St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 27, 1917, Image 1

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VOL. 13
Chautauqua a Success
The St. Johns Chautauqua has
come and gone. The seven
days of entertainment were
highly enjoyed by our people.
The diversity of entertainment
nrovidod was des cned to inter
est all classes and us u result
each attraction was the best for
some of the people. The enter
tainments were all of a high
class, and the lectures, especial
ly, wore elevating, edifying und
entertaining. Those who attend
ed the Chautauqua throughout
were, so fur us learned, well
satisfied with it. Especially
interesting to the mature mind
were the lectures by Frank S.
Bohn Sunday afternoon, and
Montavilla Flowers Sunday eve
ning. Both dealt to some ex
tent with the world conllict.
Music lovers found much to en
joy in 'both a vocal and instru
mental way.
The Chautauqua was deemed
of so much value to the commu
nity that it was decided to ur
range for holding another here
next summer. The following
persona have obligated themsel
ves for the sale of G50 Bcaaon
tickets for noxt year's Chautau
qua in order to insure its com
ing, a number of whom were on
tho guarantee committee this
Dr. Herbert F. Jones, II. W.
Bonham. Mrs. F. D. Carruth,
C. S. Bucy, Rev. J. II. Burnett,
A. W. Markle. W. R. Hollen
beck, R$v. J. II. Irvine, Dr. E.
P. Borden, Dr. II. 0. Brown,
II. P. Thurston, Mrs. J. M.
Shaw'. L. V. Rich. Mrs. E. F.
Day, E. B. Clark, Carl Juhnke,
J. L. Scharer, Wm( Edmondson,
A. L. Miner. E. Howard, W. L.
Churchill, Wm. Ludwig. .1. K,
Woimer, Miss Flora McNivin,
R. C. Clnrk, H. Stoinfoldt. F. J.
Pullin, Edward Oliver, M. R.
Morrow. Rev. A. P. Layton, Dr.
E. R. Abbott. Mrs. A. V. Whit
more, Guo. II. Roach, Lewis K.
SimmonB, F. D. Llchty. E. Kur
veil. GouiurS. Onden. isr. c.-ViVTvhu attend; Atfmisaidn piled
McKonna. R. II. Patterson. W.
R. Tindall, W. II. Deuring. Dr.
E. E. Gamhee, St. Johns Hard
ware Co., Currins for Drugs, S.
L. Dobie. C. B. Russell, Dr. W.
J. Gllstrap, John Noce, II. F.
Clark, Prof. Chas. H. Boyd, C.
A. Dotson, Poninsula National
Bank, Peninsula Security Co.,
K. C. Couch, T. J. Monahan.
Had a Pleasant Time
Tho members and friends of
Tho Royal Good Will Society, of
Laurel wood Rebekah Lodge met
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Haskell, on West Tyler street,
Friday evening, for an old fash
ioned lawn social. Ice cream
and wafers were served and old
fashioned games played, and a
good time enjoyed by the follow
ing: Messrs. and Mesdamea
Amrein, Gninea, ThompBon.Mrs.
Leland. Robinson, Churchill,
Carr, Tracy, Burroughs, Clurk,
Doty, Hill. Rogers, Haskell.
Meyers, Gordon. Beam, and
Mrs. Wasson of Seattle, Wash.,
Misses Cormany, Ottersted,
Thompson, Burroughs, Clark,
Alice, Lucy and Melissa Doty,
HiU. Gaines, Erma and Laura
Haskell, Bradley and Otella
Frier, of Perrydale, Oregon; Mr.
Moss, Mr. Tooley and Master
Forest Gaines. The next meet
ing will be an outdoor social at
the home of A. C. Gaines. Au
gust 10th.
A Revision Needed
A revision in street number
tner in St. Johns in one or two
instances at least would sure y
not be out of place. Especially
;a tMa tpufi of Svracuse street,
tlv chanced from Hayes
street. The street extends tar
beyond the railroad cut, and the
houses there, it is said possess
the same numbers as do some ot
ft limits on this street in bt.
inhns Formerly Hayes street
.una known as North and South
Umtaa at r opt Now when a num
hr nn Svracuse street is named
it takes a mind reader to conjure
whether It is Nortn oyrucuac.
South Syracuse or Syracuse be
yond the cut that is wanted. A
like condition is' said to prevail
on Willamette boulevard.
No selection has yet been made
as to the grain elevator site.
