St. Johns is Calling You Hu (even churches. Ha a most promfilng future. Distinctively a manufacturing city Adjoin tho city ol Portland. Ha nearly 6,000 population. Ha a public library. Taxable property, J4.500.0O0. Ha large dry dock, aw.mllli Woolen mill, iron work, Stove works, aibesto factory, Ship building plant. Veneer a'nd excelsior plant, Flour mill, planing mill, Box factory, and others. More industries coming. St. Johns is the place for YOU, St. Johns is Calling You I ttcorid in number of Industries. I seventh in population. Cars to Portland every 16 m!n. Has navigable water on 3 sides. Has finest gas and electricity. Has 3 strong banks. Has five large school houses. Hs abundance of purest water. Has hard surface streets. Has extensive sewerage system. Has fine, modern brick city hall. Has good payroll monthly. Ships monthly many cars freight. All railroads have access to it. Is gateway to Portland harbor. Climate ideal and healthful. ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted (o (he lotereiti ot the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOI;. II ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 3o, 1915. NO 38 Big Boon for The Peninsula Would the Proposed Extension of Greeley Street Be The extension of Greeley street, which proposition is now receiving the attention of the city authorities, is matter of the highest importance to tho resi dents of tho Lower Peninsula. The fact that it will cut ofT ul mo3t one mile and a half in the distance to Portland business center and eliminate about sixty street intersections, more or less, means n saving of about fifteen minutes, oronothird of the time now consumed in making the journey one way, or half an hour on tho round trip. This saving in time would have a tendency to populate tho Peninsula at a more rapid rate than any other ono thing could do. It has always been a well known fact, patent' to all who have looked the city of Portland over, that tho Peninsu la is the most beautiful and most desirable place in tho entire city in which to reside. But its great drawback all tho time has been tho length of timo consumed in making tho trip to and from tho heart of tho city. With this se rious handicap removed, which the construction of tho Greeley street extension would do, tho Lower Peninsula would be, to all practical purposes, one-third nearer the business center. It would then tako no longer to Great Scenic Beauty Has New Driveway Hillside Boulevard on West Side of the River Practically Completed The great scenic highway on tho west aide of the river is practically completed, and it is said by competent judges to bo tho verv finest scenic route in the city of Portland. When tho high bridge at St. Johns is com pleted and made to connect with this scenic boulevard it will com plete one of tho finest and most beautiful driveways in tho Unit ed States. The Oregonian of last Friday has the following to say concerning it and a visit made by officials and prominent citi zens of Portland: Portland, famous for its high ways, will have another scenic attraction in the eleven miles of roadway built along tho hillside about midway between Skyline boulevard and Linnton road, which property owners will soon offer to the city. It is ready for hard surfacing. Mayor Albee, Commissioner Baker; 0. M. Clark, vice presi dent of the Chamber of Com merce; J. C. Ainsworth, chair man of the publicity committee of the Chamber; Wj P. Jones, vice president of the Merchants National Bank; James O.Conyill, superintendent of parks; Rich ard Shepard and Louis Nash, commissioner of parks of St, Paul, Minn., made a trip of in spection over the n,ew highway yesterday afternoon. The roadway covers a distance . of eleven miles practically on an even grade between 600 and 700 feet above the Willamette river. It follows the contour of the mountain side, winding in and out of the draws, from which are obtained wonderful views of the rivers, mountains and the lower harbor country, with St. Johns and Vancouver in the dis tance. On an airline the distance cov ered by the roadway is only five miles, but the roadway has been constructed without bridges, with the result that the boule ' yard extends the full depth of many draws, affording many beautiful views of the unbroken forest and the surrounding coun try through the open places in the woods. Nearing Portland, as a climax of the trip of yesterday, came an; reach St. Johns than it would to reach Hose City Park or other suburbs that have grown up so rapidly by reason of their near ness to the city's center. There is room on tho Peninsu la for at least half a million uo ulation. Its magnificent location with navigable water on three boundaries, its marvelous seen cry, long green stretches of love! ground, beautiful wooded tracts parks with all modern equip ment, improved streets, arc lights, industrial plants, hand some residences and uptodate business houses, are irresistibly appealing to all who have ever visited it. but the slow and al most