St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 07, 1915, Image 4

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London' Fiunoui Tussaud Show, With
a Word About Iti Founder.
At nn nvcrnso rate of ono model per
fortnight I must havo turned n round
tiiouaand In my time, somo In hot
hftsto to bo up to date, others nt com'
paratlvo leisure, bolng less meteoric
and of more nbldlnR Interest royal
tied, for example, and men of letters,
or ffToat soldiers llko Gordon, Wolseloy
and Robert. Each stnys ns Ions ns
but famo endures. Nolwdy remembers
when Sbnkesponro was not In the ex
hibition. Voltaire Is Its oldest Inhabit-
ant, nnd Arc ccncrntlons havo now
pawed boforo Uio ftRUro of this rcvolit'
tlonary. Tlio most notorious lenders
of tbo French revolution nro there, ns
of courso tbo exhibition was trnns
fcrrcd from Paris to London over 100
years ago.
It vran in 1802 Clint mndnmo enme to
London, bavins lived In Paris through
tho wholo of tbo French revolution,
frequently had her nrt boon rcqulsl
tloued to mold tho head of nomo nan-
jrulnary monster or other, Robespierre,
Danton and Mnmt nmong tho number.
Tho cast of Uio last mentioned of this
trio, still In tho exhibition, wns taken
by Mmo. TtiBsaud nt tho sccno of his
murder, and Inter alio mndo n cast of
tho once beautiful fnco of his nssassln,
Charlotto Corday. Mndnmo onmo to
London alone, leaving her husband,
Francois Tussaud, In Paris. After near
ly half n century of peaceful nnd
prosperous years In England, who died
In 1850, In her nlnoty.flrHt year. John
Thoodoro Tussaud In London Strand
An Ancient Induitry That Waa Reviv
ed by Queen Margherlta.
The Into of Vcnlco has been celebrat
ed for many centuries. It wns made
originally by nuns within tho walls
of convents for ecclesiastical garments.
Then, with tho fall of tho Venetian
republic, the convents were closed and
the Inco Industry ceased to exist for
an entire century.
In 1870 tho Princess Margherlta, aft-
erward queen of Italy, took measures
to rovivo It, especially ns n means of
providing employment for Venetian
womon. At present there nro several
schools, subsidized by tlio government,
In which tho nrt Is taught.
Tho pupils aro women of nil nges.
Knch sits on n low stool nnd holds n
plump, Nqmiro cushion In her Inp, On
this cushion Is pinned n strip of paper
marked with tho pattern to bo follow
ed, nnd Into this pattern tho nlinblo
flngorol worker sticks glass headed
plus, nbout which alio twists her
threads. From twenty to fifty shuttles
domuid from nil sides of tho cushion,
ud theso nro thrown ncross and back
with tho rapidity of a typist handling
tho keys of her machine.
Tho process looks so simple that It
looks llko piny, but tho lace produced
represents thousands of dollars. The
slmplo lares grow rapidly tinder tho
dexterous Angora of tho women, but
tho oxqulslto roHo point and other simi
lar sorts nro ovolved much mom slow
ly. Harper)! Weekly.
Tantalizing Ownership,
In n French village n citizen hnd
upon his land n part of nn old building
containing two very beautiful win
dows. Ho wns In debt and embar
rassed nnd eagerly cloned with the of
fer of n rich nrchneologlst, who bought
them. Thcreuon tho government In
spector, hearing of tlio bargain, ar
rived Just In tlmo to stop the masons
from dislodging the windows. "You
cannot," ho said to tho villager, "sell
antiquities, my man." "Hut, excellen
cy. I have used tho money nnd paid
my creditors." Tho villager was In
despair, but tho olllclal was untouch
ed- "That's nil right,' he said. Tlio
money U safe, Tho windows nro no
longer yours. Hut tho buyer can't
movo n stone of them. Ho can, how
ever, como with n camp stool ami sit
down and look at hta property ns much
as ho likes."
Man and Labor.
Lady Russell lu her volume "iJwnl
lowfleld nud Its Owners" nolut out
that In 1820 tho Ilerkshlre estate came
Into tho hands of Sir Henry Russell,
who had been n friend of Dr. Johnson.
