THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. V. MARKLE Publlshud Evory Frldiyr At 117 West Uiirllngton Streot. TliK RilVlttW Is cutoreil nt post office In Snlnt Joints, Oregon, ns ttinll ntntter of the second clnss tinder the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Offlclil Mnwipiptr of tb Olty of lit. Jon. Subscription price $1.00 par year. Thcro are some people in St. Johns who for one ronson or another do not do their trading at home. This is a mistake that reacts on property owners The value of his pioperty ii based on the proximity to the business district. If that dis trict is small and contracted, property values are small in pro portion. It is ever the case that the larger the business district, and the more modern and up-to-date the business houses, the higher price the residence prop erly commands. The more trad ing nt home that is done the larger and more modern the busi ness district becomes. Think of this when you are tempted to buy your supplies in Portland. When you buy in Portland be cause you have some fancied grievance against a local merch ant or his convictions differ from yours 011 certain matters, you are virtually "cutting oil your Mnon 4n utiifft tfriii Citnn " 1 1 wot; ojm lu jum itaut Thcro is no business man in St. Johns amassing a fortune out of his business. They all share their profit with you by selling to you at the lowesl price possi ble. They are your friends when you are ill or out of work - just when you need a friend tho most. and it an act of ingratitude to forgel llieni m your prosperity. ratronizo your home merchants. Don't take a penny to Portland so long as you can gel wiiat you want in St. Johns. And in help nig mo local uusincss man you are helping yoursof and jour town as well. 1 THOSE WHO ENJOY LIFE'S LUXURIES NOW ARE THOSE WHO DEPRIVED THEMSELVES OF THE FOOLISH LITTLE THINGS AND PUT THEIR MONEY IN THE You see him now going by in his car, living in ease; but maybe you didn't see him when he was quietly going to the bank, DEPOSITING what he could get along without. WATCHING HIS BALANCE GROW until finally he had money enough to grasp a business opportunity was the beginning of his FORTUNE. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ST. JOHNS, OREGON iOSOi r To Our Patrons and Friends: At the last session of the State Legislature, a law was enacted, impos ing a tax on all Merchants giving Trad ing Stamps and other gift premiums, which makes it absolutely prohibitive for us to continue giving them. This law goes into effect May 24, 15. There will no doubt be a long legal fight in the Courts, testing the consti tutionality of this law and we do not feel justified in trying to evade the law, nor do we care to take the chance, while this suit is pending. Therefore when our present supply of Stamps is ex hausted, we will discontinue giving them. In the meantime we will endeavor to make our prices so attractive that our Patrons will lose nothing by reason of this change. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting your further patronage, we are Yours very truly I RsESBHr Tjriangle Collars 2 or25 VhrvZnrvdt Jacobs fCoTrovNY. I TEN r IB lllllu FREE STAMPS Pbec s. & H. I Btnmt ate the CmlomerV Discount, OUT IT. I This Coupon Qood Cor Ten 10 S. & II. ",'," FREE II treKtitetl upon making a puiclmte amount in I to BOc or more, thene Mumps will lie In ad dition to regular laniia given with the tmrclinte Not Good' Aftar May 15 COUCH & CO. General Mdsc. Columbia 137 ST. JOHNS, ORU. HIGH SCHOOL Incidents of High School Interestingly Told Surely no further diiwontion should iu'Ihu among our people through tho morcr question. Iho battle of the bullotH ho far us St. .JohnH in concerned has boon terminated and tho result is a matter of general know edge. A number of business men of tho city have asked tho opinion of tho legal department of Portland, and Attorney La Roche, it sccniB.has decided that everything is regular so far. Tho