The matter is being threshed
out as we go to press today.
trL...ojni w understand at.
1.1,1.0 still has enual chance oi
ijeinn choeen as the site.
Will Be Something Doing
The Chautauqua ended in a
blaze of glory and the whole
town is talking about the mag
nificent success that it was from
every standpoint. It just goes to
show what the people of this
little old town or ours can do
when they feel so inclined. We
always knew it was in them and
we are glad that outsiders havo
at last taken cognizance of the
fact. It has finully come to pass
that everyone is putting away
his hammer and taking out his
horn; and this is the only sane
and really humun policy to pur
sue. St. Johns needs boosters
instcud of knockers. Well, we
will need those same horns
that announced the Chautauqua
to root for another product of
the Peninsula that will take
pace in our very midst next
Sunday. There is going to be
a very interesting, instructing,
and delightful day of events on
tho grounds that lie at the cor
ner of Smith uvenue and Burr
street. Now, just continue to
read. There will be a dinner
served by the Ladies of St.
Clement's on Sunday, July 29,
and this dinner will, begin as
soon after twelve as possible.
It is expected that there will
bo an enormous crowd present,
and the preparations tliat the
ladies arc making are in accor
dance with this prognostication.
Don't let that word frighten
you; we shall explain. The
different affairs that have been
given of .lute by these ladies
have proved such drawing cards
that they decided to try their
skill at. entertaining for the
day. They will have the dinner
around noon, and, like at all
grand events, there will bo n
selected program rendered
whilst the guests arc entertain
ing the inner man. Some ex
cellent talent lurks around the
PeninBiilu, and wo have tho as-
auranco that more wm uo some
Hiirnri8CB in Btoro for those
. . . t t .
to tho dinner a only 50 cents:
and with tho present high cost
of living as an opponent, one
could not get anything UKo
the dinner that will bo served
up at St. Clement's for tho
same nrice. Everyone lias to
eat, bo why not swear off eating
nt homo for that Sunday dinner
and como and get acquainted
w th us. Wo should certainly
appreciate it. After dinner hns
been Berveu we are ioiu mm
there will bo a ceremony unique
in the history of St. Johns the
blessing of tho Church lieu, a
belfry has been conatructed
recently by some of tho mem
bora of the pariah, and it will
all be ready to receive the boll.
We are told that this affair also
will bo interspersed with vur-
ioua musical renderings.
Nor ia that all: this is calcu
lated to be a day of days, a
day in which there will be
something doing every minute.
A lawn social is to follow this,
and tho same will continue until
Morpheua claims tho last vic
tim. Never mind our enigma
tical manner of expreasion. 'iho
last lawn social held here was
voted the greateat of its kind,
and it was voiced abroad that
those present had never spent a
more pleasurable afternoon and
evening. We certainly can re
peat, and we are going to uo it.
Everything one may desire will
ho found on the grounds, and
all we Want is the crowd to take
advantage of them. Ice cream.
cake, coftee and sandwiches win
be served throughout the alter
noon and evening to thoae who
desire them. There will also be
a musical program when the
shades of evening have closed
over the scene. Now, we tell
the people of St. Johns candidly
that this affair will be worth
while, and we expecct them to
tnkfi advantage of it. It is an
excellent chance to get together
and have a good time. We shall
exnect to see our town repre
aented iust to show that there
nre no hard feelincs in the fam
ilv. Don't foriret: Sunday July
29. Come at noon, if poaaible;
if not.come any time during the
afternoon or evening to Smith
avenue and Burr streeet. Re
J. F. Gillmore reports the sale
of the following sales of realty
mmln since the last issue ot the
Review: The Hagerty residence
nn West Tvler street for $1900
cash; one houae and lot for
$1600; one house and lot for
si 200-. one house and lot for
1000 the latter three being lo
.ntpH in East St. Johns. Mr.
nnimnrn renorts more inquiries
fnr nroDerty than haa been the
case for years,
Successful Launching
Hands across tho sea were
stretched Saturday when an
American built ship was named
L'Aiglon, the French word l'6r
eagle, the National bird of the
United States and which was
the emblem of the French un
der the Bonapartes.
Mrs. Charles King, of Now
York, official sponser for the
vessel, which was launched at
at 4 o'clock at the Peninsula
Shipbuilding Company's pro
perty, received signal honor
in that she not alono christened
the L'Aiglon, but hud selected
the names well.
