St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 07, 1915, Image 3

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Room Size Rugs
$2.00 Down; $2.00 Month
ttcntiliftil 9x12 Seamless, Heavy Tapestry
Rug on SpccinI Terms This Week.
Price $20.00
These rugs form a dandy collection, you should
sec them. They come in artistic designs nnd
pleasing color effects. These tapestry rugs arc
"very durable and make handsome floor coverings
for any room.
Remember you don't need to have the money.
Your credit is good.
Ormandy Bros.
Rei. $3.50 3 Blade "Rex" Lawn Mower, Special 2,
Doulilo Stmnj)H with nil Cnttluti Toolt
I'hyhlvlmi ntnl Siirnuoii
Drugs Furnished
Glasses Accurately and Scientifically Fitted
Some Bail Game
The North End Champs beat
the Yunnigans 2f-5 Sunday
morning with Ty Larson and
"Hat" Nelson pitching hay for
the Vans while Secrests pitched
for the regulars. Secrests pitch
ed no-hit ball up to the sixth in
ning when "Big" Ole hit onofor
a single. Walt Mahor mado one
of the classiest one hand stops
evor seen on the grounds. Ty
Larson was given rough treat
ment the first inning1 when with
threo on V. Larsen hit one of
his famous smashes towards
Sauvio's Island and trying to
play hog was thrown out nt the
plate. Young Lavsen was knock
ed off the rubber in the fifth
and "Bat" Nelson goes in to
stop the rumpus. "Bat" must
have fed all his speed and curves
to the High School boys, as he
was soon in a hopeless fix and
never got out until the regulars
went around three times. His
six or seven fielders came in
with tongues hanging out after
the rumpus. "Big" Ole and V.
Larsen wern the stick men, the
former getting two two-baggers
and a single while Larsen got a
triple, double and two singles.
Secrests had most of the Yans
swinging so hard that they saw
the hair on the back of their,
neck. "Kazoo" Hawkins started
to officiate but got cold feet
when the players commenced to
ride him. Hawkshaw took un
the job and umpired in most ad
mirable manner. The Champs
want a game with some town
bunch for Sunday and by seeing
Ty Larsen can arrange a game.
For Sale Houshold furniture
and five room house, Jot 100x100.
434 East Richmond street. Will
be sold at a bargain by owner,
A. J. Guler.
Wanted -To exchange twenty
acres of land for St. Johns prop
erty. Inquire 723 N. Willam
ette boulevard, St. Johns.
See Dr. Gilstrap about your
eyes. '
A f
An Electric iron I want to talk
about No. I want to shout about
it. Listen! An electric iron for
the prico of $2.85 guaranteed
forever get that, guaranteed
forever, and it means just that.
All in nickel nnd made by the
oldest manufacturers of electric
heating goods in the United
Now let me tell you that an
olectricinn knows an iron when
he sees it, nnd I tell you this is
somo iron. The makers of it,
the American Electric Heating
Co., have been making irons a
long timo and have sold millions
of them and 1 have been repair
ing irons for six years, guess
I've repaired at loast 1000, may
bo 2000 in that time, but I've
never ropaired or heard of this
make of an iron being repaired.
How's that?
Let mo tell you some more.
Buy your electric goods of an
electric man and you won't go
wrong. He knows what you
want. Again, the best iron in
the world for $2.85. E. A. Gens
man and Son, 217 N. Jersey.
Charles Bredeson estate.
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been ap
pointed administratrix of the es
tate of Charles Bredeson, de
ceased, by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Multno
mah County, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
the estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me or my
attorneys, Geeslin & Sever, 1036
Chamber of Commerce building,
Portland, Qregon, with proper
vouchers and duly verified with
in six months from date hereof.
Dated and first published May
7, 1915. Virginia Bredeson,
Geeslin & Sever, Attorneys.
Last publication, June 4,. 1915.
"Watches" made over into
'Time-pieces" at reasonable
rates at Rogers', 309 N. Jersey
Local News.
Be a good fellow.
Send in your news items.
St. Johns has still two months
to live as n city.
Subject for Christian Science
Lecture bunday: Adam and rail
en Man.
