St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 11, 1915, Image 4

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It May Come at Any Time of Life, and
Its Qoal Is Bllndneie.
Cntnract la nn opacity of tho crystal-
lino lens caused by Interference with
One English Troop Uod to Be Called I The One Described In Hlttory at th
the Golden Goldfinches. "Victory of Victories."
Dnndlcs woro much In evidence- In Tho Imttle which U known In his
the Peninsular war, nnd nn ofllccr of tory ns tho "Victory of Victories" took- p, nutrition. As tho rays of light can
tho famous Light division has recorded place nt Nchnvend, In Kcbntnnn, nnd not penetrate this opaque matter It re
how Bonio of tho oillccrs wore "rigged wns fought hetween tho new Moslem 8UU in i,)!,',,!,,,. cntnract may
out In nil tho colors of tho rainbow, power In 037 nnd tho empire of Persia, ,omo nt nny time of life, but Is most
DOino unu gny unuuuii tun in, unium uicn onu ui iiiu must iuivunui ui i"" I npt to COIIIO III old ago, when SCIlllO
brown: somo ngoln liked blue, nnd tho eastern monarchies. It was ono of tlio Li.ntl0 .t, ninr i ii ..) nt tim
l. I. I... . . ..I. .1 1. ....! I.. ,1... -" l'""
Cimlliru llijH.iiri(livu ui it iiiiiiuiui ui jii- i uiusi iiuj-uiuiuij ui'iamiu uuiuua in iiiu I
... . a .... .1. . I.... ... ....( I. . ll .1...
rnntry omccrs lomicu wan leauicr uui- iiwiury oi wur, unu it was uu uiu nioro . .......i ,. i, Pqnli i, ri,nmn
a i .. i I 1 I I I .. I... .. e 1 1 ... . I . I " r,
loms w wieir jmiiiuiuuiis
chains suspended from tho
tons was amuslns enottgli
lost In tho desert;) of Arabia.
Arablnti historians plnco tho Persian
loss In n Rlnglo day nt 100,000 men
killed. This mny bo nnd probably Is
nn exnggerntlon, but tho fact rcmnlns
Hint tho Persian dynasty enmo to an
Tho 'cut down' lint, exnetly n span In
height, wns nnother rage. This bnr
lcsquo on n chnpenu wai tisunlly top
ped by some extraordinary looking
Tho Duko of Wellington, however,
nover troubled nlwnt whnt his oillccrs
wero If only they brought their men In
tact Into tho firing lino with sixty
rounds of ammunition nplccc, nnd ono
of tho chnplnlns, known ns "the light
ing Pnrson," always wore n red lntnnr
jacket, whllo during thu bnttlo of Vlt
torln Oenernl Plcton wore, Instead of
tho usual cocked hat, n round nnd very
old lint nnd carried "a hugo whlto urn.
brclln lined with green."
Hut It Is doubtful If nny regiment
tins ever
tli nn tho
In 1707 woro gold nnd Hcnrlot cordi,
golden rosettes, feathers, cockndes,
whlto wnlstcontJi, "gold wings" (to
quoto tho olllclnl description) nnd
"frilled skirts, largely figured." Hence
their nickname, "Tho (loldcn Gold
flnchcfi."Iondou Tlt-Dltn.
iih or hoi- iiwiwy oi ur, ...iu it. w is ...i hi n.uro A cntnrnct mny bo cnU8cd by changes
nnd hugo nmn.lng by renson of the fact thnt It , ton brthi chMtcn nTo
side but- wiis won by n people who twen y yenrs b , cnlnrnct , b(J
;h. before had been unknown barbarians. . . ,,. ,lllpln .Mhor,,!.
caused by changes during childhood,
by dlsenso or Injury, by exccsslvo nnd
persistent light nnd heat nnd by mnny
other causes. Olnssblowcrs nro sub
ject to It, X rny workers, BUffcrcra
from dlnbctcA nnd many others. It
end when tho bnttlo was over nnd that nu bo ? "r'mflr d,HF,nH0 or lt mny
X-oronstrlnnlxm, which had been the ro- bot ?mnry to other diseases.
