s THE DESERT YOSEMITE. Fantastic, Beauty of the MuUuntuweap National Monument. For fnntnslic outline nnd brilliant nml vnried coloring Mukuntuwenp Xntionnl monument, in southeast ern Utnh, popularly known as the Little Zion canyon, probably equals nnv snot on this continent, ltcccnt visitors have called it "the desert Yosemitc," others "the mimic flrnnd canyon." It inevitably sug gests both. "You can't seo it with out whouling," reports one recent explorer. The Mormons of a former gen eration chose this valley for a ref uge in the event of being driven from Zinn, as tliev called Salt Lako City, and named it Little Zion. It is locally called Littlo 'Ann canyon today. The north fork of the mud dy Virgin river flows through it, and in the spring streams cascade from the lofty summit walls. Many fine trees ash, maple, oak, spruce and others grow on the valley Jloor. The canyon is a mighty cleft, as if tho mountain had been violently divided to obtain a segment. The walls are inconceivably carved into domes, half domes, colonnades and temples. Ono gigantic elill suggests a battleship and is locally called the steamboat. Tlio faces of sonic- of the wulla contain thousands of square feet of plane surface upon which tho ele ments havo sketched various llgures. At ono point 'may be seen the pic ture of a woman, a horse and a pig, forming n distinct group. At an oilier an eagle perches, trtio to this imhln bird'rf instinct, high upon the cliff. At other points crypts have ltfen formed in the walls by the shelling olT nf the slono otirfacu in which may be seen other forms scumiugly iH'ulptured. Nature seem) to have fashioned here a line art gallery of stupendous proportions. Tho coloring is beyond descrip tion, (ilisteniug white is lite basic color. Hclow this a strip of blood red mindtouo has weathered into foriimtions resembling those of the (I rami canyon. Tiioro am thou Aiudis of feet of polished white sand hIoiio vertically streaked with ver milion, like a Roman sash. There nie tiinkrt in endless similes. Tlic canyon is more than ten mile long and from 1, '.()() to i!,000 f&et wide. The neighborhood is rich in striking phenomena. There are natural bridges of great size and Iwiulv. 'I'lii country was nettled by Mornioiu many years ago and pos soSfH'H much historical interest. (iorcriiinont Itulletin. The Pipe nf Peace. Tlio North American Indian usu ally made his pipes out of u kind o Mont Known as red pipe Hlouc, o which there worn largo deposits in tlio old Sioux countrv, and the ('real Spirit is Hiiil to have given liis iiidorMMiicnl to this particular nwlcnnl, wlueli might havo lieeu Sioux monopoly, in tliiei words: I ill Mono is red. It is vour IImIi. It belongs to you all. Out of it nwktf no more tomahawks, war ImtiihuU nor Kcalpiug kuivos. Uso it only to umko the pipe of peace ami miioKo iiiereirom wiieu you would propitiate me anil do my WW. Lincoln and a Laugh. One tiny when Lincoln's cabinet mot the president asked one of the jiiuiuwn if ho had read Xasbv s hit oM. .Mr. Stanton autere, stern, (llgfuutMl took the president to tnxk, Mying ho ought to bo thinking of sterner things. Mr. Lincoln re plied : "jStmitou, I think 1 havo tho bur iIom of this nation on my heart, lmt laughter is my safety valve. I am sure that if I couldn't laugh MUiictiines I'd 'bust.'" WhUtler'a Idea of Handi. WhUtlor, the artist, nam": "1 ill witytt uso Irish models for hands, with their long, Mender lingers and delightful articulations, the most Ittwuiiftil hands in the world. 