St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 27, 1917, Image 3

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We have a nunfber of good patterns
of Pro-Linoleum which we are offering
this week at the very low price of 47c per
square yard, delivered but not laid.
Local' News.
Pro-Linoleum 47c the square yard, this
week only.
Use Our Exchange Department
Old Furniture accepted as part, payment
on new, uptodate Home Furnia'hintra.
Cash or Credit St. Johns
Screen Doors
We can furnish you almost any size in Screen
Doors and Adjustable Window Screens. Let us esti
mate for you the cost of Screening your front or back
I porch. It can be done at a very little expense.
Screen Doors
From $1.25 up to $2.50
Window Screens
From 35c up to 60c
lloitlittttrtors J'or loo Crotun
I'rooxorn, IlmmnoolcH, Tout,
mill Cinnplug Outfits.
St. Johns Hardware Co. i
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
The St. Paul Garden Bureau Encourages Community Gardening
. . - ... ... 1 iL. 1 I 1 1 t -
scrviCQ oy removing uio ick wureu oi
Ford automobile and replacing the Ford
ivlirwtla tvitli hn rnrptavifA- VM!a thfi
FIFTY-FIVE Saint Paul families will
becorao Eoldicra of tliq soil when aa
n . p twnwAnna m nlnntral nn thn 1 1 -.1 mi
tract of land given by a local real catato
firm for tho uso of homo gardens, fho
tract liaa been divided into lots of 30 by
10 IOCw unu cacu liiwuf muv
supply of vegetables.
'Iho lan
cultivation. Children cleared tho land
f .l.t.i.Y. nnH thn -itxr (inttlfVl it. nimv.
ml I 1 1 1 . ... 1 haiIk I rm
I HQ lanu JUvJ uctu mauu aujr u.
1... Rtnii,', M nlr-n.Trfwtu" mftdn
by tho F. G. Staudo Manufacturing
Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
lue irucwr aiiacuuiuut is uiwuguv
whw-la with mr.rlflvir- WhilathG
picture shows throo men operating it, the
worn is generally uuuu ujr uuu tuau uuu
n power plow.
Flags will bo put up on tho plot and abc
placards distributed by tho Saint Paul
uaruemng iiureau, rcaauur, -iiouor u
Hag uy protecting ims garucn aa pur ui
the naUon'a food supply."
This tract will bo ono of tho largest
community gardens in Saint TauL It U
estimated that 600 acres of city property
nover before cultivated are being used foi
gardens in Satut Paul tub year,
Bring in Your Job
Printing Now
J. M. Blair and family are en
jDying a sojourn at Tillamook.
Chickens that come home to
roost have more sense than some
men we know.
Clyde Thorne. of near Scan
noose spent several days in St.
Johns this week.
Glenn Haskell has joined the
U. S. Cavalry and left Wednes
day for Clackamas.
Wouldn't a drink of Rood old
St. Johns water taste particular-
ly line these midsummer days
If you don't stand up for your
self you cannot ulnme any one
for sitting down on you.
Mrs.Irvin Gormachey is spend
imr the week with her parents.
on the ranch near Scappoose.
J. N. Edlefsen and family
are enjoyinc tne week at
Towney's Hotel, near Alt. Hood.
Beginning next Monday all
the local barber shops will close
promptly at 7:30 exception Sat
urday evening.
If you are too lazy to work
for what you pray, your prayer
will get no higher than the top
of your head.
The St. Johns Hardware Co.
tas a splendid specimen of the
Northern timber wolf in their
front window. Look it over.
Mrs. G. II. Lynn, of Hood
liver, is spending a few days
with her mother at.the Byerlee
tome on West Richmond street.
The fire department wns call
ed out to extinguish a brush tire
at Obcrlin street Wednesday
morning. No damage wrought.
Gordon Treat and wife, of
Mill City, motored to St. Johns
and visited with lriends here
for several days during the past
David A. Byerlee, who is
taking a theological course at
the University of Oregon at
ngenc. is home for his vaca
tion. X
Miss Minnie Plnsket is enjoy-
n g the ocean breezes at Ocean
ark. sue and tier sister and
family arc spending most of
uly there.