Ilglon of Persia for over n thousand , 11 to of,1on very successful. trcntcd
years, wns nt once mipplnnted by Is- operation, particularly in tho nged,
lam. Its modem representatives, ns Is 1,10 '""l or n,,.,, ,ta cn',!'"10 bclnR
well known, nro now tho Pnrsecs of rcmovcu. uno uovciopmcni oi cainrnci
lntn Is sometimes very rnpld, especially nft-
Tho victory wns so nbsolutcly dccl- cr '"J"1?. ,,ut ,n "l0. nKcd 11 tnku9
Hive that It extended tlio Arnblnn do- l,mco Hiowiy, sometimes requiring
minions over tho whole of tho region n'nrs before blindness results. Tho
lying between tho Caspian sen nnd tlio operation Is not usunlly dono until tho
Indian ocean, with tin. ntrnntimi nor- cntarnct Is mntiiro or rlpo. An earlier
been dressed moro Htrnngely Imps of tho bnttlo of Tours, no slnglo operation frequently militates ngnlnst
old Portsea volunteers, who nlit ever mmlo such n dlfferuiico In n successful result.-Phlladclphln Hoc-
tho nfter history of tho world. Kx- ord.
Yearly Prliee That Come From the
Fund He Left to Posterity.
Alfred 11. Nobel, tho Swedish scl-
riiMut nnd Inventor of dynamite, died
tho nfter history of tho world. I3x-
What l Meant by Rare, Medium and
It's Discipline That Marks the Differ- Well Done Meat.
erenco Between Them. Pcrhnps n word mny bo said nbout
All nrmy Is not nn nrmy, hut n mob, the degree of cooking, ns Indicated by
uulesH every Item In It can bo minted
to do tho snme thing nt the snme mo
ment nt tho word of commnnd. Ho
obedience Is not it virtue In u soldier,
but it necessity, for, unless ho learns
It, ho cannot nttiiln to tho mllltnry vlr-
tho words rare, medium nnd welt done,
used In reference to Uio cooking of
Homo neoplo Interpret "rnro" ns mean
ing meat seared n little on the outside,
but with tho wliolo Interior raw. This
t fur from n correct Interpretation,
.' i i . ..., i..i mum. II Iiiim Ijpcii nrnivil. fur liiHlimrn.
XiXtX -. - .' "ml obedience Is the ,bume,,ou,d be coagulate,, the
of it fund of which the Interest should
be yenrly given ns to llioo per
sons who hnd during the year con
tributed most to "tho good of litiiiiiinl-
ty." Tho Interest Is divided In five
equnl shares, awarded ns follows:
"Ono to tlio person who In the do-
innln of ptiyslcs hns mmlo tlio most lin-
imrtnnt discovery or Invention, one to
tho person who hns innde the most
Important chcmlcnl discovery or Inven
tion, one to the person who hns mmlo
tho most Import rui t discovery In tho do
main of medlcliiu or physiology, ono to
tho person who In literature hns pro
vided the moil excellent work of nn
Idealistic tendency nnd one to tlio per
son who hns worked most or best for
tho fraternization of nations nnd Iiiu
abolition or reduction of standing
nrmles nnd tho culling nnd propugnt-
lug of tienco congresses."
Tlio value of each prlxo K on nn
nvcrnge. flO.OOO. The awards for
physics nnd chemistry nro given by
tho Hwodlsh Academy of Kclenre, Hint
for phystologlcnl or medlcnl work by
the Cnrolluo Instltuto (the fneulty of
niedlcluo In Hlockholm), that for litem
turo by tlio Hwedlsh Acndemy of Htock.
holm nnd tlio ponce prize by u commit
tee of llvo persons elected by Iho Nor
wegian storthing. Philadelphia Press.
wny to couriige.