To her. fresh from the bust
ling metropolis of the east,
where all is agog through war
C reparation and where heart
eats are quickened with every
hour's details of the conflict
across the Atlantic, the pictures
of the American eagle, spread
for flight to the assistance of
the gallant French was an ap
peal. So In her choice of titles
for the hardy ship, which is
soon to wend nor way in At
lantic waters, none was re
garded as symbolic of the new
fraternity that has been ce
mented than that of the great
bird, who has continually stood
as a sentinel in the free repub
lic of the Western hemisphere.
And just as tho eagle Iuib
advanced confidently to meet nil
emergencies wherein America
was concerned, bo did the
L'Aiglon start down the ways
precisely at 4 o'clock, when tho
signal waB given nncl the barely
audible words of. the sponsor:
"I christen thee L'Aiglon."
wero emphasized with the crash
of a ribbon bedecked bottle of
loganberry juice.
It was the fourth of tho
Pcninsulu's ships to take a dip
and nt no plant hua such a cere
mony been more successful. Not
hitch was there. Gathering
momentum us sho nearcd tho
wmUr, omoktv uvoac from tho
heavily greased ways and amid a
cloud of it the big wooden hull
was water borne, riding just aa
gracefully as her namesake
It was an event witnesaed by
many and was staged under the
direction of the Chamber of
Commerce, with municipal and
state officials in attendance. It
drew scores who had not be
fore Been a deep waterman mako
the initial run. Men of tho
shipyard, mill und manufuctur-
ng plants left their work to see
the start. Preceding it W. P.
LaRoche, City Attorney, on be
iali of Muyor Baker, spoke of
the importance of the affair,
not solely as to the completion
of the hull, but that it meant
tho last private contract was off
the ways and in its place to
morrow will rest the keel of
tho fourth Government ateamer,
one oi the nunureus Doing
worked on throughout the
country today that aro rated
as valuable and as essential as
ammunition for tho forces in the
trenches, for they compose the
anawer to tho menacing Ger
man submarine combat.
Eight government steamers
are to oe mint, inree are al
ready under way, one being
frame and the others started
are well along, while tho fourth
started Saturday there will bo a
rush until the first is afloat.
They are 287 feet long over all,
2G7.8 feet on the keel, with a
beam of 48.8 feet and depth
of hold of 27.G feet. All will be
equipped with Parson turbine
F, C. Knapp, preaident ot
the comnany. made his first an
nouncement of tho shipbuilding
enterprise April 29, 1916. Then
not a spadeful ot earth had been
turned on the site. Joday it is
one of the most complete mar
ine shops in the country. Four
ways available will be augment
ed by two others. The floating
of tho fourth auxiliary schooner
arew iur air, ruiujjji cuiihi ovu
lations from all sides Saturday.
Also did Theodore Knudson,
superintendent of the yard,
come in tor his share ot teitcita-
tions. as he has been in charge
since the first keel was laid.
Probably no more enthusiastic
spectator was there than Charles
King, of the New York firm
of Tarns, Lemome & Crane,
naval architects, who are East
em acenta for the Peninsula.
He stood near his wife, when
the christening took place, and,
before the ship had gotten a
good start, he leaped and caught
hold of the ribbon streamers
sunDorting the bottle of logan
berry juice, retaining them for
Mrs. King as souvenirs. Ore-
DeToted to the Interetti of th Penlnitila. (be Manufacturing
Local Men Drafted
i names appearing below
numbered in the list of
those drawn in the drafting
which took place the latter part
of last week. The names were
taken from the lists appearing
in the city dailies, and wo pre
sume they "are correct. There
may bo omissiotiB that have
been overlooked, so the list is
not authentic:
Cecil Leslie Magone, 920
Willamette boulevard.
Grover C. Barron, 520 liogn.
William Smiley, 401 Alta.
George Schmidt, 1131 N. Kel
Ranson U. roweii. -n-i unstoi.
Arthur W. Pederson, 105
Roy E. Stark, 1020 S. Syra
Wm. 11. McFurlund. 410
Floyd J. Stores, aua k. folk.
Walter R. Johnson, 512 E.
Charleston. . It
John J. McCafin, 1302 Fossen-
John Bhulinni, 403 W. John.
Jesse Chnmberluin, Burling
ton Hotel.
William Snccd, 913 Kellogg.