1 think Iri.li bmHtiful. eves are also the most American girls' hands oouw next. Knglish girls huve red, eouwn hands; tho Oormaii girl has liroml, flat hands, and the Spanish ImiuI is full of big veins," Charloti. Among some nations of antiquity oiturioU, as eleplmnts among other nations, may he regarded as tilling tho place of heavy artillery, so that the military power of a nation might )m estimated by tho number of its Qliuriou. Tims riuirnoli in pursu ing uru.nl took with him G(K chari ots. Cold 8Urch. If you wish to make starch and let it got cold before starching tho oloth, try this plan: After the Htarch is made and while still hot Hprinklo cold water all over tho top as though you were sprinkling olothos. Vou will ilnd no scum on toji and cn uso evory speck of it. If you want job printing done don't overlook us. We want to do all the printing for St. Johns people. For commercial print ing this office is well equipped and wo know how to do It. Prices are lower than tho samo class of work is done in Port iuiul, because our expenses nre less. Any support along the .printing line that any citizen or business man can give us will bo highly appreciated. Please don't forgot. OF Notice is hereby given that on Monday, September 10, 1917, the Board of Equalization of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County As sessor at the Court House in Portland, and publicly examine the assessment rolls for the year of 1917, and correct all errors i valuation, description or qual ties of lands, lots or other pro perty. assessed by the County Assessor. And it shall be th duty of persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed. If it shall appear to such Board of Equalization that there are any lands or lots or otner property assessed twice, or incorrectly assessed as to description or quantity, and in the name of a person or per sonB not the owners thereof, or assessed under or beyond the actual full cash value thereof, said Hoard may make proper correction of the same. If shall appear to such Board that any land, lots or other property assessable by the Assessor arc not assessed, such Board shal assess the same of the full cash value thereof. HENRY E. REED, County Assessor. Portland, Oregon, August ID 1917. s7 Notice or Hearing Final Account In the COUNTY COURT OF The STATE of OREGON for Multnomah County. In the Matter of the Estate of Esther A. Allen, deceased. Notice Ih hereby given that the undersigned, executor o estate of Esther A. Allen, dee'd has filed in the County Court o the State of Oregon for tho County of Multnomah his finn account as such executor, ant that the Court has set and flxct Tuesday, the 18th day of Sep tember, 1917, at the hour of !):!!0 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Court Koom in the Court House o Multnomah County, Oregon, as the time and place for the hear ing of said Final Account, to gether with any objections there may he to the same, and for the settlement and distribution of said estate. Dated and first published August 17, 1917. SKWAUI) E. ALLEN. I'jxecuior oi uio estate o Esther A. Allen, deceased. .1. .1. Johnson, HM Spalding lihlg., Attorney for said estate, The Oregon Agricultural College What train aparlallala lth in Jam lab aralnrica nJ aJaquala equipment lift la alrurlioa WaJini U ell(lele ilafreea la Ike fellolni iikiwli AOIIICULTUkn, lt 15 deperlraaBlal COMMCROC, with a 4eparaienli , EHOINEERINO, llk t d.peMiaanla. la luJihf Cull. Kleililral, lllihwer, InJualrlal ilia, Irrlfatlaa e4 llaaaaalitl Etiiluaafiafi rOltr.HTRT, lntlufl( Mflif Kuileeer l.r. 1I0MC r-OONOUIOS, lk aaejer depart Hit, tnrluSiai llalglni In I tit TrMllM lUuta, MINING, ltk Urea fffarlMiali, laeUS le( Chrmiftl Kuf laairlai . riiAKMAor, THE MOIIOOI, or MUSIC, efNra laatrwe lion in the principal Japailwanla u( tcl tuU iHatruru.hlal niualt THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT, rall.j UU .,J,u In 1916 IT, anj wt.a recouaiau' Jalloa far 0 A U fr.ai Ilia Wtl,i Iliuart ill at Oia V ! War llaptrliaaul eat ot Ika fillraa ' dullniulthr J Hitlllulliiiii" t Hlni laiimaf All aaJalt oill La luraliktS ai.lla vHlfuraii t; Ilia I' S, Uiimamtal