St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 23, 1917, Image 3

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Oak Dining Tables
Plain Oak Round DlnitiR Table, wax finish . .$10.00
Quartered Oak Table, 42 inch top, 6 foot
extension $18,50
45 inch top, Oak Dining Table, has hexa
gon pedestal $22.50
45 inch flush rim Dining Table, full quar
tered oak, colonial design pedestal $3-1.50
48 inch plank top, quartered oak Table $32.50
54 inch flush rim quartered oak Dining
Table, extends to 8 feet, has dividing
Postal $43.00
45 inch plank top. quartered oak,
Special Terms, Any Table $1 Cash
Tables Priced $lG.00'to $28.50, 75e a week
" 32.50 to 43.00, $1.00 a week
Old tables taken in exchange for now Oak
Dining Tables.
Cash or Credit Seven Years In St. Johns
Reed Roasters
We carry a full line of
these good Roasters.
The Reed will roast
other meats as well as
the Thanksgiving Turkey.
Dark Enamel Reed Roaster Blue Enamel Reed Roaster
Size 8x10 Roaster, 6 lb. $2.25
Size ioJxi6J " 12 lb. 3.00
Size 11JXI7 ' 16 lb. 3.25
Size 12x18 " 20 lb. 3.50
Size 10x15$ Roaster 8 lb. $3.50
Size lojxifij " 12 lb. 3.75
Size ujxi7 " 16 lb. 4.00
Size 12x18 " 20 lb. 4.25
Reed Aluminum Roaster $5.75
Compare our prices on these
St. Johns Hardware Co. j
Agency Goodyear Tires
Than ksgiv fa g Program
Wednesday Evening, Nov. 28th
8 !P. M.
Local News.
Check your
'Grippe" at Cur-
Send in your news items.
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for
rent. H. F. Clark.
The weather man has certain
ly given us a glorious Fall.
. Business m all lines is show
ing marked improvement.
Mrs. Geo. Hall has been ill
with the grin for the past few
We outfit big and little
ers. Currin Says So.
Good second hand sewing ma
chines for rent. H. F. Clark.
For Rent Furnished
close in, near city hall,
this office.
Call at
Those lunch kits
are rightly priced.
at Currins
The Peninsula Security Co.
nas taKen out a permit lor a
garage at 901 South Ivanho?.
For Sale House and four lots
on North Syracuse street. Call
at this olllce.
Mrs. A. Clark is assisting at
the Penninsula National Bank.
Chas. E. Garlick has been
promoted to First Sercrnant in
Uncle Sam's army.
Merchants deairinir snccinl
holiday advertising should ar
range for space now.
If my work pleases you: nlease
tell your friends. If not. tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
John Swanson, of 517 Willam
ette bouievaru, sustained a
crushed foot while at work at
the ship plant this week.
Wanted Hitrh school trirl to
work for room and board. Can
at this ollice.
rWJf-, i. -?,' ,- I. Minn I I I, in in
Hair work.
from combings.
ti. lyler street.
Switches made
Mrs. Hill, G15
mo inanKSgivincr turKev is a
costly bird this year, and there
will not be enough to ko around
i . .
I at that.
A UnH.! ! 1 1.-..
arrived the4 hon 'oT Mr. 23 R?W b' the Pe"i91 Sccur'
When In need of small arti
cles, get them at the 5-10-15c
store, St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
Harry Fassett has mirchased
the line house and lot on South
Edison street, recently com-
Ior Trade Four fine lots and
modern bungalow, well located,
for farm. Inquire at this ofiice.
Lost Monday, ten dollar bill.
Finder kindly return to Mrs.
Harry Olson, 932 South W Ham-
ette ulvd.
14 24 5$ iM
will start- you In our
Come In.lar us show nn Unw in Auu
Mrs. W. S. Little. H30 N.
logg street, Tuesday of
ity Co.
Lou E. Wenham and wife, of
Pullman, Wash., paid this ofiice
a brief visit last Saturday. Mr.
Wenham is editor of the Pull
man Tribune.
Tim Harbin, who had been
residing . in I Washington state
for Line past year. L was a St.
Johns visitor the c past week.
He has secured a good position
in rortiancl.
Friends of the Review should
not forget to send in any news
items that they have knowledge
of. We want every item of
news that's going.
