HEATERS HIGH QUALITY, LOW PRICES, EASY TERMS Your inspection of our stock of Heaters will convince you that we have just what you need in the heating stove line, and our Easy Terms plan makes it possible for you to obtain one of these fine Heaters for a small payment down, th(! balance can be paid in small weekly or monthly installments. TERMS Heaters priced $12.00 to $15.00, $1.00 cash 50c vk. Heaters priced 1G.00 to 19.75, 2.00 cash 75c wk. Heaters priced 20.00 to 23.50. 2.50 cash 75c wk. Heaters priced 28.00 to 32.00, 3.00 cash $1 wk. Heaters priced 36.00 or over 3.60 cash, $1 wk. Ten Per Cent Discount off the price of any Heater Tor Cash or for payment in 60 DAYS from DATE of purchase. USE OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT Old stoves or used furniture accepted as part payment on' new heaters. ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Crecjit Seven Years in St. Johns HEATERS St. Johns Hardware Co. St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale Columbia 131 C 1101 Delivered foYou Free nt $1 ... lift PiamVti f.ir iSjAr" mo New Eleelrie Ujhlfd KAfttiEH Motorbike Model. Una til U Famous $3UUU p-aceitfoM tn Vftll t ha flail h ful nerrormnc ox Our 30 . . . 1 li. 1 .,,h.r. torfcto t'.VilVlifi .hll. niHii w . r .wan.t nl9titMia in M 1 HAM OXII Ucyclre. -, ilir for oar klt rre.TrUi. Vfrucacavl JNWJ ucyue. T4.M v. MEAD ran fi ,M B V; I Jt 1 I SHI 1 Ti1 iarjMSr. T.-1.IJ '.iiJifiaii w 1 liar 111 n 111 111 irri wmimmmm Mill A 1M 'JULWW A M VfiS We can save you money on Heaters. See us before you buy. We will trade your old Heater on a new one. Priced from $1.50 to $25.00 CASH OR CREDIT and Retail Foot of Burlington St. Choose from 44 styles, colors, bin! sizes m tt riimritia "KAniirji" i .1 iih ttvSJl' nt bicycle. All tiro, pictured LvFJ In natural colors In our latest catalog. There are many other 111 JVtM'f Hl'tl III . M-w i p!erp Mmo of bicycles in the world, all FACTORY PRICES, from SI5.7U, J.05, up. There Is u Mead blccle to .1... njA nf aiia.ll AP Sitl ttil tn 1 Motorbike models. Racers, Juniors nl.il. Iron. Initios mmlnU Inn- till lit L' -H h. .ivtnn.. mn.lu imaaililn milt' hu mlr III f" Ifl TTVm v 1 . i -m v f " "j - . uuai'iuiliiki h 30 Days Free Trial We will lend tho UANOEH " bicycle jrou .elect. lliKIlillT I'llAKUES Ui.a. rur.- I'All) IV YUUU IUYJM, lor smriy daja Ireo trlul actual riding test. not to keep it, and make no charge for wear ana tear during inai. noniMi no etTort to Influence your decliion. Tli J trial U all at our expen.e. Factory -to -Riders TIANCICH" -If you decide tu keep It U th.oldeit and mpt tucretaful bicycle concern In the world, with a Service de partment that earea for the parte and repair needs of more than a million riders. With every -RANGER" we thlp . n Certificate of Coaranlee ffcr Five Years. r!Te Dam Vtirlrtr II.M Out. I If! bd fits. rdy-to-u front and S.mlrn,rli fnr all ItlevelvA mnA ra&iter brakes, all accurately pictured and described inihmundrr Daireaof the big new Hanger (Utakxr. Write for It. It'a freel All the laival imiwIKU ww ..... .h u.iinRuni rwl .(lirhmrnt, &t Drlcee ao low tt.ey will aatoalah you. . - ..kllJiBiijareHUU fUlot lh mool J eilitut"f arjosar-weyeiee. 1 ou tAi an4 exjar it, ruke ,r by iatr.U( ctaJe. elu full cutieuUra of our rt nw offr und. all cturcee mrJiiW "S,V',,,,,'M "1 ""M ru. uiMw (-" - CYCLE COMPANY 5 No. Canal St., CHICAGO i.""". -. Local News. Elmer Sneed has moved to 215 N. Syracuse street. - - 'A new restaurant has opened up in the Jower building on North Jersey street. The store building of Couch & Co., is being embellished with a new coat of paint. Wesley Nichols, who has been ill with pneumonia, is get ting along in fine style, it is re ported. 