merger! toa are apparently most confident that tho law has boon fully complied with and on proas no loar concern nir tho ro suit of any legal suit that might do instituted, bo tlioro is no reason whatever for anyone to become- embittered one with an other over tho matter. We un derstand that it was not tho pur pose of the busliiotw men to thwart tho will of tho people, but to be assured that no legal complications would' arise after mower had taken place. Conn oilman Tidlman, at the council meotimr iitosdiiy eveniiur.touch ed the keynote of the situation wuen no necmrai mat we are all neighbors and friends and lie bated to hoar the word enemy used in connection with any of us. lliis was a broad and char itable view to take, and should find a responsive chord in the breasts of all. It had been suit that some of the more radical mcrgoritos advocated the remov al of certain appointive olllcers of tho city because of activity snown in the interest of tho an ti-morgor movoment. This would seem iiko an ungracious and tin- cliaritablo thing to do, and it is moat plonHlng to note that the city council is disposed to look unfavorably upon such a propo sitiou. Suroly these appointive omcors uosorvo no punishment for following tho dictate of their convictions. It is a God given frconinn's right. Tho on ly question to be considered ia whether or not thev are giving satistaotory and ell c ent service. If so, surely they are entitled to servo out tho two months re- maining before merging can take place. "To the victors belong Tho Sonior Class will take thoir play. "Tho Sky Riders" to Linnton, May 5th. It is iiopcd that they will have as groat a success as they did with tho" Vil lage Lawyer" last fall. Tho High School Orchestra will ac company the cast and this will he an added attraction which the last play was not fortunate enough to have. The Orchestra, which is com posed of eight pieces, has ex ceeded all our fondest hopes un der the able leadorship of Mr. nchnkc. Tho singing teacher. Mrs. Coovort, has organized a "Girls' (ilce Club" and it promises to bo very good, judging by the musical talent most of tho girls have. The public will soon have a chance to judge this chorus for themselves. Last Friday afternoon a skat ing parly was given the stu dents nt tho open air rink under tho mnngement or Miss Hernice Itrownlcy. By tho kindness of the owners' the rink was given over entirely to the II. b. peo ple. Tho party was woll attend- od, which allowed that enthusi asm was in supply altho skill on tho rollers was lacking. Every one had such a jolly good time that tlioro is a demand for a rep etition 01 tuoaiialr noxt Friday. i'lio regular monthly mooting of llio "Dramatic Society" will bo held Friday, May 11th. Tho programme will consist of musi cal milliners and one act comet v entitled "Who's Who?" Those No. 0047. Rqxjrt of the condition of the First National Bank nl St. Johns, in the ittnte of Oregon, nt UieelOM! ol imiltieM amy I, WIG; RllKOfllCKS Loan anil discount 222,0.'!0.07 Overdraft, hcctired A tinocc'tl Kl.tW U.S.IUjikIh to secure circulation 50,000.00 Utlier Iionil to secure Postal SnviiiK C.OOO.OO Ilondi. necttritle . pledged m collateral lor Sliite or otherdu tKMlt or bill txiyuhle' (poiitl excluded) ..20,000.00 Sccuritlctf other tlmu U. S. Iio lids (not in eludlnv; Mock) owned unpledned. flll.TJW.OO 67,700.00 nuiiscripiion to hock of I'edenil llwturvi: Hunk 3,000 Lewi Hiiiouiit uiiMid 1,800 I.8C0.OO iMukliii! liotiso l'imilltire mid nxturu .'1,000.00 Oilier reul estiitc owiiwl Sl.UiWi.OU Due from l'edenil Kuturve Imnk 1,77:1.211 Due Irtiiu iipprovetl rehcrvo "Hunt in New York, Chlnieo mid St. Louis 3,071.12 Due from upprovcil rm'tve muuIm in In other rutorve elites 27,:!S0.31 30.-108.lll Due irom Iwnk mill lrnnker 1,770.13 uulMiie elHMikit ami olJwr cauli Items D8K.77 Couch & Company OIO J No. 214 Report of the condition of the First Trust S Savings Bank AT ST. JOHNS In the Stitte of Oreuou nt the close of miMiieM Mny 1st, 11)15. KitKOfueits. Loans and discounts 11,037.31 Overdraft, secured mid uiuecuriHl,.,, ,. 