Antone Mundy, 817 E. Leon
Ernest Sundstrom, 225 E.
Charles Leland, Wb w. St.
Alfred Oronson, 711 Myers.
William Ford,J019 Oswego:
Paul Coehrnrt.rTlOOl S. Jersey.
Harry McConril'll. 605 Willam
ette boulevard.
Guy E. Watkins, 208 S. Ivan-
William J. Hazylott, 819 S.
Murtin C. Peterson, 118 Wil
lamette boulevard.
Grant Hartsock, 701
Cheater P.- Mosaey,
Ruymond Whitman,
Ward RIchtniyor,
034 E.
621 E.
912 S.
John Miner, 191 N.
Jiman Singh, 222 Willamette
George F. Allies, 231 W.
Tyler. ,
a. in. Williams, I'M wiuum-
ctte boulovard.
Fred Zink. 823 Willamette
Roy G. Muck, Reno street.
William Dickey, 521 Tioga.
A Pretty Wedding
A very pretty wedding took
placo last Saturday evening at
7:30 o'clock in tho kindergarten
class room of the United Evan
gelical church, when Capt. Earl
Lyslo Smith and Laura Mary
Graden were made man and
wife. The ceremony was per
formed by tho puBtor, Rov. A.
Layton. Hie class room
was beautuu y anu artistically
decorated for the occasion with
St. Josenh lilies, white ribbon
and evergreen. William Nichols
acted in tho capacity of best
man, and Mrs. Nellie Gilbert,
sister of tho bride, us brides,
maid. Only tho parents, rela
tives and immediate friends of
the young couple were in atten
dance. Tho bride Is tho pretty
and accomplished daughter of
former City Councilman Ran
dolph Graden and wife, and is
most popular with all who
know her. For the past seven
years she has had charge of tho
klndergaten class of Evangeli
cal Sunday school, which she
has conducted with brilliant
success and is greatly beloved
by the little men and women
under her charge, for her charm
of manner, untiring pat-
ience and winning ways, ine
groom is a well known and pop
ular young St. Johns man, and
is the son ot uapt. anu Mrs. i
E. Smith. He has been cap
tain on the Willamette river
boats for the nast three years.
and is well versed in all that
nertainsto maritime navigation.
Of an energetic, industrious and
business-like nature, he is
bound to succeed well in life.
The honeymoon was spent at
Clatson beach resorts. After
Aucust first, the happy young
couple will be at home to their
friends at their home, zto
Feasenden street. Tho Review
ioins with the hosts of friends
! i itSaliirv lio natulu m-itn1
III VYiaiMllft HIW l.v.f. ...mvvv.
pair a moat happy and proa
peous journey down the sea
of life as they go hand in hand.
Patronize the homo merchant.
Center ol the Northweit
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1917.
Will Rewrite Text Books
America will be the first
nation in the world to rewrito
her text books so that the chil
dren of this country will be
taught thrift in the school room.
According to an announcement
made today by tho Thrift, Edu
cation committee of the Nat
ional Education association,
radical innovation in the Ameri:
can school curriculu are about to
take place.
The lives of James, J. Hill,
Marshall Field, John Wnna
maker and other great Ameri
can business men will be stud
ied in the schools, and text
books on arithmetic, history,
English composition, domestic
science and household econo
mics will be subjected to radical
changes. For the first time in
the history of the world, thritt
and personal efficiency will bo
given scientific consideration in
the class room. Not the nar
row thrift of mere money sav
in', but the broader thrift of
Individual prcpurdncBs for prac
tical life will be taught, de
clares the committee's state
This is the sweeping signifi
cance of tho resolutions adopted
by the Notional Council of Edu
cation nt its meeting m Port
land last week. The resolutions
wore written and presented by
S. W. Straus, of New York,
Pros dent of the AmerJcun
Society for thrift. They point
out that on account of the wnr,
Amor cn must from now on
eliminate waste of every charac
ter, that President Wilson's first
message to the public alter the
declaration of war waa on
thrift; that tho only way to
safeguard tho economic future
of the nation Is through a hot
ter understanding or thrlit
which can bo mudo possibly
only through tho schoolroom and
that nt tho forthcoming moot
ing of tho Council of Education
ir Atlanta. Ga.. tho uchool or
gnnizution will bo expected to
havo boforo it n comprehensive
plan for tho practical study of
thrift in the schools of Amer
ica. To Be Manufactured Here
No more steel plates, shapes,
burs, tinplutcs or other like pro
ducts, for supplying the local
demand will have to be hauled
across the cont men by tho first
of theear as they all will be
manufactured at dineront pro
minent ports on tho Pacific coast
n ample quantities to till every
order, according to Joseph R.