When It Is n hiihlt with men they
fnco dniiger ns they form fours lie
j cauno 1 1 ioy nro told to, nnd the hnblt
I of obedience Is stronger In them thnu
their imtiirnl fears. It Is, In fact, part
fibers really cooked, but the Juice may
bo yet red or pink. In "medium" there
ts still somo plnlc left In the ment.
though tho red color hns left tho Juice,
while well done means no pink color
In either Juice or (lbcr, but not tlio
of a soldler-H technique, nnd unless ho Mtr,,''- overcooked. tnafclcMjiroduct
has learned It he Is uu nmnteiir llnlilo
to stngo fright.
There inav, of course, be nn Irrntlon-
nl dlselpllno which destroys n soldier's
Intelligence, ns Irrational technique de
stroys Intelligence In any crnft. Hut
the fuel rcmnlns thnt soldiers linve to
learn obedience by menus of a training
specially designed to tench them obedi
ence, Just us it musician has to prac
tice seales. When ho hns lenrucd It
he can exerelsu his intelligence fur bet
ter than If ho had not learned It be-
i'iiiiko ho Is brnver nnd cooler for Imv-
lug learned It. Ijudoii Times.
so often served as "well done" meat.
The quantity nnd kind of meat lined
by nny fmnlly depend tiwn Its living
hnblts, Its appreciation of food values
nnd the money nvnllnhle for food. Tho
excessive use of meat menus nn uu-
wlxo expenditure of money ns well ns
nn unnecesHiiry tax upon the kidneys
nnd liver, but In nny case thu prepara
tion of It Is a most Important factor.
Womnu's World.
The Men's Toggery has
provided all that goes for
Men and Young Men
who plan to be Well Dress
ed, - - - -
Some of the new things the popular
Black and White Stripe Shirts and Ties,
The Palm Beach Shades of Ties and Socks,
Panama Hats, Sport Shirts and Cloth Top
Shoes, receding last.
The Young Men will find our stock
in Good Supply and well
H caw. tve!
L. E. ROSE, Manager
The Seven 8eae.
Tho tihrnso "the seven sens" hns
been current for some tlino wiih so
current when Kipling unlvcrmill.ed It
twenty years ago to denote nil the
great waters of the earth. Its use ill
Tides Into seven parts thu "trlmrtlto
ocean (tho Atlantic, Pnellle and Indian
oceans) ns the north mid south Atlan
tic, tho north nnd south Pacini, tlio
hidlnu, tho Arctic nnd the Antarctic
Outler'a Roiily
There was n lime, whllu l.yinnn
Trumbull was elialnnan of thu seiinto
comuillteu on Judiciary, Hint Ileiijinnln
llutler wns elialnnan of the Judiciary
committee of the house. It was at this
period that it delegation from onu of
tho southern stntes visited Washing
ton with a desire to secure the Im
penclnueiit nnd removnl of thu federal
Judge of their stnlo. They Interviewed
Mr. llutler as to thu probability of cap
rylug such a iiionsuro through thnt
"I don't know," wns Mr. Itutler's re
ply. "1 iiiu chairman of the Judiciary
commute) of the limine. The ueces
ssry action can I hi had here. Hut I.y
mini Trumbull U chairman of thu sen
ste iimiuilttco, mid Judge Trumbull Is I hIvimI.
A Shot That Made Trouble.
An odd Incident happened In tho then
Danish West Indies In the Inst century
thnt nearly caused serious Internation
al complications. An American marks
man, paying n visit to Charlotte Ama-
Hit. iimiiHcd the governor by nn exhibi
tion of his skill with the rltlu. Hitting
on tlio vcrnndu of tho government
house, ho until Hint ho could cut with
n bullet the signal halyard on the
lliigslnfr of the fort mid lower the Dull
ish stnudiird to the ground. As the
Hues were utmost Invisible In the ills-
tunce the governor wus willing to bot
Unit he could not do IU Thu shot rang
out, mid the ling fell. Presently u
horseman diished up, Informing tho
governor that somo one had II red on
the ling, There was great excitement.
