DROWNING OUT A FIRE. High Prassura Water Streams That Taar Down Room Partitions) Juit think of picking up n pond or a small reservoir contnlnlug nbout 80,. 000 gallons of water and throwing It bodllr at a fire and then picking up another pond or reservoir containing tba ROtno amount of water nnd throw Ing that at tho lira within n tnouicnt'n tlmo, and keeping up this pcrfonnanco vrr minute for an hour until tho flro Is drenched with nearly 2,000,000 gnl Ions of woterl Quito a "bucket bri gade" h? Practically that Is what tho Now York flro department does toriny with Its, high pressure system, for with this method of wntcr supply tho firemen can obtain 80,000 gallons of water n mlnuto and, If noccsitary, nt a tnnxi mum prcssuro of 800 pounds to tho quart Inch sufficient prcssuro or "pushing power" behind tho stream to carry it from tho street to tho top of an eight story building or oven higher. It has tho greatest possible nilvnutngo over the "throwing" method, nlnco tho firemen, with tho aid of their water towers and monitor nozzles, can direct right Into tho heart of tho flro this lire mense volumo of water enormous atrtama that ninnsh windows, tear down partitions, sweep nsldo mcrchan dts and squirm, twist nnd force them aclvofl Into ovcry nook nnd corner of a building, searching out tho flro bet ter; than tho firemen can and nmothcr Ing, It before It can reach tho danger mark. And this Is why that In n portion of New York city noted n few years ago for dcstructlvo Arcs tho big flro has. In n senso, disappeared. Charles T. Hill In St, Nicholas. In THE CORNCOB PIPE. At Tlmss It's nliky, and It Doesn't Qo Well With a Ollk Hat. Tho corncob plpo Is n democratic In atltutlon. Ono urldvncoof tlio fattthat tlibi country Is not ho democratic as foreigner bollovo Is that, according to tho codo of nn American kciiIIciiiiiii the corncob plpo must not bu smoked while wearing n silk hat. On tliu oth er hand, It may bo for this reason that Americans no soldoiu affect tho mlk tut Ilut somo men And dllllculty adapting themselves to tho "Missouri meerschaum." They contend that tho flrst puff from a uuw corncob pipe Is llko a breath from tho nether regions, This amnion nrlxcs from tho cliciiin tanca that, llko a hK)iiki u now cob plpo saould tx dipped In water lieforo It Is used. After tlio first pipeful of tobacco has been auioked It will bo found that a liberal coat of tt alien has attached ttrtotf to tho walls of tlui pipe, rendering It llioreafler much less like ly to burn thu loiiguu than If It wero Initiated without thu formality of Imp- tlsm. Thero 1 ono place, however, whern tlio cob plHi Is distinctly daiigcriius and that Is In tho mouth of n begliim In tho mellow art of miioklng. Moth era who dread tho day when their nous shall feel obliged to iiMert their en trance Into man's rstnte by acquiring a tasto of tobacco will do well to buy a corncob plpo and leave It carelessly about tho houso. In tlmu It will bo missed. Ho will tho boy's nppetllo. Ilut tho appetlto will como back.- In dlauapolis Nows. ArtllloUl Sklee. fiky and air aru thu banlest things to Imltato on the stage, but this old prob lem has been solved. Clear sky, cloudy sky and dlstauco ofTocts aru olitalnixl by shooting light on n very enrvfiilly built concrete dome. Tho smooth white surfaco of thu iviicruto reiUvts th light rays In so many directions that thoy all blend. At thu hiiiiiu tlmu the light thrown on thu douiu U van- fully flltenil to obtain Just thu right color. Tlio combined result can bo miidu to giro the Impression that the roof over the stago has been taken off to let thu sky In. Then, with a moving picture machine In tlio wings, cloud effects may bo nddod without dltllculty.