Misses Opal and Lillian Raw-
son left Monday for JolTcrson
City where they will attend the
Methodist convention. Ihey
will return next Alonday.
Forest fires arc reported rag
ing at Oak Point, below Kala
ma. on tho Washington side.
The nshes are quite thick on the
water and tho canneries aro in
Aliss Alary Kinncar has re
signed her position as stenogra
pher at the Jobes Alilling Co.,
and has accepted a similar posi
tion with tho Peninsula Ship
building Co.
The local grocery stores wero
closed Wednesday on account of
the Grocers' picnic at Bonne
ville A number from hero took
in tho picnic, and all report a
splendid time.
Tho fire department was called
out at about 1 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon to quench a fire at a
boat house on tho water front,
but the flames were extinguish
ed before any particular damage
was wrought.
Inspector AI. H. Hogan has
been transferred from the
Quartermaster's Department,
U. S. Army with headquarters
in Alaine, to the local woolen
mills, in the interest of tho
Airs. J. E, Williams entertain
ed a number of her friends with
a lawn party at her home on
North Kellogg street Wednes
day evening in a most delight
ful manner. The evening was
immensely enjoyed by all.
Our great week together at
St. Johns' first Chautauqua
makes us look forward with
pleasure to the community sing
and union meeting on tho city
hall law.u next Sunday evening.
Let us make it a true union and
unanimous while the glorious
Oregon summer is here.
Rev. E. C. Richards, of Sa
lem, will be the preacher at the
Methodist church next Sunday
morning. Dr. Richards is Field
Representative of Willamette
University, and is addressing
himself to our aspiring young
people uho are looking toward a
college education.
Plans have been completed
for two buildings to be used as
saw sheds for the Grant Smith
Porter Guthrie Co. at St.
Johns. The buildings will be
of frame construction 00x130
ft. in dimensions. A warehouse
for storing oakum will also be
built, which will be 40x64 ft. in
Commissioner Barbur by re
moving more than fifty employes
from the department under his
supervision is proving his effi
ciency and economical ability,
but it is quite a slam at the
management of his predecessor.
Air. Barbur from his long ser
vice as city auditor, evidently is
well aware where he can cut and
slash with impunity, and he is
doing it proper.
Send in your nows items.
Earl Knowlos left Alonday for
the Naval training school as a
wireless operator at San Fran
Tesla Orchavd, son of Airs.
Gile of this p ace, has joined
the nnvy and rone to Bremer
ton, Wash.
A woman brought her sweet
heart drunk tt the pnrson. who
asked why she did not wait un
til he was sobo? She replied:
"Because he won't come when
he is sober."
Elmer Sneed. the well known
violin player an j instructor, re
turned on last Thursday from
Banks, where ho spent iievera
days in fishing with his lriends
and pupils there. He reports a
very pleasant tin c.
Over forty years of experience
at the bench enables me to han
die practically any job in the
ine of repairing Swiss and
other foreign make of watches.
jowely, etc. No job too large
or too small. Rogers, 202 N.
Jersey street.
The Jolly 'Steen club was en
tertained at the home of Alr.nnd
Airs. A. W. Alnrklc Wednesday
evening. In the game of COO
Mr. and Airs. D.l'rnnk Horsman
captured first prize, Air. and
Airs. U. 11. Iierrie the second
prize and Airs. Thome the guest
Frederick Henry Lane, the
nfnnt son of Air. and Airs. F.
I. Lane, died at its home 833
North Willamette boulevard.
Wednesday of Inst week, the
uncral taking place Thursday,
.'he services wero held in the
chapel of the St. Johns Under
taking Co., interment in Colum
bia cemetery.