Ior Sale Iutrniture for two
rooms, including linoleum. Call
102 Bristol street, corner Smith
Lost Largo lady's nurse con
taining money, letters and small
pictures. Finder kindlv leave
at this office.
All you need to do is to bring in l cent, 2 cents, 5 cents or 10 cents,
nml join our Christmas Banking Club. Bach week following you in
crease your deposit the same amount you started with. For instance, if
you join the 5 cent club, second week you deposit 10 cents, third week
15 cents, and increase your deposit a uiclclc each week.
Or you can make the largest payment first and decrease your pay
ments each week.
We also have 50 cent, $1.00 nml $5.00 Clubs where vou pay in the
same amount each week. Come in ami sec about it.
The St. Johns Auxiliary of
the Red Cross is now meeting
every Wednesday in the brnry
auditorium to sew for the sol
diers. The room is open from
9 o'clock on and everyone who
. . . . i
wishes to help is invited.
lor Sale at a Bargain Lots
1 to 4. in Block G. Po nt View
Addition. $750 cash buys them.
Uill at this ollice.
Peninsula National Bank
mi i e
xnc unnton rcmon nre go
ing to give a dance in the Maca
bee hall of thut nlaco on Satur
day. Nov. 24. Everyone is in
vited to attend and u good time
is promised to all.
N. Cochran and wife, of
Cochran, Oregon, have been
visiting nt the home of the
iatter's mother. Mrs. M att.
They returned to their home
Roy Wilcox has leased the old
uiacKsmiih shop at t ie corner
of Charleston and South Ivan-
hoe streets, and converted same
into an auto storage and trans
fer room. See his ?ad. in this
S. W. Rogers has finished
and nicely lurnisiicu the upper
story of his home on Chicago
street and has rented same.
Thus ho has done his bit to
ward relieving the stress for
habitation. Let others do like
The repair of Jersey street is
now under way. the work being
done hy the Warren Construe
tion Co.. which mennB that it
will be well done. The street
was badly in need of redress
W t .
it is said there is now a
movement on foot for the es
tablishment of a hospital in St.
Johns. Such un institution
here is badly needed, and it is
hoped thut the movement will
not cease until n hospital has
materialized in St. Johns.
Dr. Browne, who has spent
over ao years in Turkey and
worked among the Armenians.
will deliver nn address at the
TUa r ni,.n st Joh8 Congregational church
TitUS, Of Dunnignn on Sundnv ovomnir nt 7.n.
m. The sneaker will relato some
of the actual facts and condi
tions. Everybody is invited.
Sunday school nt 10 u. m. Pray
er meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.
- o
Go to the Auto Repair Compa
ny, z)i aouth Jersey street, for
your auto, motorcycle and bicy
cle repairs and supplies. Autos
for hire. Phono Coumb u 727.
C. D.
Hill, Wash., was a St. Johns
visitor tho first of the week.
Mr. Titus was a former well
known citizen of St. Johns.
but is now enjoying tho lifo of
a farmer.
I'or Sale at a Bargain Mod-
orn fi room house, lot 50x100.
well located, bath, bnsomevt.
electric lights, fruit. Innuire
two &. Kellogg street.
"The Great Provocation that
set God Swearing," is the topic
at the Methodist church Sunday
Opening Chorus Thanksgiving Song morning, and in the evening
Playing Soldier When Mamma's Gone Seventeen Boys Zsaloon and TinninT Habit"
3. Recitations Charles Royer, Pearl Muck, Cecelia Burley,
Mary Loeffelmanu, Mary Burley. Ralph Loeffelmann
.j. "I Want to Be a Janitor's Child" Virginia Nolan
5, Thanksgiving Plans Dialogue iu One Act.
Louise . . Anna White
Hurley Arthur Guelzow
Paul. Thomas Barry
Harry Richard Cannard
Bessie Marie Lucliesi
6. The Tall-top-hat Drill Marcel Merchand.'Clemeut Muck,
Lester Rondeau, Aurel Popia, Alfred Cannard,
Benjamin Holmes, Jesse Hayes, Joe Poeppiug,
Daniel Danielson.