Bowles, president of the North
west Steel Compunv, who re
turned homo last Friday from
Now York.
Already plana am under way
for the establishment of large
rolling mill plants on this coast.
It waa intimated that many of
the , details in connection with
the starting of the enterprises
have been practically settled.
Mention was made of the bodies
of unlimited iron ore which
have been opened up in both
northorn and southern Califor
nia. Prophesy is made by the
returned Portlander that 1918
will be a great year in tho ship
building industry. He aaaerta
that there ia no doubt thut Port
land firms, those engaged in
turning out both steol and
wooden tonnage, will get nil of
the contracts they can possibly
Tho home town skies seem
Than skies that stretch away,
The home town friends seem
And kinder thro tho day;
And whether glum or cheery
Light hearted or depressed,
Or struggle-fit or weary,
1 like the home town best.
Residents of St. Johns having
taxes and city liens to pay in
Portland can mako their pay
ments without inconvenience by
availing themselves of our ser
vices. We will pay same and
secure your receipt without in
convenience to . you. Fee, 25
cents. References; Any St.
Johns Bank. Peninsula Title,
Abstract and Realty Co., by H.
Henderson, Manager; 402 North
Jersey street.
To observo and think, often
saves ua from two of the easiest
things to make in the world- a
mistake and trouble. Look and
think before you rush to swat a
fly on a mule's hind-leg,
Men Must Pay .
In this old world much is un
certain; tomorrow is behind a
curtain that hides it from to
day; one thing is sure, for nil
wayfarers; lor Ml our ionics
and our errors we'll some time
have to pay. We trot along a
course unholy the day of wrath
approaches Blowly, and scema
long vcrsts away; but Nemesis
is cutting clover, preparing
now to put one over, and shortly
we must pay. In trifling mat
ters and in greater the truth
holds good, and soon or later,
while young or when we're gray
the captain's office we shall en
ter, approach the wicket in the
center and shed some brine and
pay. I see the blithe lads waste
their money in courses dissolute
or lunny, us tiiougntiesB aa
they're gay; und later they will
be yearning for dollar bills they
now are burning, for spend
thrifts all must puy. I s.o good
fellows souk their shanties, und
borrow money from their aunt
ies, that they may ride today,
In gorgeoiiB cars with aeuts of
leather, and fenders neatly put
together, and some day they
must pay. I see so many idly
taking tho road that goes where
hearts aro breaking, where all
the Jonahs stayl Alus, alas, they
arc not heeding the lesson I am
dally reading, which is that
men muat pay!--Walt Mason.
Needs More Help
Tho United Stutes Civil Ser
vice-Commission announces thut
an examination for clerk will
bo he d in tho States of Idaho.
Montunn, Oregon, Washington
und Wyoming on August 4,
117. for tho mirnoso or estau
nhinir el irlb e registers irom
T . . I - .
which unoolntmontH may bo
miiAn tn dllYurunL hranchcH 0
tho Government service. At
tention is invited to tho fact
thnt tho Secretary of tho Treufl
urv hua recently advised tho
Civil Service Commission that
n thousand nrst graue cierKH
will bo needed for tho Internal
Revenue Service about Septem
ber 1. 1917. Thin examination
is open to men and women.
As suilicicnt stenographers
und typewriters havo uot been
Bccurod from recont examina
tions to meet tho needs of tho
service, the Civil Service Com-
mission announces thnt tho ex
aminations for stenographer and
typewriter, and for typewriter
only will bo hold Auguat 3. 1917
at 40 of the principal cities in
tho Pacific Northwest, 'there
aro excellent opportunities lor
the nnpointmeut of woman
fltenogruphers willing to accept
S900 and 1000 per annum.
Prncticully all mule typewriters
who pass the examination will
receive appointment, type
writers who do not have a
knowlcdgo of stenography havo
good chances of appointment.