F. S, Bliss, who recently be
camera resident of St. Johns,
says that he has traveled over
the greater portion of the Unit
ed States, and St. Johns pleases
him better than any place he
has ever been in. Its beauty
and natural environment cannot
be excelled, he says. ,
The theme at the Congrega
tional church Sunday morning
will he "Divine Compassion met
by Humnn Perverseness." Sun
day School at 10 a. m. The con
gregation will attend the open
air union service in tho evening,
and the union service in the
Methodist church next Thursday
evening. J. II. Harnett, pas
tor. C. R. Chapman, aged Oft, a
painter of 181 Glover street,
suffered a broken shoulder Wed
nesday when the scaffold on
which ho was working at tho
Central School in St. Johns
broke, letting him fall several
feet to the ground. He was
taken to the Good Samaritan
Hospital by tho Ambulance Spr
vico Company.
A collego professor in Oxford
was so modest ho could not
personally announce i s appoint
ment as Medical Advisor to Her
Mniesty.tho Queen victoria, so
ho wrote it on the blackboard of
his class room: "I have receiv
ed tho honor of being appointed
medical advisor of tier Maj
esty, Our Queen." The boys
after class wrote underneath:
A letter to his firm from Lo
renzo E. Rose reports a pleasant
vacation period with his parents
in Lake City, .Mich. lie and
son, Harold, arrived thero about
July 13th. This is his first visit
home since taking up his abode
in St. Johns, eleven years ago,
most of which timo hns been
spent in tho aid of building the
business of Bonham & Currier.
John Parkin, who has been
overseer of the weaving room
department at the local woolen
mills, was presented with a
gold watch chain, charm and
ring, as a testimony or tho es
teem in which he is held by the
employes of the weaving room
Saturday. Air. Parkin has ac
cented the superintendent of
the woolen mills at Eureka, Cal.
Remember the open air union
meeting will again bo held at
the city hall plot bunday even
ing. All who possibly can should
be in attendance. These open
air meetings aro proving deserv
edly popular and are earning
the hearty co-operation oi our
citizens. The splendid muBic ren
dered is a feature that is highly
appreciated, especially so the
rendition of the old familiar
hymns. Be in attendance Sun
day evening.
Carl A. Cunningham, sopho
more at Reed College, and his
"war bride." Aliss Stella Roper,
daughter of Rev. Samuel George
Roper, of Uresham, obtained a
marriage license last Friday and
their subsequent movements are
unknown. Air. Cunningham is
soon to leave for the front, it
is said, and the young couple at
tempted to maintain secrecy as
to their marriage, Rev. Roper
was unable to throw any light
on the marriage plans Friday
night, as the couple had not re
turned home. Mr. uunninghan
ives at G17 East Tioga street.
St. Johns, and Aliss Roper with
i.!i . j r i r
ner iamer ai uresnam. uev.
Mr. Roper is pastor of tho First
Alethodist Church at Gresham.
Air. Cunningham finished his
freshman year at Reed in June.
Lost Ten dollar bill; reward.
Leave at this oihce.
Good second hand sewing ma
chines for rent. H. F. Clark.
Wanted To buy several loads
of cow manure, 814 N. Kellogg
st. I'hone Uolumbia 401.
1'or Trade Four fine lots and
modern bungalow, well located,
for farm. Inquire at this office.
Give your flowers to those you
love while they live: post-mor
tern fragrances die on the emp
ty air.
Wanted Girl to assist with
house work and care of two
children. Airs. Stroud, 202 Polk
If my work pleases you; please
tell your friends. If- not, tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
For Sale Oleander trees, pink
blossoms and in full blossom
now. Uall 110 Hartman street,
corner Charleston.
If you wish to have more fun
in living, resign from the
Cropehangers' Union and join
the Joyriders' League.
When in need of small arti
cles, get them at the 5-10-15c
store, St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
Many a man thinks ho knows
how to settle the world's war
keep his own cliil
at the breakfast
who cannot
(Iron quiet
Edward Bellamy made a hun
dred thousand dollars on "Look
ing Backward." but Lot's wife
tried it and it only made her
Lost, strayed or stolen Yel
low Persian kitten. Finder
please return to 215 S. Fes-
8cnden street; reward; no quea-
A .-t- .1
lions asKCU.
Go td tho Auto Repair Compa
ny, 207 South Jersey street, for
your auto, motorcycle and bicy
cle repairs and supplies. Autos
for hire. Phone Coumbin 727.