0 C. H. Taylor, of 410 East bessenden street, has lately be come the possessor of a fine new I'ord. A handsome new sign has been placed on the ofllce build ing of the Peninsula Security Company. The revival mcctinirs at the Christian Church are still be ing well attended and much interest is being aroused. New fire alarm boxes arc be ing installed in St. Johns. There will probably be a dozen or liftcen when all arc placed. , C. C. Woodhouse. Jr.. of Re public, Wash., has been in St. Johns the past week looking after his realty holdings hero. Mr. Olc Dalkc and Mrs. Anna Aspcr were married in Van couver last Saturday. Most of the St. Johns busi ness houses closed Wednesday afternoon in honor of the Liberty parade, which was a rousing affair. The Peninsula National Hunk will be open each evening this vcek until 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of taking Liberty Bond subscriptions. Mrs. A. J. Foul is visiting tor daughter nt Sardas. H. C. mJ will visit in Shuttle and so her duughter in Olympin. .Vnsh., before returning home. A. S. Scales has purchased the modern 10 room home of I. O. Newell on 'Allegheny itreet, J. S. Mckinnuy making tho deal. Tlinmns Hlnvnr hn.4 niirnlinqpd tho interest of Lewis Miller in the soft drink emporium on I'hilauelphia street, known as The Central. Wlfo-"ThlB paper tells of a man out in Ohio who lives on onions alone." Husband 'Well, anyone who lives on onions ought to live alone." Boston Transcript. Ipv. .1. H. Rftr-nnft. tinad-ir nf ho Concrrccrnttonnl church. 1ms innn nn Mm niolr llnf fnr tlin nnnt new days. His numerous friends liopo for an curly and complete recovery. 0 A representative of tho Grand Lodge of Oregon will be pre sent at the regulur meeting of he I. O. O. K Lodge next Mon day night. All members are requested to bo present. A lady left her woolen shawl in tho Longregationul church tho last night of the union meetings. No person having returned to claim it, it may bo had at this omcfl by paying for this notice. Rev. A. J. Sullens will con duct the morning service at the Congregational church Sunday morning at 11. Rev. Mr. Sul- ens is the superintendent of iome Missions for the State of Oregon, and is an able preach er. Do not miss hearing him. Miss Bernice Brownley and randmother. Mrs. Mclnnis. have returned from a pleasant six months' sojourn in San rancisco, btockton and other California cities. While, they enjoyed their extended stay im mensely, they were glad to get back to good old St. Johns. The burning of a Hindu boarding house north of Linn- ton Tuesday evening called the ocal hre department thither. ust how the hre originated is unknown. The building was practically destroyed, entailing a loss of $1500 to $2000. The Methodist church will heed the calf of Contrress and of President Wilson fixing next Sunday as a nation wide day of prayer. At 7:45 p. m. Hon. E. A. Baker will give an address, entitled, "frighting a Retreat- ng but Still Sturdy Foe." Wanted Woman for gen eral housework; must be able to do plain cookinpr; $5 per week. Call 529 S. Ivanhoe. Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent. H. F. Clark. There should be a Victrola in every home. Currin Say So. If my work pleases you; please tell your friends. If not, tell me. -uogers, nun in. Jersey street. o When in need of small arti cles, get them at the 5-10-15c store. St. Johns: in the Penin sula National Bank Building. Will give several yards of dirt to the first one who will call at G21 North Syracuse street and haul it away. W. A. Carroll. William Isensee, of North St. Johns, sustained two broken ribs and a cut on the head Saturday night in a collision between his automobile and a street car at Williams avenue and Hancock street. He was taken to Good Samaritan Hos pitnl for treatment. Pursuant to u resolution adopted by Congress October 1th asking the President to name a day for supplication and prayer. President Wilson has issued u proclamation fixing Sunday. October 28th, ns the day. The day will be observed as such by the churches of St. Johns. Miss Hazel Lyle, a graduate of the California School of Music, and a pupil of Madame Va Lair, of Portland, has open ed up a studio for vocal teach- ng nt 227 West Tyler street. MisH Lyle has been a resident of St. Johns for the past two