s ST. JOHNS REVIEW SUCCESSOR TO PtNINSULA REVIEW Divottd to tht Intereiti ot (be Peninsula, (lit Manufacturing Center of the Northwest Old Series, Vol. XI, Ne. 38 VOI,. 14 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1G. 1917. NO. 1 Vice President Here High School Happenings Items From the Hollow The New Linnton Mill Wins Another Game Education in Play St. Johns' Roll of Honor HIltCflcM Sooitty "Here in this shipyard you are doing something really worth while. You are render ing your country a real service in producing shipa with which to win this war. The worst that could happen would be for this industry to be crippled. This is no time for strikes. The sooner the Government's needs for ships is supplied, the sooner the war be brought to a close." The speaker was Vice President Marshall who during the noon hour last Friday ad dressed 900 workmen in the Grant Smith - Porter - Guthrie Shipbuilding Company's yards at St. Johns. Using a pile of lumber as a platform, Mr. Mar shall commended the workmen, who stood on freight trucks and railroad cars, for their industry and patriotism. "We are at war with the imperial German government and it is not the time for wrangling among our selves over petty differences," said Mr. Marshall. "Lot's be good' common everyday Ameri cans. You men are equally interested with the President and the members of his Cab inet in having this war pro secuted successfully. My idea of patriotism is not how much a man can make as a direct re suit of war time conditions, but how much of a sacrifice ho can make. Wo all should and must make some sucriflcc, no matter how small it may seem when compared to the sacrifice tho soldier in the trenches is mak ing." , Doing His Bit From California 1 have a let tor from a man who reads, and he tells mo he's found a news boy, as freckled as a shrimp omelotto, and u pair of eyes that glow from something warm away inside. And ho says that every afternoon this freckled boy., is porched upon, an old ash can and people come and buy his wares and go, excepting for tho poriod from four to half past four, when he's deaf to nil requests from customers. And at that time on everyday an old man comes who'B blind, and perches there besido the boy, who puts his lips clooo to the ear of his old friend and reads tho daily story of tho war. And slurs tho words ho doesn't know, at which the old man smiles, but says no word. And this he does on every day, and when ho's through tho old man goes with tapping stick along tho street, and from his perch the newsboy calls his wares again, nnd in tho letter from the man who tells mo this 1 read: , "This tiny Samaritan calls it doin' his bit,' and 1 wnnt to know K. C. B., if within that diminutive frame dwells not the promise of a splendid future and if there is any soldier upon tho battlefield with a nobler ideal than pulsates in the heart of that sweet faced child?" Of course there isn't, for tho good it does spreads past the boy to him who writes, and then to mn ntul nn to vou. and we're all glad there's such a boy; and gladness come to us that way is cood to have. K. C. B. in Los Angeles Examiner. Just a Pair of Gloves Just a little pair o' gloves, Sorter thin an' worn: With th' fingers neatly darned, Like they had been torn. Just a little pair o' gloves, Not s' much to see God Himself alone can guess What they mean to me! Just a little pair o gloves, Sorter tossed aside; Limp and quiet, folded up. Like their soul-has died! Every finger seerns to look Lonely an' my hand Trembles as it touches them Who can understand? Just a little pair o' gloves. When she tossed 'em there Singin' like, she turned to go, nidnt' have a care. Kissin' them? A prayer, a tear? Ah! my head will bow Just a little pair o' glove3. .... Empty now. Peoples Home Journal 80 acres. 