Mother's National Congress at
Central Library, Portland, from
May 1U to 16.
Murray & Co.. who had been
doing business on North Jersey
street for several weeks, have
moved to Rainier.
it is said that last month was
the wnrmest April in 44 years
in this part of the country. It
surely was a most delightfu
The Loyal Temperance Legion
will meet next Monday at
'clock at the. home of Mrs. E.
w. ingaiis. corner naves and
Lcavitt. All children are cor
dially invited. Rep.
I wish to oxpresB my thanks
and appreciation to the people
of St. Johns who helped me win
first prize in the recent contest
held by The Lauthcrs' Mcrcan
tile Company. Solon Bugboe.
Word from Roy Crouchloy.
who left St. Johns scverul weeks
ago for Ketchikan, Alaska, states
that times arc awful dull, that
there are hundreds of men with
out work and without money.
Dr. Kiehlo will spenk at the
Parent-Teacher's meeting at the
North School at 3 o'clock Tues
day afternoon. May 11. A good
attendance is desired ns plnns
will bo made to attend the Na
tional Mother's Congress in Port
land from May 12 to 1G.
A physician has devised a
simple way of locating thestom
ncli. His method is to have the
patient eat or drink something
cold and then tool for the cold
snot. Those who have been sea
sick will smile at such methods,
for somo of the victims of this
oceanic prank declare there are
times when the stomach is al
most in plain sight. Ex.
"I want to bo excused", said
the worried looking juryman.
addressing tho judge. I owe a
mnn $25 thnt 1 borrowed, and as
ho is leaving town todny for
somo years I want to catch him
before ho gets to tho train and
nay him tho money." "You are
excused," returned tho honor,
in icy tones. "I don't wnnt any
body on tho jury who can Ho like
that." Toledo Ulndn.
Geo. M. Hall, the pioneer ton
sorial artist, has moved his placo
of business from tho room ad
joining the St. Johns Hardware
Company's store, to the room
formerly occupied by hdmond-
son Company on South Jersey.
Tho room has been tastily and
attractively fitted up, and pre
sents an inviting appearance.
Hoes, tho well known photo
grapher, has taken un tho room
adjoining on the south, and it al
so has been converted into a very
attractive business establish
Tho Quid Libet Club wns en
tertained at the homo of Mrs.
Charles Muck on Oawego street
on Tuesday afternoon. Dainty
refreshments were served and
those present enjoyed a delight
ful afternoon. Mrs. Thorn of
St. Louis wns guest for tho af
ternoon. If the weather is nice
the club will have n picnic nt
Columbia Park in two weeks
and if it should prove stormy or
cold the club spread will be held
at Mrs. Markle's at 1:30 o'clock
of tho samo date. Each club
member is privileged to bring a
guest to the picnic.
Tho recent decision of the
Washington Supremo Court, that
the legislature has not the sole
right to declnro when an emtr
gency exists is causing a great
deal of discussion. Heretofore
tho courts of Oregon, Washing
ton and other states have held
that the legislature was the sole
judge as to whethor an emergen
cy existed or not and could so
declare. Some lawyers hold that
this is a legislative usurpation
by tho courts, and the decision
was rendered by vote of four
to five. Judge Chadwick, a Dem
ocrat, writing the opinion. Pa
cific Coast Manufacturer.
Arkie C. Anderson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. C.J. Anderson of Rich
mond street, died Monday after
noon on a farm near Salem,
where he had been for soveral
months for the benefit of his
health. Death was caused from
tuberculosis. He was aged about
21 yeas, and was a graduate of
James John High School. Later
he took a course at Stanford
University of California, and
then had taken two years in
struction at the Oregon Law
School in Portland. He was a
bright and promising young
man. He is survived by his
parents and one sister, Miss Re
co Anderson. The remains were
shipped to the Holman Under
taking parlors, Portland, from
whence funeral took place Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock; in
terment in Riverview cemetery.
Tho pall bearers were from the
James John High School.
If your eyes are troubling you
see Dr. Gilstrap.
