnity and surety bonds, for the indemnifying of nny per son, corporation or partnership, or corporation who shall have been bound or engaged as sure ty, and all bonds for tho due enacting of any contract, obliga tion or renuirement. or ofilcinl bonds, and to account for money received, 50 cents. Poli cies of reinsurance aro exempt from tho tax imposed by this subdivision. Tho tax on each original issue of capitnl stock, whether on or ganization or reorganization, on each ' $100 or face value or frac tion thereof, shall bo 5 cents a share. If tho actual value s in excess of $100 n share, the tux Bhall be 5 cents on each $100 of actual value or fraction there of. Capital stock, sales or trans fers, on each 51UU ot face vaiuo or fraction thereof, shall pay 2 cents, and where such shares aro without pnr value the tax shall be 2 cents on tho transfer or salo or agreement to sell on each share. If in excess of $100 a share, tho tax shall be based on each $100 of actual value or fraction thereof. Sales of produce on exchange are taxed as ioiiows: upon each sale, agreement of salo, or agreement to sell, including so called transferred or scratch sales, and products or mer chandise covered by such sale or agreement, 2 centB, and for each additional $100 or frac tional part thereof in excess of $100, 2 cents. Drafts and checKs payauie otherwise than by sight or on demand, promissory notes, ex cept bank notes issued for cir culation, and for each renewal of the same, for a sum not exceed incr $100. 2 cents: for each ad- d tional $100 or fractional part, 2 cents. Conveyances, deeds, instruments, or writings where bv any reaUy shall be conveyed or assigned, when the considera tion or value of any lien or en cumbrance remaining thereon at the t me of sale, exceeds $100 and does not exceed $500, tax of 50 cents, and for each additional $500 or fraction there of. 50 cents. Entry of any goods or mer chandise at any custom house, either for consumption or ware housing, not exceeding $100 in value, a tax of 25 cents: exceed ing $100 and not exceeding $500 in value, 50 cents; exceed incr S500 in value. $1. Entry for the withdrawal of any goods or merchandise from customs bonded warehouse, 50 cents. Passage tickets, one way or round trin. for each passenger, sold or issued in the United States for Dassace by any vessel to a port or place not in the Over 30,000 pounds of wheat was seized Saturday by ollicers of the federal food administra tion for Oregon, acting under authority of the law department of the food administration at Washington and in conjunction with the United States at torney's office in Portland. The grain wns seized at various duck hunting preserves nlong tho Columbia river, where it had been stored ns food for wild ducks. About 90 per cent of this wheat has been approved by government grain experts ns suitable for milling purposes. The food administration has ruled that the practice of feed ing grain of good quality to wild ducks is wasteful and has ordered that all such grain lound in storage on hunting preserves be requistloned lor government use. Owners of wheat seized and sealed are bcintr notified to shin this grain to the food administration 'grain corporation where it will be pur chased neenrding to grade and the owners will bo reimbursed to that extent. Food administra tion officials have samples of other lots of wheat shipped to hunters, and the exact amount of each lot. These shipments total mora than tho amount seized. Hunters whose pro serves have not been visited by officials from tho department of justice aro advised to refrain from feeding any more wheat until their supply has been in spected. Samples may be sub mitted to tho office of tho fed eral food administration for Oregon, 401 Northwestern National Bank building. Many duck hunters have voluntarily and cheerfully complied with a previous request that no grain lie usad to attract du.