Heaters On Easy Terms 1 I ing HKATKRS, every one of ns they are usclnl. Tlie chill, damp evenings of ear ly autumn will need a HEAT ING STOVK to make the liotne comforta blc and cheerful. In anticipation of your needs we bought a large stock of II E A T E RS m any months ago, at the low est possible price. We have new, up-to-date models in wood burners, coal stoves and com bination w o o d and coal burn them ns ornamental Prices, $1 .65 to $33.50 Old Healers Taken in Exchange for New. ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns Auto HEADLI GHT LENSES I I The New State Law will not allow J a dazzling or blinding light. uon i run me risit oi Deing arrested. We can furnish Lenses from $1.00 pair up. Local News. AGENCY FOR GOODYEAR TIRES St. Johns Hardware Co. i St Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. C. R. CHANEY Transfer, Piano Moving, Etc. Long Distance Hauling a Specialty Phone Columbia 425 Office 215 S. Kellogg, Cor. John Keep a roof of prosperity over your head and help your neighbor to do likewise by trading with him in business. You Help Him, and He Will Help You HOME TRADE MEANS HOME- SAVINGS. This paper is booming this town all the while. HOW ABOUT YOU? Subscribe Now! A $150 funeral for $75. See ad of Miller & Tracy in this issue. Lewis David visit by his Indiana. is enjoying father from Geo. M. Hall has completed a neat Rarage at his home on South Jersey street. Canning of vegetables and berries is now encacinc the attention of the thrifty house wife. Mr. and Mrs. have returned week's visit at sorts. C. H. Derrle from u couple the beach re- Whale meat is now coming nto its own. and it is boinir shipped East for consumption n vast quantities. The S. P. I. class of the Christian church held a de- ightful picnic on Linnton beach ast Saturday evening. W. E. Ashbv and wife secur ed a lame string of catfish Sat urday ueninir. They are both expert with the rod and line. James Catto. the faithful and cdicient shipping superintend ent at the locul woolen mills. las purchased a flue Chevelett auto. Edward Campbell and wife. of Willamette boulevurd. have returned from a four months ojourn in Eastern Oregon and mrts of the Willamette vnlley.S Kov. L. Bittner will occupy the pulnit at the Evanirclicnl church Sunday morning at 11 a. m. A special invitation is ex tended to every one to attend. Electric Vacuum Cleaner rent. H. P. Clark. Clarence Foss has purchased a house and lot at 1018 East Mohawk street. The dry weather will nroba bly terminate when hop picking begins, as usual. Ed F. Monahun, wife and aughtcr and Mrs. T. J. Mona- inn left lust Friday by auto for sojourn at lillamook beach, returning home Wodnopdny eve- tinn. Lieut. Denne II. Know 18, of tht National Army, was cir culating among his friends here the past week. He looks as if army life agrees with him ex ceedingly well. The keel for the first ship to be constructed in St. Johns was started at the local ship plant Saturday. Work is being rush ed with a maximum of speed in all departments. Ernest Johnson, wife and son and two sisters of Mrs. John son, motored up from Indepen dence and were the guests of Mrs. W. L. Montgomery the first of the week. C. Kind, a former well known resident of St. Johns, but for some years residing nt Mc- Cormack, Wash., has moved back to St. Johns, taking up their residence in the Swcngel house. i Any reader knowing of a man who wants to engage in the blacksmithing business in St. Johns, should refer him to the nnv, appearing elsewhere in this issue. It is a rare oppor tunity for some blackmith. The Fourth Quarterly Confer ence coming just before the ominous annual Conference, is always a very important event in the Methodist church. Fri day evening. August 2t4h is the date for St. Johns Methodism. Dr. Youngson will preside. A full attendance is expected. N. A. Gee's smiling counten ance was visible upon the streets the first of the week. Mr. Gee has been laid ur since early spring with one affliction after another, but he was able to withstand and wear them all out. His many friends are glad to see him about once more. Mrs. J. N. Harney and daugh ter, Mary, returned on August 16th from a two months' visit in Eastern Iowa and Nebraska, which they enjoyed immensely. They were accompanied home by Miss I'lorence Bicksler. of Salem. Iowa, who will make an extended visit in the West, pos siblly entering Berkeley Col lege in the Fall. "The sin of Jeroboam" is the minister's topic Sunday morn ing at the Methodist church. We will feel awfully lonesome for our brother pastors and our sister churches when our union Sunday evening services close. If we could have our way, they would never cease till the world is redeemed.J. H. Irvine, pastor. M. E. Epworth League topic next Sunday evening: "Echo Meeting for Summer Institute or Convention." With