The Psychology Club will meet
with Mrs. Sargent Wilson, Mon
day afternoon, at 2:30 p. m.
Pntent Medicines nnd Toilet
Articles; we have them all at cut
rate prices. The St. Johns Phar
macy. Alex. S. Scales, popular grocer.
Good groceries, right prices and
good service. Hints all
Phone Columbia 210. 601 Fes
senden street.
Protect your young chicks by
using instunt Louse Killer, ant
make them grow by using Hess
Panacea. You can get it ut the
St. Johns Pharmacy.
Mothers' Day at the Evangeli
cal church next Sunday at 10:00
a. m. bpecial program is being
arranged nnd the Pastor wil
speuk about Mothers, following
the bunday School program.
mere are somo orators among
the members of the city coun
cil, and their occasional bursts
of eloquence are highly entertain
ing and amusing ut times. The
attendance at the sessions has
been quite large.
aiuo lor hire by day, hour or
trip, at very reasonable rates.
Good opportunity for parties of
four or less to make a trip into
the country at a low price.- II.
M. Waldrof.GOO Fessenden street.
hone Columbia 206.
A BARGAIN. The Willaminn
State Bank. Willaminn. Oregon.
oilers on quick sale, for short
inic only, the two story house
and threo lots nt 718 N. Edison
street, nnd house nnd one lot at
911 N. Hayc3 street, in St. Johns,
both for S3000. No trade.
"I understand your wife is do
ng her own cooking." "ion
are mistaken." "uut .Jinx toiti
me she was." "Oh, that was
just for a little while. Jinx was
making us n visit, and 1 guess
she thought he had stayed long
enough." Houston Post.
Mrs. A. W. Davis loft Mon-
lay morning for Salt Lake City,
Utah, whero she will spend a
month or more. She had been
in ill health for somo time and
lcr numerous friends hope the
change of climnte will fully re
store her health.
A number of tho members of
the Commercial Club and other
citizens chartered a boat and
went to Vancouver Thursday.
and enjoyed the festivities there
relative to tho Uelilo Lanal open
ing celebration.
Miss Audrey Logan entertain
ed at tho homo of her grand
mother. Mrs. N. McCnnn, 1881
(imball street on May 1st.
hoso present wero: MiBses
Gladys Faber. Eileen Barry.
Grace Kemp, Carmen nnd Cath
erine Royer, Beatrice Lucier.
Margaret and Josephine Don-
on, Laverno Moore, and Iilla
Councilman Pcrrino is a happy
man these days, since no has
been authorized by the city
fathers to proceed with the in
stallation of the comfort station
nt tho city hall plot. This has
been n pet hobby with Mr. Per
rino for several years, and it
affords him great pleasure to
know that all impediments nro
removed and he can go ahead and
complete it in accordance with
plnns ho has devised. The peo
ple in genernl will probably bo
as plensed as Mr. Perrine when
t is completed.
He hnd heard and read a lot
about Ireland, but had never
been in the country before. As
te missed through an almost un
inhabited district ho camo upon
cottage. He drew near, and to
lis horror, beheld a poor old wo
man seated on a stono outsido
io hut. with all her humble be-
ongings gathered around her.
An evictionl Then what he had
read was true.after all. He look
ed at tho resigned faco of the
old dame, seated with her house
hold goods around her, alone in
mt desolate land. He must do
something. Walking up to her
ho tenderly placed a five-pound
note in her thin hand. He not
ed with some pleasure tho look
of amazement that grew in her
eyes as she realized this gener
osity. "Tell me, what is the
trouble, mother" he asked gen-
y. "Thank ye, koindly, sir!
t's me old man inside white-
washin' the place from top to
bottom." Boston Post.
These are tho two things that
lave made my business success
ful. Tho quality of my goods
are never questioned by tnoso
who have traded with mo for
years. My prices are never above
what they ought to be for lirst
class goods.
Your money back if not satis-
led with your purchase. My
guarantee is unconditional.
Alex. S. Scales. Phono tol.
210. 501 Fessenden Street.