15 in cultivation, more easily cleared, 6 room house, new barn, 350 prune trees, close to school and post office, fine water, 7 miles from Sheridan, $5000; to trade for city property. See J, F. Gill pore; call Col, 81. Tho great event of the past week, according to any one who was in it, was tho boat trip to Rainier for tho football game of last Saturday. James John students and faculty, to the number of 83, on tho char tered steamer Grahamona stat ed out for a good time and a good game. Did they succeed? Yen Bo! For a thoroughly fine time for everybody concern ed, and no regrets, commend us to a Jamc3 John high school crowd on a trip of this sort. Owing to a heavy fog which dropped upon us very shortly after starting home, Capt. Gra ham thought it wise to tie up and wait for a qlearer way. This all night delay was taken in good part by everybody aboard. Those who wished, mnde tho effort to snatch forty winks jiow and then while the rest of the 83 tried to convince them that sleep was unneces sary. Knowing that the homo folks would worry, bill Schroo- der and Iloody Smith mado a mile trip ncmss country with lantern to reach a telephone. They succeeded in reaching Dr. Vincent, who thus became a bureau of information to as many pnrcnts as no couiu reach. Capt. Graham declared that novcr. dur ne his many years of oxperienco on the river, had ho carried a crowd of finer spirit nnd courtesy. Mrs. Wcimcr and Mrs. Har- r.ington were welcome additions on tho uaimcr trip, ban tncy mnko good biscuits? Again, Yea-Bo! The Y. M. C. A. drive is un der steam this week. Russell Myor as chairman has his com mittee in good working order. Tho boys of this committeo arc Dclbort Day, Gordon Avorv, Edmund Kugel. Ohus. Snack- man, unas. lrumuun, louis Dunsmorc, Earl kelihor, Uco. Larson nnd Merrltt Whitmoro. Tho girls of tho high school in a special assembly decided to second tho work of tho boys nnd have also organized a com mittee. Its members are: Alico Gilstrap. Alverdn McNivcn, Marion Dunsmorc, Lolitn York, Bertha Cook. Martha Holter, Ruth Edmondson, Esther Piele, Margaret Nelson and Helen Edmondson. Combining tho interests of tho St. Johns lecture course nnd tho city wide scries of community rallies, n big moot ing will bo neid in tno auditor- ium of tho James Joiin nign school. Tuesday night. Tho leading feature of tho program will bo a lecture by wsnop Sumner. Before Bishop Sumner speaks tho presiding officer, Mrs. J. r. Lhapmnn, win in troduce Superintendent L. R. Alderman and Dr. J. I-rancis Drake, of tho school board for short addresses. Over 1000 people attended the community rally ot i-raiiKiin uign acnooi last Tuesday evening. The James John meeting will bo tho third rally and third lecture in tho St. Johns lecture course. Special program will bo provid ed by tho James Jonn mgn School. Tho results of the Rainier- James John game was a score of 042. The game, despite the score, was no walk-away, for our boys had to work for what they got. The grand Btand under the leadership of Yell master Whitman, had their share in the gallant victory. The address by Dr. Pence on Wednesday was a most stirring one. He told of the work of the Y. M. C. A., everywhere in con nection with the troops and made us feel that the work is altogether necessary and worth while. On Friday at special assembly, Chas. Spackman gave a report of the recent ad dress made by the Y. M. C. A. workers, Bartholemew and Whitehair. Spackman is one of tho two boys who were invit ed as representatives from this high school. Delbert Day, the other, was absent because of ill ness. The report brought home to us the reality of the war as nothing yet had succeeded in doing. The high school alBo listened with much interest to letters read by Merritt Whit- mora from his brother, who is . i i : !?.. " now buiutiwiierc in 1'iuiiv.c. A high school committee of five boys and girls has in charge the preparation of Christmas hoxes for the boys from James John who are now in the ser vice. These boys are: Ray Hawkins, Wm. Dierdorff, Alan Rutherford, Hubert Martin. Donald Strickland, Percy Smith, Everett Moore, Rufus Galloway, and Geo. Downey. The chair man of the committee is Jennie McNiven, A number of candidates have been in Hogwallovv lately. They all claim to be nice men. Columbus Allsop is on a trade for two more dogs to take up tho surplus fleas at his house this summer. Several from Hogwallow will go to Tickville.next third Sun- day to witness the unveiling of the town pump. The Old Miser io getting closer each day. He would not even loan Dock Hocks enough lard to grease his watch. Tho artificial cherries on Miss Flutio Belcher's hat have cause quitn a stir among tho jay birds of this section the past week. Hereafter, all who have their shoes half soled by Luko Math ewsla will remove them from their feet while tho work is going on. The Hog Ford preacher will preach at Hog Ford next Sun day. A