It wns nt RussoH'h table that ouu day
the doctor maintained that "no man
loved labor, no man would work If ho
could help It" lteynolds objected and
gave Pop for Instance. Hut I'ope'tt
Inspiration, said the doctor, "was tho
lor of fame end not tho lovo of la
bor. Leander swam tho Hellespont
but that doesn't prove that ho loved
"Bo bo took you out motor riding tho
other evonlugr
"Yes, what of Itr
"Do you think he Is In lovo with
"1 think so, I know that every time
I spoko to him tho motor tried to climb
a tree or Jump u fence." Stray Stories.
A Scoop,
Reporter I've n good pleco of nows
here this morning. I found n person
who bad been cnulliied to ono room his
entire life. lMltor-doodl Send him
up. Who U It? Reporter-Why. n
three-days-old baby down nt our bouse.
Wisconsin State Journal
Not HI Fault.
Ijtdy of House What caused yon to
become n trnmp? Hugged Robert Tho
family physician, mum. Ho advised me
to tako long walks nfter my meals, an'
I've been walking nfter 'em ever sluce.
Judgo of a man by his questions
rattier than by bis answers. Voltaire.
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
lr local applications, at lli.y cuiinot rvuc-ti
las ilisasd orllon of I ho tar. There Is
onljr one way lo euro iWsfntu, and Hint 1.
bjr constitution! rti4les. llcdfms Is
rsustd by an Infltin.d condition ot tliu mu
oous lining of th UusUcliUn Tub When
tkl tutu Is Inrunml uu have a rumbling
suund or lutprrfrct hearing, and when It Is
entirely closed, Df stints Is the result, and
unless th Inaaimnatlon can taken out
and this tubs restored to Its normal condi
tion, heailui-Mill bo deslroyed forever, nlno
cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
walsh I nothing but an Inllained condition
of the mucous surfaces.
W will give On Hundred Hollars for any
case of. Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur,
end for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENHr CO., Toledo, Ohio.
(told by Druggists. Ho.
Take Hall's raiolly Villi (or constipation.
How a Submarine Flings Forth tha
Deadly Projectile.
When n Bubmnrlno sights a hostllo
vessel n group of sailors quickly cluster
round tho torpedo tuba This Is loaded
vith Its Instrument of destruction, nnd
behind it n powder chargo is Inserted
In n rcccptaclo nnd tho trigger control
ling tho firing mechanism cocked rendy.
A gunner proceeds to estlmnto tho
Apced of tho target nnd Its courso
through glasses. Ho then adjusts a
devlco known ns tho "director," which
by means of dials tells him when tho
tubo Is pointing In tho right direction
to launch tho torpedo truo to Its mark.
At n dtstanco of about 3,000 yards tho
gunner presses n button, tho powder
chargo oxplodcs nnd n pressure of fifty
pounds per square Inch Is put upon tho
rear end of tho torpedo.
Tho well greased projcctllo Is forced
through tho open end of tho tubo at n
rato of thlrty-flvo feet per second, nnd
ns It takes tho water In n long fint dlvo
tlio twin propellers In tho rear set to
work. They aro driven by an nlr
prcssuro of 2,2.7) pounds, which nets
tho driving machinery In motion ns tho
torpedo leaps from Its tubo.
A gyroscopo Hteorlng gear provents
tho torpedo from deviating from n
straight path, nnd unless It Is careless
ly tired or Its target quickly mnncuvcrs
out of the way tho ffWO projectllo ncl
dom misses Its mark. London An
That Wat the Normal Condition
Chloauo Village In 1833.
An elaborate series of descriptions of
mlddlo western road conditions Is con
tnlned In Charles Cleaver's "History of
Chicago From 18.12 to 1802, Illustrating
the Dllllcultlcs of tho Routa From Now
York to Chicago." In tho vlllago of
Chicago In 18.13, Cleaver tells us
"Parties Informed us that In tho
spring w would tlnd It itlmoMt IiiioihI
ble to get nround for tho mud, n truth
forcibly Illustrated when n fow months
Inter I got Into n wagon to go about
ono nnd n half miles northwest. It was
with the greatest dllllculty that two
good horsi'H could pull tho empty wag
on through tho two feet of mud and
water across tho prnlrlo. A
year or two later I saw ninny teams
stuck fast In tho streets of tho vlllago.
