ST. JOHNS REVIEW SUCCESSOR TO PENINSULA REVIEW Davottd to (h Intereiti of tb Peninsula, tbt Manufacturing Center ot the Northwest Old Serle. VoL XI, N. 38 VOL. 13 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, I'RIDAY, AUGUST 31. 1917. NO. 42 Inspect the Elevator Site The port and dock commis sions joined in their first ofll cfnl harbor inspection trio Sat urday. Their guests were the d strict United States engineer. ronresentatives of the Chamber of Commerce and of the younger business men's "croun." They visited the site of Portland's $3,000,000 freight and grain terminal west of St. Johns and there agreed to start within four weeks the dredging of the first 1.000,000 cubic yards incident to the crea tion of the shin basin in front of the big project. They nass ed down the line of the port's elaborate plan to broaden the entire harbor channel to a un form width of GOO feet. The dredging work, which is being vigorously accomplished by the powerful port dredges, Willam ette, Columbia and Tualatin, passed under the scrutiny of the officials. Shipbuilding operations were reviewed. The harbor, because of the now industry, is busier than it has ever been. It is as if necessity and American de termination had chorused, "If war takes away shipping we will populate our harbors with those of our own construction." Groups of completed and nearly completed vessels in the water, frames of ships on the ways, wonderful speed in the building of new big shipyards testified to the millionaire Bizo and effi ciency of Portland's leading en terprise. Vessels taking on lumber cargoes and docks filled with goods were impressive evi dence that the port is coming back into its own. Floating smoothly on the mirror-liko surface of the Wil lametto in the smoky sunBhinc of the afternoon, the port tug McCrnckcn came to rest in front of the elevator site. Standing on the bow of the steamer, the chairman of tho dock commis sion seized the moment for tho commission's prepared' defense oWtif Rolectiop ott-thu MnlnrklWAiic Ogdon tracts against the attacks which have been made upon it. "Wo arc governed by one de sire to servo the pooplo of the present and future Port land," ho averred. Statement of tho fact that the sito was selected in connection with the development of Portland's larg er port development plan, in ex pectation of resumption of for eign commeico after tho war and in conformity with u policy of providing facilities for ship ping, followed. Then: "In their endeavor to meet thoso conditions and require ments tho dock commission, af ter mature deliberation and ex amination of various sites, which consistod of a survey of channel conditions, driving of test piles and consideration of foundation conditions, railroad service and rail trackage facili ties, determined that the St. Johns bito presented the great est advantages and tho least disadvantages, as compared with other sites under consid eration and, therefore, this site was selected for tho construc tion of tho new elevator and freight terminal. "Tho cheapness of the ground permitted the purchase of am ple acreage to provide for future development, Its location on the east side of the Willamette river is more favorable for handling tho grain which orig inates to the east of Portland and eliminates the enormous freight congestion which must of necessity ensue if attempt is made to handle interior grain across the Willamette river bridges or through the O. W. R. & N. tunnel." Figures were presented to show that from 1912 to 191G the O. W. R. & N. handled 60,490 cars of grain to Portland and the S. P. & S. 10,257 cars from 1913 to 1915; the average car capacity being 35 tons. The statement continued: "When this tonnage begins to move again to Portland, added to the volume of business which will undoubtedly move through us to Russia and the orient, terminal congestion becomes an import ant factor in securing steamer lines and it certainly is of great importance that facilities for the most direct and economical routing ot freight be provided to give this port the advantages with which competition must bo met. "The present location posses ses cheap and easily arranged rail connections. It is distant from the present terminal con gestion, is below all bridges and lies at a point where the river is widest between the bar- i 1 9 mnr a pmpleroom in the fairway after por lines uuw icci uuuniut,i the necessary channel dredging is completed. At this site tho tentative harbor lines agreed to by the United States engineers, the port of Portland and the dock commission more than a year ago, arc distant about 900 feet out from the banks at the lower end and about 550 feet at the upper end and permission has been grant ed the dock commission by the secretary of war to construct the new terminal out to the tentative harbor lines location. "Tho dredged part of the ship channel of the Willamette at this locality is about 800 feet wide, is we toward tho west side of the river and with the widening of the channel now being undertaken by the port of Portland to GOO feet in the lower harbor and further dredg- ng to the harbor line there will be provided an excellent ap proach to the pier and slip con struction of the new terminal. "It must be kent in mind that the primary object of this ter minal, the problem which is before the commission at this time, is the provision of facili ties for handling, storing and shipping grain in bulk and