-thit- unlay Kvcnlng rost. Soma Pet Aversions. Julius Caesar was ho much afraid of thunder that he wanted to gut under grouud to escapo from thu terrible nolne. Queen Kllzalieth always shud derett when tho word death was pro nounctxl In her iirvavufu. Marshal Baxc, who kuuw no feur In tho hottest battle, would flee with screams from n at I'eter tho Great dreaded always to cross a bridge, llyrou would not bJp any oao to salt nt table nor would be b holped, and If salt was plllcd ha would leavo Ids meal unfinished. Many such peculiarities could bu cited from tho biographies of well known nieu. That's All. "Didn't I seo daughter in thu kltcli n yesterday." Inquired futher. "Yea." That's a hopeful sign." "Don't bo too hopeful," said mother wearily. "Htio Is merely going to read paper on domestic solenco at her riob.' Loulsvlllo Courler-Jouniul, Effective. Tho climax to his wooing was very romantic. Ho proposed to her ou tho verge of a mountain gorge." "What did she dor "Bho threw him over." The Proof, "X Is the unkuowu quantity. Isn't tr 'Try to borrow ono nnd you'll soon find out" Baltimore American. Early and provident fear Is tho moth er of safety, Hurke. Deafness Cannot He Cured by local application-, at lli.y cannot r.aiti tba dlstas.d portion of thu ar Thar, la onljr on. way to cur tlrafiuaa, and that la by constitutional rr mollis lafnss la aaustil by an Inrlamrd coiutltlon of III. inn com llnliif of tha Eustachian Tub Wli.n this tub la Inflamr4 ou have a rumbling uand or ImprrRcl hrarlns. anil uh.ii It la atlraly closed. Deafness la I lie mult, anil ualsss tha Inaammallon can ba taken out and thla tuba restored to Ita normal condi tion, hcarlos vrlll ba destroyed forever; nlno ass out of tan ara caused by Catarrh, which la nothlnr but an Inrlam.d condition e-f tha mueous surfao.a. Wa will ilvt On. Hundred lollara for any as of I).afn. (caused by catarrh) that aaaol ba cured by llall'a Catarrh Cure. aad for circulars, fraa. r. J. CIIBNKV A CO.. Toledo, Ohio. fall, by Druttlats, 11a Hall's Family V41U for constipation. WOOD FOR SALE JOSEPH McCHESNHY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Day Night Office in McChesnay felk. St Jabna. Ortgon. Good Second Growth Fir. Dry and in good condition. PRICES per cord 1 1 (i Ten Cord or more $.2.25 Five Cord 2.35 Single Cord 2.40 On the Ground This wood is on the Gnttoii Tract hi North St. Johns nnd was cut by the unemployed last winter. l'artlcs (icsmti? this wood arc directed to comunicale with THAD. T. PARKER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Rooms 7 and 8 Holbrook Buildiutr ST. JOHNS DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Office Hours 9-12 to 1:30-7 Sunday 9-11 Office Phone Columbia 140 Resident Phone Columbia 274 JOHN POFF, Chief of Police. NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment Notice is hereby Kiven that apportionment of the cost of improvement of St. Johna Ave nuo from the Hast line of Edison street to the Westerly lino of Seneca street, total cost is $5 1)2-1.80, has been apportioned and is on file in the office of the inidcrsiKMcd.subject to examina tion. Assessment district extends back to tho center of lots, blocks. or tractslof land abutting on Mild street, as provided by tho City (Jharler and resolutions. Kemonslranccs nirainsl said apportionment may bo made in writing untl filed with tho undor- siKtied until l p. in. Juno 28th, 1915. A. 13. DUNSMORE. Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re- view, on tho 11th and 18th days of June, 1U10. DR. RAMBO DENTIST Phone Columbia CI First National Dank bulldln. ST. JOHNS. OREGON. 0. J. GATZA1YER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Duilding ST. JOHNS - . OREGON PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National Dank Duilding ST. JOHNS - - . ORECON L. U. GRAVES, M. D. (Musician nnd Surgeon Office Phone Columbia 10 Residence Phone Columbia I ST. JOHNS, OKKGON PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT A REALTY CO. H. HENDERSON, Monng.r 402 N. Jarsoy Olract Abstracts of Title Prcarcil Titles Examined Photic Columbia 255 "MONEY" The mint makes it nnd under the terms of the CONTINENTAL MOKTGAOH COMPANY you enn secure it nt 6 tier cent for nny leunl ptirpo.se on approved renl estate. Terms easy, tell us your wants and we will co operate with you. Petty &. Company SI3 Drnham Mdjj. Denver, Colo. ANCER I WILL GIVE $1000 If I FAIL to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I treat Difoie It POISONS deep glands sratucitt to tost NO KNIFE. NO PAIN, NO PAY UNTIL CURED WRITTEN QUAflANTEC No X Lay or .o'lc r wit. t A 'i 1 : I i.lanl i.mk 1 II - 1 ,:!( 1 AKY TUMOR, tUMP OR SORE 'II lit?