DrlDK lo your Job prlntluf? while
you think of It. Don't watt until you
are entirely out. We are equipped
tn turn out neat and tasty prlnUng
nrntnntlr PnrtUnrt orlr n
Not the label en your piper,
Picture framing dotic at Portland
prices nt II. P. Clark's, the furni
ture man. Adv.
Now is tho time to spray your
roses with Nicotine Rose Spray.
Get it at the St. Johns Phar
macy. Furniture For Sale Rugs,
Beds, Good range, Stove, Sewing
machine, Piano. Call 913 Lynn
Ave., St. Johns.
The Order of Moose will give
a Smoker in their hall Thursday
evening, May 13th, when a jolly
good tune is assured.
The uncheior Ulub announces
its Sixth Annual ball to take
place at Wright's Dancing Acad
emy, Hibernian Hall. 310 Mussel
street, Wednesday evening, May
19th. Miss Walters' Orchestra
will furnish the music. A most
excellent time is assured.
Ray H. Wright and J. L. Knrr
have secured the Oregon Snles
Agency for tho Gnu Automatic
Copyholder, which is said to ho
the finest thing of its kind on
the market. Their hendnunrters
are 51G Stock Exchange building,
Mrs. E.F. Day entertained tho
jJebonnir club at their monthly
spread at her homo on Thursday
at 1 :30 o'clock. These monthly
luncheons are very ctuoynblc
affairs. Several guests were
present for thonfternoon. Mrs.
Day was assisted in serving by
Miss Lena Long. Mrs. Day is n
charming hostess and a delight
ful uflernoon was spent by those
present. Airs. Alice Learned is
President of this popular club
and Mrs. I'oncs, Vice-president.
Apropos of a recent article
in the Telegram fearing n wnter
famine in Portland this summer
owing to lightness of snow fall
and shortness of rain. P. H. Ed-
Iefsen, manager of tho St. Johns
Water Company, advances a so
lution so far ns the Peninsula
is concerned, nt least. He states
that the local plant has n capacl
ty of 3,000,000 gallons of wnter
per day, with an unlimited sup
ply; that abouta half million gal
lons serve the wants of tho peo
tie of St. Johns, but reserving
one million of gallons for local
consumption, to bo on the safe
side, there remains two million
gallons daily that is not working
and may be utilized by the peo-
lie of tho Peninsula, insuring an
amplo supply for all. So if Port-
nnd runs short of wnter the
coming summer, connections
might be mado with the St.
Johns wntor lines nnd partial
relief, at least, nllordcd.
The A la bon hour Bridge Club
wns entertained in a charming
mnnner by Mrs. P. II Edlefson
on Friday afternoon last. This
was the closing game of tho se
ries. Mrs. W. R. Evens had the
lighest score for the season and
Mrs. Roy Ingleduo was second
lighest. Mrs. Hartof Portland,
icing the last member added to
the club, had tho lowest score.
Tho presidont, Mrs. Edlofson.
iroscnted Mrs. Evens with a
landsomo hand painted sofa pit
ow. Mrs. Ingleduo was glvon
a dozen hand crochet basket in
dividual nut holders, each con
taining a red rosebud. Mrs.
iart received lovely hand nmdo
ace for two pillow slips. Mrs.
Jdlofscn in a few well chosen
words announced her resignation
tw president saying that that hon
or should bo passed around
among the members and a now
iresidont should he chosen for
each series of meetings. Mrs.
W. R. Evens was then appoint
ed president and Mrs. E. F. Day,
co president. 1 1 no C ub will
lave two more regular meetings.
Mrs. Hart of Portland will en
tertain next and then tho new
president, Mrs. Evons, will be
lostoss. Delightful lunch was
served by Mrs. Edlefsen assist
ed by Miss Blanche Edlefson.