sacks and the provision for the trans shipment of lumber, steel and hulk freight East by rail or West by steamer and the distri-j bution of heavy products, which must of necessity bo handled in carload shipments. This class of freight should under normal conditions consist of from 70 to 80 per cent of tho business done in this port and the site selected presents tho advan tages of eliminating any harbor moves or passage through any ver bridges." There was extended discus sion of the commission's plans for providing port facilities and tho relation of public docks al ready built to this plan. Also: A lixod policy or tho com mission since its organization ins been to lay tho foundation for n possible future municipal belt lino railroad along tho waterfront on both sides of the river." Spaco at tho elevator iiLiibMLtCLhe' up.di-nccnrd-. ng to charts exhibited, for the coal bunkers which the port has been given legislative author- ty to construct. I'inally: "The development and great- er use oi tno port's iriouiary waterways enter into tho com mission's comprehensive plan, and for tho purpose of carrying this into effect tho commission ius ottered to render such as sistance and ndvico to tho com munities, located on these waterways a will enable them to provide dock and shipping facilities which will bo of a workable and economic con struction for tho expedit'ous handling of river steamer freight. At all tho municipal docks provision is made for the accommodations of river traffic and at the elevator ter minal a marine leg will bo in stalled to permit the unloading of grain carried in bulk on river steamers." An objection to the site was voiced during the excursion. Gatton slough, emptying there, ins long been a substantial part of tho backbone of the crawfish industry and those who like the creatures fear a dim inution of tho supply. George Kelley, Port of Portland com missioner, was in charge of the arrangements for the port in spection expedition. There were in tho party: represent ing tho dock commission, Charles B. Moores, chairman; John H. Burgard, F. C. Knanp. G. B. Hegardt. engi neer; representing the port com mission, R. D. Inman, chair man, George Kelley, J, W. Shaver. Drake C. O'Rielly and E. B. Pape, superintendent; re presenting the United States engineers, Colonel George H, Zinn, in charge of both the up per and lower Columbia river, Willamette and coast districts; representing the Chamber of Commerce, O. M. Clark, former ly president, and W. D. B. Dod Bon, executive secretary; re presenting the younger business men's group, Fred H. Strong and Forrest Fisher. Colonel Zinn stated that in his opinion the dredging of a basin in front of the terminal will be success ful as the Willamette is not a silt bearing stream. Marshall N. Dana in Sunday Oregonian. The St. Johns Ice Co., has been a busy institution this summer. Besides supplying the local trade, considerable quanti ties of ice have been delivered to Oregon City and Vancouver. Wash., besides various sections of the city of Portland. The plant has been running to full capacity, and yet it can scarcely 'keep up with the demand, Great Event Forecast The last great lawn social o; tho season will take place ai St. Clement's on Sunday. Sep tebmcr 2. beginning about 4 p. m. All who have read the notices of former socials in this paper and who have had tho good sense to attend will welcome this announcement, and will cancel all previous ar rangemcnts. We know they will, and in this case especially they will not be sorry. They will see more in one afternoon and evening, and enjoy them selves better than they ever did before in their lives. It will sure bo some time when the crowd who have signified their intention of being present get together on that lawn. There will be more interesting fea tures than Broadway over could boast, and excitement will pre vail from start to finish, be- causo no one will know what is coming next. Some of tho best organizers of tho city have been engaged, and we feel cer tain thnt their efforts will bo crowned with success and with he approval of tho patrons. It is only right that we should gi 'c bomo idea of the things that arc going to make the event entertaining. However, there, are some things that cannot bo divulged for reasons of State. All the usual at tractions will be there, and handled ns they huvc been in the past. Beyond the ordinary attractions of every lawn social, there will be several new ones. The first or these will be the hoisting of the bell. Have you ever seen this feat performed? Wo are ready to bet that you have not. Well, the logical courso is to como and nee how it is done. Many of on' i.romiMC.u nun wi i ooon innd for the occasion. 