months. Note her announce ment in this issue. John Dickson and W. L. Mar- klo huve returned from White Salmon, Wash., where thny picked and boxed the apples at tho Murklc orchard. Persons desiring tipples from White Salmon should leave word at this ofllce. They will be sold nt $1.25 and $1.50 per box. and consist of Spitzenberg, New town and Arkansas Black. Kenneth, the little two month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keck, of 013 Myers street, died ast Thursday of acute nephri tis. The funeral took nlnco Saturday afternoon, Rev. II. Jones preaching the sermon. nterment in Columbia come. tcry; St. Johns Undertaking Co. n charge. Mrs. Sarah Ellen Koontzjlicd at hor home, 715 Willamette boulevard. Monday. October 22. aged 52 years. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Norman L. Entler. of Los Angeles. Ca .. and tho following children: Rea, rank and Linden Kootz of ortland. The remnins were shipped to Hood River Wed- nesduy for interment. Miller & Tracey having churge of the remains. Secretary of War Buker tells a story of a country youth who wbb driving to the county fair with his sweetheart when they passed a booth where fresh popcorn was for sale. "My! Abner, ain't that nice?" said the girl. "Ain't what nice?" asked Abner. "Why. the pop corn; it smells so awfully good," replied the girl. "It does smell kind 0' tine." draw ed the youth. "I'll jest drive a little closer so you can get a better smell." Philadelphia Ledger. Capt. Stark, of the local fire epartment has purchased the fine five room bungalow owned by David Steinfeldton North Syracuse street. Mr. Stein- feldt in turn purchased a S3000 home on East 24th from W. P. Willaby, the latter taking a lot on East lDth street from Mr. Steinfeldt on the purchase price, This series of deals was made through the agency of J, S. McKinney. P. H. Edlefsen returned to St. Johns the first of the week, after spending several months near Hesper, Mont., where he was engaged with Thos. Coch ran in railroad construction. Outside of a difficulty in keep ing men. hot weather and rains earlier in the summer they got along very nicely with their contract. Mr. Edlefsen had charge of the big caterpillar tractions while Mr. Cochran ooked after the team gangs. Mr. Edlefsen suys that he ac complished more work with two caterpillars than could be done with 100 teams of four horses each. 1 Soap for every purse and pur pose, uurnn bays so, Wanted Girl, at Beam's Con fectionery store. Good second hand sewing ma chines for rent. II. F. Clark. Wanted Girl for general house work ;oou wages. Call Col. 721. o For Sale House and four lots on North Syracuse street. Cal at this office. 0 . For Sale-Folding bed. kitclv en treasurer, oak dining table. Call 31a Hnrtman street. Hallowe'en novelties and post cards. Currin's for Drugs. For Sale Five room bunga low. Will be sold at a bargain; terms. 805 S. Kellogg. t For Rent Furnished four room cottage, 524 1-2 E. Rich mond. Right couple only. For Trade Four fine lots and modern bungalow, well located, for farm. Inquire at this ofllce. Choose your druggist as you would your doctor. Currin Soys So. ' Hemstitching Mrs. W. L. Montgomery, 415 N'. Kellogg, nt back of St. Johns postomcc. o For Sale Chean Ponv. buircy and harness; very gentle for children to ride and drive. Call Col. G24. Now is the time to buy that Victrola. Currin Says So. - u For Trade 20 acres in Gil liam County for St. Johns or Sheridan property. 5 12 E. Fes senden St. French lessons given in pri vate or classes, experienced teacher, horn in France. 425 I'J. Mohawk street. a-aa-aaaea -aaaaae Notice is hereby given that I will not bo responsible for a?y debts contracted by Mrs. Roy Wilcox.