Apply to Herbert F. Ward, Dis-
trcit secretary. au.j rosioiuce
Building. Seattle, Washington,
for applications and full In
formation. A Queer Arithmetic
The wood truat has u queer
urithmetic it works on the soft
hearted nub c of Portland. Be
cause of tho high coat of living.
tho drivers naked a raise and
were granted an increase of 25
cents u day. Hut the price of
wood went up 25 cents a loud to
enable tho poor trust to get
bv alive, as it only makes 350 to
400 per cent on Its investments
of hot air. As a driver will de-
llvej- from 10 to 26 loada a day
the claaa in High School mathe
matics will be able to figuro
out aomething. The investiga
tion now being carried on by
Mayor Baker will be completed
next year.Mt. Scott Herald.
You can do as much as you
think you can,
But you'll never accomplish
If you're afraid of yourself,
young man,
There's little for you in store.
For failure comes from the in
side first.
It's there if wo only
knew it,
you face
And you can win,
the worst,
If you teel that you'ro going
to do it.
Electric Vacuum Cleaner
rent.-H. F. Clark.
Old Serlet, Vol. XI, Nt.38
NO. 37
Draft Information
Information Bureau, Adjutant
General's Office, Portland, Ore
gon: Within a few days ofilcinl
Hats of the draft serial num
bers, showing tho order in
which they wero drawn In the
ottery at Washington, will
reach the various county ex
emption boards. Following re
ceipt of these Hats, the boards
will notify the men called upon
tho first draft. Until then it
will not be necessary for those
subject to call on the first draft
to report. But as soon as they
receive notification from their
boards, they must report
promptly on the day designated.
The first step taken by each
hnnrd will be to t)03t in u coil-
Bpicious place a list containing
he names of all the men re
gistered in its county or dis
trict, in the exact order in
which they will be called on the
first and all succeeding drafts.
copy of this list will ulso
be " given the press for pub-
icntion. Let it be emphustzed
igain thnt this Mat will huve
not only the names of the men
to be called out on the first
draft, but of every man regis
tered, In tho order in which no
must be cnlled. No person
whatsoever has any authority
to change this order. Having
posted this list and given u
copy to the press, the board
will then notuy by letter every
mun called upon the first druft.
Each man will be directed to
appear before the board for
ihysical examination on a
specified date, which will be
within seven uuys oi mo mail
ing of the notice. I'nilure to
receive this notice will not be
accepted ns an cxcubc for not
appearing on the day set. ine
burden ot appearing when no m
cnlled ia on the man ntmHcu ;
there Ih a heavy penuity for laii
uro to answer the call. Hemem
hor. that regardless of whothjr
a mun intends to apply for ex
nmntlon or discharge, he milflt
appenr for physical examination
on tho day set. Ho has seven
days from the posting of the list
and tho mailing of the notice
to him by tho board in which
to o amil cation for exemp
tion, and 10 more days in which
to file proof. And remember
again, that no claims for ex
emption because of employment
in necessary industries, includ
ing agriculture, can bo consider
ed by your county exomption
board. Such n claim must be
made to one of the three dis
tricts nppeul boardB, Portland,
Eugene or LnGrnnde. It can
only bo made then after the
man has passed his physical
examination and been certified
by tho county board as called
for milltnry service anu not ex
empt. After you havo appeared
before your county exemption
board und passed the physical
examination, it will still ho
some tlmo before you will ac-
tually bo called out to join the
" mm III 1 . . a f Jl I
army, lou win oo notiueu
when it is time for you to re
port for service.
A question frequently asked
in connection with the coming
draft is whether a man absent
from his home county, either
out of the state or in another
county of tho 8tate, can arrange
to save the expenae of return
ing to his home county for
physical examination, etc., if
he is called, by appearing be-
fore the exemption board of the
county in which ho happens to
be. He can, but only under tho
following directions: Immed
iately after receiving notifica
tion from his homo exemption
board to appear for physical ex
amination, the absentee should
write the board, fully explain
ing the circumstances and ask
ing permission to present him
self beforo the board in tho
county where he is situated.
The War Department draft re-
gulationa authorize his home
bourd, if it is satisfied with his
statement, to give buch permia-
sion. Ho should not appear be
fore the other board, however,
until he has first been notified
by his home board and haa ob
tained the necessary permis
sion. The board before which
ho appears will have full juris
diction over his case.
In India when the husband
dies they burn hia wife on tho
funeral pyre, which proves that
a man needs a woman in tho
next world. TCut when tho wife
dies they do not burn hor hus
band, which is conclusive evi
dence that a woman can get
along alone.