1 his is ichfdiilcd to take place at four o'clock sharp, and if you are not here on time you will miss something that you should not miss. Alter t ie oc has ueen ratal tuuL-afltln. nlnetf, tho visitors will be introduced to tho social. One of the features )f this social will bo tho now fish pond that wo have import ed and which will be in opera tion. Here one will be ablo to fish for anything from a min now to a whale, and anglers will find their Eden where roams the spirit ot the mighty Walton (Guess that's tho fish man they speak of.) But the great event that is causing so much interest and excitement in bt. Johns and Portland and of which every one or the readers oi tho kg- view will have heard by this time is the beginning of tho grand new fraternal organiza tion thut is going to shed so much lustre on this town of ours, Tho young ladies aro now engaged in a popularity contest to determine which ono will securo the greatest number of candidates. We cannot ex patiate at any great length on this event, uecaus? we could not do so without rovealing some of tho things that aro only to be revealed to those who aro fortunate to become members. We may say, however, that this Order is open to all men and women without restriction of creed or race. We have tho fond hope that it, being a crea tion of St. Johns, will attain to immense proportions and serve to put our town on the map forever and a day. Wo invite tho attention of all who read this notice to this one feature especially, and we trust that we shall have the pleasure of wel coming them into tho ranks, and they the honor of being charter members. It is the chance of a life time, and if we care for ourselves or our town we shall see that we line up with the candidates. Whatever you do, don't forget this, be cause if you do you will never forgive yourself. We expect to receive a monster crowd and each one will help to make it such. Consequently, the mean ing of all this is that wo shall expect to see everyone who reads this notice present at this affair, which we expect will confer so much honor and dis tinction on all of us, Sunday, September 2; and be sure to be there for the hoisting of the bell, and if you cannot be there then you must come anytime before 11 o'clock. Tho grounds are located in the beautiful grove at the corner of Smith avenue and Burr street. Re ported. If you have anything to sell, the Review will advertise it on a commission basis. No sale, no pay, A Deserved Promotion Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Muck are in receipt of a letter from the Curtis Publishing Company in which their son, Arnold, is high ly complimented. "Because your boy has made a splendid record as a salesman," writes M. E. Douglass, manager of the Sales Division, "wo are glad to accordju'm unusualjre cognition. Your boy's member ship in the League of the Curtis Salesmen is a deserved promotion. It is awarded only to those few of our fifty thous and boy agents whoso faithful ness to their customers and whoso reliability and prompt ness in their dealings with us have marked them us qualified. When tho time conies for him to go into business, any pro spective employer will attach importance to the fact that ho has made good with us. Over twenty-one hundred prominent firms and companies hnvc al ready asked us to refer to thorn for employment our Master Salesmen, when they finish school and aro ready to accept permanent positions." Drowned in the River Arthur Fisher, 12 years old, whoso home was at Courtney and Houghton streets, Ports mouth, was on a raft near the end of the Peninsula Shipbuild- ng company's dock lluirsday afternoon ltiBt. when n river steamer passed by. The waves from the vessel's wake fright ened tho lad, and he jumped for a ladder nailed to tho side of tho dock. His companions saw him mil and noted that he ailed to rise. Becoming ularm- ed. they uuictly went to their several homes and said nothing about it. Patrolman llatt learn ed of tho boy's disappearance and notified tho harbor patrol ato in the afternoon and Gran- nlor Brndy racCDoml young Hsher's body in the evening. I he funeral services took place Sunday afternoon nt the Methodist church, Lombard and iske streets. Miner & Tracey md charge of the remains. Will Repair Jersey Street Repairs to tho Wcstrumitc pavement on Jersey street in &t. Johns is to bo mado by W. md. contractor, who laid tho pavement several years ago. ac cording to an understanding reached last week at u confer ence between the contractor and Commissioner Barbur of tho de partment of public works. Vhen the pavement was In d the contractor furnished tho former town of St. Johns a bond guaranteeing that the lavcmont be kept in good re pair for a certain number of years. The pavement rapidly disintegrated and in n number of places it has almost entirely gono to pieces. A Farewell Party A pleasunt farewell party was given Claude E. Harris at tho home of his father, H. E. Harris, the well known ico manufacturer, on North Lom bard street, last Tuesday even ing. The table decorations were red, white and blue, and a num ber of silk flags were arranged about the home. Those present were Cluade E. Harris, Cilbort Hans, Earl Everett, Ernest Panz, Otto Glawe, Mrs. G. W. Harris. Miss Amanda Reinick, Miss Bertha Poff, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harris. Cluudo has join ed the naval service, and left Saturday for Bremerton Navy Yards. Fine Residence For Sale An eight room house, thor oughly modern throughout, dis tinctive in type, interior linely finished, located in one of the best residence districts in bt. Johns, overlooks the new B.hip plant, and in fact is one or the most desirable properties in St. Johns. Any one desiring a modern, up-to-date residence, deally situated, and at a very reasonable price, should not fail to investigate this. In quire at this office. G. M. Hall's new auto has ar rived and it is a beauty. A Word of Caution To the Editor:--Would you kindly give me spaco in your valuable colums to sound a word of caution and advice to farmer who aro preparing dressed meat to be sold in Portland and other cities within the State. A great amount of this