02.G3 Stock anil other ecuritie, 10.7M.00 IkiukiiiK house 10,000.13 I'uriilliire and fixture 1,-tGO.SO Due i rout i:itiKr(iioi reserve hunk) 3,355.70 Due from nnprovud retorvc luk ....Is 7.-I9C.33 Check mid other cash item. . . . 23.01 KxcliRiieo fortf JonriuK house. . , 295,00 Otsli on liauil ., I ,-178.1) 1 taking part in this sketch are Morence Davis. Jack Hrownlov. Jennie McNivon, Walter An- tlrews and Dolbort Day. in Konmn llistorv this week the discussion was on the Period of tho Principato during tho first century A. D. Tho book says "It was a time when all tho world was in motion." Teachor and class became interested to know how much change had como over tho world m 1 centu ries. To find out, a census of the class was taken. It was shown tiiat of 25 members ( wero born in Oregon. !$ in Minn tho snoilH." u nn old anvimr Mint osota, 2 in New York. - in Kan was much in votruo when miisht and. ono oacli in Utah, Ohio. ruled rather than right. Hut in Missouri, Ca ifornin, North Da these enlightened times people IJpta. lUiodo Island, Wasliington, aro guided by a spirit of justice, M chignn, Nebraska. Iowa, Ponn- lair play and nuignan in tv. yivuuu , una mo outer in inr on Oertllinlv it iliclifiiMr,w,f nnnnlnf. bCOtllind. ive olllcors for no other reason A further glance at tho census than expressing their convic- irn,s the ollice show that 215 l'rarlioiwl 'mr Cur reucy, Nickel mid Cent iac.12 1,108 A) Note ui other imtiuiwl ImiiW. . 1,100.00 iitvim money rutwrve In iMiik: Total coin mid eertifleatu .... 13.PW.I0 Keimpllou (mid with U. S. Trenwirur (not more tlmu 5 peruout ouuirctilatlou)... 2,fi(K).0O Total tKKUHHVM I,l.iili.iTlR8, Cnpital kUh'U imIiI in 60.000 00 Siirpln fund 10,000,00 t'liiiivinni pmntn... u.uwi.W I,e current, ex 1 Men- tv. inteiet, hihI taxes twid 6,'0.77 Pl.TW LlreulatiiiK notmt I.eM amount 011 hand and in TrenHtry fur leiltwiiitloii or III traiult Due to Imuk mid Total S0.380.19 I.IAIIII.ITIItri. Capital stock jmIiI In $50,000.00 Surplus fund 1,000.00 uiiuiviiiiMi pruilis, lot ex iwiimm mid limit imtd .1.7K0..1I) Dividend uiim((1 750.00 Individual dtiiMMtt fttiliject to check 3085.37 Certlllwl cliKk. . l.ROO.OO Clilr elHMk oiiUMmliiiK l ime mtil suving DtttHMtt. . . . 1, WILTS KenirviNl for titxu 273.01 ss. 60,000.00 1.0S2.95 Total S0.HS0.19 Stale of Or wo u, I Count)' of Multnomah I. I'. A. Klce. Cashier of the above iwuiwl Uiuk, do solemnly swear that the above ktateiuuut 'i true to the bMt of my knowledge mid belief. i'. a. Kiwu, uuuior. ihiuMirlbeil anil woru to latforc me till fith day of May, 1915. Geo. A. Carter, Notary Public. Correet, Attet I. II. Molbrook, 1.. Holbrook. Director. 10U.Uiii.0U 10,330.00 100,00 1 I .i . k nous on a suitject mat all were more or loss interested in would have a tondoney to widen tho brouch rather than nut in co menting good fellowship. So it is pleasing to note that tho city M A I 1 council nas noi uikom sucn a drastic stop, and aro disjiosotl to no uroiid minded and magnani mous, ovon tliough some of thorn may fool annoyed by tho legal question that had arisen. states and JJ foreign countries aro represented in the total stu dont body of approximately 100. voruy inownoio world is stil in motion. At Oregon City and Spokane ngnts aro raging ovor cheap forms of paving. That is some thing no community should toler ate tho various kinds of cheap paving. At oaiom ana in ouior cities nre miles of paving of tho cheaper grades in ruins. The ciamor of the property owner for fncturor. sometning cneap is a domsion . ; . mi 1 mm ia vury u.xpunsiYU, inero Not tha is oniy ono worso ionn 01 iniiic- lion ana tnat is tno puvmgput Not th down by n lot of politicians. In Ohio and older states thoneo. nlo havo learned that only tho best and highest priced pave monts aro worth laying. Hun dreds of miles of country roads in Uhio and the mu d 0 