hJ ika milur nJ a.mur fJ,U, auralliJ la Ika II O. T I' "ill ka (Iraa reuimuUlloa for ukiiaUHta, at nail at all lianiporlallaa eel ulnUltiira al Ika ill rrli' Huiuu.r aamp. KEdUTRATtON BI'.OINS OCTOBER , 1917 luleiwatlea o raiuaal. Aildiaia. Iillitur. Oiaiua Aiiltulluial Cellaia, Certallli. Oraiou, G. W. OVERSTREET Plumblna and Gas Flttlna Job work promptly attended to 1'houe Colmiibla r18 109 Burr Slreel SI. Johns, Oregon Friends of the Review should not forget to send in any news items that they have knowledge of. Wo want every item of news that's going. Tho Portland Garbage Co. is prepared to remove rubbish of any nature from the residences and business places of St. Johns at 75c per month for residences and from business places at reasonable rates. Calls made every baturuuy. Leave orders at St. Johns Hardware, or phone woodlawn Residents of St. Johns havinir taxes and city liens to pay in 'ortland can make their pay ments without inconvenience by availing themselves of our ser vices. Wo will pay samo and securo your receipt without in convenience to you. ree, 25 cents. References: Any St. Johns Rank. Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realty Co., by H. Ionderson, Manager; 102 North ersey street. Try n local ad in the Review, you have anything to sell, You will not be disappointed, NOTICE OF MEETING COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. THOUSANDS HAVE FOUND IT OUT Columbia Ucach is the Fine st Place for the "Kid dies" in the Northwest. Take them out any after noon. Take them out Ivvcry Saturday, Pack the family lunch bas ket and spend all day Sunday there. 3 Children under 12 admitted free. licst bathing beach in Ore gon. Dancing every evening and all day Sunday. Take Vancouver trains at Second and Washington. Portland Railway, Light 8 Power Co. LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. 0. (T. JOHNS, OREGON MmU each Monday evening In Odd FaV lows hull nt 8:00. A cordial welcome to nil vliltliiK brother. (I. W. Notcnr, Nolite Or nml II. I,. WhMcr, Vice Or nml Hi I llurrouitia, ('In, Hcc. II. I'.CIark.Trtta. St. Johns Gamp No. 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attend ance of our memhersnt our noxi regular meeting, Thursday, Sept 15. U. W. Muhm, Consul. r Milk and Cream Direct From the Cows 2 SMuscaday Dairy l S J. II. WlNDLE, Prop. V I Phone Col, 320 flollvprPii fhlltf 1 m j 1 to u im a -J Offices and Rooms $8,00 per month and up PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK BLDG, Utiilding remodeled and rooms modern in every respect including steam heat Best Located Rooms In the City Apply 15. U. MOKKIS Peninsula National Hank ..The Past Time Billiard Hall,. N I, WIIITIt l'roilrlor The Place Where They All Co A Choice Lino of Cigars, Tobac co and Soft Drinks WHiHtli TIIH CAR KTOl'S DOItIC LODGE NO, 132 A. T. and A. M. .Meets the first unit third Wcitiicwluyof each mouth 111 uicktier'a null, vim tors welcome. N. Hdlcf.eii W. M. A. V. Davis, Secretary, HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNICIIIS or I'YIIIIAS On Vacation Until Fri day Evening, Sept. 7 w. u, hvhns, c, c, A.CAKI, NKI.SON.K.RS. J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver tout roods to and from 11 pcrta of Portland, Vancouver. Llnn ton. Portland and Suburban KxDreit C., city dock and all points aoceeiibls W waeTa riuui V4 lasretaUar. aBOviar olm Poff J. II Harvey P. & H. Transfer Co. Phone Columbia 308 206 N. Jersey St. Johns, Ore. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward (or any caso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHKNET A CO.. Toledo. O. We. thd Ulliltfraltf ntl hav kmiu-n V 3 C'lieny for the Ul 1J yrura, ana believe nun perfectly honorable In all builnees Iraneactloni unit llnunelallv uble to carry out any obligation maile by tils firm. NATIONAL. DANK OV COMStKHCK. . .. ToIeJo. O Hall'a Catarrh Cura la taken lnternullv acting directly upon the blcnnl and mu coua aurfaces o( the ayatem Testlmonlali aent tree. 1'rlce TJ cent per bottle. Sold by all Drui(irlti. Howard O. Rogers. Lawver. Notary Public. Over Peninsula Bank; 7 to 9 P. M. F.QR RKNT wit nt thli sfflj. BaKr Uirfiimika SBaaneM 'eLaw-TfaeBeBeBeBBr r v rr sail m. i tm t t aaaaw w aaaarw BBBarv-m fT 7.-.. Va I d'A Vo'iiilVTtaW K XJHBaaam uUl! Delivered ThNew r.lerttle llahleilllANtJllt Mulorhlka Miulel. One vf llteFjinoui u4t.' $5000 iilaced JS000 1 1 irut in th Brest Ural nallonal runner I'Mcanc I iifuarantetf to vou thu fait fill iierfnrmance of our 30 day trial aureement. r-W,v , - if kru,A.vgfy- S J ltw lii i '111 i mm t Mm en amim mm J!f-l m mm IBB BTTB m JBJA11 U F1 .1 WW lift WW .vW a. 1 V I V I t I V IZVVJ .WW A M W iJ V II 1 IKSt I II 1 ISM w fc-v i urn nirloc Arsnlc WnnlArl "h"e terWe aaJ eiMblfnaNOtn-MerclM. S.lyt th. ma. IlluSr MKcni5 naniUU v ..(..Mnj. anil. urtdauj anion. m.l. m.n.i b, kimulu p.HJ u. Uan.u tot vr . I.ta for wie UtMt catalog, al full iartleulara ef iMirer! nwffe OOtlU HO rnOnSj J U, .ll .hare.. .pU. iK."(4NOk; uml. oU ..lert for 30 De n,a Trial. Vcucnojl tffnl to lay a U jrcla, tii.a or auaJrlM wiibvut Oral Uunlm what we olfir. MEAD 5 She knows what's going on in town. She knows what's going on in woman's wear. She Reads the News In She Sees the Bargains In She Patronizes Advertisers Bring in Your Job Printing Now mmm The Girl can choose a pattern from our large stock of Butterick Patterns, she can select her dress from an as sortment of fast color School Day Cloth; a cloth that wears well and looks well. New Shoes, new Hose and new Hair Ribbons will add a lot to the interest of School. AND YOUR BOY A Fresh New Suit of Clothes; not overalls, a new Blouse or Sport Shirt and New Shoes and Stockings and a Cap will make him feel that he is one of the best of the boys, and the cost need not be prohibitive. BON HAM & CURRIER L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Toggery Dept. toYou Free J Choop-o from 44 ntles, colorn. nml sizes in tno inmoua "HAWibii" i.ino of bicycles. All nre pictured in nnturnl colors In our latest catnloir. There uro munv other modelrinljo In fact the most coin nlete line of bicycles in the woiltl, till nt FACTORY PRICES, from 515.75, $10.05, up. There Is n Mend bicycle to milt tlio timto of every rliler-electric llitlitetl Motorbike models. Racer. Juniors for children; Ladles' models too nil ut es ma Jo nossiblo on v by our tnciory- tllrect-to rlder aollinn policy, 30 Days Free TrlallVtnJ ' It ANtinit " bicycle yon eoloct. t ntuiuiiT niAitolw fully pkk. I'All) TO YOUIl TOWN, for thirty uura troo trial- actual riillng ten. y Wo iiay return cliaruealr yuu ilccliln not tu krrp it, ami make no enirtio tor vrcar ana tear uurinR trial, we make no tITort to inlluenca your ileclilon, Tiie trial I cu ni our cxpcnic. Factory -to-Rider ?fy5kr -IIANGKH" ir uii Uvcid tkti It la theui.Uit anil nvit aurrvaaful bicycle concern In the woild, with Service d. partmint that carta for the larta and repair nenla of riro than a million rkjen. With vry "HANUER" we ehlp n lerllilcalA of UuaranRe (or Fho Years. T I B r C Morns. Uectrle Lliht Oat. I InuOi lite. rtdy.to.uae front ami rearHtieele. Inner Tubra. Tool Klta. etc- etc ltena.tr Darta fnrall blevelea anilroaitrr brake., all accurately picture! anil lieacribetl Inthsaundrr najreaof the LLr newKanitr Cataloc. Write for It. It'e (reel All lha lateat imported ana American poveltiea In Mulnment arul attAchmenta at nrlca id low they will attonltb you. CYCLE COMPANY No. Canal St., CHICAGO SHE KNOWS WHAT'S GOING ON In THE HOME PAPER THE HOME PAPER THE HOME PAPER 1 WStmSvm Your Boy and Your Girl . . Should Go to School Well Dressed Subscribe Now! I i 7BJSiit vo Many ctlicr attractivo ile.Igr,.