torturous manner of reach ing it has caused many to locate in other sections who otherwise would havo gladly and eagerly made their homes hero. So it is hoped by tho inhabi tants of tho Lower Peninsula that no impediment will ariao to block or arrest progress on this so essentially vital improvement. Certain it is that . tho people of St. Johns and l'eninsula at largo will do all that can bo dono to push it along, and the additional aid that St. Johns is now giving the project is practically Buro to bring it about beforotho present year has expired. excellent birdsoyo view of the city, the water front and Mount St. Helens and Mount Hood, de clared by those in tho party to be a most remarkable view of Port land. To reach the new drive tho party went out over the Linnton road and thence on the Germantown road to tho drive and in over Cornell road. Tho new drive, at present call ed tne Hiusiae boulevard, was built by the property owners of the district at a cost of about $140,000. It is now proposed to turn this roadway over to the city of Portland to be maintain ed. It has made accessible many acres of fine land suitable for homesites on the hillside, and more roadways are contemplated to make possible the building of homes at many points along the 11-mile drive. From a scenic standpoint the roadway offers another short trip out of Portland for sightseeing cars and will be an excellent point from which to view the night illumination of the city. Automobile parties will also be able to make a trip out the Cornell road, thence over the Skyline boulevard and over the Hillside drive. From the Sky line will be the view of Portland and the valley country, and from Hillside the lower harbor and Vancouver. About 200 feet has been set aside by the property owners and at time3 the boulevard extends through the center of tho tract. At other places the road is on the edge of the tract, which makes many acres on the hillside avail able for park and recreation pur poses. At one point on the road is a double draw, a remarkable scenic attraction for sightsee ing in the city. . The building of the new drive originated with J. B. Holbrook and Richard Shepard, who real ized what it would mean to the city as a scenic feature and open up a vast amount of land for beautiful homesites. Take your next picture on an 'Ansco Film, the court decreed original film. Get it at The St Johns Pharmacy, Ansco Dealers, Which is the Strong er Motive in Life ? The following excellent paper was read by Mrs. Branaman at the W. C. T. U. picnic nt Colum bia Park last week, subject. "Which is the Stronger Motive in Life to Mako Money or Do Good?" Evidently tho stronger motive to many is making money. About us everywhere we see those who live for self alone, hoarding and piling ud money. using it for their own selfish pleasures. Are they happy? Wealth does not mako a worth while life. Riches as an ideal, an aim, rather unmake a man in stead of making him. Christ sid "they that will bo rich fall into divers temptations." Solo mon said "A good name is rather to bo chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than sil ver and gold." Paul, in his let ter to Timothy, said: "For tho love of money is tho root of all ovil, which while some coveted after they havo erred from tho faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." You remember when tho rich young ruler came to Jchus ask Ing tho way to solvation, that Christ told him to "go, sell nl ho hud and give to the poor nnc come, follow mo." Ho would not give up his money and "went away exceeding sorrow ful." His wealth was a stum bling block instead of a great in strumcnt of service which it might have been. Think of the good ho could havo dono and the life of fellowship with Jesus. Think of what he missed. Je sus did not tell ovcry one who accepted him to lenve everything and follow him: Ho sent many home to their friends to declare their salvation and to do good by ministering to their needs. A lifo worth while is tho un selfish life; living for thoso about us. A lifo thus spont brings contontmont and-peaceful happi ness. Tho man who has neither poverty nor riches, who.content- ed with and over grateful for tho blessings that surround him. devoting himself to the pursuit of moderate pleasures, to dill genco in his vocation in lifo nnd to the conscientious discharge of duty in all ensos over looking for opportunities to do good is far happier than kings and tho nobles of tho earth though pos sessed of all the dazzling ndvnn tages of boundless wealth and power. Truo enjoyment lies more fre quently in tho humblo cot than in the costly palace and more solid happiness and virtuo are to be found in the middle walks of life than in the circles of tho gay and fashionable. There is something very con tivating in tho ostentatious dis lay that money can buy, but low vain, unsatisfactory it is. f there is no tiiotive for doing good back of it. Money is es sential, we all know. How of ten we say, if I was only rich I would do