big crowd will likely bo present and those desiring back scuts should go early. A roach crawled into Polk Eazloy's right car on Monday night when ho wns not listening and its arrival put of tho loft car s looked lorward to witn much anxiety. Poko Enzley is spending the week nt the postofllce watching tho dirt daubers build nests on tho rafters. This is the only job Polk over witnessed with out suggesting a better way to do it. Next week Isaac Hellwangcr will start speaking to every body whether ho likes them or not, as ho has learned that it pays, and will also neip mm out a lot If he ever runs ror onico. Ex. Tho Blind Man of tin Calf Ribs neighborhood, was about to bo talked into buying a heat ing stove from Slim Pickens tho other day, but tho trado waB knocked into tho head by some ol"S,Hm's enemies; 'who told tho Blind Man that winter was over. Sang Pleasing Duet Irmn nnd Esma Griswald, of Portland, Bang n duot at tho B. Y. P. U. meeting Sunday even ing at tho Baptist church. Tho selection was beautifully ren dered, Miss Shaw accompanist. Tho Rally Day Exorcises of our Sunday school will bo hold at 10 a. m. next Sunday. A good program is being planned by committeo. Como and see what wo are doing. Dr. Earl Abbot, of Portland, will sing at tho morning ser vice next Sunday, Miss .Nettie Leonn Foy, accompanist. The B. Y. P. U. is planning n sun rise prayer meeting for Thanks giving morning. Miss Ruby Davis will lead B. Y. P. U. meeting next Sunday evening, topic. "For What Am I Grate-ful?"-Reporter. On Duty in France Tavlor M. Whitmore, whose name appears first on tho Honor Roll, is already on active duty in France. Ho is in Co. E. 18 Regiment Ry. Engineers and his captain is Kenneth D. Houser. of the Multnomah Hotel. Ho says tho climate is very much like our own, and fruit of all kinds is very plenti ful. Ho is Corporal and one day ho was detailed to take his squad out and pick blackberries for a shortcake for supper, and he said thev would have to rus tie a great many because there are 184 men in tho Co. The Auxi iary to Co. F. meets every Thursday evening at the Mul tnomah Hotel, and they nave already sent to Co. F. over six hundred dollars worth of sup plies, sweaters, socks, tobacco, nines, cigarettes, paper, gum and candy, besides private con tributions too numerous to men tion. If you want job printing done don't overlook us. We want to do all the printing for St. Johns people. For commercial print ing this office is well equipped and we know how to do It. PriceB are lower than the same class of work is done in Port land, because our expenses are leas. Anv sunnort along the printing line that any citizen or business man can give us will bo highly appreciated. Please don't forgot. A new saw mill has just been built In Linnton it is found: If you should have some leisure time, Some day come and look 'round. The Oregon Ship Timber Mills, By that name it is known: We find Main three, six, four, one is The number of their phone. It is built on the river bank And near the railroad track, It's on your right hand going down, Your left when coming back. Some spuds were planted in a field, Near this mill site you know, And whore tho office stands today They had no chanco to grow. And in tho center of this patch A side track wns built through. And so the graders dug it up Before tho " tutors" grow. It's what thoy call a clrculur mill, They installed not a band; art of tho mill is built on pile, Tho rest is on the land. Tho carriage Ib thirty-four feet, Tho length thoy can extend, By adding on nn extra car Which thoy have at each end. Thnt makes ono hundred, fifty feet That thoy can cut n log, Thoy turn them on tho carriage there With a chain and a dog. To dress the big sticks that they cut A Stetson Ross is there, And timbers they can size four sides As largo us four foot square. A wooden carringe there is found, Tho head it runs below, It's 'bout ono hundred feet in length, A lever .makes it go. For each sido "when thoy dresB those sticks They hnvo to run J them through. And to sizo all tho smaller stock They have a Berlin, too. Thoy set tho blower on tho roof, O'er it thoy built a Rhed; From it the blow pipo men put pipes Down to ench planer head. A pipo leads to a cyclone, Above tho shaving bin, With tho furnace ono more con nects That thoy can run them in. They have ono boiler for this