- Koy Wilcox. adv. The own or must sell mndnm six room bungalow, large porch, 50x100 lot, close in. A bar gain. Phone (joiumtiia 1 1 ' For Sale 100 x 100, 3 room houBc, nice garden bpoI, Bull Run water, free wood, at Whit wood Court: $400, $200 cusli, balance, terms. For Sale Two five room cottages, lot 100x100, East Charleston. Will be sold at a bargain. Cull 718 East Rich mond street. I Go to tho Auto Repair Compa ny, 207 South Jersey street, for your auto, motorcycle and bicy cle repairs and supplies. Autos for hire. Phono Coumbia 727. Rabbits for Sale- -Now Zeal- and, Flemish Giant, Rufus Red, While Pinkeyes and Belgians. All ages and all prjees.- C. R. Chadwick & Son,219 N.Swenson. Ilobt. Strayed or Stolen Be tween Willamette and John street, Angora cat, black and brown mixed; white chin, and answers to tho name of Teddy. Suitable reward will be paid for its return. Phone Col. 49. For Salo nt n Hnrcnfri Mnil. cm 5 room house, lot 50x100, well located, bath, basement, electric lights, fruit. Price SI 800. SHOO down. Iinlim nn monthly payments. Inquire 805 a. neuogg street. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincerest thanks to our many friends for the kind sympathy extended and for the beautiful floral tributes pre sented during our recent be reavement. We also wish to express our appreciation for the kindness and favors shown our daughter during her illness. ftir. and Mrs. J. P. I' ones, L. L. Fones and Family. C. R. Fones and Family, C. E. Dowing, Husband. s .ALEX. S. SCALES. G-R-O-C-E-R Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season We carry nothing but the best and our aim is to please 501 Fessenden St. Phone Columbia 210 N. J. BAILEY HARDWOOD AND FURNITURE Farm to trade for St. Johns Prop erty. Corner Bradford and Erie Sit. Phone Columbia 157 Supp Here's a nicttire for von And it happens. If hn hnd mnnpv in f hr discouraged. It would carry him over until he got an other jobor it-might set him up in some little business. It might do a lot of things; that's what it is for. You should start an account in our bank and have no fear of the future. Peninsula National Bank Officers I'HTHU At'T.KN, t'KHIl C. IvNAI'l1, I'HANK 1', DlUNKHU . .'resident Vice Vreslilent . Vice Preitlilciit . . Cashier AnUlntltCmliler Aiulstniit Cntlilcr AMlslnnt Ciislilor John N. Hni.ui'.sitN, ClIAIU.ltH 11, Kl'SSItl.t,, Stanton J IHintit, Kim'AKI) 11. IHOKKIS, Member of Federal Reserve Bank Safety Deposit Vaults $3 per box I e EYES EXAMINED rXV WM VVU 1W- WE DO IT RIGHT A COMPARISON WITH ORDINARY FITTING OF GLASSES ONLY SEEMS TO EMPHASIZE THE QUALITY OF PERFECTION. WHICH HAS BUILT UP OUR CONSTANTLY INCREASING OPTICAL BUSINESS WE KNOW HOW DR. W. J. GILSTRAP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON St. Johns, Portland, Oro A hot Combination WOOD-COAL! We now dandle coal as well as wood St Johns Lumber Co. DR. HERBERT F. JONES CHIROPRACTOR 311 NORTH JERSEY STREET No charge for examination. Res, Phone Columbia 690 Office Phone Columbia 97 DR. EVART P. BORDEN DENTIST Office and Residence 3I3 N. Hayes St. TELEPHONE Columbia 477 KVIJRYTHING MODKKN IN DKNTISTRY S.WHUU IV C. R. CHANEY Transfer, Piano Moving, Etc. Long Distance Hauling a Specialty Phone Columbia 425 Office 2I5 S. Kellogg, Cor. John ose you lost your JOB and had no money in the dank! Hint folk thr wlmln nfnw hnnlr now 1m ttrnnMn'f lm an dirhctous. l. AUTHN TIIDS. AUT.ILV i'. r. dkinkHk A.K.IOBHH 1'. C.KNAI'i' II. I. I'UNNHI.I. C1KANT HMITII J. N I'.DI.KI'HKN and up. Pour per cent 011 Savlni-s. The Particular Housewife Who tnkes keen interest In the meals she scivcs will be grcntly hclpctl II she jiurclntH's licr groceries of ns. You run count on ttlwitys KcUl"K frcaher 11 ml 11 littKcr variety of table delicacies lieie. We nrc nnxluiiH to linve yon its n custo mer, knotting Unit if you try us once you ttlll come iigitlu, MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey St. I'lionc Col. 118 GLASSES FITTED When Receiving Let your finely furuislieil home throw out an air of Individuality and refine ment. Tasteful furniture costs no more than the kind that tloes not fittingly blend with homelike surroundings. Our prices ure uuimestiouably us low as the fine furniture we handle will allow us to quote. H. F. CLARK THE FURNITURE MAN 400-402 S. JERSEY ST.