meat is condemned and ordered destroy ed because of reaching the mar ket in such a condition that it is unfit for food. This is not only a direct loss to the farmer who ships it, but in such times when we are exercising every ellort in the lino of food con sorvanon, it is a loss to the consuming public, and wo feel a great deal of such loss could be avoided if furmers and butchers would properly pre pare their meats, taking neces sary precaution to see that it reaches tho market in the best possible condition. Dr. E. E. Chase, Chief Meat Inspector of the City Health Department of 'ortland, informs mo that dur ng tho Inst 1G months there has icen condemned 18.42G pounds of meat that was killed and dressed by farmers, and this condemnation has not been on account of a diseased condition of tho meat, but simply on account of what is termed "spoiled meat." We feel that if farmers and butchers will observe the following require ments, much of this loss can be eliminated: I" irst The carcasses of veal and hogs must be entirely free from animal heat before being offered to the transportation company for shipment. Second All carcasses of veal should have two sticks, ono in tho thoracic cavity thu other n tho ubdominnl cavity, so iib to spread the carcass and hold it apart. In hogs weighing over 200 pounds it would be well to have them split the hips and shoulders ns hogs sour very quickly during hot weather. Thoroughly wash tho inside of the vca 1 with hot water and wJpo wlth-a clean clo,th. Jinjil all slime and dampness is throroughly removed; the sprinkling of cayenne popper in inside of tho carcass tends to prevent tho work of flies. All carcasses, except veal must be wrapped in a clean cloth before being offered for shipment. J. D. Mickle, Dniry and Food Com missioner. Doesn't Seem to Like It Evirv fow dnvH Homo of tho troops of Oregon go somowhero or como rrom somewhere, or sottlo down somewhere. For fear of somo German spy find ing out in advance that one of our companies is to guard a bridge, or an oil tank, or some thing else, tho papers aro great ly restricted in publishing troop movements. Any fourth rato German spy who couldn't find out when each and nil and any of our troops aro moved would not bo considered worth au cents n day, and would bo dis charged. It is undoubted that evory largo body of troops sot ting forth from our shores to Europe will be watched by Ger man spies, and their departure mmln Wnnwn hi fiormnnv If worth while, within two hours. Tho close censoring of tho press that is kept up by the militni-v nut linrith-H in lnrirnlv to increase their own import ance and to consume lime, red tape, and patience. Mt. Scott Herald. What the Chances Are The man who now goes over to France to fight has fourteen chances out of fifteen of return ing homo in safety, according to figures complied by Roger W. Babson, the noted statisti- a M k ft I cian ot uosion. Air. uaoson's conclusions arc based on the mortality figures of the rrench army during the three years of the wnr, which include tho heavy losses at tho Marne and Verdun. According to the death rate of the last year a man has thirty-nine chances in forty of surviving warfare and is only about three times as likely to meet death as he would be at home. In fact, Bays Mr. Babson. a man in the heavy artillery is in no more danger than is a railway employe. Houtzdalc Citizen. Mrs. W. S. Bean, of 133 Olympia street, is suffering from an attack of sciatic rheu mutism. Outdoor Meetings Close With last Sunday evening's meeting the series of open nlr union meetings which have been held in front of tho city hall since the first of July terminat ed. Ihe services were again well attended, and the auditors listened to an interesting, im pressive and convincing dis course by ur. Jones ot the Christian church on "The New Man." The speaker comment ed upon the new things that have come to pass and have been invented in.tho past half century. Ho convincingly ar gued that man may not become new by patching up, or covering up or relorming without being mado thoroughly anew by re nouncing the evil of his ways repenting of his sins and start ing afresh with a new Hpirit and a I'ctcrmination to leud a better and holier life. While the choir was not as large as on some other former occasions. yet the fine music rendered was highly appreciated. These open uir meetings have been a source of much enjoyment and were no doubt productive of much good in this community. A better feeling of fellowship was engendered and many attended tho services that were not in tho hnbit of attending church reg ularly. The union prayer meet ings were also brought to a close last evening in the Lvnngclicnl church. These prayer meet- nus have also been well attend ed and greatly enjoyed. Used Sound Judgment The Portland Dock Commis sion has exercised sound judge ment it its selection of a site for tho grain elevator and freight terminals. The site will bo on deep water when dredg ing has provided tho material required for tho needed fill. It is large enough to leave room for expansion of tho terminals bp tho growth: of commerce do; mnnds. It will have connection with both of tho railroads which como down tho Columbia gorge tor the interior grain belt. It is below all tho Willamette river bridges, snving vessels the trouble and risk of passing through a series of draws. Its prompt selection after tho peo ple had authorized tho necessary bond issue gives assurance that tho elevator will be completed in time to handle the crop of 1918. by which time Portland shipyards will have produced enough vessels to carry our ex ports.