mill, On the south it is found, Tho test for it is said to be, One hundred, fifty pounds. Where the rolls end we look above, A steel beam is in view; So they can slide and turn big sticks, Some chain blocks are there too. They put all timbers in a raft That do not go by train, And to load them they're build- ing now By the side track a crane. Contracts are let for wooden ships. Built for our Uncle Sam: To aid the ship yards in thoir work This mill cuts all they can. O. O Smith. Death of E. D. Hurlbert E. D. Hurlbert, an old time resident of St. Johns, passed awav Saturday. November lUtn, at his home, tiiti nttsuurg street, after an illness of long duration from cancer. Mr. Hurlbert came to St. Johns thirtv-ono years aco when St. Johns was just a little hamlet on the river bank. He was born in the state of Indiana July 11th, 1842, and consequently was more than 75 years of ace at the time of his death. He came to St. Johns from Neb raska. Deceased was a veteran nf the Civil War. and a mem her of the first St. Johns City Council. He is survived by his widow. The funeral services took nlace at the Adventist church Sunday afternoon at o'clock, of which church he had held the office of Elder for many vearB. The remains were in terred in Columbia cemetery, the St. Johns Undertaking Co. in charge. Those lunch kits are rightly priced. at' Currins James John registered the only official score of Wednes day's foot bnll game in tho first minute and a half of play, and took tho match from Lincoln High, G 0. Lincoln immed iately protested the game, which, under the circumstances, was tho only way to clear up a dispute over an unfortunate occurrance in the final period. With the score G 0 against Lincoln, this tenm made an on- side kick near tho James John goal, and Rogowny, recovering the ball, ran ten yards for a touchdown. In the unexpected ness of the play, Referee Stub ling nccidently blew his whistle, and tho James playors, think ing that something was wrong and the ball dead, mado no at tempt to stop Rogowny, al though It is highly problemati cal whether they could have done it under nny circum stances. Tho officials at first allowed tho touchdown and lot Wright arrange tho bail tor the goal kick, which, if successfully completed, meant that Lincoln won tho game, 70. After vehement protest by the Jtfmes John conch and playors, the official decided to disallow-the touchdown, and put tho bull in !ny on James John's ten yard ne. "It was an exceptionally un fortunate occurrence,' snid tcferco Stub ng frankly take all tho blame. Tho only UIIU solution is for Lincoln to pro test the game nnd explain the circumstances to tho board." James John swept Lincoln off its feet at the start of the game, rno uuiispnttcrs mauo tho mistake of kicking off, nnd onco tho East Sidcrs got the bnll a 20 yard ond run by Thompson and n 40 yard pass, W. Schrocder to smith, put the liny within a few inches of Lincoln's gonl. Bill Schrocder smashed across on a lino buck. Schroedcr missed goal. From then on Lincoln wns in no dan ger of boing scored on nt any timo during tho game. Two 10 nn! passes, Bill Schrocder to mith and Toole, served to off set the ynrdago mado during the rest of the nor od by Lin coln's straight football methods. In the second quarter Lincoln nut the bnll on James John's yard line, but thero hit n stone wall and lost on downs. Jnmes John completed ono pass during this poriod, schrocder to Spnckman, for 10 yards. A 15 yard end run by Uirt, check- muted by a 15 yard lino plunge by Twining, woro tho lemure plnys. Wolff intercepted James Jonb's first pass nt tho start of the finnl half, and returned the ball five yards. James John then held Lincoln for t'owns, but tho former's first aggres sive play, a forward pass, was intercented by Rogowny und netted Lincoln 25 yards. Wright tried to kick a field goal trom the 30 yard line, but Jumes John blocked tho piny, Leach, luckily for Lincoln, recovering the ba 11. Aga n Lincoln put tho bull insido James John's 10 yard marker, and again could not put it across tho goal lino. Wright's onside kick, start- inir tho disnute over the score. marked the beginning of tho final nuarter. After tho touch down has been disallowed, first down wns civen Lincoln on James John's ten yard line, but fumble gave the defenders the ball, and they kicked to safety. A 20 yard pass, Tuerck to Larrimore, brought tho play hack to the 10 yard line ncain. where another fumblo allowed James John to punt to the mid dle of the field and Bafoty. Oregonian. SNAP-Act quickly. $1100 will buv you a nice bungulow and three-fourths aero of nice around all fenced and water nined to who e n ot. lino lire nlaco: 15 minutes walk from St. Johns ferry. Less than $400 cash, balance monthly payments of $8.00 and seven per cent interest: free fuel. See S. W. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. The Portland Garbage, Co. is nrenared to remove rubbish of any nature from the residences and business places of St. Johns at 75c n&r month for residences and from business places at reasonable rates. Calls made every Saturday. Leave orders at St. Johns Hardware, or phone Woodlawn 2093. New and improved models of Victrolas are here. Currin Says So. Excellent paper read by Mrs. J. V. Scott at the W. C. T. U. meeting recently, entitled "Education in Play; Occupation for Little Fingers:" Everything that is amusing and entertaining is too often counted ns play by people who have heard of play's import ance, and who wish to give their children every chance for development nnd happiness. Play is not by nny means amus ing. Children often engage in it with all seriousness and even , real anxiety. Play is the out-, ward manifestation of a force which is active within the child. Instruction and entertainment nro outside forces which from the outside mukc certain im pressions upon tho inner nature of the child. Play is tho child's attempt to experience real liv ing, and it is to him usually quite as serious an affair as real life Ib to us. Instruction, of course is neccssury to make play successful und rigorous. Education may be divided into two halves. Play, on the ono hand nnd instruction on the other. In tho first ense the child experiences und discovers for himself; in the other, in struction, ho lenrns tho result of other people's experiences nnd discoveries. These two great departments of education frequently intermingled. In struction inspires and makes possible more vigorous play, while play should, and often does crente the desiro for in struction. Handwork has its placo in education as well as in tho dnily life. It should ever bo a blessing und not a doom. It may give in both places rich returns, which should effect tho child in the development of his thought, of his emotional lifo and of his character. The results of tho work arc the child's, but tho mother must study how best to give tho full joy of work to tho children. It hns been saiu that during tno first four yearn" of n child's ife, it learns more thnn dur ng nny succeeding four ycurs. Therefore the' early domestic training of the little ones is of great importance. As soon ns the baby cn walk, or oven creep, it can be taught to do littlo things, such as picking up things tlvnt hnvo nllon on tho floor, closing doors, and carrying bbuiII ob jects from ono room to another. Tho first timo or two much patienco will bo required; for child of that tender nge docs not understand rcadiJv. We tear it often said, "Oh, but I can do it so much quicker my self." Yes, surely, wo enn do.it much quicker and bettor: but where is tho child's domestic trn ning to come in. if wo do all tho household tasks ourselves? Is it to bo postponed until he has come to feel Unit all his timo must be spent in play? Tho child is naturally a work er. no win destroy u no oops not know how to make. Do struction interests him ns much us construction. He likes to see 'tli. ti.luKil irt pmitwl" finil It matters little to him if tho bllw " ,.iVi W UM.ti. ...v .v gratifying of his desires is ad vantnucous or not to the ar ticlo in hand. Tho happiest child is tho busy one, and to keep him nt work he must be inter csted in what ho is doing. The habit of helpfulness is most easily cultivated at an earlv aire: for very young chil dren are usually more willing to help than are those who are older. Therefore, it is essen tia that they be taught to en oy thoir work, nnd that the mbit grow with them. In order to got the best re suits, it is necessary to cause tho children, little or big, old or young, to reel that tney are helping because they want to, and not because they are com ne ed to do so. SucKostions frequently bring better results than commands. Tho wise and patient