Makes Report
A complete check of tho finan
cial standing of St. Johns was
completed by City Auditor Bar-
)ur and will bo submitted to tho
City council of Portland this
morning. City Attorney LaRocho
also will tell tho Council that tho
Suestions raised by some rosi
ents of St. Johns to tho effect
that tho annexation law is inval-
aro without foundation,
Tho legal questions raised
linged upon tho right of the
State Legislature to enact a law
that prov ded for tho annexation
of new territory to Portland by
a vote of a majority of those
voting upon the question. City
Attorney LaRoche says the law
is valid and that if it was com-
)lied with in the election in Juno
in Portland, there can be no legal
question us to the validity of the
The financial report compiled
by City Auditor Barbur shows
that St. Johns has a total bond
ed debt of $362,520.62 of which
$76,000 is in general bonds and
$280,520.62 in improvement
bonds issued for street and sew
er improvements, une report
says that no provision has been
made for the retirement of the
general bonds and that the
sinking fund for tho improve
ment bonds has been diverted
by tho paymont of interest on
tho bonds. Wednesday's Ore-gonian.
No Matter How Many Books You Keep
(" 1
0 SAVINGS 4r jo
John N. Km.ui'shn,
Interesting Lectures
Much interest has been shown
in tho series of lectures at tho
Moose Hall during tho past week.
The question box has been pat
ronized liberally. The purpose
of these lectures, as announced,
is to turn the search lights 01
truth upon Catholicism and show
just what it is and is not, what
ii 1 i. 1 .1 i. 1 1.
11 luacnua mm uuua nut ii-uun.
Education nnd not controversy is
tho key note of these lectures.
They aro given to promote har
mony and not discord, if peo
ple as a whole would only study
those who dilFcr from them on
any important subject, and look
nt them through the eyes of fair
ness and charity, instead of hate
and prejudice, how much strife,
distention nnd other manifold
evils would bo avoided.
The subject on I'riday ovening
at Monso Hall will bo on tho
Church and personal liberty;
her position regarding lreo
thought, free speech, frco press,
etc. On Saturday evening, the
subject will be "The Church and
American liberties." Un Sun
day evening, the topic will be
"Why aro there so many Chris
tian Beets or churches, with now
ones springing up constantly?"
Meanwhile questions placed in
the question box will ho answer
od overy evening.
On I'riday nnd bunday oven
nigs, the lecture win begin ut
eight o'clock, but on Saturday
evening it will commonco at
8:30 p. in, Hjutrp.
Death of Mr. Churchill
William H. Churchill, woll
known pioneer c'tizon, died at 8
o'clock Saturday morning at his
lomo in Pioneer township after
un illness of some longth of ane
mia. His age as 69 years, 4
months and 3 days.
Mr. Churchill was born nt
leech. Ontario, Doc. 21, 1815,
was married in 1868 to Miss Eli
za.). Kobinaon. 110 located in
Missaukee county in the spring
of 1877 and except for a fow
years in tho west, his home has
boon continuously in this county.
Deceased is survived by a
widow nnd sovon children, Mrs.
I, Dean of Ashland, Oregon,
Mrs. Myrtle Weeks of Portland,
Oregon, Ernest E. of Duluth,
William L Ross R Mrs. Flos
sio Roso and Floyd all of Portl
and. Oregon, also. Ho is nlso
survived by oight grandchildren,
two sisters and one brother, M ra.
C. C. Henry of Cadillac, Mrs.
Andrew Nowcomb of Traverse
City and Albeit Churchill of
;ast Jordan.
Dceased sorved several years
as supervisor or his home town
ship and held other positions of
trust and responsibility. He
was a good and useful pioneor
citizen who had many frionds
and acquaintances in all parts of
the county, I' or many years ho
md been a faithful member of
tho M. E. church.
Largely attended funeral ser
vices wore held at tho flioroy
.iirch, Monday afternoon. Rev.
Ioyt officiating, with interment
in the Keeder township cemetery.-
-Missaukee, Michigan, Re-
First Baptist Church
An object lesson, illustrated
by magical effects, will be given
to the Sunday School, next bun
day morning.
Preaching service at 11 o'clock.
Sermon Topic: "Tho Prince of
'eace." Mrs. Hudson will sing.
Special service in observance
of Mother's day will be held in
tho ovening.
Special music by orchestra
and choir. Romarks by the
You are cordially invited to our
services. E. P, Borden, pastor.
a bank book outclasses
them all in importance and
and value. When it is
balanced t h e cancelled
checks are better than any
entry in your ledger as evi
dences of money paid.