- Oregonian. More Interest Shown There wero twenty women in attendance at tho last meet ing of tho St. Johns division of women's committee of Council of National Defense, represent ing nearly every organization in tho community. It is pure patriotism thut prompted their efforts as there is nothing of u socinblo or entertaining nature in connection with the council, just simple concerted oxertion to help win tho wnr. nuns lor tho distribution of tho registra tion curds were discussed and it was finally decided upon to adopt tho method to bo chosen by Portland. 'I his means a house to houso canvas with ex planations us how tho cards aro to be signed. One of these cards will be left for each woman member over 1G years in each family. Thoso are to bo filled out and turned in later at tho polling places on registration day. Tho date of which will bo unnounced later. Reported. Legality Established Legality of the bond issue of $3,000,000 for the erection of a grain elevutor und terminul facilities at Portland has been established by bond attorneys in Boston, according to a tele graphic message the commission of public docks received from the Massachusetts lawyers Thursday morning. In order to make sure about this phase of the matter, the commis sioncrs sent abstracts und full dutu to u firm of bond experts to obtain their opinion, who sent word back that every re quirement has the commission bonds for sale, first issue to be been met. So will offer the tho bids on the opened March G. Patronize tho homo merchant. Watch the Bunghole The newspapers are laden with advice coming out of Washington suggesting that everybody economize in every respect. Save the crusts, waste nothing, save the flour, eat less, save the meat and so on. All of it is good and, ns we believe, necessary advice and we urge everybody to take it. But while wo arc saving at the spigot let us be careful not to waste at the bunghole. Wo aro beginning to spend the public funds like a lot of drunken sailors. Thous ands nroof as little consequence as pennies; wo are not even talking in millions any more. Nothing short of billions suits us. But it should not be for gotten that somebody must pay tho piper in the end. Every body knows the piper, for he is the American pooplo. Lot us huvc a little example in saving und economy set to us by congress, by tho depart ments and by the administra tion. Wo are preaching waste elimination. Most people are trying to practice it in their duily lives. Yet down here at Palo Alto just because of n little squubblc between the wnr de partment and the local authori ties they have abandoned n camp in which there has already been invested several hundred thousand dollars of public funds. And strangely enough everybody scorns to think that feature oi the transaction all right. Journal. Why spend weary hours wash ing these warm days, when tho National Laundry will wet wash your clothes almost as cheaply as you can afford to do the washing yourself? Toll Jeff liazylott about it. and ho will promptly cull for und deliver same to you. See his ad. else where in this paper. J. S. McKinney reports the following realty sales: C. C. BardweJ.L to Mr. Young, house, anil lot on East Buchanan street for $2100; W. I). Brown, of Vancouver purchased five room house in North Bank Addition nenr Wall street; Win. C. Peters, of St. Helens, has pur chased house and lot on East Polk street from W. S. Bradey. This is the season of tho year when the greatest care should bo exercised in securing milk of tho purest quality. Tho Muscuday Dairy, conducted by Howard Windlo in North bt. Johns, is said to supply only tho purest and best. Ho is deserv ing of your patronage and after giving his milk a trial you will want no other. See his ad. in this issue. Mrs. Richard Shepherd left her auto stand at tho roudside while she went into her homo nt Whitwood Court for u few minutes tho latter part of tho week. When she camo out sho found the auto brake had failed to work properly and the auto had started down tho hill. It was found to bo in a badly damaged condition at the foot of the hill. Private A. W. Irvine, son of Rev. J. H. Irvine. wa3 home Tuesday on a brief furlough, His company has recently been honorably discharged us Nat ional Guards und immediately drafted into the United States Army with the expectation of soon seeing service auroau, These young volunteers wel come the thought of following the (lag to battlo and to victory. J. E. Ray. of Salt Lake City. has joined his wife in St. Johns where she has been the guest of her daughter. Mrs. A. W. Davis. Mr. Ray, in former visits here, has made a number of friends and acquaintances, all of whom are glad to greet him once more. Ho io a promi nent business man of Utah, and was personally acquainted with many of the noted characters of the west. II I I H J. W. Davis and J. R. Weimer have returned from Harney county, where they have been looking over their holdings there. As an illustra tion of the fertility of tho soil, thoy brought homo a stack of sweet clover that measures five and one-half feet in length, and bunches of the second crop of alfalfa that aro two and one half feet in length. They say Harney county crops look better than in any other section that they passed through.