St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 16, 1917, Image 3

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Local News.
Check your "Grippe" at Cur
We outfit big and little
ers. Currin Says So.
Warm Bedding
For Cold Weather
Prices Low Terms Easy
We have a large stock of Mattresses,
Comforters and Blankets, carefully se
lected with the view of giving our patrons
the best values possible and on our usual
Easy Terms plan.
Combination Cotton and Kxcclsior Mattresses
priced $4. 00 to $9.75
Cotton Felt Mattresses, guaranteed not to
lump or pull apart; priced. . . .$13. CO to 125.00
Comforters, priced $1.50 to $G.50
Blankets, priced $2.50 to $6.50
Use our Exchange Department if you
have any article of furniture that you
would like to trade for something new
and up-to-date.
Cash or Credit Seven Years in St. Johns
"Wear Ever"
Aluminum Special
Bring this ad. or coupon and
get a 2-quart Wear Ever Saucepan
which sells regularly at $1.35, for
89c. Good until Nov. 17th.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Agency Goodyear Tires
The Tenth Annual
National Apple Show
Spokane, Nov. igth to 24th
Round-trip fare $14.95 via
Union Pacific System
Tickets on sale Nov. 18. 19, 30, 21, 25, 23
Return limit, Nov. 26, 1917
The Apple Congress of the World
A thief oflfected nn entrance
hroiiKh a buck window nt the
'nirchild Meat Market Tues
day night and stole some bucon
and other meat.
Send in your news items.
Harry French
Portland proper.
has moved to
Merle Roe has been having a
tussle with the grip the past
few days.
The little child of Jesse Can
right has recovered lrom a
siege of diphtheria.
The monthly nay roll in
Johns is now well over
quarter of a million mark.
Mrs. C. H. Thayer spent' ,the
week endlat Corvallis with her
daughter, Mrs. C. P. Gates.
S. H. Sattcrlee. the North
Jersey street barber, took a day
off Monday to nurse a casoot
the grip.
Work has commenced upon
the new uddition to the piunt of
the Peninsula Iron Works on
Bradford street.
A bouncing baby boy Tarrived
at the home of Mr. and! Mrs.
.Yank Guerra, 1 934 North Ivan-
hoe street, November 4th.
J. C. Bay and family of Hay
wood, Cal., have recently.arriv
cd in St. Johns and have' taken
up their residence at 134 Hurt-
man street.
The Knights of Phythias will
give a dance in Bickncr Hall
Tiday evening, November 23rd.
good time is assured fur all
who attend.
Oregon ship yards seem assur
ed of further government or
ders for modern shins, since a
shaking up in the Federal Ship
building Hoard has taken place.
Mrs. I. J. Medvcd, who had
ieen spending tho past coupio
of weeks at Aberdeen, Wash.,
ins returned to her home in St.
oltns. She reports a very
pleasant time.
Dr. E. R. Seely, who has re
cently associated himself with
Dr. Gilstrnp. has taken up his
residence in the fine dwelling
owned by the Peninsula Secur-
ty Co.. on tho corner of Folk
and South Ivanhoe street.
The foundation is being ex
cavated for tho new '.vurehouso
of tho Portland Woolen Mills
on Baltimore street between
Dccutur and Crawford streets.
will be two stories in height.
Do not forget to put stamps
the amount of three cents
pon each letter you send out
fde of Portland and two cents
upon each postal card. Letters
nside the city limits still go
for two cents.
Colonel Stevens, of Fort
Mason, San Francisco, paid an
ollicial visit to the local woolen
mills Monday, and expressed
great pleasure and satisfaction
with the goods being manufact
ured at the local plant
Miss Eliza Cole, who has been
at Woodburn for the past month
or so, came to St. Johns to at
tend the funeral of Mr, Hurl
bert on Sunday afternoon. She
expects to remain in Woodburn
until tho first of the new year.
St. Johns had a most distin
guished citizen last week in tho
person of Vice President Mar
shall, who made a talk to the
mployes at the local ship yard.
Very few of our citizens knew
of his coming.
Miss Arline Shaw was the
soloist at the Baptist church on
Sunday evening, singing with
Mrs. Gabriel Pullin the duet,
1 Waited For The Lord." Miss
Shaw has a clear, high soprano
voice and has much musical
ability. She is a pupil of Mrs.
Gabriel Pullin.
Practically every railroad in
the west could be operated by
electricity if laws were passed
permitting development. In
stead we burn up our coal and
oil and throw away our water
power, the only thing which
use does not hurt.
Congregational church ser
vices: Sunday school 10 a. m.