-ks to their preserves and others have ceased shooting altogether for tho period of the war. Other hunters are using potntocs too small for market and carrots ns a substitute, and report success. To Celebrate Anniversary The Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, of St. Johns, known as the "Deborah Living ston Union," will celebrate their twelfth nnniversury of tho organization next Monday nt tho homo of Mrs. J. C. Scott, 102 Centra nvenue. Wo hope to sco nt this meeting overy woman of St. Johns who has been a member of tho W. C. T. U. in St. Johns or in nny other place in tho world, and in addition to these we hope to see every woman who is at all interested in tho work of this organization. Como and enjoy the afternoon with us. There will be music and reading, sev eral selections of each, and there will also bo opportunity for all to tako part in the dis cussion of tho subject for tho afternoon, "Employment for People Above I'ifty Years of Age: What About tho Olser Theory?" Wo are also very de- sirious of having all our White Ribbon Recruits present. Wo expect to havo some additions. Como at two o'clock. uenorter. United States, Canada or Mex ico. If costing not exceeding $30. a $1 tax: more than $30 and not exceeding ifw, tax oi $3; costing more than $G0, tnx of $5. Passage tickets of $10 or less shall be exempt from taxation. Proxies for voting at any election for officers or meeting for thn transact on of business of any incorporated company or association, other than relig ious, charitable fraternal, or literary societies or public ceme teries, a tax of 10 cents. Power of attorney is taxed at 25 cents; providing that no stamps shall be required upon any papers necessary to be used ior tne collection oi cmirim from the United States or any state 'for pensions, back pay, bounty, or ior property lost in the military or naval service, or upon powers oi attorneys reauired in bankruptcy cases. The act provides for the sales of tax stamps at postothces. They may also be obtained, Portland, at the ollice of Milton A. Miller, Collector of Internal Revenue. Officials who show' increased receipts and reduced overhead with improved service in their department are going to bo in demand by the taxpayers. In creasing office holders and rais ing official salaries is not what taxpayers want, Give thanks! Thanksgiving day is here; But once it comes in every year. There is one thing I'd like to say, Wo ought to give thanks every day; In sixteen hundred, twenty-ono, We find when harvest work was done, Our PilgrimB held then a feast day. A Harvest Festival, so they say. In sixteen hundred, twenty three. Wc find as we read history, A drought was threatening all the and. To pray there came a little band. While lifting up their hearts in nraver. Somo drops of rain came falling there. The meeting changed thanks then to give, As withering crops would grow and live. When crops were taken from the Held. They offered thanks for tho big vield. This custom they have kept, they say. And called that time Thanks- cr v ng Day. When the Revolution ended This method wc sco extended To tho Middle States, and wc find Tho Western states come close behind. The states down South were very slow. This system to adopt, you know. Somo kept this day, and now wo see, Since eighteen hundred, sixty three. Our President each year pro- claims. A legal holiday for tho same. And then the governors of each state. Send out n notice, time and date. And papers our attention cnll A day to bo observed by nil. November was tho month they set Tho fourth Thursday, it's that way yet. Give thanks for what? I hear you suy, You havo more this 1 hanks- civinir Dnv. If you will pauso and look around. There's lots of things that can bo found; So many things 'twould bo a shame To tako up spaco right here to nnme. It's a feast dny. good eats to all Though what somo have is mighty small. Our kin folks como from near and far. In their farm riurs or auto car: Somo como by boat, others by train. Somo u few days with you re main. 'Tis then for "good eats" wc nrenare. And wo see that wo havo our share. "Oofnii flxaf " tun ntnaf linnr in II. Ob, ItlUUli ... mind. When lots of goodies 'round we find. You may offer thanks for what is best, But health we place above the rest. Your attention I want to cull, When that is gone you have lost all. Give thanks for health, which one can't buy With all tho gold beneath the sky.