-- lop f a or i-hlr In; 11 CANCtR 110 PACE BOOK SIM fist 'I. .ilmvliinU c I 10,000 CURfO. Unl (it 1:111 ANY LUMP In WOMAN'S BREAST is CANCER It alw Doltont dup glands sn I KIUS QUICKlt fimriur I itl lis ( ti. . Hi nit ria)ilMuall mm Old Or. & Mrs.Dr. ChamleyS Co.' 134 4313 Valencia St., San franclsco, Cal. KINDLY MAIL THIS to tomeono with CANCER RHEUMATIC S U FFER EftS GIVEN QUICK RELIEF Vm leaves almost ns If by nuKic when you bt-Rm uting "6 I)rops,' thefamouiohl remc ! for Kheuma tlsm, l.umb.igo( Gout, bciali. a, NeuralKia nnd Luulreil (roublns. It rook right to tho spot, stops tlio ncliui ami pa iiit ami rruliss 1110 w.irtli living. Uet n UMIIa of "5-Drop" today A lool!t with each Httla gives full directions for use. IXin't ilelay, Hemaml .ijropt-' ijoa tuc ccpt mivthlnn elsa in nlai-Uof iL Anvilruv gin can supply you. if you five too far frm n tlrus toro semi One Dollar to Swanson llu unutlc Cure Co., Newark, um.-i, aii' I n Ix'itltj of i-l)rop" will bo scut pripai,i, aC i-aiiaM ao a pJII DOItlC LODGE NO. 132 A. P. ond A. M. .Meets the first nnd third Wcdiicsdnyof ench mouth 111 mckiicr's Hnll. visi tors welcome. Chns. A. l'ry. W. M. A. W. Davis, Secretary. .jgKfe LAURCL LODGE m- No. inn 1. n n r iwsr ww mw sf as ST. JOHNS, OREGON Maota sacli Monday sveninir in Odd Fat Ions Imll nt n:oo, A cordliil welcome tn nil visitliiL' brothers. John J (oMlnian, Notilc OrnnJ A M Dowtirv. Vice Orsiul J0I111 He era Krc. Brc. tills (UcmltnliiR, I'lu. Ike. II I'. Clark, Trras. IIOLMCS LODGE NO. 101 KNir.nis or i'viiiias Meets every I'ridny ulutit nt .fl-.xo o'clock In IlIPk'NM'U if i inn. visitors niways wci come. II. C. IM.NCII.C. C. A. CAKINItI.SON,K.K.S. We huy or sell St. Johns Property Ale KINNEY & DAVIS Real Hslate List your property with us if you desire to sell quickly 20J N. Jersey St. vSt. Johns J. R. WEIMER Transfor and Storage Wa dallvrr vmir irw4a tn ml tmn- all parts of Portland, Vancouver. Linn ion. I'ortlarul and Hiilmrlian Winrc. Co., city dock and all points accatslbl 7 wijoo. runs ana rsrnltura eaavlrtf G. W. OVERSTREET Plumbing and Gas Fitting Job work promptly attended to. Phone Columbia B18 109 Burr street SI, Johns, Oregon Central Market ! 205 S. Jersay Street See ui for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Mouts Obtainable. CVtfw rUd anil raniHy Trails SaSdUal. 1 T. P. WARD. Prooritlar. sssm. x n "A SHINE IN EVERY DROP" Isl aij ttstsnt. lt.'r!? it ai un'l'. I "4' 4 W I'ttOiaj I ui itt uiact'jty 1 u I Vriuti . 1 Oil tiTD Yvtt Stove Polish U not ofilr most rcoactmlftil. lot It frlvt a triltN nt Mikvl :it,ru tiiir -nwitniib' rtMMtuay TiU vX II Ul I owe limt nrf iu oi) aajf M'M aK It 4VV4)VUt . , tala lUUi tUOUCjr VI t I"VJ iMlUah.U ur U ivftf rllUAfcUk. Uttitvti'l u-- 4 raUf HLUrvfujtki cur tiwor IlUck Silk Stov TolUh Woili, Sterling, UUnoi. I t llUrk saw Alrlf)luif ltun I uttuel a in iMi it v MHttJJUlk iu i I i I J. l'VULt I ' . Try it , L ll'icW Silk ttt. 'o. v vr t'.i. It wvfL r, ti'v, L r KIWI lcu a I t .nic U lias ba viuJl ruMvoisutumwUkst. EDMONDSON CO. 107 S Jersey Street i MODCKN MOTIODS IN Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 FOR RENT cards at this office at - Si The Time Is Getting Short -.is. r,-.i I?: Our Men's Toggery Corner must be Vacated early in July. The stock is to be hous ed where the Grocery Stock now is., It is essential then to move the remaining Groceries and Crockery. There remains in the stock iu moderate quantities such things as Baker's and Ghiridella's Cocoa and Chocolate, Lipton's Tea, Bulk Tea, Several Brands 'of Coffee, Bak ing Powder, Soda, Soap, Washing Powders and Borax, Blueing, Starch, Corn Stare h Raisins, Currants. Many Choice Brands of Bottled Pickles and Olives, Mustard and Meat Sauces. Wesson's Oil and other Salad Oils. In Canned Goods there arc Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beans, Peaches, Pineapple, Plums. Many other things not mentioned. The Dishes and Crockery arc still well assorted. The Prices wc make on these arc absolute saving to you of 25c on every dollar. BONHAM & CURRIER ni Everybody Doing Something for Nothing TUESDAY, JUNE 22nd The Senior High School Play "THE SKY RIDERS" Will be repeated for CHARITY'S SAKE The Coaching of the Players, the Auditorium, the Janitor Service, the Distribution of the Circulars, the Sell ing of the Tickets, Printing of Adv., ALL FREE. Admission - 25c and 15c BBsajaSBMsWSaMaajBWSjaaajajaB The entire funds to be used by the Charity Committee which did the effective relief work last winter. Hear Plavius West, Leon Peterson and other Local Talent . See Bill Teutsch and Marie Bredeson, Dramatic Stars; and they are doing it all for us during graduation week. -7 I