At 7:30 p. m. sermon by Rev. F.
J. Meyer, "The Eagle's Nest"
or "God's Method of Instruc
tion." A message of the times
in which we live. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
Everybody welcome,
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for
rent. H. F. Clark.
If my work pleases you; please
tell your friends. If not, tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
Come in and get your fa
vorite patriotic Records. Cur
rina for Drugs.
"With Knives and Forks"
will be Dr. Jones' subject at the
evening service of the Chris
tian church Sunday.
When in need of small arti
cles, get them nt the 5-10-15c
store. St. Johns: in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
There are now more than
1000 men on the day shift and
300 men on the night shift nt
the local ship plant, it is said.
If you want hand picked Suit
zenberg apples from the White
Salmon valley, call at 529 S.
Ivanhoe street alter 5 p. m.
The supply is limited. $1.25
cash per box undelivered.
St. Johns Fair Store. E. W.
by. prop.: household utility
supplies and general notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goods ut lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
One of tho largest funerals
ever held in St. Johns was held
last Sunday in the Seventh Day
Adventist church, over the re
mains of E. D. Hurlbcrt, one of
St. John's pioneers
There will be n regular stnt
cd communication, Doric Lodge,
A. F. & A. M. Wednesday even
ing, Nov. 21. All visiting
brothers welcome. A. W.
Davis, Secretary.
The Ladies of the W. C. T. U.
will serve a ten cent tea at the
home of Mrs. Mary E. Kellcy
next Monday afternoon at two
o'clock. Everybody invited.
You will enjoy tho program, as
you will the refreshments.
Dr. Ralph Otis Prey, of Sheri
dan, Oregon, spent Sunday
with his old time friends, Dr.
and Mrs. S. A. Mulkoy. Dr.
Prey was highly impressed with
St. Johns, and was amazed at
the progress and development
that has tuken place hero since
ho visited this place a half
dozen years ago.
Photographer Pratt had the
misfortune to sever a middle
too and painfully cut his foot
while splitting kindling Sunday.
As tho axo was about to fall it
caught in n projection overhead,
deflecting its course so that it
fell upon the foot instead of the
wood. Mr. Pratt is now am
bling along with tho aid of
Bids for furnishing and driv
ing tho piling for the founda
tion of tho municipal grain
elevator in North St. Johns will
bo opened nt a special meeting
of tho commission of public
docks today, Thursday, ut 11
o'clock. Based on the proced
ure in other cases, the work
should start in ten days. Rapid
progress is being mado on the
work already under way.
Mrs. Honora Kilkenny died
at her home. 411 North Jersey
street, Monday, November 12ch,
aged 88 years. She is survived
by one daughter, Mrs. C. W.
Waterman, of Omaha, Neb.,
and two sons, Bernard and M.
E. Kilkenny of this city. Tho
funeral services take place this,
Thursday, morning at 9:30 at
the St. Clement's church. In
terment in Mt. Calvary cemetery.
The Men's Bible class. Philo
Christo and Eleaneal classes of
the Evangelical church held a
business meeting at the home
of Mrs. Marcy, 913 South Kel
logg street, Tuesday evening.
A splendid social time and re
freshments were enjoyed. The
attendance was large. The
Sunday morning topic at the
Evangelical church will oe:
"Anti-Christ." Evangelistic
services in the evening.
Twenty patriotic women met
in the library Friday afternoon,
and organized a Red Cross
Auxiliary. Gretchen Cormany
was elected chairman, Mrs. T.
T. Parker, treasurer and Mrs.
Willis Moxon, secretary. Wo
not only invite you, but feel
safe to say that every woman in
St. Johns will be only glad to do
her bit in this great work.
Watch Bonham & Currier's win
dow for our first meeting. Re
porter. Every day is a good day to Ko
dak. Currin Says So,
Good second hand sewing ma
chines for rent. H. F. Clark.
For Sale House and four lots
on North Svrucuse street. Cnll
at this office.
Hair work,
from combings.
E. Tyler street.
Switches made
Mrs. Hill, 015
For Sale Five room bunga
low. Will be sold at a bargain;
terms. 805 S. Kellogg.
For Trade Four fine lots and
modern bungalow, well located,
for farm. Inquire at this office.
Wanted Man to grub stumps
from lot in St. Johns, by day
or contract. (Jail liuy a. Syracuse.
Elderly lady
for room and
wages. Call
wanted to work
board and small
838 N. Jersey
Girl wants plncc to work after
school hours for room and board
and $5.00 per month. Cull at
this office.
Furnished Room for Rent
Suituble for two men, well
ventilated; two beds and stove.