7. SongGoing to Meeting , Minims
8. Thankful Bobby Willie Hulisz
lo. Three Little Cooks Margaret Lewis, Mary Kirsch,
Theresa Luchesi
Pumpkin Pie Ten Children
10. "There's No One Home But Me" Mary Burley
i, Aunt Polly's Thanksgiving Visit Oue Act Comedy.
Mrs. Templetou f Frances Durand
, ) Mary Anna Loeffelmaun
Daughters 5 Kdlth Margaret Poepping
Aunt Polly (Lady Mary Templeton) . .Theresa Kirsch
Toots (Colored Servant) Helen Barron
12. When the Leaves are Turning Gold . . . Grace Kemp, Josephine
Donlon, Theresa Kirsch
Violin ...May Barron
The Bogus Talking Machine Comic Farce.
Prof. Stanley Win. Baker
Mr. Martello (The Owner of a Circus) . .John Staudenmier
Hans (The Dutchman) Carl Ries
Pete (Negro Applying for Situation) Newton Kemp
14. Pantomime My Country 'Tis of Thee Fourteen Girls
tho Saloon and Tipping Habit'
will be the theme.
A number of the members of
Ivanhoe No. 1 and Cnlanthe
Lodges paid the local Pythian
Lodge a fraternal visit Friday
evening of last week. A good
social time was had, in which
refreshments played a part.
A fine specimen of potato was
brought into this office last
week by Mr. Peterson. It was
raised on logged oft land by
U. W. barbur, of Yankton.
Oregon, and is a fine illustra
tion of what may be grown
on logged off land.
Joseph Crouch, a former well
known citizen of St. Johns, but
lately residing in California.
was in St. Johns the first of the
week. He was on his way to
St. Louis, Missouri, where he
has accepted a responsible posi
tion in a large woolen mill.
The Jolly 'bteen c ub was
entertained at the home of Mr.
anu Mrs. i ranK norsman in a
very pleasant manner Wednes
day evening of last week. In
tho gome of ouo Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Derrle captured first
prize and Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Chambers second prize. Re
freshments of a dainty nature
woro Bcrved. and all had a jolly
good time.
Story hours are now being
held at the St. Johns library for
the children every Friday after
noon. Little loiks are invited
to the first hour at 3 o'clock and
tne oiaer uoys anu gins, or
thoso from tho 4th grade un.
have an hour of their own
In the arrangements of funer
als, twelve attendants nro con
stantly at your service three
ladies and nine gentlemen. See
ad. of Miller ii Tracoy. ad
A rousing nutriotlc urogram
will bo given in tho Assembly
hall of tho James John High
school on the evening of Nov
ember 28th. under tho ausnices
of the Evening School. This
program win consist of nat.
riotic addresses and patriotic
music. Ono musicnl fcaturo
will bo tho Marso I a se. the
national hymn of France, sung
1 1 n "
in r-rcnc i. Lome one. como
all. Tho very best talent has
been engaged. Complete pro
gram later.
an hour ot their own at mo county authorities nave
4 o'clock. To do away with the hud Jersey street, between Cat
annoyance of interruptions Hn and St. Johns avenue, plnced
children who come lato will not
be admitted.
A very beautiful and impres
sive service at which the pat
riotic spirit rose high, was con
ducted at the close of the Ep-
worth League meeting at the
Methodist church last Sunday
evening, when Airs, barah A.
Kemp presented to the league
Honor Roll, beautifully
1 '
Thn TTninn ThnnWao-ivincr oor. mounted, upon which was en
vice ot an the churches of bt.
in first class condition. This
portion of tho street had been
11 1 i 1 i
in u miner uepioruuie conuition
or several years, anu it is a
matter of gratification, espec
ially to the property owners
and those who use the street, to
mtvu it piuceu in proper condi
tion. Tho prime object, how
ever, is to provide a good road
way to the elevator site, of
which North Jersey streqt will
ue a part, it is said.
Johns will be held in the Bap
tist church, Thursday. Novem
ber 29, at 9:30 a. m. Let every
body read the President's Pro
clamation and come to the house
of God at the morning hour
this momentous year.
Transfer, Piano Moving, Etc.
Long Distance Hauling a Specialty
Phone Columbia 425 Office 215 S. Kellogg, Cor. John
Bids were' opened last Thurs
day for the pile foundation for
the proposed grain elevator to
be built at the St. Johns Ter
minal. The bid of the Grant
Smith Co. was the lowest and
they secured the contract.