"I remember oueo n stageconch got
in I red In Clark street opposite the
Hheriiiau HoiiKO, where It remained
several days, with a board driven Into
the mud bearing this Inscription, 'No
Ixiltoiu here.' I once hiiw n lady stuck
In the mud In tho middle of Itnndolph
street, who wns evidently In need of
help, ns every time she moved she snnk
deeper and deeper. An old gentleman
from tho country offered to help her,
which had such nn effect upon her
modesty that with ono desperate effort
she drew her feet out minus her uhovri."
Why You Sneer.
There Is more than one cause for
sneezing, and persons may differ In
their susceptibility to them. A bright
light will cause somo persons to sneeze,
the pollen of certain plants will afreet
others, and .most people are likely to
Miieexe In tho presence of dust. Much
sneering is duo to superllclal Irritation
The sncezo caused by tho effect of
cold Is different. It Is an attempt of
nature to euro you. Hhu makes you
Miieozo for the sumo reason that she
makes you shiver to generate heat for
wanning tho blood mid preventing you
from taking more cold to help relieve
the cold you have,
The sneezing from cold Is not nu net
of tho iioho alone, this being merely the
part of the body where It explode. It
Is nu act uf the entire body during
which every muscle gives n Jump. The
body Is nffected by u spasmodic effort
ly Is nfTected by n spasmodic effort
warm the entire system and throw
the eold-lloston Herald.
Destiny Is either the excuse men give
for their errors or n humble supple
incut to their successes. Destiny rec
onciles ii man to unpaid hill, tho abuse
of the proletariat, Ingratitude and tela
lives, especially If they are his ow n
A inn n who Is making progrexs I
thought by lilmself-toeoiiinil his own
destiny, When bo Isn't making prog
reus his destiny controls him.
Destiny Is always at work. When it
Is not doing It Is undoing. It has a star
for u trademark which Is recognized In
every country In the world. It has
made n great many see double.
.Not everybody has n destiny. Somo'
are comparatively happy. Life,
A Natural Deficit.
"Do you find much change lu tho old
town!" naked nn Interested friend of
Colouel Bellenujulck, tho eminent pro
"Well, no," replied the colonel
thoughtfully. "Hut then 1 scarcely ex
pected nny. You see, I got most of
tho local supply boforo I went away."
Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Orlaht Suggestion,
Sho Hut If l can't live on my Income
and you can t live on yours, where
would bo tho advantage of our marry
ing? Ho (thoushtfully)-Well, by put
ting our Incomes together one of us
would bo nblo to live, at any rate,
Uoston Transcript
Looking Ahead.
"Do you think you could lenm .to
lovo mo?" nsked tho old millionaire.
"I'erhups," suld the girl coyly. "Do I
get n title to n lino house ns n diplo
mat?" Lrouuvlllo Courier-Journal.
Reflected on Her Age.
Amy Why did Miss Autlquo dU-
chargo her butler? Mamie Ho boast
ed that ho had grown gray In her serv
ice, Loudon Telegraph.
Can Today
mm v La.,.,
Mil VimiM s"" Wwt
3P Get a
Thar Are Many Varieties That Will
Not Float In Water.
That wood floats Is such a common-
placo fact In our lives that wo hardly
give It any thought If wo lived In
tropical climates wo would lenrn to
distinguish between woods Hint float
and woods that do not float. Many of
tlio woods of Mexico and South Amer
ica are so heavy oven when porfectly
dry that they will sink In water, nota
bly lignum vltac, which is tho wood
commonly used for bowling balls.