states aro put down in vitrified brick on concrete. On tho Pacific and Atlantic Coasts the best armies of bitulithic pavements, or the still more exponsive wood blocks aro laid. Cheap pavements aro an abomination that no commu- nirv lU'nr outs elnmr m.UI. n qnd time.Paciiic Coast Mnnti- hanker. . . . Demmul dopo.lts; Individual depMits ktihieet tochuk . Certilieate of do- MMit duo ill llSM tlum 30 day. . . . Certified eUvck... Ca.lilor's check out- staiidiiiL' 10,705.00 IWnl SvliiydeiKt i. -l.lSf5.13 State, county, or otlmr inn. uiciiiai iieKtu kvcureii by Hem -Id of "UeHMitca" 20.H92.3S 118.110.20 rime uepoaiu: CertificHte of deposit tine on or utter uu day 70.9M.2fi DeMiu kubjeet to SO or more nuy no tice 01,023,aS 13S.597.50 Uol on your paper. label on your paper. Total 899.390.11 State of Oregon, I County of Multnomah w" 1, 4. tinuKur, viuer 01 tno anovc naunsl bank, do soleinnly swear tlwt the auove kiaiuiiiKiti ik mm to tue tnwt ol my KHUtVIWI HUH IMUiei. 1. V. Drinker. Cakhier. SultMriuoil ami kworu to before tue till 611. day of May, 1916. . It, llilta. Notary intblio. .Multnujiiah comity, Ore, Correct Atteit: R; M, Tuttle, A. U. Jobes, C. K. Williams Directors. DO YOU GET Good groceries? Aro you satis iled with the nualitv of tho goods and tho brands and the sorvice; Mow, wlien the first of the month is coming, is tho time to make a change if you aro not porfectly satisfied. Whore you caj buy every thing of tho highest grade and guaranteed qualities, from bar rel of Hour to a box of tooth picks, thoro's n good place to trade. Givo us a trial for ono month. Alex. S. Scales. Phono Col. 210. Proposals for Street Work I Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Recorder of the City of St. jouns until May z&iu, 191b, ut a o'clock p. tu., for the improvement of S. Ivnuhoc trtct. from the eatt line of IlurlliiKtoii street to the weft line of Kichmoiid St. in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 001, subject to the iroviions of the Charter mid OrdimCpco of the City of St Johns, and etimatc of the city engi neer, on file. ltiiKiueer' eUmate is ;i.HTJ.73. lliiu must be ttrictly in accordance with printed blank, which will be uru ikhed On application at the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns. And aid improvement must be completed mi or before 60 day trout the date of the lust publication of this iiotice. No orODOSitl or bid will lie considered tiuleiw aceompaulcd by a certitiinl check ptiyuulc to tue order ot tue Major 01 the City ol bt. Johns certttuM ly a rcsjon. bible Utnk for mi amount equal to ten per cent, of the ncKregnte proposal. The riuht to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. iiy onlerot tue city council. Recorder, l'uhlihel in the St. fohus Review 011 May 7. U and 21, 1915. Proposals for Street Work cent, of the njrcL'ntc propovil. The rllit to reject any and nil bid 1 hereby recrvcd. Ily order of the city council. A. 1C. DUNSMOIUt, Recorder of the city of St. John. Published in the St. Johns Review May 7, M aud 21, 1915. ORDINANCE NO. 661. An Ordinance Providing (he Time and Manner of Im proving So. Ivanhoo Street from Hurliniiton Street to Richmond Street In the City of bt. Johns, Oregon. 10th and a snown 1015 of th The city of St. John doe ordain a 101 low: The council of the city of St. John linvlng itkccrtaintxl the cost of luiDrovliiK South Ivnnlioc street from the Hat side Hue ot IhirliiiKtou street to the west ildi line of Richmond street, in the city o St. Johns, a shown by the resolution of the council of said city, dated 01 thelSthdayof April, 191B, ami records lit th office of the recorder of said city ami notice thereof having (wen pulililied in tue bt. Jolins Review, a weekly news- per ot uenerai circulation, 011 tue 1 lays ol April, the affidavit KitKir, which Said al vi 1 1 on me in tue oincc 01 tlie citv re corder: and I Dual iotlui; of notice such improvemeut, a khnwii by the alii davit of the citv emduccr 011 file In the office of city recorder; mid no sufficient remoustruuee Having been lileti, and as provided by said resolution, the euei ueer's preliminary estimate of the cost of miii improvement is fl.ib'J.tis, out snail be more accurately determined by said eiiKiueer. o..... .1. . f 11 1. 