-O. O. Smith. Will Give a Dance Thn Rnphnlor Club will civo a flnncfi in the akatinir rink a few days before Christmas, tho pro ceeds from which will bo devoted to the Red Cross fund. It has been the annual custom of the Bachelor Club to give entertain ments prior to Christmas in or der to raise funds for destitute families of St. Johns, but this vnnr thn hovs sav they have been unable to find any real destitution here,' and tnereioro will raise funds for Red Cross purposes this year instead. It is a matter of much gratifica tion that destitution has been eliminated from St. Johns. The date of tho dance will bo an nounced later. fiifTnrd TMnchot now concedes the importance of immediate wntni- nmvni" lpiMHlfitinn on a basis of fifty year leaBo on fair terms to secure investment of capital and hasten power de velopment. "The Disappearance of Dora" has been selected for the school play. Watch for further announcements. Prospects for a good basket ball team are fav.orable. The boys will start practicing short ly after Thanksgiving. The Manual Training'boys arc busy making toys for tho Red Cross Sale to be held in the public auditorium on tho sixth and seventh of December. About ono hundred of the James John students took ad vantage of tho unusual oppor tunity to sec the drama. "Mer chant of Venice." on Monduy night. English IV is now read ing tho piny, while others of the advanced classes rend it last year; hence the discussion and criticism of the Ben Greet presentation was an imated. Many of those who went to tho game waited during the interval before the Y. W. C. A. parlors, which the association kindly opened to them. The pupcr campaign is as interesting as ever, each class being eager to cop the pennant offered to the winner. Tho results so far are: 1st termers, 1840 lbs: 2nd termers. 720 lbs; 3rd tcrmerB,G57 lbs; '1th termers, 502 lbs.; Juniors 2153 lbs; Sen iors 1389 lbs. lhe proceeds will bo turned over to the Stu dent Body Treasury. Tho activity of the campaign closed at noon Wednesday, but these notes went to press too early to report final results. "Jnmcs John broiwht its 1917 football season to n whirlwind finish Monduy bv whitewash ing Jefferson 2G-0. This wns ono of tho biggest surprises of tho year, us jcucrson nciu Franklin, the tonnotchers. to two touchdowns in the chnm- t) bnship battle last Friday. James John finishes tho sen- son in second plnco by virtue of its unexpected victory Mon day. A crowd of about 500 persons, equally divided be tween the rival schools, turned nut mul wnn trnntnd to nsj fdHt mid exciting an exhibition as has been played tins year. James John wound up tho sea- boh with n garrison nnisn, scor ing two touchdowns in the Inst two minutes of play. Tho Ural quarter was score less and hard fought, but gave Mm finiH nn inklintr of tho hp r I ok of explosions in store for them. Willieford attempted n field goal from tho 30 yurd line, but Plummor intorcontod Junius John's first attempted pass, but Herman schroeuor pickeu tne linll nut nf the nir n few momont8 later when Joircrson tried to pass. Tho second quarter opened with a thriller. Bill Schroeder triml tn shnnt n imss over the Jefferson goal, but Plummor in tercepted it on tho one yard line. James John tried to do the next best thing and throw Plnmmnr nnrnss his own troul for n touchback, but the husky fullback was too foxy and re turned tho ball to tho 10 yard line, where Willoford kicked to safety. Receiving Jefferson's punt, James John marched the ball right back again, and by straight foot ball hung up the first touchdown. Herman Schroe der scoring. Jefferson blocked the kick in. James John opened the final half bv plowing strnight along to 'Jefferson's 20 yard line, where it lost the ball on the only fumble of the gnme. Willeford torpedoed tho James John line nnd bucked tho ball up to the 35 yard marker. James John held Jellerson for downs, and for the first time opened up its fnmmiH forward nnss svstcm. Bill Schroeder passed to Girt for 10 yards, to Smith for 10 yards, and finally directly over the goal to smith, wno neatiy hooked tho 15 yard transfer and scored