Among our common natlvo woods
there nro several that will not float
when green. The cypress of Uio south
Is often girdled a year before It Is cut
so that It will dlo and dry whllo stand
Ing, thus making It possible to float tho
logs to tlio mllL
Tho reason why somo woods float Is
not because tho substance of which
they nro mndo Is lighter than wntcr,
but becnuse the cavities In tho cells
nro so large that tho air In them buoys
up tlio wood. Tho material (cellulose)
which composes tlio greater part of Uio
cell wall Is heavier than water, so that
If tho nlr In Uio cells Is replaced by wa
ter tho wood will sink. This Is just
what happens to wood which has been
In water for n long tlmo and has be
come "waterlogged."
It Is Uio targe water content of the
henrtwood of freshly felled oaks nnd
hickories nnd of tho sapwood of cer
tain conifers Uint causes theso woods
to sink, for when dry they will float.
Lignum vltno and other heavy trop
ical woods, even when dry, sink bo-
causo most of Uio cell cavities nro bo
small compared to Uio thick celt walls
Unit the nlr in tho cnvlucs Is not
enough to float tho wood.
It le Always In Demand and Add to
a Man's Worth.
Tho demand for reliability novcr
ceases. If you buy a piece or maciiin-
ery you want It to bo dependable.
When you purchaso new clothes you
desire them to bo durable. If you elect
nn otllclnl you require that ho shall be
trustworthy. When you take on nu em
ployee you Inquire whether he can lie
relied on, as to his word, his work, his
loyalty. It Is so In nil the relations of
life. While there Is much unreliability,
you never hear of anybody seeking It
or placing a premium upon It
Tho reliable man Is always spoken of
In terms of praise. Ills friends boast
that he can bo defended njon to do n
certain thing under n certain set of cir
cumstances without vnrlabieiicss or
shadow of turning. They say they can
And him In tho dork nnd enn trust him
then with Uio snmo faith as In the
broad light of day. They refer to him
ns one whom you can tie to. They have
no fears that ho will either default or
betruy. Ho has nil the steadiness and
fidelity of a well trained plow horse.
He muy lack brilliance nnd finish. Ho
may not bo u genius. Hut ns far ns his
abilities go he Is as reliable as Umo It
self, and thus ho becomes more or less
of nu Institution In the circle within
which he moves mid nu anchorage for
those dependent iiton him In any way
whatever. Pittsburgh tJazetto-Tlmes.
What Did 8h MeanT
The two young ladle had gushed nnd
"deurled" each other until the other
passengers In the tram were heartily
sick of It especially us they never lost
a chiineo of getting In u nasty cut at
each other.
JUHt beforo they parted Augellno
obliged I'.iiimelluo with a s'nuip for a
Oh, I must give you n iteuiiy for
th in r exclaimed Knunle, as she pre
pared to leave the cur.
'Don't bother, dear," cooed Anglo.
"Give It to mo next tlmo I bee you."
,..., ...... ..,., '... ' i..
..JV, t"HJ 8
'".! '
'Oh, well, the loss wouldn't bo great!"
cooed Angle, more sweetly than over.
London Answers.
A Cry For Help.
flood advertising bcuullt any form
or business. The right sort of ad
vertising gives you n friendly feMIng
toward n tlruu It makes you believe
that It will bo both pleasant and profit
able to deal with the advertiser. A
certain grocer once Inserted In tho
newspapers nu advertisement that had
this merit It ran:
"Twins nro como to me for tho third
time. This time a boy and a girl. 1
uescocn my menus to support mo
s t o u t ly," You t h's Com pa u Ion.
An Old Korean Custom.
In Korea until comparatively recent-
ly u man was not uiiowed tho dignity
of trousers until he had tuken to him-
self a wife. Your gny bachelor bad to
wear u skirt nnd brand himself lu tho
public view ns one who had not yet at
tained a position In which ho could
supjHirt ii wife, Iiidon Chronicle,
Their Kind.
"What do you think of tho way that
upsturt uinks gives himself aim? Hero
ho was talking tho other day about
tho delights uf his snlnd days.1
"Well, I could have reminded him
that they were not chicken salad days.
Ilaltlmore American.
Women Architects.
"I wonder why thero nro so fow wo
mon architects?"