this week's issue the name oi this paper will be changed to St. Johns Review instead of Peninsula Review. H. D. Powell and family have returned from Montana, where Mr. Powell has enjoyed lucra tive employment for some months. Rev. Paul Rood, of Seattle. has been a guest of his parents in this Place this week. Rev. Rood spent Sunday with "Billy" Sunday nt Hood River. Mrs. J. Parkin and son, Her bert, left last Sunday on the steamer, Kilburn, for an ex tended visit with Mr. Parkin, nt Eureka. Cul. C. R. Chuney has severed his connection, ufter years of faith ful service, with the Lauthers Mercantile company, and is now engaged in business for him self. Sec his ad. in this issue. Rev. A. P. Lnyton was suc cessfully operated upon at ti.e Good Samaritan Hospital Tues day, and his hosts of friends will be glad to learn thul he is getting along as well as could be expected. o Dr. Borden and family will return from Seaview, Wash., where they have been enjoying n vacation since August 1st. The Dr. will be in his ollice to receive patients Monday, Aug. 27th, at 0 a. in. J. B. Thorp, who has been operating a ranch near Scap poose for some time, has accept ed a position as conductor on the street car line, taking up his duties last Saturday. He formerly resided in St. Johns. S. A. Satterlee, the North Jersey street tonsorlal artist, had the misfortune to lose a five dollar bill the first of the week. The finder is requested to turn the same into the Red Cross Fund. "Ernest," said the teacher of geography, "tell whnt you know about the Mongolian race." "I wasn't there," replied Er nest hastily. "I went to the ball game." Dr. B. F. Rambo. now located in the Grnys Harbor country, where he is practicing his pro fession, spent a couple of days in St. Johns the past week, making arrangements to move his family to his new location. The Dr. is very much plenscd with his new place of busi ness. 0 Congregational church The pastor will preach Sunday morn ing nt 11. Sunday School at 10. The church and pastor will unite with the other churches in the open air service at 7:110. The union service will be held in the Evangelical church Thurs day evening at 8. for Get your malt syrups at The Central, Miller & Glover. Good second hand sewing ma chines for rent. H. F. Clark. Wanted Small house, furn ished or unfurnished. Call at this ollice. Wanted Lady for light book keeping. Apply at St. Johns Hardware Co. Horses for Sale M. B. Lind ley, 1002 Fessenden street: phone Columbia 311. tor Sale Fully equipped, Eastern built. 21 foot gasolene inunch. Apply ut this ofhee. Hemstitching Mrs. W. L. Montgomery, 415 N. Kellogg, nt back oi St. Johns postoflice. For Trade Four fine lots and modern bungalow, well located, for farm. Inquire at this ofhee. Wanted Experienced girl for general housework. Call 704 Lombard street; phone Colum bia G57. If my work pleases you: nlease tell your friends. If not, tell me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. For Trade-20 acres in Gil lam county lor at. jo ins or Sheridan property. 542 E. Fes senden St. A SNAP Lots 1 to 4 in Block 0. Point View. Must be sold. Apply J. W. II. Reld Devil's Lake, N. Dakota. When in need of small arti cles, get them nt the 5-10-15c store. St. Johns; in the Penin sula National Bank Building. For Sale Two five room cot tages, lot 100x100, East Charles ton. Will be sold at a bargain. Call 718 East Richmond street. Go to the Auto Repair Compa ny, 207 South Jersey street, for your auto, motorcycle and bicy cle repairs and supplies. Autos for hire. Phone "oumbia 727. Rabbits for SaleNew Zeal- and, Flemish Giant, Rufus Red, White Pinkeyes and Belgians. All ages and all prices. -C 11. Chadwick &Son,211) N.Swenson. Owner must sell modem six oom bungalow, largo norch. 50- xlOO lot, fruit, shrubbery, and fenced, also lot 50x125. both close In. Phone Columbia 112. St. Johns Fair Store. E. W. by. prop.: household utilitv supplies and general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Electric store. For Rent No 217 N. Jersey. sizo 12x50 with woodshed, has gas. water and lights; flno for Hisincss or would make a nice place for about 3 rooms, fine condition.