mother has it in her nower to create an interest in tho daily work of tho household. The children may be taught to sweep, dust and sew, and it will prove pieasureabie and pront- able to them. It will den no harm for little boys to learn to do housework also, as there are sure to bo times when such knowledge will be of great bene fit. Instead of putting every thing out of tho children' reach, it is better to put things where they can reach thorn easily. Have hooks set low, so the shortest arms can reach them. It will take much time and patience to teach tho little ones when to touch some things, and when to refrain; but I be- Following is a list of those from St. Johns who have enlist ed in Undo Sam's service and who are now at tho different training camps. We probably overlooked some, as it is ex ceedingly difficult to learn them all. So if you know of any overlooked, will you kindly fur nish thoir names, so that they may be added to St. Johns Roll of Honor. Taylor M. Whitmore. Athlll W. Irvine, Deano H. Knowles, 2arl H. Knowles, Theodore 3ugbce. H. Byron Poff, Armand Dlin, Claude E. Harris, Russell Poff. R. P. Galloway. Chas. E. ilarlick, Murno Donaldson, jlenn Haskell, Ray Clark, Ben ami n Swan, Hubert Martin, .eon Sorber, Donald Strickland, owoll Anderson, John LaVillett, Frank L. Thompson, Orin Lear, la J. Dav s. Donald N. Trow- bridtre. Bert Larson. Alan Ruth erford, Homer Plnskett, Henry Brandenburg. J. W. Welch, Da vid Bowe. Clyde Heath, Walter Mayer. Fred Scmalling, John Boggs, Ernest Johnson, Hiram Eatingcr. Kenneth Simmons, Thornton Toole, Eugene Hiatt, Dowc Walker, August Jensen, Ray Myer, Walter Pearson: El mer Maples. Rdy Gagnon. Har old and Arthur Holcomb, Lester D. and Basil B. Smith, Bryant Kilkenny, Paul Rude, Emory Gillmorc, Lewis Wirth, Harold Meredith, Ray Hawkins, Hugh Ward, Kindlo C Snttcrlco, Gor don nnd Wilbur Boilingor, Zcltu lice. John O'Neill. Harry Tru- man, Frank Greon, Wnlter Rick- son, l'rank wnitnoy, inomas tcynolds, Clydo Cunningham, ?ercy Smith. Frank Whitney, Arthur C Clnrk. Had a Hard Chase A cowboy who was "born and raised" in the cow country and had nover seen a sheep so runs a story that thoy like to tell in the Northwest went to Toxas and hired himself to a sheepman to herd sheep. He went out on his pony the next day to tako caro ot a big flock. Well, how did you make out today?" the sheepman asked him whon ho came to supper that evening. "Fair, I reckon," answered the cowboy, somo what wearily, "but 1 Bhoro did havo a timo with them lambs, I never knowed n lamb could run liko thnt. I reckon if a grown up sheep tried, it could outrun a cyclone." "Lambs!" roared tho sheepman. "There's no lambs in that flock! What's the matter with you.'" Yes, thero are Iambs." insist ed the cowboy. "Thero are three of 'em, nnd I nearly run tho pony off his legs bofore I jot 'em rounded up with tno lord," "You're plumb crazy!" snid tho sheepman. "If you'll step out to the roundup with me." said tho cowboy caimiy, I'll alwiiu if nil Mmon Hir A II PIIW1I JW. lnmbs." Tho sheepman wont with him. "There," said, tho cowboy, pointing, "there's your threo lambs!" Tho sheepman looked, and then ho howled with laughter. There lay three jack rabbits with their flanks weakly palpitating and their tongues hanging out. liove it will pay in tho end. Whon tho mother is taken sick, it is very convenient if tho children know how and where to get a clean towel or apron or dress, and are able to reach and put on their own wraps. Children should be encouraged to dress themselves, and to do it quickly nnd nently by having a pleasant surprise for them occasionally when thoy do extra well. JuBt u littlo special thought and attention given to teaching tho children to help will reveal many ways in which they may ho taught to enjoy helping, and in this way they will bo a bless ing to themselves and to others. Residents of St. Johns having taxes and city liens to pay in Portland can make their pay- mnntn withnnr. inconvenience bv availing themselves of our ser vices. Wo will pay same and secure your receipt without inconvenience- to you. Fee, 25 cents. References: Any St. Johns Bank. Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realty Co., by H. Henderson, Manager; 402 North Jersey street. Room and board for two men in privato family, large room with heat. Inquiro 528 S. Ivan hoe street,