When you deposit your cash
here the natural ambition
to keep a good balance
prevents much needless
spending. Think it over.
V. C. Knait,
Vice President
S. L. Dodih,
Assistant Cashier
No. 10103.
Kcixnt of the condition of
at sr. joiins
In the State of Oregon, nt the close of
business .May 1, igifi.
Loans and discounts 209,007.6i
Overdrafts, ccurcd t unsec'il 20.27
U.S.bondstoi.ccureclrculalloii C0.000.00
llonds otliur than U. 8. lioudH
pledged re jwstal.
savings deposits. . . . 7,000.00
nouns, accurate
pledged nn collateral
lor Stnl
or btnte or other dc-
jKislts or hills ixiyable
(K)Htiil excluded) 20,000.00
Securities other titan
V. S. bonds (not In
cluding clocks)
owned unpledged .08,1505.05 65,505.05
aunscription io stock
of federal Kcwrvc
Hank J1C00
Less amount
1nll 1800
All otliur stocks,
Including premium
on name. 125
Hanking limine, furniture and
fixtures 3,000.00
Oilier real estate owned 5,100.00
imiu i mm I'cuerai Reserve
Unk 5,937.18
Due from approved reserve nu.cuts
In New York, CIiIciiko, and St.
Louis 1,-172.19
Due from approved
reserve agents in
other reserve.
elliwi rt8.WC.01 40,438.50
Due from ImukH nnd'.huukers
(Other than Included In 8 or I)) 5,144.78
Checks on think hi tint same
city or town as rciortitii!
hank 77.00
Outside checks and other
cash items 1,780.30
l'ructlutml currency.
Nlcklt mid Cent... ..lS&Urf 1,018.53
Notes of oilier liatloiml
Iwnks 751.00
lawful money rtswve lu Imukt
Total coin nnd curtifluitttNt 14,550.75
Redumption fund with
U. S. TruHiurur (5
poret.of circulation) 2,500.00
Total . . . . M05.9O1.7O
Capital stock jmI.1 in f50,000,00
Surplus fund 10,000,00
Undivided profit 8,415.00
I,ui current uxkiii.
Interest and
taxtniMild 5.0S0.6Ti 2.728.51
Circulating note 50,000
line 10 ixtiiKS anil iMUKurs
(other than included in 5
orO) U542.B5
Demand duixudU:
Individual leotlU sub-
jct to cliwik 176.025.60
Certificate of
me in lew man M
day 1 .265.00
Certified chucks 60.71
Cashier's checks out
standing 3.UUT.8U
Postal SnvhiKs Don'ts .1.706.27
State, county, or otliur inuiiio-
cipui iicoslts twMirwl by
item id of "He. 4
wiurces" 20.000
Deposits winiriiiK notice of
Iwrt than 90 days. . . . 021,00 200,G25,05
Time Deixisits:
Certificates of deolt due
011 or alter su nuye MVJi.un
I)nits subject to 3(1
or more days' no
tice 70,601.01 85,095.29
Total 105,991.70
State of Oregon, 1
County of Multnomah, I m
I. J. N, Kdlsfsuu. CftkhUr of the
mIhivo nainwl lunik, do solemnly swuar
that the altovu statement is truu to the
bt of my knowledga and lellf.
j. n. iuiiiisu, uwnier.
Siultfcribwl and sworn to I m fore niu,
this Ith day of May, 1915.
I,. J. Wright, Notary I'libllc.
Multnomah county. Ore.
CorroctAttust: l AuUeu,
1'. C. Knapp,
Tlios, Autzun,
Bo it resolved that James John
Lodge No. 1509 horeby express
its sincoro regrets for tho un-
timoly death of Brother Charles
Be it further resolved that tho
sympathy of this lodge bo ex
tended to tho members of tho
family of Brother Bredeson, and
Bo it further rosolvedthat one
copy of this resolution bo pub
lished and ono copy hereof bo
engrossed on tho records of the
Perry C. Stroud Dictator.
P. G. Gilmore, Secretary.
If in need of glasses Dr. Gil
strap will fit you and guarantee