"Perhaps women are afraid thoy
might bo called designing creatures,"
Becoming Faint
Cook Tho ten Is qulto exhausted.
ma'am. Mistress I noticed that it
seemed very weak tho last time, Bos
ton Globe,
Ho that always complains U nover
pitied. German Proverb.
RFVIPW'S I FflA! Rl AlMirc
Ihe followiuo- list of lecal blanks
are kept for sale at this office aud
others will be added as the tlemaud
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty aud Chattel Mort
gages, batisfactiou of Mortcaces.
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills
oi oate, i.eases.
NoU tha Ubal on your PJ
Every Woman Loves a Bargain
A Woman can make a Pi ME go as far
as a Man makes a Dollar
The women are coming to our Closing Out
in increasing numbers. They Know Bargains in Groceries
When a Saving of 5c is made on every 25c purchase it amounts to
something in a month. That saving will buy a new hat or a new skirt.
And Why Not? You are needing Groceries Every Day. A -dollar
saved on $4.00 worth of Groceries will buy a piece of Aluminum.
The Grocery room will be given over to The Toggery Stock in
another month or so. It is necessary to make the change.
You can invest $6.05 in such staples as Milks, Soap, Salmon, Sardines,
Pineapple and Peaches, and you will for that small amount save $1.83;
that will buy you two pieces of Aluminum at our prices.
Proposals lor Street Work
Healed proposals will .be received at
the office of the recorder of the citv of
St. Johns until May 11th, iqiC, at 8:00
o'clock p. m. lor the Improvement o
Chicago St. from the cast line ol Wllluin
ctte boulevard to the west line of Smith
avenue, lu the manner provided by
Ordinance No, GOD, subject to the previa
iotisol the charter mid ordinances of the
city of St. Johns, ami the estimate of the
city engineer, on inc.
i lie engineers estimate Is f l-vl.iu,
lmUmustocstr ctly Inoccordnnccwltl
I''1 hU"h rr,,fch . W,U-bc ,fur,"
"l!l,lic'Io "l ' ,e o(
urn must ie strictly in accortinncewitn
plication at the ollice ot the
recorder of the city of St. Johns, And
said Improvement must be completed on
or before 6o days from the date of the
last publication at tins notice.
No protxisals or bids will be considered
unless accompanied uy a ceriltictl cneclc
payable to the mayor of the city ol bt.
Johns, certified by a responsible bank
lor an amount equal to ten per cent, ol
the aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bids is
ucrcuy rcserveu.
lly order of the city council.
City Recorder.
Published in the St, Johns Review
Apiil2:i, liO.and May 7, 11)15.
Tho undersigned ndministra
tor. in mirsunnco of nn ordor of
tho Court, hereby gives notice
f lm will onll nt nnMln enlo nn
that lie will sell nt nublicsale on
Thursday, May 27th, nt 2 o'clock
p. m., the following described
property, for cash cash: Lots 5
ant G. H ock 6. Point View Ad-
dition to tho City of St. Johns,
liemg tlio nronorty of Anna West
hind, deceased. Tho salo (will
tako plnco on the premises,
Chas. Lindnuist. Admr.
B. L. Snow. Attornoy for Admr.
rublished in tho St. Johns Re
view April 23. 30. May 7. Hand
21, 11)15.
Charles Hamlin Massey estate.
Notice is hereby Riven that
tho undersigned has been ap
pointed administratrix of tho es
tate of Charles Hamlin Massey.
deceased, by tho County Court
of the State of Oregon for Mult
nomah County, and has quali
fied. All persons having claims
against tho estate are hereby no
tNted t present tho samo to mo
or my nttornoy8t Geeslin & Se-
vor, 1020 Chamber of Commerce
buildincr. Portland. Orecron. with
nroner vouchors and dulv verifi-
ed within six months from date
Dated and first published April
23rd, 1915. Mary A. Massey,
Geeslin & Sovor. Attorneys.
Last publication, May 21,1915.
Neta tha libal on your pif).