this and that. If I on- y had the money what good I would do. There are many who have riches who have done much philanthropic work and have been richly blessed in their effort to do good. A great many consider no un dertaking practical unless it will bring in dollars and cents, others estimate its value in proportion to the fame, position, or influ ence it will bring them. We are glad that this element does not permeate all undertak- ngs. but there are some who consider that undertaking tho most practical that will most benefit humanity. We have many beautiful examples of un selfish lives whose stronger mo tive was the good they could do. Look at Kuth who toiled under a tropical sun for poor old help- ess Naomi. Florence Nightin gale who went at midnight to staunch the battle wounds of the Crimea. Then. too, there are our missionaries who have given up home, friends, in many instan ces, wealth to do ail the good possible by spreading the gospel tojhoae who have never heard. Did it pay the people of the United States, yes, of the whole world, that Frances Willard, of mmortal fame, laid down her ife upon the altar of consecra tion and devotion, "for God and home and native land, 'the cause she loved far dearer than her own life only that she might find it again in that land where she now fully realizes how beautiful it is to be with God, Fanny Crosby.the blind author of Gospel songs who lived to be 94 years old, left us 8000 hymns which were translated into ev- (Conuau4 on ptg twe.Ji i Pays Visit to City 1 1 i Local Delegation Meets with the Most Cordial Reception A delegation consisting of II W. Bonham, K. C. Couch, J. N. Edlefsen, E. C. Geeslin, L. E. Walker, Dcano H. Knowles, A. W. Davis, C. S. McGill, A. W. Markle, H. D. Beam nnd T. A. Ketchum, waited upon Mayor Albee nnd the Uity Commission crs Tuesday afternoon relative to tho various projects advanced by tho recent muss rrieotinir in tho city hull. In each instance they were accorded a pleasant welcome, and tho delegation was more than plcnsed with the treatment accorded by the city officials. Tho first visit was mnde to the office of Commissioner Baker, in whoso charge is the St. Johns city hall, I he delegation found him to bo a most pleasant and agreeable gentleman. Ho re ceivcd tno bt.Johnites with opon arms, as it were, and when Mr. Bonhnm, speaker for the delega tion, explained that the people of St. Johns wore desirous of having the city hall retained for public speaking, etc., ho said that tho wish would bo willing v complied with, at least until tho people hero found that it could bo used more ndvantacrebhslv for some other purposes. When tho rumor was mentioned that it wns proposed to use tho city hall for an experiment station by tho con crete nnd other paving oxperts. he scouted the idea and said it was nothing but u joko; that tho building was far too valuable for any such purpose. He readily accepted Mr. Couch's invitation to visit bt. Johns nnd look over our industries and other points of interest. Aftor their visit with Mr. linker the delegation readily understood why ho was elected by such u handsome ma jority. iho next visit was mode to tho office of Commissioner Daly, who looks after oil matters pertaining to water and other public utili ties. Mr. Daly was also found to be very pleasant nnd obliging official. When Mr. Davis stated the object of the visit; that tho people of St. Johns wanted low er water rates and connection with tho Bull Run supply through amicable adjustment with the lo cal water compnny, Mr. Daly re plied that ho had been waiting for tho peoplo of St. Johns to as sert themselves on the proposi tion; that ho was ready to start investigation at once: that tho only fair thing to do would be to oifer the local company what their plant was found to be worth, which price he under stood the water compnny would be willing to accept. Ho assur- PENINSULAR ITEMS Mr. and Mrs.Willard Caldwell. who have been visiting relotivea in Peninsular, were given a pleasant surprise by the Penin sular Sewing Club, Tuesday af ternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Caldwell are leaving for their home in Spokane. M. H. Carter and family of eninsula left recently for an extended auto trip through Southern Oregon and California. Mr. Carter expects to spend a week at San Francisco and then visit other places of interest in California, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints held its annu al picnic at Columbia Park Sat urday, July 24. The sports con sisting of a baseball game and races were followed by dinner at 6 o'clock. July 24 is the anni versary of tho day the pioneers of the church reached Salt Lake Valley. J. M. Hof strand, 58 years of age died during the evening services of the Arbor Lodge resbyterian church Sunday. Tuly 25. Mr. Hofstrand was an elder of the church and had tak en part in the services He is survived by a widow, one step- Officials ed the delegation that lower wn ter rates and Bull Run water would prevail as soon as