Tlio governor, none too popular. It
seems, with the military, ruined his
political future by admitting that tho
affair was n Joke In which he con-
Iteport iK'lug sent to C'opcu-
troubled with two thliiHs-tho ityspep
sin, which innkos lilm mUeruble. mid
"u """ "."'.V.r conscience, which makes him tineer-
oceans, it is interesting to uoio nun i Buiiiiniiriij ruiuuiti
I,. . ...... i. ..i.. i . ...... u....u ,, i-
milium illll mill iiq muyi-ii ni-nn, iiiu
luigen, highly colored, of course, by
tlio commandant, his excellency wus
chain of salt lagoons nbout tho mouth
of tho Po, separated ft out tlio Adriatic
by strips of suud or embaukmeiits. The
lngoous were In ancient days much
nioro extensive than now, mid the
"Heptein Mures" afforded n continuous
means of Interim! unvlKiittoii from Kit-
Tvuun to Altlnuui. Now York Times.
Deep 8ea Diving.
Diving with the aid of urtltlclnl mecli-
an l ui Is nt least 1,000 yesr older
than the Ohrlilhin religion. Homer
compnrvd tho fall of Hector's chari
oteer to the descent of nil oyster diver.
ArUtotlo mentioned n diving nppnratus,
and, while Alexnuder thu (ircat had
no siibumrlnes, still ho ordered divers
to destroy the nuderwnter defenses of
Tyre. I.nter on l.lvy told nlwut Hens-
uroa being recovered from sunken
hips by divers. Ho It nppenrs thnt our
old world hns made but slight progress
In peuutrutlug the depths of thu sea,
which In some places U six miles deep.
Philadelphia Ledger,
A Giant Among Dwarfs.
Tho Intellect mid genius of Franklin
were pcrhnps never moro mnnlfest
thnu when, us thu colonial iigeut of
Peiiiisylviiiilu, ho appeared before the
llrltlsh house of commons In order to
undergo nn luipilsltlou Into the tnxn
Hon iiestlons which were brewing the
trouble which subsequently resulted In
American freedom, Not fewer tliun
1UMI iiii4tlous were propoiimled to him
by some of the jiciitot leuiil mid po
lltlcal minds of the old country To
each mid every one of them he replied
In ii masterful manner, IMiuund
llurku In commenting on the matter
said that Prank I In reminded him of "n
man being examined by n parcel of
schoolboys," whllu Charles Jmnes l ux
remarked thnt his Imiulsltors weru
'dwarfs In tho band of u giant,"
Tho dandelion Is mi elllclcnt plant.
It ts most excellently ndiiptcd to Its
Job of keeping ullvu unci spreading
Itself over thu fnco of thu earth. Ex
cept in early spring Its leaves nro too
bitter to be eaten by mini or by mil-
muls. They He lint on tho earth so
that grazing beasts tuny trend on them
without killing thu plant Tho roots
tnku strong hold. Thu length of tho
elastic stem which bears up tho bios-
sum Is determined by ttie height of tho
other vegetation In which tho dande
lion Unds Itself. On n close cropped
lawn tlio dandelion's stem Is stubby; In
tall grass It reaches up toward the
sun. Its seeds tly lightly nnd fur ou
every breeze. The dandelion will rnlso
n berles of seed crops extending up al
most to tho tlrst snowfall. Detroit
The Qypilei.
Tho origin of the people known as
a 'l
The po pular people in this
community just now are
. : - '
the Graduates and their
friends. We a re all
interested in them.
Our store is particularly interested because prepar
ed to supply the Wearing Apparel.
Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Chiffons, Poplins.
Lawns, FlaxonsAll these are the moderate priced
materials of filmy effects. Every week there is a
their parties parties mean new togs.
Our store is your store and we are here to serve
just you.
special on these goods that will make a saving for you.
If you are not a graduate you are interested
Two-thirds of Jones' makeup Is cu
riosity, tho other third wit. A short
time ago ho met his neighbor proudly
dUplsylug n valuable horse. "That Is
a fine horse you have there, drown!"
he exclaimed cordially, "I low much
did you give fur hluij"
"I gave my note," was tho crisp re
"Well, you got him cheap," said
Jones. Chicago News.