St. Johns Fair Store. E. W.
Foy. prop.: household utility
supplies and general notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goods at lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
You will bo!looking for a well
bred Cockerel next spring.
Wo have a few now-and they
won't keep. White LeghoniB
from Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. Get yours today. 824
East Mohawk; Columbia 270.
A sea cantuiir rushed into a
boarding house kept by a big-
hearted, quick wilted woman,
and said ho was looking for his
mate. "Como in quick," she
replied. "I've been looking for
you for a long time."
A hungry and cold wander
lust son of the road wns fed and
warmed in a minister's kitchen.
When ho arose to go, ho said:
i maun, i villi v juu iiujr
money, but 1 know, how to tlx
your gas meter so it won't
Be a friend. You don't need
Just a disposition sunny;
Just the wish to help another
(Jet along some way or other:
Just a kindly hand extended
Out to one who's unbefr ended:
Just the will to give or lend,
this will make you some one's
Articles of incorporation were
filed with Corporation Com
missioner Schuldermnn, by the
Pacific Coast Linen Company.
The new concern will establish
a flax plant in Portland and pro
bably also a small plant in
Salem. J. Sidney Starling, a
flax expert and manufacturer
of New York, is tho orgunizer
of the company, and the capital
is $250,000. The other incor
porators are C. C. Hall and
Mildred Reeder.
Tho Government needs farm
ers as well as lighters, rwo
million three hundred thousand
acres of Oregon & California
Railroad Co.. Grant Lands.
Title revested in United States.
To be opened for homesteads
and sale. Containing some of
best land left in United States.
Largo copyrighted map, showing
land by sections and descrip
tion of soil, climate, rainfall.
elevations, temperature, etc.,
by counties. Postpaid one dol
lar. Grant Lands Locating Co.
Box G10 Portland Oregon.
This is tue Time for Every Gtizen to
Support the united Mes Government
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season
We carry nothing but the best
and our aim is to please
SOI Femnden SI. Phone Columbia 210
Farm to trade for St. Johns Prop
Corner Bradford and Erie Sit.
Plrtat Columbia 157
m mm a.
many arc aoing so at considerate
or sacrifice to themselves.
We have joined the Federal Reserve
Banking System established by the Gov
ernment to give greater financial stability
and t,irength to the member banks and
protection to their depositors. You can
giveycursupport to this great Government
enterprise and also obtain its protection
for your money by becoming one of our
hdiha. mi crvi
Peninsula National Bank
Vice President
Vice President
. . Cashier
Assistant Cashier
Assistant Cnshler
HmVAHl) K. Mokkis, Asslsttnt Cushler
Mombor of Federal Reserve Bank
Safety Deposit Vaults per box anil up. Four per cent on Savings.
PltlfKK AfTHN,
1'rhi) c. Knai'i, ,
01 IN N. ltttl.KI'SKN,
Ciiaki.ks II. Rrssuu.,
,11. K.I'HNN 1(1.1.
j. N. HDI.Itl'SHN
Our Groceries are the Best On Earth
Wc not only intend to buy the best,
but we've studied how to buy the
best. So much for quality Now,
as to variety Kvcry new idea in
groceries finds its way to our shelves
upon its Introduction. Our Hue of
specialties arc enough to whet the
most jaded appetite.
301 S. Jersey St.
Phone Col. 118
St. Johns, Portland, Ore
Save Money
Buy your Wood from
St. Johns Lumber Co.
No charge for examination.
Res. Phone Columbia 690 Office Phone Columbia 97
Office and Residence 313 N. Hayes St.
TELEPHONE Columbia 477
And to be treasured on and down thru
life's Ioiik year. They are muile to
wear, to withstuntl time's wear, to sell
at a price within the means of those not
overburdened with this world's uoods.
This is the "live and let live store," so
lutrouire it,
4OO-402 8. JERSEY ST.
Attractive Terms
Victrola IX (Oak or Mahogany) $50.00
Twelve 10-inch double faced Victor Records
(24 selections your own choice) $9.00
Pay $5 down and $5 p.r month
(Buvrln Says' So