It is resolved by
St. Johns:
That it deems it expedient
nnu necessary to Improve Cat
lin street from tho East
lino of Edison street to the
West lino of Central avenue in
tho City of St. Johns in tho fol
lowing manner to wit:
By grading said portion of
street to grndo or subgrado to
be established and by laying a G
foot cement wnlk and 12 foot
curb on both sides of said street,
with necessnry Cement Cross
walks. Iron Gutters and Catch
According to the nlnns and
specifications of tho city engi
neer on lllo in tho oflice of the
City Recorder relative thereto,
which said plans and specifica
tions and estimates are satis
factory and aro hereby approv
ed. Said improvements to bo
mado in accordanco with tho
charter and ordinances of tho
city of St. Johns, and under tho
supervision and direction of the
city engineer.
lhat the cost of said improve
ment to bo assessed as provided
by tho city charter upon tho
property especially nnd particu
larly benefited thereby, and
which is hereby declared to be
all of lots, parts of lots, blocks
and parcels of land between the
termini of such improvements
abutting upon, adjacent or prox
imate to said street, from tho
marginal lines of said street
back to tho center of tho b ock
or blocks or tracts of land abut
ting thereon or proximato there
That all tho property included
in said improvement district
aforesaid is hereby declared to j
bo "Local improvement District
No. I2d."
That tho city engineer's as
sessment of tho probablo total
cost of said improvement of said
street is $3079.18.
That tho cost of said street to
be assessed against the proper
ty in said local assessment dis
trict as provided by the charter
of the City of St. Johns.
Adopted by the council this
27th day of April. 1915.
Published in tho St. Johns Re
view April 30 and May 7, 1915.
Bring la your Job printing while
you think of It, Doa't wait until you
are entirely out. We are equipped
to turn out UMt and tasty prlntl&g
uremetrr at Portland vrlcsn. nr laaa,
Preacit Ua go9l of. SL Joiuu.
Central Market!
205 S. Jersey Street
See u.i for the Choicest CuLn of
the Best Moats Obtainable.
Order Hrd and ramify Trad SatkfUsL
T. P. WARD. ProorieUr.
HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 or pvimias
Meets every rrlday night at
7 no o'clock in hickmsk
Hall, Visitors always wel
H. C. FINCH. C. C.
Does Building, Remodeling,
Cubinct Work, Painting and
Papering, Signs, General Re
pairing nnd .Saw Filing at the
Variety Work Shop
114 E. Burlington Street
Ist word at lioahsin & Currier's, I'houe
Col. j i, or St. Jolms Hardware Co., 1'bone
Col. jj.
Plumbing and'Gas
Job work promptly attended to.
Phone Columbia 618
109 Burr Street St, Johns, Oregon
We buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
List your property with us if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St, St. Johns
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your rood to and fro el
all parts of Portland, Vancouver. Linn
tea, Portland and Suburban Express
Co., city dock and all points accessible
W wagon. Plans) end ftsrnkisra aaeviaf
Get a can today from MKjPR
Vow hardware or aro Mll'iJlfs
eery dealer. MeM
Physician and Surgeon.
Day Night Office In McChanry blk.
St JelMM.
Rooms 7 and 8
Holbrook BuiltlinK ST. JOHNS
Oflice Hours 9-12 to 1:30-7
Sunday 9.11
Office Phone Columbia 140
Kcsuicnt I'iione Columbia 274
Phone Columbia 61
First National Bank building.
McDonald Building
First National Bank Building
Phjslclan and Surgeon
Office Phone Columbia 10
Residence Phone Columbia 4
402 N. Jersey Street
Abstracts of Title Prepared
Titles Examined
Phone Columbia 255
A. f . and A. M.
Meets the first and thlr.1
Wednesday of each month
In Bickner's Hall. Visi
tors welcome.
Chas. A. Fry, W. M.
A. W. Davis, Secretary,
No. 186 I. O. O. r
Meet each Monday evening la Odd Fei
lows hall at 8:00. A rorriiil .
all visitloK btothers.
ioh.n.JuRoolman- Nob' Crsnrl
A. M. Downct. Vfce Grand
HIUs GlendenUg. Fin. Sec.
H.K. CUtk, Trtas.