- A. W. Davis. For Sale Modern eight room louse in Piedmont, three blocks rom four car lines, fruit, shndo and shrubbery, 100x100 lot, sleeping porches. Owner must sell, bargain. Columbia 112. Over forty years of experience at the bench enables mo to linn dlo practically any job in the ino of repnlnngbw 88 and other foreign make of watches, owely, etc. No job too large or too small. Rogers, 202 N. ersoy street. Citizens should not build fires for burning refuse in their back lots during the dry weather. The different fire stations have been notified to give no permits for this purpose until the dry weather has been abated to some extent. To build such fire without a permit is a punish able offence. It will require about four months to complete the plans and specifications for the con struction of the grain elevator system in North St. Johns, but in the meantime development of the site will be rushed and the railroads will proceed to make the necessary trackage connections. R. D. Jackson and family of Moro. Oregon, are spending a few days in St. Johns. "Jack," as he was familiarly termed by his friends here, was a former well known local pharmacist, which business he is still en gaged in at Moro. The many friends of himself and family are glad to see them once more. We desire to express our sin cere thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly ren dered their' aid and assistance during the illness and death of our beloved son, and assure them that their kindness will ever be gratefully remembered. Mr, and Mrs, H. Danielsen, I if-- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Evens lave returned from a delightful two weeks' outing at the var ious beaches. Mr. Autoist, you can protect yourself by getting a pair of lenses, fiom $1.00 pair up, at the St. Johns Hardware Co. "Get down out of that tree!" a farmer ordered a man who he saw up a persimmon tree. "Thoso green persimmons aron't fit for food." "I'm not using them for food," replied the man. "I'm eating them to draw my stomach up to fit the high cost of living." -Ex. Hurry A. Imboden, the popu lar meat market man, antici pates leaving today, Friday, for an extended visit at his old home in Philadelphia and New York City. He will also take in Altnntic City and Coney Island, nnd possibly some of the world series of baseball before returning. During his absence George Imboden will have charge of the St. Johns Cash Market, with Fred Myers assisting. .ALEX. S. SCALES. G-R-Q-C-E-R Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Fruit and Vegetables In Season We carry nothing but the best and our aim is to please 501 fettenden SI. Phone Columbia 210 N. J. BAILEY HARDWOOD AND FURNITURE Farm to trade for St. Johns Prop erty. Corner Bradford and Erie Sit. Phone Columbia 157 CONFIDENCE in tho Federal Reserve Banking System played an Important part In the recovery of business Irom the adverse conditions following tho out break of the European war, thirty months ago, and U still helping to keep business on an even keel. Thi9 system with its Immcnso resources Is a bulwark of strength to tho banks which are mem bers or it, and will ussist them in uny financial requirements which they may be called upon to meet. By depositing your money with us you ie ccive the protection and the new facilities which our membership in the system roubles us to offer you. Peninsula National Bank Officers dikhctoks. PUTHK At'TKN, . . President PrK C. KnaI'I'. . Vice l'rcMdcnl I'haNK l DwiNKim . Vice President John N. Hin.tti'sitN, . . Cashier Ciiaumih II. Rts.snu,, Assistant Cnsliler Stanton 1,. Doiiik, Assistant Cashier I(mv'AKI) It. MOHKIS, Assistant Cashier Member of Federal Reserve Bank Safety Deposit Vaults $3 per box and up. Four per cent on Savings. r. AUT7.HN THOU. AUT.HN I'. I'. DKINKKK A. K.JOIUH I'. C KNAI'I U.K. I'KNNKM. GRANT HMITII J. N. HDI.I'.FHHN 'Ail .'V.m'V'x', CALL US UP Tell us your wants Mini you'll see the cfliclent way wc tun this hop. We keep the licit and our store Is kept clean nud freshly stocked. 1'or depend nble groceries, delivered on time, wc are at your service always, all the time. MUCK GROCERY .101 S. hnty St. Phone Cof. 118 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED WE DO IT RIGHT A COMPARISON WITH ORDINARY FITTING OF GLASSES ONLY SEEMS TO EMPHASIZE THE QUALITY OF PERFECTION WHICH HAS BUILT UP OUR CONSTANTLY INCREASING OPTICAL BUSINESS WE KNOW HOW DR. W. J. GILSTRAP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON St. Johns, Portland, Ore A Hot Combination WOOD-COAL! Wc now handle coal as well as wood St Johns Lumber Co. DR. HERBERT F. JONES CHIROPRACTOR 311 NORTH JERSEY STREET No charge for examination. Res. Phone Columbia 690 Office Phone Columbia 97 DR. EVART P. BORDEN DENTIST Office and Residence 3I3 N. Hayes St. TELEPHONE Columbia 477 EVERYTHING MODERN IN DENTISTRY You Can Point Out Any Rug At Clark's furniture Store ami uo mat ter which is your choice you can he sure that as lonj; us it is hi this collection it's a neiiuiiie product of the Sultan's Kreat nij; weaving empire. The verv breath ami thought of the young maiif. ens of the east who weave these works of art are fairly imbued iu these exqui site iloor coverings. The prices of tnU week will never obtain again, H. F. CLARK THE FURNITURE MAN 4CO-402 s. jenscY sr. a urrtn V) 5 So- Victrolas on Easy Terms Victrola X (Oak or Mahogany) $75.00 12 Victor Records(24 selections your own) $9.00 $84.00 Pay $7 down and $7 pr month a. (Btirrin Says So-