n touchdown. Schroeder kicked goal. Jefferson opened the nnal per infl hv tr-vintr to beat James John at its own game. Plum mer hooked iu yard pass on tne first play, but Wulf. of tho op position, intercepted the next attempt. Two passes, Bill Schroeder and Smith, the first fnr :) nnd the second ior lu yards, put the ball across Jeffer son's goal for another touch down. Bill Schroeder kicked goal. Jefferson, desperate, tried tho kill-or-curo pass system, but the plan backfired when Bill Schroeder intercepted fhn initial miss nnd skirted .Inffnrnnn'H loft side for a final touchdown. Schroeder missed goal, All in all, James. John Following is a list of those from St. Johns who havo enlist ed in Undo Snm'B service and who are now at the different training camps. We probably overlooked somo, as it is ex ceedingly difficult to learn them all. So if you know of any overlooked, will you kindly fur nish their names, so that they may be added to St. Johns Roll of Honor. Taylor M. Whitmore. Athlll W. Irvine, Donne II. Knowles, Enrl II. Knowles, Theodore liUUVWi ill iJ I VII 1 UH JtUIIUUU Olin, Claude E. Harris, Russell Poff. R. P. Galloway. Chas. E. Gurlick, Murne Donaldson, Glenn Haskell, Roy Clnrk, Ben jamin Swan, Hubert Martin, Leon Soruer, Donald Strickland, Lowell Anderson, John LnVillctt, Frank L. Thompson, Orin Lear, Hal J. Davis. Donald N. Trow bridge, Bert Larson, Alnn Ruth erford, Homer Plnskott, Henry Brandenburg, J. W. Welch, Da vid Bowe. Clyde Heath. Walter Mayer, Fred Scmalling, John Bogg8, Ernest Johnson, Hiram Entingcr. Kenneth Simmons, Thornton Toole, Eugene Hiutt, Dowo Walker, August Jensen, Ray Myer. Waller Pearson, El mer M miles. Roy Gngnou. Har old and Arthur Holcomb, Lester D. nnd Basil B, Smith, Bryant Kilkenny, Paul Rude, Emory Gillmore, Lewis Wirth, Harold Meredith. Ray Hawkins. Hugh Ward, Kindle C Snttcrlee, Gor don und Wilbur Bellinger, Zeltn Rice. John O'No ill. Hurry Tru- man, Frank Green, Wulter Rick son, Frank Whitney, Thomas Reynolds, Cnrlyle Cunningham, Percy Smith, Frank Whitney, Arthur C. Clark, Alphonso Fox, Hurry G. Hughes. Geo. Downoy, Thos. E., Edward G. nnd Ingolf WillikBon, F. Edward Isbcll. gnvo tho neatest exhibition of tho vear. Wulf and tho bciiroe- der brothers did the starring, while Plummor and Willoford deserve Jefferson's high honors. Considering tho records of somo oi tne larger bcuoois, James John hits mado a good showing the first two years in tho league, Bcorlng a total oi seven points tho first yeur, a feat which muny league leaders failed to accomplish. 'Ihls year James John has fourteen points against them with 210 scored on opponents. With about 80 boys in tho school, James John managed to turn out n team which defeated the thrco largest schools in tho league. The James John team accepted tho challenge of Everett. Wash., nnd left Tues day night to play on Thanks giving, iho loiiowing men comprise tho squad: Delbort Dny, I'Jverett Dny, .lonn wuit, Dick Girt. Mux Sterns. Bill Schroeder, Herman Schroeder, Charles Spackmnn, uusscii Moyor, Russell Smith, Joseph Toole, Donald Schnier, i.ouis Dunsmore. Oliver Jessup.Kelsoy Cook nnd Coach Strong. Thoy will return Saturdny, John Mc Gregor accompanied tho team ns referee. At a short assembly Tuesday morning tho boys woro given a rouBing sond qii. mo team knows tho support of tho school oven if thoy could not attend the game. If you want job printing done don't overlook us. Wo want to do all tho printing for St. Johns !iuoiiu. I'ur cumiiiuiciui jii mi ng this office is well equipped and wo know how to do it. Prices are ower than tho same class of work is done in Port land, becauso our expenses aro less. Any support along tho printing lino that uny citizen or business man can give us will bo highly appreciated. Pleuse don't forget. At the inquest held on Tues day morning concerning tho death of William Rowe, who was killed last Thursday in St. Johns, when u street car crash ed into the rear end of an auto truck, the jury was unable to fix responsibility lor the acci dent. Tho evidence revenled the fuct that neither motor man nor truck driver had suffi cient warning of danger until too lato to avert tho crash, Con flicting testimony concerning the speed of the car und truck was otercd. 