1 t that s.iid street be improved and the time for the completion of said itii- iroveuieiit is hereby fixed atOOdaysfrom ast publication of notice of proposals of said work, which said projiosals must be filel with the recorder of said city 011 or ueiore me uotit (lav 01 .May, 1U10 Not th labal on your papr. Sealwl proposals will le received at the office of the recorder of the city of St. jouns, until .May xain, ivia. at o'clock p. m. for the improvemeut of Pittsburg street Irom tlie uorlli line ot, crawlon street to tue terry slip, tu manner pro vided by ordinance .Number t0U, subject to the provUious of the charter aud ordt uuuctsof the city of St. Johns and the estimate of the citv engineer 01: file. Huiuctr's estimate is -1 ,850.29. Kids must be strictly in accordance with the printed blanks, which will be furuislieil on application at the office of the recorder ol the city of St. Johns. Aud said improvement must be com pleted on or before 6q days from the date of the last publication of this notice. No proposals orchids will beousideretl utile accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the mayor of the city of St. Johns, certified" by a rckponsi blc bank for an amouut equal to ten per at a o'clock, p. in, ol said day. Tliat said street shall be improved as as follows: lly erndimr same to the es tablished tirade bv cut ami nil and bv siuewaiKiii saute on elllier side wltu t foot cement sidewalks 12 foot curbs eu tire length, together with all uecessar wood croswalks and catch basins, cur1 to have standard drain tile every fifty ieet; nitcii nuus to i placed tu curb as directed by the City Ilueiueer The city recorder shall give notice by puoiicatiou lor nut less tlmu tliree 111 . 1 I.. .1... O. , I ,t I pcmuiia 111 111L- ti. joiiiis itcview, toe ui- ficlal newspai)er. fnvitiuir proposals for uiaKiug sain improvement. bald improvement shall in all respects be done ami completed In conformity with the provisionsof Ordinances No. 163 303 and 400. except as otherwise provid ed lu this ordlnuucc; all work to be doue under the direction and supervision of tne eiij engineer. Tliat the cost of said improvement shall be assessed against the property in tne local improvement district des scriled in said resolution and designated as ami declared to be locai improve ment District No. 127. Passed by the council this 4th dav 01 .May, 1910. Approved by the Mavor this 5th dav 01 .luy, 1910. A. A. MUUK, Mayor, Attest: A. 15. DUNSMORE, City Recorder. Published in the St. Johus Review c May 7, 1916. "MONEY" The mint makes it and under the terms of the CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY you can secure it at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on approved real estate. Terms easy, tell us your wants and we will co operate with you. Ptty & Company $13 featum Btavcr, Colo. Officers of the City of SI, Johns, Oregon Mayor A. A. Muck Ktcoriltr A. I!. Dunnmore Trcflmrcr Mr. J. M.Hlmw Attorney It. C. Orcullii Hiitllntcr J. (). Ilurxou City lltnltli Olllcrr-Dr. I 11 Crave Clilel ol Police Join, Poll llV I'ollce llrury Muck. NIrM rollce-U. W. Nortne. J. 8. Jones. COUNCIlMtN AT tAHGC H. C. Cook, I. II. Martin J. H. Downey COUNCItMCN riltSI WARD K. (Irailen, I). Tollman COUNCIlMtN SICONO WAHU 11. W. Ilonliam 11. 1,, l-crrlne coiiMirirts ntrceUaml Docka H. C CmIc. It. (irailen. II. Tamnaii. r.lctnte 1. Talliusu, I. II. Martin, H. C. Cuok. Water mid MkMK. (irailen, I. II. Martin. 