Call 213 E. Leavitt.
Found In Grocery Grubate-
ria, a silver mesh purse. Owner
can have sumo by calling, prov
ing property and paying for ad.
French lessons given in pri
vate or classes, experienced
teacher, born In France. 425
E. Mohawk street.
For Sale at n Bargain Lots
1 to 4. in Block 0, Point View
Addition. $750 cush buys them.
Cull at this office.
For Sale Confectionery store
doing a lino business. Good
reuson for selling. Good loca
tion. Cull at this office.
I want to buy n good house
and lot in St. Johns. Will turn
in a 40 acre pieco and pay bal
ance in cash. A. W. Davis.
For Sale 100 x 100, 3 room
house, nico garden spot, Bull
Run water, freo wood, nt Whit
wood Court: $400, $200 cush,
balance, terms.
For Sale Two five room
cottages, lot 100x100, East
Charleston. Will bo sold nt
a bargain. Cnll 718 East Rich
mond street.
Go to tho Auto Repair Compa
ny. 207 South Jersey street, i'cr
your auto, motorcyclo and bicy
cle repairs and supplies. Autos
for hire. Phono Coumbia 727.
Rabbits for Sale Now Zeal-
and, Flemish Giant, Rufus Red,
While Pinkeyes and Belgluns.
All ngeB and all prices. C. R.
Chudwick&Son,219 N.Swenson.
For Sale ut u Bargain Mod
ern 0 room house, lot ouxiuu,
well located, bath, busement.
electric lights, fruit. Inquire
805 S. Kellogg street.
Host Tho inn is historic.
Almost everything hero has its
romantic legend. Guest I ell
me auout this curious old ham
sandwich. I'm sure it must
have a quaint story attached to
Do not fail to hear Bishop
Sumner at the High School
Auditorium next Tuesday even
ing. It will be worth while.
Read tho High School items
on hrst page lor moro concern
ing the event.
Hul J. Davis has success
fully passed the examination
as electrician of the first class,
and most likely will be appoint
ed instructor of tho ship com
pany at tho U. S. Naval Uni
versity Training grounds at
Seattle, which will be pleasing
news to Hal's many friends
The W. C. T. U. will meet at
the homo of Mrs. Mary E. Kel
ley, 225 Oswego street, next
Monday afternoon at two
o'clock, There will be some
business to attend to, then all
those who have a birthday in
November will give a brief his
tory of their life. The subject
for the day is "The History of
Thanksgiving." Tho roll will
be called at this time and each
member will respond by telling
something about the origin of
Thanksgiving. Come and help
us out. Reporter.
In the arrangements of funer
als, twelve attendants are con
stantly at your service three
ladies and nine gentlemen. See
ad. of Miller & Tracey, ud
. .o y , m
A real
Every time you go to the bank and make "another"
deposit it is Thanksgiving, or should be; because your fu
ture is being made secure against want; your old age is
made comfortable and happy, and those you love are
being protected against poverty or humiliation.
Come in and start a bank account with a little money
and make a big Thanksgiving.
Peninsula National Bank
l'KKK C. KN.U'P, .
John N.'Siin,
Stanton I.. Daunt,
HllVVAlU) K. Mouuis,
Vice President
Vice President
. . Cashier
Assistant Cnshicr
Assistant Cnshlcr
Assistant Cashier
Member of Federal
I'. C. KNAI'l
It. It. IMtNNHM.
Reserve Bank
Everything in Groceries
Await your your order here. The ijunl
Ily nud condition of cur stock recom
mend In the opinion of our patrons, Our
More I nicely kept. We accord you
courteous attention unit prompt deliver
ies Is the wntchworc with us nlwiiVM,
(let wise to why we advertise, The ills,
criminating form 11 procession to our
301 S. Jersey SI.
Phone Col. It 8
A Hot Combination
We now handle coal as well as wood
St. Johns Lumber Co.
No charge for examination.
Res. Phone Columbia 690 Office Phone Columbia 97
Office and Residence 313 N. Hayes St.
TELEPHONE Columbia 477
Furniture lor the Fastidious
And furniture for the most exacting ko
make up a goodly rcciituKc of our stock.
Wc cuter to every want. Au nutmeuttl
assortment of fine sets or sejiarute pieces
for every room nl the home. Our prices
11 rouse a question of how such finely
finished ami finely made furniture ran
be produced for the money.
400-402 8. JERSEY ST
Transfer, Piano Moving, Etc.
Long Distance Hauling a Specialty
Phone Columbia 425 Office 2I5 S. Kello, Cor. John
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.