it wus possible to complete negotiations and arrangements. Mr. Daly willingly accepted tho invitation to pay bt. Johns a visit. Commissioner Dieck wau tho next to receive a viBit.nndho nl so was most cordial in his reccn tion of tho delegation, and went into the matter of the Greeley street extension quito thorough ly. Ho expressed his willing ness to push the proceedings along as rapidly as possible, and stated that the first step would oo tanen tno following morning when nn ordinance benring on tho extension would bo un for nction. Ho nlso unhesitatingly UtVV HV'U kill III VlkUtlUII LU BfU OL. Johns with tho other Commia sioners. Tho delegation then bended for mu luujui a uiiiv.1,, wuuiu kliu head of tho city government greeted them heartily nnd most cordinlly. Mayor Albco was found to bo a most affable, con scentious and accommodating gentiemnn, and tho delegation was most favorably impressed with his pleasing personality. mo matter or tno sub-poiico sta tion nt bt. Johns wns broached to him, and ho expressed his conviction that ono or moro sub stations on the Peninsula would prove highly beneficial; that while ho rather favored its lo cation fnrthcr up tho Peninsula. et since a building had already cen established at St. Johns en tirely suitnblo for tho purpose tho probabilities wore that it would later on bo tr ed out hero. When asked regarding a suocial examination for tho police olil cera that formorly sorved St. Johns, ho said that all tho Com mi8sioners favored tho rotontion of their services but that it was in the hands of tho civil service board. Mayor A beo read v ac ceptcd tho invitation to visit St. Johns, und tho delegation do inrted. feeling well satisfied with tho city's chief oxecutivo. Having no special business with Commissioner Bigeluv,'. yet the deiegntion called upon him long enough to say "ho o' and invito him to St. Johns with the others. Tho invitation was accepted without hesitation, and he said ho would bo glad to come. Mr. BIgelow was also found to bo a fine, courteous and pleasant otticiai. Tho delegation was particular y wen pleased with tho treat ment accorded it. und are well satisfied that Portland has as ab o nnd obliging a set of offi cials as can be found anywhere. son and one brother. Tho fu neral was held at the residence, 1357 Greeley street, Wednesday, July 28 at 2 p. m. Interment at Rose City cemetery. The addition which was built on tho Peninsula school last year is being completed and some al terations are being made during vacation. Last year only tho lower floor of the addition was needed but the increasing popu lation of the Peninsula district now requires the entire build ing. Workmen are also laying pavement around the school play ground which has been leveled and rolled. Now Dock Number Three Municipal Dock No. 3 is the official name of the St, Johns public dock which when the cit ies of St. Johns and Linnton be came a part of Portland was add ed to city of Portland's public dock system. The name was voted by tho public dock commis sion. Arrangements for pro viding for considerable fire pro tection for the dock were made also. A system of buckets and hose connections will bo provid ed till such time as a sprinkler system can be put in. A Lively Mass Meeting Held Most Favorable and Encourag ing Reports of Committees Tho second mass meeting of the citizens of St. Johns was held in tho city hall Tuesday evening, with President Couch presiding. Tho attendanco was fairiV large, and there worn n small number present from far ther up the Peninsula. Tho meeting was lively and enthusi astic one. und considerable inter est wns aroused. C. V. Zimmerman, chnlrmnn of a committee of three, consist ing Of Himself. H. W. Rnnhnm nnd A. W. Davis, nnnointod to nttend tho meeting held at Uni versity I'ark on the ovcnlnc? nf July 14th, reported that the com mittee was warmly welcomed and wns given tho assurance that tho peoplo thcro would gladlv co- operate with tho neonlo nf St. Johns in anything that would tend for tho betterment and greater development of tho Pen insula. Also that a commltinn of three had been appointed at tho mooting to attend the hc. ond meeting in St. Johns. H. W. Bonham. chairman nf tho mooting of ten appointed to intorview tho City Commission ers relative to tho Grcolev street extension, lower water rates, retention of tho city hall for community purposes and creat ing a sub-nolico station at St. Johns, reported that the commit- tco had two meetings on tho Greeley streot project and that tho matter had been taken un with Commissioner DIocki who stated that tho matter would be boforo tho Commissioners in ses sion tho following Wednesday morning in tho shape of an ordi nance providing for tho exton. sion. Mr. Bonham stated that Com misBioncr Baker had expressed lis entire willingness that tho city hall should be used for com munity purposes so long as need ed lor that purpose or until tho peoplo of St. Johns decided it could bo used to better advan tage for something else. Air. Uonham