'lhick log was declared to have mado the ac cident possible. "Pentecosts I have Seen." will bo tho sermon subject at tho Methodist church Sunday morn l nir and in the evening. "Rlnmincr God" will be exnosed as a common cloak for defeut and sin, If ynu want to be a volunteer, now is the time to enlist. After December 15, when tho new draft regulations become effec tive, men of draft age will not be permitted to enlist voluntar ily in the army, navy or marine corps. Under the now classi fication system through which tho draft will be conducted after Questionnaires to be sent every registered mnn in the next few weeks have been an swered and returned to local boards, these men will be held for service under tho draft. Heretofore any man of draft age who had not been called up before his local board for physi cal examination could enlist vol untarily if ho so desired. This will continue to be the case un til December 15, but on that date the new rule goes into effect. There tire only two ex ceptions to this rule. Here is the exact languuge of the regu lations in regard to the first ex ception: "Upon presentation to a recruiting ollicor of n cer tificate by his local board to the effect that his class und order number are bo low that he is not within the current quota of his local board, any registrant may enlist voluntarily in tho Navy or in tho Mnrlne CorpB." But no provision is mndo for voluntary enlistment of men of draft ago in tho Armv. Tho other exception has to do with medical students, hospital in ternes, dentists, dental stud ents, veterinarians or veterin ary students, who will bo per mitted under regulations to be drawn up by the Surgeon Gen eral or tho Army, to enlist in tho Enlisted Reserve Corps of tho Medical Department. The new rulo docs not allcct volun tary enlistment by men not of draft age. Adjutant General, Portland. , Taxes to Be Hi Portland is confronted by a city tnx rate of eleven millB, tho highest in tho city's His tory. This high rato is not tho fault of tho city commission, us tho cost of operating the city government is fnr lower than for nearly nil other cities oi Portland's cluss. Tho high tnx rato is tho direct result of Port land's propensity for going into debt. Interest payments on bonded indebtedness incurred by Portland tiro fur higher than any in any other city of its class in America except Seattle. Portland rushed head- lonir into debt, and for many years its taxpayers will pay tho over mounting interest bills. I' or years tho Voter has been predicting tho high rates that inevitably would bo imposed tomootthoso intoroflt payments. Wo predict now. thnt tho tax rates for a number of years in Portland will bo eleven mills higher, bo that the interest as it falls duo may he paid. What a comparison witli tho livo and six mills tax ratos paid by Port land taxpayers for municipal pur poses during tho golden years whon our people recklessly sanc tioned bond issues for tho im provements that cost so little at tho time but which now must ho paid for! To provide for Portland's needs, much more expenditure will bo required: but let prudence and financial judgment bo coupled with courage in meeting these now nepds as thoy becomo manifest. Thus may wo bo enabled to en joy tho benefits of civic better ment without tho necessity oi levying so heavily to meet in terest and principal of debt in curred so easily and without thought for the future. An average of $4.12 per capita for 191(5 was paid as interest on debt by 213 American cities of over 30,000 population. Port land paid $5.85 per capita for interest charges during the samo year, more than one-third tho cost of operating all tho departments of tho city govern ment. Oregon Voter. The Portland Garbage Co. is nrmiarpri to remove rubbish of any nature from tho residences and business places ot fat. Johns at 75c per month for residences and from business places at reasonable rates. Calls, mado every Saturday. Leavo orders at St. Johns Hardware, or phono Woodlawn 2G93. Will there bo a Victrola in our homo this Xmus? Curriu Say a So.