Regulating Bread Prices,
A simple plan for the regulation of
iiremi prices wns in vogue in Uiiglniul gypsies remains largely a mystery.
rrom i no uiiio or Henry in. to ttio i- Kgypt. India. Persia and Arab a havo
ginning or tno niuetevnin century. Tlie n turn been no u ted out ns their oriel-
"nssUo of bread" wns set every week ,,al country, but there U little definite
by the authorities of every borough knowlediro on the sublect Tho welcht
ami manor, wnen ino price or mo loar 0f evidence U In fnvor of their having
was rugumiMi uy mo ruling price or originated In India. They tlrst appeitr
whest. tho margin of rossoimhlo prollt 0,j i;unnw Hiwut H00 and from tho
iHuiiK mil u iiiu umor Him miner. lo- l)aiiubo reu ion snread nil over thu eon.
tlncnt, appearing In Ungluiid nbout
Bring in Your
part uro from the olllclnl price wns
henvlly punished. London Mirror.
The Ruling Paiiion.
"Fore!" jelled tho golfer,
dut tho lady never moved.
l'or she wus thinking of a coming
shopping tour.
Ho should have called ?:t.0S to have
Not In His Line.
Wife A trump tit tho back door who
has nlroudy oaten u pheo of that plo attracted her attentloii.-Phlladolphla one, "It won't bo nny earlier up there
Juvenile Logic.
Come, dear," said the mother of n
llttlo four-year-old miss; "It Is getting
Into, nnd you should be upstairs in
'dut, uiiimum," protested tho little
Job Printing
I made yesterday wants to know If you
can do nuythlug for him. Husband
Tell him, my dour, that I nm u commls
lou merchant, not u doctor. Houston
Tho wlso man grasps turn 1 1 oppor
tunities nnd makes them big, whllo
the fool sits In uu easy eluilr nnd waits
for grout opportunities to come bis
way. Pittsburgh ChroiilcleTelegrnph,
Deafness Cannot He Cured
by local application, ihty canaot resell
lb dled portion of lh car Tlurt It
only on way to cur lUaditt. and tlui
nr coniiiuiioni timtdli. l)tn. I
tud by an lnnnird condition of Ihi mu
sou llnlns of th UuaUcliUn Tube Whan
IM tub I Innamt'd yuu Imv a rumbllnc
enead or Imperfect hearing- and when II I
unrriy ciuaeu. tieainr i ine etult, and
unit the InlUimuallon can Im taken out
and ihi tub rutured to Ii normal condi
tion, lifarln- will b dtroyed forever, nine
ca out of ten are cau(d by ralarrn
whleh I nothing but an IniUmed condition
of th tnuooua aurfacca
W will lv One Hundred Dollar for any
raa of Deafne lcaued by catarrhi that
annot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cur
end for circular, free
F. J. C1IENKV a CO., Toledo. Ohio.
fold by DrusiUl. Ho
Te llall'i family Villa for conitlpatloo.
than it Is down hero." IJxchauge,
By Hook or by Crook.
Tho phrase "by lunik or by crook"
originated with the Irish defeuders of
Limerick, who hud to defend two chan
nels, the Hook and tlio Crook, from
Uugllsli attacks. -Kxchtiiice,
Open to Any Offer.
Voting Mnn-So Miss Kthcl Is your
jldest sister. Who comes nfter herY
Small drother Nobody nln't come yet.
but pa says the first fellow that conies
can have her. Stray Stories.
It U not helps, but obstacles; not fa- n-,. ,h,r ,, ,,.
nlllllA !.,. .11,11,... Wl.. .,,.1 I. -v" ' e."
. V, , 'uvu- loaf around tho hive. Chicago Now.
The follcwiuir list of letral blauks
are Kept tor sale nt tins oflice nud
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds. Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortcaces.
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
ot bate, leases.
111 W Off, Laitt
H l 4 Timei at
R V Uaj at Otbr,
kill S.. Work.
Can Today
Not the Uo on your pager.