then called unon A. W. Davis to report on tho ower water rate proposition. and ho latter gentleman stated that when Mr. Daly had been present- ed with tho proposition of mak ing bt. Johns a part of tho Hull Run water system that he said nvestlgation would bo started right away, and intimated that the local water company would be ottered a fair price for its plant. Attorney E. C. Geeslin. unon request of Mr. Bonham. report ed on tho sub-police station mat ter. Ho stated that Mayor AN boo made tho remark that Port- and needed ono or moro sub-sta tions on tho Peninsula, and tho idea appealed to him of trying t out in bt.Johns, slnco a build- ng for the purpose is already here, Tho impression received from tho intorview was that it would bo only a matter of timo until a aub-police station will bo tried out in St. Johns. President Couch stated that an invitation had been extended to each of the Board of Commis sioners to come to St. Johns and visit the various industrial in terests. The invitations were learttly accented and tho Mayor and Commissioners will be hero when a suitable date has been set for tho visit. H. E. Pennell snokeon organ izing a large club or association wherein all tho clubs of thoPen- UNIVERSITY PARK Mrs. Needham of Iowa Is vis iting at the home of Mrs. C. L. iamilton at present. The adult Bible classes of the Jniversity M. E. Church held their monthly business meeting at the home of Mrs. D, A. Smith this week. After tho business session a social hour was indul- ged in. Splendid refreshments were served by the hostess. The Ladies Aid of tho Univer insula would become associated with and a part thereof, and said such an organization would be of tho greatest importance on the Peninsula. Geo. A, Carter of the East St. Johns Improvement Club, told of tho Columbin Slough project, nnd how tho U. S. engineers hud been directed to mako tho sur vey and estimates for dredging It out und muking it nnviguble throughout, which ho snid would opon up many mnnufacturing sites; that thero wns no real manufacturing district in Port land and tho development of tho Columbia Slough would provide ono. Ho said thnl much good con como of concerted . action on tho part of tho citizens, nnd ho was heartily in nccord with the idea of getting the clubs of tho Peninsula together. Mr. Baughmnn of the Univor- aity Park committee, atnted that the peoplo of his section would bo only too glad to cooperate in any wuy for tho good of the Pen insula. John N. Edlefsen Migircstlpd that a committee bo appointed from each club on tho Peninsula to meet and outlino plans for n combined and permanent organ ization. C. V. Zimmerman said ho would liko to seo an organiza tion formed that would include all rcputnblo citizens, and the larger in numerical strength the organization wus tho better it would succeed in any undertak ing. E. C. Geeslin made n motion that a committee of five bo ap pointed by tho president to con fer with liko committees from tho other clubs located on tho Peninsula with the object in view of combined nnd pormanent organization. Tho motion cur ried unanimously nnd President Couch appointed John N. Edlef sen. II. E. Pennell, A.W. Davis, C.V.Zimmormun nnd E. C. Gees lin to servo in this cnpnclty. T. A. Ketchum, ono of tho greatest boosters on the Penin sula, advised that us many us possiblo appear boforo tho Port land Council tho following morn ing when tho Greeley street ex tension would be discussed; thut now was tho timo to get busy, Tho president exhorted all pres ent to uttend und tnko their friends with them. A number present signified their intention of being present. W. A. Carroll. C. V. Zimmer man, A. W. Davia and J. S. Downey also spoke in favor of the Greeley Btreot extonsion.und Deano II. Knowles, secretary of the Commercial Club, presented a map showing tho outlino of the proposed extension in detail, D. C. Lewis advocnted better ferry service in tho wuy of run ning the boat later in tho even ing, but it was stated, however, that this could not be dono with out adding another shift, as the short hours on week days allow ed tho present crows to onorato on Sundays, as tho gain in hours permitted of bunduy operating without udditionul crew. No dofinito nction was taken. , Tho matter of insta ing a fire pump on tho ferry boat was dis cussed by P. H. Edlefsen, D. C. Lewis and others, but no action taken toward having it installed. Upon motion of C. V. Zimmer man, adjournment took place to meet in two weeks at tho snmo place. sity Park M. E. church were de lightfully entertained at tho home of Mrs. Albert Dennis on Friday afternoon last at a beau tifully appointed lavender tea. Tho rooms were decorated in lav ender and the tublo wus chnrm ing with lavender blossoms. Tho favors were lavender colored bags of dried lavender. The re freshments were delicious and the cakes and ico cream wero mado to carry out tho color scheme in a charming manner. Thoso fortunate enough to bo present spent a vory pleasant afternoon. EOS BKHX Mrt at IH1 m,