There will be approximately
193,690 lineal feet of piling re
quired, which will bring the
contract price to $43,580. Bids
for a small bulkhead and sev
eral other construction projects
may be received thia week,
grossed the names of the twelve
young men who have enlisted
who were connected with this
Doric Lodge, A. F. & A. M.,
has four members in the United
States Army, classified as fol
lows: First Lieutenant, Second
Lieutenant, Top Sergeant and
First class Electrician. This
institution has taken out $700
of Liberty Bonds, donated $50
to the Red Cross fund, $15 to
Y. M. C. A. fund, besides
minor contributions for other
natriotic purposes. All of which
Groves that the Masonic Lodge
as been most surely doing its
A surprise rmrty was given
Tuesday Nov. 20, in honor of
Ivy Uurke for her eighteenth
birthday at the home of Mary
Herwick, 1025 South Jersey.
1 hose present were: Mary Her
wick, Delia Lindlv, Ruth
Dickes, Matilda Carnahan,
Florence Linquist, Esther Rood,
Lucy Doty, Mona Worthington.
Susie Herwick and Ivy Burk:
William Wirth, William Miller,
Donald Isabel!, George Worth
ington, Hugh Wantonbergier
and Elisha Doty. Many games
were played and refreshments
were served. Everyone had'a
good time.
Every day is a good day to Ko
dak. . Currin Says So,
We regret that a report of tho
first meeting of local Red Cross
Auxiliary held Wednesday ar
rived too Into for publication,
For Sale Confectionery store
doing n fine business. Good
reason for selling. Good locn
Mrs. Tanner, wife of J. B. Hon. Call at this ofiice.
Tanner, head filer nt the local
snip pinnt, ion. itiesday lor Buy your ma t svruns nt Tho
IlHa.AU nl ...1 ..1. ...Ii . . ... ... -
UUI.. Wliuru I1U Will l.niltrn . lll.l I'hllnMolnhin atrnnt
spend tho winter with her Two and one-hnlf nound inrs
daughter 11 the hope that the for G5 cents; five pound jurs for
iiikiiui mmuiiu win uruvu uuiiu- 1 si .n.
nt..l in Iw... I,.,,.1tl, I v
Room and sunnor wanted bv
a middle aged gentleman work
ing nights, (hi et nlaco. Cull I
koviow ollice.
I'HTItll Avr.itx.
l'Kltl) C. KNAI'I',
I'llAS-K 1. DltlNKKK
John N. l'.Di.iti'SUN,
Stanton I,. Down,
Hdwaki) k. Mounts
. i'lcsldcnt
Vice 1'rcslilent
. Vice President
, . Cnshlcr
AnslMitnt Cnslilcr
, Aimistniit Cimlilrr
Member of Federal
A, H.IOBim
1'. C. KNAI'P l'KNN KM.
Reserve Bank
ror an oiuu x iuu. s room
house, nice garden snot. Bull
Run water, free wood, at Whit-
wood Court: S- 00. S200 ens 1.
balance, terms. Call at this of
For Salo Very choice Harts
Mountain Canary Birds, very
fine singers. On disnlnv next
door to te onhono ollice. St.
Johns; phono Columbia 851.
The Holiday Season
I'IikU our bountiful itoclc mure nttrnc
live Until ever. We enn fill your table
heavily with thccKOOilIc of the icitnou
now nt iti height. Our Krocerie retire
sent a minllty uuMirMicd and our price
urc entirely within the range of modera
301 S. Jersey St.
Phone Col. 1 18
A Hot Combination
Wc now handle coal as well as wood
St Johns Lumber Co.
No charge for examination.
Res. Phone Columbia 690 Office Phone Columbia 97
Office and Residence 3I3 N. Kayes St.
TELEPHONE Columbia 477
Our Linoleum
Aacendu to the heights of universal ex.
t'cllence. In huiiiUomc deaiKU, iu lt
ItlK qualities, In llexilillity it liu capped
tlic climax ami curried on tne puim
Our prices speak for themtelve and in-
...... 1 ! I.I. I . 1.
viic nimiiiiiu wiiii prices lur miciiur
lmxxU, We do such a large volume of
business that a slender margin of profit
-tOO-402 S. JERSEY ST.
St Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
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