11. w. imnnam. l'limnccI. II. Martin. II. W. Ilonliam. H. C. Coolc. Health niul IHiUce J. H. Downey, K. Oruilfii. O. I.. I'errine. I.lquor I.kiiw-II. V. Ilonliam, J. H. Downey. (J. L. rrrlna. Iiulltllnt; anil Urounil O, I I'errine, I) Tallman, J. S. Downey. I WILL GIVE $1000 If I TA!L to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I treat bsforo It POISONS deep clsnds tritticlu tikwi NO NO WRITTCN QUARANTEC I Ho X.ltay or oilier swindle. An Inland riant makes t tie riiun AN Mil'llil w ORDINANCE NO 660. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THE TIME AND MANNER OF IMPROVING PITTSBURG STREET FROM CRAWFORD STREET TO THE FERRY SLIP IN THE CITY OF ST, JOHNS, OREGON. FOR RENT card at this affiM. Tho city of St. Johns does or (lain ns follows: The Council of the City of St Johns, hnvinir ascertained the cost of improving Pittsburg street from tho North side Hno of Crawford street to tho Ferry Slip in tho City of St. Johns, ns shown by the resolution of tho Council of said city, dated on tho Gth day of April. 1915. and recorded in the omce of the Re corder of said city, and notice thereof having been published in tho at. Johns Keview.n week ly newspaper of general circula tion. on the 9th and 10th days of April, as shown by the attndavit of tho foreman of said paper, which said affidavit is on file in the oflico of the City Recorder and legal posting of notices of such improvements, as shown by tho affidavit of tho City Engi ncer on file in the oflico of the City Recorder, and no sufficient remonstrance having been filed and as provided by said resolu tion the Engineer's preliminary estimate of the cost of said im provement is $4S50.29, but shall be more accurately determined by said Engineer. Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered that said street be im proved and tho time for the com pletion of said improvement is hereby fixed at sixty days from the last publication of notice of proposals of said work, which said proposals must be filed with the Kecorder of said city on or before the 2oth day of May at ight o'clock, p. m., of said day. That said street shall be im proved as follows. By grading same to the established grade by cut and nil and by sidewalkmg same on either side with 6 foot cement sidewalks, 12 foot curbs ntire length, together with all necessary crosswalks and iron gutters and by laying a 6 inch Standard concrete pavement be tween the curbs, curb to have standard drain tile every fifty 1MV S0RC nn tlio ll, tarn or txiily lonir it CANCtR 120PACC BOOK Sent fin 1rtlimnfala ol 10,000 CURtD. Write to noma ANY LUMP In WOMAN'S BREAST is CANCER It always neliom dtta ilanda anil Kills OUICKIV lVor cureif at liall prlro II cancer ii yet mull Mm Old Dr.& Hrs.Dr.Chamley& Co,01 434 & 43C Valoncla St, Sin Franclico, Cl KINDLY MAIL THIS to someono with CANCER feet; hitch rings to be placed in curb ns directed by the City En gineer. Tho City Recorder shall givo notice by publication for not less than three insertions in tho St. Johns Review, tho oflldial newspaper, inviting proposals for making said improvement. Said improvement shall in all respects bo done and completed in conformity with tho provisions of Ordinances Nos. 1G0.802, -100 and 4G3, except as otherwise provided in tliiB ordinance; all work to bo done under tho direc tion and supervision of the City Engineer. That the cost of said improve ment shall be assessed against the property in the local im provement district described in said resolution and designated as and declared to bo "Local Im provement District No. 120.' ' Passed by tho Council this 4th day of May, 1915. Approved by tho Mayor this Gth day of May, 1915. A. A. MUCK, Mayor. Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE. Recorder, Published in the St. Johns Re view on May 7, 11)15. EDMONDSON CO. 107 S Jersey Street MODECNMEHIOOS Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace installing Call up Columbia 92 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement the copy foi such chanae should reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please member thl and saw th arlntar Full blooded Barred RncU hnhv chicks. Call at 315 W. Buchanan.